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Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 1 Period : 1 LETS REVIEW I. Aims : -Sts review some vocabularies, patterns, songs, commands in Lets Go 1A & 1B. II. Preparing materials : - Teacher cards, ball, tape player, cassette. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Songs. -Sing The Hello Song; Hi, How are you ? ; This Is My Friend -Sts Sing individual. Act 2 : Vocabularies. *Beanbag Circle. -Sts are in a circle. S1 tosses a ball to S2. S1 : Hi, Lan. How are you ? S2 : Im fine, thank you. -Continue the activity until all Sts have asked and answered the question. -Watch pictures and guess the words. Act 3 : Structures. -T asks the class to make the dialogue and after Sts practice in pairs. -T goes around the class and helps. Act 4: Commands. -T uses gestures to command. Sts look and carry out. - T divides the class into four groups. Each group practice 3-4 commands. -T gives feed back. Act 5 : Listening. -T opens tape player, Sts listen and repeat. -T stops in each command, Sts repeat. GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 1 Period : 2 Unit 1 : LETS TALK I. Aims : -Sts listen, understand and ask someones health. -Sts greet everybody. II. Preparing materials : -Cards, puppets, ball, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings: Act 1 : Warm and Review. - T greets the Sts in English as they arrive. T : Hi./ Hello. Im ( Mrs. Oanh ). -Call the roll and call students name, that student stands up and waves the class : Hi !. Act 2 : Pesentation. Review the first part of the dialogue. -Review the greetings in Lets Go Student Book 1. Use the puppets to model the question and answer. Puppet A : Hi. How are you ? Puppet B : Fine, thank you. -T repeats the roll puppet A. Sts repeat the roll puppet B. Act 3 : Open your books. -Open your book to 2 and show it to the Sts. -Sts open their books to page 2. T opens tape player. Sts listen and poit to the characters. -Play the cassette again. Stop the cassette after each line for Sts to repeat. Act 4 : Practice. -Divide the class into two groups and practice the dialogue. Change the roll and continue practice. *Chain Drill. -Sts use the own names to practice this dialogue. Act 5 : Homework. -Sts learn by heart the dialogue. GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 2 Period : 3 Unit 1 : LETS TALK ( cont ) I. Aims : -Sts greet everybody. -Sts study the paradigm and contractions. II. Preparing materials : -Puppets, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review. -Sts make two lines ( back to back ), greet, introduce, wave together. Act 2: Presentation. Present the second part of the dialogue. -Use the puppets to model the second part of the dialogue. Each puppet must wave when speaking. Puppet A : Good-bye, ( Kate ) Puppet B : See you later. -T repeats the roll puppet A. Sts repeat the roll puppet B. Change the roll and pratice continuously. Act 3 : Present the paradigm and contractions. -T writes the patterns on the board, opens the cassette. Good-bye. See you later. -T reads aloud, Sts repeat. Act 4 : Practice. -Divide the class into two groups. T gives the puppet for each group and T gives the roll for each group. The groups practice the dialogue. -Sts go around the class and greet together. Act 5 : Homework. -Do exercise the part write to page 2. GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 2-3 Period : 4-5 Unit 1 : LETS SING I. Aims : -Sts can sing The Hi Song and The Good-bye Song. -Sts listen, speak, read, write the Songs. II. Preparing materials : -Puppets, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up. -Open the cassette. Sts repeat the dialogue from Lets Talk. When T stops , Sts count How many Sts have they practice ?. When T asks How many ?, Sts speak aloud their number. Continue. Act 2 : Presentation. -Use the puppets to model. Puppet A : Good-bye. Puppet B : See you later, alligator. -The class repeats some times. Act 3 : Practice. -Divide the class into two groups and practice the greetings. Group A : Good-bye. Group B : See you later, alligator. -Sts make two lines face to face. Sts practice in pairs.The T circulates, helping Sts as necessary. Act 4: Open your books. -Open your book to page 3 and show it to the Sts. Sts point to the characters and describe the picture. -Open the cassette The Hi Song . Sts listen and point to the characters as they sing. -Play the cassette again. The Sts sing along. Sing the song in two groups. -Sts again open their booksto page 3. -Open the song The Goob-bye Song. Sts sing together. Act 5 : Homework. -Sts learn by heart Hi, The good-bye & Hi ,See you later. GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 3-4 Period : 6-7 Unit : 1 LETS LEARN I. Aims : -Sts know to ask about singular objects and identify them. -Review some vocabularies from Lets Go 1A & 1B. II. Preparing materials : -Teacher Cards, class objects, realia, cloth, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm up and Review. -Sts greet to use the diologue from Lets Talk. Act 2 : Presentation. -Use a cloth to cover the part class objects. Review the question-answer with this. T : Whats this ? Ss: Its a bag. -T gives Sts to watch class objects and asks Whats this ?. Sts answer in chorus Its ( a book ).The class repeats the question. -T makes the question with that. T : Whats that ? Its a window. -T asks other object Whats that ? Sts answer Its ( a chair ). Sts repeat the question. Act 3 : Open your books. -Open your book to page 4. Point to the characters and indentify them. -Sts open their books. T plays the cassette. Sts listen and point. -Play the cassette again. Sts listen and repeat. Act 4 : Practice. * Chain Drill : T looks into the object and asks whats that ?. Sts continue. Each student pactices the question and answer. Act 5 : Homework. -Sts do execrise the part workbook to page 4. GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 4-5 Period : 8-9 Unit 1 : LETS LEARN ( cont ) I. Aims : -Sts can use the yes / no singular question and answer patterns. -Sts listen, speak, read and write the patterns. II. Preparing materials : -Puppets, Teacher Cards, realia, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review. -T arranges teacher cards on the board. T speaks aloud object in the card. Two Sts run to the board and pick a card the same object and repeat that vocabulary. Act 2 : Present the yes / no question and answer patterns. -T asks Sts to look into the books teacher to practice the question and answer patterns with this. T : Is this a notebook? Ss : No, it isnt. T : Is this a book ? Ss : Yes, it is. -T asks the question with near object and far object. Sts answer in chorus. Act 3 : Open your books. -Play the cassette. Sts listen and repeat. Play the cassette again. T stops each line. Sts listen and repeat. Act 4 : Practice. -Practice the pattern using classroom objects and Teacher Cards. a. Whole class practice. b. Two-group practice. c. Pair practice. The teacher should circulate, helping Sts as necessary. Act 5 : Homework. Watch and Write. 1. a a a n a c 2.Whats this ? Its. GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Week : 5 Period : 10 Unit 1 : LETS LEARN ( cont ) I. Aims : -Sts Know to use the paradigm and the contraction. -Sts review the patterns in Lets Learn. II. Preparing materials : -Teacher Cards, puppets, realia, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review. -T divides the class into two groups, each group makes a cirle.T gives teacher cards each group. After a student in group takes card and asks Is this ( a cassette )?. All groups answer Yes, it is. Or No, it isnt. Sts continue. Act 2 : Ask and answer. a.T writes the pattern on the board. Play the cassette, Sts listen and repeat. b.Present the paradigm and the contraction. What is = Whats It is = Its -T has the Sts practice both. c.Play the cassette. Sts listen the question and answer sentences. Act 3 : Practice. ( Extension ) -Divide the class into four groups. Role play the conversation the contracted form. -Divide the class into two groups to practice the question pattern Yes / No with this.T gives some classroom objects. After Sts practice the question pattern Yes No with that. -The teacher should circulate, helping Sts as necessary. Act 4 : Homework. -Sts do exercise the part workbook to page 5. Week : 6 GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Period : 11-12 Unit 1 : LETS LEARN SOME MORE I. Aims : -Sts ask about plural objects and identify them. -Sts review some vocabularies from Lets Go 1B. II>Preparing materials : -classroom objects, toys, puppets, Teacher Cards, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review. -Sts circulate around the class for two minutes by the question Whats this / that ?. Act 2 : Presentation. -Present the Wh- question-and-answer patterns. - Show small toys to review the question and answer pattern with these. T : What are these ? Ss : Theyre ( ball ). -Divide the class into two groups. Give the toys for group A. The Sts make the question with these. Sts group B answer. Group A : What are these ? Group B : Theyre ( puzzle ). -Change the role and continue practice. Act 3 : Open your books. -Open your book to page 6 and show it to the Sts. Sts call the characters name and identify the classroom objects. -Sts open their books to page 6. -Play the cassette. Sts listen and identify objects the same in the book. -Play the cassette again. Stop each line, the class listens and repeats. Act 4 : Practice. * Walk and Talk -Sts go around the class in pairs. T speaks Stop Sts stop and practice the question answer patterns : What are these? and What are those ?. Act 5 : Homework. -Sts copy, learn by heart the words and do exercise the part A page to 6. Week : 7 Period : 13-14 GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Unit 1 : LETS LEARN SOME MORE ( cont ) I. Aims : -Sts can use the yes / no plural question and answer patterns. -Sts know to use the paradigm and the contraction. II. Preparing materials : -picture, toys, classroom objects, cassette, tape player. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review. Use the Teacher Cards and realia as cues to review the vocabularies in Book 1. T : balls,balls. Ss : balls. T : yo-yos. Ss : yo-yos. Act 2 : Present the yes / no question and answer patterns. -Use the puppets to introduce the question-answer patterns with these. T : Are these cats ? Ss : yes,they are. T : Are these books ? Ss : No, they arent. -Divide the class into groups. Hang some toys or other objects on the board. T asks, Sts answer. Act 3 : Ask and answer. -T writes the patterns on the board. Play the cassette, Sts listen and repeat. -T write the paradigm on the board. They = theyre -Sts pratice both. -Play the cassette. The class listens and repeats. Act 4 : Practice. -Put some yo-yo, balls, jump roles on the board, some dolls, and puzzles around the class. Sts go to the board and ask the question with these and those. S1 : Are these / those puzzles ? Ss : Yes,they are. / No, they arent. *Question cirles. Divide the class into groups, each group makes a cirle. A student makes the question, all group answers. St : Are these/ those ( yo-yos ) ? GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh Trửụứng Tieồu Hoùc Trửng Vửụng Giaựo aựn tieỏng Anh Group : No, they arent / yes, they are. -Teacher should circulate, helping Sts as necessary. Act 5 : Homework. -Do exercise the part B page to 7. Week : 8 Period :15-16 Unit 1 : LETS READ I. Aims : -Sts must read word families correctly and practice the sentences. -Improve Sts reading and writing. II. Preparing materials : -Teacher Cards, realia, tape player, cassette. III. Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review. -Use teacher-made alphabet cards.Each time teacher shows a letter and reads it. The class repeats. T : /k/, /k/. Ss : /k/. Act 2 : Presentation. *Introduce the at, -an, -ap word families. -Use Teacher Cards or realia to introduce the new vocabulary word families.T shows the hat and speaks hat.The class repeats three times.T continues to teach different words. T writes the at, -an, -ap on the board. -at -an -ap Can can cap -T reads, Sts listen and repeat. Have Sts say each word several times at natural speed. -Give each St an object. Say the name of an object. The class repeats the name and the St with the object holds it up. *Sts open their books. Play the cassette. Sts listen and repeat in chorus. Play the cassette again, stopping each the word, Sts listen and repeat. Act 3 : Can you read? GV : Thaựi Thũ Kim Oanh [...]... –en and –et word families -Use steps a and b to introduce words –en and –et d.Repetition Drill -Clean the board and Sts close their books.Use cards to drill all words –ed, -en,-et Act 3 : Open your books a.Open your book to page 16 and show it to Sts -Sts open their books to page 16.Play the cassette.Sts listen and point the pictures.Play the cassette again.Stop each word, Sts listen and repeat b.Can... board’s game, and asks Sts to answer T : Is (she) a (teacher) ? S1 : Yes, she is T : Who (are) (they) ? S1 : (They’re) (farmers) -The class looks at the pictures and review vocabulary -Sts practice in pairs b.Answer the question -Read the question in page 18.The class listens and answers c.say and act -Sts look at in page 19 and practice in pairs d.Listen carefully GV : Thái Thò Kim Oanh Trường Tiểu... words and have the Sts repeat is not = isn’t -Sts read both -Sts practice the question and answer patterns Yes or No in paradigm Act 4:Extention *Concentration -Divide the class into four groups.T give for each group some Teacher Cards.Sts discuss together.After a St in group stands, show the picture and asks.Other group St answers GV : Thái Thò Kim Oanh Trường Tiểu Học Trưng Vương Giáo án tiếng Anh... Activity teachings : Act 1 : Warm-up and Review -Two Sts go to the board and write vocabularies.The class looks and gets feed back Act 2 : Present the Yes/ No question and-answer patterns -Use the puppets to model the question and answer patterns Puppet A : Are they nurses? Puppet B : No, they aren’t Puppet A : Are they cooks ? Puppet B : Yes, they are -T reads, Sts listen and repeat in chorus.Sts read in... Oanh Trường Tiểu Học Trưng Vương Giáo án tiếng Anh -Sts look the picture in page 19.Play the cassette.Sts listen and point to the picture.Play the cassette again.Sts listen and circle the right answer d.Listen and read.Circle the word -Play the cassette.Sts listen and read to oneself.Play thecassette again.Sts listen and circle the word -T checks Sts’ answers Act 3 : Extension 1.Charades -Divide the... sentence, Sts listen and repeat Act 4 : Practice GV : Thái Thò Kim Oanh Trường Tiểu Học Trưng Vương Giáo án tiếng Anh -T divides the class into small groups and practice the dialogue.T goes round the class and helps them as necessary * Chain Drill.Practice the dialogue -T asks, Sts answer T : Where do you live? S1 : I live in (Dinh Quan) S1 : Where do you live? S2 : I live in (Nha Trang) -Sts practice... back and gets marks Act 2 : Presentation a Introduce the vocabulary -T uses the gestures to model the question and answer in the song T : (show the book and show the chest) This is my book.(show the book’s Student, show that student) That’s her book / That’s his book b Present the new pattern GV : Thái Thò Kim Oanh Trường Tiểu Học Trưng Vương Giáo án tiếng Anh -T hangs the picture on the board and uses... board.Then Sts and teacher get feed back together Act 2 : Introduce the new vocabulary Present the Wh – question - and answer pattern a Use the Teacher Cards to introduce household objects Each time, teacher shows a card and says Sts listen and repeat b Use the puppets to model the Wh – question – and –answer pattern Puppet A : Where’s the bed ? Puppet B : It’s in the bedroom -Teacher reads, Sts listen and repeat... the words and the question and answer pattern -Sts open their books to page 23.Sts listen and show the picture Play the cassette.Divide the class into two groups.Group A repeats the question pattern, Group B repeats the answer pattern.Change the role and practice continuously -Sts practice in pairs.T goes the class, helping as necessary Act 5 : Homework -Sts copy new words in their notebooks and learn... Sts have studied.Sts listen and answer -Open the cassette.Sts listen and read.Sts practice these sentences in pairs Act 4 : Extension *Back-to-Back Pictures In pairs: Sts sit back-to-back.T guides Sts draw some simple pictures Ex : S1 draws a picture and describes for S2 What does S1 draw? S2 draws again the picture of S1.S1 and S2 compare pictures together.Change role and practice continuously Act . shows the hat and speaks hat.The class repeats three times.T continues to teach different words. T writes the at, -an, -ap on the board. -at -an -ap Can can cap -T reads, Sts listen and repeat. Have. driver). Act 2 :Present the Wh- question-and-answer pattern. -Use puppets and St to model the question and answer pattern. Puppet A : Who are they ? Puppet B : Theyre Wr.and Wrs. Long.Theyre farmers. . teachings: Act 1 : Warm and Review. - T greets the Sts in English as they arrive. T : Hi./ Hello. Im ( Mrs. Oanh ). -Call the roll and call students name, that student stands up and waves the class

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 20:00


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