Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.Khó khăn tâm lý trong thực hành chủ nhiệm lớp của sinh viên sư phạm.
Major: Psychology Code:
Trang 2The thesis was completed at Department of Psychology – Hanoi University of Education
Review 1:
Review 2:
Review 3:
The thesis will be presented before the Board of thesis review at Hanoi
University of Education on h day month year
The thesis can be found at: National Library, Hanoi or the library of
1 Do Thi Thuy (2022), "Research on psychological difficulties in the
practice of classroom teachers of pedagogical students", Vietnam
Psychology Journal, No 10, pp.117-122.
2 Do Thi Thuy (2023), "The reality of psychological difficulties in the
practice of classroom teachers of pedagogical students", Vietnam
Journal of Psychology, No 6, pp.141-151.
3 Do Thi Thuy (2023), "The actual state of expression of psychological difficulties of pedagogical students in the practice of classroom teacher
under the influence of the current social change context", Proceedings of
the International Conference: Psychology learning, education in the context of social change, Dan Tri Publishing House, pp.620-627.
4 Do Thi Thuy (2023), "The current situation of coping with psychological difficulties in the practice of being a classroom teacher of pedagogical students", Proceedings of the International Conference: School psychological issues, Social Sciences Publishing House , pp 454-465.
Trang 41 The reason for choosing the topic
The classroom teacher is the soul, who is responsible for the comprehensiveeducation of the class he/she is in charge of The homeroom teacher plays a veryimportant role, being the bridge between the students and the school, the coordinator ofeducational forces inside and outside the school
A teacher in a high school not only has the function of a subject teacher but alsoplays an extremely important role in the organization of student personality education Inorder to fulfill that noble mission, teachers need to be trained in the practice of classroommanagement right from the time they are studying in a pedagogical school
The practice of classroom teacher for pedagogical students is extremely important,this is the process of applying basic knowledge of psychology - education into the reality
of the school environment in order to achieve fluency and proficiency in classroommanagement Through the practice of classroom leadership, pedagogical students willbegin to form basic skills for future classroom management activities
However, in fact, although pedagogical students have been trained in the basicknowledge of psychology - education, but when applied in practice classroommanagement, pedagogical students still have many doubts and difficulties, even somestudents are confused as to where to start, how to approach students appropriately
The problem of psychological difficulties in the practice of classroom management
of pedagogical students is not much and has not been studied systematically
2 Research purposes
Theoretical research, current situation and evaluation of factors affectingpsychological difficulties in the practice of being a class leader of pedagogicalstudents On that basis, the author proposes recommendations to minimize students'psychological difficulties in performing class tasks, contributing to improving thequality of teacher training
3 Research subject and object
3.1 Research object
- Survey subjects: 628 second-year students of universities: Hanoi NationalUniversity of Education, Hong Duc University and Hanoi Metropolitan University;
51 high school teachers give practical guidance
- In-depth interviews with 10 pedagogical students studying at Hanoi NationalUniversity of Education and 10 pedagogical students studying at Hanoi MetropolitanUniversity
Trang 5- In-depth interviews with 10 high school teachers to guide practice.
- In-depth interviews with 06 teachers of the pedagogical school to guidepractice
3.2 Research subject
The level and manifestation of psychological stress in the practice of classroomleadership of pedagogical students
4 Scientific hypothesis
Through preliminary theoretical and practical surveys, it can be assumed that:
- Most pedagogical students have psychological difficulties in practicing classleadership at "low" and "moderate" levels Considering the three aspects of cognition,emotion, and behavior, the behavioral aspect shows the highest level of difficulty.There is not much difference in the level of manifestation of psychologicaldifficulties in the classroom practice of pedagogical students according to gender andmajor; There is a clear difference in the level of manifestation of psychologicaldifficulties in the classroom practice of pedagogical students according to theirlearning results
- Psychological difficulties in practicing classroom leadership of pedagogicalstudents are influenced by many objective and subjective factors Among them, thestrongest influencing factor belongs to the students themselves, which is their sense
of self-learning and self-training, and the strongest influencing objective factor is theworking style of the instructors
- To minimize negative consequences in the classroom practice of pedagogicalstudents, we can use measures to influence awareness and attitudes and impact onbehavior and habits related to class homeroom practices for students
5 Research mission
5.1 Review of studies on psychological difficulties in classroom teacher
practice of pedagogical students
5.2 Surveying, analyzing and evaluating the actual status of the manifestation
of psychological difficulties in the practice of classroom leadership of pedagogicalstudents and the current situation of factors affecting psychological difficulties in thepractice of classroom leadership of pedagogical students;
5.3 In-depth analysis of typical cases in groups of students with low and high
psychological difficulties; Proposing recommendations to minimize students'psychological difficulties in practicing class leadership, contributing to improving thequality of teacher training
Trang 66 Scope of research topic
6.1 About the research object
Classroom homeroom practice is a content of educational practice In thisthesis, we study the practice of being a class leader in the following subjects:education, educational psychology, and pedagogical communication in high schools
The thesis focuses on clarifying the level of manifestation of psychologicaldifficulties in terms of cognition, emotion, and behavior in the practice of being ahomeroom teacher in the following contents: Understanding the individual andcollective characteristics of the homeroom class; Plan the class and organize regularclass activities
There are many factors that affect psychological difficulties in the classroompractice of pedagogical students However, in this study, we focus on studying thefactors that affect psychological difficulties in the classroom practice of pedagogicalstudents, including: Personal factors are the sense of self-learning , self-training; careerinterest; motivation to choose a career and objective factors such as training content andprogram; psychological atmosphere in high schools; Instructor's working style; A group
of high school students practicing homeroom
6.2 About time to survey the situation
From February 2022 to December 2022
7 Research methods and approaches
7.1 Approach method
7.1.1 Approach from the point of view of operation theory
When studying psychological difficulties in classroom teacher practice ofpedagogical students, we study through the specific activities of students in theclassroom practice environment at high schools Thereby, the psychologicaldifficulties in the practice of classroom teacher of pedagogical students are revealed
7.1.2 Approach from an interdisciplinary perspective
When studying psychological difficulties in professional practice ofpedagogical students, we do research in a specific working environment, which is aclassroom practice environment Therefore, in order to consider how thesepsychological difficulties arise, it is necessary to have an interdisciplinarycombination such as psychology, education, labor psychology, teacher psychology ,thereby better understanding the psychological difficulties revealed in the practice ofclassroom management
Trang 77.1.3 Approach from the system-structure point of view
When finding out the psychological difficulties in the practice of classroomteacher of pedagogical students, it is necessary to consider it in the interrelationship
of factors such as practice experience, gender, career interest, competence,psychological atmosphere, school culture
7.1.4 Approach from a development perspective
Research on psychological difficulties in classroom teacher practice ofpedagogical students needs to be placed in a specific period (age, time of study)and a specific space to recognize those psychological difficulties in movement,development and change not only in the present but also in the foreseeable future
7.2 Research Methods
(1) Research method of documents and documents; (2) Expert method; (3)Survey method by questionnaire; (4) Observation method; (5) In-depth interviewmethod; (6) Method of case study and portrait description; (7) Method of activeproduct research; (8) Method of data processing by mathematical statistics
8 New contribution of the thesis
8.1 About the theory
The thesis has built a theoretical system of psychological difficulties in thepractice of being a class leader of pedagogical students such as: building the concept
"Psychological difficulties of pedagogical students in the practice of being a classleader"; Point out the manifestations of psychological difficulties of students in thepractice of being a class leader in awareness, attitude and behavior; Factors affecting thepsychological difficulties of pedagogical students in the practice of being a class leader.This is an issue that has rarely been studied in depth and systematically in Vietnam
8.2 About the practice
Research results on the current state of psychological difficulties in theclassroom practice of pedagogical students show that: The majority of students havedifficulties at low and average levels, with only a small percentage of students havingdifficulties at high levels Psychological difficulties in practicing classroomleadership of pedagogical students manifest in all three aspects of awareness, attitudeand behavior and they are closely related to each other
Research results also show that the majority of students with good academicresults have fewer psychological difficulties than students with average academicresults There are many factors that affect psychological difficulties in the classroompractice of pedagogical students, of which the factors of self-learning and self-training are considered to have the greatest influence
Trang 8The research results of the thesis contribute to creating a scientific basis forbuilding training programs and overcoming psychological difficulties in practicingclass leadership This is also a useful reference for managers, researchers, andlecturers at higher education institutions to train teachers with more appropriateeducational measures and methods, more effectively helps pedagogical students limitpsychological difficulties in practicing class leadership.
9 The structure of the thesis
In addition to the introduction, conclusion and recommendations, list ofpublished works related to the thesis, list of references and appendices, the thesisincludes 03 chapters: Chapter 1 Theoretical basis of psychological difficulties in thepractice of classroom teachers of pedagogical students; Chapter 2 Researchorganization and methods; Chapter 3 Results of practical research on psychologicaldifficulties in the practice of classroom teachers of pedagogical students
1.1 Overview of research on psychological difficulties in the practice of classroom teachers of pedagogical students
1.1.1 Studies on psychological difficulties in professional activities in some fields
Healthcare workers, especially those in the treatment system, work in conditionswith a high risk of psychological distress Research by Linn LS et al (1985), Agius RM et
al (1996) shows that up to 25% of clinicians suffer from problems related topsychological difficulties such as stress, depression, anxiety and exhausted
The authors Christine A Grant, Louise M Wallace, Peter C Spurgeon (2016)had a study related to understanding psychological factors affecting workperformance of remote workers Research has confirmed the need to consider issuesrelated to employees' mental health to ensure work efficiency
Authors Muhammad Dawood Idrees, Maria Hafeez and Jung-Yong Kim(2017) refer to mental stress as a form of mental health that is negatively related tojob satisfaction, performance as well as personal safety
In Vietnam, there has also been a study to assess the level of occupationalstress for health workers by the authors Nguyen Thi Bich Lien, Nguyen Thu Ha,Tran Van Dai, Nguyen Duc Son, Nguyen Thi Tham (2016) conducted Researchshows that up to 22.2% of employees have high stress scores, 2/3 of employees
Trang 9have medium stress levels, proving that the percentage of medical staff sufferingfrom negative psychological effects due to job characteristics is quite high.
Rural labor in general and rural women working abroad is an issue of interest
to research by Nguyen Huu Minh and Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam (2014) The authorsgenerally point out that the fact that Vietnamese workers go to work abroad hasboth positive effects (increasing income, changing the role of women in the family,changing the division of labor by gender…) and negative impacts (causing shortage
or aging of the local labor force, placing the burden of home care and child care onthe shoulders of the elderly, etc.)
1.1.2 Research on psychological difficulties in pedagogical activities
The first stage of employment is called the "survival" period, meaning that it
is possible to continue as a teacher after the first year, which takes a whole year forsome to pass, some people take a few months, but others can get through it on thefirst day of work In Lang's (2001) study on the willingness to teach of newlygraduated university teachers, many people find it difficult in the first year of work,they feel tired, stressed, lack work-life balance, have difficulty accessing supportresources in school, it wasn't until the end of their first year of work that they began
to feel a little easier, to feel that they had begun to overcome the difficulties ofbeing a teacher
Problems in classroom management are not only a problem for new teachers,but are also one of the main causes of teacher dissatisfaction and job abandonment.Chang M L (2009) suggested that the assessment of student behavior and theperformance of the teacher's tasks according to the pattern contributes to theincreased experience of unpleasant emotions and gradually lead to teacher burnout.Author Walker J M T (2009) also said that besides teaching to meet social needsand requirements of learners, teachers also struggle with classroom management
1.1.3 Studies on psychological difficulties in professional practice of pedagogical students
- Studies on manifestations of psychological difficulties in professional practice of pedagogical students
Ph.N Gonobolin believes that teachers need to have certain psychologicalqualities, if they lack these psychological qualities, they will face manypsychological difficulties in teaching and educating students The author alsoaffirms that the psychological qualities that have great significance in the life andactivities of teachers are: careful thinking, pedagogical optimism and sincerecloseness to children This is reflected in the love for children; be able to integrate
Trang 10into their lives; understand the children's feelings; at the same time as young as you
at the right time These will gradually be consolidated in character, enablingteachers to easily master their pedagogical activities Thus, if the teacher is deficient
in the above individual psychological qualities, it will create psychologicaldifficulties in his pedagogical activities
Author Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh (2008) has clarified the manifestations andhierarchy of psychological obstacles that pedagogical students encounter incommunicating with students, specifically: Confusion when controllingcommunication with students Have not mastered their own psychological state;Fear of making pedagogical mistakes; Do not coincide with the mood betweenstudents and students; Inadequate understanding of students; Fear of class; Lack ofcontact with students
- Studies on the influencing factors / causes of psychological difficulties in professional practice of pedagogical students
Darling-Hammond believes that psychological preparation for teachers isvery important, psychological preparation for teachers helps them overcomechallenges arising in their educational activities [65]
Author R P Chaplain, identified three factors that contribute to stress andpsychological distress: behavioral management, workload, and lack of support [68]
The authors John S Mapfumo, Natsirayi Chitsiko and Regis Chireshe havepointed out that the main causes of stress for pedagogical students when practicing inhigh schools are problems with difficult students, low allowances, heavy workload,lack of teaching facilities, overlapping supervision [82]
Author Nguyen Thi Hue believes that psychological difficulties are caused byexternal factors (objective factors) and internal factors of individuals (subjectivefactors) External factors such as conditions, means of operation, family environment,social environment, indirectly affect the process of human activities Internal factorsare those that come from the inner self of each individual when participating inactivities such as: knowledge, experience, skills, techniques, interest and motivation,etc… directly affect the process and results of activities [33]
Students do not have much practical experience with teaching activities, lack
of enthusiasm to guide some teachers, the difference in teaching methods betweenstudents and instructors is considered to be the main cause leading to psychologicaldifficulties in the practice of students [24]
- Research on measures to reduce psychological difficulties in professional practice of pedagogical students
Authors Clemente Franco, Israel Manas, Adolfo J Cangas, Emilio Moreno,
Trang 11and José Gallego in an article on reducing psychological distress for teachers throughmindfulness program training, asserts that teachers are a professional group mostaffected by psychological problems [74].
In order to ensure that the practice of pedagogical students takes place effectively,
it is necessary to fully inform the requirements and tasks that students need to do in thecourse of practice This helps students to fully prepare before the practice sessions is thesolution that the author Ogoti Evans Okendo proposed The author also believes that it isnecessary to increase the actual observation time so that students have moreopportunities to learn practical skills from high school teachers [88]
Author Doan Thi Ty in an article presents experimental results on pedagogicaleffects to limit psychological difficulties in solving pedagogical situations ofpedagogical students: After being affected by psychology - pedagogy, students weremore active in solving pedagogical situations, had a more active sense in solvingpedagogical situations Students with good results in solving pedagogical situationswill limit psychological difficulties in solving pedagogical situations [62]
1.1.3 General assessment of research works related to the topic
In summary, studies related to psychological difficulties in practice, specificskills/competence training of pedagogical students have been studied by scientists,but mainly focus on issues such as psychological difficulties inbehavior/communication, in handling pedagogical situations, in pedagogical training.However, up to now, there has not been any specific research on psychologicaldifficulties in the practice of classroom management of pedagogical students.Therefore, the study "Psychological difficulties in the practice of classroommanagement of pedagogical students" will be a great contribution in the system ofstudies on psychological difficulties in a specific activity
1.2 Requirements for qualities, abilities and difficulties of class teachers in high schools
1.2.1 Requirements for the qualities and abilities of homeroom teachers in high schools
The current quality and capacity requirements for homeroom teachers arereflected in the professional standards for high school teachers and are presentedalternately in the duties of homeroom teachers Based on the functions and tasks ofhomeroom teachers and current educational practices, it is possible to determine anumber of requirements for the necessary qualities and competencies of currenthomeroom teachers as follows:
- Political qualities, ethics, lifestyle;
Trang 12- Capacity to organize and manage collective and individual student education;Communication capacity [3].
1.2.2 Difficulties of class teachers in high school
Also according to research by author Nguyen Thanh Binh [3] shows that thework of homeroom teachers is currently facing some difficulties as follows:
- The time prescribed for class homeroom work is too little, only 4periods/week [5], but the actual time teachers spend on this job is significantly more
- In pedagogical training, there is not enough attention paid to educationalskills or skills to work as a homeroom teacher for students
- In school reality, the direction and encouragement of homeroom work has notbeen given adequate attention
- There are many factors that make the current homeroom work complicatedand burdensome such as: Weak sense of discipline among students, sometimesunfavorable coordination with families,
1.3 Practice of classroom teacher of pedagogical students
132.1 The concept of pedagogical students and psychological characteristics of pedagogical students The concept of pedagogical students
Pedagogical students are students who are studying and practicing professionalknowledge at universities, pedagogical colleges, or pedagogical faculties inuniversities They are responsible for studying, accumulating knowledge, cultivatingethics, practicing pedagogical skills, and developing comprehensive personality tobecome future teachers Learning activities of pedagogical students
Student learning activities can be divided into: Classroom learning activities,self-study activities and practice activities
- Classroom learning activities: students' classroom learning activities can beunderstood as students' participation in the classroom teaching process
- Self-study activities: Students' self-study activities are self-conscious, active,and creative activities under the indirect guidance of teachers to gain scientificknowledge through their own actions and achieve the goals of education and training
- Practical, practical, and internship learning activities (collectively referred to aspractical learning): Practical learning activities are activities that combine theoreticallearning with practice at school or outside school to help students apply theoreticalknowledge they have learned into practice, thereby forming professional skills
Trang Psychological characteristics of pedagogical students
- Adaptation to the new living environment and learning methods: When
entering the university lecture hall, new students have to face tremendous changesboth in their daily routines and study methods at colleges and universities
- Cognitive development of students: Cognitive activities of students must
always be associated with high self-discipline and initiative
- Students' consciousness: Along with learning activities, students'
self-consciousness also develops more complete Through relationships with others aswell as the knowledge they gain, they will have more appropriate judgments aboutthemselves
- Emotional and emotional life: Another prominent psychological feature at
this age is the students' stable feelings, which must mention professional feelings - amotivation to help them study hard, creatively, when they really love and arepassionate about the chosen profession
- Student's motivation and value orientation: Student's motivation and value
orientation also has a rich and diverse development That is reflected in the students'learning and striving goals, which can be subjective psychological factors such asexcitement, life ideals, love for the subject, etc It can also be factors outside ofoneself such as studying for the sake of family, for achievement, etc
1.3.2 Concept of classroom homeroom practice of pedagogical students
Pedagogical practice is the activity of applying educational theoretical systems tothe practical work of pedagogical students Thereby, students form, test, adjust anddevelop the skills and expertise necessary for the pedagogical profession
* Practice classroom teacher
Practicing class homeroom for pedagogical students is the activity
of applying a theoretical system to the practice of class homeroom work
at educational institutions for pedagogical students Thereby, students form, test, adjust and develop class homeroom skills and skills to become future homeroom teachers to meet practical professional requirements.
1.3.3 Contents of practice of class leader
With a short time to practice as a class leader, pedagogical students need tofocus on practicing the following contents:
1/ Find out the individual and collective characteristics of the class
The content to learn includes physical characteristics, physiology, psychology,
Trang 14personality, cognitive level, thinking ability, family situation, friend relationship,social relationship
In order to find out the individual characteristics of students and the class in acomprehensive, diverse and rich manner, teachers in general and pedagogicalstudents in particular need to do the following:
- Researching and understanding administrative records
- Observe the activities of students and student groups
- Communicate directly with students, class officials, subject teachers, parents,
- Research the products of student activities
- Visiting students' families
2/ Make a plan for the class teacher
In order to ensure the achievement of the set goals, the homeroom planningplays a very important role, because it is associated with the goals and action plan ofthe class in each certain period Planning is understood as the process of determininggoals and choosing methods and means to achieve those goals [47]
3/ Organize regular class activities
Class activities are a form of collective educational activities organized on a weekly basis This is an important lesson that enriches the curriculum and improves educational effectiveness Through class activities, teachers and students have direct interaction with the goal of building a class collective so that the class is both an environment and an educational vehicle
1.4 Psychological difficulties in practicing classroom leadership of pedagogical students
1.4.1 The concept of psychological difficulties in the classroom practice of pedagogical students
Review and analyze the concepts of three-reason difficulty of previous authors,
ưe agree with the view that psychological difficulties are all psychological obstaclesthat hinder an individual's activities, expressed in three aspects: cognition, emotion,and behavior In this study, we conceptualize psychological difficulties as follows:
Psychological difficulties are psychological obstacles that people encounter in their activities, expressed in cognition, attitude and behavior, reduces the results of human activities, requiring people to make efforts to overcome them to achieve better results.
* Psychological difficulties in practicing classroom leadership of pedagogical students