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Giaoandethitienganh.info Giaoandethitienganh.info Bài hùng biện tiếng anh việc em có nên có điện thoại thơng minh lứa tuổi học sinh có nên đem đến trường không? “Do you have a mobile phone or a smartphone? What you think about having one? What advantages and disadvantages may it bring about when you own one at your secondary school age?” Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives They have revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each other In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of owning a mobile phone at a secondary school age Firstly, owning a mobile phone can be beneficial for students It allows them to stay connected with their friends and family members They can use it to call or text their parents in case of an emergency Mobile phones can also be used to access educational resources online Students can use their phones to research topics, access online libraries, and even take online courses Secondly, owning a mobile phone can help students stay organized They can use their phones to set reminders for assignments, tests, and other important events This can help them manage their time more effectively and reduce stress However, owning a mobile phone at a secondary school age also has its disadvantages Firstly, it can be a distraction in class Students may be tempted to check their phones during lectures or while studying, which can lead to poor academic performance Secondly, owning a mobile phone can be expensive Students may be tempted to purchase the latest models or accessories, which can put a strain on their finances Lastly, owning a mobile phone at a secondary school age can also have negative effects on mental health Studies have Giaoandethitienganh.info shown that excessive use of mobile phones can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues Students may also feel pressure to keep up with their peers on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat In conclusion, owning a mobile phone at a secondary school age has both advantages and disadvantages While it allows students to stay connected with their friends and family members and access educational resources online, it can also be a distraction in class and lead to poor academic performance It’s important that students use their phones responsibly and prioritize their academic success Bài hùng biện tiếng anh chủ đề bảo môi trường trách nhiệm chung người, học sinh em có cách để góp phần bảo vệ mơi trường Protecting the environment is a crucial responsibility of every human being As a student at secondary school, there are several ways you can contribute your little effort to help make the environment clean Firstly, you can reduce your carbon footprint by using public transportation or carpooling to school instead of driving alone This will help reduce the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere You can also reduce your energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use Secondly, you can recycle and reuse materials instead of throwing them away Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and conserves natural resources You can also reuse materials such as paper, plastic bags, and containers instead of buying new ones Thirdly, you can participate in community clean-up events These events are organized to clean up litter from public spaces such as parks, beaches, and streets You can also Giaoandethitienganh.info organize your own clean-up event with your friends and family members Lastly, you can raise awareness about environmental issues by educating others about the importance of protecting the environment You can share information on social media platforms or organize an event at your school to educate others about environmental issues In conclusion, protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility As a student at secondary school, you can contribute your little effort to help make the environment clean by reducing your carbon footprint, recycling and reusing materials, participating in community clean-up events, and raising awareness about environmental issues Bài hùng biện tiếng anh chủ đề tai nạn giao thông gây nhiều hậu Là học sinh theo em đâu nguyên nhân theo em cần làm để hạn chế tai nạn giao thơng Traffic accidents are a major cause of concern worldwide According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.3 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes As a student, it is important to understand the main reasons behind these accidents and take necessary precautions to avoid them One of the main reasons for traffic accidents is speeding When drivers exceed the speed limit, they have less time to react to unexpected situations on the road, which can lead to accidents It is important for drivers to follow speed limits and drive at a safe speed Another reason for traffic accidents is distracted driving Drivers who use their phones while driving or engage in other activities that take their attention away from the road are more likely to cause accidents It is important for drivers to stay focused on the road and avoid distractions Giaoandethitienganh.info Drunk driving is also a major cause of traffic accidents When drivers consume alcohol, their ability to make sound decisions and react quickly is impaired, which can lead to accidents It is important for drivers to never drink and drive Lastly, poor road conditions can also contribute to traffic accidents Potholes, uneven roads, and other hazards can make it difficult for drivers to maintain control of their vehicles It is important for authorities to maintain roads properly and ensure that they are safe for drivers As a student, it is important to take necessary precautions while on the road Always wear a seatbelt while driving or riding in a car Avoid speeding and distracted driving Never drink and drive If you see someone driving recklessly or under the influence of alcohol, report them immediately By taking these precautions, we can help reduce the number of traffic accidents and save lives Bài hùng biện tiếng anh việc Internet có huỷ hoại giá trị gia đình khơng? “Internet destroys family values Do you agree with this statement?” The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each other While it has brought many benefits, it has also been criticized for its negative impact on family values In my opinion, the internet has indeed destroyed family values Firstly, the internet has made it easier for people to connect with others online, but it has also made it easier for people to disconnect from their families With social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, people can easily connect with friends and acquaintances from all over the world However, this has led to a decline in face-to-face communication with family members People are spending more time on their phones and computers than they are with their loved ones Giaoandethitienganh.info Secondly, the internet has made it easier for people to access inappropriate content Children can easily access adult content online, which can be harmful to their development The internet has also made it easier for people to engage in immoral activities such as gambling and pornography This can lead to addiction and other negative consequences Lastly, the internet has led to a decline in privacy With social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, people are sharing more personal information than ever before This can lead to identity theft and other forms of cybercrime It can also lead to a decline in trust between family members In conclusion, while the internet has brought many benefits, it has also destroyed family values It has led to a decline in faceto-face communication with family members, made it easier for people to access inappropriate content, and led to a decline in privacy It’s important that we use the internet responsibly and prioritize our relationships with our loved ones Bài hùng biện tiếng anh lợi hại Youtube-Facebook This is a controversial topic that has been debated for years While social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube have revolutionized the way we communicate and share information, they have also been criticized for their negative impact on society In my opinion, these platforms more harm than good Firstly, social media has been linked to a range of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness Studies have shown that increased use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok is leading to depression, anxiety, and loneliness Social media platforms have become aware of how to manipulate your brain’s reward response to increase engagement and time spent on apps When you receive positive feedback on a post you made or a picture you uploaded, it releases endorphins This is what Giaoandethitienganh.info keeps people on the platforms for hours But it can also lead to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness Secondly, social media has been harmful to society because of how we use it It has been used to spread fake news and misinformation which can be dangerous Social media has also been used to bully and harass people online According to Help Guide, about 10 percent of teens report being bullied on social media, and even more claim they have been the recipient of offensive remarks Lastly, social media has been criticized for its impact on communication skills While it makes it easier for introverts to connect with others and learn social cues that could have been missed, it can also lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings Social media has made it easier for people to hide behind their screens and say things they wouldn’t normally say in person In conclusion, while social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube have their benefits, they more harm than good They have been linked to a range of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness They have also been used to spread fake news and misinformation which can be dangerous Lastly, they have had a negative impact on communication skills It’s important that we use these platforms responsibly Bài hùng biện tiếng anh việc học online học trực tiếp thầy – trò lớp The effectiveness of online and offline learning has been a topic of debate for years While both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, research suggests that offline learning is more effective than online learning Offline learning provides students with the opportunity to interact with their peers and teachers in a face-to-face setting, which can help motivate students to engage and learn In contrast, online learning can be isolating and lacks the social interaction that is essential for effective learning Giaoandethitienganh.info Offline education also allows teachers to observe their students’ responses and behavior and respond as needed Technical issues have little impact on offline education, and it provides a wonderful opportunity for students to build and stick to a fixed schedule Offline classes encourage students to collaborate on projects with other students and help them learn new skills Students become more introverted as a result of online education since they only communicate with other students through online chatting rather than face-to-face interaction However, online education has evolved into a flexible teaching technique in which students may easily access study materials from the comfort of their own homes Furthermore, online education gives a fantastic option for students who are unable to enroll in traditional classes, as well as allowing them to study at their own pace Students can learn self-discipline and time management skills through online education, which also gives them access to an endless supply of educational resources Collaborative online tools, playing videos, showing animation, and game-based learning can be realized in online learning because of the ready availability of electronic gadgets used for online classes such as mobile phones or laptops with earphones and speakers In conclusion, both online and offline learning have their own set of benefits and drawbacks While offline learning is more effective than online learning, online education has evolved into a flexible teaching technique that provides students with access to an endless supply of educational resources It is important that we recognize the strengths and weaknesses of both methods and choose the one that best suits our needs Bài hùng biện tiếng anh rác thải nhựa Plastic pollution is a major environmental issue that has been affecting our planet for decades The excessive use of plastic has led to a variety of harmful effects on the environment and human health Plastic pollution can alter habitats and natural processes, reducing ecosystems’ ability to adapt to climate Giaoandethitienganh.info change It can pollute lakes, rivers, and seas, damage soil and poison groundwater, choke marine wildlife, cause serious health impacts, leach chemicals into food and beverages, which can lead to health problems, cause air pollution when burned, and cause land pollution The most visible impact of plastic pollution is on marine life Plastic waste in the ocean is responsible for the death of millions of marine animals every year Marine animals often mistake plastic waste for food and ingest it, which can lead to suffocation or starvation Plastic waste also affects the quality of water in oceans and rivers It can block waterways and clog sewers, providing breeding grounds for insects like mosquitoes that in turn proliferate the risk of diseases such as malaria The problem of plastic pollution is not limited to developing countries Developed countries are also struggling with this issue The United States alone generates more than 30 million tons of plastic waste every year The good news is that there are many ways we can reduce our plastic footprint We can start by using reusable bags instead of single-use plastic bags when shopping We can also use reusable water bottles instead of buying bottled water We can recycle plastic products whenever possible and dispose of them properly We can also support companies that use sustainable packaging materials In conclusion, the excessive use of plastic causes damage to our environment in many ways It is important that we take steps to reduce our plastic footprint and protect our planet from further harm By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference in the fight against plastic pollution Bài hùng biện tiếng anh việc yêu sớm lứa tuổi học sinh Falling in love too early can have both positive and negative effects on students On the one hand, falling in love can be a source of happiness and emotional support for students It can Giaoandethitienganh.info help them to feel more confident and secure in themselves, and provide them with a sense of belonging and connection to another person Additionally, being in a relationship can help students to develop important social skills such as communication, empathy, and compromise On the other hand, falling in love too early can also have negative consequences Students who are in relationships may become overly focused on their partner at the expense of other important aspects of their lives such as schoolwork, hobbies, or friendships This can lead to feelings of isolation or loneliness if the relationship ends or if they become too dependent on their partner Moreover, students who fall in love too early may also be more likely to experience heartbreak or disappointment if the relationship does not work out They may struggle to cope with the emotional pain of a breakup, which can affect their mental health and well-being In conclusion, while falling in love can be a positive experience for students, it is important for them to maintain a healthy balance between their relationship and other aspects of their lives They should prioritize their own well-being and not become too dependent on their partner for happiness or emotional support By doing so, they can avoid the negative consequences of falling in love too early Bài hùng biện tiếng anh việc việc thần tượng idol mức Young people’s obsession with their idols can have both positive and negative effects On the one hand, having an idol can be a source of inspiration and motivation for young people It can help them to set goals and work hard to achieve them For example, a young person who is passionate about music may look up to a famous musician and aspire to become like them one day This can be a powerful motivator for them to practice their instrument and improve their skills 10

Ngày đăng: 17/10/2023, 12:51



