NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Publisher: Sherrise Roehr Executive Editor: Eugenia Corbo Managing Editors: Claudi Mimo, Kellie Cardone Director of Global Marketing: lan Martin Heads of Strategic M
Publisher: Sherrise Roehr
Executive Editor: Eugenia Corbo Managing Editors: Claudi Mimo, Kellie Cardone Director of Global Marketing: lan Martin
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Look and See Student Resources (including audio):
©2021 Cengage Learning, Inc
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, except as permitted by US copyright law, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner “National Geographic”, “National Geographic Society” and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Society ® Marcas Registradas
This photo shows a mother polar bear with her cubs in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada Female polar bears usually give birth to twins, and these babies will stay with their mother for more than two years to learn survival skills They live
throughout the Arctic region, where the average temperatures
in the winter are around —40° C Their fur is insulated, and it
keeps them warm They even have fur on their feet to protect
them from extreme cold when they walk © Daisy Gilardini
Printed in the United States of America Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2020
Trang 3LookeneSee
Trang 4oO TR: 0.1 Listen, point, and say
8 TR: 0.2 Listen and chant
8 TR: 0.3 Listen, point, and say
Trang 51) Draw you Say
Trang 6
4 Al School
oO TR: 1.1 Listen and circle
8 Point and say
4 NEW WORDS: blocks, friend, teacher; glue, markers, paper, scissors
Trang 71) Draw your family and friends Then point and say
STRUCTURE: Who’s this? He’s my grandpa She's my friend.
Trang 84) TR: 1.2 Circle Then listen, sing, and point 8 Look œnd circle w or X
qr Be neat in the classroom
Trang 9
oO TR: 1.3 Listen and say
Trang 10@ ik: 1.4 Listen and match
VIDEO: SC: 2 (optional) Content Words: big, bridge, house, small, tower
Trang 11oO TR: 1.5 Listen and point Then say and color
Trang 128 Point and say
10 NEW WORDS: angry, excited, happy, hungry, sad, sleepy, thirsty
Trang 13oO Draw you Then point and say
Trang 14
@ tr: 2.2 Listen and circle Then listen, sing, and point @ book and circle v or x
VALUE ) Get a good night's sleep
Trang 158 TR: 2.3 Listen and say
Trang 16
@ TR: 2.4 Listen and match Then color your favorite
14 VIDEO: SC: 4 (optional) Content Words: loud, music, quiet
Trang 18oO TR: 3.1 Listen and match
8 Point and say
Trang 198 Match Then ask and answer
STRUCTURE: What is if? It's an owl What are they? TheyTe bears 17
Trang 204) TR: 3.2 Listen and color.Then listen, sing, and point 8 Look and circle ¥ or X
£@m® Be curious about animals
Trang 21
oO TR: 3.3 Listen and say
*, fee, ` HẠ,
Trang 22@ 1k: 3.4 Look and match Then listen and check
20 VIDEO: SC: 6 (optional) Content Words: day, night
Trang 23Find and color Then a
Trang 24VNI?
©, Get Dressed
oO TR: 4.1 Listen and point
8 Point and say
Trang 25oO Draw and color Then match and say
Trang 264) TR: 4.2 Listen, sing, and point 8 Look œnd circle or X
s car Dress for the weather
Trang 27oO TR: 4.3 Listen and say
Trang 28@ ik: 4.4 Listen and match
26 VIDEO: SC: 8 (optional) Content Words: cotton, plant, silk, worm
Trang 291) Color Play and say
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: boots, coat, dress, pants, scar, skirt, sweater
Trang 30VNI?
5 I Can Jumpl
@ Rr: 5.1 listen Circle v or x
8 Point and say
28 NEW WORDS: crawl, dance, hop, jump, run, turn around, walk
Trang 31STRUCTURE: | can hop
Trang 324) TR: 5.2 Listen and point Then sing and do 8 Look and circle ¥ or X
VES) Play outside
Trang 33
oO TR: 5.3 Listen and say 8 Trace
Trang 34@ TR: 5.4 Listen and color
Trang 35
oO What can you do? Color, say, and do
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: crawl, dance, hop, jump, run, furn around, walk STRUCTURE: | can hop.
Trang 37oO TR: 6.3 Listen Then draw and color Say
STRUCTURE: He has brown eyes She has long hair 35
Trang 39oO TR: 6.5 Listen and say
c1 wcll be kab sdbac nar rec tbs R SE Santas °
Trang 40€] Look and match
38 VIDEO: SC: 12 (optional) Content Words: hear, smell, taste, the senses
Trang 41oO Draw, color, and say
_ 0p 0Ñ
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: ears, eyes, face, hair, mouth, nose; long, short
Trang 428 Point and say
Trang 43oO Draw one toy Ask and answer
Trang 444) TR: 7.2 Listen and circle Then sing and point 8 Look œnd circle w or X
ear Take turns
Trang 45
oO TR: 7.3 Listen and say
; 7P 0 a4a Kees) N ` fee Se Geet 5 ° ° _ 5°
TH N——=~———=-
iO 1 ` ` *e : 2 :
Trang 46oO Color and count
44 VIDEO: SC: 14 (optional) Content Words: ground, neck, skeleton, tail
Trang 47oO Color Ask and answer
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: bike, dinosaur, kite, puzzle, robot, scooter, tablet
Trang 48VNI?
= Babies
oO TR: 8.1 Listen and match
Trang 49@ ir: 8.3 Listen and point Then say
Trang 50
oO TR: 8.4 Listen and point.Then color 8 Look œnd circle or X
Trang 51
oO TR: 8.5 Listen and say
Trang 521) Match and say
50 _— VIDEO: SC: 16 (optional) Content Words: ant, egg, ostrich
Trang 53oO Color and say
STRUCTURE: There’s one cow There are two calves 51
Trang 54WYNI7
~) What's for Dinner?
oO TR: 9.1 Listen Circle ¥ or X
Trang 55oO TR: 9.2 Listen and match Then say
Trang 56
4) TR: 9.3 Listen and circle Then color and sing 8 Look and circle ¥ or X
qu Help in the kitchen
Trang 57
oO TR: 9.4 Listen and say
Trang 58@ TR: 9.5 Let's make soup! Listen and circle
Trang 59oO What's for dinner? Draw
Trang 60VNI}
+O Bugs
oO TR: 10.1 Listen and match
8 Look and say
Trang 61oO TR: 10.2 Listen and match Then point and say
Trang 62oO TR: 10.3 Listen and draw Then sing and point 8 Look and circle ¥ or X
qr Be good to nature
Trang 63
oO TR: 10.4 Listen and say
bị pes
Trang 641Ì TR: 10.5 Listen and match Color
62 VIDEO: SC: 20 (optional) Content Word: pupa
Trang 65oO Look and say Find Then color
REVIEW: NEW WORDS: anf, bee, butterfly, caterpillar, ladybug, snail, spider STRUCTURE: Where’s the caterpillar? It's on an apple.
PHOTOS: 2 (tI) Peter Dazeley/Photographer’s Choice/Gelty Images: (tm) Sergiy TryapitsyryAlamy Stock Photo; (tr) Joel Sartore/National Geographic Photo ARK/National Geographic Image Collection: (mil) Chris Winsor/Moment/Getly Images; (mim) Chayapon BootboonneanyEyeEmyGelty Images; (mit) Joel Sartore/National Geographic Image Collection; (ml) Super Prir/; (mm) Anna Kucherovo/; (mr) Joe! Sartore, National Geographic Photo ARK/National Geographic Image Collection; (bmi) prochasson frederic/; (mbm); (mbr) Joel Sartore/National Geographic Image Collection; (bl) Olhastock/; (bm) Mega; (br) Joel Sartore/National Geographic Image
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ILLUSTRATIONS: 3, 53 Fabiana Faiallo; 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 51, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63 Giovanni Giorgi Pierfranceschi
Trang 67Thank you fo the educators who provided invaluable feedback during the development of Look and See:
Peggy Chen, Researcher, Magic English School, Beijing
Lingyu Wang, Management Trainee, New Oriental Stars, Beijing Yinshuo Liu, Research and Development Manager, MaxXen Education, Beijing Claire Henderson Venables, Director, Active English, Brazil
Gregg Schroeder, Author, Hong Kong
Jaqueline Hem4ndez, English Coordinator, Colegio Madrid, Mexico Aleksandra Siwiak, Head Teacher, Ala Ma Kota, Poland
Begofia Bravo Salas, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Children’s Teacher, La Salle Santander, Spain
Wei Liu, Beijing Joyin Edu Co Ltd, Beijing
Li Zhao, Blueberry Education Group, Beijing
Cathy Li, Jengkol Education, Beijing
Jing Liu, Sam’s Family, Beijing Travis Stewart, Egroup, Hanoi Hung, Ma Nguyen Quoc, Hanoi University of Foreign Languages, Hanoi
Peter Waters, Apollo English, Ho Chi Minh City
Lila Rodriguez, EMASI Bilingual Schools, Ho Chi Minh City Tu Trieu, YOLA, Ho Chi Minh City
Linny Andreas, Kanaan Global School, Jakarta
Isabela Indah, Saint John’s Catholic School Meruya Campus, Jakarta Gisela Murai, Gigi’s English Delivery, Kasugai
Dr Elsie Chin, Cambridge English For Life, Kuala Lumpur
Dave Dawang , Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Cailean Babcock, Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Rica Narita, Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka
Michelle Arkham , Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka
Heather Hofer, Dynamic Language Centre Malaysia, Penang
Por Lundy, Western International School, Phnom Penh
Tracy Wu, EF Education First, Shanghai
Echo Zhao, Hsuanhuai, Shanghai Kelly Chen, Shanghai
Katrina Li, Acadsoc, Shenzhen
Vera Yan, Keyword Education, Shenzhen Andy Chang‘an Li, Shenzhen Keyword Education, Shenzhen
Eli Yonetsugi, Berlitz Global, Tokyo
Camille Nota, Berlitz Japan, Tokyo
Yasuko Hirata, Yokohama YMCA, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Agnieté Zukauskaité, Kalba.Lt, Lithuania llona Wojciechowska-Nowaczyk, British School Biatoteka in Warsaw, DoDoTOK, Poland Alexandra Motrescu, ALMO New Learning Concept, Romania
Cristina Mihalcea, ROSENLAND Education Hub, Romania
Caroline Chapman, Lacunza, International House, Spain
Pilar Moreno, Lacunza, International House, Spain Ursula Perrin, Madison Place, Spain
Yolanda Mufioz Vivas, Spain
Stella Maris Palavecino, Buenos Aires English House, Argentina
Ma Eugenia Dell'Osq, Glasgow Kindergarten, Argentina Joao Rodrigo Lima Agildo, Colégio Sao Luis, Brazil
Helena Mesquita Bizzarri, SESI Idiomas, Brazil
Juliana Tonini, SESI Idiomas, Brazil Carola Esquivel, Colegio Verbo, Guatemala Juana Pérez Varela, Colegio Andhuac de Cuautitlan, Mexico
Dafne Camarena Garay, Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola Vizcainas, Mexico José Maria Vazquez, Instituto de Ciencias, Mexico