May Objective: This essay offers the results from evaluation and analysis of the current status of the implementation of E-customs procedure; the positiveaspects and shortcomings of the
Trang 1——-x,tÄ5«
Nguyen Truong Son & Bui Tuan Phong
MPPM-Uppsala - Intake 1
Supervisor: Prof Sven Jungerhem
Local Supervisor: Dr Huyen Nguyen Thi Ngoc
Hanoi, May 2011
Trang 2ABSTRACT Title of the thesis:
Impact of implementation of E-customs procedure on customs authorities and
export-import enterprises
Level: Final assignment for Master Program in Public Management.
Author: Son Nguyen Truong
Phong Bui Tuan Supervisors:
Uppsala supervisor: Prof Sven Jungerhem
Local supervisor: Dr Huyen Nguyen Thi Ngoc
Date when the thesis is presented: Tentative 17-19 May
Objective: This essay offers the results from evaluation and analysis of the
current status of the implementation of E-customs procedure; the positiveaspects and shortcomings of the implementation of E-customs procedure in
Vietnam, its impacts on customs authorities and import-export enterprises
applying E-customs procedure
In this essay Two books: Handbook on impact evaluation - Quantitative methods and practices and Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results have been used to make theoretical framework for
analyzing impact of implementation of E-customs
This essay was based on books, documents, theory and models of
electronic clearance of some countries, as well as data collected directly from
the General Department of Customs, Provincial and Municipal Departments
of Customs applying E-customs procedure; the magazines of: Financial
Informatics, Research on Customs, Customs Press and web pages.
Through two surveys of local customs departments implemented
E-customs procedure and some import-export enterprises
Trang 3+ Survey I: To interview 6 people in local Customs Departments that have
been implemented E-customs procedure.
+ Survey II: To interview and give questions to 50 enterprises (of which
30 enterprises participating in E-customs procedure and 20 enterprises
performing traditional customs procedure)
From the theoretical model and actual data collected through methods of
sociological survey, this essay has used statistical methods, methods of
analysis, comparison and summarization in a systematic, scientific and
practical way based on the data collected to for the study
Results and Conclusion:
This essay is almost mentioned E-Customs procedures, roles and basiccharacteristics of electronic Customs procedures; The impact of E-Customs
procedures on Customs and import-export business; and also answered the
research questions: What is Customs procedures? What is the role of
E-Customs procedures? What is the advantages of E-E-Customs procedures
compared to former Customs? What is the benefits of implementing the
electronic Customs procedures to Customs and import-export business? What
inadequacies, difficulties and problems for businesses and Customs is when
implementing the electronic Customs procedures? What is the positive and
negative effects in the implementation of electronic Customs procedures for
both Customs authorities and business?
Limitations and proposed next steps
The analysis of Impact of implementation of E-customs procedure on
customs authorities and export-import enterprises also raised deeply research
on E-Customs which deployed in Vietnam in the following project such as:
"Which solutions is to implement effectively E-customs procedures in
Or “ The role of E-Customs procedures in Promoting commercial
development ”
Trang 4Contribution of the thesis:
The study will play a part to give a suggestion to managers, leaders, government to think of management policy and some recommendations for enterprises to get the best benefits brought from E-customs procedure.
Key words: E-customs procedure,
EE S| See ane |
HG SCOPE ANd đệtf[đTÔaiOfiS:¿ : c c22-c2c c0 ccsCcecsee II
2.1 Definition and characteristics of E-customs procedurce - -: 13 2.1.1 Definition of E-customs procedure cccccccecceseseseeseseeeeseseeeeseveesveens 13 2.1.2 Characteristics of E-customs procedUFe ¿s5 s+ 5: sssczszccscs sec: I4 Bek 8 UOUONŠ-DÍ | -UUSEOIS PIOCOOULC o.c:csesccecsseseseaavensiscsvesecsesnosscstatltavectssins 16
eR en PI NN {cố aR peaelDageeataelpetscartdsvpseexiclenceses ore 16
"- ((dQ Ỉ (dao c 17
2.3 Conditions for the implementation and development of E-customs
192.3.1 For Customs Department implementing E-customs procedure 19
2.3.2 For Customs Sub-Department implementing E-customs procedure 19
2.3.3 For Data and Information Technology Centers under Customs
Department implementing E-customs procedure -. ‹-::-: 20
LH ằ—Š-———<<.Ss B 21
2.4 The basic differences between traditional customs and E-customs 2]
2.5 Existences, inadequacies, problems in E-customs procedures 22
ae a Relating to program software, equipment, network -. .22
2.5.2 The Customs Department :cccccseeseereeeeeseseeeeeteeteeneeeee K.< 24
E16 10L ((QÔÔ ae asS=<<ŸễằĂằŸằẽẰeằŸ{ẽẰŸẽẽ Ÿs<S 26
a 1, EetViees SUppH€fS: i 622 27
3.1 E-customs implementation impacting customs authorities 32
3.1.1 Positive impact -cscsteeesereerhrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrdrrdtrdrrrrrrre
Trang 6KKK
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asia Nations
C/O: Certificate of origin
CFR: Cost and Frieght
CIF: Cost, Insurance and Frieght
ECUS: E-customs sofware
EU: European Union
FOB: Free on board
HS: Harmonize system
IT: Information technology
Kyoto: International Convention on the simplification and
harmonization of customs procedures ( Kyoto convention)
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
VAN: Value added Network
VPN: Vitual private Network
WAN: Wide area Network
WCO: World Customs Orginization
WTO: World Trade Orginization
Trang 7EE ee 34
3.2 E-customs implementation impacting export-import enterprises 35
EE EE À 35
` AaaC ÀẲĂÝš.Ằ 37
4.1 Comments on the implementation of E-customs procedure at E-Customs
384.1.1 Comparison between E-Customs procedures and traditional Customs
EE 1 2 ee aR 38
4.1.2 The specific benefits achieved by enterprises when participating in
E-Ergo ona sri Lp deseo cendncis¥ ino dubs dea lal >oeccoescecdbe¥eieale 39
4.1.3 The difficulties enterprises face when participating in E-customs
‹ ?9
4.1.4 The difficulties enterprises face at customs office when participating in
I ee ee oe 40
4.1.5 The difficulties given to enterprises at Customs Departments when
participating in E-Customs procedure -: -:-:-: 4]
4.2 What about E-customs done in haiphong Sub-Department 06 41
4.3 What about ECUS for declaration c2 1222 222strrrserse 4]
EES) 200 | men
4.3.2 The difficulties that enterprises face when using ECUS 42
4.4 Contents need improving and amending Ee
4.5 Confirmation to participate E-customs procedure OF noI -:-:: : 44
4.6 Solutions to improvement of E-customs proc€dUF© -:-: :-:-: : 44
n - -:-‹ -. - 52
DEPARTMENT - - - - - -ssnthhhhhtth "s7 2.
Trang 8KKK
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asia Nations
C/O: Certificate of origin
CFR: Cost and Frieght
CIF: Cost, Insurance and Frieght
ECUS: E-customs sofware
EU: European Union
FOB: Free on board
HS: Harmonize system
IT: Information technology
Kyoto: International Convention on the simplification and
harmonization of customs procedures ( Kyoto convention)
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
VAN: Value added Network
VPN: Vitual private Network
WAN: Wide area Network
WCO: World Customs Orginization
WTO: World Trade Orginization
Trang 9CHAPTER 11.Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Nowadays, globalization and international economic integration is
becoming one of the main trends of modern international economic relations
Accordingly, the world trade has increased rapidly: if the world's export rate reached 69.7 billion dollar only in 1950, then it reached 5460 billion in 1999!
and nearly 20 billion billion dollar at present With the apprearance of global and local institutions such as WTO, EU, APEC, NAFTA, ASEAN The
world today is living in the strong process of globalization In such strong
trend of globalization and international economic integration as today, many
opportunities as well as great challenges have been created for developing
countries in general and Vietnam in particular In this context, it is neceassry
for countries wishing to participate in international economic integration
effectively to make an entire and comprehensive innovation of institutions,
mode, management methods Since becoming a member of the World Trade
Organization (WTO), Vietnam has had to make international commitments, in
which Vietnam Customs is one of the branches has to implement internationalcommitments such as International Acts Vietnam has signed on, the program
of harmonization of customs procedure under Kyoto Convention, especially
Protocol on facilitation for ASEAN’s goods From the above reasons,
Vietnam customs is required also to enhance modernization reforms in its
operation, to do research and apply modern management methods in order to
create favorable conditions for trade and promote the country's economic development, but well to ensure management requirements and customs
| ' Globalization and Vietnam’s international economic integration, PŠ
| ? WTO integration- opportunities, challenges and our actions Date 07 11/2006, p2
Experiences of customs mordernization on some countries, Chapter 2,3
Trang 10However, implementation of E-customs procedure on the basis of limitedfacilities, in the context of Vietnam's economy reached a new level compared
to other developing countries in Southeast Asia: Vietnam's public
administration in general and customs procedure in particular are in the period
of reforming; the extent of application of information technology in the
management of customs operations is not synchronized: qualification of
customs officials does not meet requirements; most of import and export
enterprises of small and medium scale may not have a sound perception about
the utility of E-customs procedure, not make a necessary investment in
machinery, IT equipment and, software, networking for transferring data to
and receiving it from customs agency
There have been some scientific researches which refered to aspects of Vietnam customs of Vietnam in the process of international economic integration, reform and customs modernization, such as:
a) Le Van Toi, Vietnam Customs in the process of regional and international economic integration, a PhD thesis in political economics.
presented in 2005 at the National Political Academy Ho Chi Minh The thesis
refers to practical problems, reason and reality of Cu stoms o perations in
Vietnam in the process of regional and international economic integration under perspective of political economy.
b) Nguyen Ngoc Tuc, Further reform and modernization of Vietnam Customs
to meet requirements of international economic integration, a PhD thesis in
economics, presented in 2007 at Hanoi Foreign Trade University [he thesis
describes the scientific basis for the continuation of reform and modenization
of customs procedure as well as the objective need and content of further
reform and modernization: refers to the actual situation of customs reform and modernization, and give directions and solutions to further reform and modernization of customs in Vietnam to meet requirements of international
Trang 11This essay selected the book: Handbook on impact evaluation
-Quantitative methods and practices of the author: Shahidur R Khandker,
Gayatri B Koolwal, Hussain A Samad and the book: Handbook on
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results - United
Nations Development Programme (2009) to study the impact of
implementation of e-customs procedure
-This essay was based on books, documents theory and models of electronic clearance of some countries, as well as data collected from the
General Department of Customs, Provincial and Municipal Departments of
Customs applying E-customs procedure: the magazines of: Financial
Informatics, Research on Customs, Customs Press and web pages.
- Through two surveys of local customs departments implemented
F-customs procedure and some import-export enterprises
E Survey I: To interview 6 people in local Customs Departments that have
been implemented F-customs procedure
Survey II: To interview and give questions to 50 enterprises (of which
30 enterprises participating in E-customs procedure and 20 enterprises
performing traditional customs procedure)
From the theoretical model and actual data collected through methods of
sociological survey, this essay has used statistical methods, methods of analysis, comparison and summarization in a systematic, scientific and practical way based on the data collected to for the study,
* Handbook on impact evaluation - Quantitative methods and practices
“Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results
Trang 12economic integration However, this thesis studies from economic angle, so it
does not discuss issues of customs innovation
c) Nguyen Cong Binh, Research on proposal of E-Customs management
model This topic decribes from the general research on management of
E-customs, the role of information systems in E-customs management: give recommendations and steps to build a model of E-customs, focus on researching application of information technology in organizational
management and management of customs operations and other related
Through an overview of these topics, it shows that: these studies have mentioned E:-customs procedure in the process of international economic
integration, in reforms for customs modernization However, to assess the role
and impact of E-customs procedure in Vietnam on customs authorities and export-import enterprises, there has not been any one Therefore, we selected topic: "Impact of implementation of E-customs procedure in Vietnam on customs authorities and export-import enterprises" to analyze an overview of
[ customs procedure being used in Vietnam: benefits from the application of
the procedure for both customs authorities and enterprises: inadequacies and problems in implementation of E-customs procedure: the study will play a part to give a suggetion to managers, leaders, government and export-import enterprises.
1.2 Purpose and quesions:
Summarize general knowledge about E-customs procedure: roles and
conditions for building up and development of E-customs procedure: Study
and evaluate the current status of E-customs procedure being implemented in
customs authorities: legal basis, conditions for implementation,
implementation process, the positive aspects of E-customs procedure
compared with the traditional one under perspective of management: Stud)
and evaluate the current status of E-customs procedure being implemented in
Trang 13export-import enterprises: benefits gained and difficulties arising, the impact
of the implementation of E-customs on customs activities and enterprises ofimport and export; Identify, select and offer solutions to development of E-
customs procedure in both customs authorities and import-export enterprises.
Thus, the questions for this research topic include:
a) What is E-customs procedure? The role of E-customs procedure?
Advantages of E-customs procedure compared to traditional customsprocedure?
b) The benefits from the implementation of E-customs procedure for customs authorities and import / export enterprises?
c) The inadequacies, difficulties and problems enterprises and customs
authorities have to face in the implementation of E-customs procedure?
d) The positive and negative effects in the implementation of F-customsfor both customs authorities and enterprises?
1.3 Scientific and practical significance of the research:
This essay offers the results from evaluation and analysis of the current status
of the implementation of E-customs procedure: the positive aspects andshortcomings of the implementation of E-customs procedure in Vietnam its
impacts on customs authorities and import-export enterprises applying
F-customs procedure.
The study is also a useful source of reference for learners students who
study E-customs procedure in particular and customs procedure in general.
This essay also provides useful comments and positive contribution for
policy makers, central ministry agencies to the completion of policies, to manage and control macroeconomy, to build and improve rules of F-customs
procedure in Vietnam in this context of globalization and international
1.4 Method
Trang 14This essay selected the book: Handbook on impact evaluation
-Quantitative methods and practices of the author: Shahidur R Khandker.Gayatri B Koolwal, Hussain A Samad” and the book: Handbook onPlanning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results - UnitedNations Development Programme (2009) to study the impact ofimplementation of e-customs procedure
-This essay was based on books, documents theory and models of
electronic clearance of some countries, as well as data collected from the
General Department of Customs, Provincial and Municipal Departments of
Customs applying E-customs procedure: the magazines of: Financial Informatics, Research on Customs, Customs Press and web pages.
- Through two surveys of local customs departments implemented
F-customs procedure and some import-export enterprises
+ Survey I: To interview 6 people in local Customs Departments that havebeen implemented E-customs procedure
+ Survey II: To interview and give questions to 50 enterprises (of which
30 enterprises participating in E-customs procedure and 20 enterprises
performing traditional customs procedure)
From the theoretical model and actual data collected through methods of
sociological survey, this essay has used statistical methods, methods of
analysis, comparison and summarization in a systematic, scientific and
practical way based on the data collected to for the study.
| * Handbook on impact evaluation - Quantitative methods and practices
°Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results
Trang 161.5 Material
A variety of sources have been used in order to answer the researchquestion of this essay When trying to find out the possible sources ofVietnams customs’s reforming and mordernization surroundings, thedatabase Experiences of customs mordernization on some countries has beenuseful A selection of books and articles regarding Vietnam reforming of
National administrative and Vietnam customs’ reform and mordernization
have been equally useful
Handbook on impact evaluation - Quantitative methods and practices Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results
are two books which have been used to make theoretical framwork foranalyzing impact of implementation of E-customs
Other reports to concern summing up 5 years ( 2005-2010) implementing
E-customs procedure and report to concern summing up 10 years (
2001-2010) of reforming National administrative in Vietnam have however, alsobeen useful The regulations of Vietnam customs and how to do the customsprocedures such as: Vietnam customs law, E- transacuions Law, Law on
Export Tax and Import Tax and others circulars, dicitions promulgated by Vietnam National assembly and govement are useful in making E-customs
procedure process The information extracted from the website:, are supplemented good ideas on customs reform
and mordernization.
1.6 Scope and demarcations
Phe following analysis of the impact of implementing F-customs
procedure on customs authorities and import-export enterprises is devided
into four sections or four chapters:
Chapter 2: Theoretical framework for analyzing impact o! implementation ol
E-customs procedure on customs authorities and export-import enterprises
Trang 17mplementat zi - Some
‘recommendations for policy makers and managers of customs authorities in
order to successfully implement E-customs procedure in Vietnam; Some
recommendations for enterprises to get the best benefits brought from
E-customs procedure.
Chapter 5: Conclusion Recommendations for further study
Trang 18LÝ 4.“
2.1 Definition and characteristics of E-customs procedure:
2.1.1 Definition of E-customs procedure:
E-customs procedure is a customs procedure in which the customs
declaration, receipt, handling customs declaration information and making are done through a software program of electronic customs
decision-declaration ECUS this is a tool that helps customs authorities and enterprises
implement process of F-customs procedure The business only need to install
this software on their computer, then fill in accordaing to customs rules such
as customs declarations, value declaration, certificate of origin, bills of lading.
license ete , and send all the information on the electronic declarations and
other electronic customs documents to Sub-Department of E-Customs then
electronic data processing system will automatically receive and sendnotification of guidelines for customs procedure back to the business the
enterprises will receive this information from customs authorities such as: the declaration has been accepted or not, number of declaration, mode of customs
clearance, tax notices etc After receiving this information, the business
will take next steps in accordance with its procedure
’ Circular No 222/2009/TT-BTC dated 25/11/2009 ited by the Ministry
Finance guiding E-customs procedures as model, chapter Í
Trang 19MÀ VAN Data Center
Doanh nghiép
Doanh nghiép
Figure 2: Principal of E-customs connection
2.1.2 Characteristics of E-customs procedures:
a) Customs procedures are made by electronic means through an
electronic data processing system of customs authority:
b) E-customs papers ensure the integrity with a standard format and legal value as customs dossiers.
c) The customs declarant will base on his her computer system to createinformation for customs declaration and make customs declarationtransmission by electronic means to the customs authority through an
organization for transferring and receiving electronic vouchers, in which he/she can declare on his/her own, do self-assessment and self-payment of
taxes and other revenues; apply method of monthly payment for customs fees
Trang 20The đeclarant shall take responsibility for the content of their customs
đ) To participate in E-customs procedures, it is obligatory for enterprises
to make registration and receive admission from customs authority to
participate in E-customs procedures, then issued a password for access to the
system, connect network computers with Customs or using the services of
agents to clear E-customs procedures.
¢) The customs authority will implement customs procedures on the
basis of E-customs papers sent to, then handle and classify kinds of goods, and make a decision on forms of inspection through an automatic system of
electronic data processing on the basis of analysis information processing,with three forms:
- Accept customs clearance on the basis of customs declaration (green
flow), the declarant him.herself prints the declaration, with his/her signatureand seal, bring it to Border Customs Supervisors for clearance of goods :
- Check paper documents of customs dossier before clearance (yellowflow), the declarant will present the declaration printed with other documents
of the dossier at the request of the customs authorities:
- Check paper documents and actual status of goods before clearance
(red flow), the declarant comes to present the declaration printed with other
documents at the request of the customs authorities to produce the goods lor
the Border Customs Sub-Departement for their decision on clerance based
according to electronic dossier declared by the business enterprises: then
decide the customs inspection based on results from analysis of information
from the database of customs authority and other sources of information,
f) The post-clearance inspection made by the F-Customs
Sub-Department on the basis of analyzing and processing Information from the
database, paper documents of customs dossic! and other information of other
i : ndividi “USI 1S
professional bodies of the agency, organizauion ndividuals and customs of
Trang 21other countries Synthetic sources’.
2.2 Process of E-customs procedure
2.2.1 For customs officials:
Step 1: Preliminary examination, and registration for E-customs declaration
includes the following tasks:
- Examine the conditions of declaration registration
- Examine name, unit of measures, codes of goods
- Makes sure the adequacy of all criteria on the E-customs declaration
If the information declared are sufficient and appropriate the registration for E-customs declaration is allowed, to update the examination results into the
system for issue of registration number and classification of declaration.
Where the information declared is not compliant with regulations the customs official will check through a system instructing the declarant to
adjust accordingly or refuse their registration with sending a reason of "Notice
of ] customs declaration refusal" to the enterprise.
Step 2: examination of customs papers includes the following:
- Examine customs dossiers, :xamine taxable valuation (if any )
- If the declaration is satisfied to the customs regulation, to decide “customs
clearance” by doing on the system or to print "Note of customs dossiers”
- In case of physical inspection of goods to update what has examized to
system then transfer the customs dossiers to step 3 for performance
Step 3: Physical inspections of goods shall be conducted by customs officers
to determine the accuracy and sufficiency of descriptions of goods In order to
determine the customs valuation When inspection results are in accordance
with the customs regulation, the customs officer are pemitted to decide ~
customs clearance” or make a proposal to chief customs to determine
the Ministry of Finance guiding
E-Š Cireular No 222/2009/TT-BTC dated 25/11/2009
customs procedures as model, p3
Trang 223% 66 £
Release goods Transport goods into the owner's storage” In case of
requirement to re-confirm customs valuation, the E-customs declaration is
2.2.2 For customs declarants
Step 1: The declarants including: The owner of import and export goods: An
agent authorized by the owner and customs agency will make information for
the E-customs declaration, value declarations on the system of E-customs
declaration in accordance with the criteria and standard format prescribed and
be responsible for the contents of the declaration
Step 2: Send the E-customs declaration to customs authority
Step 3: Receive feedback of the customs authority and follow instructions.
+ Get "Notice of E- customs declaration refusal" and made the
amendment, supplement for the E-customs declaration under guidance of
customs authority Resubmit the customs authority after amendmenting and
customs supervision area or transport goods into the owner's storage
: Decision No 2396/QD-TCHQ dated 9/12/2009 issued by the Customs Oenerc
on promulgating the process of customs procedures for export port goods
E-customs procedures, p6,7,
| !# Decision No 2396/QD- TCI 1Q dated 9/12/2009 issued by the ( ms General Director
on promulgating the process of customs procedures for export import good
| implementing
E- customs procedures, p 8.9
Trang 23Step 2 : Send the information to customs
Send “Notice of refusal of E-customs
ed 7” declarat =
Step 3: Amend Step 2:
re-and supple Send amendments re-and supplements examine in
following details
feedback from customs authority Green flow for clear declaration
Step 4 : Print the
- Orrelease goods out of customs zone
- Or transport goods into owner's storage
Trang 242.3 Conditions for the implementation and development of E-customs
2.3.1 For Customs Department implementing E-customs procedure:
Firstly, the Customs Authority should make a set of criteria of risk
management for implementation of risk management techniques and
enterprises classification It is required to have a data management center to
use system of data collection, management and analysis to serve customs
activities, make sure a good infrastructure of information technology for
implementing E- customs clearance!'
The Customs should be equipped with mechanical systems, modern equipment for customs inspection and supervision, such as container
scanners, electronic scales, surveillance camera systems, infrastructure, ete
as well as soonest to found Customs information collection unit to prevent
someones from smuggling and committing tax fraud
Customs agencies including sub-department, local departments and the
Units under general customs department are strictly required to follow the
regulations on management of operating and using l customs data processing
system To ensure that the system is managed and operated continuously 24hours a day as prescribed by the General Department of Customs In case of
problem, promptly inform subjects to the system operators and to enterprises participating in E-customs procedures then to be permited to operate system
standby PG
2.3.2 For Customs Sub-Department implementing E-customs procedure:
To carry out daily works by customs officials as follow: Checking.
receving and transfering data to the Data and Information [echnology
Center - Customs Department: to download updated data from the Data and
"Report on summing up 5 years to implement E-customs procedure ( 2005- 010) p12.
| '2 Circular No 222/2009/TT-BTC dated 25/11/2009 of the Ministry of Finance guiding
F-customs procedures as model, pl4
Trang 25the Information Technology Center including: list of enterprires which are
coercive not to do customs procedures, List of enterprires which are violated
customs regulation, list of goods restrictly to be exported or imported: tariff
classification, list of goods subject to tax before customs clearance
The system operator in Customs Sub-Department to do the works as follow:
To make the decentralization list of staff sujected to chief customs to bear staff's usernames and to do technical works to ensure that the system
Operating continuosly.
To make a report each 10-day period and send to the Customs
Department where implemented and the General Department of Customs The
report consists of how E-customs procedure has been implemented and
carried, what is the violation of customs legislation, how the process of customs has been done, how much goods have been cleared by customs
E-officers and the last what are your opinions to implement E-customs
To carry out daily works by customs officials as follow: Checking, receving and transfering data to the Data and Information Technology Center — under
general Customs Department: to download updated data including: list of
enterprires which are coercive not to do customs procedures, List of
enterprires which are violated customs regulation, list of goods restrictly to be
exported or imported: tariff classification, list of goods subject to tax before
customs clearance
2 3.4 For Enterprises:
a) To equip with computers to be connected internet: ADSL, Leased Line :
Trang 26Minimum PC CPU: Pentum 4 RAM: 256 MB HDD: 1GB Free: operating
system from Windows XP or higher
b) To download free ECUS software to be run on their computers
€) To ensure that the staff is learned how to use ECUS and understand
E-customs procedure
d) To keep customs papers, books, vouchers and other documents relating to
export and import goods which have been cleared within 5 years, from the
date of registration of customs declarations: produce documents provide
information and relevant documents when the customs department requires
as prescribed (including in paper form and electronic form).
¢) Arrange staff to study short-term training courses on customs procedures,
customs agents in Vietnam Customs School.
2.4 The basic differences between traditional customs and E-customs
procedures :
The basic differences between traditional customs
and E-customs procedures
E-customs procedures
Declared {Required to fill in) Request to declarate customs
Information | fixed forms ‘Information by using ECUS
Electronic data file includes information
J indicators declaration and electronic
‘ `” Collect vouchers supporting documents Law accepts
dossiers electronic customs value as normal if the
records meet certain conditions
Customs declarant
Method of IDeclarant can send intormation§ via directly submit Jectrot formatio
receiving ba iad network to electronic — information
declaration systems of customs authorities
customs olficers
Trang 27customs office ` tet " |[ransforming and receiving message by
internet The declarants follow what!
| Message says.
Method of
The customs officers
directly guide thedeclarants how to do
the customs
2.5.1 Relating to software programs, infrastructure equipment,
transmission network:
The Customs Department:
Firstly, many software programs have not been designed installed so
electronic declaration system should only work in low automatic processing
level, many stages are still required manual intervention (selected
classification for declaration, owing to insufficient database), not meet the
requirements to take procedures by regulations The lack of functions
a) License reconciliation; Automatic warning about the goods of
high-risk: Information on tax grace: Self-check and respond to any unreasonable:
[wo-wav exchange of information between customs and enterprises:
Self-coded list of import export goods to distinguish, select tomatically:
Integrated name of classification customs officials for enter] or C( fe
when taking procedures; Automatically notify enterprises the lots ol
i í - ee ye ‘nts: Updated results of the
shipments close to tax payment, fees, documen (
Trang 281€TI _analysis and classification and violations handling: Repair adjust
to every detail of commodities:
b) Process the late payment or no payment; Directly print receipts: Delete
information of requiring assessment in case of errors or mistakes; Monitor the
debt documents from customs records: Monitor declarations, tax valuation:
Recognize handling operations of post-clearance inspection process risk
management ; Till the present, there is no software of 02 Post-clearance
inspection team and Collection, information processing risk management &
Customs Control.
Secondly, many software (functional) programs have been designed,installed but incomplete insufficiency, causing difficulty in handling
procedures, such as:
a) Not supervise the case which many assessment requires on a good: No
parts to record the test results on the correct declaration: No part for guiding customs procedures for commodites be classified on blue: Risk management
function is less appropriate and complete than the risk management program
which is applying in traditional crafi line, causing unfavorable problems for goods taking e-customs procedures; Not updated report certificates records of
administrative violations in the form of printed: Not fully update the ageney
who signed C/O; Characters for the declaration of export declarations on the
declaration and the bill of lading is too narrow: Output section of tables.figures to serve the statistical reports may not have many utilities:
b) Difficult to handle and verify on the system in the case of
commodities in accordance with the regulations are settled to bring about
temporary storage, awaiting for the results of assessment and inspection form
the factory; There are no set criteria for the whole industry for risk model applied to e-customs clearance: Information from tax accounting program 559
KT risk management web has not vel been integrated into the electronic
declaration svstem so checking data declarations, information on observance
Trang 29legislation of the enterprises remains to be done by manual
Thirdly, the system has not yet been integrated, leads to the fact that an
officer has to use multiple programs at once in the process of customs
procedures, meanwhile the local network can not solve the problem of focus
treatment as well as operational data at the scale of the provinces, cities
customs, speed shared applications on the local network is usually slow.
Links, application sharing between the local network, connection are at a low
speed, transmission quality is not stable in many places affect to the data processing which needs continuity and focus making it difficult to connect.
exchange data with enterprises
Fourthly, facility and equipment to ensure the operation of the system
are not fully synchronized: WAN operating system is not stable because no
backup system and backup data to the concerned departments so, when themain transmission has problem, the system is deactivated: When operation,the system often has warn status; integration between the application softwarehas regularly been repeated problems, operation not connect to server and
enter the management software, overcoming is not absolute: When
enterprises suggest to cancel the declaration then customs officials do not
accept Enterprises can declare other declarations, because of the fact that
there is no warning software on the Ecus and import-export data program.
2.5.2 The Enterprises:
Firstly many enterprises where offices, computers in areas declared
Postal city may not already implement online transmission, they have to use
dial up at low speed, while the software program is not complete lead to
transmission declarations and receiving information time not yet fast when declaring, enterprises have to wail to receive information, to go to work again Many cases to obtain feedback for the 01 customs declarations and enterprises
have to focus and coordinate to implement for 3 - 5 hours, alter classification,
Trang 30to wait for printing documents, takes a lot of time.
Mlecondly, when enterprise declares section of mandator without a tax
code, they are unable to declare, There is no guide for mandator enterprises:
Some cases, enterprises do not receive a notice of customs fees on the
network, in order to determine the exact amount of fees to be paid.
Thirdly, as regulations, Enterprises can declare before the ships arrive,but on the time of declaring, Enterprises do not know about name of the portwhich the ships will arrive, so they can not declare name oft the Sub-gate
Customs therefore, they can not declare:
Fourthly the criteria on the e-customs declaration are inadequate,
inappropriate with the practice, include: can not declare when payment bycombined method, can not declare the sales commodities, price-cutting,
compensation, discounts commodities; Can not declare name, address of the
exporter by short declaration section: Item "number of packages" is not
designed a full range of packaging: Item weight may not identify the type of
Weight; there is no part for confirming temporarily leasing commodity.
commodity inspected at store: Can not declare the number of container, lead
number of export commodity, Have to make a sub-declaration if the shipment
in many containers
Fifthly the goods before being assessed, analyzed and classified (PTPL)
are not subject to the declared value declaration, but alter being assessed,
PTPL, they are to be declare value, however, the software not allow to do so, ECUS software does not allow to declare value declaration methods 3 Š 6.
ECUS software may not be fully integrated with electronic declaration
software that makes difficult for enterprises to handle: On export commodity declaration, name of port, port of loading, discharging -nterprises declare on
Ecus software, however, in economic declaration is is impossible to
implement; it is unable if enterprise want to correct the number of container
on electronic declaration.
Trang 31enterprises do not really believe in e-customs declaration
by the fact that the network has not really sure, often has problems, the
software has many inadequate and incomplete problems so declare time.
receive feedback, clearance take a lot of time: Some enterprises are affected
negatively by the information from previous declarant, there is comparison worried about the customs clearance delays (especially where clearance point
has no computer networking), worry about the system's security is not high,lose information easily therefore they do not want to change the way todeclare This is one of the reasons why many enterprises have been certifiedeligible to participate in electronic clearance but not participating in thedeclaration, many enterprises after some shipments taking e-customs
procedures return traditional one.
Seventhly, many enterprises hesitate to innovate, re-arrange staff.
computer equipments to participate in e-customs: Some of them do not want
to take e-customs because they have already rent a unit to make service, they
do not want to change
Eighthly, Enterprises are not required by legal basis to take electronicdeclaration, should there is a situation “like then do, no like than not do”.Most participants of e-customs procedures are now small and medium
enterprises so electronic declaration may not imperative for them, they still take “dual” apply both e-customs declaration and paper record declaration-
Need to have mechanisms, additional regulations to encourage enterprises to
participate in e-customs procedures.
2.5.3 Services Suppliers: (VAN/ Customs are currently using software of
Thai Son computer software Co., Ltd -a component company of FPT,
Firstly there is still frequent status that Enterprises declare date,
computers of customs show that the declarations have been numbered but
computers of enterprises notify transmission errors: When enterprises declare
again, the system accepts lo eive another number of the declaration or informs
Trang 32an error connection from VAN, when enterprises log in the web of VAN
http:://ws, it also notifies an error though enterprises can log ininternet Many times, network to VAN often has problems, handling part ofVan can only guide enterprises to handle by phone Customs and Enterprises
can not self-repair, enterprises turn to take manual procedures.
Thirdly, until now, there is no specific allocation of responsibilities between
VAN service providers, Enterprises and Customs in data transmission of
electronic customs declaration, so it should not be binding legal liability of
VAN when arising problems or disputes.
2.5.4 Relating to mechanism, policies and professional techniques:
Firstly, System of state management policies on customs innovatesslowly, not already keep pace with the requirements of economic socialdevelopment and international integration System for customs procedures isinadequate, not synchronized, some documents issued to solve situation, donot measured problems arising in the implementation process, especially there
are some documents guiding Customs Law and guiding implementation
which are low implemented: contents of some documents relating to customs
activities also contradictory, overlapping, some documents have not yet been
built and promulgated according to plan: review and assessment the reality of
customs legislation system and internal laws of the commitments.
international standards is slow
Secondly Although the electronic transaction laws have provisions on
Trang 33; © d Etarations, instead, apply digital signatures in
! „Ẳ=: ;f to customs offices.
Thirdly, risk management system of customs department has not yet
built a full assessment criteria, not update new information resulting the rate
on classification of declarations into yellow, red classification quite high.
enterprises turn to take traditional customs procedures.
Trang 34* Ẫ CHAPTER 3
After more than five years of pilot deploy of E-Customs model from twoCustoms Departments with a large goods flows as Hai Phong city and Ho ChiMinh city, Customs operations have been gradually reformed in accordancewith standards of modern Customs in the region and worldwide, changingfrom manual Customs procedures into E-Customs procedures: The pilot apply
of E-Customs procedures was planned by Customs as per itinerary, both
carrying out and improving to suit the situation Thus during the first stage, [:-Customs procedures shall be carried out as per following criterions:
Firstly, the applied subjects are enterprises selected on the basis of wellcomplying with Customs law with large import-export turnover voluntarilyparticipating in and being accepted by Customs office
Secondly, import and export type pilot-applied with E-Customs
procedures to 3/11 of types are export and import goods as per sale andpurchase contract; import and export goods is in processing contract with
foreign traders or processed in foreign countries: import and export goods is
in the form of importing raw materials for manufacturing export products and
a management system of import and export goods by gate transter:
Phirdly, Customs clearance model is an independent model of
E-Customs Department without any connection with other E-Customs
Fourthly, electronicization content includes:
a) Declare and receive information via electronic means: The whole process
of declarations, receipt and feedback of Customs declaration shall be carried
out through the added value transmission services supplier in the transaction
Trang 35electronicization and its value as a declaration on paper, other documents
are in electronicization via a form of converting paper documents into
electronic information and make declaration to Customs office (in accordance with the Law on electronic transactions).
c) Handle information of Customs declaration automatically: Have checkedlegally in conformity with declared information: Have checked and warned
the policy of goods to 47/63 of goods managed under each major announced
by the Ministries and branches, standardized according to HS code: llowever
most of standardized these just stand at 4-digit HS level, even some goods of
2-digit HS: the remain of 16/63 of items of goods have not been standardized
by Ministries and branches: Have checked and compared the information
declared on I:-Customs declaration forms with the documents of E-Customs
dosier such as Certificate of Origin - C/O, licenses, Commercial Invoice :
Have checked and compared declared information with requirements of each Customs management system (such as processing, importing for export
Fifth, applying modern management method: the management method is applied base on risk management technique to assess compliance and goods
classification as per risk management criterion and compliance record of
enterprise instead of controlling each import and export transactions included as: Apply criteria of risk management and compliance record of enterprise in
checking classification to serve goods clearance: Have built up a compliance
record to enterprises participating in F-Customs procedures and applied to the
system; Apply criteria of risk management and compliance record of enterprises in determining specific inspection requirements for each regime of
` 13
Customs management à
Trang 36Total enterprises participating in
I Customs declaration
Export-Import turnover (USD
million) 462.16 | 837.62 492.44
The staff incharge of F-customs to be | a © Be a
compared with total | 5,04% 5.45% 5.88%
Percentage of E-Customs ey i
Declarations to be compared with 1.71% | 2.53% 6.38%
Percentage of Turnover achieved via |
[:-Customs to be compared with 3.652 4.54% 10.95%
* Limitation in the pilot deploys process of E-Custom procedure:
Firstly, E-custom declaration model is built up and operated independently in
a Sub-Department without total-connecting with the other custom
management program of data processing entire system, should have a
restriction of Customs exchange between sub-departments applying
l Customs procedures and those W hich do not yet.
Secondly, The automatically level of E-Customs data processing system has
not fully performed all stages in the process of making clearance decision, it
is necessary to be participated of Customs officials in the control of
commodity policy, tax ramification, tax reimbursement
lhirdly, E-Customs procedures, however, has brought much economic
Report on summing up 5 years (0 implement E-customs procedure ( 2005-2010)
Trang 37whereas those under management of other sections such as Licenses of
Ministries and Departments, Certificate of Origin Payment Note to Treasury
(tax payment vouchers); Quality checking registration (animal and plant
quarantine, food safety) are not made electronicization leading to electronic
records is partially performed only resulting incapacity of expressing
F-Customs procedure’s true naturce '”
3.1 Impact of E-Customs implementation on Customs authorities
3.1.1 Positive impact:
Firstly, a model of E-Customs procedures system has been built up with
smooth operation, which confirms a new management method actually
pulling into practice bringing about the initial effects during the work of
administrative reform of the Customs in particular and State administration in
Secondly it helps Customs authorities change from control of each
consignment into management of all information during import and export
operation of enterprise: from transaction management lo business
management, carrying out risk management, Customs declaration and
information on E-Customs declaration which basically complies with the standards of Customs declaration and standard data set of the World Customs
Organization (WCO Data Set 2.0) from paper-handling to computer
processor helping strengthen anti-smuggling trade fraud and minimize tax
Thirdly, it brings about economic benefit to both Customs and enterprises by
manpower and expenses when implementing Customs
saving time,
procedures by electronic methods (clearance time for goods in aspect ol
‘Report on summing up 3 years to implement E-custonis =
Trang 38Fourthly, the Customs declaration has been completely electronicization:
other documents of Customs dossier is in electronicization on the changing basis from paper documents to electronic ones:
Fifthly, E-Customs procedures for three types of procedures and one regime
of Customs management (import-export goods under purchase contract,
processed goods, goods imported for export production and goods to gate
transfer) have well operated in the pilot process, and ready for expansion.
Sixthly, it helps increase working productivity: with /-Customs procedures, a
manpower can carry out at the same time multiple steps in prolessional
process, a staff can simultaneously perform Customs procedure for many
consignments in different places:
Seventhly, it helps increase management efficiency: initially convert Customs
management method from manual to modern, from transaction management
to enterprise management with applying risk management: from manual
handling on paper to computer processor, creates a modern and civilized
working style
Eighth, it helps increase prestige of Customs as a pioneer leading in reforming
administrative procedures and applying information technology: improve
image of Customs officials from the view of enterprises due to a limit of
direct contact between the two subjects:
Ninthly, it helps create a new recognition in interior Customs on new
methods affirm the superiority of E-Customs procedures which is the
indispensable trend of Customs: and Customs officials are required to better
themselves to fit new situation.
Tenthly, it meets guidance viewpoint of the Government and integration
requirements: Step by step reform Customs operations in line with the
Trang 39“modern Customs in the region and worldwide: transfer from
1 Customs procedure to E-Customs one, build up a model of E-Customs
6 ASEAN countries, facilitate commercial activities: integrate apply of
information technology to further increase the Customs control and
In addition, the expansion of E-Customs procedures helps contribute to the
overall evaluation of the current status of administrative procedures; detect
shortcomings, thereby make settlement plans, complete system of
administrative procedures in a simple and convenient way for individuals,
organizations and enterprises; create a fundamental reform of administrative
procedures to ensure uniformity, simplicity publicity and obviousness of administrative procedures: enhance State management efficiency and promote
social economic development: contribute to the fight against corruption and
3.1.2 Negative impact:
Firstly, E-Customs procedure is a breakthrough in the apply of informationtechnology, reform of Customs procedures consistent with internationalcommitments, agreements and treaties with the participation of Vietnam
Therefore the number of civil servants including those holding leadership positions who are not basically trained with an insufficient knowledge about
information technology and international integration have not strongly supported or participated in I Customs procedures.
Secondly due to demands on implementation of b-Customs procedures.
Customs officials are required to have knowledge about foreign trade law,
foreign languages and computing thus Customs authorities should spend a
fixed fund for instant training and Custom officials-retraining
Thirdly the Customs should spend a great amount of expenditure investing
computing equipments and information technology such as computers.
container scanners; Customs surveillance cameras and paying for their own
Trang 40| ns Officials who are unstable for ideological stance and do not
_ S8 themselves hard may collude with the Customs declarants to
perform untruthful declaration about the name and quantity of goods for tax fraud.
3.2 Impact of E-Customs implementation on import-export enterprises:
3.2.1 Positive impact:
Firstly, the enterprise can declare Customs form at any location with acomputer installing software of E-Customs procedures, internet connectionand immediate Customs clearance to shipments exempted documents
inspection and goods actual inspection It can use E-Customs declaration from
system of the enterprise, sign and seal by the business to receive goods and do
goods transport documents on ways to shipments exempted from records
inspection and exempted from goods actual inspection.
Secondly, enterprises can make the Customs declaration at any ime and
Customs receive declaration during working hours, have priority to order to
check the shipment must inspect in detail records or goods actual inspection.
Customs agency provide information about the process of handling Customs documents through E-Customs data processing system Customs
L-agency supports training, provides software of E-Customs declaration, direct
and fee consultancy Chosen to pay fees for Customs procedures of each
Customs declaration or monthly fee.
Thirdly, the liquidity record to contracts of processing and importing raw
materials to simple export production, enterprise does not have to give
electronic documents filed at Customs as in formal Customs procedure Information between Customs system and enterprise is managed syne on
computers to facilitate for further research, seeking information Businesses
can register to carry out b-Customs procedures at any Customs departments and in nationwide Reduce time and costs of Customs procedures and arrange