SCOPE OF RESEARCH Limiting research subjects: Managing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region Management subject: Principals ofQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam BộQuản lý hoạt động giáo dục theo định hướng giáo dục STEAM tại các trường mầm non tư thục khu vực Đông Nam Bộ
Science instructor:
1 Assoc Prof Dr. Pham Van Son
2 Assoc Prof Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh
Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Bui Van Hong
Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Huong
Reviewer 3: Dr Nguyen Quoc Tri
The thesis will be defended before the School-level Thesis Committee meeting at Hanoi National University of Education at … hour…day…
Thesis can be researched at the library: National Library, Ha Noi
or Library Hanoi National University of Education
1 Le Thi Lien, Nguyen Xuan
Thanh (2024), The real situation
2 Le Thi Lien, Nguyen Xuan
Thanh, Pham Van Son (2024),
Cultivating the teaching staff to
meet therequirements of STEAM
educational activities at
preschools in Vietnam, Problems
of Modern Science and
Education, № 2 (189), pp 21-28,
Problems of ModernScience and Education
3 Pham Van Son, Le Thi Lien
(2024), Organizing training for
teachers to meet the
4 Le Thi Lien (2024), Building a
STEAM-oriented educational
environment for preschool
children in non-public schools in
Magazine, 2024, No 305, Pages
Educational equipmentmagazine
5 Le Thi Lien (2024), Applying
the 5E process in organizing
STEAM educational activities
for 3-6 year old children at
private preschools, Education
Education magazine 2024
Trang 4special issue 7, pp 24-26
Educational management oriented to STEAM education includes theimpacts of managers through planning, direction, organization, and evaluation,thereby helping schools effectively deploy elements in educational activities.STEAM education oriented education
A private preschool is a unit with autonomy and self-responsibility forplanning, development plans, organizing educational activities, building anddeveloping a team of teachers, mobilizing, using and Manage resources to realizepreschool education goals This is an opportunity for schools to be more flexibleand creative in applying some advanced educational methods in the world
The Southeast region is the region with the most dynamic economic andsocial development in the country with a young population and parents withopen minds about education and expectations for quality educational services.The system of private preschools in the Southeast region is growing strongly interms of scale, program quality, management staff and teachers, andaccompanying service value
The topic "Managing educational activities according to STEAM educationorientation at private preschools in the Southeast region" was chosen by theresearcher as the topic for his doctoral thesis The research results are ascientific basis for managers to refer to and apply depending on the conditions
of each school and each locality
Based on theoretical research and practice of managing educationalactivities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeastregion, we propose appropriate management measures to contribute toimproving the quality of early childhood education
Research object: STEAM education-oriented educational activities at
private preschools
Research object: Managing educational activities oriented to STEAM
education at private preschools in the Southeast region
If we propose measures to manage educational activities oriented towardsSTEAM education by coordinating management functions such as planning,organizing, directing, and checking with elements of education oriented towardsSTEAM education STEAM education such as goals, content, methods, forms,assessments, and conditions will improve the quality of preschool educationactivities in Southeast Asia
- Building and perfecting a theoretical system of educational activitiesoriented to STEAM education and managing educational activities oriented toSTEAM education at private preschools
- Detect current problems of STEAM education-oriented educationalactivities and management of STEAM education-oriented educational activities
at private preschools in the Southeast region
- Proposing measures to manage educational activities according toSTEAM education orientation at private preschools in the Southeast region.From there, testing and testing are conducted to confirm the suitability,feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed measures
Limiting research subjects: Managing educational activities oriented to
STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
Management subject: Principals of private preschools
Scope of content: the topic focuses on researching the management of
Trang 7educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in theSoutheast region according to the object and function approach.
Range of children's ages: the topic focuses on researching and managing
STEAM education activities for preschool children (5-6 years old) at privatepreschools in the Southeast region
Scope of survey area: the topic focused on surveying managers, teachers, and
parents at 7 private preschools in the provinces and cities of the Southeast region
Time scope: data used for thesis research from January 2020 to April 2024
Access to management objects; Access to management functions;Participatory approach; Access to capacity; Approach supply and demand
Research methods
Theoretical Research Method
Practical Research Methods: Questionnaire survey method; Observationmethod; Interview method; Methods of researching educational products;Statistical methods
Test method
Building and perfecting a theoretical system on educational activitiesoriented to STEAM education and managing educational activities oriented toSTEAM education at preschools
Detecting problems with the currentstatus of educational activities oriented
to STEAM education and managing educational activities oriented to STEAMeducation at private preschools in the Southeast region
Propose specific measures to manage educational activities according toSTEAM education orientation at private preschools in the Southeast region
1.1 Overview of problem research
1.1.1 Research on STEAM-oriented educational activities at preschools
1.1.2 Research on the management of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at preschools
1.1.3 General assessment of research related to the management of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at preschools
1.2 Elements of educational activities oriented to STEAM education for 5-6 year old children at preschool
The goal of educational activities oriented towards STEAM education for5-6 year old children at preschool
- Content of educational activities oriented to STEAM education for 5-6year old children at preschool
- Process of organizing educational activities oriented to STEAM educationfor 5-6 year old children at preschool
- Form of educational activities oriented to STEAM education for 5-6 yearold children at preschool
- Conditions for implementing educational activities oriented to STEAMeducation for 5-6 year old children at preschools
- Evaluate educational activities oriented to STEAM education for 5-6 yearold children at preschool
1.3 Managing educational activities according to STEAM education orientation at private preschools
1.3.1 Concept of managing educational activities according to STEAM education orientation at private preschools
Trang 91.3.2 Requirements for managing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools
1.3.3 Content of managing educational activities according to STEAM education orientation at private preschools
- Manage and implement the goals of educational activities oriented toSTEAM education at private preschools
- Manage the content of educational activities according to STEAMeducation orientation at private preschools
- Manage the process of organizing educational activities oriented toSTEAM education at private preschools
- Manage the organization of educational activities according to STEAMeducation orientation at private preschools
- Manage and train teachers to meet the requirements of STEAMeducation-oriented educational activities at private preschools
- Manage facilities, equipment and build an educational operatingenvironment according to STEAM education orientation at private preschools
- Managing coordination between schools and families in implementingeducational activities oriented to STEAM education for children at privatepreschools
- Manage the evaluation of educational activities oriented to STEAMeducation for children at private preschools
1.4 Factors affecting the management of educational activities oriented towards STEAM education at private preschools
Conclusion of chapter 1
Based on the inheritance of the new preschool education program, theapplication of STEAM education-oriented educational activities in privatepreschools will contribute to further innovating advanced educational
Trang 10approaches in accordance with the needs of children future development trends
of the world
Managing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at privatepreschools is both a big challenge and also a good experience opportunity formanagers with enough capacity, bravery and qualifications in many fields fromfinance, human resources, programs, and facilities to ensure the educationalorientation of the unit while creating new breakthroughs that not only bringeconomic benefits to the school but also create brand equity personal brand inthe hearts of parents
The thesis studies the theory of STEAM education-oriented educationalactivities and the management of STEAM education-oriented educationalactivities for children at private preschools, approaching subjects including:management goal setting; content management; process management andorganizational form; Manage human, physical, equipment and environmentalconditions; Managing family and school coordination in organizing STEAMeducation activities at private preschools; manage evaluation work At the sametime, each subject will be divided according to management functions including:planning, organizing, directing, inspecting, etc
2.1 International and domestic experience in STEAM education and management of STEAM education activities.
2.2 Overview of the system of private preschools in the Southeast region 2.3 Organize research on the current situation
Trang 112.3.1 Survey objectives
Determine the practical basis for proposing measures to improve theeffectiveness of the management of educational activities oriented to STEAMeducation at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.3.3 Survey form
he thesis uses a survey sample of questionnaires for 422 subjects, including
58 managers at preschools; specialized departments of educational systems;education management departments, 230 preschool teachers and 134 parentswith children studying at 7 schools in the Southeast provinces
2.3.4 Survey location and time
IGC Kindergarten District 3 - Ho Chi Minh City; IGC Tay NinhKindergarten - Tay Ninh Province; IGC Trang Dai Kindergarten - Dong NaiProvince Abi Binh Duong Kindergarten - Binh Duong Province, Abi Tan PhuKindergarten - City HCM Steame Garden Kindergarten District 8 - City.HCM ABC Vung Tau Kindergarten - Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province
Survey time: from September 2023 to April 2024
2.3.5 Current status research methods
-Methods of researching documents, summarizing advanced experiences inpedagogical observation
- Interview and discuss with experts
- Solicit opinions by questionnaire
Trang 122.4 Current status of STEAM education activities at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.1 Current status of implementing the goals of educational activities oriented
to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.2 Current status of the content of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.3 The current status of the STEAM education-oriented educational process
at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.4 Current status of the organization of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.5 Current status of teacher capacity in organizing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.6 Current status of facilities, equipment and educational environment following STEAM education orientation at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.7 Current status of coordination between families and schools in organizing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.4.8 Current status of evaluation of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5 Current status of educational activities management oriented towards STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5.1 Current status of management and implementation of educational goals oriented towards STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region 2.5.2 Current status of content management of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5.3 Current status of managing the process of organizing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
Trang 132.5.4 Current status of management of educational activities organized according to STEAM education orientation at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5.5 Current status of management and training of teachers to meet the requirements of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5.6 Current status of managing facilities, equipment and building an educational operating environment oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5.7 Current status of management and coordination between schools and families in implementing educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.5.8 Current status of management and evaluation of educational activities oriented to STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region 2.5.9 Current status of factors affecting the management of educational activities oriented towards STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
2.6 General assessment of the current status of management of educational activities oriented towards STEAM education at private preschools in the Southeast region
When surveyed, schools in the Southeast region all have frameworkprograms and guiding documents for educational activities oriented to STEAMeducation Start with a clear educational philosophy, specific goals and close toactual needs
At the same time, administrators and teachers all appreciate the importantrole of the fields that make up the content of STEAM-oriented educationalactivities including: science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics
Most administrators and teachers understand the steps in implementing the
Trang 14process of implementing educational activities oriented to STEAM educationaccording to 5E for science, mathematics and 6E for technology, engineeringand arts.
The form of organizing educational activities oriented to STEAM education
at private preschools in the Southeast region is quite flexible
The integration of the STEAM education program and the Early ChildhoodEducation program of the Ministry of Education makes it difficult for schools toallocate operating time and cannot be flexible in organizational form
The support of forces outside the school and the policy orientation of directand indirect management agencies are not effective, depend on each locality,and are not supported by teachers and administrators Highly appreciated inpractice at the schools participating in the survey
Although the physical facilities and equipment for STEAM-orientededucational activities are considered important, they have not been usedeffectively and have not been fully provided to meet the requirements of theimplementation launch a STEAM-oriented educational program
Currently, there are no official documents or learning materials to train andimplement STEAM-oriented educational activities at the Preschool level,schools are still running pilots and adjusting to suit actual conditions