Schlabbach, Dirk Blume, Thomas Stephanblome, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Voltage Quality in Electrical Power Systems, 2001, pages.. 103- 122 [5] Tongxin Zheng, Elham B.Mak
Sóng hài (Harmonics
Liên sóng hài (Interharmonics)
Liên sóng hài là các
(sụt áp ngắn hạn) Voltage Swell
Tức thời Thoáng qua Điện áp thấp VOLTAGE SAG
(Tăng áp ngắn hạn) Điện áp cao Điện áp làm việc bình th-ờng
sc four st st scnet
P st95% ng giá tr c a P st sao cho trong kho ng 95% th t h mt tun) và 95% s v st t quá giá tr này
P lt95% ng giá tr c a P lt sao cho trong kho ng 95% th t mt tun) và 95% s v lt t quá giá tr này
i t m k t n i chung h th , trung th và cao th nh t i b ng 5.3 Các giá tr ng hc bit [4]
Mn H th Trung th Cao th d = V/V 0,03 0,02 0,02
R i i i và tăng lên hoặc i i và giảm đi
H thng E V6V, f = 60Hz; Rg = 50m; Zg = 0.0528 + j0.468 m ;
R 2 -0.76m= ; i 2 = 80kA Model 2 V at = 289.75V; C = 1.68MW; D = 20.65kA
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Không quan tâm Phân tích sóng hài
format khác nhau: short, long short_e , long_e , bank, hex, binary, decimal (Stored Integer), octal (Stored Integer)
-Phase Parallel RLC Load): bao
0 1 1 0 if if if if dg g g [1 exp( )] [ exp( )]
0 2 2 0 0 if if if if dg g g [1 exp( )] [ exp( )]
0 3 3 0 0 if if if if dg g g [1 exp( )] [ exp( )]
2 Máy bi n áp trung gian
3 Lò h quang Máy bin áp lò:
= 0,002pu; L HV = 0,04pu; R LV = 0,002pu;
peak.max peak.min peak.n
peak.max peak min peak.n
[3 Roger C Dugan, Mark F Macgranagan, H Wayne Beaty (1996), ] Electrical power system quality, MacGraw-Hill, New York
[4] J Schlabbach, Dirk Blume, Thomas Stephanblome, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Voltage Quality in Electrical Power Systems, 2001, pages 103- 122
[5] Tongxin Zheng, Elham B.Makram, Adly A.Girgis, Effect of different arc furnace models on voltage distortion Harmonics and Quality of power proceeding, 1998 Vol 2,pages 1079-1085
[6 ] H.Mokhtari, Assistant professor, M Hejri, Graduate Student, A New Three Phase Time-Domain Model for Electric Arc Furnaces Using MATLAB Transmission and Quality of Power proceeding, 1998, Vol.2, pages 1079-
[7] King-Jet Tseng- Yaoming Wang- D Mahinda Vilathgamuwa An Exprimentally Verified Hybrid Cassie- Mayr Electric Arc Model for Power Electronics Simulations IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol № 3, May 1997
[8 Adrain Barabei, Eugen Hnatiuc, Maricel Stady about one possibility of ] modelation of the electric arc 1992
[9 J Sousa, M.T Correia de Barros, M Covas, A Simoes, Harmonic and ]
Flicker Analysis in Arc Furnace Power System
Khái quát
format khác nhau: short, long short_e , long_e , bank, hex, binary, decimal (Stored Integer), octal (Stored Integer)
-Phase Parallel RLC Load): bao
0 1 1 0 if if if if dg g g [1 exp( )] [ exp( )]
0 2 2 0 0 if if if if dg g g [1 exp( )] [ exp( )]
0 3 3 0 0 if if if if dg g g [1 exp( )] [ exp( )]
2 Máy bi n áp trung gian
3 Lò h quang Máy bin áp lò:
= 0,002pu; L HV = 0,04pu; R LV = 0,002pu;
peak.max peak.min peak.n
peak.max peak min peak.n
[3 Roger C Dugan, Mark F Macgranagan, H Wayne Beaty (1996), ] Electrical power system quality, MacGraw-Hill, New York
[4] J Schlabbach, Dirk Blume, Thomas Stephanblome, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Voltage Quality in Electrical Power Systems, 2001, pages 103- 122
[5] Tongxin Zheng, Elham B.Makram, Adly A.Girgis, Effect of different arc furnace models on voltage distortion Harmonics and Quality of power proceeding, 1998 Vol 2,pages 1079-1085
[6 ] H.Mokhtari, Assistant professor, M Hejri, Graduate Student, A New Three Phase Time-Domain Model for Electric Arc Furnaces Using MATLAB Transmission and Quality of Power proceeding, 1998, Vol.2, pages 1079-
[7] King-Jet Tseng- Yaoming Wang- D Mahinda Vilathgamuwa An Exprimentally Verified Hybrid Cassie- Mayr Electric Arc Model for Power Electronics Simulations IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol № 3, May 1997
[8 Adrain Barabei, Eugen Hnatiuc, Maricel Stady about one possibility of ] modelation of the electric arc 1992
[9 J Sousa, M.T Correia de Barros, M Covas, A Simoes, Harmonic and ]
Flicker Analysis in Arc Furnace Power System