NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Company Look and See 5 Students Book Author: Susannah Reed Publisher: Sherrise Roehr Executive Editor: Eugenia Cor
Seine 1
PHONICS: bed and red ® e 5 1 Listen and point 2 Listen and say 3 Listen and chant 4 Stick and say Match.
At the doctor's office, Canada
VIDEO Content Words: help, people 1 Look and see 2 sc:6 Watch 3 sc:6 Watch and say
Women playing drums, South Korea
1 Look and see 2 Watch 3 Listen and say 4 Listen and do.
` > Mexico tambourine > oat recorder xylophone piano
“SƠ NEW WORDS: guitar, piano, recorder, tambourine, trumpet, violin, xylophone cờ
1 1R:4.3 Listen and point 2 TR:4.4 Lisien and say 3 1R:4.5 Listen and chant 4 Point and say
STRUCTURE: He can play the piano She can play the guiidr
10 Listen and follow 2 1R:4.7 Listen and say 3 Play and say ve 25
SONG AND VALUE: Work together ==
1 Listen and point 2 Listen and sing 3 Sing and do 4 Stick Work together
1 TR:4.11 Lisien and point 2 rR:4.12 Lislen and soy 3 1TR:4.13 Listen and chant 4 Stick and say Match er vm
SONG AND VALUE: Use your imagination
1 Listen and point 2 Listen and sing 3
1 Listen and point 2 Listen and say 3 Listen and chant 4 Stick and say Match
VIDEO Content Words: cube, flat, pyramid, sphere, world ~ PROJECT 1 Look and see 2 Watch 3 Watch, point, and say 1 Make
1 1R:6.11 Listen and point 2 TR: 6.12 Listen and say 3 TR:6.13 Listen and chant 4 Stick and say Match
VIDEO Content Word: penguin e 25% PROJECT 1 Look and see 2 sc:12 Watch 3 sc:12 Watch, point, and say : 7 1 Make a ` : i lig elles
Homes in a small village, Greenland
4 Me đôi ye : ff yy Gy ya) Py > › 2 CF 4⁄1
It’s in the living room.
The picture is under the bed The picture is in the bathroom
The cars are on the chair ] The cars are under the bed
STRUCTURE: The picture is in the bathroom The cars are under the bed
1 Listen and point 2 Listen and say 3 Play and say.
SONG AND VALUE: Help at home
1 17.8 Listen and point 2 1k:7.9 Listen and sing 3 1R:7.10 Sing anddo 4 Stick Help at home. ve ia Bi ts * 4 ® i se i if i :
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= te eRe mt Ri nw nn peer 1 am r sÍn sư
VIDEO Content Words: apartment, city, country, garden, house 1 Look and see 2 Watch 3 Watch and say
` san cào “X-group of tree houses ' iS ST r UG hy J | have a blanket in hư ị my special place.
retell 1 3
NEW WORDS: blanket, door, lamp, pillow, rug, foy box, window 1 3 Listen and point 2 1r:8.4 Listen and say 3 1R:8.5 Listen and chant 4 Point and say
Is there a teddy bear? No, there isn’t
STRUCTURE: Is there a rug? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t NY or |
1 Listen and point 2 Listen and say 3 Play and say tựa >
1 1R:8.11 Listen and point 2 TR:8.12 Listen and say 3 1TR:8.13 Listen and chant 4 Stick and say Match
How many crabs are there? | There are fourteen crabs
STRUCTURE: How many crabs are there? There are fourfeen crabs a> f
1 Listen and point 2 Listen and count 3 Listen and say 4 Play and say _ & “
SONG AND VALUE: Keep the beach clean Keep the
1 Listen and point 2 1R:9.10 Listen and sing 3 TR:9 11 Sing and do 4 Stick beach clean
56 e 250 „ PHONICS: run and sun e > e 5 1 1R:9.12 Listen and point 2 TR:9.13 Listen and say 3 1R:9.14 Listen and chant 4 Stick and say Match
A shark in a coral reef near the Bahamas
VIDEO Content Words: beautiful, coral reef eat e Roe PROJECT
1 Look and see 2 Watch 3 Watch and say 7 1 Make
| 1 Look and see 2 sc:19 Watch 3 TR:10.1 Lisien and soy 4 TR:10.2 Lisien and do
Tà, si vegeta bles me ý
SONG AND VALUE: Try new things
1 1R:10.8 Listen and point 2 TR:10.9 Listen and sing 3 TR:10.10 Sing and do 4 Stick Try new things
VIDEO Content Words: dairy, grain, healthy, protein 1 Look and see 2 sc:20 Watch 3 sc: 20 Watch, point, and say
Let's play a game, Let's write letters, play a game write letters
Let's play a game together _Let’s write letters together
Let’s work hard Let’s read a book, Let's work hard at school read a book
It's hot and sunny today
Here you are, take this sun hat
It's hot and sunny today
Be careful in the sun, today
Be careful in the sun
It's hot and sunny today
Here you are, take this water
It's hot and sunny today
It's hot and sunny today
Here you are, take this sunscreen
It's hot and sunny today
She can play the tambourine
Let’s play the tambourine together
She can play the drums
Let's play the drums together
She can play the recorder
Let’s play the recorder together
There are squares and triangles
What are these? They‘re animals
They’re animals with shapes
Use your imagination and make animals with shapes
Come on! Yes, you can
Look at me! Can you see?
Now he can climb a tree!
Come on! Yes, you can
Look at me! Can you see?
Now she can ride a bike!
Look at me I’m at home
There's a table and there are toys
The toys are on the floor
Let's clean up the bedroom
Put the toys on the table
Let's clean up the bedroom
Look at me I’m at home
There's a sink and there are dishes
The dishes are in the sink
Let's clean up the kitchen
Put the dishes on the shelf
Let's clean up the kitchen
Welcome to my special place
There’s a blanket and there's a lamp
Here it is, my special place
Come and play with me!
Welcome to my special place
There’s a game and there are trees
They’re turtles, baby turtles on the beach
How many turtles are there?
There are seven in all
Let's keep the beach clean
They're starfish, colorful starfish on the beach
How many starfish are there?
There are two in all
Let's keep the beach clean
It’s a crab, a small crab on the beach
How many crabs are there?
Let's keep the beach clean
It's a cheese and vegetable sandwich
It's good to try new things
Here’s some juice for you
It's carrot and orange juice
It's good to try new things
— egy | iguana li kangaroo lion reindeer Rr seal tiger umbrellabird Uu
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Peggy Chen, Researcher, Magic English School, Beijing Lingyu Wang, Management Trainee, New Oriental Stars, Beijing Yinshuo Liu, Research and Development Manager, MaxXen Education, Beijing Claire Henderson Venables, Director, Active English, Brazil
Gregg Schroeder, Author, Hong Kong Jaqueline Hernandez, English Coordinator, Colegio Madrid, Mexico Aleksandra Siwiak, Head Teacher, Ala Ma Kota, Poland
Begofia Bravo Salas, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Children’s Teacher, La Salle Santander, Spain
Wei Liu, Beijing Joyin Edu Co Ltd, Beijing Li Zhao, Blueberry Education Group, Beijing Cathy Li, Jengkol Education, Beijing
Jing Liu, Sam’‘s Family, Beijing Travis Stewart, Egroup, Hanoi Hung, Ma Nguyen Quoc, Hanoi University of Foreign Languages, Hanoi Peter Waters, Apollo English, Ho Chi Minh City
Lila Rodriguez, EMASI Bilingual Schools, Ho Chi Minh City Tu Trieu, YOLA, Ho Chi Minh City
Linny Andreas, Kanaan Global School, Jakarta
Isabela Indah, Saint John’s Catholic School Meruya Campus, Jakarta Gisela Murai, Gigi’s English Delivery, Kasugai
Dr Elsie Chin, Cambridge English For Life, Kuala Lumpur Dave Dawang , Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Cailean Babcock, Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Rica Narita, Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka
Michelle Arkham , Osaka YMCA Tennoji Language Center, Osaka Heather Hofer, Dynamic Language Centre Malaysia, Penang Por Lundy, Western International School, Phnom Penh
Tracy Wu, EF Education First, Shanghai Echo Zhao, Hsuanhuai, Shanghai Kelly Chen, Shanghai
Katrina Li, Acadsoc, Shenzhen Vera Yan, Keyword Education, Shenzhen Andy Chang'an Li, Shenzhen Keyword Education, Shenzhen Eli Yonetsugi, Berlitz Global, Tokyo
Camille Nota, Berlitz Japan, Tokyo
Yasuko Hirata, Yokohama YMCA, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Agnieté Zukauskaité, Kalba.Lt, Lithuania Ilona Wojciechowska-Nowaczyk, British School Biatoteka in Warsaw, DoDoTOK, Poland Alexandra Motrescu, ALMO New Learning Concept, Romania
Cristina Mihalcea, ROSENLAND Education Hub, Romania Caroline Chapman, Lacunza, International House, Spain Pilar Moreno, Lacunza, International House, Spain
Ursula Perrin, Madison Place, Spain Yolanda Mufioz Vivas, Spain
LOookensSee 3
Explore, question, and create with Look and See, a 3level series for very young learners of English
Help leamers understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across rea-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark
Show children how to work together with Games, Songs, and Value activities that promote play, curiosity, and understanding
Give very young learners a strong language foundation and prepare them to read and write with lessons for phonemic awareness, grammar preparation, and prewriting practice
Teach confidently with step-by-step lesson plans, extra teaching material, and digital classroom presentation support
With Videos that show children the world up close and Projects that help them interact with it, Look and See has everything teachers need to deepen learners' understanding of the world and English
Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life
Inside every Look and See Student's Book: ô Age-appropriate topics across multiple rea-world subject areas ằ Contextualized Vocabulary and game-based Grammar Structure presentation e Funand physical Song lessons with Value activities ô Prewriting practice and Numbers instruction e Lettersound recognition and reading preparation lessons for phonemic awareness ô Real-world Video lessons that promote meaningful language connections ô End-of-unit Projects that encourage students to create and show what they know
Joel is a National Geographic photographer and founder of the Phofo Ark.This project raises awareness of endangered animals in zoos and wildlife parks Joel wants people to care for, fall in love with, and take action to help save these animals A portion of the sales of this book supports the Photo Ark.