NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING ẦÀ... NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING National Geographic Learning, © 2021 Cengage Learning, Inc.. Author: Susannah Reed “National Geographic”, “National Ge
10 NEW WORDS: cloudy, cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy ỉ TR: 2.2 Listen and match Then point and say
STRUCTURE: What's the weather like? It's sunny 11 oO TR: 2.3 Point and say.Then sing Color 8 Write or X r (ATE) Be careful in the sun uel
12 SONG AND VALUE: Be careful in the sun ỉ TR: 2.4 Listen and trace Say 2) Trace nn) Sif a Cone Cm cone mC man
\V/ ® q tự Gll tự Gf lạ van
PHONICS: man and van 13 ỉ Color and say
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: cloudy, cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy 15
STRUCTURE: What's the weather like? It's sunny.
3 My Community oO TR: 3.1 Listen and match
16 NEW WORDS: bus driver, dentist, doctor, firefighter, librarian, mail carrier, police officer, vet oO TR: 3.2 Listen and point Then say
STRUCTURE: Is he/she a doctor? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t. oO TR: 3.3 Listen and color 8 Write or X
18 SONG AND VALUE: Be polite ỉ TR: 3.4 Listen and trace Say 8 Trace ry ƒ —] : bed red
PHONICS: bed and red oO TR: 3.5 Listen and point Then say =
VIDEO: SC: 6 (optional) Content Words: help, people
20 oO TR: 3.6 Listen and match.Then say
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: bus driver, dentist, doctor, firefighter, librarian, mail carrier, police officer, vet
STRUCTURE: /s he/she a doctor? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t 21
22 NEW WORDS: drums, guitar, piano, recorder, tambourine, trumpet, violin, xylophone oO TR: 4.2 Listen and match.Then point and say
STRUCTURE: He can play the piano She can play the guitar oO TR: 4.3 Listen and circle Then sing and point 2) Write or X qr? Work together
24 SONG AND VALUE: Work together. ỉ TR: 4.4 Listen and trace Say 8 Trace
'$ i : he Ho aes : a Đ) @ ad gh) US eh
PHONICS: pet and vet 25 oO Point and say Then color
26 VIDEO: SC: 8 (optional) Content Words: percussion, stringed, wind ỉ Say Then play and do
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: drums, guitar, piano, recorder, tambourine, trumpet, violin, xylophone 27 STRUCTURE: He can play the piano She can play the guitar.
VNI? ằ Shapes Around Us oO TR: 5.1 Listen and match
28 NEW WORDS: circle, diamond, hexagon, oval, rectangle, square, star, triangle oO TR: 5.3 Listen and color Then sing 8 Write or X
30 SONG AND VALUE: Use your imagination. oO TR: 5.4 Listen and trace Say
- su 99“ oO TR: 5.5 Listen and match Then say
32 VIDEO: SC: 10 (optional) Content Words: cube, flat, pyramid, sphere, world oO Say and color Then play
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: circle, diamond, hexagon, oval, rectangle, square, star, triangle
STRUCTURE: What are these? They're diamonds 33
VNI? © Can You Swim? oO TR: 6.1 Listen and match
34 NEW WORDS: catch, climb, fly, kick, ride, skip, swim, throw oO TR: 6.2 Listen and circle Then say
STRUCTURE: Can you skip? Yes, | can./No, | can’t
35 oO TR: 6.3 Listen and color 8 Write or X £@m® Try again
36 SONG AND VALUE: Try again ỉ TR: 6.4 Listen and trace Say 8 Trace
PHONICS: big and dig oO TR: 6.5 Listen and match Then say
38 VIDEO: SC: 12 (optional) Content Word: penguin ỉ Say and color Then play
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: caich, climb, fly, kick, ride, skip, swim, throw
STRUCTURE: Can you skip? Yes, | can./No, | can’t 39
‘( AtHome oO TR: 7.1 Listen and circle ¥ or X lv xX
40 NEW WORDS: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room; bed, shelf, sink, sofa; welcome
41 oO TR: 7.3 Listen and find Then sing 8 Write or X
SONG AND VALUE: Help at home. oO TR: 7.4 Listen and trace Say
PHONICS: dog and log se cai a ensued
43 oO TR: 7.5 Listen and point
44 VIDEO: SC: 14 (optional) Content Words: apartment, city, country, garden, house ỉ Draw and say
———— or 9 ko CJ = co ~ ở bs a 1 mm sô ijl sẻ [_sl=_lllu_eli ỉ1 -' I KH =i
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room; bed, shelf, sink, sofa; welcome
STRUCTURE: The picture is under the bed The picture is in the bathroom 45
My Special Place oO TR: 8.1 Listen Write ¥ or X
46 NEW WORDS: blanket, door, lamp, pillow, rug, toy box, tree house, window © what's different? Say
STRUCTURE: /s there a rug? Yes, there is./No, there isn‘
47 oO TR: 8.2 Listen and color
48 SONG AND VALUE: Be welcoming
> ỉ TR: 8.3 Listen and trace Say 2) Trace ì i: ti
PHONICS: box and fox oO TR: 8.4 Listen and match
50 _— VIDEO: SC: 16 (optional) Content Words: hole, nest, squirrel ỉ Color and say
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: blanket, door, lamp, pillow, rug, toy box, tree house, window 51
STRUCTURE: /s there a rug? Yes, there is./No, there isn‘.
~ Under the Sea —— oO TR: 9.1 Listen and match
52 NEW WORDS: crab, dolphin, jellyfish, octopus, seahorse, shark, starfish, turtle oO TR: 9.2 Listen and circle Then sing
54 SONG AND VALUE: Keep the beach clean
8 Write or X £@m® Keep the beach clean
La Up le 55 oO TR: 9.4 Listen and point Then color
See fe `, i dtd: Hy — YA = C7 Š = hot fg)
56 VIDEO: SC: 18 (optional) Content Words: beautiful, coral reef, eat ỉ Count and say Then play.
ODER OR iv ih
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: crab, dolphin, jellyfish, octopus, seahorse, shark, starfish, turtle
STRUCTURE: How many crabs are there? There are fourteen crabs 57
58 NEW WORDS: cheese, fruit, juice, lemonade, sandwich, picnic, vegetables, yogurt
8 TR: 10.2 Listen and circle Then say
STRUCTURE: Do you like fruit? Yes, | do./No, | don’t 59
Try new things oO TR: 10.3 Listen and color
SONG AND VALUE: Try new things
60 oO TR: 10.4 Listen and trace Say
PHONICS: bug and mug re HẠN Ki we 4 fu LN Bic’ hang il
61 oO TR: 10.5 Match Then listen and check
62 VIDEO: SC: 20 (optional) Content Words: dairy, grain, healthy, protein ỉ Color Draw and say
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: cheese, fruit, juice, lemonade, picnic, sandwich, vegetables, yogurt
STRUCTURE: Do you like fruit? Yes, | do./No, | don’t 63
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Thank you to the educators who provided invaluable feedback during the development of Look and See:
Peggy Chen, Researcher, Magic English School, Beijing Lingyu Wang, Management Trainee, New Oriental Stars, Beijing Yinshuo Liu, Research and Development Manager, Maxen Education, Beijing Claire Henderson Venables, Director, Active English, Brazil
Gregg Schroeder, Author, Hong Kong Jaqueline Hernandez, English Coordinator, Colegio Madrid, Mexico Aleksandra Siwiak, Head Teacher, Ala Ma Kota, Poland
Begofia Bravo Salas, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Children’s Teacher, La Salle Santander, Spain
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Lila Rodriguez, EMASI Bilingual Schools, Ho Chi Minh City Tu Trieu, YOLA, Ho Chi Minh City
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Gisela Murai, Gigi’s English Delivery, Kasugai Dr Elsie Chin, Cambridge English For Life, Kuala Lumpur Dave Dawang , Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Cailean Babcock, Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Rica Narita, Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka
Michelle Arkham , Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Heather Hofer, Dynamic Language Centre Malaysia, Penang Por Lundy, Western International School, Phnom Penh
Tracy Wu, EF Education First, Shanghai Echo Zhao, Hsuanhuai, Shanghai Kelly Chen, Shanghai
Katrina Li, Acadsoc, Shenzhen Vera Yan, Keyword Education, Shenzhen Andy Chang‘an Li, Shenzhen Keyword Education, Shenzhen Eli Yonetsugi, Berlitz Global, Tokyo
Camille Nota, Berlitz Japan, Tokyo Yasuko Hirata, Yokohama YMCA, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Agnieté Zukauskaité, Kalba.Lt, Lithuania llona Wojciechowska-Nowaczyk, British School Biatoteka in Warsaw, DoDoTOK, Poland Alexandra Motrescu, ALMO New Learning Concept, Romania
Cristina Mihalcea, ROSENLAND Education Hub, Romania Caroline Chapman, Lacunza, International House, Spain Pilar Moreno, Lacunza, International House, Spain
Ursula Perrin, Madison Place, Spain Yolanda Mufioz Vivas, Spain
LOookensSee 3
Explore, question, and create with Look and See, Inside the Look and See 3 Activity Book: a 34evel series for very young learners of English Five pages of additional skills practice for every
Help learners understand how the world works with photos, Student's Book unit, including Vocabulary, video, and topics across rea-world subject areas, featuring Grammar Structure, and Phonics practice the National Geographic Phofo Ark with fun Song, Value, and Video activities ô One page of Review activities for every unit e Access to the Look and See Companion Site for audio content
Show children how fo work together with Games, Songs, and Value activities that promote play, curiosity, and understanding
Give very young leamers a strong language foundation and prepare them to read and write with lessons for phonemic awareness, grammar preparation, and prewriting practice
Teach confidently with step-by-step lesson plans, extra teaching material, and digital classroom presentation support Me
With Videos that show children the world up close and
Projects that help them interact with it, Look and See has Pp H OT@ARK everything teachers need to deepen learners’ understanding of the world and English JOEL SARTORE
Joel Sartore, a National Geographic photographer, founded the Photo Ark, a project that raises awareness about endangered animals in zoos and wildlife parks Through stunning photography, Sartore aims to foster compassion and inspire action to protect these vulnerable species The project's mission is to document every captive animal species, creating a photographic archive that will serve as a reminder of the importance of conservation and serve as a catalyst for change.