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Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 Preparing date: 9/3/2010 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part A: VACATION DESTINATIONS Period 83 ( A 1.2.3 ) I.Aim -Talk about vacation plans Ii. Objectives - They will know how to make a plan for some vacations such as: summer vacation, weekend, Sunday Iii . Language Content 1.Vocabulary. (n)vacation, aunt, uncle, citadel, Bay, beach, city , grandmother, grandfather, (v)visit, stay, see, (phrase) be going to, how long………………? 2.Structures. -How long are you going to stay? àI am going to stay for 4 days. 3.Pronunciation. -What are you going to do ? -How long are you going to stay ? Iv.Teaching Aids. Tapes , pictures , books , gestures , sub – board… V Procedures 1. greeting 2. checking attendance 3. Checking old lesson Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Contents • Warm up: T:holds the chatting game, T asks Sts some questions to enter new lesson. T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:reads the dialogue and Sts repeat in chorus T:presents the picture in order to introduce the dialogue, then T presents vocabulary on the board. Sts:listen and answer individually. Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. Sts:work in pairs and practice , then Sts perform in front of the class. 1. Listen and repeat Vocabualry 1. vacation (n) à summer vacation (n) 2. visit (v) 3. How long…… ? 4. citadel (n) 5. Ha Long Bay (n) 6. stay (v) + with SO / in ,at place. * to express future meaning we use: am / is / are + going to • Practice T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:presents the questions on Sts:work in pairs and answer them , then Sts present their 2. Answer. Then write…. *Questions. a.What is Lan going to do ? b.Where is she going to stay ? c.How long is she going to stay ? Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang1 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 the board and explains them. answers in front of the class and go to the board. d.What is she going to do ? • Write - T gives the question then a st to answer to make an example. T:presents some information on the board , then asks Sts to work in pairs. T:presents a new grammar on the board and gives the examples. Sts:make the dialogue with their partners , then Sts perform in front of the class. Sts:listen in chorus. 3. Write Ex; A: What are you going to do this summer vacation? B: I’m going to visit Ha Long Bay. A; Where are you going to stay ? B: I’m going to stay in a hotel. A; How long are you going to stay ? B: I’m going to stay for 2 weeks A: What are you going to do ? B: I’m going to visit the beaches and swim. S + am / is / are + going to+ V ( Dự định) Eg:I am going to play soccer. She is going to do her homework . They are going to have a picnic Homework -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Do the exercises 1, 2/page 114. -Prepare A4.5 Date : 10/3/2009 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part A: VACATION DESTINATIONS Period 84 ( A 4.5 ) I.Aim -Talk about vacation plans Ii. Objectives - They will know how to make a plan for some vacations such as: summer vacation, weekend, Sunday Iii . Language Content 1.Vocabulary. (adv) first, then, next, after that, finally (v) see 2.Structures. -How long are you going to stay? àI am going to stay for 4 days. 3.Pronunciation. -What are you going to do ? -How long are you going to stay ? Iv.Teaching Aids. Tapes , pictures , books , gestures , sub – board… Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang2 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 V Procedures 1. greeting 2. checking attendence 3. Checking old lesson * Ask and answer A: What are you going to do this summer vacation? B: I’m going to………………………. A; Where are you going to stay ? B: I’m going to ……………………… A; How long are you going to stay ? B: I’m going to……………………. A: What are you going to do ? B: I’m going to…………………… Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Contents • Warm up T:holds the chatting game, T asks Sts some questions to enter new lesson. T:presents some pictures on the board to introduce the text and vocabulary. - Ask sts to read the text Individualy. Sts:listen and answer individually Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. 1. What are you going to do this summer vacation? 2. Where are you going to stay ? 4. Listen and read *Vocabulary. -first (adv) -then (adv) -see= visit (v) -next (adv) -after that (adv) -finally (adv) • Practice T:presents the table on the board and asks Sts to work in pairs. T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:asks Sts to work in pairs T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:asks Sts to work in pairs. Sts:complete it with the text, then go to the board. Sts:look at the table , ask and answer each other , then Sts present in front of the class. 5. Practice Places 1/ Ha Long Bay How long Where What * ask and answer - Which place are Phương and Mai are going to visit? - Where are they going to stay? - How long … Homework -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Talk about your plans in summer vacation -Prepare B1,2,3 Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang3 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 Date : 11/3/2009 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part B; FREE TIME PLANS Period 85 ( B ) I.Aim -Talk about free time plans. Ii. Objectives - They will know how to make a plan for weekends such as Sunday, Saturday … Iii . Language Content 1.Vocabulary. tonight , tomorrow , see a movie , a soccer match , I don’t know 2.Structures. -I’m going to play badminton . 3.Pronunciation. -What are you going to do tonight ? -I’m going to do my homework. Iv.Teaching Aids. Tapes , pictures , books , gestures , sub – board… V Procedures 1. greeting 2. checking attendence Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Contents T:introduces the dialogue and presents vocabulary on the board. T:reads the dialogue slowly T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:presents some information on the board. T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:introduces the dialogue and presents vocabulary on the board. T:presents the questions on the board T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:reads the dialogue slowly . Homework Sts:listen and repeat in chorus , then Sts work in pairs and practice , then Sts perform in front of the class. Sts:work in pairs to make the dialogue , then Sts perform in front of the class. Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. Sts:listen and repeat in chorus , then Sts work in pairs and practice , then Sts perform in *Vocabulary - tonight (adv) - tomorrow (adv) - see a movie (v) - a soccer match (n) ( picture) a)Tonight: see a movie / watch TV Tomorrow: go walking / go fishing b)Tonight: help my mom / visit my friends Tomorrow : play volleyball / listen to music. *Vocabulary - on the weekend (adv) - movie theater (n) - I don’t know ( phr) *Questions. a/ What is Ba going to do on the weekend? b/ Which movie theater is he going to ? Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang4 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Do the exercise1,2 page 115/116. -Prepare B4-B5,B6 front of the class. c/ What is he going to see? * Question What are you going to do on the weekend? Date : 13/3/2009 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part B; FREE TIME PLANS Period 86( B 5.6 + C 3) I.Aim -Talk about free time plans. Ii. Objectives - They will know how to make a plan for weekends such as Sunday, Saturday … Iii . Language Content 1.Vocabulary. bring , camera, ball, take some photos, 2.Structures. -I’m going to play badminton . 3.Pronunciation. -What are you going to do tonight ? -I’m going to do my homework. Iv.Teaching Aids. Tapes , pictures , books , gestures , sub – board… V Procedures 1. greeting 2. checking attendence * Chia động từ trong ngoăc thích hợp. 1. I (visit) ……………….my uncle and aunt tomorrow. 2. Her brother (drink)………………coffee every day. Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Contents Warm up T asks Sts some questions to enter new lesson T:introduces the text and presents vocabulary on the board. T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:reads the text slowly . T:presents the questions on the board. T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:presents some pictures on Sts:ask and answer each other , then Sts perform in front of the class. Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. Sts:work in pairs and answer them , *Vocabulary - camera (n) ( picture) - bring (v) - take some photos (v) - ball (n) *Questions 1/ What is Minh going to do ? 2/ What is Nam going to do? 3/ What is Tuan going to do? Key: Vui and her friends are going to camp for three days in Sapa. Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang5 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 the board and asks Sts to present words.Then T plays the tape . T:presents the question on the board and asks Sts to work in pairs. then Sts present their answers in front of the class. Vui is going to bring a tent and some food. Ly is going to bring her camera to take some photos. Nga and Mai are going to bring some drinks. Homework - Learn vocabulary by heart. Prepare C ( C1,2,3) Date : 15/3/2009 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part C. Suggestions Period 87. C1.2 I.Aim -Make suggestions. -Talk about plans. Ii. Objectives - They will know how to make a suggestions for weekends such as Sunday, Saturday … Iii . Language Content 1.Vocabulary. - Pagoda , that’s a good idea , too far , minibus , 2.Structures. -Let’s go camping -What about going to Hue? -Why don’t we go to Huong pagoda? 3.Pronunciation. -Let’s go camping. -What about going to Hue? -Why don’t we go to Huong pagoda ? Iv.Teaching Aids. Tapes , pictures , books , gestures , sub – board… V Procedures 1. greeting 2. checking attendence Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Contents Warm up T:holds the game : Who can draw the sun ? Sts:work in groups, T:uses the picture to introduce the dialogue , then T presents vocabulary on the Sts:listen and repeat in chorus / individually. Sts:work in pairs to *Vocabulary - Let’s = let us… - Why don’t we…….? - What about……? - pagoda (n) ( picture) Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang6 Activities in the vacation. Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 board T:reads the dialogue slowly , Sts listen and repeat in chorus . T:corrects their mistakes if any T:presents the questions on the board and explains them. T:corrects their mistakes if any. T:presents the pictures on the board. T:explains suggestions on the board and gives the examples. practice , then Sts perform in front of the class. Sts:work in pairs to answer them , then Sts present their answers in front of the class and go to the board. T:corrects their mistakes if any. Sts:listen in chorus. Sts:work in pairs to write suggestions about them , then Sts go to the board. - That’s a good idea = Good idea - Too far (adj) *Questions. a.What does Nam want to do ? b.What does Nga want to do ? c.How does Lan want to travel ? d.Why doesn’t Nam want to walk? e.How does he want to travel? f.Why doesn’t Nga want to go by bike ? g.How does Ba want to travel? *Suggestions. -Let’s + V(bare) -What about + V(ing)… ? -Why don’t we + V(bare)…? Eg: Let’s see a movie. Why don’t we see a movie? What about seeing a movie? * Keys a.Let’s go swimming . b.What about going to the museum? c.Why don’t we play volleyball? d.Let’s go to the zoo. e.What about playing badminton? f.What about going camping? Homework -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Do the exercises1, 2, 3/page 116,117. -Prepare Grammar Practice. Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang7 . vacation -Prepare B1,2 ,3 Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang3 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 Date : 11 /3/ 2009 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part B; FREE TIME PLANS Period 85 ( B 1.2 .3. 4 ) I.Aim -Talk. Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 Preparing date: 9 /3/ 2010 Unit 14 : MAKING PLANS Part A: VACATION DESTINATIONS Period 83 ( A 1.2 .3 ) I.Aim -Talk about vacation. to ? Giáo Viên : Lê Văn Bình Trang4 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp giáo án anh văn 6 -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Do the exercise1,2 page 115/1 16. -Prepare B4-B5,B6 front of the class. c/ What is he going

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