New Virtual Machine Wizard Guest Operating System Installation A virtual machine is like a physical computer; it needs an operating system.. Network connection O Use bridged networkin
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Tên các thành viên: Trần Thành Trung — BI9DCVT421
Nguyễn Hữu Trường - BI9DCVT424
Đỗ Đức Việt - BI9DCVT429
Vũ Văn Quang - BI9DCVT295 Hoàng Anh Quân —- BI9DCVT297
Trang 2tạo máy ảo
VMware Workstation
LQ Type here to sea ¥
File Edit View VM Tabs Help [J ~ | ch 4b + «HH8 :1- 4
Trang 3
P Virtual Machine Wizard x
6 What type of configuration do you want?
< Back
Trang 4
Choose the Virtual Machine Hardware Compatibility
Which hardware features are needed for this virtual machine?
Virtual machine hardware compatibility
Fusion 12.2.x ^ 128 GB memory ^ Workstation 16.2.x 32 processors
10 network adapters
8 TB disk size
8 GB shared graphics memory
Trang 5
New Virtual Machine Wizard
Guest Operating System Installation
A virtual machine is like a physical computer; it needs an operating system How will you install the guest operating system?
[i] Windows XP Professional detected
This operating system will use Easy Install (What's this?)
©) I will install the operating system later
The virtual machine will be created with a blank hard disk
<Back [ TNe#> |] Caneel
Trang 7Easy Install Information
This is used to install Windows XP Professional
Trang 8(l VMwareWorkstation | ew virtual Machine Wizard
File Edit View VM_ Tab
Name the Virtual Machine What name would you like to use for this virtual machine?
| C:\Users\Hoang Quan\OneDrive\Tài liệu\Virtual Machines\Wini] ee
The default location can be changed at Edit > Preferences
<Back | Next> | Cancel
Trang 9Network Type
What type of network do you want to add?
Network connection
O Use bridged networking
Give the guest operating system direct access to an external Ethernet network The guest must have its own IP address on the external network
(OvUse network address translation (NAT)
Give the guest operating system access to the host computer's dial-up or external Ethernet network connection using the host's IP address
@ Use host-only networking
Connect the guest operating system to a private virtual network on the host computer
Do not use a network connection
Trang 10
Ready to Create Virtual Machine
Click Finish to create the virtual machine Then you can install Ubuntu
Operating System: Ubuntu
Hard Disk: 20 GB, Split
Memory: 2048 MB
Network Adapter: NAT
Other Devices: 2 CPU cores, CD/DVD, USB Controller, Printer, Sound C
Trang 11Network connection
O Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network
COWNAT: Used to share the host's IP address Chost-only: A private network shared with the host
@ custom: Specific virtual network
\VMnet2 (Host-only) ly]
LAN segment:
Trang 12Select a Guest Operating System
Which operating system will be installed on this virtual machine?
Trang 13Name the Virtual Machine
What name would you like to use for this virtual machine?
Trang 14Network Type
What type of network do you want to add?
Network connection
O Use bridged networking
Give the guest operating system direct access to an external Ethernet network The guest must have its own IP address on the external network
(OvUse network address translation (NAT)
Give the guest operating system access to the host computer's dial-up or external Ethernet network connection using the host's IP address
@ Use host-only networking
Connect the guest operating system to a private virtual network on the host computer
Do not use a network connection
Trang 15
New Virtual Machine Wizard x
Ready to Create Virtual Machine
Click Finish to create the virtual machine and start installing Windows
XP Professional and then VMware Tools
The virtual machine will be created with the following settings:
Location: D:\Năm 4\Kì 1\máy ao 2
Version: Workstation 16.2.x
Operating System: Windows XP Professional
Hard Disk: 40 GB, Split
Network Adapter: Host-only
Other Devices: CD/DVD, USB Controller, Printer, Sound Card
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Trang 16
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Trang 18@ Use 1S0 image file:
v| | Browse
Trang 19
4 - « Downloads > Thực hành internet& giao thức v wo Ð_ Search Thực hành internetẩ& Organize * New folder
Trang 20Network connection
O Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network
COWNAT: Used to share the host's IP address Chost-only: A private network shared with the host
@ custom: Specific virtual network
\VMnet2 (Host-only) ly]
LAN segment:
Trang 21Ad The storage device below may contain data
are, Vitware Virtual S
‘Ave you sure this device does not contain vehunble data?
Apply my choice to all devices with undetected partitions or filesystems yes discard any data |{ No, keep any data
To direct input to this VM click inside oe pe
Please select the nearest city in your time zone
Trang 22File Edit View VM Tabs Help -:.$:@-e[ÚIB%BaHM- Mea
Root Password:
used for administering
|e máy chủ - VMware Workstation
File Edit View VM Tabs Help
Replace Existing Linux System(s)
Removes only Linux partitions (created from a previous Linux installation) This does not remove other
Partitions you may have on your storage device(s) (such as VFAT or FAT32)
‘Tips This option will remove data from the selected device(s) Make sure you have backups
Shrink Current System
Shrinks existing partitions to create free space for the default layout
Use Free Space
ins your current data and par
Create Custom Layout
Manually create your own custom layout on the selected device(s) using our partitioning tool
© Encrypt system
C Review and modify partitioning layout
gone} Lz}
To direct input to this VM, click inside or press CtrieG
Trang 23
Unable to read group information from repositories This is a problem with the generation of your install tree
click inside or press CtrieG
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Trang 25
To direct input to tis VM, click ine
Trang 26
To direct input to tis VM, click ine
Trang 28
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trẻ em, giáo viên mầm non lua’ gan may bay Anh
Xem dự báo đãy đủ
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1 Wint - VMtware Workstation
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Trang 33II] Wint - vtware Workstation
Bile Edit View VM Tabs Help
To direct input to tes VM, move the mouse pointer inside or press Ctrl+G
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II] Wind - vatware Workstation
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tién hanh goi tu 1-2 va bat wireshark
Trang 34Tok tema
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tiên hành thu trên wIreshark 2 bản tin
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Phân tích bản tin WireShark
Trang 36
243596043 30.0595/2 200.200.203 "1001" <sip;1001@> <s¡p: 1002@ tnce=30#77Ied71577005,trarsport<UDP> SIP 00006 6 IN CALL INVITE 200
Thời gian bắt đầu cudc goi 1: 24.563238
Thời gian kết thúc cuộc gọi 1: 30.859574
Thời gian gọi Ì: 6s
Địa chỉ gọi:
Địa chỉ máy chủ cuộc gọi:
Dia chỉ nhận cuộc gọi:
Tài khoản gọi: 1001
Tài khoản nhận cuộc gọi: 1002
Play Source Address SourcePort Destination Address Destination Port SSRC Setup Frome Packets Tirme Span (s) SR (Hz) PR (Hz) Payloads
R 200.20020.9 18404 200.20020.2 8000 (2d76fbaa SETUP 37 2306 1094-7705 8000 8000 g71!U
L 200.200.202 8000 200 200209 18404 (x99be5620 SETUP 37 2299 30.34 - 7706 8000 8000 g71U
L 200200209 13090 200 200 20.3 2000 (0x41169902 SETUP 29 2255 31.03 - 77.05 8000 8000 gu
R 8000 13090 0x5f4c9 SETUP 39 2310 30.86-77 8000 8900 g711U