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MA SO: CS 2012.19.04
Trang 2Lê Đức Long
Trang 3MỤC LỤC
‘Building e-Course and an iltstrated case study
ti ome tere eles ‘of KG made
én d3 tai: Mé hinh Knowledge Graph và sự gắn kết tính sư phạm trung việc xây dựng nội dung hục tập
“Thời gian thực hiện: 12 chang (042011-04:2012)
3 Nội dụng chính
~ Phân tích những bạn chế của nội dung học t
~ Vấn đề gắn kết tí sư phạm trong việc xây dựng nội dung hue tip tree tuến
~ Mê hình Knowledge Graph (KG model)
- Khái thác mỡ hình Koowledge Graph tong mỗi trường học kết hợp (Blended-L caring Environment)
3 Kết
~ Mã hình Knowledge G
~ Khai thắc mổ hình Knowledgc Guuph trong môi trường học kết hợp:
nự dụng trong giáo trình tương tác
Trang 5
nghiệp, 1 để ti đỗ án tc nghiệp của năm học 2011-2012 (ting og Š sinh viên,
Hai @) bai bio (dng V
yếu của hội
tiếng Anh) được công nhận, trình bảy và in trong ki
Í chuyên ngành về Công Nghệ Thông Tín đĩnh vục 7ELS-
Leaming) hoặc trong các tạp chí liên quan trony/ngoai nude (ITE, ISTD)
1 Le, DAL, Nawsen, DAT Neen, AST, Tran, Vol, Hunger, A @O1D, Pedagogical domain knowtedge for Adaptive e-Learning tn the Science 2nd Technology Development Jourmal (SSID) of VNU-HCM ~ Natural Sciences: Mathematics & Information Technology ~ Vol 14 (T1-2011) - ISSN 1859.0128, Hochiink city Viet tn Faglish, pp 4-34
Le, DoL., Tian, V-H, Honges A (2011) Instructional Design and Engaging
‘Pedagogical Principle int the building e-Learning content (Thi ké Day hee va sein để gốn kể tính Sư Phạm mong Ngt dang Học tập Trực ngôn) The Ah: Workshop on E-Eaming Architecure and Teänolosy (ELATE 2011) In te May 2011, Hochiminl cts, VietNam (in Vietnamese), pp 11-27
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Project Tithe: Mé hinh Knowledge Graph và sự gắn kết tính su phạm trong
Innplemerting institution: ICM University of Pedagogy
(Cooperating Insttution(s), person(s): Didactic Technique Department — Faculty of Information tecknology HCMC University of Pedagogy Duresion: 12 thing (04#2011-042012)
Objectives: Analysing the limit
of eo-line Jeuming content and the problem the pedagogy principle into the building on-line laming make foundation for design and developenent of learning content
Main contents:
+ Analysing the limitations of on-linc leaning content
- Engaging pedagogical principle into the building on Lin aming content + Knowledge Graph (KG) model
- Exploiting Knowledge Graph inthe blended -Jeaming environment Results obtained:
= Kaowledge Giraph model
= Fsploiting Knowledge Graph in the blended - lea
- Applications in educational game
Trang 7(3011-3013)
“To papers (in English and Vietnamese) have accepted presented and peinted
in special journal (TE, ISTD)
1 Le Del, Newyen, Det, Nguyen, Tan, V-H, Hunge, A G011), Pedagogical domain knowlege for Adaptive e-Learning In the Science snd Technology Development Jounal USTD) of VNL-HCM ~ Natural Sciences: Hochiminh cy Vietnam (in English) pp 1-34
2 Le, DeL Tran, Vall Hunger, A 011), estructional Design and Engaging Pedogogicat Principle into the building e-Learning content (Tit Aé Day he vd Workshop on E-leaming Architecture and Technology (ELATE 2011) In the
2, Tinh cấpthiết
Một trong những bùi toán chính cửa các bệ e-1.eaming là xây dựng nội dung trí the dỡn hư cầu “Comet Hn DE i che xin dy dmg ni dang thi co cfs ng dựng eamin châm đạn Bi
eteasas nice lào sự hạn chế về một giao tiếp face-to-face Kbi khai thắc nội mụ vš kiến thức sư phim Như vậy, n coming Mười
Trong cde nghién cửu uất một mộ hành toán học cho nội
eaten ng `Ý tưởng cơ bản của mô
tích những hạn chế cư nội dung học tập trực tuyển:
~ Viin dé yin kết tính sư phạm tong việc xây dựng nội dung học tập trực
Trang 9tử được thể hiện thông qua ede bai bio đăng tong các tạp chỉ
Le, DeL, Nguyen DoT Nguyen, ACT, Tran, Voll, Hunger, A, @01D, Pedagogical domain knowledge for Adoptive e-Learning In the Science and
‘Technology: Development Journal (JSTD) of VNU-IICM + Natưal Sciences: Hochiminh city Vietnam (in English) pp 14-34
Tran, VeH, Hunger, A (2011), Instructional Design and Exgagier Pedagogical Principle into the building e-Learning content (Thi kế Dụy lọc và
vấn để vẫn đt tỉnh Sư Pham ong Nỗi dụng Hóc tập Thre muốn), The 4h
Workshop on Edewning Arhitsete anđ Tedtolsgy (ELATE 2011) la the -kewmal of Teehnieal Eduedlias Science ITE) ~ Val.17 (2011) ISSN 1859-1272, May 2011, Hochiminh city, VietNam (in Viewamese), pp 11-27
Trang 11
Due-Long Le TH of Pedagogy, Vita, HCMe Aw Un of Slees, actin Tu! A Hane!
"Uni of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
ABSTRACT: learners are more limited than traditional feurning form iti really Cang the fcesofece commen beween
ca suet eae ee ech on ere pase Brii sin the conventional ‘ale hecomi
Trang 12
Anowledye in way of almost the same as the ae
er fs core reir ot ere’ ene 1% Learning consents and activites are able ta provide suficien classroom Interoction in wey of h0os tế koơ ot divest imenacton exon th instructor Oe learners and the groups (On the other band, a leamer in the e-Learning be an active actor
“The term “active” emphasizes the reed for self-motivation of learer’s participation
Lemony Addy, tema hp comers he nko ang
mg “once a TH amr [EM Clb, in the class meeting, then teaming way of learning In this paper, we care about the development of amting contents ar wh dona and propose a mathematical mode! as the fundaments] mode! of domain knowheége Ser eLeamin, called Knowhge Graph (abr KG tht we will ep thoughout te fovmed bya sto dhe smal! basi knowl called pine idea and sks ‘ion Hiss ee a fle ett hing pei the proposed moxkl is able to ensure of Tersing olen (a aa satin Ses prose Pesci cad autivities in the e-Lear The KG model is “sy ‘ulable orth endergaduse elvan cowtxt and cexen other waiting forms inservice training) for developing countries such as Viet
Trang 13Programs, curricula and inffastructures Thi
context is a
of texlitiona) uring and e-Leuming, ywn as Bknded- tau Environment (26) whore Leasing stem i Sono as eaing supporting systern ve enh tong knowlede be m cure bul wang fe
necessary proc oe eine cours, lcd textbooks lecture notes, and develop icing vi = face So, reise
bai ng materials and on-line
Tai tóc lơ len wl sas tn ene apropos te Ee instructor's guidnce and studying the
caching process ean be disphyed by a
vne diferences between the goal of Maths for K-12 schoo! ant the goal of Computer Science field for undengraduite education obj requirements, relation of courses (such as prerequisite course, parallel
Trang 14cach instructor in charge of a course designs the detailed syllabus for each particular elas The detailed y labs acne ll specif ky coon, upto the finest granularity of es and sel
fore, the instructor himself often designs the topic and uses face communication becween him and learners in the elassroom
‘weamental Programming with C*, one of pr
‘Operators and Expresins” is “Relational ond lego operas” and its statersent ak: as "Relational aid logical operators i <
‘hod op Sự 2 0A” perience und the practical context of
os ti coeana ser kamer, gu mie practical
x (Al of thê works are mally the teaching novwledge through lnsctorsrepesenaion diel to earners In beef, the relations ne ideas is exhibited itsough muhipie:Inermedne simgoeenha homEar ko ore developed ad epoca i ek paar 9) a eee at a general level
Trang 15
ca knokdelê o gue the leaeag proces of sot cúc hong the Idea Conquer, dh rel between prime ideas sequence Knowledge for each curriculum,
teaching ĐH Ty Hi vì Ba Hi design almost bave not either oosing and using ronal a ‘ice However Tráng
design models and content Ei20oM4, „Bi se Nuences of pedagogical vale in designing content instructional
Eee eee BA ee
and pot a eontent experts, oF the fl
content agra sing cone su psheosksl nhe aft sraeey The lơ nh le ov pedayoucal expr Cl Ibe a reed for = combination between build Knowledge with engaging Pedagogical value to gianate the a halts “fferiy” and “leaning
PP Ôm Hate teens using a set oF teaching se
Trang 16
exploed in elearning, pple, reduced (as presented ing face-to-face told wget a Support uetively forthe earing ming sens (3 Them proposed Knowledge Graph {evil is minly such a model and it is sble to provide core knowledge resources and services for instrustor and earner, ex
tiekey Me o[Knovlelgs Gnph m it te proces of designing end Paes coment es In the next sections, ing pedo ae
In this section, we display two main parts, the first is the concepts of basic in Ke procedure of building KG as a speci
Definitions and propositions
Definition 4 We ook ed ina short transparent pa sont isthe smallest knowledge ơi
‘kept throughout the paper to express PY in the
V WWO particular 1's of course Fundamental Programming with C including its components us 1D, label, statement and category
Figure 1 Feanple for Plas
tage pormeepecie tHiasibie
- sass By its etn For sample, supped tat pia geen PI i p cou seal nt amd eo he Bp 60U sd Bs itis oot a PE
= Charity, The statement tt ides must have a single Iearcrs st have exactly fe spe way of understan
ning (that means all paragreph)
Trang 17By the Definition 2, we sce that hard-condlition has two important properties:
= Mandatory Hard-condition of p, is the mandatory hnowiedge prior to Fearing j,
‘Therefore, the leamer must have either acquired », (bard-condition of py) or been prepared by the insiructor in learning process
~ Prerequisite Wp is the hard-condition of p, then the pis immediately peor to the knowledge being leamed p,
Let, and py be the different PI's, pis called necess
‘only if there is exactly one ordered sequence of PI's: p), odin ofa
condition of py fant
the relationship between J-condition
condition of ps: py and py ate independent of cach other
rains saan veces anf ate two Y's There i exaetly oe and only one ofthe flowing react such
Wy me and denoted as g sotto ae ‘ther one, For instance, 9 Q) This PLis ecco on jon of the other one, For instance, gy is nevessary- condition of pe and denoted as p, <p
endent, if there is no nevessary-om
Trang 18nccessary-0) If p,a0d py are bard-conditions of a prime-idea pm then p, und are inepender (2) Otherwise, suppose that p, is necessury-condition of fm und ps is hard-condition of
= Tfy =ø, Then 9, px ate nccrssary-conditions and G3) ofp Now, we jus repeat (1), 2)
= Otherwise, we have p,, pare independent by definition
smh Let ¥= tp, be the vertex set, and
shore ii ease ite Figure 3 illustrates some PI's of course Fundamental Programming with C TA DS Proposition 7 KG is a concept map that has the Thôn properties
1) KGis directed and acyclic graph (ar dag)
(20G ls minimum, íe Bop Pu Be AHO p< He Anh, suên & RG is called the : ledge Graph
‘such that 9; epee ae Hy <p foc Se win Pa Hence, pr
Therefore, we coneliae thal such
Trang 19Figere 3 Some Ps o course Freetmetel Programming Sức
Definition 8 Sub-Keowledge Graph - Sub-KG
Given KG=<¥ E> Sub-KG=< 1" £°> is called a Sub-Knowlodge Graph of
KG ifand only if ¥ Inches Sets, Sts RG te E'cE ih ied Sn XG; Le forked een sat pin Seb RG, we ve.) ac in See KG i anonym Ki: vung Time SaneiPi sai
Gisena Sưở-RG, Kt 9, eta i
(2) Wp, dows not have any other 9; t be is hard-condition, called Started Peach prec In ral or ial ocd (Bo sre oie (2) Wy is not a banl-condition of any ether pq then ps is called Ended-PY which represents the last or ending knowledge (of the current topic)
We sex tht the concept of Sturted-PY and Endd-PY i only relativ each specific content when the PY's are Saned-Ps and Ended P's ofa KG or SubKC Weave const tn set of P's sts fname owed ofthe ting and also defined the relationship between the /Y's Components fore 2G, anit can beable mprseet curcula (withthe st of est Ps) wo mest to weching gals of dierent iinng ogame, Dedde, Sub-KG isa su graph pa al eta IEE of actors (¢.¢ instructors and Ieamers) ‘KG und it can represent w course,
‘io ue'depay kaming actives of nsvectonal sysem: It could be seen cas hat
KG is not a Ss ân gains bts knowledge bate cơnnhig co knowledge of learning contr imine tr devant of ite ecg AG lạ te foundation to bold specaliad comer supported systems
ng e-Learning systems,
Building AG as a specific curriculum
inal? 19 P's ao ucla have man eationship ol Pr cxhibithe ing goals in detail at low level, and the ch level Ì
Trang 20Tee ments of meeting the leaming proposed KG above can represent the whole curriculum goals as well as ng necessary domain with the Inowledge foe a ‘of Computer-Supparted Collaborative Leaming (abbr CSCL) Systems [7] oc Ad le, to build a taining jucutional Systems [19] (of
‘Additionally the instructor in charge will kave to prepare a practical syllabus and
imscit Obviously, the amoent of koowlege ructar to instructor In ease, the instructor
hi 02V Etideeisrekciee instructor) choosing what knowledge to ireasfer to his Keamers will become a more difficult task, making him be unable to completely achieve the taining goal of course
‘We propose 2 solution to this problem basing on KG, where the set of PP is Aleveloped for cach course and then the relationship and order between are established from the relationship between the P/'s within exch cuurse (see Figure
Figure 4 Relacoastip beeen KỞ and canielam, roy shows «process to bill XG from in ining gol of & tpecictarculan, As a ram, ena at developing domaln kncwledge
‘Gle paid i peer MSL FRE cians Jie gl srapets paen or
Trang 21
ropes Io etc the ross is bul yan sada commit ‘acting locaional ai tedlersial cực instructors) on
sts, and
The tiny when erp based on XG can assist the scientific commitice (or academia commiltee) 0 re- ronal K ining envi oe cca uly of diferent curio fae the instructor in charge design his easily For eLeamning or oF See eine seks (eure tic yea tl ls an Couniderel ey un expert od sable sures and sis fr ech "asa
aoe Tp that be wants to transmit to leamer basing oa
‘caching technique and his pedagogical experiences In ¢-Lcaming, the tion
tf cack topic to satisfy all the demands above becomes more diicul becuse locks the direct inzeractionss between the instructor and thế learuec, unlike in the traditional
In this section, we present a p Jearni ion of
am on-line course: Ha ee iow ISIS Tas «Come ened or ng ôi ch iG and considered
car lied! end complete qualiiy‘f kaing coven wh the given goa
‘Aaiccally, tỏ KỞ vơi sẽ gai shew develop in ott ang al ÿ bí cise, tevlawing esses peice anos aes Knowledge far in-group discussion Course gah tta tơ tt lĩmdamenlal row]edge and instructor's pedagogic feet i ‘a ue the ‘nove Rap 3h ml mi si Be 6s lo rma nooaany Knowledge We he seedy ae
Papen gio
imerte Sse mã rte core knowledge of the:
or be course i Sub KO wich is derived ffom KG basing on goal The pedagogical
Trang 22
instructor to transfer knowledge effectively
“ ey eoaocy m ries oe and cates te pis >! ancy
112 Saat ond orate pete gà
of individual learner or leaner’ group by lamer profile (sce Phước 6) riper eapel fern ah hg tape thángsae
ụ + Vieiram thods, inadequate resources, luck of common or professional [25)), there are many disadvantages like as
‘Then, the blendel-ksrning process in which ies Leaman be interactive
es syst wl ay wre of tutor or virtual learner 10 participate these act ly
it consists of two parts: Course and e-Leami
Set wi thas a te leone
Trang 23
Figure 6 The lanes of ing KU Adaptive e.eaming System Building e-Course and an illustrated case study
To build an e-C‘ourse, the procedure has two phises [17]
ing logical course (Sub-KG) ts pres
= Phase 2: eating ies earner oe Tenet balding i ofthe e-Course (see in Figure
Ee] Core Corea KG eees (BY HANO-ASSEMOLY, Rimes Su
‘Commonly atopic includes:
“Ltt nse af the toe (wih «specie ote
‘which need to be Eseenal repretemton of li
explain PP's
i cal) is just Ps topic can be structured from many PP s, pie eu we iertie of sytem) the
Tt depends on design of ead
Trang 24instructors can design a topic in many various forms but all Of therm must be
‘built based on the same Sub-KG of the course Its proved that the qualities of completeness and logicality re sill in each topic
= Á topic (that knowledge Jearns) is Tinked to another one (that previous
‘knowledge Keamed or known) through using label of P's, sont đê an e Chư the nstrctonal designer shoul we xuhướng tools (e.g Adobe Captivate, Articulate Studio, & Manual Tops cmd o senand metal USEELOM,
Level 4~ Rel (long-term programing)
© Level 3 — Behavior (behavior change, adoption of best practice oF new technology)
© Level 2—Leaming (knowledge nin, skills acquisition, attitude change) ae 1 on Reaction (customer satisfaction)
inch the eventos ef Coane aes be determined
Trang 25
interviews wit beg ie ‘nds content arly of earning poe
L Question Wis desi
the accepiation and satfuction ot
ion, and third, to collect
with learners,
System log fle and it
all of the hand-on activities of learner through sy
to determine and understand ele ees oy ove the tea Pi en analysis
fr hen vu ME: toi lì naa to review the
ae thl6ibien6idT-CIEM:
Trang 26
3 Individual interview with learners These interviews {sto let the Icurner remember if they could or could aot eomplere are non-dircetive Their
‘their topics or tasks, and to exphtin why
‘Now, our work has being implemented in courses such as dntroduction to DB sgaem, and Teaching Matha i Information Tecimaogy of WICMe University of on ca websitc online available: up! (esing LCMS Mood), and the evaluation process hat ee, semester (from Sep, 2010 Wo Dec, 2011) CONCLUSIONS
Established on the basic concepts of PFs and their relationship, KG is an analycl model o repent he dorain owl of spplicaions in ecesion
aise seed es Coes
real instructional applications ‘econ the adel ar owe
the concep: of e-Course), vc is % sonlined ea of ace kopsielee GudeK} and ngmetsesrepeootatons pedagogical ability and bis experiences, has also represented pedagogical ai of eCourse Trefly, we ean easily insall snd deploy an e-Learning system snd improve the limited interactions among three Key Tactors deserihed Saco denne có noi al irs, A in section 2 (Ze instructor,
supporting system and adapting the
iu aero gs ea Ino ham XG for developing the learning materials
he pelupoyesltuliy ofthe domain knowledge’spreseation fe