Quản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công anQuản lí xây dựng văn hóa nhà trường tại các học viện thuộc Bộ Công an
Trang 2Supervisors: 1 Assoc Prof, Dr NGUYEN VU BICH HIEN
2 Assoc Prof, Dr DUONG HAI HUNG
Opponent 1: Assoc Prof, Dr Tran Khanh Duc
Opponent 2: Professor Dr Nguyen Thi My Loc
Opponent 3: Assoc Prof, Dr Nguyen Thi Tinh
The dissertation will be defended at the university-level committee at
Hanoi National University of Education
at ………, day …… month …… 202…
The dissertation can be found at: National Library and Library of Hanoi National University of Education
1 Luong Tuan Anh (2024), “Cultural management activities of People's
Public Security schools in Vietnam” (Academic review of the People'sPublic Security Academy, Official Nakhod Nakhod, No 3/2024, (ISSN
2073-3305 print; ISSN 2782-3458 online)), Journal of Education, Science, Scientific Human Resources (Russian Federation), pp.266-269.
2 Luong Tuan Anh (2024), “Development of educational activities at
training institutions under the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam”(Researchers' Association of the Ministry of Public Security) Vetnam,
Social Pedagogical Organization, No 8/2024, (ISSN 2587-8328)), Journal
of Modern Pedagogical Education (Russian Federation), pp.20-24.
3 Luong Tuan Anh (2024), “Current status of cultural building activities at
MPS academiesof Vietnam” (Современное состояние
Vetnam, Socialдеятельности по формирова нию культуры а
Science and Technology, No 8/2024, (ISSN 2587-8328)), Journal of Modern Pedagogical Education (Russian Federation), pp.44-48.
4 Luong Tuan Anh (2024), “Specific features in school culture at People's
Police schools”, Journal of Scientific Research Youth, (48), pp.64-66, ISSN
5 Luong Tuan Anh (2019), “Motivating students to improve training
quality at the People's Security Academy”, Journal of Educational Equipment, (194) Part I, pp.113-115, ISSN 1859-0810.
Trang 41 The necessity of the research topic
The dissertation is conducted based on the following reasons:
School culture is an essential aspect of the identity of every university andgreatly influences the educational and living experience of students, faculties, andstaff At any stage of the school's development, building a strong school culturecontributes to creating a positive learning and working environment, encouragingcreativity and innovation, and fostering a sense of responsibility and self-discipline within the school community Therefore, the management of schoolculture construction helps ensure the sustainability and long-term development ofuniversities, enabling them to achieve strategic goals and maintain their position inthe education sector
Resolution No 33-NQ/TW on building and developing Vietnamese cultureand people to meet the requirements of sustainable national developmentemphasizes the need to build a comprehensive Vietnamese culture and people,oriented toward truth, goodness, and beauty, and imbued with a sense ofpatriotism, humanity, democracy, and scientific spirit Culture must become asolid spiritual foundation of society, serving as a crucial intrinsic strength toensure sustainable development and robustly protect the nation, aiming for aprosperous, strong, democratic, equitable, and civilized country Culture should beboth the spiritual foundation of society and the goal and driving force forsustainable national development The documents of the 12th and 13th NationalParty Congresses, as well as the 2019 Higher Education Law, also highlight thatculture forms the spiritual foundation of society and an intrinsic strength thatshapes the qualities and essence of the Vietnamese people throughout the country'shistory Education is the foundation for building an advanced Vietnamese culturerich in national identity amid the current socialist-oriented market economy andinternational integration Building a national culture must begin with specificissues, making the construction of school culture an urgent and practical solutionfor implementing the Party and state’s views on cultural development, as well asthe goals of higher education in Vietnam today
The academies under the Ministry of Public Security, as an integral part ofthe national education system, have the duty to train officers, supply high-qualityhuman resources for the public security sector, and provide training for militarysecurity, border guards, and other law enforcement forces, contributing to theconstruction and defense of the country The objective of education within thePeople’s Public Security is to produce officers and soldiers with adequate political,moral, and professional capabilities to safeguard national security and order.Managing these institutions and educational facilities within the People’s PublicSecurity not only involves administrative management but also entails building acomprehensive educational environment where school culture plays a pivotal role
in shaping the mindset and behaviors of students Therefore, managing the
Trang 5construction of school culture within the academies under the Ministry of PublicSecurity is a pressing requirement to ensure that core values of ethics, discipline,and political thought are upheld and developed, contributing to a strong,disciplined, elite, and modern public security force.
In the context of international integration and rapid societal change, theacademies under the Ministry of Public Security face numerous majorchallenges The increase in non-traditional security issues, the rapid development
of information technology, the demand for deeper international integration, andshifts in educational thinking have created urgent requirements for improvingtraining and management quality The academies must not only adapt to thesechanges but also lead the innovation process to ensure the effective fulfillment oftheir political mission, training police officers who can meet new demands Inthis context, building and managing school culture can no longer rely on oldmodels but requires comprehensive innovation Renewing culture not onlycontributes to shaping a team of officers and soldiers with solid political qualitiesand high professional competence but also helps create a modern, creativelearning environment aligned with global development trends Therefore,applying a modern management model such as PDCA for continuousimprovement and enhancing the effectiveness of school culture management is
an essential and urgent need
Research on school culture, in general, and university and academy culture,
in particular, has been conducted from various perspectives both domestically andinternationally However, no studies have yet addressed the management of schoolculture construction specifically for the academies under the Ministry of PublicSecurity To further improve the quality of school culture management at theacademies under the Ministry of Public Security and contribute to training a highlyqualified team of officers and soldiers to serve the mission of ensuring nationalsecurity and social order in Vietnam, choosing the topic “Management of BuildingSchool Culture in MPS Academies” as a research subject is necessary andsignificant, both scientifically and practically
2 Research objectives
Based on theoretical research and assessment of the current state of buildingschool culture and its management in academies under the Ministry of PublicSecurity, the dissertation proposes several solutions to manage building schoolculture effectively in such academies in the current context
3 Research tasks
3.1 Build the theoretical foundation for the management of building school
culture in academies under the Ministry of Public Security
3.2 Survey, analyze, and assess the current state of school culture and its
Trang 6management, as well as factors affecting the management of building schoolculture in academies under the Ministry of Public Security.
3.3 Propose several solutions for the management of building school culture
at MPS academiesand test one prioritized solution
4 Research subject and object
4.1 Research subject: The building of school culture in academies under
the Ministry of Public Security
4.2 Research object: The management of building of school culture in
academies under the Ministry of Public Security
5 Research scope
- Content scope: The dissertation focuses on the management of buildingschool culture at MPS academiesconsidering the organizational culture and thePDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach
- Geographic scope: The research surveys the management of building schoolculture at the following academies under the Ministry of Public Security: People’sSecurity Academy, People’s Police Academy, and People’s Public Security PoliticalAcademy
- Scope of Management Subjects: There are multiple subjects participate inthe management of bulding school culture, including Directors, Deputy Directors,and Heads of Departments, Institutes, and Centers of academies under the Ministry
of Public Security However, this research identifies Directors of academies to bethe primary management subjects and others as coordinating ones
- Scope of survey subjects: 523 subjects across the three academies areincluded in the dissertation survey, of which 168 subjects are lecturers andmanagement officers, and 355 subjects are students Subjects for in-depthinterview includes 32 individuals, ranging from former and current leaders,managers, lecturers, and students of the three academies
- Time scope: From 2019 to 2024 (the period when the MPS academiesreturned to a term-based training system)
- Experimentation: The solution is tested at one academy under the Ministry
of Public Security being the People’s Security Academy
6 Research methodology
6.1 Research approaches
The dissertation employs approaches such as organizational culture approach, PDCA approach, systems approach, interdisciplinary, practical, and participatory approach.
6.2 Research methods
* Theoretical research methods: Collect, compile, systematize, and
generalize relevant sources of materials to clarify and establish a theoreticalfoundation for the research topic
* Practical research methods: Survey; obsevation; in-depth interview;
experimentation; statistical analysis, data processing using SPSS20.0
Trang 77 Reseach question
In the new context, are values such as innovation, creativity, cooperation,sharing and integration, etc important and necessary for academies under theMinistry of Public Security, and to what extent are such values reflected in practice?
Does the application of PDCA model in management of building schoolculture in these academies promote and improve the building of an innovative andcreative culture?
8 Research hypothesis
The management of building school culture in MPS academieshas not beenuniform by a theoretical model and a scientific approache If the PDCA model isapplied to build a theoretical framework and propose a system of comprehensivemanagement solutions, it will lead to significant improvements in management ofbuilding school culture at these academies, contributing to the Public SecurityForce’s political mission
9 Primary goals
In the new social context and with the development of the Public Securitysector, cultural values such as innovation, creativity, collaboration, sharing, andintegration are not only important but essential for the sustainable development ofacademies under the Ministry of Public Security These values enable theacademies to better fulfill their political mission, ensuring they meet the trainingneeds for a professional and modern police force in an era of globalization andinternational integration
Applying the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model to the management anddevelopment of culture within the academies of the Ministry of Public Security isboth necessary and aligned with the requirements for continuous improvement.PDCA not only enhances the effectiveness of building a culture of innovation andcreativity but also ensures systematic coherence and the ability to respond swiftly
to changes in practice It simultaneously improves training quality, maintainingand developing the cultural identity of the academies within the Ministry of PublicSecurity in this new context
Developing a theoretical framework for cultural management based on thePDCA model will lead to groundbreaking reforms, helping to address currentlimitations and create a solid foundation for improving and building an innovative,creative, and in-depth school culture at the academies under the Ministry of PublicSecurity in the present phase
10 Contributions of the study
The dissertation comprehensively developed and analyzed theoretical issuesrelated to school culture, the construction of school culture, and the management
of school culture development at academies under the Ministry of Public Security,based on two primary approaches: combining organizational culture and thePDCA model It clarifies the content and factors influencing the management ofschool culture development in academies under the Ministry of Public Security.The research results of the dissertation will contribute to supplementing
Trang 8fundamental theoretical issues regarding the management of school culturedevelopment in higher education institutions in Vietnam today.
The dissertation also clarified the current state of school culture, as well asthe state of school culture construction and management at academies under theMinistry of Public Security It assesses and identifies the current impact level ofsubjective and objective factors on the management of these activities
Based on theoretical and practical research results, the dissertation proposessix urgent and highly feasible solutions that can be applied in managing schoolculture development at academies under the Ministry of Public Security in thecurrent phase
The dissertation can serve as a reference for leaders in directing theconstruction of school culture at universities and academies in general, andparticularly at academies under the Ministry of Public Security It is also avaluable reference for scientific research, teaching, and learning about schoolculture in universities and academies within the national education system
1.1.1 Research projects on organizational culture and school culture
An organization is perceived as a system with a specific structure and scale,aiming at achieving predetermined goals through organized activities The theory
of organizational culture came into study globally in the 1960s and becameprominent in the 1980s and 1990s, with significant contributions from scholarssuch as Edgar H Schein, Shwartz, and Davis In Vietnam, researchers has onlytaken interest in organizational culture since 2000 Author Nguyen Van Tham, inhis book “Organization and Managment in Offices” (2001), focused on studyingeffective methods of effective organization and managment in the officeenvironment He also emphasized the importance of establishing a scientific workprocess, clear task distribution, and systematic management Nguyen Van Tham
Trang 9also discussed the application of rules and regulations to maintain discipline andorder in office activities.
Various studies have explored organizational culture from differentperspectives However, the common point is that organizational culture helpsshape the values and characteristics of an organization, reflecting its uniquenesscompared to others via its material and spiritual life
Research on school culture worldwide has featured prominent authors such
as Terrence E Deal, Kent D Peterson, Maslowski, R., Kelly Ward, and LisaWolf-Wendel (2003) These authors emphasize that "school culture" is a crucialfactor within the educational system, significantly impacting student behavior andlearning outcomes, as well as highlighting the importance of organizational culture
in creating a positive learning environment, motivating students, and enhancingschool performance In terms of school culture structure, Edgar H Schein’s (2004)research introduced the three-level structure model However, later studies onschool culture simplified these levels into an iceberg model (two levels), as seen inthe work of Patrick J Schuermann, James W Guthrie, Colleen Hoy, Peterson,Deal, Terrence, and Frank Gonzales
In Vietnam, several scholars have also engaged in studying school culture.Phạm Minh Hạc (1994), Nguyễn Trường Lưu (1998), and Vũ Dũng (2009)explored aspects such as school culture subjects and objects, as well as thecivilized lifestyle within schools Additionally, some studies focus on specificcharacteristics from perspectives such as office culture, civil service culture, andParty culture For instance, Nguyễn Viết Lộc (2009) examined the case ofVietnam National University, Hanoi In 2016, a foundational-level research
project titled Office Culture in the Current Political-Administrative Academies of
Ho Chi Minh (present situation and solutions) was led by Lê Văn Lợi In 2017, a national-level project titled Building the Party School Culture According to Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology, Morality, and Style was conducted by Nguyễn Xuân Thắng,
Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
1.1.2 Research on Building and Managing Culture in Universities and Academies Studies on Building Culture in Universities and Academies
According to Schein (2004), school cultural values are filtered, accumulatedover time, and recognized by members of the school community Kashner (1990)emphasizes the need for a clear understanding of collaborative school culture.Authors such as Farmer, D.W., Rowley, D.J., Lujan, H.D., Dolence, M.G (1997),and Steeples, D.W identify fundamental conditions for successfully buildingschool culture Wonycott-Kytle, Angel M., and Bogotch, Ira E (1999) study keyfactors in the process of restructuring school culture Eller, John, and Sheila Eller(2009) propose strategies to improve the school environment and culture RichardHagberg and Julie Heifetz have suggested an 11-step model for buildingorganizational culture
Many domestic studies have also proposed directions and solutions for
Trang 10building and developing school culture at different levels, including:
Nguyễn Phương Hồng (1997) asserts that the purpose of building schoolculture is to cultivate students with good moral character and extensiveprofessional knowledge, identifying essential elements for establishing schoolculture
Nguyễn Viết Chức (2001) identifies the content of school culture building asfostering a healthy lifestyle for students and managing relationships betweenteachers, between teachers and students, among students, and between teachers,students, and administrative staff
Trần Ngọc Giao (2012) emphasizes the importance and role of leadership inshaping core values and experiences to build and develop university and collegeculture in both Vietnam and other countries
Research on culture in state agencies led by Huỳnh Văn Thới (2016) alsoprovides relevant insights Studies on managing the construction of culture in universities and academies
Terrence E Deal and Kent D Peterson (1999), Nadine Engels, GwendolineHotton, Geert Devos, Dave Bouckenooghe, and Antonia Aelterman (2008), aswell as Hall, Childs-Bowen, Cunningham-Morris, Pajardo, and Simeral (2016), allemphasize the role of administrators, particularly principals, in creating a positiveimpact and fostering school culture
In Vietnam, research on school culture management has highlighted the role
of school administrators Recently, a group of authors, including Nguyễn Thị MỹLộc, Nguyễn Vũ Bích Hiền, and Nguyễn Thị Minh Nguyệt (2022), focused onsummarizing fundamental theoretical issues of school culture and its management.They initially explored and outlined the main characteristics of school culture inVietnam, specifically in universities The study also provided an overview ofessential traits of modern society that directly influence schools, thus identifyingthe developmental trends of school culture in the new era
In the monograph “School Management and Leadership” (2023), authorsBùi Minh Hiền, Nguyễn Vũ Bích Hiền (chief editor), and others examined theconcepts, structure, and role of school culture, the principal's role in buildingschool culture, steps and methods for creating a positive school culture, andestablishing schools as learning organizations in the 21st century The monographoffers guidance for principals on successfully fostering school culture
1.1.3 General evaluation and issues to be addressed Overview of published studies related to the dissertation topic
Previous studies have addessed the following topics:
General studies on school culture: concepts, structure, role, characteristics,influencing factors, and components of school culture, the importance of theprincipal in shaping school culture, measures and methods for building andmanagement of building school culture
Regarding the management of building school culture in academies,including MPS academies, there is still a gap that needs to be explored and
Trang 11researched which calls for the necessity of the chosen research topic. Other issues included in the dissertation
On the basis of organizational culture theory and the PDCA Check-Act) management theory, the dissertation also clarifies the following:General issues of school culture, characteristics of school culture, school cultureconstituent elements, the content of building and management of building schoolculture in MPS academies Survey, analysis and evaluation of the current state ofschool culture, building school culture, and the management of building schoolculture in MPS academies Solutions for management of building school culture inMPS academies
(Plan-Do-1.2 SCHOOL CULTURE AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS IN MPS ACADEMIES 1.2.1 Concepts of organizational culture and school culture Organizational culture and school culture
Organizational culture is a set of values that an organization creates andaccumulates over its development process, serving as the guidelines for theorganization members in perception, thinking and action Organizational culture isrecognized, respected by all members, passed down from generation to generation,and form the organization’s unique characteristics throughout its existence anddevelopment
School culture is a set of standards, values, beliefs, and behavioral norms which reflects unique characteristics that distinguish a school form an organizationand one school from others School culture is related to the material and spirituallife of a school, including values accepted by school members A positive schoolculture aims to achieve high-quality standards School culture in universities and academies
The school culture in universities is a system of material and spiritual valuescreated by the school manager board, lecturers, students, and school staff to serve itseducational activities
The concept of school culture in academies is as follows: school culture inacademies is a system of material and spiritual values created by the schoolmanager board, lecturers and students to serve the training of students in generaland the training of management officials to meet the requirements of the civilservice system
1.2.2 The role of school culture
School culture has a positive influence on student success, teaching andlearning activities, school professional development and improvement
1.2.3 Characteristics of school culture in MPS academies
The school culture in MPS academies shares the characteristics of schoolculture in universtities in general while possessing the following uniquecharacteristics:
Firstly, the school culture in MPS academies possesses characteristics that
reflects the cooperation within an armed force
Secondly, the culture of MPS academies reflects the standard values of the
Trang 12Ministry of Public Security.
Thirdly, the culture of MPS academies is associated with both the theory and
practice of the academy’s specific training field
Fourthly, the school culture of academies under the Ministry of Public
Security has a deep-rooted political character
1.2.4 Components of School Culture in MPS Academies Models of School Culture Structure
a) Two-layer model (iceberg model) proposed by Frank Gonzales (1978) b) Three-layer model based on studies on organizational culture by Edgar
H Schein Components of School Culture in MPS Academies
* Tangible components
* Deep/intangible components
1.3.1 Concept of Building School Culture
Building school culture in MPS academies is the process of active efforts
by both the leader and school members (lecturers, school staff, and students)
to cultivate, nurture, and spread the positive tangible values (material values)and intangible values (spiritual values) This process aims to create adistinctive culture in that trains high-quality officers for to the Public SecurityForce
1.3.2 Content of Building School Culture in MPS academies This involves
building tangible cultural elements (material values) and developingintangible elements (spiritual values at a deeper level) in MPS academies
1.3.3 Steps for Building School Culture in MPS academies
1.4 MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING SCHOOL CULTURE IN MPS ACADEMIES 1.4.1 Concept of management of building school culture in MPS academies: Management, management of building school culture in MPS
1.4.3 PDCA Model Used in management of building school culture in MPS academies.
The PDCSA inclues 4 stages: P (Plan); D (Do); C (Check); A (Act)
1.4.4 Content of management of building school culture in MPS academies (according to PDCA)
The 11 steps of building school culture are implemented by 13management tasks in accordance with the stages of the Deming cycle, which
is an expansion and a detailed breakdown of each phase in the PDCA model
Trang 131.4.5 Factors affecting the management of building school culture in MPS academies
* Objective factors: Institutional and policy mechanisms; material
conditions, impacts of the market economy, the knowledge economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
* Subjective factors: Factors concerning the leader and management
board; Factors concerning lecturer and teaching staff; Factors concerning students.
Conclusion of Chapter 1
A comprehensive review of the literature reveals that organizationalculture, school culture, school culture building, and school culturemanagement have been the focus of numerous studies This demonstrates theurgency, timeliness, theoretical significance, and practical implications of theresearch problem addressed in this dissertation These studies have clarifiedvarious aspects such as the concept, structure, role, manifestations, steps forbuilding and measures for developing school culture, as well as factorsinfluencing school culture in general and university culture in particular
However, the review also shows that there has been limited researchfocusing on the management of school culture building in universities andacademies Among the studies on university culture building, none haveconducted in-depth and systematic research on school culture building inacademies under the Ministry of Public Security In particular, research on theconcept, characteristics, content, management functions of school culturebuilding, the current state and influencing factors of school culturemanagement, as well as solutions for school culture management inacademies under the Ministry of Public Security remains unexplored.Therefore, research on school culture management in academies under theMinistry of Public Security is highly necessary
Based on the approach of studying school culture management inacademies through the lens of organizational culture combined with the PDCAapproach, this dissertation has successfully built a concept, identifiedfundamental contents, and clarified influencing factors in managing schoolculture at academies under the Ministry of Public Security These factorsinclude objective factors such as institutions, mechanisms, policies, physicalfacilities, market economy, knowledge economy, and the impact of the FourthIndustrial Revolution Subjective factors include those related to themanagement subject and object
The theoretical foundation established will enable the dissertation todesign research tools, conduct surveys, analyze, evaluate the currentsituation, and propose solutions to improve school culture management inacademies under the Ministry of Public Security
The dissertation introduces the following aspect of MPS academies:history of formation and development; organizational structure; facilities andtechnology for training; training programs and teaching methods
2.2.1 Survey Objectives
To clarify the current state of school culture, school culture building,school culture management, and the influencing factors of school culturemanagement in academies under the Ministry of Public Security
2.2.2 Survey Subjects
523 subjects from People’s Security Academy, People’s Police Academyand People’s Public Security Political Academy are included in the dissertationsurvey, of which 168 subjects are lecturers and management officers working
in functional departments (collectively referred to as lecturers), and 355subjects are students Subjects for in-depth interview includes 25 individualsincluding 05 current and former leaders, 10 management officers, 05lecturers, and 05 students
2.2.3 Research Phases: Designing research tools; Pilot survey; and Official
2.2.4 Survey Methods: Questionnaire surveys; Personal in-depth
interviews; Data processing using mathematical statistics; Scoring andevaluation scales; Survey and result processing
2.3.1 Current Status of Tangible Cultural Values in MPS academies
The survey on the status of tangible culture, which includes 14 criteriaacross 3 selected academies under the Ministry of Public Security, reveals thatthe tangible cultural expressions are mostly rated at level 4, “agree” (averagescore for faculty/staff = 3.79; average score for students = 3.52) This resultconfirms that the tangible cultural values in the academies under the Ministry ofPublic Security are well expressed
2.3.2 The Status of Intangible Cultural Values in the Academies under the Ministry of Public Security
The results show that both groups surveyed (faculty/staff and students)rate the intangible cultural values in the academies under the Ministry of PublicSecurity at level 3, “neutral” (average score for faculty/staff = 3.39; averagescore for students = 3.38) This indicates that the intangible cultural values inthe academies are also relatively well expressed
2.3.3 General Assessment of the Expression of Institutional Culture in the