Xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí MinhXây dựng văn hóa nhà trường theo tiếp cận tổ chức biết học hỏi ở Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh
At Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
Code: 914 01 14
HANOI - 2024
Trang 2Project completed at:
Hanoi National University of Education
Scientific supervisor: 1 Prof Dr NGUYEN THI MY LOC
2 Assoc.Prof.Dr VU THI MAI HUONG
Objection 1: Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Thi Tinh
University of Education – Thai Nguyen University
Objection 2: Assoc.Prof.Dr Pham Thi Thanh Hai
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Objection 3: Assoc.Prof.Dr Bui Minh Duc
Hanoi National University of Education 2
The thesis will be defended before the School-level Thesis Evaluation Council.
Meeting at Hanoi Pedagogical University
At …… o'clock ……, on …… day …… month …… year 202…
Thesis can be found at:
- National Library and
- Hanoi National University of Education Library
Trang 31 Reason for choosing the topic
School is a specialized institution of society, where educational activities takeplace, spreading cultural beauty in the most standard and systematic way Schoolculture (C) creates a stable management environment, helping to inspire, promote anddevelop good qualities in the field of education C will help the school truly become acultural and educational center, a place to concentrate intellectual strength andcompassion in society, contributing to creating comprehensive educational products.Therefore, building C plays a great role in enhancing the quality of management andeducation at school
In the context of a learning society and the digital age, the role of culture and arts
is becoming increasingly important, especially for the Ho Chi Minh National Academy
of Politics (HVCTQG), the leading theoretical training institution in Vietnam, which isconsidered a special "school" of our Party and State One of the development orientations ofthe Academy is to make an important contribution to the work of Party building and culturewithin the Party, especially the leadership culture and the Party's governing culture in theperiod of innovation and international integration Therefore, the school culture of the HoChi Minh National Academy of Politics has both common features and uniquecharacteristics of "Party School Culture" (VHTĐ)
In recent years, the National Academy of Political Science, as a national centerfor training and fostering mid-level and senior leaders and managers, political theoryscientists of the Party, the State and socio-political organizations, has focused oninnovating the content and training programs, gradually building a system of textbooks
to meet the increasingly high demands of leaders and managers at all levels The staff inthe Academy system is mainly intellectuals, having a great influence on the trainingand fostering of leaders and managers nationwide, and their ethics and professionalstyle not only have a direct impact but also spread to generations of students
However, from the perspective of culture and arts, the National Academy of FineArts still shows signs of limitations and inadequacies in the value system in culture,requiring fundamental and comprehensive innovation With the mission of training andfostering leaders and managers at all levels for the Party and the State, the regulations
on training programs and methods here always strictly adhere to the establishedstandards and frameworks Although this is necessary to maintain systematicity, itsometimes makes the organization's learning inflexible, discouraging initiative andcreativity More worryingly, the learning goal of a part of the students at the Academy
is not to develop knowledge and develop themselves, but mainly has the mentality of
"studying to get a degree", or to achieve the goal of career advancement This is a majorchallenge to the Academy's mission of not only providing professional training but alsonurturing learners' outLOk on life and world, while society increasingly places higherdemands on leadership and management capacity and the ability to adapt to rapidchanges in the world
Directive No 40-CT/TW dated June 15, 2004 of the Central Party Secretariatalso emphasized: “A positive and healthy school culture will help theimplementation of the school's educational goals to be of high quality andeffective and the school will have more sustainable development It will create an
Trang 4atmosphere of trust, encourage cadres, lecturers to pay attention to the quality andeffectiveness of teaching, learning, and work, promote cooperative relationships,share experiences, and learn from each other At the same time, it will create afriendly environment, a valuable learning environment where learners benefit themost”.
However, to do this, a new approach is needed, in line with the developmenttrend of modern education and especially to meet the requirements of the trainingenvironment for new leaders and managers of the Academy in the new context Fromthe perspective of Peter Senge's "Learning Organization" theory, an active learningenvironment will help the school promote strong cultural values such as: collectivecooperation, individual autonomy, systematic hierarchy and orientation of individualdecisions and behaviors Applying this theory to building a culture of learning at theNational Academy of Politics will contribute to promoting continuous improvement,thereby improving the quality of training and leadership capacity of staff and students
Based on the above reasons, the author chose the topic "Building school culture
according to the learning organization approach at Ho Chi Minh National Academy
of Politics" as the topic of his thesis research.
2 Research purpose
The thesis studies theoretical and practical issues of building school culturebased on the theoretical approach of "Learning Organization"; surveys the currentstatus of building school culture at the Academy according to the LO approach, therebyproposing appropriate management solutions to build and develop school culture at theAcademy to become a LO, contributing to improving the quality of training, fostering,and scientific research at the Academy, effectively promoting the role and mission ofthe Academy in the current period
More specifically, the thesis will aim at the following research objectives:
1 Survey and evaluate the current status of school culture at Ho Chi MinhNational Academy of Politics, pointing out the strengths, limitations and challenges inbuilding a suitable school culture
2 Research and apply the theory of "Learning Organization" to analyze andpropose appropriate solutions and management mechanisms to build a culturalenvironment of learning, sharing knowledge and sustainably developing schoolculture
3 Make recommendations for implementing management solutions to promotestrong cultural values such as collective cooperation, autonomy, and systematicdecentralization to improve the quality of leadership training and fulfill the Academy'smission
3 Research object and subject
3.1 Research object: Building school culture according to the LO approach 3.2 Research object: Building a culture and art according to the LO approach at
the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
4 Scope of research
4.1 Limitations on survey area
Research topic, survey the current status, manifestation of school cultureaccording to the LO approach in the system of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of
Trang 5Politics Including: Central Academy, Regional Academy of Politics I, RegionalAcademy of Politics II, Regional Academy of Politics III, Regional Academy ofPolitics IV.
4.2 Limitations on survey subjects
The topic is conducted on the management subjects of the Academy (PartyCommittee, Board of Directors, leaders of affiliated Academies, Departments, Institutes),staff - lecturers, students studying the Advanced program of political theory of the
- What criteria has the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics achieved andmet the standards for building a school culture according to the standards andapproaches to learning organizations? Which criteria are limitations and need moreattention? What are the favorable and difficult factors for building the Academy cultureaccording to the LO approach?
- Have the current management mechanisms and policies of the Academy reallycreated conditions for building a culture of art according to the learning organizationapproach? What are the existing problems?
- What management solutions are needed to build a school culture following theapproach of a successful learning organization at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy
of Politics?
5.2 Scientific hypothesis
The study hypothesizes that the process of assessing the current status of cultureand arts at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics shows that the awareness ofleaders, managers, lecturers and students about culture and arts according to the LOmodel is still limited, the current policy mechanism and management methods do notreally encourage learning and sharing of knowledge, are still hierarchical, lackinteraction and cooperation between subjects, and the training quality does not fullymeet the requirements of society for the team of leaders and senior managers, thenapplying the LO model will solve the above problems Specifically, this applicationwill help raise awareness of subjects, create motivation and consensus in building aculture of learning and sharing knowledge; contribute to creating a more dynamic, openand democratic academic environment, promote a culture of sharing and cooperationamong members, encourage creativity and innovation in training and researchactivities At the same time, it will improve the quality of training through innovation inteaching and learning methods, enhance the ability to adapt to environmental changes,improve the overall performance of the Academy, thereby better meeting the society'srequirements for high-quality human resources
6 Research tasks
- Research on theoretical basis of building school culture according to LOapproach at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
Trang 6- Survey and evaluate the current status of building school culture according tothe LO approach in the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics system.
- Proposing solutions to build school culture according to the LO approach in the
Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics system
- Testing 01 Solution to build school culture according to the LO approach at the
Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics system
7 Methodology and research methods
7.1 Methodology
The topic is researched based on the following approaches:
- Approach to organizational culture: research topic on learning organizationtheory based on organizational culture approach
- Approaching historical values: Organizational culture at Ho Chi Minh NationalAcademy of Politics is currently considered based on the process of formation,development, and specific historical context affecting the activities of the Academy.Therefore, when implementing the theory of organizational culture and learningorganization, the topic will study and evaluate the process of managing change,movement and development approaches in the organizational culture of the Academy
- Systemic approach: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics is a systematicorganization, working according to the principle of unity, therefore, a systemicapproach is used to point out the components, relationships between stakeholders,assess the environment of each unit in the system, the entire system, or the impact fromthe external environment (domestic and international)
Approaching the management function: The activity of building the organizationalculture of the management entity (the Academy's Board of Directors) is carried outthrough the basic functions of management (planning, organizing, directing, checking andevaluating) In the research of the topic, the matrix connecting the elements oforganizational culture with the management functions is used to build the organizationalculture in the Academy system
7.2 Research methods
* Theoretical research methods
- Analyze, synthesize, and generalize theoretical issues in scientific researchworks related to the topic
- Party documents, state laws, directives of the Politburo, the Secretariat, theeducation sector, books, newspapers, magazines related to the theoretical issue of building
a socialist-oriented market economy to serve as a theoretical basis for the topic
* Practical research methods
- Questionnaire survey method: Based on the studied theories, the author built a
questionnaire and used questionnaire survey forms for the target groups: cadres, leadersand managers of the Academy; civil servants, public employees, workers; students toassess the current status of manifestations of LO and the current status of solutions tobuild a culture of art according to the LO approach
- Interview method: Conduct in-depth interviews with leaders at all levels in the
Academy: former leaders of the Academy; current leaders; leaders of functionaldepartments and specialized institutes; civil servants to provide an overall picture of thecurrent situation of LO in each interrelationship between managers - civil servants -
Trang 7students Conduct interviews with experts in the field of educational management,cultural and organizational research.
- Research method of activity products: The author will collect summary reports,
directive speeches of Party and State leaders related to the Academy, which are the bases forthe activities of the Academy's leaders
* Expert method: To demonstrate the rationality and feasibility of the proposed
solutions, the author organized seminars to solicit expert opinions on the solutions andtested a few solutions within the framework and time constraints allowed
* Mathematical statistical method: Using data processing software (SPSS) and
statistical methods to process data collected from survey forms and actual tests
8 New contributions of the thesis
8.1 Theoretical significance
- Based on the theoretical approach to organizational culture and school culture,the topic builds a theoretical framework on cultural and artistic culture according to thelearning organization approach for the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics,determining the content and model of a learning organization in the Academy
At the Academy of Politics
1.1.1 Studies on school culture
Van Maanen and Schein define organizational culture as the measurablebehavioral principles in human interactions Meanwhile, some authors argue thatorganizational culture is the core values in an organization, Deal & Kennedy, 1982;others express a consistent perception in an organization Robbins, 1998
According to Schein (1989), culture is a consistent system of basic assumptionsand values that helps identify one group or organization from another and determinesits choices
Trang 8There are many documents studying school culture School culture has becomeone of the biggest issues for researchers in the field of education for several reasons:First, school culture is related to the honor and success of students (Purkey SC, 1990).Second, school culture is considered the reason to distinguish good schools from badschools (Higgins-D 'Alessandro & Sadh, 1998) Finally, school culture is dominated byteachers and school administrators (Purkey SC, 1990) In the article "Organizationalculture and school culture in educational management" by Dang Thanh Hung Thearticle "Organizational culture of Hanoi National University in the context ofinnovation and integration" by Nguyen Viet Loc (2009) Textbook "Organizationalculture - application to school culture analysis" (2017), Article "Some theoretical issues
on the development of cultural and artistic culture" by the group of authors Nguyen NgocPhuong and Do Dinh Thai (2018)
1.1.2 Studies on learning organizations in schools
The term “Learning organization” (LO) has been known since the 80s of the 21stcentury The theory of LO has not yet had a common concept This concept is still beingresearched and developed Some authors include: Chris Argyris (1978); Donald Schön;David A Garvin; Margaret Wheatley (1993): Margaret Wheatley… And especiallywhen mentioning LO, it is impossible not to mention Peter Senge - one of the leadingresearchers on LO and author of the famous book “The Fifth Discipline”
There are many different LO models proposed by researchers based on thecharacteristics of the organization LO is an organization that facilitates learningactivities of its members Studies by Pedler, Burgoyne and Boy (1991); Grill andcolleagues point out 4 basic characteristics of LO, Nguyen Thi My Loc, Nguyen VuBich Hien; Huber (1991); Slater and Narver (1995); Marquardt (1996) or Philips(2003) all describe different characteristics of LO as continuously transforming tobetter manage knowledge, empower people, use technology and expand learning tobetter adapt and to succeed in a changing environment
1.1.3 Studies on building school culture according to the learning organization approach
The term “Learning organization” (LO) has been known since the 80s of the 21stcentury The theory of LO has not yet had a common concept This concept is still beingresearched and developed Authors such as: Chris Argyris (1978) studied the concept
of “automatic learning” and how organizations can encourage learning from mistakesand failures; Donald Schön studied the work of leaders and managers in organizations;David A Garvin proposed the model of “Three Types of Organizational Learning”including learning through knowledge, learning through experience and learningthrough system change; Margaret Wheatley (1993): Margaret Wheatley has writtenmany books on LO and management based on the principles of self-organization andinteraction in organizations And especially when mentioning LO, it is impossible not
to mention Peter Senge - one of the leading researchers on LO and author of the famousbook "The Fifth Discipline"
In Vietnam, There are also many authors who have researched on building
learning organizations in schools such as: Authors Pham Thi Thu Hoa and Chu ThiHong Yen (2015) in the article "Building a pedagogical collective into a learningorganization at Dong Hoi Secondary School, Dong Anh, Hanoi"; Authors Nguyen Thi
Trang 9Minh Nguyet and Pham Ngoc Long (2017) have researched on "Building a learningorganization assessment scale in schools" Author Nguyen Thi My Loc considered
"School as a learning organization" where everyone always has the opportunity to learnand takes control of their own learning; knowledge and experience are widely shared inthe school; the activities of each teacher or student are widely shared in the school; theactivities of each teacher and student are connected and unified with the activities of theschool; new ideas are encouraged and creativity is nurtured
1.1.4 General overview of researched works and issues to be researched in the thesis Overview of published works related to the thesis topic
In recent years, the Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politicshas issued Decision No 2616/QD-HVCTQG dated October 10, 2007, regulating theimplementation of office culture at the Academy Or Decision No 5029/QD-HVCTQGdated October 25, 2017 on promulgating the Regulations on cultural behavior of the HoChi Minh National Academy of Politics and political schools of provinces andcentrally-run cities This is an important basis for VHTĐ in both theory and practice
A number of scientific topics, seminars, and articles are interested in this topic Overview of research results of published works related to the thesis topic
The above mentioned international and domestic published studies areconceived in many different directions and perspectives, but the research results arevery useful and necessary for the thesis research Thesis issues that need to be further resolved
From the overview of the above research issues, the author finds that, becausethe research object, objectives and scope of each project and each topic are different,building organizational culture is also a long-term strategic orientation and also a keygoal that each organization in general and the Ho Chi Minh National Academy ofPolitics (HCMA) in particular need to aim for on the path of sustainable developmentand affirming its brand
1.2.1 School culture Concept of School Culture
School culture is a system of values, norms, beliefs, traditions, rituals and forms
of behavior that are formed and accumulated over time through the process of schoolmembers working together, solving problems and facing challenges School cultureshapes the thinking, emotions and behaviors of all members, creating uniquecharacteristics that distinguish the school from other organizations It includes bothphysical and spiritual aspects, from the environment, facilities to shared expectationsand beliefs A good school culture will aim for high quality education, promoteeffective teaching and learning activities, unite all members and express the school'sown identity Concept of Building School Culture
“Building school culture” is the process in which the management entityperforms management functions, through the cooperation and efforts of relevantparties, to create and form a system of values, beliefs, standards, inheriting traditions
Trang 10and working and learning styles suitable for the school environment At the same time,building a school culture is not only about creating from the beginning but also includesmaintaining, improving and adapting to changes during the implementation process toensure that the school's cultural goals are maintained sustainably, meeting theincreasingly developing requirements of the school.
1.2.2 Learning organization
A learning organization is one in which all members continually expand theircapabilities through proactive inquiry, learning and changing mental models, sharingknowledge and skills, and solving problems together It facilitates and encouragesindividual, group, and system-wide learning, with the aim of continuous change andimprovement to achieve desired outcomes, adapt to changing environments, and betterserve stakeholders
1 2.3 Building school culture according to the learning organization approach
Building a school culture according to the LO approach: is the process in whichthe management subject in the school implements policy planning and leads, influencesthe cultural levels of the school, creates an environment for members in the school topromote continuous learning, knowledge sharing, encourages creativity amongmembers to help the school become an effective LO on cultural levels, at the same timecreates values, beliefs, standards and expectations that support the learning anddevelopment of the school, creates a mutual relationship between the school cultureand the LO characteristics, helping the school adapt better to the ever-changingeducational environment
1.3.1 The Political Academy is a special school organization.
A political academy (PPA) is a specialized educational institution, usuallyestablished and managed by the state or political organizations, with the main purpose
of training, fostering and improving the qualifications of political cadres, leaders andcivil servants in the political system These academies focus on teaching politicaltheory, philosophy, and ideology of leaders, along with state management skills, policymaking and leadership In addition, political academies often play an important role inscientific research on socio-political issues and policy advice for state agencies
1.3.2 Cultural characteristics of the Political Academy
One is, The core values and long-standing traditions of HVCT have great
influence and spread
Second, the specificity in training and fostering programs and the specialization
in scientific research of the universities create unique characteristics of culture and arts
at the universities
Third , high discipline and organization.
Fourth , connect with practice and international integration.
Fifth , despite their specific nature in training, education and research, HVCTs
all encourage an open and democratic academic environment
1.3.3 Structure of school culture of the Academy of Politics
The structure of school culture at HVCTs can be considered according to a
Trang 11two-layered cultural model The tangible part represents the unique characteristics of a traininginstitution for high-level political cadres, while the intangible part reflects the core values anddeep beliefs related to revolutionary ideals and the development of the country. Visible part Invisible part
1.4.1 School culture according to the learning organization approach at the Academy of Politics
The school culture according to the LO approach at HVCT emphasizes thebuilding of a dynamic, flexible and creative learning environment, promoting thetraining of cadres with adequate qualities and capacities, open-mindedness, and highadaptability to change, while still maintaining the core values and characteristics of atraining institution for mid- and high-level cadres for the Party and State Promotingthis will help HVCT continuously improve the quality of training, better meeting theneeds of the political system in an ever-changing context
1.4.2 The purpose of building school culture according to the learning organization approach at the Academy of Politics
Firstly, according to Senge's theory of continuous learning and continuous
improvement, organizations need to create an environment and system that encouragesindividuals to continuously learn and improve themselves
Second, LO emphasizes the importance of cooperation and mutual learning
within the organization
Third, LO always encourages creativity and innovation, creating conditions for
all members of the organization to contribute new ideas and initiatives
Fourth, by enhancing commitment and responsibility when building the LO,
each individual will have a clearer understanding of their goals and roles in theorganization, thereby enhancing commitment and responsibility for work
1.4.3 Subject of building school culture according to the learning organization approach at the Academy of Politics
The subjects of building a culture and arts are mainly individuals andorganizations that have leadership, coordination and direct participation in schoolactivities Specifically, the main subjects include: Leaders of the HVCT; staff, civilservants, public employees, and workers (CB, CC, VC, NLĐ) in the school; students
1.4.4 Content of building school culture according to the learning organization approach at the Academy of Politics Building the elements in the tangible part of school culture Building the invisible elements of school culture
1.4.5 Criteria for evaluating school culture building according to the learning organization approach at the Academy of Politics
1.5.1 Party and State's guidelines, policies and strategies
Trang 121.5.2 Leadership and management factors in schools
1.5.3 Student factors
1.5.4 Human resource factors in schools
1.5.5 Existing cultural factors, long-standing traditions
1.5.6 Tangible cultural factors include facilities and technical infrastructure
At Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
2.1.1 China
Central Party School The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(National Academy of Public Administration ) is the highest body for training mid-senior leaders and outstanding young mid-level cadres nationwide of the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China The Central Party School of China hasbuilt a strong culture and art and always aims to be an effective LO This isdemonstrated by the school having a clear value orientation, focusing on trainingleaders and disseminating the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics
This creates a solid foundation for SCHOOL CULTURE, orients all activitiesand decisions, focuses on comprehensive development, combines theory and practice,creates a modern learning environment, emphasizes research and innovation, expandsinternational relations, and applies technology in learning In addition, the School notonly focuses on training students but also focuses on developing a team of lecturers andresearchers, attaches importance to scientific research, especially in the field ofpolitical theory and strategic issues; organizes international academic forums andexchanges lecturers and students, showing that the School always broadens its visionand learns from international experiences
2.1.2 Singapore
The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) is named after the latePrime Minister Lee Kuan Yew – the first Prime Minister of Singapore LKYSPP’sunique vision and geo-political context are key to creating a distinctive school culture.The constant integration of theory and practice, as well as research and teaching, is akey factor in training effective policy makers Building a strong international network,focusing on in-depth research and creating new knowledge helps the School create aninstitution that is always learning and updated with the latest trends, maintaining aleading position in the field of Public Policy in Asia These points have helped create aunique, oriented culture of a LO, meeting the requirements of training leaders and
Trang 13policy makers for the region and the world.
2.1.3 Laos
The Lao National Academy of Politics and Public Administration (NAPA) wasestablished on February 27, 1995, and is one of the agencies under the Central Party andGovernment A central-level professional agency is equivalent to the Party Committeesand Ministries of the Government The teaching method at NAPA is mainly based onone-way knowledge transfer, limiting the active and creative participation of students.Research and teaching content sometimes do not really reflect the real needs of societyand challenges in the modern context The use of technology in teaching andmanagement is limited, affecting the construction of a modern and flexible learningenvironment School culture is also affected by rigid processes, lack of space toencourage students to ask questions and experiment with new ideas Some lecturershave not been properly trained in modern teaching methods and classroommanagement skills suitable for the learning needs of the new generation
2.1.4 France
The French National Institute of Public Service (Institut National du ServicePublic - INSP) has implemented reforms to build a culture of innovative learning andcreate a LO environment , responding to the needs of modernization anddemocratization of public administration This is demonstrated by INSP's focus onexpanding opportunities for candidates from different social classes Selection andtraining are designed to reflect the representativeness and diversity of French society,creating cohesion and consensus within the organization Courses at INSP combine publicmanagement theory with practice, focusing on developing administrative capacity, policyanalysis and decision-making in complex environments In particular, INSP promotesinterdisciplinary and inter-ministerial learning methods, encouraging students to applycreative thinking to solve problems It can be seen that INSP is a testament to the effort totransform from an "elitist" organization to a learning organization, expanding diversityand promoting innovation in public management in France
2.1.5 America
The John F Kennedy School of Government (Harvard Kennedy School, HKS) isone of the world's most prestigious institutions for public administration, policyanalysis, and leadership development It continues to operate as a vital part of HarvardUniversity, educating public leaders and promoting policy solutions globally HKS is amodel for combining an academic culture with a learning organization to developleaders ready to face global challenges
2.1 6 Lessons learned in building school culture according to the learning organization approach at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
First, build vision and strategic direction.
Second, focus on developing leadership skills and strategic thinking, build
training programs that emphasize developing leadership skills and strategic thinkingfor students
Third , design an integrated training and development program that closely
combines political theory, public management, and case studies from Vietnam andregional practices
Fourth, build a diverse and international learning environment.