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English Grammar 3 Grammar Book

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Learn and Practise English Grammar is a fourlevel series of grammar reference and practice books. The series has been designed to be used either on its own or with any A, B, C, and D class course. Learn and Practise English Grammar is a fourlevel series of grammar reference and practice books. The series has been designed to be used either on its own or with any A, B, C, and D class course.

ENGLISH G R A M M A R by Edward R Rosset Editorial Stanley Written by / Escrito por: Edward R Rosset Member of the Bachelor of Arts Association of Euskadi Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y Letras de Euskadi Revised by / Revisado por: Beryl Aguado Lait Principal of Apsley School of English Portsmouth - England Published by / Editado por: Editorial Stanley Layout / Diseno y Maquetacion: Angela Gomez Martin Front page design / Diseno portada: Esquema © Editorial Stanley www.libross.com Apdo 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAIN Telf (943) 64 04 12 - Fax (943) 64 38 63 ISBN: 84-7873-195-4 Dep Leg.: BI-1193-01 Second edition / Segunda edicion 1999 Reprint / Reimpresion 2001 Printers / Imprime: Imprenta RGM INDEX Unit 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Contents Present simple and present continuous Look, sound, seem, appear Modifiers: Quite, fairly, rather, pretty Phrasal verbs Must, can't + infinitive Should, ought to, could + infinitive Such, so Gerunds after prepositions -keep, try Comparison of adjectives Comparison of adverbs Adverbs of manner Order of adjectives Adjectives ending in ing/ed The present perfect simple Present perfect with ever, just, since, for If, when, as soon as, until, clauses Infinitives after adjectives Linking words and phrases Have to - must - need to Uses of the article, the Use of the article, a/an Since, as, because, so, so that Infinitive of purpose Conditionals: type 1, and May, might and could + infinitive Clauses of reason, purpose and result Need Ability can, know how to + infinitive Gerunds after prepositions - worth Present perfect (ever, just, already, for, since) Present perfect (with for and since) Present perfect continuous I would rather - prefer to Had better + infinitive - it's time Past continuous The past perfect I wish - if only Quantifiers Quantifiers (cont.) Links -however, whichever, whenever, etc Too and enough + infinitive Need and want + gerund -help Causative verbs: have and get Indirect speech Indirect speech (cont.) The passive -prepositions: Before, after, as soon as, until Indirect and embedded questions Infinitives after adjectives Participles (ing -ed) in clauses The participle (ing -ed) (cont.) Bare infinitives, after make and verbs of perception Future continuous, future perfect continuous Appendix Page - - - - 10- 11 12 - 13 14- 15 16 - 17 18- 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 28 - 29 30 - 31 32 - 33 34 - 35 36 - 37 38 - 39 40 - 41 42 - 43 44 - 45 46 - 47 48 - 49 50 - 51 52 - 53 54 - 55 56 - 57 58 - 59 60 - 61 62 - 63 64 - 65 66 - 67 68 - 69 70 - 71 72 - 73 74 - 75 76 - 77 78 - 79 80 - 81 82 - 83 84 - 85 86 - 87 88 - 89 90 - 91 92 - 93 94 - 95 96 - 97 98 - 99 100 -101 102 -103 104 -105 106-107 This page intentionally left blank ENGLISH G R A M M A R STANLEY UNIT Present simple and present continuous Uses of the simple present tense Usamos el presente simple en verdades permanentes • The moon goes round the Earth • Spring always follows the hardest winter Para situaciones o acontecimientos que pueden continuar indefinidamente • My father goes to work by car • My sister works in the library Usamos el presente simple para describir acciones habituales, cosas que suceden repetidamente • Your brother smokes a lot • I start work at nine A menudo usamos adverbios de tiempo o frases adverbiales • We sometimes work till very late • They come here every day Usamos el presente simple How often o Do you ever • 'How often you come here?' 'I come here every day.' • 'Do you ever go to America?' 'No, I never go there.' Tambien usamos el presente simple como referenda futura • The play begins at and ends at 10.30 • The Art Gallery opens on July 5th and closes on August 30th Para observaciones y declaraciones tambien usamos el presente simple • I suppose they'll be here in time for the meeting • I certainly agree with you Uses of the progressive present La accion esta en progreso en el momento de hablar • Someone is waiting to see you • Your father is working at the moment Situaciones temporales • What's your son doing these days? • He's reading History at London University • Don't take that away I'm using it Acciones planeadas: referencia futura • Next Sunday we're spending the day in the country • Your father is arriving tonight • Hurry up The train's leaving Acciones repetidas: A menudo usamos adverbios en este tipo de frases • She's always talking about the same things • He's continually telling us what to STANLEY EXERCISES En este ejercicio tienes que poner el verbo en presente continuo o simple Example: Stop shouting I am listening to the radio What you for a living? That man says he's 90, but I (believe) him My father is in New York He (stay) at the Palace Hotel He always (stay) at the Palace We usually (not/go) to see the new films but we (not/see) this one You can take my car I (not/use) it tonight 'Can Ann drive?' 'No, but she (learn) Her father (teach) her.' They always (grow) carnations but this year they (grow) geraniums The Tagus River (flow) into the Atlantic The river (flow) fast today after the rains Come on! The train miss it 10.1 (come) I (not/want) to (belong) to any trade union or political party 11.This girl (not/live) with them She (stay) with them for a few months 12 'What (Mr Brown/ do)?' 'He's an engineer, but he (not/work) at the moment.' Tu amigo va a ir de vacaciones a Espana Escribe sobre sus planes de vacaciones Example: (go / Benidorm) He is going to Benidorm (stay / Hotel Tropical) He (go / by plane) (leave / tomorrow) (go / with his friend Tom) (stay / three weeks) Ahora tienes unas frases de presente simple sentido de future Example: At what time they open the Museum? We Tomorrow The tennis match (leave) at and (arrive) at 11.30 (be) Sunday (start) at four The exhibition (close) in September (open) in June and What time (begin) the show ? STANLEY UNIT Look, sound, seem, appear For regla general verbos usamos adverbios, pero ciertos verbos (como SEEM, LOOK, SOUND, APPEAR, TASTE, ETC.) se pueden usar adjetivos Podemos hacer esto cuando describimos el sujeto de la frase, no la accion del verbo • It sounds nice • It looks good • It tastes delicious • It seems difficult Sin embargo, alguno de estos verbos tiene doble significado: • The agreement appeared difficult • Mrs Cohn suddenly appeared behind us En la primera frase, appeared, significa 'parecia', y se usa un adjetivo; pero en la segunda frase, appeared significa 'aparecer ante la vista,'(accion) asi que se usa un adverbio Comparemos: • • • • The little girl looks sad (adjective) The little girl looked at him sadly, (adverb) This wine tastes delicious, (adjective) He tasted the wine thoughtfully, (adverb) LOOK tiene dos significados: • She looks tired • He looked sad Aqui significa 'tiene el aspecto, parece' y va seguido de adjetivos El otro significado de look se relaciona 'ver', y a menudo Neva detras particulas adverbiales o preposiciones • Don't look at me like that • I'll look into the matter SOUND es uno de los verbos que no se usan en formas progresivas Es tambien uno de los verbos que se usan adjetivos, no adverbios • That piano sounds terrible • She sounded depressed on the phone SEEM es tambien uno de los verbos que se usan adjetivos, no adverbios • She seemed a bit angry yesterday A menudo usamos to be despues de seem • She seems to be very nice • He seemed to be tired STANLEY EXERCISES Detras de estos verbos a veces se pone un adjetivo y a veces un adverbio Example: The soup tastes wonderful He tasted the soup suspiciously The old woman appeared in the doorway (sudden) The doctor felt his arm (careful) My skin feels very He looked at her (rough) (angry) Your father looked very (angry) last night The problem appeared (impossible) She appeared (sudden) in front of them That guitar sounds (terrible) The cheese smells (awful) 10 This wine tastes a bit 11.That rock looks (strange) (impressive) 12 She looked at me 13.The situation seemed 14.The piano sounds (sudden) (complicate) (cheap) A continuacion tienes unas frases Una bien y otra mal Tienes que tachar la que esta mal Example: He appeared to be very angry./ He seemed quite normal / He seemed quite normally He looked awful / He looked awfully That sounded cheaply / That sounded cheap It looked expensive / It looked expensively It seemed decisive / It seemed decisively You look sick / You looked sickly It tastes wonderful / It tastes wonderfully He felt his way around careful / He felt his way around carefully A blue car appeared sudden / A blue car appeared suddenly 10.That thing smells awful / That thing smells awfully 11 This soup tastes strangely / This soup tastes strange 12.That music sounds beautifully / That music sounds beautiful STANLEY EXERCISES 1, Usa el presente de participio en las siguientes frases: Example: This is a map that marks political boundaries This is a map marking political boundaries Those are the children who need medical care These are the people who wish to visit the premises Those are the men who work on the road En este ejercicio tienes dos frases Juntalas usando el presente de participio Example: He got on his horse He took out his guitar Getting on his horse he took out his guitar He opened the drawer He took out a gun He raised the trapdoor He pointed to a place on the wall She took off her shoes She crept along the passage Haz las frases siguientes lo mismo que en el ejemplo Example:! caught them They were stealing apples / caught them stealing apples I saw her She stood by the window He found a tree It lay across the road I left him He talked to my brother Ahora vamos a cambiar estas frases de infinitive por otras de participio presente Example: Tomorrow they are going to sail Tomorrow they are going sailing Hello, John Come to dance with us She is going to ride after lunch 101 STANLEY U N I T 51 ° The participle (ing - ed) (cont.) El participio pasado de los verbos regulares se forma afiadiendo ed o d al infinitivo Para el participio de los verbos irregulares vease la lista de verbos irregulares en el volumen II de esta coleccion uso Como adjetivo: • Stolen car • Broken window • Abandoned house Para formar los tiempos compuestos y la voz pasiva • I have loved • We have seen • It was done El participio pasado puede reemplazar a un sujeto + verbo pasivo igual que el participio presente puede reemplazar al sujeto + verbo active: • The child enters the classroom He is accompanied by his mother / The little child enters the class, accompanied by his mother • He was woken up by the din He jumped to his feet • Woken up by the din, he jumped to his feet El perfecto de participio pasivo (having been + past participle) se usa cuando es necesario poner entasis que la accion expresada por el participio sucedio antes que la accion expresada por el verbo siguiente: • Having been told about the chaos on the roads, he took the train • Having been assaulted twice, he always carried a gun RECUERDA Que un participio se considers que pertenece al nombre o pronombre que le precede: • Jim, terrified by what he had seen, took a step backwards • Mark Anthony, believing that Cleopatra was dead, killed himself El participio puede estar separado del nombre por el verbo • The young boy entered, followed by his friend Si no hay sustantivo o pronombre en esta parte de la oracion se considera que el participio pertenece al sujeto del verbo principal • Amazed by the spectacle, Alice stared eyes wide open • Believing that he was alone, the miser took out his coffer of gold coins STANLEY EXERCISES Escribe otra vez las siguientes frases usando el past participle Example: The old house had been weakened by the earthquake It was not safe Weakened by the earthquake, the old house was not safe She was convinced that she was right She tried to persuade him He was warned about the unsafe situation in the streets He didn't leave the hotel They were alarmed by the shouting in the street They ran to the window Usa ahora el 'perfect participle passive' (having been + past participle) Example: She had been warned about that boy She didn't go out with him Having been warned about that boy, she didn't go out with him He had been bitten several times The postman refused to deliver the mail He had already lost a lot of money He stopped playing As they had won the football pools They decided to buy a new house As he had finished writing his book They decided to celebrate it Escribe estas frases otra vez usando bien el 'present participle' o el 'past participle Example: The man was horrified at what he saw He couldn't move The man, horrified at what he had seen, couldn't speak The two men came in They were followed by their wives The boxer was stunned by the blow He fell heavily He believed he was the best He entered for the competition A woman got off the bus She was carrying a large parcel 103 STANLEY U N I T 52 104 Bare infinitives, after make and verbs of perception MAKE en voz activa Neva un infinitive sin to Significa 'hacer' en el sentido de 'obligar' • The maths teacher made the boys stay in after school • His thinning hair makes him look much older • The policeman made me move my car Sin embargo, cuando make esta en voz pasiva va seguido del infinitive to • The boys were made to stay in after school • I was made to move my car LET como verbo normal signified 'permitir' Siempre va seguido de un complemento nombre o pronombre antes de un infinitivo sin to Si el complemento es us se puede contraer a let's • Come on Let us go shopping • Don't let the children disturb father Let puede ir seguido de un infinitive pasivo: • She let it be known she was going to apply for the post Let se usa sin ningun complemento en la expresion: • Live and let live! Los verbos de percepcion son: see, feel, watch, hear, smell Con estos verbos la accion en el presente de participio puede ser completa o incompleta: • I saw her washing the dishes Puede significar que contemple toda la accion o solo parte de ella Estos verbos junto listen to y notice pueden ir seguidos de un objeto + bare infinitive • I saw her leave the house • I heard them make a plan Si usamos el infinitive significa que la accion esta completa: • I saw him change the batteries of the transistor radio Mientras que si usamos el gerundio la accion puede que este incompleta • I saw him changing the batteries of the transistor radio El infinitivo describe una accion corta, rapida • I heard him cough Mientras que el gerundio indica una accion que dura algun tiempo o que todavi'a esta en progreso • I heard him coughing all night Para una serie de acciones seguidas preferimos el infinitivo • I saw the him break the window, clear the broken glass and enter the house El see y el hear en pasiva llevan el 'full infinitive' • He was seen to enter the building.* He was heard to say that STANLEY 105 EXERCISES Las frases siguientes van seguidas de make + 'bare infinitive' o 'full infinitive' Example: He compelled me I had to it He made me it The teacher told me to come on Saturday I was I told the dog to lie down I She told me to sit down next to her She They forced me to write the letter Completa estas frases let + infinitive Example: She wants to go out but her mother won't let her go I want to go trecking to the Sahara but my parents won't Leave other people alone Live and ! He wasn't allowed to see the documents They She wasn't allowed to smoke They Elige entre infinitivo y gerundio detras de un verbo de percepcion Example: I watched them take a picture and go I heard somebody (unlock) the door and enter the house I heard people (shout) in the street I felt somebody (tap) my back and disappear I watched the firemen (break) the window and (climb) a ladder (enter) the building I heard the little girl (cry) all night We saw these people (walk) along the road for miles I heard the child in his sleep a couple of times I saw them They heard the wolves 10.1 smelt something (cry) and (wait) patiently for hours (howl) all night long (burn) in the kitchen (moan) STANLEY U N I T 53 106 Future continuous, future perfect, and perfect continuous The future continuous tense se forma el future simple del verbo be + el presente participio: • At this time tomorrow I will be working Como otros tiempos continues expresa una accion que empieza antes de un tiempo determinado y continua despues • This time next week we will be lying on the beach in Salou • At this time tomorrow the children will be watching a film El futuro continue usado para expresar futuro sin intencion • I will be helping my mother with the shopping tomorrow • I'll be seeing your sister tomorrow Indica que la accion ocurrira siguiendo el curso normal de los acontecimientos Mientras que el presente continuo: • I am seeing your sister tomorrow Indica que se concertado una entrevista previa Hay, por lo tanto, una intencion A menudo, sin embargo, esta diferencia no es muy importante • He'll be coming tomorrow / He is coming tomorrow • She won't be coming to the meeting / She isn't coming RECUERDA La diferencia entre el futuro simple y el continuo: • I'll write to my parents and tell them about us Anuncio una accion futura deliberada Mientras que en • I'll be writing to my parents tomorrow to tell them about us Indico que ya les iba a escribir de todas formas • He won't cook (no quiere cocinar) • He won't be cooking (informa que no va a ser el el que cocine) Preguntas acerca de intenciones • Will you be playing golf tomorrow?* Will he be working all day? El futuro perfecto generalmente se usa una expresion de tiempo que empieza by: • By this time tomorrow I'll have arrived in the Bahamas • By then I will have become a graduate • By the end of the year I will have saved £1000 El futuro perfecto continuo: • By the end of this year he will have been working here for 20 years • By the end of the month he will have been living with us for six months STANLEY EXERCISES 107 Las frases que tienes a continuation estan en future simple Cambialas y ponlas en futuro continuo Example: I'll come to see your mother tomorrow /'// be coming to see your mother tomorrow I'll take my driving test next week We'll come to your party on Saturday night I'll write to my father tomorrow I'll meet him next week Termina las frases usando el futuro perfecto Example: By this time tomorrow (we/arrive/Miami) By this time tomorrow we'll have arrived in Miami By this time next week (I/take/all/my/exams) By 10 o'clock (l/cut/grass/and/prune/roses) By the end of the year (they/get married) By 1999 (I/finish/my studies) Escribe las frases siguientes en futuro perfecto continuo Example: By the end of this month (he/work/20 years) By the end of this month he will have been working for 20 years By the year 2000 (we/climb/mountains/30 years) By midnight (they/dance/for 24 hours) By Christmas (we/live/this town/15 years) By the time we compete in the Championship (we/train/10 months) This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX STANLEY 11 APPENDIX ° ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS + PREPOSITIONS Adjective Nouns Adjective Nouns absent from work/school absence from free from danger freedom from afraid of something/ somebody fear of something amazed at/by something/ somebody amazement at angry at/about something anger at/about angry with someone angry with annoyed at/about something annoyance at/ about annoyed with somebody annoyance with anxious about/over something anxiety about/ over ashamed of someone/ something shame at something free of charge freedom of speect full of something - glad about something gladness about good at something - good with the hands - grateful to someone for something gratitude for/to happy about/at/over/with happiness over/at interested in/by something interest in jealous of someone jealousy of keen on something keenness on kind to someone kindness to aware of something/someone awareness of late to work lateness for work awful at doing something - married to someone marriage to bad at doing something - nervous of something bored with/by something boredom with nervousness about busy at/with something obliged to someone obligation to capable of doing something capability for please about/with something pleasure about careful of/with something carefulness with ready for something readiness for careless of danger carelessness of right about something - certainty of/about sad about something sadness about clever at something cleverness at/in safe from something safety from content with something contentment with satisfied with something satisfaction with contrary to advice - separate from something separation from curious about something curiosity about slow at doing something slowness at different from/to something difference from/to sorry about/for something sorrow for eager from something eagerness for sorry for someone - excited about/a t/by/over excitement at/ about surprised about/at/by surprise about/at terrible at something faithful to somebody faithfulness to thankful to/for something thankfulness to/fo famous for something fame as worried about something worry about/over fond of something/somebody fondness for wrong about something certain of/about facts STANLEY APPENDIX 111 EXPRESSIONS WITH AS AS as blind as a bat (tan ciego como un topo) as clear as a bell (claro como una campana) as deaf as a post (sordo como una tapia) as dry as dust (aburridfsimo) as easy as pie (estaba tirado) as fat as a pig (gordo como un cerdo) as free as a bird (libre como un pajaro) as hard as nails (muy duro) as pretty as a picture (tan bella como una rosa) as quick as lightning (rapido como una centella) as right as rain (mas razon que un santo) as cool as a cucumber (fresco como una lechuga) as keen as mustard (muy entusiasta) as safe as houses (segurfsimo) as bold as brass (muy atrevido) as bright as a button (espabilado como una ardilla) as cheap as dirt (muy barato) as large as life (grandfsimo) as mad as a hatter (chalado) as pleased as Punch (muy complacido) REGULAR VERBS (pronunciation) Pronounced /d/ in the past Pronounced / / in the past bribed, described, robbed, rubbed asked, joked, liked, locked, looked begged, dragged, plugged, tugged picked, talked, thanked, walked, worked banged, belonged, longed addressed, crossed, danced arranged, changed, exchanged discussed, faced, guessed, missed damaged, emerged, judged, managed matched, reached, switched, touched called, filled, pulled, smiled, travelled assumed, claimed, combed cleaned, explained, listened, opened answered, appeared, dared arrived, lived, loved, moved, proved crashed, finished, pushed, washed coughed, laughed, stuffed camped, developed, dropped, helped hoped, jumped, shopped, stopped aaxed, boxed, foxed, relaxed, waxed accused, closed, excused, refused Pronounced /id/ in the past bathed, lathed added, afforded attended, avoided, decided, ended delayed, obeyed, played, weighed agreed, freed, guaranteed annoyed, destroyed, employed, enjoyed cried, denied, dried, fried, qualified replied, satisfied, terrified, tried buried, carried, hurried, married, worried borrowed, followed, showed, videoed argued, continued, rescued, reviewed handed, included, mended, minded needed, provided, reminded, skidded admitted, attempted, collected completed, counted, dated, educated, excited, expected greeted, hated, insisted, invited, lifted, painted, posted printed rested shouted started tasted, visited, waited, wanted, wasted STANLEY APPENDIX 112 VERB + PREPOSITION (idiomatic) Cakes don't agree with me (me sientan mal) This coat will for you (esto valdra) We'll go into the matter, (consideraremos el asunto) You answer to him (explfcate) Shall I for you now? (limpiar la habitacion) The house grew on us (le cogimos carino) Appear for him in court (representale) I could with a drink, (me vendria bien) I must hand it to you (debo darte el merito) You're asking for trouble, (buscando problemas) I can't without you (no me puedo pasar sin) It hangs on this agreement, (depende de) You can bank on my help, (puedes confiar) Bills are eating into my savings, It headed for the port, (me estan arruinando) (se dirigio a) I didn't bargain for this, (no me esperaba esto) He entered for an exam, (se presento a) I won't hear of (no lo considerare) Please bear with me (ten paciencia) She's fallen for him (se enamorado de el) Help yourself to some cake, (sfrvete) I have broken with her (he terminado ella) I won't fall for that trick, (no caere en esa trampa) I hit on this idea, (se me ocurrio) Burst into the room, (irrumpiren) She fell on the food, (se lanzo sobre la comida) She burst into tears, (estallo en lagrimas) He finished with her (termino ella) We must hold on to our agreement, (debemos atenernos) Call for me at five, (ven a buscarme) He flew into a rage, (se puso como una fiera) I can call on you (puedo visitarte) I gather from him that (adivino que) I came across this manuscript, (me encontre) Gather around me (reunirse a mi alrededor) They came at me with knives, (se echaron encima) Stop getting at me (deja de meterte conmigo) You can't keep a secret from him (no le ocultes) Where did she come by this? (i,d6ndeencontr6?) She got into trouble, (se metio en Ifos) She keeps him in money, (le proporciona) She came into a lot of money, (heredo) He's got over his illness, (se repuesto de) I'm keeping off tobacco, (me mantengo sin fumar) What came over you? (

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2019, 09:22

