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Collective nouns fall under the following groups: а} nouns used only in the singular and denoting а number of things considered as one object: machinery, people, crowd;... Such nouns a

Trang 3

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Trang 4

От автора

Настоящее пособие представляет собой полное и систематизированное описание морфологического строя современного английского языка и узло­вых тем синтаксического строя, часто представляющих значительные труд­ности при изучении Оно предназначено для учащихся школ с углубленным

изучением английского языка, гимназий, лицеев, колледжей, а также для сту­

дентов университетов и лиц, занимающихся английским языком на курсах или самостоятельно

Цель пособия - познакомить изучающих английский язык с системой грам­матических правил, чтобы способствовать улучшению навыков правильной устной и письменной речи При составлении пособия использовался тради­ционный подход, но при этом учитывались последние достижения грамма­тической мысли Описывая грамматические явления, их формы и функции, автор стремился представить самую современную языковую норму, исполь­зуемую в новейшей английской учебной литературе

Каждой новой теме предпослана краткая характеристика описываемого

грамматического явления Пройденный материал закрепляется упражнения­

ми Основные виды упражнений: анализ грамматической формы, определе­ние её функций и значений, перевод с английского языка на русский и с русского на английский Характер упражнений определяется как общими це­лями пособия, так и спецификой каждой конкретной формы Упражнения типа

"Traпslate into English", имеющие целью контроль усвоения грамматического

материала, предусматривает уnотребление лексики, доступной учащимся,

на которых рассчитано данное nособие Все упражнения направлены на прак­тическое и активное владение английской грамматикой Ответы-ключи к боль­шинству из них изданы отдельной книгой

Пособие состоит из основной части и приложений, которые включают крат­кое изложение глагольных времен, сведения о сокращенных формах глаголов

в разговорной речи, таблицу неправильных глаголов, список выражений с предлогами, список соединительных слов и фраз, список фразовых глаголов

и упражнения на их использование, сведения по словообразованию, список идиом, материал о различиях в грамматике английского языка в Великобри­тании и США и другие материалы

В книге также имеется алфавитный словарь грамматических терминов и основных слов nособия

Trang 5









~ The Parts of Speech 1 О



с The Noun 1 О

= Kinds of Nouns 13

и .j ~ 2 ~ 4 Proper Nouns 13

Common Nouns 13

Class Nouns 13

Collective Nouns 13

Mass Nouns 14

Abstract Nouns 14

Gender 16

Masculine Gender 16

Feminine Gender 16

Neuter Gender 16

Ways of lndicating Gender 17

Number 17

The Formation of the PltJral 18

Nouns Used Only in the Singular or in the Plural, or in 8oth Singular and Plural 19

The Plural of the Compound Nouns 20

The Plural of Abbreviations 20

The Plural of Foreign Words о 21 Nouns with Two Plurals, Each with а Different Meaning 21

Nouns Having One Meaning in the Singular and Another in the Plural 22

Case 26

The Use of the Possessive Case 26

The Article 31

The Use of the lndefinite Article 31

The Use of the lndefinite Article with Nouns in Set Expressions 32

The Use of the Definite Article 33

The Use of the Definite Article with Nouns in Set Expressions 35

The Absence of the Article 36

Nouns Used in Set Expressions without an Article 38

The Adjective о • • • • • • • • • • • • 45 Word Order of Adjectives 49

Comparison of Adjectives 52

Two Ways of Forming the Comparative and the Superlative Degrees 52

Adjectives of One SyllaЫe 52

Trang 6

Adjectives of Two SyllaЫes 53

Adjectives of Three and More SyllaЫes 54

lrregular Forms of Comparison 54

Constructions with Comparisons 55

The Use of Some Adjectives 57

TheAdverb 63

The Formation of Adverbs 63

Adverbs with Two Forms and Differences in Meaning 64

Kinds of Adverbs 65

Comparison of Adverbs 66

Word Order of Adverbs in the Sentence 66

The Use of Adverbs 68

The Numeral 74

Cardinal Numerals 74

Ordinal Numerals 75

Words and Expressions Used in Mathematics 76

The Pronoun 78

Personal Pronouns 79

Possessive AdjectivesjPronouns 79

Demonstrative Pronouns 84

lnterrogative Pronouns 87

Relative Pronouns 89

Conjunctive Pronouns 91

ReflexivejEmphatic Pronouns 93

Reciprocal Pronouns 95

lndefinite Pronouns 97

Negative Pronouns 100

Much, Many, Little, Few, а Little, а Few 108

The Verb 111

То Ве in the Present Simple Tense 112

There ls ( Are) Construction 113

То Have in the Present Simple Tense 115

Тt1е Use of Tenses 118

Simple Tenses 118

The Present Simple Tense 118

The Past Simple Tense 122

The Future Simple Tense 127

Continuous (Progressive) Tenses 131

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense 131

The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense 139

Comparison of the Past Continuous (Progressive) and the Past Simple 142

г 7 (,Ц г 7 ""' ,



Trang 7


: ::

с ~ '-' ;:с ~ < :;t ~ < ~ ::.; :r: ' / ; -.] ~ z ~ б The Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense 144

Perfect Tenses 147

The Present Perfect Tense 147

Comparison of the Present Perfect and the Past Simple 151

The Past Perfect Tense 154

The Future Perfect Tense 158

Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tenses 160

The Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense 160

The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense 168

The Future Perfect Continuous ( Progressive) Tense 17 4 The Sequence of Tenses 178

Direct and Reported Speech 182

Changing from Direct into Reported Speech 183

The Tense Shift when Changing from Direct Speech to Reported Speech 184

Reported Questionsjlndirect Questions 186

Reported CommandsjRequestsjSuggestions 186

Modal Verbs in Reported Speech 192

Reporting а Dialogue or а Conversation 193

ExclamationsjYesjNo Short AnswersjQuestion Tags 194

Conversational Formulas 194

The Voice 198

The Formation of the Passive Voice 198

The Use of the Passive Voice 199

Modal Verbs 207

Сап 207

Мау 213

Must 218

То Have to - Have Got to 226

То Ве to 228

Need 231

Ought to 234

Should 236

Shall 238

WilljWould 239

Dare 242

The Mood 248

The lndicative Mood 248

The lmperative Mood 248

The Subjunctive Mood 249

The Subjunctive Mood after the Verb Wish 249

Trang 8

The Subjunctive Mood in Conditional Sentences 254 "'

The Subjunctive Mood after but for in Conditionals 255

lmplied Conditionals 255

The Subjunctive Mood after the Conjunctions as if ( as though) 262

The Subjunctive Mood after the Verbs Expressing Orders, Commands, Suggestions 265

The Subjunctive Mood after lt is necessary; lt is natural etc 267

The Subjunctive Mood after lt's (about) time; lt's high time 269

The Subjunctive Mood iп AdverЬial Clauses of Purpose 271

The Verbals (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb) 279

The lnfinitive 279

The Use of the lnfinitive 280

The Use of the lnfinitive without the Particle to 280

The Functions of the lnfinitive in the Senteпce 281

The lnfinitive Constructions 290

The Objective-with-the-lnfinitive Construction (The Complex Object) 290

The For-to-lnfinitive Construction 296

The Subjective lnfinitive Construction (The Complex Subject) 300

The Gerund 309

The Forms of the Gerund 309

The Functions of the Gerund in the Sentence 310

The Tense and Voice Distinctions of the GerLind 310

Noun Characteristics of the Geruпd 311

Verb Characteristics of the Gerund 311

Constructions with the Gerund 312

Rendering of the Gerund in Russian 312

The Use of Gerund 313

Verbs Used witt1 the Gerund and the lnfinitive 317

Verbs Used with the Gerund and the lnfinitive without а Change in Meaning 318

Verbs Followed Ьу the Gerund or That-Ciause 319

Verbs Fotlowed Ьу the Gerund, the lnfinitive and That-Ciause 319

The Gerund and the Verbal Noun 320

The Participle 328

The Forms of the Participle 329

The Functions of the Present Participle (Participle 1) 329

The Functions of the Past Participle (Participle 11) 329

The Tense and Voice Distinctions of the Present Participle and the Past Participle 330

Verb Characteristics of the Participle 331


Trang 9


















: ;::

8 Adjective Characteristics of the Participle 331

The Objective Participial Construction (The Complex Object) 346

The Subjective Participial Construction (The Complex Subject) 349

The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction 351

The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction 351

The Nominative Absolute Construction (without а Participle) 355

The Prepositional Absolute Construction (without а Participle) 356

The Preposition 357

Kinds of Prepositions 358

The Place of Prepositions 358

The Use of More Frequently Met Prepositions 358

Prepositions of Place 358

Prepositions of Movement and Direction 361

Prepositions of Time 362

The Use of Some Prepositions: Confusing Cases 363

Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns, Participles with Prepositions 372

The Conjunction 379

Coordinating Conjunctions 379

Subordinating Conjunctions 380

The Particle 383

Kinds of Particles 384

The lnterjection 385

The Sentence 386

Kinds of Sentences 386

lnterrogative Sentences 386

YesjNo Questions 386

Wh-Questions 387

Subject/Object Questions 388

Question Tags 388

Alternative Questions 389

lndirect Questions 390

Short Answers 390

Emphatic Structures 396

lnversion 398

Punctuation 403

The Full Stop 404

The Comma 404

Trang 10

The Semicolon

The Colon

The Question Mark

The Exclamation Mark

The Brackets

The Hyphen

The Dash

The lnverted Commas

The Apostrophe

Abbreviations Letter-Writing Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 11 Appendix 12 Summary of Tenses

Short Forms

lrregular Verbs



Prepositional Phrases

Linking WordsjPhrases

Phrasal Verbs

Word Families


American English

List of Grammar Terms and Кеу Words


406 l-406 z 407 ~ l-407 z ,

407 ._, u




















Trang 11

1, you, she, this, по etc

one, six, tweпty, the first etc

to work, to go, to write etc

here, there, поw, theп, well etc

апd, but, пeither noretc

оп, iп, at, under, belowetc

but, only, too, also etc

Oh, yes! Of course etc

The Noun

The поuп is а part of speech which denotes things (а tаЬ!е, а book), liviпg beiпgs (а girl, а Ьоу), materials (air, gold), qualities (kindness, strengt/1), processes (conversation, writing), abstract пotioпs(beauty, love, реасе) апd states(sleep, consciousness)

Nouпs сап Ье divided ir1to simple поuпs, derived пouns and compouпd


Simple поuпs coпsist of опlу оп е stem: dog, chair, room

Derived поuпs are composed of опе stem апd prefixes or suffixes:

disarmament, uneasiness, inequality, freedom, cruelty, friendship, visitor, brotherhood etc

Compouпd поuпs coпsist of at least two stems

There are а great many compouпd nouпs in Eпglish such as: newspaper, seaman,

Ь/иеЬе/1, forget-me-not, passer-by etc

Trang 12

The main noun forming suffixes are:

The main prefixes are:


Exercise 1

State the part of speech of each word in bold type giving а reason for your answer

1 1 like spring flowers 2 The cat springs on the nюuse 3 Spring is the first season of the year 4 1 haven't any douЬt about the result 5 1 douЬt whether you can do this work 6 The Ьоу is а very hard worker 7 You must work hard

8 That firm is а very good one 9 Не spoke in а firm voice 1 О The Оу walked over the taЬle and then began to Оу round the room 11 The pond is round

12 Give те а drink ofwater 13 1 am going to water the garden, it is very dry

Trang 13

Exercise 11

Moscow 3 I iron my clothes with an iron 4 The iron bars were covered with

Exercise 111

Exercise IV

-dom, -hood, -ness, -ist, -ion, -tion

resistaпt, neighbour, to move, material, scieпce, to collect, to dictate, to produce, weak

Exercise V

Арреаrапсе, armameпt, comfort, certainty, dependeпce, justice, trust, truth, decisioп, aЬility, easiness, employment, agreemeпt, comfort, convenience

Exercise Vl

Trang 14

а room where we dress

Proper names are always written with а capitalletter

Class nouns are countaЬies for they сап Ье counted

Therefore they have two numbers: the singular and the plural

Col/ective Nouns

Collective nouns denote а number of individuals or things considered as one completewhole: nation, army, cattle, machinery

Collective nouns fall under the following groups:

а} nouns used only in the singular and denoting а number of things considered

as one object: machinery, people, crowd;

Trang 15

Such nouns are: army, audience, crew, crowd, family, press, puЬ/ic,

These nouns may Ье used in plural number to denote different sorts of that material:

Different kinds of coals are excavated in Siberia

Mass пouns сап 't Ье couпted, апd therefore they are called uncouпtaЫe поuпs

Abstract Nouns

Abstract поuпs deпote some quality, actioп or idea: kindness, friendship, /iberty, love, know/edge, freedom, sorrow, courage etc

Abstract nouпs may become class поuпs wheп used with the article Then they

сап Ье used iп the plural пumber too:

beauty-а beauty- beauties

The girl is а beauty

coal - а coal - coals

Соа/ is mainly composed of carbon

А coal fe/1 out of the fire

iron - an iron - irons

/гоп is heavy

1 have bought а new iron

Мапу uпcountaЫe nouпs can Ье made соuпtаЫе Ьу means of partitives:

А piece of cake/informationjadvicejfurniture; ajar of jam; а glassjbottle of water;

а tiп of beans; а piпt of milk; а Ьох of chocolates; а packet of Ьiscuitsjtea; а slicej loafof bread; а potofyoghurt; а potjcup oftea; а kilo of meat; а bottle ofvinegar; а tube of toothpaste; а bar of chocolatejsoap; а Ьit/piece of chalk; an ice cube; а lump of sugar; а sheet of paper; а bag of flour; а pair of trousers; а game of soccer;

а( n) item jpiece of news; а dropjcaп of oil; а сап of со/а; а carton of milk; а Ыосk of woodetc

Trang 16

(железо), iroп (утюг), happiness, hero, sand, music, friend, frieпdship, coffee,

sentences into Russian

6 Wheпl think ofthis my heart turns to stone 7 Her hair has gone quite grey

dangers at sea 13 The Crimea is famous for its wines 14 Wine is made of

Exercise IV

State whether the nouns in bold type are proper or common Translate the tences into Russian

almost deserted 2 The group of ancient fortified buildings, called the Tower, is







Trang 17

power is called the newton


There are three genders of nouns:

1) masculine, 2) feminine, 3) neuter

Masculine Gender

Masculine gender is used for all male persons, animals, Ьirds etc: Ьоу, actor, poet, cock, son, father, тап, husband, brotheretc

Note ln fairytales and folklore in general Ьig and strong animals always are

considered as masculine: the bear, the lion, the elephant, the tiger

But: the cat, the hare, the mouse is considered to Ье feminine

Feminine Gender

Feminine gender is used forfemales: girl, daughter, mother, sister, wife, woman, hen, Ьее etc

Neuter Gender

Neuter gender is used for names of inanimate objects and abstract notions:

tаЬ/е, bed,pen, tree, stone, road, storm, fear

Note Veryyoung children and animals are usuallyconsidered as neuter:

ЬаЬу, horse, sheep

Most nouns descriЬing people have the same form whether they are male or

female: teacher, studentetc

Some nouns have different forms, though: actor- actress, groom- bride etc

Trang 18

Ways of lndicating Gender

There are usually three ways of showing the gender of different nouns

а} Ьу using different words:

brother - sister son- daughter

father- mother groom - bride

husband- wife lord - lady

widower - widow barman - barmaid

Ь} Ьу adding the suffix (usually -ess):

gentleman - lady king-queen monk-nun uncle-aunt cock-hen

actor- actress lion - lioness prince- princess

author- authoress mister- mistress steward- stewardess duke- duchess poet- poetess host - hostess

tiger - tigress waiter- waitress hero- heroine

host- hostess emperor- empress usher- usherette

с) Ьу adding а word denoting gender ( after or before):

man-teacher- woman-teacher etc

ln poetry or in folklore many things are often personified and considered as being either masculine or feminine:

The Sun, time, day, death, names of rivers, mountains are masculine;

The Moon, the Earth, night, nature, names of countries, names ofvesse/s ( ship, boat, steamer, ice-breakeretc), namesofvehicles(car, carriage, coach), abstract nouns(beauty, реасе, wisdom) arefeminine


English nouns have two numbers: the singular and the plural А noun that names only one thing is in the singular number А noun that names more than one thing is in the plural number

Proper, material and abstract nouns, unless used as common nouns, have no plural

Trang 19

The Formation of the Plural

The different ways of forming the plural of nouns are

а) Ьу adding -s to the singular;

-s is pronounced like [s] aftervoicelessconsonants:

book - books; map - maps;

like [ z] after vowels and voiced consonants:

tаЫе- taЫes; girl - girls;

Ь) Ьу adding -es to the singular, if the noun ends in -s, -х, -z, -sh, -ss or ch; -es are pronounced like [iz]:

class - classes; bus- buses; watch - watches; Ьох-boxes; brush brushes;

-с) Ьу changing final -у into i + the ending -es:

сору-copies; country- countries; berry- berries; fly- flies

Note А final-yis changed into -ies onlywhen it is preceded Ьу another consonant

Otherwise, i е if the -у is preceded Ьу а vowel, the plural is formed Ьу

adding simply -s

day- days; monkey- monkeys; toy- toys;

d) Ьу adding -es to nouns ending in -о which is preceded Ьу а consonant: hero - heroes; potato - potatoes; echo - echoes

lf -о is preceded Ьу а vowel, then the plural is formed Ьу adding simply -s:

studio- studios; cuckoo- cuckoos; portfolio- portfolios е) Some nouns ending in -о can take -es or -s These are: buffaloesjbuffalos, mosquitoesjmosquitos, volcanoesjvolcanos, zeroesjzeros, tornadoesj tornados etc

f) Ьу changing final -for -fe into -ves:

thief- thieves; half- halves; leaf -leaves; wolf- wolves; knife- knives; life - lives; self- selves; shelf- shelves; calf- calves

Trang 20

ln а few cases both -fs and -ves are possiЫe:

scarf- scarfsjscarves

dwarf- dwarfsjdwarves

hoof - hoofsjhooves

g) bychanging the rootvowel:

man- men; woman- women; tooth- teeth; foot- feet; goose- geese; mouse- mice; louse -lice

h) Ьу adding -en or -ren:

ох-oxen; child- children

i) Nouns ending in -th after а long vowel or а diphthong have [oz] in the plural:

baths [ba:oz]; paths lpa:oz]; oaths [;)uoz]

youths [ju:es]; Ьirths [Ьз:еs]

Nouns Used Only in the Singular or in the Plural,

or in Both Singular and Plural

1 Some nouns are used only in the singular form:

weather, advice, air, реасе, knowledge, strength, business, luggage, money, information, progress, news, research, furniture

2 Some nouns are used only in the plural form:

compasses, pyjamas, Ыnoculars, outskirts, congratu/ations, wages, spectacles, scissors, trousers, tongs, contents, proceeds, thanks, sweets, goods, stairs, oats, riches, clothes, cattle, police, people, earnings, premises, surroundings, ashes etc

3 The following nouns have the same form in the singular and in the plural:

sheep- sheep; fish- fish; deer- deer; trout- trout; swine- swine; salmon; grouse- grouse; aircraft- aircraft; means- means; spacecraft- spacecraft; species- species; hovercraft- hovercraft; series- series; corps


Trang 21

army, audieпce, c/ass, committee, сатрапу, crew, crowd, family, couпcil,

club, jury, headquat1ers, governmeпt, puЬ/ic, team etc

With expressioпs of duratioп, distaпce or mопеу meaпiпg "а whole amouпt"

we use а siпgular verb

Теп miles is а loпg way to ride

Two weeks isп 't /опg to wait

Names, iпdicatiпg пumber, such as: pair, coup/e, dozeп, score, stoпe (мера

веса: 14 англ фунтов= 6,35 кг) апd head have the same form for both the

siпgular апd plural wheп they are preceded Ьу а пumeral: two dozeп of

haпdkerchiefs, five pair of shoes, оп е thousaпd head of cattle

But wheп they are поt preceded Ьу а numeral they take the usual plural form:

to go iп pairs, dozeпs oftimes

5 Nationality nouns ending in -ese, -ss have the same form in the singular and

in the plural:

Chiпese, Japaпese, Pot1uguese, Swiss

We met а Japaпese We met тапу Japaпese оп our holiday

The Plural of the Compound Nouns

Compound nouns form their plural Ьу adding -sj-es:

1} to the second nouп if the compound consists of two nouns:

pocket-knife- pocket-knives; tooth-brush- tooth-brushes;

2) to the noun if the compound consists of an adjective and а noun:

flying рап -flying pans; walking stick- walking sticks;

3) to the first noun if the compound consists of two nouns connected Ьу а

preposition or to the noun if the compound has only one noun:

mother-in-law- mothers-in-law; passer-by- passers-by;

4) at the end of the compound if it does not include any nouns:

forget-me-not- forget-me-nots; grown-up- grown-ups

The Plural of Abbreviations

МР (Memberof Parliament)- MPs [' em'pi:z]

MD (Doctor of Medicine)- MDs [' em' di:z]

Со (Company)- Cos [kэuz]

The plural of abbreviations is sometimes formed in spelling Ьу douЫing а letter:

Ms (manuscript)- MSS

р (page)-РР

Mr (Mister)- Messrs ['mesэz]

Trang 22

The Plural of Foreign Words

А number of foreign (particularly Latin and Greek) nouns have their original plural endings

Singular Plural Singular Plural

analysis - analyses -ora [ ;:}f;:}], -е га [ эrd]

Some foreign nouns may have two plural forms: the English plural and the original foreign one:

Nouns with Two Plurals, Each

with а Different Meaning

Some nouns have two plurals used with some difference of meaning:

brother 1) brothers (sons ofthe same mother)

2) brethren [Ъrеопn] (members ofthe same society)

Trang 23

cloth 1 ) cloth ( kinds of cloth)

2) clothes ( artic/es of dress)

penny 1) pennies(coins)

2) репсе ( amount of pennies in va/ue)

staff 1) staff ( military staffs, staffs of an institution)

[ sta:f] 2) staves ( sticks)

genius 1 ) geniuses ( men of talent)

[' d,)i:nj<)s] 2) genii ['<trnrar](spirits) index 1) indexes (tаЬ/е of contents)

2) indices ['rndrsi:z](mathematica/terms)

Nouns Having One Meaning in the Singular

and Another in the Plural

compass ( magnetic instrument) - compasses ( mathematica/ instruments) beef ( meat) - beeves ( live animals)

custom ( haЬit)-customs ( import duties) colour(tint)- colours(f/ag)

force ( strength) - forces ( troops) spectacle ( sight) - spectacles ( eyeglasses) work ( action)- works ( plants, factories)

pain(ache)- pains(effort)

damage ( injury)- damages ( compensation for injury)

quarter (fourth part)- quarters (lodgings) paper ( matiиia/)- papers ( documents) scale ( proportion) - scales ( weighing machine) glass ( drinking vesse/)- glasses ( spectacles)

Exercise 1 Give the plural ofthe following пouns

1) man, womaп, tooth, foot, mouse, goose, child;

2) fly, city, toy, key, fox, watch, clock, bus, bush, thiet·, life, wolf, roof, shelf,

Trang 24

Exercise 11

Give the plural ofthe following nouns

4) rоош-шаtе, fellow-worker, sister-in-law, woшan-doctor

Give the plural ofthe tollowing nouns

Exercise IV

fellow-student story

storey brush stepшother


wife genius

plшal, if any

forget-шe-not, swine, halves, staff, sleeves, grief, шiсе, species, contents, sledges,

bнsiness, knowledge, feet, corps, phenoшena, clothes, bases, sheep,

inforшation, loнse, сору, oxen, shelves

correspondiпg singular ol" plшal form

bшnch of physics 13 Sнch phenomena as we saw last nigl1t are rarely to Ье

Trang 25

and ооооооооооооооооооо (lion), but you rare1y see ооооооооооооооооооо (ох),

(sheep), 0000000000000000000 (deer) or 0000000000000000000 (goose), probab1y because these

сап Ье seen commoп1y eпough in the wi1do Each day 1arge 00 о о о о о О о о о о 000 0000 (delivery) offood arrive for 0000000000000000000 (beast) to eato Not expensive items like

оооооооооооооооооооо (potato) and ооооооооооооооооооооо (tomato) - a1t1юugh the

ооооооооооооооооооооо (panda) 1ike оооооооооооооооооооо (bamboo)o The whole fami1y,

Оооооооооооооооооооо (man), 00000000000000000000 (womaп) and 00000000000000000000 (chi1d) can

Exercise Vll

p1ura1, if anyo

shilliпgs а weeko 40 Do you ski?- Used too But 1 haveп't any skis поwо 50 You did not witness any of these phenomena yourse1f, did you? 60 One of the air

were quite sure of themse1ves from the first rehearsalo 110 Three mouthfuls of

souпd iп the darkness was from the streamo

Exercise Vlll

Chaпge the пumber of the nouпs iп bo1d type making all the necessary changeso

Trang 26

Exercise IX

Change the nouns in bo1d type into the singu1ar and make other necessary changes

in the valley 5 In the 1ibrary we saw 1ong shelves witl1 books 6 The wolves have been shot 7 The leaves ofthe flower were dark-green 8 The mice were caught

9 The keys to the boxes were 1ost 10 These factories produce furniture

11 Women and children came to the shore 12 Where are the knives? 13 Some

1 Мне нужен ваш совет в этом вопросе 2 Многие из этих советов нам очень пригодились 3 Все сведения были очень важные 4 Мы получили такие же сведения 5 Эти деньги не мои 6 Сколько у тебя денег?- У меня

мало денег; их не хватит на покупку приемника 7 Его знания в этой обла­

сти поразили нас 8 Ваших знаний недостаточно, чтобы выполнить эту работу 9 Его работы в области физики широко известны 1 О Какая инте­ресная работа! 11 Какие вы нам принесли новости? 12 Эти новости уже всем известны 13 Какая дождливая погода! 14 В детстве её волосы были

совсем светлые; теперь они потемнели 15 Я могу рассказать вам об очень интересных явлениях, которые наблюдались нашими учеными

1 Фрукты в нашем саду уже созрели 2 Мне очень нравятся эти часы Где вы их купили? 3 Волосы растут быстрее в детстве 4 Какая приятная

новость: к нам приезжают друзья, которых мы давно ждали 5 Каково

содержание этой книги? 6 Знания, приобретенные в молодом возрасте,

остаются в памяти на долгие годы 7 Деньги держат в бумажнике или

кошельке 8 Когда мы спим, наша одежда обычно лежит на стуле около кровати 9 Какие из этих овец будут посланы на выставку? 10 Рыбаки были довольны: они поймали много рыбы 11 Мои попутчики были ве­селые и интересные люди 12 Возьмите эти ножницы, они острые

13 Мальчик вырос, и брюки стали ему коротки 14 В коробке было шесть пар чулок 15 Его одежда совсем новая

Translate into English

1 Фрукты и овощи полезны для здоровья 2 Молодой специалист все­гда следовал советам своих друзей 3 Ваш брат делает большие успехи в

Trang 27

10 Твои часы неправильно идут 11 Я не мог войти в сад, так как ворота

были закрыты 12 Товар только что прибыл 13 Содержание его письма было совсем неожиданным 14 Кому принадлежат эти деньги? 15 Какого цвета у нее волосы? J 6 Это твои деньги, не так ли?


English nouns have two cases:

1) the common case with no ending: father, Ьоу, sister;

2) the possessive casewhich is marked bythe apostrophe s( 's): father's, sister's; fathers', sisters'

The possessive case usually shows possession ln the singular it has ending -'s

lt is pronounced [ s] after voiceless consonants: the student's book; and [ z] after voiced consonants and vowels: the dog 's taif, the boy's сар ln the plural it is formed

Ьу -(e)s': the boys' caps, the horses' hoofs

When а proper noun ends in -s, -ss, -х, only apostrophe is added, and the

ending is pronounced [rz]: Burns' ['Ьз:nzrz] poems, Dickens' ['drkrnzrz] nove/s

Sometimes- 's is added, the pronounciation remains [rz]: Burns's poems, Dickens's

The Use of the Possessive Case

1 As а rule, the possessive case is used with nouns denoting persons and

animals: John 's idea, the swal/ow's nest

2 ln the following instances the possessive case may Ье used with names denoting inanimate objects

а With nouns denoting time and distance, such as: minute, moment, hour, day, week, month, year, inch, foot, mile and adverbs: today, yesterdayetc:

today'snewspaper; а month'sabsence; aweek'stime; amile'sdistance;

а night's rest; а few minutes' silence

Trang 28

Ь Often with the nouns town, city, country, гivег, wateг, ocean, woг/d, life: the country's сатрs, the wateг's edge, the town 's stгeets

с With the nouns ship, boat, саг: the ship 's сгеw

d With nouns denoting planets sun, тооп, eaгth: the sun 's гауs, the earth 's life

е With the names of newspapers and nouns denoting different kinds of

organizations: the Tгibune 's го/е, the governтent's policy

f With some inanimate nouns in а few set expressions: atdeath's dоог(при смерти); at агт's length (на расстоянии вытянутой руки); fог огdег's

sake (порядка ради); at а stone's thгow (в двух шагах); at one's fingeгs

end (до крайности); fог pity's sake (умоляю вас); а pin's head (ушко иглы) etc

There are some cases when the noun in the possessive case is not followed Ьу the head noun and then it stands for the whole noun phrase lt is used:

1) to avoid repetition: Оиг house is betteг than Магу's

2) after the preposition ofif there is an attribute before the noun modified Ьу the

of-phrase: an o/d fгiend of ту тotheг's, that cousin of ту husband's;

3) to denote places where business is conducted such as: at the butcheг's,

at the bakeг's, at the gгocer's, at the cheтist's or institutions, where the possessive is usually а saint's name: St Paul's (Cathedral), St Jaтes's

(Palace), or places of residence: at Тiтothy's, at ту uncie's, at oid Jolyon's


Use the nouns in bold type in the possessive case

(2 variants) 4 The rights ofwomen 5 The poems ofByron 6 The flat ofmy brother-in-Iaw 7 The interval ofthree hours 8 The rights of ajudge 9 Rights

the boys 4 The streets ofthe town 5 The plays ofShakespeare 6 The voice of


Trang 29

woтen 16 The fathers of Peter and 1 ohn 17 The роетs of Byron a11d Shelly

Exercise 111

froт the сатр 7 The supper of the chi1drel1 is ready 8 The house of ту

c1oth 11 We visited the village of Mikhailovskoye where Pushkin, the great

sou11d of carriage wheels was heard

Exercise IV


тi\k contai11s тоге fat than cows тilk 4 Dickeпs пovels are true to life

gentleтens shoes are оп sale 8 Му youпger bюthers wife is а singer 9 It is

appeared above the hedge

Exercise V

Магу_ old teacher_ ofтusic 3 Those were Nick_ and Kate_ pareпt_ 4 We

froт his pocket and gave it to ту youпger brother_ 9 Esenin_life was short

the huпter_ club were decorated with тountaiп goat_ and wild deer_ horп_

Trang 30

Exercise Vl

1 the exercise-books ofthe pupils

4 the days ofthe week

5 work ofthree years

6 theatres of Moscow

8 the crew ofthe ship

9 the best museums of our city

11 the windows of thc room

Exercise Vll

1 Вы знаете телефон Петра? 2 У вас есть карта Европы'? 3 Рабочий день моего брата начинается в 9 часов утра 4 Вы знаете мнение вашего учи­теля? 5 Муж моей сестры уехал в Москву 6 Они сообщили нам о при­бытии такси 7 Учащиеся выполнили советы учителя 8 Я еще не знаю решения директора 9 Мы еще не получили ответы покупателей 10 Се­стра моего мужа работает в школе 11 Давай зайдем в кондитерскую

12 Он все ещ~ у твоей матери

Exercise Vlll

Traпs1ate into Eng1ish

1 Лагерь туристов был расположен на берегу реки 2 Они пошли в отдел детской обуви 3 Чье предложение вы поддерживаете- директо­

ра или главного инженера? 4 Как зовут сестру вашего друга? 5 У него

не было своего велосипеда, он брал велосипед у соседа 6 Ее глаза были

такие же красивые, как у ее матери 7 Мы с братом купили башмаки в одно и то же время Мои уже износились, а у брата совсем еще новые

8 В санатории nосле обеда необходимо отдыхать в течение часа 9 Мне­

ния разошлись Одни предлагали встречать Новый год у Петровых, а другие- у Никитиных 1 О По дороге домой мы куnили большой букет роз- любимые uветы моей матери 11 Население Лондона составляет более восьми миллионов 12 Портрет жены Рембранта- один из ше­


! 29

Trang 31

ной площадке было четыре двери Я не знала, которая из них была дверь моих друзей 11 Каково ваше мнение о сегодняшнем путешествии?

12 Несколько дней тому назад я встретила старую подругу моей мамы

13 Вчера я отдала мои часы часовшику 14 У меня была пятиминутная беседа с преподавателем литературы 15 Я очень хорошо помню эту улыб­

ку Марии! 16 Глаза доктора встретились с его глазами 17 Не люблю я эту новую приятельницу Мэри!

Exercise Х Traпslate iпto Eпglish

вращались от друзей 13 Чье сочинение вам больше нравится: Ника или

Елены? 14 Она одна из двоюродных сестер моего отца 15 Это одна из любимых книг моей мамы 16 Маленький Том улыбался Его улыбка была похожа на улыбку отца 17 У меня нет своего фотоаппарата Это фотоаппарат моего дедушки 18 Филипп был одним из старых школь­

ных друзей Джана

Trang 32

The Article

The article is used as а deterтiner of the noun There are two articles in the English language:

1) the indefinite article and

2) the definite article

cardinal nuтeral оп е lt is pronounced [ ;J] before consonants and [ ;Jn] before vowels:

а tab/e [ ;J 'terЬl]; ап apple [ ;Jn 'repl]

The definite article the [o;J, or] has developed froт the deтonstrative pronoun

this The definite article is pronounced [o;J] before consonants and [or] before vowel

sounds: the реп [o;J 'pen]; the hour [ar 'au;J]

The use of articles in English is а difficult thing, but graттar rules сап help in this work

The Use of the lndefinite Article

The indefinite article is used:

1) before соттоn nouns in the singular used in а general sense:

1 have а chair iп ту rоот

Note ln the plural по article is used in this case: 1 have chairs iп ту rоот

2) before nouns showing tiтe, nuтber, weight, тeasure, price:

Suттer сотеs оп се а year

1 go to the сiпета опсе а week

1 bought а kilograт of sugar

3) before the words dozeп, huпdred, thousaпd, тillioп etc:

1 waпt а dozeп of eggs

А huпdred studeпts took part iп the festival

4) before the words fewand little in the тeaning of sоте:

There were а few apples iп the tree

1 have а little tiтe for you

5) after the words тапу, such, quite, ratherfollowed Ьу а noun in the singular:

Не is such а clever Ьоу

She is quite а good girl

This is rather а difficult probleт


Trang 33

6) after what in exclamatory sentences:

What а nice day!

7) afterthe verbs Ье and have:

She is а teacher

8) before а noun in apposition:

Pete, а sixth-form pupil, is our best chess player

9) it is often used in the sense of every:

The students have two English lessons а week

А child сап understand it

А square has four sides

1 О) after adjectives preceded Ьу so and too:

lt is not so simple а question as it seems

There was too difficult а рrоЬ/ет for the child to solve

11) before MrjMrs/Miss + surnamewhen we referto an unfamiliar person:

There 's а Mr Smith waiting for you

The Use of the lndefinite Article with Nouns in Set Expressions

at а speed of со скоростью

at а time when в то время когда

for а short (long) time в течение короткого (долгого) времени

in а loud (low) voice громким (тихим) голосом

on а large (small) scale в большом (малом) масштабе

to have а good time хорошо провести время

to have а mind to do something намереваться что-либо сделать

Trang 34

to fly into а passion прийти в бешенство

to fly into а fury (rage) прийти в ярость

The Use of the Definite Article

The definite article is used:

1) before common nouns in the singular and the plural in а particular sense:

How did you like the film?

1 have got the dictionary, you gave те

The performances at this theatre are of great artistic value

2) before nouns denoting only one thing of its kind:

the Sun, the Мооп, the Earth, the sky, the world, the ground, the cosmos, the universe, the horizon

3) before nouns preceded Ьу an adjective in the superlative degree:

the best pupil, the worst news, the most difficult thing

Note Most used as а determiner followed Ьу а noun, does not take the:

:: -~ J 1 i 1

Most children like animals

4) before family names meaning all its members:

The Petrovs moved to а new f/at

The Smiths left London for the USA

5) before the names of certain buildings which are unique:

the Kremlin, the Hermitage, the British Museum etc

б) before the names of ships, railways, planes etc:

the Aurora, the Great Midland Railway

7) before the names of puЫic institutions, theatres, cinemas, museums, libraries and hotels:

the Bolshoi Theatre, the Russian Museum, the Russian Nationa/ Library

8) before the names of English-language newspapers:

The Тimes, The Guardian



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Trang 35

Other plural nationalities are used with or without the:

(the) Russians, (the) Germans, (the) ltalians

1 О) before an individual representing the whole class:

The tiger is а fierce fighter

11) before the names of four cardinal points and winds:

the пorth, the south, the west, the east, the пorth wiпd

But when these words show direction, the is not needed:

The expeditioп moved пorth

12) before geographical names of rivers, seas, groups of islands, oceans,

canals, deserts, mountain ranges and the names or nouns with of: the Thames, the North Sea, the Alps, the Pacific Осеап, the Suez

Сапа/, the Sahara Desert, the Bahamas, the Tower of Lопdоп, the Statue of Liberty

1 3) before the names of states wh ich contain either а preposition or the words Kingdom, States, RepuЫic:

the Uпited Кiпgdom of Great Britaiп апd Northern lre/aпd, the Uпited

States of America, the Уетеп Arab RepuЬ/ic

Exceptions /

the Netherlands, the Argentine, the Hague, the Ukraine, the Crimea, the Congo, the Caucasus, the Transvaal

14) before musical instruments, dances:

the рiапо, the taпgo

15) before the words: statioп, shop, ciпema, pub, library, city, village etc.: She weпt to the statioп to see Peter off

16) before the words: morniпg, afternooп, eveпiпg, пight:

1'11 Ье at home iп the eveпiпg

17) before historical referencesjevents:

the Reпaissaпce, the Middle Ages, the Secoпd Wor/d War

18) before adjectives used as plural nouns:

The rich сап 't uпderstaпd the poor

19) before titles: the Queeп, the Priпce The is omitted before titles with proper

names: Qиееп Victoria

Trang 36

20) before the nouns preceded Ьу sате and very:

1 should like to read the sате story

Не read the book to the very end

21) before the words: оп/у, last, first (used as adjectives):

Не was the last person to соте

22) after the expressions: one of, sоте of, тапу of, each of, тost of, а/1,


8oth of the girls won а prize

Sоте of the children got а five for а test

The Use of the Definite Article

with Nouns in Set Expressions

the other day на днях

the day after tomorrow послезавтра

bythe dozen (hundred) дюжинами (сотнями)

in the morning утром

in (during) the night ночью

in the afternoon днем

in the evening вечером

what's the time? который час?

the day before yesterday позавчера

on the one hand с одной стороны

on the other hand с другой стороны

it's out of the question об этом и речи быть не может

to tell the time сказать, который час

to pass the time проводить время

to tell the truth говорить правду

to break the record побить рекорд

_:; '"' -


Trang 37

to ruп the risk подвергаться риску

to play the рiапо (the violiп, the harp) играть на пианино, скрипке, арфе

to take the trouЫe to do somethiпg потрудиться

to keep the house сидеть дома

to keep the bed соблюдать постельный режим

to Ье оп the safe side для верности

totake {seize) smb bythe shouldercxвaтить кого-либо за плечо

to pull smb Ьу the hair тащить кого-либо за волосы

to kiss smb оп the cheek (оп the forehead etc.) поцеловать кого-либо в щеку(в лоб}

to Ье wouпded iп the knee (in the arm etc.) быть раненым в колено (в руку}

just the same точно такой же

bythe Ьу кстати, между прочим

Ьу the way между прочим, кстати

The Absence of the Article

Usually the article is oтitted:

1) before proper поuпs:

Peter, Апп, Магу, Johп

2) before the пouns of тaterial:

/гоп is а very usefuf metaf

Some chi/dreп dоп 't like mifk

3) before abstract nouns:

After the day's work we пeeded rest

4) before соттоn nouns in the plural used in а general sense:

Cows are useful domestic aпimals

5) before the naтes of years, тonths, days:

М у work begiпs оп Мопdау

Last wiпter was rather warm

6) before the naтes of тeals:

Our first те а/ is breakfast

1 usual/y dгiпk tea at supper

7) before the патеs of scieпces and languages:

Mathematics is myfavourite subject

Му sister studies Eпglish

Trang 38

8) before the names of natural substances:

We сап 't live without oxygen

9) before the names of sports and games:

Figure-skating is popular in this country

1 О) before the names of different kinds of arts:

The exhibltion of Dutch painting is open in the Hermitage

11) before the names of continents:

Asia, Europe, South America

12) before the names of countries and states:

Japan, France, Texas

London is the Ьiggest city in Eng/and

14) before the names of individual mountains, islands and lakes:

Everest, Ben Nevis, Easter lsland, Lake Michigan

15) before the names of holidays:

Easter is а re/igious holiday

16) before the names of planets and constellations:

Mars, Pluto

17) before the names of streets, roads, squares, bridges, parks:

Red Square, Broadway, Piccadil/y Circus, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park

18) before the words: bed, church, col/ege, court, hospital, prison, s.chool, university, when we refer to the purpose for which they exist:

Тот was sent to prison

19) before the words: pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels, which

have the nате of their founder and end in -s or- 's:

L/oyds Bank, John's shop

20) before the names of airports, stations and universities where the first word is usually the name of а person or place:

Cambridge University, Victoria Station, Kennedy Airport

21) before the words: home, fatherjmother when we talk about our own


/'// ask Father about it

22) before cardinal numerals:

Three and four is seven


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Trang 39

;:: 23) before countaЫe nouns in the singular when they show а post or а rank:

о We '11 discuss the matter with Petrov, dean of our faculty

from time to time время от времени

from morning till night с утра до вечера

from day to day со дня на день

from shop to shop из магазина в магазин

from head to foot с головы до ног

from beginning to end с начала до конца

Ьу land, Ьу sea, Ьу air сушей, морем, по воздуху

bytram (train, boat, bus etc) трамваем (поездом, пароходом, автобусом и т д.)

Ьу air воздушным путем

Ьу water водным путем

Trang 40

films 2 We had fish and chips for lunch That doesn't sound very

iпterestiпg lunch 3 1 had very bad night; I didn't sleep wink 4 Не is


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Ngày đăng: 29/01/2025, 12:09
