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bài tập giới từ tiếng anh nxb đại học quốc gia 2011 việt hoàng 199 trang

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Cấu trúc

  • 5. Source of Iníormation: Nguồn thông tin (15)
  • 9. Separation (21)
    • I. ĐIÈN GIỚI TỪ (22)
      • 1. Complete the following sentences using at, bỵ, for or in (22)
      • 2. Prepositions of time (23)
      • 3. Complete the foỉlowing sentences using at, about, against, or írom (24)
      • 4. Complete the following sentences using ịn, out of, undier, to or with (26)
      • 5. Complete the following the sentences using aíter, at. in or on (27)
      • 6. Complete the foIIowing the sentences using bv, for, of, on or tơi (29)
      • 7. Coxnplete the sentences usỉng the words ỉn the box (31)
      • 8. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (32)
      • 9. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (33)
      • 10. Complete the sentences usỉng the words in the box (34)
      • 11. Com plete the sentences using the words in the box (35)
      • 12. Complete the sentences using the words in the bíox (36)
      • 13. Compiete the sentences using the words in the box (37)
      • 14. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (38)
      • 15. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (40)
      • 16. Complete the sentences usỉng the words in the box (41)
      • 17. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (42)
      • 18. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (43)
      • 19. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (44)
    • II. TRẮC NGHIỆM (46)
  • UNDER (158)
  • DANH TỪ + GIỚI T Ừ ^ (165)
  • ĐỘNG TỪ + GIỚI T Ừ ^ (177)
    • I. ĐIỀN GIỚI TỪ (184)
    • II. TRÁC NGHIỆM (191)

Nội dung

The Windy VIỆT HOÀNG chủ biên BÀI Tập GIỚI TỪ ''''Tiểíiỹ tĩểnẮHiệu đính: MỸ HƯƠNG NKÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI... Các loại giói từ trong tiếng Anh Các giới từ trong tiếng Anh có thể

Source of Iníormation: Nguồn thông tin

- Tài liệu bằng văn bản

(the radio, the Internet, the telephone, television)

+ 1 read it in a book + I heard it on the rađio.

+ She found the article in a magazine.

+ They saw him on television.

- Một bộ phận của nhóm

(association, bureau, category, choir, chorus, clan, club, division, íamily, fratemity, group, office, organization, society, sorority, union, political party)

- Liên quan đến nguồn gốc của địa điểm, thời gian, thế hệ, văn hóa, chủng tộc, giới tỉnh, tôn giáo

- Một phần của một nhóm độc quyền

(board, committee, jury, panel, team, council, crew, faculty, honor roll, list, payroll, squad, staff)

+ The children in that family are all good students.

+ The people of that city are very ữiendly.

+ The women on that committee are snobs.

- Môt thành viên • đặc biệt của nhóm

+ She is the president of the college.

16 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh after ìotrns: ađvicí, answer, cure, giít hdp idea, iníòrrratiorỹob, presert, something, surpriíe letter, message, news, nothirg, plan, project, questbn secret

+ Herí is an answer for hiu. after nouns: answer, award, bill, dedication, giíìt, letter, memorial, monument, present, plaque, remark, scholarship, statement, toasL

+ They gave the answer to him.

- Chỉ 'a hiệu quả CI O người nhận after idjcctives: bad, tenefícial, better crucial, good, harmfuỊ hcalthy, helpíul, important, necessary, unacceptable, uníavorable, unhealthy, unimportant, useảil, worse

- Chỉ ra hiệu quả cho người nhận harmíul, helpíiil, useful, beneficial, deứimental, unfavorable

+ That envứonment is unhealthy for you.

+ His advice was very useful to her.

- Cho biết cảm xúc cùa người nhận after adjectives: abhorrent, acceptable, annoying, boring, conílisừig, crucial, distasteful, distiưbừig, fascinating, gratiíying, hurtíul, important, meaningful, obnoxious, pleasing, precious, preferable, repulsive, satisíying, unacceptable, unimportant, vexing, wonisome

+ Those comments were hurtíul to us.

20 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh


X ỉ / * } ■ < • OFF : v í; ẵ r : -p: ■ •• */:*'í - 'ì' ■ • < *Ế.vi OƯT OF y ' : - ^ y , ' ' r r j WITH aíter verbs: drive, keep, move, run, separate, stay, subtract, walk after verbs: cure, die, relieve, rid after verbs: break, chop, cut, pick, pull, saw, send, shave, take, tear, throw after verbs: come, drive, get, go, grab, move, pour, pull, push, rip, sip, squeeze, take, tear after verbs: be íinished, be through, break up, cut ties, fall out, part, part comnany, sever relations, split up aíter adjectives: divorced, separated after adjectives: cured, relieved, rid



1 Complete the following sentences using at, bỵ, for or in

1 He sent a copy of his will to his bank safe keepimg.

2 The house is be sold auction.

3 Although I practise quite a lot, I never seem to win very o íte n tennis.

4 Let Albert work it out; he has an aptitude figures.

5 You could t e l l a glance that he was not ordinary speaker.

6 Most people think the govemment is to b la m e

7 Although their marriage was not a happy one, they decided to stay together the sake of the children.

8 There has been a sharp increase house prices in recent months.

9 They began to drop out of the race o n e one.

10 Do you know of a c u r e baldness?

11 She takes great pride her work.

22 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

12.He was the sort of person who immediately made you feel ease.

13 Did she give you any re aso n her behaviour?

1 4.1'm sorry, but I'm not liberty to tell you any more.

15 John's got very strange ta s te clothes, hasn't he?

16 Could you come back in half an hour? Mr Baston's lunch at the moment.

17 We didn't k n o w certain whether they would come or not.

18 Think o f a number Now multiply i t seven.

19.1)o sit down Mr Brown will join you a moment

20 The attendance Saturday's meeting was very poor.

Reading through the foỉlowing and fill in the numbered blanks with a suitable preposition of time Be careful, hovvever, because in one or two cases no preposition ỉs needed.

My parents met (1) the war: (2) August 1943 to b e precise My father was home ( 3 ) ỉeave

(4) the íìont, and he decided to spend the íirst week with his aunt in Liverpool He hadn't seen her (5) several years, even though she had brought him up (6) his mother's death Liverpool is not the most beautiíìil city in the world, but it can be very pleasant (7) summertime, especially early (8) the moming ( 9 ) this particular moming, hovvever, my father was in no mood to enjoy the sunrise over the Mersey His train left Euston Station (10) time, at

Qh* 7Vùtdự ^ 23 midnight, but (1 1 ) the time it got to Crewe, it was already three and a half hours (12) schedule So he was in a bad mood and very tired (13) arrival at Lime Street Station But something happened (14) minutes of his arrival that changed not only his mood but also his whole life Feeling thirsty (15) his long journey, he decided to go and have a cup of tea in the station buffet Typically, it was shut (16) that early hour A notice on the door read "Opening hours: (17) 7 a.m (18) 5.30 p.m He looked at the statioii clock: ten (19) se ven The buffet should be open (20) now, he thought But, knowing station buffets, he realised that he could wait (21) 8 or even 9 o'clock before it opened Suddenly he noticed a pretty gữl sitting on a bench She was pouring some hot liquid from a thermos flask into a cup Being something of a lady's man, my father (at least this is what my mother told me (22) some years later) sat down and said, 'Tve never seen such a pretty girl (23) all my life as you And I haven't had a hot drink (24) last night If you give me a drink of your tea, I'll marry you and look after you (25) the rest of your life!"

Believe it or not, she smiled at him, gave him the tea, and \vell, I wouldn't be here (26) novv if the buffet hadn't been shut (27) that fateful day (28) August 1943.

3 Complete the foỉlowing sentences using at, about, against, or írom.

1 1 don't know her exact age; I can only guess how old she really is.

2 She intended to post my letter, but she forgot all it.

3 How does a frog differ a toad?

4 Tall people are deíìnitely an advantage at a íòotball match.

24 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

5 It's a p ity poor old Fred: everyone got a Christmas present except him.

6 After the war, several people were tried for crim es humanity.

7 1 know experience that I do my best work early in the morning.

8 Mrs Dale says her husband neglects her I don't know what she's worrying : mine never leaves me alone.

9 1 am astonished the way my students can spend all night at the disco and still remember their prepositions next moming.

10 On May Day, in a startling departure tradition, the President got on a bicycle and rode round Red Square.

11 Is it possible to insure yourself nuclear attack?

12 Today I feel really miserable, because 1 cannot And anything to complain

13 Resulting their exhaustive research into the matter, scientists can now confirm that we are all getting older.

14.1 bought an old car cheaply, cleaned it up and bold it next day a proíĩt.

15 Before going to Aííica, Graham had himself inoculated tetanus, yellow fever, cholera and typhoid A wcek later, he died ofinfluenza.

16 At school today, we had a long discussion the best way to learn a íòrcign languagc.

17 The best reason for having strict rules at school is that it gives the pupils something to rebel when they are older. ơ / i í TOindạ: ^ 15

18 "How can I discourage my boyÍTĨend trying to kiss me all the time?" "Eat plenty of garlic."

19 Raise the gun to your shoulder, aim the target, and try not to kill anyone.

20 Picking your nose in public is not illegal, but ií is certainly an offence good manners.

4 Complete the following sentences using ịn, out of, undier, to or with.

1 Luck, we should be in London by 3 o'clock.

2 Would you like to contribute our campaign íiind?

3 It's not like John to lose his temper It's completely character.

5 The match resulted a goalless draw after extra time.

6 With increasing competition from overseas, several factories are threatened closure.

7 The talks broke down when the Cubans decided to pull negotiations and go home.

8 "Are all the preparations made?"

9 You look really the weather Are you ill?

1 0.1 told h e r her face exactly what I thought af h e r.

26 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

11 Christopher has started to take an interest girls, much to his father's relief.

12 We have a good working relationship the local authority.

13 The proposal to introduce a local income tax is still discussion.

14 The car went over the brow of the hill and was soon sight.

15.1 was the impression that you had to be twenty-one to vote in general elections.

16 My neighbour's garage, vvhich is adjacent my house, is full of rubbish.

17 This is supposed to be a socialist country, but it is socialist name only.

18 What it amounts is this: the word "socialist" means what the government want it to mean.

19 "Why have you got a pet Aírican buffalo in the house?"

"I wanted something a little the ordinary."

20 Are you familiar Professor Wilhelĩris work on bilingualism in parrots?

5 Complete the following the sentences using aíter, at in or on

1 "Who destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem?"

"I don't know, sừ, but I expect that they will blame

2 When the offer of a free trip to Holland was made, John was very quick the mark, and managed to get the first ticket.

3 Most people vvould ju m p the chance to spend a year in America, all expenses paid.

4 When Robi '1 told me about his quaưel with Batman, I asked him not to involve me his personal affairs.

5 Was the Cliữon Suspension Bridge named a man called Cliữon Suspension?

6 If trains always leave schedule, why do so many of them aưive late at the other end?

7 The survivors of the Titanic were sea for several days befor being rescued.

8 My husband brought me some flowers today He must bc something!

9 We were all very excited the prospect of a free trip to Paris.

10 Does it matter what a national politician d o e s private as long as he períorms well in his job?

11 Susan is disabled but she likes to do things for herself: she hates to be dependent other people.

12 careíul consideration, the govemment has decided not to put up the price of ice-cream.

13 Dorítyou get annoyed people who push past you without saying "Excuse me"?

14 There's a man over there with binoculars Do you think he's a birdwatcher, is he spying us?

28 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

15 The public is taking a lot of interest the new courses being offered by the Open University.

16 Please, Father, may I go to the cinema with John tonight?

all, I am twenty-three years old now.

17 Professor Jonah Newt is a specialist marine biology.

18 When I met my wife, it was love íĩrst sight It was only later that 1 had second thoughts.

19 "Would you like a drink, offícer?"

20 Professor Nevvt is absorbed at the moment a study o f the feeding

6 Complete the foIIowing the sentences using bv, for, of, on or tơi

1 1'm longing the summer holidays to am ve, aren't you?

2 John was about to take his wife out to dinner when it occurred him that he vvas not married.

3 You ought to be ashamed yourselíì 4 Hamlet is a p la y William Shakespeare.

5 The Chairman called Mr Smith to second the motion.

6 You can change your job You can move house But marriage i s life

7 I'm sorry you have been expelled from the garden, Adam, but some extent it's your own fault.

8 What do you get if you divide 22 7? A complicated number.

9 You can go to the disco tonight condition that you are home by 12 o'clock.

10 Because of a lack interest, tomorrow has been cancelled (Notice outside a theaừe)

11 She was irritated the way her fiance picked his nose, so she broke it off.

12 Take advantage this special offer! 50 percent off list price while stocks last!

13 Because of the increase in the number of íìrms oíĩering fmancial services, there's a bigger demand than ever qualiíied accountants.

14 Please give my regards your mother, Oedipus, when you see her again.

15 "I am Polish birth, but I have French nationality."

"What do you do for a living?" "I'm a French polisher."

17 The railvvay police have fmally arrested the man who has been responsible biting all the buttons off railway caưiage seats.

18 With reference your advertisement in today's

Guardian, I should like to apply for the post of Head Clerk in your Sales Department.

19 He w ent his own accord: nobody íorced him to go.

20 Sarah is studying hard She is intent getting a good degree.

30 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

7 Coxnplete the sentences usỉng the words ỉn the box. r to for against with o f towards on

1 Shì showed a great appreciation good music.

2 Thìre w as a picturesque approach the house.

3 Tel has an aptitude arithmetic.

4 Shì showed great ardour music.

5 A r intelligent clerk is a great asset a firm.

6 Ar attack was launched the enemy.

7 H em ade an attem pt past the exam.

8 Thì attendance the meeting was large.

9 Heshovved his great attention his work.

10 Vhat is your attitude politics?

11 V e have no authority increasing increase ycur salary

12 Nielson is an authority that subject.

13 T.ie soldier received an aw ard gallantry.

14 You have no basis such a belieí.

15 V e had many battle the u s troop.

16 Tie others put ứie blam e Dick.

17 TSDbod> believed him due to his breach promise.

18 Hỉ gave her a bunch flowers.

19 Jchn do es business a firm.

2 0 1 im a c:andidate that post o f teaching.

8 Complete the sentences using the words in the box in about of for on with

1 There were millions of stars the sky.

2 Richarđ made a mistake his calculations.

3 My firm has a monopoly cement.

4 There is a good deal of mystery his disappearance.

5 This book is about the mystery the missing diamond.

6 This company has a name reliability.

7 She writes under the nam e Aunt May.

9 There is no necessity rudeness: you can rebuke him politely.

10 There is no need concem.

11 There has been no news the mountaineers.

13 The rocket in a m arvel modem Science.

14 Every man is master his own destiny.

15 This little boy was no m atch the bully.

17 It is a m atter life and death.

18 What is the matter you ?32 y Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

19 Jackson is a member our club.

20 He begged the juđge to have mercy him

9 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. over to o f from about in for with on against

1 The traveler must have fallen a prey the vvolves.

2 He took p rid e his work.

3 Your claim takes priority his

4 John has made great progress his work this term.

5 Did you receive any recom pense the trouble?

6 He made no reference his early life.

7 He had a great regard his friend’s ability.

8 The tom coat was p r o o f his guilt.

9 He had ỉittle prospect success.

10 This coat is no protection the rain.

11 There was much protest the new law.

12 He had all the qualiíĩcations the job.

13 Fred had a quarrel his friend.

14 The detective asked everyone the scene.

16 The police made a raid the hotel.

17 What vvas his reaction the news?

18 What was the re a so n his dismissal?

20 Mrs Thompsons gave me a recipe íruit cake:s.

10 Complete the sentences usỉng the words in the box between to for from of om

1 He made the request the manager.

2 There is a strong resemblance the two men.

3 He showed a great resemblance the previous student.

4 The boy had little respect his father.

5 There was a great response everyone.

6 The response the demand was very great.

7 The villagers had great reverence their headman.

8 The doctor received little fmancial reward his services.

9 This is the road London.

10 There is a room two more.

11 The natives made a sacriíice theừ Gods.

13 He expressed his regret the incident.

34 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

14 The custom is a relic feudalism.

15 He íound little relief my application.

17 This is a report your son.

18 He w as representative your firm.

11 Com plete the sentences using the words in the box for o f against between on in to

1 The driver shovved a great capability racing at high speed.

2 She has no capacity hard work.

3 W hat is the cause the disturbance?

4 Is there any chance success?

5 The holiday was a change us.

6 Everyone enjoyed the change climate.

7 1 he charge the man is treason.

8 The c h a rg e the repair is not very much.

9 There vvere a lot of cheers the competitor.

10.You have to make a choice right and wrong.

1 l.Y o u have a choice questions in the exam.

12.He made a claim the other driver.

13.HÍS success was a combination luck and ability.

15.He has completion that diữĩcult job ló.Congratulations your success.

17.My father is a connoisseur good wine.

18.My mother has much consideration our health.

19.He showed contem pt our poverty.

20.Henry’s new sports car a great contrast his fathier’s old car.

12 Complete the sentences using the words in the bíox o f for against in about over to from with on

1 It was my difficult competition that component.

2 There was a compromise those two differemt opinions.

3 Mr Green showed a great concem the welfaire o f his employee.

4 She has much confidence her ability.

5 Your dressing style should be in coníòrmity omr custom.

6 He had no control the class.

36 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

8 H e VV 2 S a cred it his parents

9 Such £ deed is a crim e society.

10 T his Espirin is a cure your headache

11 Rising at six o ’clock is a custom mine.

12 This rcad is a danger pedestrians.

13 There vas a decrease the price of rice.

14 The car can’t start due to a defect the engine.

15 There :s a delay the production of these cars.

16 John takes delight climbing trees.

17 The ar.ist gave a demonstration his technique.

18 Charles claims to be a descendant Shakespeare.

19 The mountaineers start theữ descent the top.

20 They conducted a cliscussion sex discrimination.

13 Compiete the sentences using the words in the box towards of between over about in with for on

1 His beiaviour his uncle was very bad.

2 Theừ belief God sustained them through the sufferligs.

3 The belieí ứie early Christians were rapidly spread far anc wide.

4 There are many beneíits education.

5 Who got the blame breaking the window?

6 Emily Bronte gave us a vivid description Yorkshire in her novel.

7 The poet had a great desire recognition.

8 Bill was the despair his mother.

9 Our mother has great devotion us.

10 The doctor’s điagnosis my illness is exact.

11 There is a great difference him and his wife.

12 There is a great disagreement that matter.

13 He and I have disagreement each other.

15 The philosopher held an interesting discourse the scientist.

16 There is no discrimination these two people.

17 He showed disdain his íbrmer íriends.

18 He shovved disregard his safety.

19 He showed dissatisfaction his teacher.

20 There is no distinction the two tests.

14 Complete the sentences using the words in the box in of on for to about from

2 They imposed heavy duty spirits and tobacco.

38 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

3 She had an ear music.

4 There is great emphasis education in most countries.

5 Put an e n d the row with your sister.

6 They showed enthusiasm public work.

7 There is no entrance thisplace.

8 Such an action is the equivalent murder.

9 The waiter made an error the bill.

10 The judge made an example the boy and punished him severely.

11 There is no exception this rule.

12 This is an excerpt a play by Shakespeare.

13 There was a sharp exchange.word between the two rivals.

14 There was no excuse such poor behaviour.

15 He has experience applied linguistic.

16 He has experience.íeaching applied linguistic.

17 She is an expert.advanced mathematics.

18 His too much exposure.the sunshine is dangerous.

19 She has strong faith God.

20 There was an abundance fruit that year. ỉ7 /(í 'ÌOỈntlụ K 39

15 Complete the sentences using the words in the box to on of into after over with in between from about

1 He has a total indifference íòotball.

2 He has a great iníluence his followers.

3 There was a great influx of reíugees the tiny country.

4 We inquừe the study abroad in New Zealand.

5 We often inquired our parents.

6 They inquired the matter of water pollution.

7 Tolsoy had great insight human heart.

8 The man had no intention retuming.

9 She has great interest model clothes.

10.1 was granted an intervievv the manager.

11 There was a good introduction that íamous book.

12 There was instrusion the bank last night.

13 We got an invitation his wedding.

14 Patience is the key success.

15 The house is made from a local kind stone.

16 There has been a lapse church attendance.

17 There is no limit leaming.

18 There is a link Black’s strange behaviour and the thief.

40 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

19 His strange behaviour has a link the thief.

20 What is the great lure adventure.

16 Complete the sentences usỉng the words in the box for from on about at of with to towards in against over

1 There is now no hope the survivors.

2 The girl had a horror snakes.

3 There is no hurry the book.

4 The immunity hepatitis is necessary for all of us.

5 Mrs Black showed impatience the unruly students by reíìising to continue teaching them.

6 I had an impression a shy girl beíòre I met her.

7 Miss Jones made a good impression the manager.

8 An increase in wages is an incentive better work.

9 This restaurant is a íavourite mine.

10 Waters are íeature this disttict.

11 What is your íeeling these refugees?

12 The íight ourselves is a hard one.

13 He had a fme driving offence.

15 We had a great grief tìie death of our friend.

16 What are the grounds your divorce?

17 Can we have a guarantee our president’s safety°

19 The boy has the habit biting his nails.

20 The prince is an heir the throne.

17 Complete the sentences using the words in the box: for of against about over to on froim

2 He is an object scom.

3 He has no objection his son’s visit.

4 This is an occasion celebration.

5 It was a offence the State.

6 We had a low opinion Sanders.

7 Wrong is the opposite Right.

8 He gave a big order plastic flowers.

9 We received an order his firm.

10 Death is the penalty murder.

11 He had a keen perception human nature.

12 He had no perm it the gun.

13 It is a p ity John’s failure.

14 He felt a lot of p ity the beggar.

42 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

16 The lavvyer made a plea mercy.

17 The dictator has great power the people.

18 The judge said there was no precedent this case.

20 He made no pretcnsion authority.

18 Complete the sentences using the words in the box of for to over toward with against from

I There was an abundance fruit that year.

3 There is a sign “ No admission this building”.

4 His behaviour was an admission guilt.

5 He took the advantage his opportunity to get a job in a íbreign company.

6 She has an advantage me in leaming maths.

7 Tom’s pleasant personality is a great advantage him.

8 He gave me advice how to stay healthy.

9 He is an advocate ÍTeedom, justice, and reform.

10 The tlog shows great affection his master.

II He spoke an air authority.

12 The knights showed their allegiance the king by taking an oath of loyalty.

13 England íormed alliance the enemy.

14 England formed alliance its íriendly neighbour.

15 There was an allusion a recent sừike in his speech.

16 What is the altemative this question?

18 James received no answer his letter.

19 His appeal justice received no answer.

20 The govemment appealed its people to fight agaimst the enemy.

19 Complete the sentences using the words in the box for over of between with in on after

1 There is always a struggle.good and bad in ourself

2 Is there a substitute the injured player.

3 He proved his superiority everyone else.

4 This statue is a Symbol liberty.

6 All the employees have expressed their sympathy y'our action.

8 The film is the target criticism.

9 The cook has a taste good food.

44 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

11 The soup has the taste fish.

1 5 1 like atouch sauce on my food.

16 Thetrouble you is that you are lazy.

17 He put his trust God.

18 The poor man is on the verge despaừ.

20 Complete the sentences using the worđs in the box from for upon to in on of against with over at

1 He vvrote a satire that hypocrite.

2 Mr Green received great satisíaction the news of his son’s success.

3 The police conducted a search the missing climbers.

4 This machine has given good Service us.

5 He bought shamc his family.

6 Many people had a share the business.

7 He had his share hard work. £7/í Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

23 He is a m an his íòrties. a on b about c to d in

24 She sacrifices her life her family. a with b for c into d to

25 I'm scrry, I took your h a t accident. a by b at c from d for

26 The servant looks my children. a into b for c about d after

27 I am boking forward hearing from you soon. a by b with c to d of

28 The givemment must care the families of invalid soldiers. a about b for c to d at

29 all my care, it was broken. a Beíòre b After c To d With

30 She isgreedy fame. a vVĨth b into c for d in

31 He WÍS courteous her a .vith b to c about d for

32 The cost of the whole work w as $20. a mder b under and belovv are coưect c 5elow d under and below are incoưect 33 Why ưe y o u such a hurry? a vith b in c by d on

34 He i s royal blood. a for b in c of d with

3 5 1'm always forgetful students' names. a to b of c in d about

36 That's going ajoke. a after b for c beyond d into 37 Put yourself my place a in b on c near d against

38 May I trouble you a match? a with b about c for d into

39 This is something a cake. a with b to c like d into

40 He is living his means. a within b on c in d at

41 It looks better a distance. a to b for c at d but

42 He provides his son money. a for b of c with d into

43 What do you think this sonata of Beethoven? a of b to c with d from

44 Gas is m ade coal. a of b from c with d to

50 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

4 5 1 shall w ait you. a about b by c to d for

4 6 1 can come any d a y Monday. a but b except c saving d all are correct 47 She took m e my brother. a by b for c to d with

4 8 1 think he is ill, send a doctor a to b with c for d in

49 That boy threw a piece of stone the old man. a for b at c towards d to

5 0 1 took h im the hand. a with b at c by d to

51 All men betvveen 18 and 2 5 exception are expected to serve in the army during war time. a without b during c with d for 52 Life is just one trouble another. a to b for c after d against

53 My wife looks my daughter. a aíter b into c at d for

54 i really respect that man his honesty. a by b about c vvith d for

55 He i s smoking. a in b off c to d into

56 Things are going b ad worse. a out of - to b to - out of c from - to d to - from 5 7 1 only recognized him the way he spoke. a by b in c with d of

58 You see, I was right all. a for b after c beíòre d in 59 It isrít an answer my question. a for b on c to d of

6 0 1 work hard help my íamily. a so as to b in order to c in order that d so as to and in order to are coưect

61 To b e debt is to b e danger. a in - out of b out of - in c in - in d out of - in and in - in are coưect

62 He goes on day day, week week vvithout any change. a after - after b to - to c for - for d with - with 63 In our country, gentlemen are gallant ladies. a to b with c for d by

64 Sometimes I wonder that very much. a of b about c with d by

52 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

65 This table is m ade wood. a from b of c into d to

6 6 1 am not related him a with b to c for d into

67 This car belongs my brother. a by b with c to d all are coưect 68 You are welcome any book in the library. a to b with c for d by

69 Never say anything a person's back. a at b behind c in back of d after 70 Who is not for me i s me. a tovvards b against c with d along 71 Vegetarians liv e vegetables, íruit and nuts. a for b with c in d on

72 He is p aid the hour. a at b for c in d by

73 He aim ed the tiger. a for b at c with d to

74 We are really looking forward our ship Havvaii and Japan. a on - to b at - to c to - to d in - to 75 What do you know him? a to b about c vvith d for ttltt TOindụ 4 53

76 Mary married a wealthy man She got married June. a by b for c aboul

77 The dog ran the house. a into b in c for

78 She sa t me. a beside b next to c between d beside and next to are correct

79 She is famous her intelligence. a for b in c with

80.1’m always forgetful students’ names. a to b of c in

81 Long skirts a re again. a for b in c into

82 The car w ent full speed. a with b for c to

83 He looked at m e a smile. a by b with c in

84 Have you heard Beethoven? a from b of c in

85 He wasted little tim e social íòrmalties a for b on c to

86 He is negligent his duties. a with b to c for

him last d to d across d into d about d through d at d at d with d in d of

54 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

87 This work is new me. a with b to c about d for

8 8.1 am very much opposed your going abroad. a to b with c by

8 9.1 cannot do i t you. a as b like c by

90 She was offended her husband. a with b by c to d a and b are correct 91 He is an expert economics. a on b with c in

9 2 1 have twenty students my class. a into b from c in

93 He was leaning a table. a at b beside c against 94 My children are important me. a to b for c vvith

95 Keep away those electrical wữes a to b of c off d for d through d of d to d across d by d írom

96 He was offended my remarks. a at b by c a and b are correct d to

97 He had two pillovvs his head. a on b above c beneath d at

98 all, I love music, I love Jazz. a in b at c above d over

99 The situation i s cure. a past b through c out d into

100 Dorít stay o u t 6 o'clock. a after b beyond c before d after and beyond are correct

101 When were you released prison? a at b into c from d out of

102 How about you know Englishman an American? a by b out of c from d with

103 He is exoert economics. a on b with c in d of

104 He made himself pleasant visitors. a to - b for c by d with

105 He is qualified teaching English. a to b for c by d with

106 Are you ready the joumey? a for b to c with d by

107 Don’t be íamiliar him He’s a dishonest man. a into b to c with d for

56 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

108 These facts may be íamiliar you. a with b about c to d into

109 She is fond music. a to b with c about d of

110 These goods are free duty. a from b with c in d of

111.1 don’t agree you at all about that. a to b on c with d tovvards

112 She was offended my remark at the meeting yesterday. a at b by c with d a and b are correct 113 The studínts were shocked the news. a in b with c for d at

114 She is different life. a to b into c with d for

115 Let’s drink his success. a in b to c into d forr

116 The mud adhered my shoes. a for b with c in d to

117.1 don’t ag ree you at all about that. a to b on c with d towards

118 Have you all brought your books you? a for b in c about d with

119 You are welcome any books in the library. a to b with c for d by

120 That type of music is quite popular teen-age boys and girls. a for b about c with d by

121 Can we be sure his honesty? a of b with c to d for

122 She is beneíìcient the poor. a for b on c with d to

123 It’s conừary our custom. a to b with c about d for

124.1’m tired boiled eggs. a to b of c with d by

125.1’m astonished that matter. a with b against c to d at

126 What did Mr.Brown die ? a with b by c in d of

127 William is big his age. a with b for c by d through

128.1 don’t feel dancing. a with b in c like d to

129 Listen ourteacher! a with b to c for d all are correct

58 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

130.1 came on Monday at ten o’clock the moming. a from b in c at d for

131 He read that a book. a at b from c to d in

132 He aimed the tiger. a for b at c with d to

133 The govemment must care the families of invalid soldiers. a about b for c to d at

134 Wine is made grapes. a iìom b of c into d with

135 He is good all sports. a at b in c into d with

136 She complained the heat. a to b on c by d with

137 He was ill fever. a to b in c with d for

138 If you eam a good salary, you can be independent your parents. a for b to c of d by

139 Is he guilty or innocent the crime? a of b to c with d for

140 My wife looks my daughter. a after b into c at d for Ĩ7he 'ĨOittd.ụ ^ 59

141 He is mad music. a about b after c for d all are coưect

142 He i s a lot of pressure now a from b under c in d on

143.1 paid $500 this book. a at b with c by d for

144 He is different his mother. a from b with c for d at

145 He told me a long story his adventurss. a at b with c of d by

146 They like to sit the fừe. a by b on c for d with

147 She works her living. a on b for c by d with

148 He suffers headaches. a írom b with c in d by

149 That type of music is quite popular teeiage boys and girl. a for b about c with d by

150 She is aíraid dog. a of b by c into d with

151 He went so fast that 1 couldnH keep up lim. a for b with c in d to

60 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

152 What’s the matter you? a in b to c with d for

153 In 1805, England was at war France. a to b with c for d in

154 My children are important me. a to b for c vvith d by

155 He is content his very little salary. a to b for c with d in

156 He talked the room which we vvere sitting. a in-in b in-for c into-in d into-írom 157 He wouldn’t take advice, and now he has got difficulties. a to b into c with d for

158 She burst tears. a out of b into c for d in 159 They are opposed having meetings very often. a by b to c with d for

160 She likes to go a picnic. a for b on c a and b are coưect d by

161 She is indifferent life. a to b into c with d for

162 Let’s drink his success. a in b to c into d for

163 He succeded opening the door. a in b by c with d at

164 Listen ourteacher. a with b to c for d all are coưect 165 An accident has happened that family. a to b with c against d for 166 He agreed me. a to b on c by d by

167 He is looking his glasses. a after b for c into d by

168 The child is looking the pictures on the walls. a at b for c after d with

169 She gave some advice her brother. a to b for c with d all are correct 170 Have you all brought your books you. a for b in c about d with

171 He wrote a íòuntain pen. a with b by c for d in

172 You must try to live your income. a within b during c in d about

62 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

173 There were others me. a in addition to b besides c A and B are correct d between 174 He is interested going to the movies. a w ith ' b by c on d in

175 She treated me cake, ice-cream and tea. a with b for c into d to

176 You see, I was right all. a for b after c beíòre d in 177 It isn’t an answer my question. a for b in c to d of

178 He was accused stealing a Honda. a of b in c to d with

179 She spent a lot of money cosmetics. a in b on c into d for

180 He rested his bicycle the wall. a at b for c against d inside

181 He spent many years the people of Aírica. a in b between c among d into 182 That piece of news was delightíul us. a for b to c with d towards

183 Playing cards is not harmíuỉ itself: but gambling may be. a on b into c in d with

184 It was my will. a with b against c by d at

185 A stich time saves nine. a on b in c at d with

186 We shall do i t some way or other; 1’m quite sure how. a in b by c with d of

187.1 will give you a new hat place of the one that I đamaged. a in b out of c from d off

188 Water was sứeaming the roof. a in b out of c from d off

189.1 can’t get this ring my íĩnger. a off b out of c out d for

190 Although his last name is the same as mine, 1’m not related him. a with b to c by d for

191.1 sawhim noon. a for b with c against d at

192 She was engaged him for ten months before they got married. a to b vvith c for d by

193 This text book is intended begining and intermediate students. a to b for c with đ by

64 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

194.1 don’t think that Fm acquainted him. a with b to c by d for

195 Did Mr Kenedy park his car íront our house? a at-of b in-to c with-to d in-of 196 He rushed me. a at b for c by d with

197 mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this moming. a Through b By c With d In

198.1 took him the hanđ. a with b at c by d to

19 9 the most part, his explanations are quite easy to understand. a For b Through c With d Tovvard.

20 0 general, that is true However, there are many exceptions. a On b In c By d Through

201 He suffers headaches. a from b wiứi c in d by

202 That is last year’s telephone directory It’s date now. a into b out of c besides d out 203 She smiled me. a with b to c towards d at ữhe TOiỉtíiụ ^ 65

204 That piece of news is delightful us a for b to c with d towar'ds.

205 That book is interesting me. a to b for c through d with

206 It’s no good her. a with b to c about d by

207 Would you like to go a walk the park thi:s aítemoon? a for-in b for-at c to-in d to-at

208 the time being, I think you’d better not say anything to him. a In b For c With d By

209 Aren’t you glad that you went to the party with us all? a in b after c above d with

210 It’s always better to study vocabulary connection

reading. a with-to b in-with c to-in d in-to

211 Mr Johnson said he was favor doing the wo>rk right away. a in-of b with-of c in-to d to-of 212 It is three o’clock; it is nearly a quarter past three. a about b at c past d arounid

213 It looks rain. a like b after c into d for

66 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

214 He put the book the table and sat down a on-in b on-with c on-on d 215 The dog jumped the table. a through b over c out of d

216 Someone left a box in the garden and I fell dark. a into b by c off d

217 He was vvounded the leg a by b in c at d

218 The earth moves the sun. a across b arounđ c into d

219 He spoke a whisper. a in b into c like d

220 Shelley is the world’s greatest poets. a in b of c among d

221.1 shall be ready a moment. a for b in c with d

222 What did Mr Brown die ? a with b by c in d

223 In spite his ill health, Johnson did very vvell. a to b vvith c of d

224 He is a íìiend mine. a with b in c of d

over it in the over with in with between on

225 It was a story adventure and romance. a in b with c of d to

226 You are never want of money. a on b in c for d out of

227 time of war we have to agree to things we should refuse time of peace. a In-in b On-in c On-on d In-on 228 The rain was beating the windows. a against b to c at d across

229 Did you come here foot? a in b on c by d for

230 She i s drugs. a of b in c for d off

231 F m my food a at b in c for d off

232 She came here horseback. a on b by c in d with

233 Tum the main road here and you will come to ứie lake. a right b left c off d away from 234 Did they ask me? a at b to c beíore d after

235 There is not much correspondence his idea and mine. a in b for c in d at

68 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

236 He has a craving wealth. a with b for c in d at

237 It’s unwise to put credit anybody. a to b at c in d for

238 He takes a great delight teasing her. a at b on c to d in

239 There is a great demand employees in my oíĩice. a for b in c with d at

240 He was brought the judge. a to b with c before d for

241 It’s the law. a among b against c to d for

242.1 have not done my exercise novv. a till b since c for d at

243 Have you someĩimes dreamed.plying off into space? a about b of c with d into

244 His conduct is reproach. a at b on c to d above

245 William i s meaness. a against b above c tovvards d according to 246 There were 100 people at the meeting. a up b on c upon d above

247 That car costs $2.000. a for b above c at d against

248 He will not pay me.after the match. a because of b till c through d since 249 My children had an inịection cho.era. a by b for c against d to

250 Share these svveets the five children ind see thait each one gets a fair share. a to b betvveen c for d among.

251 Begin the beginning of the story. a to b at c with d for

252.1 only recognized him the way he spoke a by b in c with d of

253.1 met Smith yesterday, but I knew him long that. a for b by c beíbre d after

254 I want you to arrange these order òy putting the largest first, then the next, and so on. a on b out of c in d from

255 There’s nothing exercises for making you vvariĩL. a like b in c for d about

256 He said he was going to make a singer me, hut I thought he was trying to make a fool me as I kne'W I could never make a success music. a with-of-of b for-for-:or c.of-of-of d.for-for-cf

70 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

257 We can’t get everything we want from life: we must just make the b est it. a with b of c for d by

258 He is man his íòrties. a on b about c to d in

259 The lamp fell the table. a into b on c onto d down

260.1’m afraid we are for a storm. a out b in c out of d into

261 He gave me apiece good advice. a vvith b of c in d no preposition needed 262 Many people the Orient like plain boiled rice. a at b for c vvith d all are incoưect 263 He didn’t dare to say it my face. a on b with c in d to

264.1 don’t feel dancing. a with b in c like d to

265.1’m sorry I took your hat accident. a by b at c from d for

266.1’m trouble with my teacher over some careless work. a at b in c of d vvith

267 Don’t look at me that. a as b like c for d with

268 Come and sit me, there is plenty of room. a beside b next to c by d all are correct.

269.1 could ansvver all the questions one. a in addition to b except c but d B and c are coưect.

270 Your shoes are just mine. a in b by c of d like

271 The house.which I live in small. a at b into c with d in

272 He is a man action. a of b with c for d through

273 She saw a butteríly the window. a across b in c into d about

274 There is a íòrest the river. a across b on c above d about 275 Who is not for me is me. a towards b against c to d for 276 It’s the law. a among b against c to d for 277 They quarreled nothing, a about b into c with d of

72 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

278 The aeroplane is ílying our heads. a across b above c upon d over

279 Shut the door you. a for b after c with d into

280 my honour, I did not do it. a Through b On c By d With

281 He tumed his back her. a beside b next to c by d on

282 He moans hell when he loses a bet. a to b like c with d on

283.1 came on Monday at ten o’clock the moming. a from b in c at d at

284 How would you know an Englishman an American? a by b out of c from d with

285 What do you mean that? a through b by c into d to

286 Never say anthing a person’s back. a at b behind c in back of d after 287 In boxing it is a foul to hit the belt. a above b over c below d dovvn 288 His ideas are all the times. a like b behind c but d except rĩlte 'ĨUintlụ ^ 73

289 We rejoice her success. a in b at c over d all are coưect 290 Have you ever heard the English poet John creates? a of b írom c with d to

291 The sun was clouds. a after b in íront of c behind d beside 292 He is other boys of his age. a in back of b after c behind d all are incorrect 293 Skirts this year reach just the knees. a after b in front of c belovv d in back of 294 What you ha ve said is quite the mark. a in b besides c next to d into 295 If you become a candidate, we’ll be you. a of b into c behind d below

296 He was himself vvith joy. a to b beside c in đ of

297 He is work on a new book. a in b at c o f d vvith

298 This train i s time. a behind b after c in back of d belovv

74 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

299 Go and sit Richard. a beside b next to c by d all are correct

300.1 think he can make a success music. a to b in c with d of

1 1 am not related him. a with b to c for d into

2 They live rice. a with b on c by d for

3 The teacher lectured the boys severely being lazy a by b because of c for d with

4 Three them attacked me. a oi' b out of c in d all are incorrect 5 A ll all, we had a wonderful time during our vacation. a to b in c by d of

6 George is still very loyal his friends despite their argument a with b to c for d by í7/f(p 7 Vitulụ ^ 75

7 The box of eggs was marked " care " a for b through c with d without

8 You'll fínd that this tool is very useful many different things a for b with c by d of

9 He has been the fư m along time now a to - for b in - in c with - for d in - with 10 Shout if you want me; I shall b e hearing a in b within c of d no preposition needed

11 Our conference was interrupted telephone calls several times a for b with c of d by

12 All the nevvspapers condemned the Minister of National Defense his speech attacking a íriendly nation. a for b about c with d at 13 He w as George in the examination list a on b above c over d up 14 The wound is likely to prove fatal him. a with b to c into d for 15 Lazy boys have a distance hard work. a at b in c for d to

16 My English teacher said he was quite satisíìed my classvvork a for b with c to d in

76 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

17 Is this secretary experienced work of this sort? a to b on c with d in

18 The tree has fallen the raihvay line a beside b across c into d down

19 Why did you quarrel your friends such a smaỉl matter? a with - about b with - on c to - about d to - on

20 The clerk said she was tữ e d hearing complaints day after day a with b of c about d for

21 If this plan is satisfactory you, ril present it to committee. a to b forward c with d in 22 He spends a lot of m oney cigarettes a on b in c into d about

23 Did you g o the rain? a under b in c below d into

24 The students are very anxious the results of the examination a to b with c about d for

25 ĩ d prefer not to play golf today I really don't feel u p it a for b with c to d in

2 6 1 want to save y o u making the mistake that I made a by b from c with d to

27 You a re bad temper this morning, aren't you? a on b at c in d for

28 Things have changed very m uch the last time I wrote you. a since - for b from - for c since - to d on - to

29 Too many trees around my house deprive it li ght and air. a with b for c of d by

30 It was thoughtíul Martha to send you a giữ on ytour birthday a to b of c by d with

31 The police said a notorious criminal was involved the robbery a in b to c into d from

32 The plane crossed the coast ílying London. a into b under c towards d across 33 The ữee trunk was saw n small logs. a in b across c into d with 34 Authur is quite accustomed receiving criticism a to b with c about d for

35.1 don't know whose authority you say that. a on b by c for d with

78 y Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

36 You were very kind me when I asked you for some help a with b to c of d for

37 He landed the airplane all right, but it was m ore good luck than good management a ứưough b by c because of d with

3 8 1'm going to apply a scholarship here a fc r b with c to d into

39 We congratulated him his success a with b on c for d about

40 Did you com e land, sea or air ? a on - on - by b by - by - in c by' - by - by d on - on - on 41.1 don't think I can g e t going to that meeting tomorrow a out b out of c away d off

42 You should try to be considerate other people's feellngs a to b for c of d vvith

43 You can inquire that in the front office a ab*out b in c with d into 44 My f;àther is a contemporary yours. a at b in c for d of

45 Our foreman, Mr Howell, is always very critical our work a of b to c with d about

46 He estimated the crow 10,000 a for b at c about d with

47 Sugar is sold the pound, peừol the gallon. a by - by b at - at c for - for d in - in 48 They are here holiday but ĩm h ere business. a in - in b for - for c on - on d at - at

49 Bill should submit an application He 's eligible membership a to b for c with d by

50 Do you think his dress is appropriate that kind of occasion ? a with b for c about d to

51 I really don't see why you object our suggestion so strongly. a to b of c with d into

52 He does not show much consideration his wife’s vvishes. a at b for c with d to

53 Dorit worry the result of your examination a about b at c in d with

54 He lives 5 miles of London a in b within c into d for

80 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

55 George really goes i n tennis It's his íavourite sport. a for b with c to d into

5 6 1 don't have a book today May I look o n you, please? a to b by c about d with

57 It's now fíve minutes six. a at b to c for d under

58 You will get $50 a n d your usual salary a over - with b above - under c over - above d on - with

59 G o these papers careủilly. a for b through c after d into 60 The ship was making the open sea a to b through c for d forward 61 My mother is a true íriend me a to b with c in d for

62 We complained the landlord the condition of the house. a with - about b to - with c for - about d to - about

6 3 1 shan't see y o u Friday. a for b till c in d through

64 His accusations a re notice. a for b below c after d beneath

65 The explorers were indifferent the dangers and discomíòrt of the expedition a íiom b with c into d to 66 He burdened his horse a bag of 50 kilos. a by b for c to d with

67 The b o y books under his arms is an excellent student a of b with c for d about

68 That man's personnality makes him u n íìt any higher position a vvith b to c about d for 69 If you keep trying, you'll master them. a up b on c to d with

70 He repeated the conversation that he had heard w ord word a through b for c with d by

71 Fred is capable.doing better work than he's doing at present a to b with c of d for

72 She can read that paragraph looking at the book. a without b in addition to c besides d inspite of 73 We are fond listening to music. a with b of c by d in

74 1 am looking forward hearing from ỵou soon. a by b with c to d of

82 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

75 That new product will be available the public late next year a for b by c to d vvith

7 6 1 shall be back again a year a for b during c within d to

77 Your argument i s the point a in b out c into d beside

78 You should submit your application.this office before the first of May a for b with c to d into

7 9 1 carít use my office at present; it’s repair a for b under c during d in

80 Have you heard Beethoven? a from b of c in d with

81.1 object going to the movies on weekdays a with b by c for d to

82 She is accustomed getting up early a with b by c for d to

83 If they insist on it 1 suppose we '11 have to give i n them a for b with c into d to

84 According him there is nothing more to be done. a for b with c to d through

85 The wind is favourable setting sail. a with b to c for d in

86.1 deíinitely preíer traveling by air traveling by tnini or bus a by b to c with d for

87 You'd better wam your friend that soon a with b to c about d agains' 88 When he goes abroad, he ừavels the name (f Brown a for b into c under d belcrw 8 9 1 live quite close the church; in fact next doo- it. a with - to b to - with c with - for d to - to 90 She will proíit her work in this class a from b by c with d about

91 My friend and I were very happy the reỉuìlt of the election a with b to c about d for

92 He worked a ll his holidays. a in b about c of d througi

93 He felt his pocket to see if he had any mone/ it. a in - in b with - in c into - into d for - in

94 The contrast light and shade makers a Ị ho to more beautííul. a in b for c betvveen d imto

84 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

95 Add th is what you've already had a to b into c with d from


• Under age : chưa đến tuổi

• Under no circumstance : trong bất kì trường hợp nào cũng không

• Under control : bị kiểm soát

• Under the impression : có cảm tưởng rằng

• Under cover of : đội lốt, giả danh

• Under guarantee : được bảo hành

• Under pressure : chịu áp lực

• Under discussion : đang được thảo luận

• Under an (no) obligation to do : có (không) có bổn phận làm gì

• Under repair : đang được sửa chữa

• Under suspicion : đang nghi ngờ

• Under stress : bi điều khiển bời ai •

• Under the ỉníluence of : dưới ảnh hưởng cùa

• Under the law : theo pháp luật

158 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

Một số các thành ngữ dùng với giói từ:

• On the beach: trên bờ biển

• Along the beach: dọc theo bờ biến

• In place of = Instead of: thay cho, thay vì.

• For the most part: chỉnh là, chủ yếu là = mainly.

• In hope of + V-ing = Hoping to + y = Hoping that + sentence = với hi vọng là.

• off and on: dai dẳng, tái hồi

• all of a sudden = suddenly = bỗng nhiên

• for good = forever: vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi. to be angry at doing st to be annexed to to be abounding ỉn to be absorbed in st to be acceptable to sb to be accompanied by sb to be accustomed to to be afraid of

: có thể chấp nhận được đối với ai

: cùng đi với ai : quen với

: sợ sệt : giận dữ vì đã làm gì : được sáp nhập vào

(7/í/ 'TOhttỉụ Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh to be dependent on sb for st to be destined for to be devoted to sb/st to be eỉigible for to be engaged in doing st to be enthusiastic about to be equal to to be essentỉal for to be experỉenced in st to be expressive of to be faithful to to be false to sb to be ĩamiliar to to be ĩamous for to be fascinated by st to be fatal to sb to be fond of to be forgetfuI of st to be free from to be full of to be gallant to ladies to be generous about doing st

: lệ thuộc vào ai để được điểu gì

: được dành riêng : miệt mài, tận tâm, hết lòng : đủ tiêu chuẩn, đủ điều kiện : bận bịu làm điều gì

: hăng hái, mê say : ngang, bằng : cần thiết cho : có kinh nghiệm về việc gì : diễn đạt, biểu lộ

: trung thành với : giả dối đối với ai : rành rẽ, quen thuộc : nòi tiếng về

: say mê điều gì : nguy hiểm đến tỉnh mạng ai : thích

: hay quên về : thoát khỏi : đầy, tràn ngập : lịch sự với phụ nữ, nịnh đầm

: rộng rãi, thoải mái về làm việc gì

TO indụ ^ 161 to be generous with one’s money to be good at to be grateful to sb for st to be greedy for st to be guilty of to be happy about to be hopeful of to be hungry for st to be identỉcal to to be ignorant of st to be important to sb to be in love to be indebted to sb to be indifferent to to be aĩraid of to be inĩeror for to be innocent of to be intelligible to sb to be interrrupted by to be mvolved in to be jealous of to be kỉnd to sb

: rộng rãi vê tiền bạc

: giỏi về (môn gì) : mang ơn ai về điều gì : ham muốn điều gì : có tội

: vui vẻ vì, hạnh phúc vì : hy vọng về

: thèm khát điều gì : giống, giống nhau : phớt lờ, không biết điều gì : quan trọng đối với ai

: yêu, đang yêu : mang ơn ai, mắc nợ ai : thờ ơ, xao lãng

: dễ hiểu đổi với ai : làm gián đoạn vì : có liên quan tới : ganh tị về

162 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh to be lenicnt with (towards) sb to be liberal with sb to be loyal to sb to be mad about to be negỉigent of to be new to sb to be obliged to sb for st to be offended at (by) st to be offended with (by) sb to be on fíre to be on holiday to be opposed to to be patient with sb to be perfect for doing st to be pleasing to sb to be popular vvith sb to be positive about st to be preíerable to to be prepared for tọ be proud of to be qualiíĩed for doing st

: khoan dung đối với ai

: rộng rãi đổi với ai : trung thành với ai : say mê, ham mê : cẩu thà, lơ đễnh : mới lạ đổi với ai : mang ơn ai vì điều gì : giận dữ, bực mình vì việc g ì'

: bị xúc phạm bởi ai, giận ai : đang cháy

: đi nghỉ lễ : phản đổi, phản kháng : kiên nhẫn với ai

: tuyệt hảo để làm việc gì : làm ai vừa ỷ, làm ai dễ chịu

: phố biến được ưa chuộng với ai

: quả quyết về điều gì : thích hơn

: bận bịu làm điều gì : tự hào, hãnh diện về

: đủ tiêu chuẩn, đủ trình độ làm việc gì

& h t 'TO ittilụ ^ 163 to be ready for to be reiied on to be responsible for to be rich for to be rỉpe for st to be satisfactory to sb to be satisỉỉed with to be serious about st to be shocked at st to be sick about to be startled at to be stolen from to be suitable for to be sure of to be suspicious of sb to be synonymous with to be taken for another person to be terriíied of doing st to be tired from to be tỉred of to be tolerant of

: được tin cậy, đáng tin cậy : chịu trách nhiệm về

: có nhiều cái gì : sẵn sàng, đã đến lúc '

: thỏa mãn đối với ai, làm ai hài lòng

: thỏa mãn, hài lòng về : nghiêm túc về vấn đề gì : xúc động về việc gì : đau khổ, ân hận : bị giật mình : bị trộm

: phù hợp, thích hợp : chắc chắn'

: nghi ngờ ai : đồng nghĩa với : bị nhầm là người khác

: sợ làm điều gì : mệt nhọc vì : chán ngấy về : nhân nhượng, nhượng bộ

164 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh to be unílt for : không thích thích hợp, không vừa to be worthy of xứng đảng to get away with st : quen với


: dôi dào vê admiraỉion for : thán phục ai admíssion of : sự thú nhận admỉssion to : sự cho phép vào advantage of : sự thuận lợi cùa advantage over : thuân lơi hơn• • advice on : lời khuyên về affection for/ towarđ : có sự thương mến đối với air of _ằ• A 1 * 9

: điệu bộ, vẻ allegiance to : trung thành với alliance against : liên minh chống lại alliance with : liên minh với alỉusỉon to : ảm chi đến alternàtive to : sự thay thế cho answer from : sự trả lời từ £7/te Hỉindịi ^ 165 appeal for appeal to appreciation for approach to aptitude for ardour for asset to attack against attempt to attendance at attention to attitude to/ towards authority for doing st/ to do st authority on award for basic for battle against / with behaviour towards belief in beIiefof beneíìt of blame on

: lời kêu gọi cho cái gì : kêu gọi ai

: sự đánh giá cao : đường đến, sự tiếp cận : khả năng vé

: sự say mê về : tài sản đối với : sự tấn công chống lại : sự cố gắng

: sự hiện diện : sự chú ỷ đến : thái độ đổi với : quyền làm gì

: cơ sở cho : trận đánh với : sự cư xử với : niềm tin vào : niềm tin của : lợi ích của : sự đổ lỗi cho ai

166 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh breach of buDch of business with candidate for capability of capacity for cause of chance for chance of charge agaỉnst charge for cheer for choice betvveen choice of claỉm against combination of compassion on competence for competition against compromise between concern about/ in coníidence in congratulations on sự vi phạm bó sự làm ăn với ứng cừ viên cho có khả năng có năng lực nguyên nhăn của sự thay đỗi đối với cơ hội sự buộc tội chổng lại chi phỉ cho sự hoan hô sự lựa chọn giữa sự lựa chọn của yêu sách chổng lại sự kết hợp của lòng thương xót đối với khả năng về cuộc cạnh tranh với sự thoả hiệp giữa sự quan tâm về sự tin tưởng vào chúc mừng cái gì

'xĩht 7 Viitdự ^ 167 connoỉsseur in / of consideration for contempt for contrastto control over/ of couple of credit for crime against cure for custom of danger to decrease in deílect in delay in delỉght in demonstration of descendant of descent from description of desire for despair for devotion to diagnosis of

: người sành sỏi về : quan tâm đến : sự coi thường đổi với : tương phản với

: sự kiểm soát : cặp, hai

: sự tín nhiệm đối với : tội ác chổng lại : sự chữa trị cho : thói quen của : nguy hiểm đối với : sự giảm xuống : khuyết điểm ở : sự trì hoãn, chậm trễ : sự thích thú về

: sự minh hoạ : con cháu của : sự đi xuống từ : sự mô tả về : ước ao về : sự thắt vọng của : sự tận tuỵ với : sự chuẩn đoán về

168 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh đifference between disagreement about / on / over disagreement with disbelieĩ in discourse with sb on st discrỉmination between discussion about / on disdain for disregard for/ of dissatisfaction with distinction between dozen of duty on ear for emphasis on end to enthusiasm about/ for entrance to equivalent of error in example of

: sự bất đồng với : sự không tin vào

: sự bàn luận với ai vộ • ô việc • gì

: sự phân biệt giữa : sự thảo luận về : sự khinh bỉ đối với ai : sự coi thường

: sự bất mãn với : sự khác biệt giữa : hằng tá

: sự đánh thuế trên : sành về

: sự nhấn mạnh về : sự chấm dứt đối với : nhiệt tình đối với : lối vào

: sự tương đương với lĩ: -

: sự làm gương Í7Aô T O in tlụ 169 exception to excerpt from exchange of excuse for experỉence in experience of doing st expert at /oa a subject expert in doing st exposureto faith in ĩavourite of feature of ĩeeỉỉng about/ towards íĩght agaỉnst / with ỉine for graduate in grieí about/for/over ground for guarantec for guess at habit of doing st

: luật trừ đôi với : bản trích từ : sự trao đổi qua lại : sự xin lỗi về

: kinh nghiêm làm cái gì

: chuyên gia về một môn học

: chuyên gia, kinh nghiệm làm cái gì

: sự phơi ra trước : niềm tin vào : cái ưa thích của : đặc điểm của : tình cảm đối với : chiến đấu chống loại : sự xử phạt về

: người tốt nghiệp về : nỗi buồn về

: lý do vì : sự bảo đảm cho : sự ước đoán : có thói quen làm gì

170 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh heir to hope for horror of hurry for immunity from impatiencc with impression of impression on incentỉve to indifference to inílux in intention of interestin interview with introduction to intrusion into invitation to key to kinh of lapse from limit to link between link with

: người thừa kể cho : sự hy vọng cho : nổi sợ về

: sự vội vã tìm : sự miễn dịch đối với : sự nổi nóng với

: ấn tượng về : ấn tượng trên : sự kích thích cho : sự dửng dưng đối với : sự đỏ xô đến

: ỷ định về : sự quan tâm đến : cuộc phỏng vấn với : sự giới thiệu về : sự đột nhập vào : lời mời đến : chìa khoá / bí quyết cho : loại

: sự giới hạn đối với : sự nối kết giữa : sự nổi kết với

TOindụ, ^ 171 lure of lust for marvel of master of match for m atter for matter of member of mercy on miỉlions of mistake in monopoly in mystery about mystery of name for name of native of necessity for need for news of notice of object for objection to

; sự lôi cuốn, mồi nhử

: sự thèm khát, khát khao : điều lạ lùng của

: người chủ của : sự cân xứng đối vói : vấn đề cho

: vân đê vê : thành viên của : sự thương xót đối với : hàng triệu

: sự lỗi lầm về : độc quyền về : sự bỉ mật về : sự bỉ mật của : sự nổi danh : tên của : dân bản xứ của : sự cần thiết cho : sự cần thiết cho : tin tức về

: sự chủ ý đến : đối tượng cho : sự phản đối với

172 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh occasion for : cơ hội cho oữence against : sự vi phạm chống lại opinion of : ý kiến đánh giá opposite of : sự đối lập, điều trải ngược order for : sự đặt mua order from : đơn đặt hàng penalty for : hình phạt cho perception of : sự nhận thức về permit for : phép sử dụng pity about : sự thương hại về pity for : sự thương hại đối với ai pity on : sự thương xót đối xới plea for : sự nài xin power over : quyền lực trên precedent for : tiền lệ đối với preíace to : lời mở đầu cho pretensỉon to : sự khoe khoang prey to : mồi nhử cho pride in : sự tự hào về priority over : sự iru tiên trên progress in : sự tiến bộ về proof of : bằng chứng của

'ĨOiếtiiụ ^ 173 prospect of protection írom protest against qualiỉĩcation for quarrel with question about quotation from raỉd on reason for reation to receipt for recipe for recompense for reíerence to regard for regards to regret for reỉic of relỉef from reply to report on representative of reputation for

: sự che chở khỏi : sự chổng đối lại : khả năng chuyên môn cho : sự cãi nhau với

: câu hỏi về : sự trích dẫn từ : sự càn quét : lý do cho : sự phản ứng với : biên lai cho : công thức thực hiện cái gì : sự đền bù cho

: sự tham chiếu với : sự coi trọng đối với : lời thăm hỏi tới : sự hối tiếc về : tàn tích của : sự khuây khoả nhờ : sự hồi âm cho

: bản báo cáo về : đại diện của : nổi danh về

174 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh request for request to resemblance to respect for response from response to reverence for reward for road to room for sacriíĩce to satire upon satisfaction from

Service to shame OD sharein share of shelter from sign of skỉll at / ỉn smell of solution to sorrow at / for / over

: yêu cầu ai : sự giống với : sự kính trọng đối với : sự đáp ứng từ

: sự đáp ứng, hưởng ứng : sự kính trọng đối với : phần thưởng cho : đường đến

: chô cho : hy sinh cho : bài / sự châm biếm về : sự hài long từ

: sư phục vụ cho : sự tủi hổ cho : cổ phần trong : sự chia sẻ : sự trú ẩn khỏi : dấu vết của : sự khéo léo về : mùi của

: giải pháp cho : nỗi buồn về

&ft£ TU ùtdự < 175 sorrow over sb specialỉst in specimen of spirit of stain on strile for struggle against / wỉth struggle between substitute for superiourity over Symbol of sympathy for talent for target for taste for taste in taste of tax on thirst for / after ticket for touch of trouble with trust in

: nỗi buồn đổi với : chuyên gia về : mẫu cùa

: tình thần cùa : vết bẩn

: cuộc đình công giành : đấu tranh với

: sự đấu tranh giữa : sự thay thế cho : sự vượt trội hơn : biểu tượng của : sự thương hại đỗi với : tài năng về

: mục tiêu cho : sở thích vé

: sành sỏi về : có mùi cùa : thuế trên : sự khát khao về : vé cho

: một ít của : khó khăn cho : sự tin tưởng vào

176 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh verge of : bờ mép của zest for : sự say mê đổi với



2 in 12 behind 22 no prepsition needed

6 afìer 16 at 26 no prepsition needed

184 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

1 at 2 about 3 from 7 from 8 about 9 at

1 with 2 to 3 out of 4 under 5 in 6 with 7 out of 8 in 9 under

14 at 15 against 16 about 17 against 18 from 19 at 20 against

11 in 12 witìi 13 under 14 out of 15 under 16 to 17 in 18 to 19 out of 20 with

1 on 2 on 3 at 4 in 5 aftẹr 6 on 7 at 8 after 9 at

1 for 2 to 3 of 4 by 5 on 6 for 7 to 8 by 9 on 10 of

11 on 12 After 13 at 14 on 15 in 16 After 17 in 18 at 19 on 20 in

11 by 12 of 13 for 14 to 15 by 16 on 17 for 18 to 19 of 20 on

186 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

9 to 10 to / tovvards 11 for / to 12 on

13 for 14 for 15 against/ with 16 on

5 from 6 to 7 for 8 for £7Ztể> TOindụ ^ 187

11 l o f 5 for 9 for 13 of 17 in/of

10 of 11 between 12 aboư/on/over

188 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

5 to 6 about /fo r 7 to 8 of

1 to 2 over/on/with 3 in 4 about

9 of 10 of 11 about / towards 12 against/ witíi 13 for 14 in 15 about / for over 16 for

5 against 6 of 7 of 8 for £77t£ TOiềidụ < 189

9 from 10 for 13.about 14 for 17 over 18 for

4 of 8 for 12 on 16 with 2 0 for

10 aưin 11 of 12 to 14 over 15 in 16 of 18 on 19 for 20 against/vviứii

190 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh


192 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

194 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

196 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

198 > Bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2024, 22:22


