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bài tập hoàn thành câu tiếng anh nxb văn hóa thông tin 2012 lê minh thu 337 trang

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Nội dung

LÊ MINH THUBÀI TẬP HOÀN THÀNH CÂU TIÉNG 乂NH CÚNG có NGŨ PHÁP & TÙ VựNG 巧'''' が’-り... B人I TẢP THƯC H入NH 1 EXE 民CISE 1: Khoanh từ 过úng trong ngoặc đon để hoàn thành câu しThe leaders of the r

Trang 1




Trang 2





' ’- - r ぃ.雪 ミ;;;ぷ:バ呀琴じ城^,[お 触f



Trang 3


táp úp ngươi học củng cô ngư p h á p và íừ vựng.

Hy vọng cuón sách này sẽ g m p các hạn au dôi Kie thức vơì

hùi íập hoàn thành cáu, hai tập đọc hieu cũng như rĩâng cao kỹ nân^ lùm huĩ tập ưăc nghẹtn - m ột phương íỉurc phô tnerUrong fhi cừ nợàv nay.

T liệu được tống hợp và h w soạn khá kỹ càn tuy riMêrì

không ánh k h ’)i nhỉhìg wu sót Chúng toỉ ドか mong quỳ độc gìa

và các đỏng nghiệp góp ý để cuố sách irở thàh công cụ hữu ích cho hạn đọc.

N gư biên soạn


Trang 4



Khoanh từ úng trong ngoặc đon để hoàn thành câu

しThe leaders of the religのUS group ai*e said to have(がむの/り各た幻/々ぶVC•パ/じ)powがs 化at aりo w化em to move objects just b y化e pcvver of their thoughts

2 tor years after the earthquake, she was disturbed DV the (户 づ"パパのぶ/ぶど於perタピむ/幻む>7)memories of desuction.

3 The boys told their new friend that they had seen (/‘7/C777/どぶけrたぶ/)7み幻Wowぶ) in 化e ceme化ry at night

4 During the s c u ffle ,化e cizens were prepared to {invoke/

けど6//Vロ化) the right of atizen’s arrest because no police officers were piesent

5 Her (ぷ八バが/〇/1/72〇厅 〇/') of 化6 Ksuhs of &eir meting impKSwd e、 en 化e nonbelievers

0 i,he judge ruled 化at Harry was guilty of a (v/。/幻が。" /CƠ/7今wどが) of

かe がat-belt law

7 Because Dalmatia was protected by high mountains, the empire

could not (apex/annex) it.

8 We have to (CƠパ9難 7/c/どwぶe) a way to fight 化is new disease

9.Several armed groups jomed together to (rだぶ/ぶ//じい//幻/?ぶだ) the foreign irvaders

10 The か厂ピvư///けg / /けV幻ぶ/vど) belief held that the enemy’s peace rroves were not sincere

11 When a nation becomes unwilling to listen to its allies, its irternational influence will (みの,/ けW7//7/ぶ片)•

Trang 5

12 The release of many new movies (co/パ ぶ /cơVC今 ぶ )wuh the start of tne holiday period.

The 9// /m7/ew) of Oman power shifted to Constantinople

after ome w attacked repeatedly by armies from ứie north

14 As our government becomes better at monitoring US, an(Onve///ロルな 幻/) future awai bus.

15 As you move directly et from one point on e Earth to anoer

your (/on化 片 row/りが)chang.

16 Buy a car now, befĩ*e (どタw//•のクロがOM) drives e price up.17 Mo investors make a mistake During a ock-mark

(úfec/e/wろぶ7•み)化ey g frighned and sell.

1The govemme is giving a (がが/幻む*0/2/wろぶ娜) to tobacco fầrms so ey can compe wi ibreign producers.

22 To ửie average farm family, every child was (口の幻ぶぶが/ロ/わろ z•がか),

0打e more set of hands to gaer eggs or plant beans.

23 Gary’s Cookie Shop has to move because the owner of the building won’t renew e (た幻が/。ぶぶが).

2The (片 幻 ぶ /ơ/e) adult influence on Sarah as she grew up was her grandmo er.

25.Some people are bom with the disease, but others (幻 か e /ロぶぶどぶぷ) later in life.


Trang 6


Hoàn thành câu bằng cách đỉền vào chỗ trống từ gợi ý

đúng nhất Khoanh tròn a/b/c/ hoặc d.

1 He was always very quick learning languages

c at d about2 Susan c〇Lildn,t come to the meeting, was a pity.

a ữiat b itc what d which3 Why do you say we are fond of luxurie•’ "The stree of Bangkok are

Hill of private cars are expensive."

a all those b most of whichc most they d most of what4 1 Ihaveivl seen her f o r I've forgotten what she looks like

so Ions b such long time

c such a long time d both a and c are correct5 I appreciate y o u r my brother

a waing helpin b to wa to helpc wantin to help d to want helping

6 1 low beautiful is the house! I f s a palace

• a as b.likec alike d unlike7 Daisy’s boss doesn’t want her to a habit of using the officephoine for personal calls


Trang 7

c have d increase8.1 saw J im a theatre last Sunday.

9 The c h ild his soup all over the table-cloth

a stained b spiltc scattered d set10 I : my hand when I was cooking the lunch

a burnt b was burningc have burnt d had burnt1 1 It’s time w e this old bicycle and bought a new one

a will sell b had soldc have sold d sold12 TheyVe close friends T h ey each other for a long time

a know b have knownc have been knowing d knew

13 A s as 1 knoww'e have not received a b1 for this nc pnntci

a much b lormc soon d far14 Don’t w o rry late tonight

a if 1 am b when I amc when Ỉ11 be d J f I’ll be15 The staff didn't accept their project because o f funds

- a unavailable b inconsideratec incomplete d insufficient16 What was wrong with you? W h y see the doctor?


Trang 8

a had you to b did YOU have toc must you d will you

17 He i s to leave her class as soon as possible

a cautious b anxiousc worried d nがvous

18 He likes the livinc-room as often as possible

a cleaned b cleanc to clean d that 1 clean19 Susan agreed to stay behind; she was used t o late

a working b have workedc work d being worked20 Every d a y sねけs at 8 and finishes at 4

a school b a schoolc the school d an school2 1 She may be old but she's s till control of all that is happening

a under b overc with d in22 I couldn’t buy anything a s of the shops were open

a all b no onec none d nothing23 The coins a r e to be over a thousand years old

a described b saidc spoken d mentioned24 Few people to 化e wedding party can,t come

a inviting • b invけedc who invited d 化ey were invけed


Trang 9

25 Unexpが化dly e gh out and Daisy and I were left in


a turned b putc went d gave26 Ỉ haven’t g o t on holiday at the moment

money enough U) go b enough money U) goc money enough for going d enough money for going27 The opening of the play took place in an office

sge b scene

c sight d piece28 She is very kind to me She treats m e her own daughter

a like I am b as in amc as if I was d as if I were29 She wasn't offered the job because of her untidy

sight b view

c pi*esence d appearance30 Wh time did e y e hoおじ

arrive b arrive in

c gが化 d both a and c are correct

31.1 wonder who ate all the cheese yesterday I t have been Annbecause she was out all day

a can't b mustc could d needn't32 Karen has been working h ere

a for six months b since six monthsc six months ago for six mon


Trang 10

33 rhey used the aircra to save several people from th e floor of

the blazing building

a high b topc basement d.low34 rhere,s piey ot time Y ou hurry.

a don't have to b mustn'tc needn't d don't35 When the electricy went out, my fa th e r a match to find thecandles

a rubbed b scratchedc struck d started36 He、s exhausted He'd rather out this evening

a not going b not to goc doesn’t go d not go37 Annie p u t speaking to Jim as long as possible

c away d back38 a problem in mo big cles

Crime is b The crime isc The crimes are d All of them are wrong39 She w ondered her uncle looked like now, after so many yearsshe hadn't met him

a how b whosec at d what40 When I was on holidayI spent money.

a a lot o f b much


Trang 11

c•い0 much d too many

41•et,s get a Uixi It’s to walk.

a a quite long way b quite a long wayc rather a long way d both b and c are correct42 The boy screamed while the dentist one of his teeth

a were pulling out b had been pulling outc had pulled out d was pulling out43 r 11 be in London next week I hope to see T o m there

a while I will be b while I amc during my VIS d bo b and c are correct

44 They say theyVe been t o restaurant in town

a at 1 don’t see b at I haven,t seenc since 1 didn,t see d since 1 saw

48 She has to go to work by bus today because her car is b e in g

a stopped b brokenc serviced d rented49 What a great party last night! Y o u come Why didn’t you?


Trang 12

a niusi havじ b should have

じ ouLzht to havじ d had u)5 0,1 don’t izet tired watching TV every nichし

51• "May I stay heiで? " ’T d ra化e r with US."

a you come b you to come

じ.you came d you would come5,2 The plav lasted three hours w ith of fiれeen minutes betweens;cじne one and scene two

b a paused an interruptiona an interval

c a stop53 W hen invented?

a was washing machineb were washing machinesc was 化e washing machine

d were the washing: machines54 When we first came here, th e y this bridge yet

a hadn't built b haven’t builtc had built d have built55 Nowaday don't have to ねkc かe ink pot with them whengoing to schooし

a The most pupils b Most of pupilsc Most pupils d both b and c are correct56 My manaじじr is very busy at the moment so it may take a time

む0 answer your leけじrs


Trang 13

a little b•wc small d some57 The exam was quite easy ; we expected.

a more easy that b more easy thanc easier than d esier as

5 8 I've known T o m I left college

a when b duringc un d since

5 Michael is away at the m o m en t.1 don’t know fbr certain what tinだ

h e,scoming back but I’m sure he’ll be b ack Monday

a by b until

60 She was wearing a heavy sweater t o himself against the cold

a conceal b protectc cover d wrap61.1 travelled 7.00 train, arriving at 9.30

a in e b on ec by the d by62 There was n o in continuing, for him the race was over

a value b worthc point d profit63 B etty out after dinner and she s just come back

a went b has gonec is gone d had goneỐ4 We'll stop n o w you have any further question


Trang 14

a unless b ifc in spite of d althoimh65 S h e a desktop computer.

a su叫es化d that 1 buyb su蜡ested that I should buyc simuested to buv

d both a and b are correct6Ó Shじ w asted time searching for her pen

a priceless b costlyc valuable d expensive

〇/ Ar。 you looking forw ard voiir old teacher again?

3 がd n g b to がec to seeing d to being seen68 They like t o the crossword puzzle in the newspaper every day

a lu a kだ b To 化ke to itc Taking it d It must71.1 asked two strarmers the way to tlie post office b u t of them knew

a none b either


Trang 15

c both72 Shall we


d neitheraci*oが化is field inead o f going by the road?

b take

ん が

delicious out

73 The more running water you u se ,

a your bUl will be higherb will be higher your billc the higher your bill will bed the highest your bill will be74 He's a wonderful cook, he can make almost anyữiing

a flavour b foodc meal d pla

75 Have you read any books by Charles Dickens?

a wri b wrote

c w ning d written76 What do you mean, he's watcning television? He’s washing e car.

a supposed c expected77 Faraday generator

a invented c had invented

b hoped d thought

b have inveed had been inventing

78 The red curtains began t o after they had been hanging in thesun fbr two mon化ん

Trang 16

c dissolve d melt79 Ị ルink all students uniforms.

a should wear b had belter wearc had belter to wear d would rather wear8 0 I'hey have lived near the railway for so long now that they've become to the noise of the trains

1 accustomed unconscious

b familiar d aware


Hoàn thành câu bang cách len vào chỗ trống từ gọi ý

úìig nhất Đổì hình tháỉ ciía từ nếu cần thiét

cor notation ambiguous denote Cỉdvení phoneticsvnhoUc lừerate ingenious inscription decipher

1 In many villages nearly everyone was .and unschooled,and Ihe tew who could read heia great power

2 Ann thought up an .way to keep other people fromaccidentally taking her pens

3 If my father told me to be quiet, the .was "I have aheadache."

4 T h e of the autom obile greatly increased the demand forpeToleuni

5 Since the 1970s, yellow ribbons have b e e n of hope th a tsomeone will return from a dangerous situation

6 The president's response, "W ait and see,’, w a s , m eaning

Trang 17

that perhaps he would take action, perhaps not.

7 The sentence / r ’ぶみ幻/.ぶけVi s , with different m eanhgsin difierent com exts

8 In English w nむng, a m ark called an apostrophe usually

a missina let化!', as in わパ Y for た wo/.

9 T h e on my ring says "August 1,’’ because 化at was the cay

Trang 18



I psychic 2 haunting 3 phantom s 4 invoke 5 divination6 violation 7 annex 8 devise 9 resist 10 prevailing

I I diminish 12 co in c id e 13 core 14 O rw eian 1 5 longitude

lo.inflation 17 decline 18 subsidy 19 per capita 20 commodity2 1 acquire 22 asset 2 3 lease 24 sole 25 acquire


9 b 17 b 25 c 33 b 4 1 d 49 b 57 c 65 d 7 3 じ

2.C 3 b 4 d 5 c 6 b 7 a 8.210 a 11.d 12 b 13.d 14 a 15 d 16.18 c 19 a 20 a 2 1 d 22 c 23.0 2

26.0 27 b 28 d 29 d 30 d 3 1 a 32.3c 35 c 36 d 37 a 3a 39 d 40.42 d 43 d 44 b 45 b 46.0 47 d 4

Trang 19


EXERCISE 1:Khoanh từ đúng trong ngoặc đơn để hồn thành câu

1 民esideがs o f Hawaii must accept 化e poss化nity o f a volcanic

(^erup on/persever nee) •

2 Years after the accident, she was finally able to (ロ 灼 む た 幻 ぶ /7) her feelings o f anger

3 Houses along the river often face ựamine/flooding) during the rainy season

4 Many people think It IS cruel to {collide /plunge) live lobsters into boりing w がer.

5 A well-wri 打 en だsay should make some kind o f(c幻たなか幻 on れs readers

0 The (co« ぶ か け む/ con/幻 w/w ロ//OM) o f being in prison made her hがe society even more.

7 A recognけion that the Earth is round was one o f the

(e/e/weW幻ンぶ片rwwんew) advances in 化ought during 化e time period.

8 Mother Teresa, who helped the poorest o f the poor, had a great (ぶがỚぶ幻i /尸どぶervoか) o f love withm her spirit.

9 AiKomobiles are responsible for some (em/ぶぶわwぶ/ の o f green-house gases

10 By 化e end o f 化e sU)rm,化e hikがs had {depled / reserved)

even their emergency stores

1 1 Pieがe make sure this iníbrm áon i^circulcues/derives)

throughout the office quickly

12 The (//7がな///A? / /ww/幻む•りn) o f 化e new telephones U)〇k three days


Trang 20

ỉ 3 In order to stay on schedule, we need to complete this project as (じX'/)ピ(九7/り!けか/ r>wơv幻//、ピ(V) as possible.

14 The smuggler moved cautiously through the airport to

ã\/o\d ciion/mi enc!ncc).

15 Years o f neglect had caused the building,s water pipes to

(し.on.ode/imem It).

lb A huge (幻けり"?a /v /が7/)) bがween 化e weal化y and 化e working class often leads to social unreジ

17 The new computers enable US to ụrưervene/reieve)

inform ation more quickly

18 Although she w asn’t qualified for the job, she (mi//が ロ ろ/ v//>2化/むv e/v )たIt t:hat she should apply.

19 When he joined the military, he did not expect the officers to (degrade/recede) him

20 The art in the foyer was an im portant (acqiusけわn /

ぐりパぶc/o从vwどぶぶ) for the museum

2 1 The かrocど ど / ぶcロr) to prepare for the surgery took fourhours

22 Only seriously (ceifiabk/obese) people should get their sU)machs su rg icaりy reduced

23 He alm ost died during the operがion because the doctors did not give him the right kind o f (anだthesia /com plicがion).

24 D octors are now able to (cure/im plant) many types o f sickness that w ere usually fatal in the past

25 Before (augm enting /injectinミ)a painkiller, the denti

rubbed cloves on the w o m an 's gum s to num b them


Trang 21

EXERCISE 2:Hoàn thành câu bằng cách iền vào chỗ trống từ gọi ý

đúng nhất Khoanh tròn a/b/c/ hoặc d.

1 Tom has made a bad miske at work, but his boss doesn’t fire him H e,s

lucky a second chance

a having given b having been givenc to have given d to have been given2 This picture long before he went to university

a had been taken b had takenc has been taken d has taken3 Dr Wilson is a brilliant and dedicated scientist who had expected to beselected as the director of the institute He was very upset n o t theposition

a having offered b having been offeredc•化 have offered d to have been offered

4 If you are a , you have to work hard

a scientist b sciencec scientific d scientism5 By the time their babies arrive, the Johnsons h o p e painting anddecorating e new mưsery.

having finished b having been fimshed

c to have finished d to have been Iinished6 N am with his parents at the moment though he

his own flat.a is staying / had b is slaying / has hadc is staying / has d was staying / has


Trang 22

7 Wc would りk e u )ルc piesident.s reception、 but we \veren,t.

a havirm invited b having been invitedc lo have invited d to have been invited

8 if YOU what Nam is doing, you verysurprised

a had known / would be b knew / would be

じ knew / would have been d knew / will be9 George m entioned in an accident as a child, but he never toldus the details

a having injured b having been injuredc to have injured d to have been injured10 H e r was so great that she couldn't drive her car

a anxiety ’ b anxiousc anxiously d anxiously1 1 The Smiths wanted to give their son every advantage However, theynow reg ret him by providinじ too many material posががk)nん

a having spoiled b having been spoiledc to have spoiled d to have been spoiled1 2 Instead o f a new car, she'll have her old o n e

a to buy / repaired b buying / to repairc buying / be repaired d buying / repaired13 The spv admitted some highly secret informがion to enemy


a having given b having been givenc to have given d to have been given14 I very happy if th e re a good film on


Trang 23

channel 9 last night.

a would be / had been b would have been / would bec would have been / had been d had been / had been

15 My friend’s m a in for going abroad was his poor health

a need b reasonc cause d desire16 She received a lot o f from her friends

a encourage b encouragementc encouragements d encouraging17 The examiner will test y o u r to drive under normal conditions

ability b advange

c wisdom d virtue18 It's the m ost story I've ever read

a boring b borec bored d boringly19 Over the past two years t h e of living has risen considerably

20 It was a record that no o n e before

a has ever set b had ever setc has ever been set d had ever been set2 1 It's so long since I saw him that I almost failed t o him

a receive b acceptc recognize d approve22 He promised to come but he's v e ry

unreliable b reable


Trang 24

c reliably d unreliably23 The police must n o w the escaped convict in 化e surrounding

a refuse b neglectc deny d avoid26 She hopだ shell soon find a to the problem

a solution b solvec solutionist d solvation27 In the 1960s, pop a r t to discover artistic significance in 化ecommercial artifacts of the consumer culture

a seeking b to seekc has sought d sought28 The four-storey h o use on that hill is still new

a be built b buildingc built d being building29 Overexposure to 化e sun can produce some k)xic chemicak

a more than damage to the skinb more damage than to the skinc damaが more 化an lo the skin


Trang 25

d more damaue lo the skin than3 0 In the old days, many poor and people had to ve ami

work in the workhouses

a home b homelyc homeless d homelike3 ‘、Did you enjoy e show last night?" "Y, but I wi 1 a cold.*'

a hadn’t b didn’t havec hadn’t had d wouldn’t have32 S ev eral nations are supplying countries withnew chnology

a developed / developing b developing / developedc developed / develop d.developing/ development33 It’s high time y o u to study seriously

a begin b beganc did begin d would begin34 I the book you lent me for a week, butI it yet

a have been reading / has not finishedb had been reading / have not Tinishedc have read / have not finished

d have been reading / have not fimshed35.1 wish y o u longer

a will stay b can stayc could sy d sy3 6 ach ale has to ke part in the Olympic Games in ữìe ue spirit of


Trang 26

a sportsman

じ sportsmanship37 “ Why didn’t you invite me lo u you to izo with us/'

a could invite c have invited38 How many ciizareUes

a have / been smoked c nad / smoked

3乂一Do you like your new job?"

on time.,、

a was

b sportsmanlike d sports

to the dance?‘‘S orry,1 wish

b invid

d had invited y o u today ?

b have / been smoking d have / smoked

•Yes, but my employer insists at

b amd have beenc be

40 She often uses her goods a s as she can

a economic b economicallyc economical d economicly4 Jim pおがd his dnvmiz St surprised everybody.

a is b at

じ which d what42 And I'd like a of cigarettes, too

a box b packet

43 1 was this mominii

a Because o f the rain / an hour lateb Because o f the rain / late an hourc Raining / late for an hour


Trang 27

d Because of raining, / an hour late44 How much is th is of soap?

c box d lo a f45 No soonが had we sねrte d Uie rain camた

4 / , she usually spends her tim e about her old times

んし化e most elderly people/ at talKing b•し化 e most of e elderly people/ to ね化

c し化e mo o f ửie elderly people/ is 化化ingd Like moist elderly people/ 化化ing

48 She is not interested anything that happened thevery remote part

a about / in b in / atc about / at d in / in49 The hotel room w a s furnished with only a bed, a wardrobe and aniancient armchair

a inly b sparsely

c.lightly d skehily

50 Oh, and could 1 nave a o f biscuits?

a case b packetc bottle d piece


Trang 28

5 1 The main disadvanUìge to our house through a bedroom.

a passage c access52 I unless you invite me

a shall come c don't come

that the o n ly to the garden Í!

b doorway d communication

b shan’t comed come

53 Tve had my car examined three times now but no mechanic has been able to the problem

a pinpoint b focusc specify d highlight5 Thei*e are several unexplained mysrie

a unclear b vaguec tricky d unsolved55 Don’t tìiank me for helping ir ie garden It w a s pleasure to

be working out o f doors

plain b mere

c single d sheer56 The police are searching for a sti^anger dreed in white cloe

inrviewing b pulling inc arretin g d.looking fbr57 The police decje d t o the department store after they had received

a bomb warning

a abandon b evacuatec evict d expel58 A fier asleep, I saw a strange person at the foot o f the bed


Trang 29

a frightening b beauTulc surprising d foolish6 There is only Hoa in e claro o m some exercises.

a does b to doc is doing d doing62 accepting your job offer, I’d like to know a bit more about 化だ


a In advance b.In orderc Unt d Beibw

63 His name was Samuel Clemens Mark Twain was his ••••

a first name b surnamec full name d pen-name6 The police appeared a n d e crowd.

disrupd b disturbed

c diracd d dispeed

65 I t me about one hour to arive to my countryside

a brings b collectsc takes d gs66 My sister was a v e ry woman; one day she would be happy, thenext miserable


Trang 30

a uncontrollable b unevenc tcinpenimental d dispirited67 Why doesn’t he feel ashamじd when living at his wifc,s …… ?

a chanze b pricec amount d expense68 She hasn't had much success finding a job

b a mirrord a chopstick72 This is the h o rse has competed four times

a that b who

じ whom d whoが

73 Ms is the title used before the last name o f

a only married womenb only unmarried women

じ married and unmarried womend all are correct

a to marrv c marrying 7 1 Some people think

a a window c a glass


Trang 31

74 The music aroused a n feeliim of homesickness in me.

a intense b intentionalc intensive d intended

75 The most popular pet in the United States is th e

a chicken b rabbit

76 What are the m a in of measles?

b symptoms d tokensa traces

c emblems77 The weekend i s

a Saturday and Sunday b Sundayc Saturday Friday

78 She can't work because she has a in her head

a agony b painc suffering d hurt7 Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy were cread by

a Mary Poppins b Mo化が Goo

c Walt Disney d All ai*e wrong80 The buses, most o f were already full, started at 6 a.m

L whom that

b which d who


Trang 32

EXE C I S E 3 :

H o à n th àn h câu b ằ n g cách iền và o chỗ trố n g từ gi ý

đ ú n g h ất D ổ i h ình th á i của từ nếu cần thiết.

adjust urhừraỉy denomin toì’ infìrùtesimcil rateparallel sequence maxirỉù e export wi lly proportion

1 The average employee spends a large .o f each w orkdayanswering e-m ails

2 The street where I live runs .to the main road throughtow n

3 The number o f conm in an in the war w as , so the

water was safe to drink

4 V olじがes have been asked U ) the files and organize the

9 A coach helps each a th le te his or her pon tia

10 PollClans promised great changes in the coming year, butany im provem ent in people,s ves w as

1 1 The decision to build a school in Blackberry Township


Trang 33

w as , without any 化ought to future housing pが化m s.

12 You can add two fractions かat have りie s a m e

13 Travelers are adviがd t o りleir watches before aびiving inthe new time zone

14 She quickly overcame her culture shock and found iteasy t o U)化e new c o u n ty

15.Some grasses grow at t h e of one inch per day


Trang 34

む 入p ÁN

EX E 民 C IS E l:

I eruption 2 unleash 3 flooding 4 plunge 5 Im pact6 co n strain t 7 elemental 8 reservoir 9.emission 10 deplete

I I circulate 12 insiaỉlaíion 13 expeditiously 14 de1:eなion

15 corrode 16 gap 】7 retrieve 18 intuけively 19.degrade

20 acq u isけion 2 1 procedui'e 22 obese23 anesthesia 24 cure 25 injecting

E X E R C ISE 2:


9 b17 a25 d33 b

4 しc

が.b5 7.065 c73 c

10 a18 a26 a

3ん d

4 2 050 b

66 c74 a

3 d


Ỉ9.C 27 d 35 c 43 a

5 しc

59 d 67 d 75 c

ん a

12 d20 b

2ん c

36 c44 a52 b60 c68 c76.0

5.C 1 3 a

2 しc

29 d37 d45 a53 a6 1 d69 d77 a

6 c

1ん c

22 a30 c

3ん d

46 d

5ん d

62 d70 a 7んb

7 d15.b23 d3 1 c39 c47 d55 d63 d

7 しb

79 c


16 b2んa

32 a40 b 4んd

56 d

6ん d

72 a80.b

Trang 35



Khoanh từ đúng trong ngoặc đơn để hoàn thành câu

1 With a (su b tle /resid u a l) nod o f his head, the inspector signaled nis agents

2 Sunlight is 2i (c o n c e nかa te d /p o化nt) source o f energy for elec:tricity genei*ation, but it can be expensive to collect and s1:ore

3 A security o ffic ia lじies to (wơみ み / mお八/たり fbreign t:erroriなs before 化ey can eがer 化e country

4 Your advertisem ent crewed the (m isc o n c e pれo n /c aパel) thが

everything was on sale for 50 percent off

5 Charles is {exclusive / w illing) to be friends with Dory, but he is already dがing ano化er girl

6 If I (幻ぶぶỡc/幻た/ COが 無 ) in you, do you promise to keep what I say a secret?

7 W hen it comes to weがher, MinnだOta and North Dakota

12 Because the president was (ohnoxゎu s /c o r ư e m p íu o u ‘s) o f

France,s opinion long a g o ,化e French are not eager to help him now

13 M ark (ớfe が /ぶどぶ/ ろど厂幻/だぶ) Henry and refuses to see him at all


Trang 36

14 T urkey,s historic (ロバ/か 。/か / ぶ/?aw e) toward Greece may be soれening with the new generがion.

15 The ma化rials that go into a work o f aけ usually have little(幻々ぶむ'けc7//>ư/'/パぶ/c) v a 1u e

16 In the 1970s, artists known as "化e Boston School" revived (/•ピけ//‘s’wz/coけ/どaY) by rejecting ab stract techniques and trying to capture the actual ap p eara n ce o f their subjects

I / The coloK of light 化が we can see are known as 化e visible

( s p e c tr u m /p s p e c t i v e )

18 Medieval artists did not try to use (CỠパ た が 々 が ぶp ecむVe) to give a sense o f depth to 化 eir paintings

19 The small, separ*aた strokes OT im pressionist paintings give

化e w orks a dream like か0バrợy。/ /ぶ>7?e;7ぶ/ow)

20 The (か of his swea化r made him look fatter 化an he really was

2 1 Some analyがs see a relaむonship bがween fashion (かだのぶン 、幻バか) an d 化e ups and down of 化e economy

22 The outfits worn by firefighters are (vw/パer幻ら/e/cwwらどrぶowe) an d heavy

23 Her necklace was especially (cwwらピrぶowだ/ ぶか//:/>7g) because o f the diamonds it contained

24 (K幻wか/ 公w化) led my grandfather to dye his hair and to dress like someone 40 years younger

25 Things o化er 化an かugs can be (。ジ幻zcむv e/ぶwわ/た), such as gam bling or even television

EXERCISE 2:Hoàn thành câu bang cách điền vào cho trổng từ gợi ý


Trang 37

đúng nhất Khoanh tròn a/b/c/ hoặc d.

1 In spite o f his protests, his father him train for the race two hojrsa day

a let b madec insisted d caused2 Mark is a student a t

a London University b the London Universityc the University OÍ、しondon d both a and c are correct3 It was impossible for Susan to tell the truth so she had t o a story-

a invent b combinec manage d.lie

4 What a great party! enjoyed it

ん ilverybody b Allc All o f us d both a and c are correct5 The show was very long, but there were tw o

ん iがervals b•化sじ

c interrupttóns d gaps6 Paul’s a good swimmer I can,t swim as well a s

Trang 38

a lived b has livedc has been Imnu d had lived11 The n u rse a rare disease when she was working in the hospitaし

a look b sufferedc infected d caught1 2 lt,s la化 lt,s tim e home

a to go b to goingc for going d going13 Papermaking began in China and from 化ere i t to North Africa

and Europe

a sprang b spilledc carried d spread14 Tm thinking a house Do you かinいhat’s a good idea?

a to buy b of to buyc of buying d about buy15 When we heard his joke, we burst into lo u d

a smiles b.laughterc amusement d enjoyment

16 What tim e on television?

a is the news b are the news

Trang 39

c is news d are news17 The traffic lights to red, and the pedestrians crossed the sirじしし

a exchanged b turnedc removed d shone18 The bus service is very good There’s a b u s fifteen minuter

a each b everyc all d most19 It is a good idea to b e dressed when we go for an interv iew

ん finely b boldlyc smartly d dẻarly20 The story was really boring It w a s Fve ever read

a most boring story b 化 e mo だ borin じ‘ ryc•化 e sU)ry more boring d ứie mo ジ boring story2 1 The plane down at Cairo on its way to India

a remained b landedc visaed d touched

22 Why were you so unfViendly Susan? Hav you had a row Aị


Trang 40

b a tennis player d a cricket playera hasn't flown b didrft fly

c hadn't flown d wasn't flying25 Smoking is a very bad habit but many people find difficult to

it.a break b beatc breathe d cough26 Fm sure y o u ll have n o the exam

ん difficulty to pおs b difficulties to paが

c difficulties passing d difficulty passing27 Who is most likely to swing a club?

ん a golferc a basketball player2 8 It took me quite a long time to get there It w a s journey

a 化ree hour b a 化ree-hoursc a three-hour d three hours29 He was told to eat all his rice o r he would get no ice-cream

ん in case b elsec ins化ad d in なct30 My brother likes walking

ん 目very morning he walks to woric.b He walks to work every morning.c He walks every morning to woi*k.d both a and b are correct

31 you have no key, you will haveschool

a Although b Provided

get back before I go to


Ngày đăng: 22/08/2024, 23:33


