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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING DONG THAP UNIVERSITY NGUYEN XUAN TAO VOCATIONAL TRAINING MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THE CIPO APPROACH AT VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTH CENTRAL COAST Specialization: Educational Management Code: 9140114 SUMMARY OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS OF EDUCATION SCIENCE DONG THAP, 2023 THE WORK WAS COMPLETED AT DONG THAP UNIVERSITY Science instructors: 1 ASSOC.PROF, Dr NGUYEN VAN DE 2 ASSOC.PROF, Dr PHAM VAN SON Reviewer 1:…………………………………… Reviewer 2:…………………………………… The thesis will be defended at the meeting of thesis reviewing board at Dong Thap University At / /20 Thesis can be found out at Le Vu Hung Library Center, Dong Thap University 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Reason for choosing the topic Currently, the quality of Vietnam's human resources is still limited, and highly skilled workers still cannot meet the needs of the labor market and integration In the South Central Region (SCR), the proportion of untrained workers remains high; The rate of workers with skilled technical qualifications is still low The connection between schools and enterprises lacks of enthusiasm Teaching and learning methods are slow to innovate and not flexible Vocational training (VT) management is slow to innovate and has not met the comprehensive requirements for vocational education and training (VET) renewal To overcome the above limitations, applying the CIPO model in VT management to controls the quality of the VT process, beacause of implementing "Vocational training management according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions in South Central Coast region" is very necessary 2 Purpose of research Studies educational management theory and the status of VT at SCR; The thesis proposes VT management solutions acording to the CIPO approach to improve training quality 3 The subject and objects of research 3.1 Object of research VT process of VET institutions 3.2 Subjects of research Managing VT process according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions in SCR 4 Scientific hypothesis If VT management according to the CIPO approach base on the progress of the VT process and adapts to the context, the quality of training will be improved at (VET) institutions in the SCR 2 5 Research mission Establishing the theoretical basis for VT management according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions; Evaluating the state of VT and proposing solutions of VT management according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions in the SCR; Surveying and testing of the solutions 6 Scope of research 6.1 Scope of research content The thesis research on VT management according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions in the SCR 6.2 Scope of research space Survey of 08 colleges; 02 VET schools ; 02 vocational education centers Testing 03 solutions at 07 VET schools in Khanh Hoa 6.3 Scope of research time From january 2022 to june 2022; surveying july 2022; testing august 2022 7 Approach perspective and research methodology 7.1 Approach perspective of research 7.1.1 Approaching system theory 7.1.2 Approaching process 7.1.3 Approaching Practicality 7.2 Research Methods 7.2.1 Theoretical research methods 7.2.2 Practical research methods 7.2.3 Data processing methods 8 Points of the Thesis 8.1 Managing VT according to the CIPO approach ensures improving VT quality to adapt to the impact of social context 8.2 Managing VT according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions of SCR has changed positively but is still limited 3 8.3 The solutions of managing VT according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions of SCR ensure adaptation to the impact of social context and meeting VET innovation 9 Contributions of the Thesis 9.1 Theoritical aspect Developing a theoritical framework concecting to managing VT according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions of SCR 9.2 Practical aspect Identifying the current status quo of managing VT according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions of SCR Proposing and affirming the scientific and practical applicability of managing VT according to the CIPO approach at VET institutions Identifying the current situation of learning activities (advantages and limitations); Clarifying the management status of learning activities (advantages and limitations); Proposing and affirming the scientific and practical applicability of managing the learning activities of students majoring in Engineering 10 Structure of the Thesis In addition to the introduction; conclusions and recommendations; references; Appendix; The thesis consists of 3 chapters Chapter 1 THEORETICAL BASIS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THE CIPO APPROACH AT VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 1.1 Overview of research on vocational training management according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions 1.1.1 Research on vocational training management at vocational education and training institutions 4 VT management at VET institutions many educational scientists have said that in the context of the 4th industrial revolution, VET institutions are facing challenges in the VT management VET institutions need to innovate in VT process 1.1.2 Research on vocational training management according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions Vocational training quality management models Many scientists have proposed VT quality management models The models mainly focus on evaluating internal factors of the organization With the view that training quality is a process, UNESCO has introduced the CIPO model Input Process Output Context Diagram 1.3 CIPO training quality management model Applying the CIPO model in the process of managing vocational training at vocational education and training institutions Perspective of VT quality management is a process, the thesis determines the process of VT management includes contextual factors, input, process, output 1.1.3 Overall assessment of the research process Overview of the achieved values of the research Innovation in VT management is an inevitable trend in the digital age The VET institutions are facing the challenges in process of VT management Apply the CIPO model to the VT management appropriate to the current context Issues that need continued research focus Establishing a theoretical framework in applying the CIPO model to the process of VT management as a theoretical basis for researching the current status of input factors, processes, and outputs under the impact of 5 social context Thereby, solutions of VT management are proposed according to the CIPO approach at the VET institutions 1.2 Concepts for the research topic 1.2.1 Management 1.2.2 Vocational training 1.2.3 Vocational training management 1.2.4 Vocational training according to the CIPO approach 1.2.5 Vocational education and training institutions 1.2.6 Vocational training management according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions 1.3 Theoretical basis for vocational training according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions 1.3.1 Input factors of vocational training Enrollment for vocational training The teachers of vocational education and training institutions Vocational training curriculum Facilities and teaching equipment Finance for vocational training 1.3.2 Elements of the vocational training process Vocational training goals Content of vocational training Vocational training methods Form of vocational training organization Vocational teaching and learning activities Scientific research in vocational training Cooperate with enterprise in vocational training 1.3.3 Output factors of vocational training Learning outcomes of graduated students according to output standards of vocational training curriculum Employment of graduates 6 1.4 Managing vocational training according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions 1.4.1 The meaning of vocational training management according to the CIPO approach 1.4.2 The leader of vocational training management according to the CIPO approach 1.4.3 Managing input elements of the vocational education and training process Managing vocational training enrollment activities Managing and developing teachers in vocational education and training Managing vocational training programs Management of facilities, equipment and libraries Financial management for vocational training 1.4.4 Managing process elements of vocational training Managing the implementation of vocational education and training goals Managing innovation in vocational training content Managing innovation in vocational training methods Managing forms of vocational training organization Managing teaching and learning activities Managing scientific research in vocational training Managing cooperation with expertises in vocational training Developing the learning environment in vocational training 1.4.4 Managing output factors of vocational training Managing graduates according to output standards Managing employment of graduates 1.5 Factors affecting vocational training management 1.5.1 Objective factors affecting vocational education and training management 7 The trend of international integration affectìn vocational training management CMCN4.0 affecting vocational training management Vocational education and training mechanisms and policies affecting vocational training management 1.5.2 Subjective factors affecting vocational training management The ability of managers and teachers affecting vocational training management The activities of the department for quality assurance in vocational training affecting vocational training management International cooperation in VET affecting vocational training management Conclusion of chapter 1 Through general research on VT management according to the CIPO approach, it shows that this model is very suitable for the process of managing VT quality at VET institutions In researching VT management according to the CIPO approach, the author of thesis will use the research values, especially combining the functions of management to establish a system of theoretical framework for researching, surveying the status quo of and proposing solutions to overcome limitations in VT management Chapter 2 CURRENT STATUS QUO OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THE CIPO APPROACH AT VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THE SCR 2.1 Overview of vocational education and training in the South Central Region 2.1.1 Economic and social characteristics of the South Central Region 8 2.1.2 Overview of vocational education and training in the South Central Region 2.2 Surveying the current status quo of vocational training process 2.2.1 Survey objectives 2.2.2 Survey content Survey of content related to vocational training at vocational education and training institutions according to the CIPO approach Survey on contents related to vocational training management at vocational education and training institutions according to the CIPO approach 2.2.3 Survey tool 2.2.4 Survey method Questionnaire survey method In-depth interview method Document research methods Observation method Method for the expert consultation 2.2.5 Selecting a survey sample of the current status quo of vocational training Research area Number of participants for a survey General information about surveyed managers and educators at vocational education and training institutions General information about surveyed learners and manager of expertises Overview of vocational education and training institutions in survey participation 2.2.6 Method of data processing Method of quantitative data analysis a) Purpose of quantitative data analysis 11 The status quo of managing to develop learning environment in vocational training 2.4.3 The status quo of managing output factors of vocational education and training Managing graduates according to output standards Managing employment of graduates 2.4.4 The status quo of factors affecting vocational education and training management The status quo of objective factors affecting vocational education and training management The status quo of subjective factors affecting vocational education and training management 2.5 General assessment of the status quo of vocational education and training management 2.5.1 Vocational education and training management strengths according to the CIPO approach 2.5.2 Vocational education and training management limitations according to the CIPO approach 2.5.3 Causes of limitations in vocational training management to ensure quality Objective reasons Subjective reasons Conclusion of chapter 2 Through surveys and data analysis on the state quo of VT management according to the CIPO approach in VET institutions in the region, the thesis identifies strengths and limitations in the VT management process Regarding input factors such as enrollment, staff, training programs, facilities, and teaching equipment are still limitations that do not keep up with the demand for VT For the process factors, the VT goals have been determined However, the 12 teaching and learning activities still follow traditional methods, slow in innovation Scientific research and expertise cooperation in VT are still of low quality and effectiveness As for the output factor, the graduates do not meet the labor market's demands The activities of counseling and introducing employment are not received adequate attention by the managers of VET institution The controlling ability of the managers to adapt to the VT context is still limited Chapter 3 SOLUTIONS FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THE CIPO APPROACH AT VET INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH CENTRAL COAST 3.1 The State’s orientations on vocational education and training innovation and development 3.2 Principles for suggesting solutions 3.2.1 Ensuring purpose 3.2.2 Ensuring systematization and synchronization 3.2.3 Ensuring practicality 3.2.4 Ensuring feasibility 3.3 Vocational training management solutions according to the CIPO approach at vocational education and training institutions 3.3.1 The group of input management solution Solution 1: Organizing to raise awareness about the meaning of VT management according to the CIPO approach for managers and teachers a) Purpose of the solution: All members are deeply aware of VET quality assurance and actively participate in improving training quality b) Content of the solution: Understanding vocational education development orientations; mission, goals and training quality assurance criteria; tasks, solutions, and necessary resources to effectively propagate VT quality assurance activities c) The steps to implement the solution: 13 Step 1: Develop projects and plans to raise awareness for managers, teachers and learners about quality assurance in VT; Step 2: Organize the implementation of projects and plans to raise awareness for managers, teachers and learners about training quality assurance; Step 3: Direct the implementation of projects and plans to raise awareness for managers , teachers and learners about VT quality assurance; Step 4: Check and evaluate the implementation of projects and plans to raise awareness for managers, teachers and learners about quality assurance in VT d) Conditions for implementing the solution: Members are highly aware and determined about training quality assurance; units of VET íntitutions are synchronously unified and coordinated Solution 2: Improving the quality of management staff and teachers to meet the requirements of ensuring vocational training quality a) Purpose of the solution: Improve the capacity of managers and teachers during the process of participating in VT activities; Consolidate the Quality Assurance unit b) Content of the solution: Evaluate the status quo of management staff and teachers on the quantity and quality of the one in VET íntitutions; Developing content and training programs for management staff and teachers c) The steps to implement the solution: Step 1: Develop a plan to train and foster the professionnal ability of managers and teachers ; Step 2: Organize energy resources for training and fostering the professionnal ability of managers and teachers; Step 3: Direct the implementation of training and fostering the professionnal ability of managers and teachers ; Step 4: Check and evaluate the training and fostering the professionnal ability of managers and teachers; Step 5: Organize a conferences to evaluate on training and fostering the professionnal ability of managers and teachers 14 d) Conditions for implementing the solution: The efforts of managers and teachers participating in training and fostering programs; policies to create motivation for professional learning; resources to ensure training and fostering Solution 3: Managing the development of VET curriculum to meet the requirements of the 4th industrial revolution a) Purpose of the solution: Integrating advanced technologies in developing VET curriculum; Improving the quality of VT; the graduates meet the labor market b) Content of the solution: Developing tools for data collection and analysis of training needs, consider changes to programs, and energy resources for program development, facilities, teaching equipment, and technical infrastructure c) The steps to implement the solution: Step 1: Identifying training needs to meet the 4th industrial revolution ; Step 2: Developing a plan to develop training curriculum to meet the 4th industrial revolution ; Step 3: Organizing and directing the implementation of VT curriculum development to meet the 4th industrial revolution ; Step 4: Checking and evaluating training curriculum to meet the 4th industrial revolution; Step 5: Approving and organizing the implementation of VT curriculum to meet the 4th industrial revolution d) Conditions for implementing the solution: Members are highly determined to develop VT curriculum to meet the 4th industrial revolution; ensuring proactive implementation of training curriculum development; Ensure energy resources for VT activities according to VT curriculum to meet the 4th industrial revolution 3.3.2 The group of solution for managing the vocational training Solution 4: Managing the innovation of vocational training methods according to developing learners’ ability 15 a) Purpose of the solution: Improving the quality of VT; promoting learners' professional ability, ensuring graduates to meet the requirements of the labor market b) Content of the solution: Innovating VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability conectting with the VT goals; the content of VT program and energy resources for VT activities c) The steps to implement the solution: Step 1: Determining the context and necessary conditions for innovating VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability; Step 2: Developing a plan for activities to innovate VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability; Step 3: Organizing to innovate VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability; Step 4: Directing the implementation of innovating VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability Step 5: Checking and innovating VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability d) Conditions for implementing the solution: The members are highly determined to innovative VT methods in the direction of developing learners’ ability; the teachers actively study to enhancing their professional ability; infrastructure and technological equipment must ensure quality of VT Solution 5: Cooperating with the enterprises in vocational training management a) Purpose of the solution: Improving VT quality, help post- trained learners meet employment requirements of the enterprises and the labor market b) Content of the solution: Exchanging and providing information on VT cooperation needs ; Determining goals, content, and methods of VT cooperation ; Establishing a cooperative relations department between the two parties and sign the contract; establishing a tool system and evaluate the VT cooperation process 16 c) The stages to implement the solution: Stage 1: Developing a VT cooperation plan VET institutions and the enterprises Step 1: Surveying and receiving information related to VT cooperation; Step 2: Determining the goals of VT cooperation between VET institutions and the enterprises; Step 3: Determining the content of VT cooperation between vocational education institutions and the enterprises; Step 4: Identifying factors affecting VT cooperation with relevant parties; Step 5: Identifying VT cooperation options suitable to the goals and characteristics of cooperation between VET institutions and the enterprises; Step 6: Analyzing and considering to choose the most optimal plan for VT cooperation plans between VET institutions and the enterprises Stage 2: Organizing to implement VT cooperation plans between VET institutions and the enterprises Stage 3: Directing the implementation of VT cooperation activities between VET institutions and the enterprises includes the following steps: Step 1: Directing to survey and receive information on VT cooperation needs between VET institutions and the enterprises Step 2: Directing enterprise cooperation department to plan for VT cooperation needs with the enterprises ; Step 3: Directing the enterprise cooperation department to coordinate with the enterprise 's management staff and implement the VT cooperation plan according to the identified goals Step 4: The enterprise cooperation department to inspect and evaluate the VT cooperation process; Step 5: Directing the enterprise cooperation department to advise on implementing measures to improve and enhance the quality of VT cooperation 17 Stage 4: Organizing inspection and evaluation of the results of VT cooperation activities between VET institutions and the enterprises, includes the following steps: Step 1: In the VT cooperation process, it is important to identify the objects and contents that need to be inspected and evaluated Step 2: The objectives of inspection and evaluation of the results of implementation of VT cooperation activities should be determined Step 3: A tool system and evaluation method of the VT cooperation process should be selected Step 4: Finally, a plan should be developed to test and evaluate the results of the VT cooperation process Stage 5: Implementing improvements in the VT cooperation process between VET institutions and the enterprise Step 1: Based on the status quo and results of inspection and evaluation of the VT cooperation process between VET institutions and the enterprise, the specialized department synthesizes , analyzes and proposes a improvement plan; Step 2: Get consensus on the improvement plan from both sides; Step 3: Synthesize and complete the improvement plan and submit it to leaders of VET institutions for approval; Step 4: The VET institutions and the enterprise implement improvement plans according to assigned VT cooperation responsibilities that have been agreed upon and approved by leaders of VET institutions and the enterprise d) Conditions for implementing the solution: Members are highly determined to organize and implement training cooperation; Ensuring the autonomy and responsibility of both parties during the cooperation process; State mechanisms and policies actively support VT cooperation and energy resources from both sides to ensure effective quality that satisfies the requirements of relevant parties 18 Solution 6: Managing the development of positive learning environment for learners a) Purpose of the solution: Creating a convenient, modern learning environment to support learners develop their learning ability b) Content of the solution: Creating a positive learning environment, high quality culture for learners, managers, and teachers Quality verification; establishing processes and operations of the quality assurance system Scientific research on VET in the direction of technology application in service activities c) The steps to implement the solution: Step 1: Planing to creat a positive learning environment for learners; Step 2: Organizing and creating a positive learning environment for learners; Step 3: Directing the implementation of creating a positive learning environment for learners; Step 4: Checking and evaluating on creating a positive learning environment for learners d) Conditions for implementing the solution: Ensuring eneergy resources for digital transformation in VT; the reward policies are timely for learners; directing the implementation of quality culture processes must ensure that all activities of members and organizations are aimed at quality requirements; maintaining and implementing quality standards of the VT management process; ensuring to attract participants from the enterprises, social communitiess… related to VT quality assurance 3.3.3 The group of solution for managing the vocational training output Solution 7: Monitoring and evaluating learners,, ability according to output standards and employment after completing vocational training a) Purpose of the solution: Evaluating quality of VT curriculum and VT processes is crucial for improving them to meet requirements of

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2024, 09:20


