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Tiêu đề Developing Community Tourism Economics In Lao Cai Province
Trường học Lao Cai University
Chuyên ngành Political Economy
Thể loại Luận án
Thành phố Lao Cai
Định dạng
Số trang 25
Dung lượng 200 KB

Nội dung

In addition to respectable achievements,development of community tourism economics in Lao Cai provincethere are still limitations that need to be overcome such as: The scale of the commu

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1 Reasons for choosing thesis topic

Today, the tourism economy has become one of the economicsectors that plays an important role in increasingly contributing to theeconomic growth and development of localities, countries, regions andthe world Vietnam's favorable geographical location, climate, andnatural conditions allow promoting its potential and strengths todevelop the tourism economy The 13th Party Congress determined:

“Linking cultural development with tourism development, makingtourism a key economic sector”

Lao Cai is a border mountainous province, located between theNortheast and Northwest regions of Vietnam, with natural potentials fortourism development; From Lao Cai, tourists can go to China, go deepinto Vietnam and go to ASEAN countries Lao Cai has many interestingnatural landscapes, especially Sa Pa tourism area, along with the richcultural traditions of 25 diverse and attractive ethnic groups, which arefavorable for the development of tourism economy in general and thecommunity tourism economy in particular Resolution of the Lao CaiProvincial Party Congress for the 2020 - 2025 term determines:

“Developing tourism and services, focusing on tourism areas of Sa Patown, Lao Cai city, Bac Ha, Y Ty; community tourism and uniquetourism products” This is one of two breakthrough areas proposed inthe province's socio-economic development

Recently, Lao Cai province has proposed many policies andmeasures to develop the economy in general and the communitytourism economics in particular and has achieved many significantachievements Community tourism economics contributes topromoting economic growth; Contribution to the Province's GRDP isincreasing; improve people's lives; exploit more effectively localnatural resources, labor, and culture; Protecting ecologicalenvironmental resources, preserving and promoting unique localculture and traditions In addition to respectable achievements,development of community tourism economics in Lao Cai provincethere are still limitations that need to be overcome such as: The scale

of the community tourism economics in the province is notcommensurate with the potential; The quality of the communitytourism economics still has many aspects that do not fully meet thecriteria set by the state; The contribution of the community tourismeconomics to the socio-economic development of the province is notcommensurate with the current potential

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To overcome the foresaid limitations, promoting the comparativeadvantages, potentials and strengths of Lao Cai province in thecommunity tourism economics, making the community tourismeconomics of Lao Cai province develop quickly, effectively andsustainably, that requires specific research both theoretically andpractically Based on the above reasons, the PhD student selects the

topic: “Developing community tourism economics in Lao Cai province”

as a doctoral thesis in economics, majoring in political economy

2 Research purpose and tasks

Research purposes

Clarifying theoretical and practical issues about communitytourism economics and community tourism economics development;Proposing perspectives and solutions for economic development ofcommunity tourism in Lao Cai province until 2035

Research tasks

To undertake an overview of research projects abroad anddomestically related to the thesis topic; to summarize the value of thescientific works reviewed and the issues the thesis focuses on

Clarifying theoretical issues about community tourism economicsand community tourism economics development, including: concepts,content, evaluation criteria and pointing out factors affecting thetourism economy communities in Lao Cai province; Researchexperience in developing community tourism economics in somelocalities in the country and draw lessons for Lao Cai province

To precisely evaluate the economic status of community tourism

in Lao Cai province according to the pre-set criteria; to point out thecauses and summarize the problems that need to be solved from thecurrent economic situation of community tourism in Lao Cai province

To propose perspectives and solutions for development ofcommunity tourism economics in Lao Cai province until 2035

3 Subject and scope of the research

Research subjects: Community tourism economics at the

provincial level

Research scope

Regarding the content: The thesis studies the economics of

community tourism from the perspective of a form of tourismeconomics, focusing on clarifying the quantity (recognized communitytourism destinations and tours to visit; households and businessesparticipating in the community tourism economics; accommodationfacilities at community tourism destinations; tourists coming to

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3community tourism destinations); quality (community tourism products,accommodation facilities, shopping services, food services);Contribution of community tourism economics to socio-economicdevelopment in Lao Cai province (contributing to the province's GRDP;creating jobs, increasing income, contributing to hunger eradication andpoverty reduction; ensuring preservation and promotion of localtraditional cultural values).

Regarding the areas: Research in Lao Cai province, focusing on

Sa Pa town, Bat Xat, Bac Ha and Bao Yen districts These are localitieswith 13 community tourism destinations recognized by the province

Regarding time: Assessment survey data focuses mainly from

2019 to 2023; Proposing perspectives and solutions until 2035

4 Theoretical, political, legal and practical foundations

Theoretical foundation: The thesis research is grounded on the

theoretical basis of Marxism - Leninism; Ho Chi Minh's ideology;Economic theories on tourism development and tourism economics

Political and legal foundation: The thesis is grounded on the

guidelines, views and policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam ontourism, economic development of tourism and community tourism;Legal documents, decrees, decisions, circulars of the State of theSocialist Republic of Vietnam on tourism, tourism economy, tourismeconomic development, community tourism economics

Practical foundation: The research thesis is grounded on

research results of agencies, organizations and individuals on tourismeconomics and community tourism economics at home and abroad;Refer to and use resolutions, summary reports and statistics ofdepartments and relevant agencies of some localities in the country,especially Lao Cai province

5 Research methods

To build the thesis, graduate students use a combination of mainresearch methods such as: Materialist dialectical method; scientific

abstraction method; methods of analysis and synthesis; direction statistical

and comparative methods; Logical method combined with history

6 New contributions of the thesis

The thesis develops concepts and criteria for economic evaluation

of community tourism in Lao Cai province; Pointing out issues thatneed to be resolved from the current economic situation of communitytourism in Lao Cai province Propose solutions to develop communitytourism economics in Lao Cai province by 2035 that are systematic andfeasible, close to the reality of Lao Cai province

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7 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis

Regarding the theory

The thesis contributes to deepening and enriching a number oftheoretical and practical issues in the economics of community tourismeconomics at the provincial level

Regarding the practice

The thesis contributes to providing more scientific basis for theParty Committee, authorities of Lao Cai province and localities withsimilar natural and social conditions to refer to and provide solutions forthe economic development of community tourism in Vietnam local.The thesis can be used as a reference in researching and teaching relatedcontent at schools and training facilities inside and outside the military

8 Structure of the thesis

The thesis structure includes: Introduction, 4 chapters (9sections); conclusion; list of author's published scientific works related

to the thesis topic; list of references and appendices

Chapter 1 OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH RELATED TO THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Research projects abroad and domestically related to the thesis topic

1.1.1 Research projects abroad related to the thesis topic The research project on tourism, tourism economics Charlotte Sullivan (2016), Leisure and Tourism Economics (Giải trí

và Kinh tế du lịch); Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, João Romão (2018), Impact Assessment in Tourism Economics; A.K Bhatia (2019), International Tourism Management; Álvarez González, José Antonio (2019), Sustainable Tourism: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice; Stephen J Page (2019), Tourism Management; Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Wayne Dwyer (2020), Tourism Economics and Policy; Yong Chen (2021), Economics of Tourism and Hospitality: A Micro Approach; Víto João Pereira Domingues Martiho (2021), Economics of Tourism in Portugal: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; Mario Tancrede Maurice (2022), Agriculture & Tourism Economics: An anti-poverty success story; Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernández (2023), Tourism Economics. The research project on Community tourism, community tourism development

Fangfang Chen, Honggang Xu & Alan August Lew (2019),

“Livelihood resilience in tourism communities: The role of human agency”; Jarkko Saarinen (2019), “Communities and sustainable

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tourism development: Community impacts and local benefit creation tourism”; Yasuo Ohe (2020), Community-based Rural Tourism and Entrepreneurship: A Microeconomic Approach; Ilham Junaid, Marianna Sigala, Azilawati Banchit (2021), “Implementing community-based tourism (CBT): Lessons learnt and implications by involving students in a CBT project in Laelae Island, Indonesia”; Khamsavay Pasanchay, Christian Schott (2021), “Community-based tourism homestays’ capacity

to advance the Sustainable Development Goals: A holistic sustainable livelihood perspective”; Sandeep Kumar Walia (2021), The Routledge Handbook of Community Based Tourism Management - Concepts, Issues

& Implications; Yinghao Chen, Rong Chen, Jundong Hou, Muzhou Hou, Xiaoliang Xie (2021), “Research on users’ participation mechanisms in virtual tourism communities by Bayesian network”; Paula Cardozo Pesce, Selva Figueredo, Evelyn Schuster (2022), Ecotourism and community-based tourism: Homestays - Roque Pérez

1.1.2 Domestic research projects related to the thesis topic The research project on tourism, tourism economic development

Pham Ngoc Thang (2010), Tourism development associated with hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Lao Cai; Tran Huu Nam (2011), Some theoretical issues in tourism economics; Nguyen Thi My Hanh (2016), Local community participation in mountain tourism development: Case study in Sa Pa, Lao Cai; Ngo Quang Dang (2017), Information technology and tourism economic development of Thai Nguyen province in the period of international economic integration; Nguyen Thi Huong (2017), Statistical research on the combined impact

of tourism on economic growth in Vietnam; Ho Thi Minh Phuong (2019), Developing tourism economy in the Central key economic region in the context of international integration; Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet (2019), The role of the state in Vietnam's tourism development after the formation of the ASEAN economic community (AEC); Do Minh Phuong (2021), Research on the tourism service supply chain in the Red River Delta and Northeast Coast of Vietnam; Nguyen Thi Minh Tan (2021), Developing tourism economy associated with ensuring environmental security in Ninh Binh province; Nguyen Xuan Thanh

(2021), "The impact of the marathon on the development of the localtourism economy: Analysis of the successful case of the VietnamMountain Marathon (VMM) in Sa Pa"; Doan Thi Trang (2021),

Tourism economy in the southern key economic region North; Nguyen

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6Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Thanh Huyen, Le Thi Tam (2023), "Developingsustainable green tourism in Vietnam". Scientific research works on community tourism and community tourism development

Bui Thi Hai Yen, Pham Thi Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang,

Le Thi Hien Thanh, Pham Bich Thuy (2012), Community tourism;

Nguyen Bao Thoa (2015), Things to know about community tourism development; Dao Ngoc Anh (2016), Preserving and promoting H'Mong cultural heritage through community tourism in Sin Chai village, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province; Bui Cam Phuong (2018), Research on tourism based on the Tay community in the area along Tuyen Quang hydroelectric lake, Tuyen Quang province; Vu Huong Giang (2019), Research on social enterprise development in the field of community tourism in Vietnam; Dang Trung Kien (2020), Research on some factors affecting the development of community tourism in the Northwest subregion; Nguyen Thanh Loan (2020), Developing community tourism in Vietnam Male; Nguyen Thi Thuc (2020), Community tourism in Ba Thuoc district, Thanh Hoa province: Case study of Doc village, Co Lung commune and Tom village, Ban commune Labour; La Thi Bich Quang (2021), Developing sustainable community tourism from a theoretical perspective of stakeholders: Case study in the Northwest region of Vietnam; Nguyen Thi Hong Van (2021), Developing community tourism associated with preserving and promoting ethnic culture in the Hoa Binh lake area; Truong Thi Cam

Anh (2022), "Developing community tourism: Case study in highlandcommunes of Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province"; Tran Thu Phuong

(2022), State management of community tourism development in some provinces in the Northwest region, Vietnam Male; Cao Thi Thanh Phuong (2023), Developing community tourism in the Non Nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark area.

1.2 The value of the scientific works reviewed and the issues

to be focused on in the thesis

1.2.1 The value of scientific works has been summarized for the thesis topic

Firstly, on economic theory of tourism, community tourism and community tourism development

Some of the reviewed works have researched different aspects oftourism economics, community tourism, community tourismdevelopment and presented concepts on the above issue In terms oftheory, the works also research, approach, and explain tourism

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7economics, community tourism, and community tourism developmentunder conditions in different countries and localities In general, theresearch approach of these works clearly points out and emphasizes therole and relationship of the tourism economy with other sectors andfields of the economy.

Secondly, as regards the current status of community tourism and economic development of community tourism

Research projects at each time, topic, scale, and researchapproach are different, reflecting and evaluating the current situation ofcommunity tourism and community tourism development

Regarding the macroeconomic aspect, the projects have evaluatedthe economic situation of tourism and community tourismcomprehensively on all aspects in terms of scale, structure, andachieved socio-economic efficiency, thereby pointing out theadvantages, limitations, and causes of limitations from different angles.Most of the evaluation criteria of the projects are expressed specifically

as the number of localities in the province with community tourismactivities; scale and number of tours on community tourism routes;scale and number of companies participating in community tourism;number of customers using community tourism services and products;quantity of socio-economic infrastructure serving community tourism,scale of investment capital and labor.  For the micro level, the projectshave evaluated the economic status of tourism and community tourism

in the form of cultural tourism, spiritual tourism, ecotourism

These projects study both quantity and quality of tourismeconomics, community tourism from the perspective of economics,sociology, psychology, and management at both micro and macro levelshas provided arguments, evidence, and lessons learned about economicdevelopment Community tourism economics from different angles andaspects, helping graduate students have an overview of the current state

of tourism economic development and community tourism economics

in Vietnam However, from a political economic perspective, littlemention is made of mechanism and policy issues; Resolving issues ofinterest between subjects in community tourism economic relations This is a premise to help graduate students research and interpretcommunity tourism economics development issues in Lao Cai provincecomprehensively from the perspective of political economy withoutoverlapping with the works mentioned above

Based on the research on methods to evaluate the current situation

of tourism economy, community tourism and community tourism

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8development of the above works, it helps graduate students have morebasis and methods to evaluate tourism economy, community tourism inLao Cai province from the perspectives of scale, quality, and socio-economic efficiency, from which to find the advantages, limitations,causes, and draw out contradictions in developing community tourismeconomy, proposing perspectives, solutions for economic development

of community tourism, overcoming those conflicts

Thirdly, solutions to develop community tourism and community tourism economics

From different approaches and methods, the projects haveproposed many important solutions to promote tourism development,tourism economic development and community tourism development.Solutions mentioned by the projects include: completing guidelines andpolicies on community tourism; raising awareness of the responsibilities

of subjects participating in community tourism activities, strengtheningpropaganda and promotion; restoring, promoting and developing folkart forms and traditional crafts; improving the quality of humanresources; investing in infrastructure construction; expand exchangesand cooperation in tourism; effectively carrying out local socio-economic programs; promoting the strength of forces participating incommunity tourism

1.2.2 Research issues to be focused on in the Thesis

From the main generalizations about the value of the scientificworks reviewed for the above thesis topic, within the research scope ofthe thesis, the author identifies the following thesis research issues:

Fisrt, what is the community tourism economics in Lao Cai

province? To evaluate the community tourism economics in Lao Caiprovince, what criteria must be based on? What factors affect thecommunity tourism economics in Lao Cai province? What iscommunity tourism economics development in Lao Cai province? Todevelop the community tourism economics in Lao Cai province, whatlocal experiences do we need to learn from?

To answer the above question, graduate students researchedrelated documents to clarify general theoretical issues tourismeconomics, based on the inheritance of published scientific works, theauthor built economic concept of community tourism and economicdevelopment of community tourism in Lao Cai province from apolitical economic perspective From this, the PhD student must clarifythe connotation of the concept, point out specific criteria as a basis forsurveying and evaluating the current economic status of community

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9tourism in Lao Cai province Based on the content of scale, quantity,quality, and contribution to the socio-economic development of theProvince Besides, the author has analyzed and clarified factorsaffecting the community tourism economics in Lao Cai provincerecently Through studying economic development experiencecommunity tourism in some localities in the country, there areoutstanding results or conditions similar to Lao Cai province such as HaGiang, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces; From there, lessons can bedrawn that Lao Cai can refer to.

Second, What is the status of community tourism economics in

Lao Cai province in recent times? What are the advantages anddisadvantages? What is the cause of those advantages and limitations?From the current situation of community tourism economics in Lao Caiprovince, what issues need to be resolved?

To answer the above questions, the PhD student surveyed andevaluated the current status of community tourism economicsdevelopment in Lao Cai province from 2019 to 2023 to clarify theadvantages and limitations on the content of scale, quality, socio-economic efficiency Point out the objective and subjective causes ofthe advantages and economic limitations of community tourism in LaoCai province At the same time, the problems that need to be focused onsolving were clearly pointed out from the current situation ofcommunity tourism economics in Lao Cai province

Third, To develop community tourism economics in Lao Cai

province by 2035, what perspectives and solutions need to be wellimplemented?

To solve this problem, based on the research results of the entirethesis, especially from the situation of community tourism economics inLao Cai province and the issues that need to be resolved from thecurrent situation of community tourism economics in Lao Cai province,the PhD student proposed a system of perspectives and solutions thatclosely relate to Lao Cai until 2035

Conclusion of chapter 1

The overview of typical scientific works shows that the workshave quite comprehensively addressed general theoretical issues abouttourism economics, community tourism and community tourismdevelopment such as the concept and role of tourism, content, criteria,influential factors The value of general scientific works is thatscientific knowledge can be properly inherited to clarify issues such as:building concepts tools and central concepts of the topic; determiningthe content, evaluation criteria, and factors affecting the community

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10tourism economics in Lao Cai province Those are also scientificsuggestions for proposing perspectives and solutions for development

of community tourism economics in Lao Cai province until 2035.However, up to now there has been no work that directly researches thethesis, explaining systematically and comprehensively from a politicaleconomic perspective on the development of community tourismeconomics in the provincial area, directly Lao Cai province Therefore,the issue of “Economic development of community tourism in Lao Caiprovince” is a research project that does not overlap with publishedscientific works The research results published above are the basis forgraduate students to inherit and interpret theoretical and practical issuesand propose perspectives and solutions for development of communitytourism economics in Lao Cai province


EXPERIENCES 2.1 Some general issues about community tourism economics

2.1.1 Concept of tourism economics and community tourism economics Economic concept of tourism

Based on the inheritance and development of different concepts of

tourism economics, the author believes that: Tourism economics is an economic category that reflects the complexity of both quantity and quality of activities and economic relationships between subjects in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of tourism products calendar associated with certain economic models, conditions, and socio- economic environments. Concepts and types of community tourism

* The concept of community tourism

Based on the inheritance and development of different concepts

of community tourism, the author believes that: Community tourism is a type of tourism in which the local community is the main subject in organizing, managing, and benefiting from exploiting the values of natural, cultural, and traditional conditions to meet the needs of tourists and brings practical economic benefits for local socio- economic development.

* Classification of community tourism in Vietnam

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Currently, based on the purpose of the trip, there are several main types as follows: One is, sightseeing tours; Second, ecotourism; Third, cultural tourism; Four, rural tourism; Five is, culinary tourism.

2.1.2 Concept, characteristics and role of community tourism economics Economic concept of community tourism

Based on the inheritance and development of different concepts,

the author believes that: Community tourism economy is an economic category, reflecting the complexity of both quantity and quality of activities and economic relationships between subjects in the production, exchange, distribution and consumption of tourism products Community tourism products aim to satisfy the needs of tourists and bring economic and social benefits to localities and participating parties. Economic characteristics of community tourism

First, the community tourism economics is mainly organized, managed and exploited by local people under local management; Second,

the community tourism economics is developed based on cultural values

and indigenous natural resources; Third, benefits from the community

tourism economics are maximally directed to local people

* The role of community tourism economics

First, community tourism economics contributes to creating more

jobs, increasing income for people, promoting economic development

and transforming the local economic structure; Second, community

tourism economics contributes to preserving and promoting indigenous

cultural values; Third, community tourism economics contributes to

protecting natural tourism resources and the local ecological

environment; Fourth, contributing to building the defense area of

all-people national defense and solid all-people's security to protect nationalsovereignty and security

2.2 Concepts, evaluation criteria and factors affecting the community tourism economics in Lao Cai province

2.2.1 Economic concept of community tourism in Lao Cai province

On the basis of inheriting and developing different concepts, the

author conceives: Community tourism economy in Lao Cai province is

an economic category, reflecting the complexity of both quantity and quality of activities and economic relationships between subjects in production, exchange, distributing and consuming community tourism

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Second, the community tourism economics in Lao Cai province

reflects the economic relationships between people in carrying outactivities of buying, selling, supplying and consuming communitytourism products and services in the area

Third, residential communities participate in organizing,

managing, exploiting and providing tourism products with cultural andtraditional values of the community to tourists

Fourth, community tourism economics is an economic activity

based mainly on the exploitation of local resources (human, material andfinancial resources), so it has been making an important contribution to thesocio-economic development of the locality and country

2.2.2 Criteria for economic evaluation of community tourism in Lao Cai province Criteria for quantitative assessment of community tourism economy in Lao Cai province

First, the number of community tourism destinations is

represented by recognized community tourism destinations licensed to

welcome tourists; second, the number of economic organizations

participating in community tourism economics activities in the area;

Third, number and scale of accommodation establishments at community tourism destinations in the province; Fourth, the number of

tourists that comes to community tourism destinations in the province Criteria for evaluating the quality of community tourism economy in Lao Cai province

First, quality of tourism products at community tourism destinations; Second, quality of accommodation services; Third, food service quality; Fourth, shopping service quality. Evaluation criteria for the contribution of the community tourism economy to the socio-economic development of Lao Cai province

First, it is the contribution of community tourism economics to

the GRDP of Lao Cai province of all community tourism destinations at

each given time; Second, it is the contribution of community tourism

economics in increasing income, creating more jobs for local people,

and eliminating hunger and poverty; Third, it is the community tourism

economics that contributes to preserving and promoting cultural values

Ngày đăng: 14/01/2025, 05:00



