Pham Hong Thai 2024, Some solutions for managinginspection and evaluation of training results at military academies inthe direction of "smart schools", Vietnam Journal of Science andEducQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minhQuản lý đào tạo ở các học viện trong quân đội theo hướng nhà trường thông minh
HANOI - 2024
Trang 2Supervisors:
The dissertation was defended at
Hanoi National University of Education
At [time] on [day], [month], [year] 2024
The full dissertation can be accessed at:
The Library of Hanoi National University of Education
The National Library of Vietnam
Trang 31 Pham Hong Thai (2020), Training management measures
in the form of smart schools, Educational Equipment Magazine, No
213, February-March 2020, Hanoi
2 Pham Hong Thai (2021), Technological factors of smartschools for Vietnamese universities in the era of Fourth IndustrialRevolution, International Scientific Conference TED-2021, ISBN:978-604-80-5756-5, Da Lat
3 Pham Hong Thai (2024), Training management in militaryacademies and schools in viet nam adopting “smart schools” model
in modern context, The 19th International Confeerence on Economic and Environmental Issues In Development (ICSEED2024) at The National Economics University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 11thJune, 2024, ISBN: 978-604-79-4446-0
Socio-4 Pham Hong Thai (2024), Some solutions for managinginspection and evaluation of training results at military academies inthe direction of "smart schools", Vietnam Journal of Science andEducation, volume 20, number 10, 2024, ISSN 2615-8957
Trang 41 Rationale for selecting the dissertation topic
The concept of the “Smart School” and training aligned with thismodel are essential for addressing the current demands for humanresource development in the nation, especially in the context ofbuilding and strengthening the military The role of MilitaryAcademies in training officers for the military has become increasinglysignificant To meet the demands of building the military anddefending the country in the new era, it is essential for these academies
to transition towards the smart school model
2 Research Objective
The dissertation aims to propose solutions for trainingmanagement at Military Academies toward the smart school model,enhancing the quality of teaching and learning to meet the demands ofthe Fourth Industrial Revolution
3 Research Subject and Object
3.1 Subject: Training activities in Military Academies towardsmart schools
3.2 Object: Training management in Military Academies towardsmart schools
4 Research Hypothesis
A comprehensive transformation in education and training,grounded in digitalization and digital transformation, is an imperativenecessity for contemporary military training institutions Addressingthis need requires a robust innovation in training management withinnational universities, aligning towards the concept of "smart schools."
By employing the CIPO (Context, Input, Process, Output) model toconstruct a theoretical framework for management practices, it ispossible to systematically assess and evaluate the current managementlandscape On this foundation, proposing targeted, scientifically-grounded solutions for training management tailored to the smartschool model will foster meaningful improvements in both trainingquality and management effectiveness within today’s militaryeducation systems
5 Research Tasks
5.1 Study the theoretical basis for training management in
Trang 5Military Academies toward smart schools.
5.2 Investigate the practical basis for training management inMilitary Academies under the smart school model
5.3 Propose solutions for training management in MilitaryAcademies under the smart school model
5.4 Conduct experiments and trials to validate the necessity andfeasibility of the proposed solutions
Air Defense - Air Force Academy
Military Technical Academy
Military Medical Academy
Border Defense Academy
Academy of Military Science
6.3 Survey Scope: 500 participants, including 250 managementstaff, lecturers, and 250 students across the five academies.Additionally, 326 individuals from various military educational andmanagement positions will participate in the experiment
7.2 Research Methods
Trang 67.2.1 Theoretical Research Methods Group
Analysis, synthesis, and theoretical systematization
Comparative analysis
Hypothesis formulation and testing
7.2.2 Practical Research Methods Group
Observational techniques
Questionnaire-based surveys
Educational experience synthesis
Expert opinion gathering
Experimental and testing procedures
7.2.3 Supplementary Research Methods Group
This thesis applies mathematical statistical techniques, utilizingSPSS 20.0 software to facilitate the synthesis, analysis, and processing
of data collected
8 Main Arguments to Defend
8.1 Training management under the smart school model in MilitaryAcademies is essential for meeting educational reform demands in thecontext of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
8.2 The management of training resources and processes under thesmart school model will improve the efficiency of trainingmanagement in Military Academies
8.3 The solutions proposed in the dissertation will address currentlimitations in training management under the smart school model inMilitary Academies, producing high-quality military personnel to meetmodern defense needs
9 Contributions of the Dissertation
9.1 The dissertation contributes to clarifying theoretical andpractical aspects of training management in Military Academies underthe smart school model
9.2 The study provides an in-depth analysis of the current state oftraining management in Military Academies, identifying strengths,weaknesses, and the causes of these limitations
9.3 The proposed solutions for training management under thesmart school model are practical and feasible, fitting currenteducational reform needs
9.4 The dissertation serves as a reference for Military Academies
Trang 7implementing the Ministry of Defense's smart school initiative,assisting management in developing strategies for effective trainingmanagement.
10 Structure of the Dissertation
Besides the Introduction, Conclusion, Recommendations,Appendices, and References, the dissertation consists of three chapters:Chapter 1: Theoretical foundations of training management inMilitary Academies toward the smart school model
Chapter 2: Practical foundations of training management inMilitary Academies under the smart school model
Chapter 3: Solutions and experimentation for trainingmanagement in Military Academies under the smart school model
1.1 Overview of the Research Issue
This dissertation reviews 172 documents (119 in Vietnamese, 53
in foreign languages), divided into two main directions:
1.1.1 Studies Related to Training Activities in Universities Towards the Smart School Model International Studies
Robinson et al (2012), Sunita Mittal Agarwal (2023), MohamedLamine Berkane et al (2020), and others have made significantcontributions to the field Domestic Studies
Significant research has been done by VVOB, the VietnamInstitute of Educational Sciences, the British Council in Vietnam, andUNESCO (2012); Thai Kim Phung, Truong Viet Phuong (2016);Nguyen Van Ha (2017); Nguyen Hong Minh (2017); Duong DinhDung (2018); Tran The Vinh, Bui Anh Tuan (2018), Vu Thi Thuy
Hang (2018), Vu Xuan Hung (2018), Đao Thai Lai, Nguyen Minh Tuan (2019), Đam The Vinh (2019), Le Duc Quang (2023) among others.
1.1.2 Studies Related to the Management of Training
Trang 8Activities in Universities Towards the Smart School Model International Studies
The studies by Siavash Omidinia et al (2012), Mohammed SaniIbrahima, Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razaka, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla(2013), Jordi Mogas, Ramon Palau et al (2021), Meennapa Rukhiran
et al (2022), Aihua Zhang, Xianqiong Feng (2022), and Xiaoyan Hu(2023) are highly relevant Domestic Studies
Research within Vietnam includes works by Vu Thi Thuy Hang(2018), Nguyen Hai Hoang (2018), Nguyen Thi Hong Lam (2022),Nguyen Ngoc Trang, Nguyen Lan Phuong (2022), Nghiem XuanDung (2023), and Nguyen Quoc Tuan (2023), Nguyen Do Bich Nga
(2023), and others.
Within the military, significant contributions come from PhanTung Son (2019), Le Xuan Hung (2020), Nguyen Thanh Minh (2020),Tran Trung Kien (2020), the Ministry of National Defense (2021),Dang Trung Van (2022), and others
1.1.3 Analysis and Commentary
1.2 Basic Concepts
1.2.1 Management
Management is the conscious, organized, goal-orientedinteraction by a management entity directed towards a managementobject This process is carried out through actions such as planning,organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve predetermined goalsunder specific conditions
1.2.2 Educational Management
Educational management is the structured, goal-oriented impact by themanagement entity on the educational process It involves coordinatingeducational activities to reach educational objectives within specificenvironments and contexts
1.2.3 Training
Training is the purposeful and organized process carried out byeducational entities to systematically develop knowledge, skills, andattitudes in learners, helping them secure employment and performefficiently
1.2.4 Training Management
Trang 9Training management is the organized, goal-directed process in whichthe management entity affects the training process throughmanagement functions and tools, aiming to achieve specified trainingobjectives.
1.2.5 Training Management in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model
This concept refers to the directed and purposeful use of the smartschool model and its management tools to influence and regulatetraining processes in military academies, ensuring these processesoccur efficiently and cohesively to achieve management goals
1.3 The Smart School Model
1.3.1 Definition of a Smart School
A smart school is an educational institution focused on innovation andcreativity, transformed by digitalization It employs digitalinfrastructure to provide educational services that meet theindividualized needs of learners, unbound by physical space, ensuringlifelong learning and sustainable personal and societal development
1.3.2 Key Elements of a Smart School
A smart school consists of the following essential elements:Intelligent governance systems
Smart campus infrastructure
Smart educational programs
Intelligent pedagogical activities
Smart human resources
1.3.3 Characteristics of a Smart School
Training goals: Systematic and integrated development to meetlearner needs
Training content and curriculum: Adapted to the digitalenvironment and learning outcomes
Teachers and learners: Both groups are equipped to navigate andbenefit from smart technology integration
Training environment and conditions: A technologicallyenhanced learning space that supports flexible, personalized education
1.4 Training in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model
Trang 101.4.1 Concept of Smart School-Based Training in Military Academies
Training in military academies towards a smart school modelinvolves the application of advanced technology and smart equipmentacross all stages of the training process
1.4.2 Components of Smart School-Based Training in Military Academies
The main components include:
Training goals
Learning outcomes
Training content and programs
Teaching activities of faculty
Learning activities of students
Assessment and evaluation
Training facilities and equipment
1.4.3 Characteristics of Smart School-Based Training in Military Academies
Training in this context is characterized by its technologicalintegration and emphasis on personalized and efficient education
1.5 Management of Training in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model
1.5.1 The Current Context and Challenges for Training Management in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model Current Context
National innovation and comprehensive educational reforms.Military modernization in the new era
Digital transformation in education
International integration in education Challenges for Training Management in Military Academies in the Current Context
Developing new training programs to meet the demands of theFourth Industrial Revolution
Continuous, scientific management of training activities inmilitary academies towards the smart school model
Balancing current training efforts with faculty and studentmanagement
Trang 11Integrating information technology into the training process.Maintaining and improving training quality.
1.5.2 Basis for Determining Training Management Content in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model
1.5.3 Content of Training Management in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model (Applying the CIPO Model) Management of Input Factors
This involves managing the development and adjustment of learningoutcomes, recruitment activities, faculty, and training facilities to meetthe demands of the smart school model Management of Process Factors
This includes managing training objectives, teaching and learningactivities, and evaluation processes in line with the smart schoolmodel Management of Output Factors
This involves the recognition of learning outcomes, certification, andfeedback collection after training
1.6 Contextual Factors Affecting Training Management in Military Academies Towards the Smart School Model
1.6.1 Awareness, Responsibility, and Coordination Among Key Stakeholders
1.6.2 Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
1.6.3 Trends in Higher Education Development Globally and Regionally
1.6.4 Trends in Higher Education Development in Vietnam 1.6.5 New Requirements for Building the Military Cadre System
Trang 12approach seeks to meet the evolving demands of educationalinnovation and management within military institutions, aligning withthe broader transformation in higher education driven by the FourthIndustrial Revolution Furthermore, managing training in this directioncontributes to improving quality and achieving the specific trainingobjectives in military education, all while supporting the advancement
of the smart school model in the context of current educational reform
SMART SCHOOLS 2.1 Overview of Military Academies
2.1.1 Mission, Structure, and Functions of Military Academies 2.1.2 Tasks of Military Academies
2.2 Survey on Current Situation
2.2.5 Survey Data Processing Methods
2.3 Current State of Training in Military Academies Towards Smart Schools
2.3.1 Current State of Training Objectives, Content, and Programs in Military Academies Towards Smart Schools
Regarding Training Objectives:
The survey results show that the average score of theevaluations is 3.33, falling within the range of 2.64 ≤ average score ≤3.4 (equivalent to average level) The ranking of the indicatorssuggests that although military academies have made efforts, thetraining objectives towards smart schools need further research,improvement, and refinement These improvements should aim to
Trang 13ensure systematic, interdisciplinary, and scientifically structured goalsthat contribute to the "development of students' qualities andcompetencies according to the output standards" and meet the currentrequirements for building military schools and training militarypersonnel.
Regarding Training Content and Programs: The survey results
show that the average score of the evaluations is 3.45, falling withinthe range of 3.41 ≤ average score ≤ 4.2 (equivalent to a good level).This indicates that the assessment of lecturers, management staff, andstudents regarding the identification of training content and programstowards smart schools is relatively high
2.3.2 Current State of Lecturers' Teaching Activities in Military Academies Towards Smart Schools
The survey results show that the average score of the evaluations is3.42, falling within the range of 3.41 ≤ average score ≤ 4.2 (equivalent
to a good level), although closer to the lower end of the scale Out ofall indicators, 3 out of 5 were rated as good with average scores in therange of 3.41 - 4.2
2.3.3 Current State of Students' Learning Activities in Military Academies Towards Smart Schools
The survey results in Table 2.5 show that the average score ofthe evaluations is 3.32, falling within the range of 2.61 ≤ average score
≤ 3.4 (equivalent to average level) This suggests that the evaluation oflearning activities towards smart schools by the pedagogical forces isnot high Among the indicators, 3 out of 5 were rated as good withaverage scores in the range of 3.41 - 4.2
2.3.4 Current State of Assessment and Evaluation of Training
in Military Academies Towards Smart Schools
The survey results show that the average score of theevaluations is 3.60, falling within the range of 3.41 ≤ average score ≤4.2 (equivalent to a good level) This suggests that the work ofassessing and evaluating training outcomes towards smart schools inmilitary academies is relatively highly rated All four indicators wererated as good, with the highest-ranked indicator being "Using diversesmart methods and tools in evaluating training outcomes," with anaverage score of 3.77