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INTRODUCTION Rationale Over time,organizationaljustice has been studied and applied by scholarsa r o u n d the world on a variety of topics, in different approaches It can be mentioned as Kalay(2016) studying the impact of organizational justice on employee’s performance; Thorn(2010)studyingperceptiononorganizationaljustice(distributionj u s t i c e , p r o c e d u r a l justice, andi n t e r a c t i o n j u s t i c e ) w i t h j o b s a t i s f a c t i o n a n d c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n of male sports coaches; Suliman (2007) studying the link between justice, job satisfactionand job performance at workplace; Cook (2010) studying the relationship between jobsatisfaction and job performance; Judge and colleagues (2001) studied the relationshipbetweenjob satisfaction and job performance:qualitative andquantitative.Thes t u d i e s showthatthereisarelationshipbetweenorganizationaljusticeaf fectingemployees'performance, organizational justice affecting employees' job satisfaction; Job satisfactioninfluencingemployees'job performance Intermsof practice,theState-ownedEnterprise Lawisnolongeri n e f f e c t ( i n 2010) so all state-owned companies must be transformed to operate under the EnterpriseLaw invariousforms(one member limitedliability company,limitedliabilityc o m p a n y with two members ormore, jointstockcompany) Thestatus ofa c h i e v e m e n t e v a l u a t i o n anddistributionwithoutcriticalevaluationbasishasgrad uallybeenreplacedbythedistribution to the right people and the right jobs, according to the evaluation based on thelevel of contribution, achievements and job performance Accordingly, issues of justice inenterprises,jobsatisfactionofemployees,performanceofemployeesareconsidered.Therefor e,theauthorchoosesthetopic"Impactoforganizationaljusticeonthejobperformanceofemploye esinstate-ownedenterprises"tomakeusefulandtheoreticalcontributions Researchobjectives (6) Clarify issues that cannot be answered by quantitative research results (such asSOE context, distribution history, compensation, culture in SOEs, leadership factors, etc.)throughresultsofaqualitativestudyareconductedsimultaneouslywithquantitativeresearch Researchsubjectsandscope - Thes u b j e c t o f t h e d o c t o r a l t h e s i s i s t h e i m p a c t o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e o n t h e jobperformanceofemployeesinstate-ownedenterprisesinVietnam - Researchscopeisdeterminedbyspaceandtime,specifically: + In terms of the space: focusing on state-owned enterprises, including parentcompanies (the Groups) and some member units; one member liability limited companiesunderMinistry,People'sCommitteeofprovincesandcities +Intermsofthetime:in056yearsof2015,2016,2017,2018 Researchmethod In order to achieve the research objectives mentioned above, the author conductedresearchcombiningquantitativeandqualitativeresearchmethods.I n p a r t i c u l a r , quantitative research tests the hypotheses set out in the research framework; Qualitativeresearchexploresunresolvedissues,thecausesb e h i n d q u a n t i t a t i v e r e s e a r c h r e s u l t s Aboutthedatasources: - Primarydatathroughsurvey - Secondarydata:fromdissertations,articles,newspaperspublishedinforeignscientific journals - Qualitativedatafromin-depthinterviews Contributionsofthedoctoralthesis 5.1 Theoreticalcontributions The thesis, in addition to providing evidence to answer fully and thoroughly theresearchquestionsposed,alsohastheoreticalcontributionssuchas: Thed o c t o r a l t h e s i s e x a m i n e s t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n o r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e a n d the performance of employees in state-owned enterprises and points out the factors thatinfluencetherelationshipthroughthecontext oftheresearchtoproposesolutionsonpromotingthisrelationship,soastoimprovet h e o p e r a t i o n a l e f f i c i e n c y o f t h e organizationandthelabourproductivityofemployees.Basedo nresearchobjectives,researchquestionsare: Firstly,thethesishasexpandedtostudyonwagesthroughproposingacomprehensiveappr oachbycombiningbothqualitativeandquantitativemethods (1) Reviewofstudiesontheimpactofjusticeontheperformanceofemployeesinen terprises,findingresearchgaps Third,qualitativeresearchisconductedtodeepentheunderstandingoftheunderlyingcaus es behindtherelationshipbetweenthefactors (2) Presentt h e t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s f o r t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e j u s t i c e i n performanceof theemployee Fourth, thethesis results support Adam's theory of justice(1963,1965) andt h e theoryofsocialexchange Ina d d i t i o n , t h e f i n d i n g s i n t h i s t h e s i s e x p a n d A d a m s ' s t h e o r y of justice (1963,1965) by showing that organizational justice is influenced by contextualfactors that influence the determination of justice between employees' inputs and outputsand amongemployees (3) Proposearesearchmodelontheimpactoforganizationaljusticeonjobperformanc e (4) Clarifythecurrentstatus oforganizational justiceaffecting theperforman ceofemployeesinSOEsbasedon surveydata (5) Testt h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n d i s t r i b u t i o n j u s t i c e , p r o c e s s j u s t i c e , i n t e r a c t i o n justicebetweenmanagersandemployeestotheperformanceofempl oyees Secondly, based on the literature review and theoretical background, the thesis hasproposedamodeltostudytherelationshipbetweenorganizationaljusticeandjobperformance ofemployeeswiththeintermediatevariableofjobsatisfaction Fifthly,throughthethesisresults,theauthorproposestoreviset h e m o d e l t o suggest further studies to further improve the understanding of the relationship betweenorganizationaljusticeandjobperformanceofemployeesinmanyotherspecificco ntexts 5.2 Practicalcontributions Firstly,thethesishassummarizeddocuments,reports,circulars,decrees onstate-owned enterprises and mechanisms, policies, the status of distribution, remunerationand performanceofemployeesinstateenterprises Secondly, for practical contributions, through the combined research of qualitativeandquantitativemethodsanddiscussingresultsofqualitativeandq u a n t i t a t i v e d a t a analysis, it can be confirmed that the relationship between organizational equality and thejob performance is not only suitable in the context of businesses and organizations in theworld(confirmedthroughotherstudies)butalsointhecontextofstateownedenterprisesin Vietnam Thirdly, as the first study on this topic in the context of state-owned enterprises inVietnam,thisthesishas contributed significantly tot h e f i e l d o f k n o w l e d g e a b o u t w a g e s and organizationaljustice,aswellasjobperformance Fourthly, the thesis is a scientific work, the results have many contributions topractice but above all the practical value of this thesis can provide complete and profoundinsightsfor3groupsofsubjectsthatdirectlyaffecto r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e , j o b performance, job satisfaction in state-owned enterprises who are managers in stateownedenterprises, representative agencies for the owners and agencies incharge of planningpoliciesonremunerationinstate-ownedenterprises Thestructureofthedoctoralthesisconsistsof6chapters - ChapterI.Literaturereview ontherelationshipb e t w e e n o r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e and theperformanceofemployeesinenterprises - ChapterII.Theo re ti ca l basisa n d re se ar ch model onth e i mpa ct ofo r g a n i z a t i o n a l justiceonthejobperformanceofemployeesinstate-ownedenterprises Chapter I Literature review on the relationship between organizationaljusticeandtheperformanceofemployeesinenterprises 1.1 JusticeOrganization Today, most employees in organizations and businesses pay more attention to thejustice in their work, referred to as organizational justice (Byrne and Cropanzano, 2001).This issue is especially related to justice evaluation and what employees with differentperformance will receive Justice issues are important for management practices and formoststages of labourmanagement Employees willacttoaskf o r j u s t i c e i f t h e y r e a l i z e thatthereisan injustice atwork AccordingtotheresearchofByrneandCropanzano(2001),researchersonorganizationalj usticedividetheconceptofjusticeintothreemaincategories - Thefirstcommontypeofacceptanceiscalledjusticeindistribution.Indistribution,justi ceintheresultsofadecisionisconsideredinthemaindirection - The next is procedural justice is the concern about the justice of procedures andprocessesleadingto theresultsreceived - Thethirdtypeisjusticeininteraction 1.1.1 DistributiveJustice Organizationalj u s t i c e i s a l o n g p r o p o s e d c o n c e p t , t h e i s s u e s o f j u s t i c e s t i l l e x i s t anddev elop F o l g e r a n d C r o p a n z a n o ( 9 ) E v i d e n c e o f i t s i m p o r t a n c e c a n b eo b s e r v e d indevelopingorga nizationsrelatedtotheconceptofjusticeintheworkplace(Colquittet al., 2001; Folger and Cropanzano, 1998) The initial discussion focused on organizationaljusticeasanintegratedstructure(FolgerandCropanzano,1998)andthenresearche rsexpanded the content of the problem into internal contents such as distributive jsutice(related toresultssuchas wages) (Homans,1961) - ChapterIII.ResearchMethods 1.1.2 ProceduralJustice - ChapterIV.Quantitativeresearch Organizationalstudieshavedemonstratedthatthemeanso f d e t e r m i n i n g r e s u l t s may be as important to employees as the results themselves (Alexander and Ruderman,1987;Cropanzano,1991;FolgerandKonovsky,1989;Greenberg,1986;G r e e n b e r g , 1987a).Greenberg(1990b)arguesthatthepresenceorabsenceofdistribution proce duresisrelatedtodecisioncontrol.ThibautandWalker(1975)suggestthatt h e d e g r e e o f pr ocesscontrolorindividualshavingasayininfluencingjusticeperceptions:Justiceawareness increases as people are allowed to give inputs by procedures or influence theprocess when making a decision Procedural justice is the justice of procedures used by acompany in the allocation and distribution of awards and the voice of employees in thedistributionprocess(Colquitt,2001;FolgerandCropanzano,1998) - ChapterV.Qualitativeresearch - ChapterVI.Discussions,recommendationsandconclusions 1.1.3 Interactionaljustice Theint er ac ti ona lju st ic e i sb a s e d on th ew o rk of Bi es ( ) I n t e r a c t i o n a l j ust ic e is defined as an individual's perception of justice based on interpersonal communicationwiththeorganization(GreenbergandColquitt,2005).Greenberg(1990b)argues thatprocedural justice consists of two components: (i) the presence or absence of distributionproceduressuchasdecisioncontroland(ii)interactionaljusticeorexplanationthatem ployees receive in terms of formal procedures Research on the second component,interactionaljus tic e, h a s sh o w n thatm a k i ng decision j u s t i f i c a t i o n i n t h e d e c i s io n - m a k in g processcaninfluencetheconsequencesrelatedtodecisionr e s u l t s ( B i e s a n d S h a p i r o , 1988.; Greenberg,1990b) 1.3.3 Interactionaljusticeandjobperformance Inthestudyof(NasurdinandKhuan,2011;Shanetal.,2015)foundt h a t interactional 1.2 Jobperformance Inanorganizationalcontext,jobperformanceisoftendefinedast h e e x t e n t t o whichan organizationmembercontributest o a c h i e v e t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s g o a l s Emplo yees are a major source of competitive advantage in service-oriented organizations(Pfeffer, 1994) Doing employee work can include: quantity of outputs, output quality,timelinessofoutput,jobpresence,collaboration(Güngör,2011) justice has a positive relationship with hand,Suliman(2007)hasdeterminedthat job performance On the other interactionaljusticehasas i g n i f i c a n t a n d p o s i t i v e effect on job self-evaluation and job performance evaluated by supervisors Wang et al (2010)determinedthatinteractionaljusticehasas t r o n g i m p a c t o n e m p l o y e e perfor 1.3 Impactoftheorganizationaljusticeonthejobperformanceofemployees mance, facilitates and dedication to work Wang et al (2010) differ from Cohen-Charash 1.3.1 Distributivejusticeandjobperformance and Spector(2001) whofoundthatinteractionaljusticeist h e Krishnanet al.(2018)s t u d i e d m o s t i m p o r t a n t factor relationship that determines the quality of employees in three aspects of organizational b e t w e e n o r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e a n d job performance with a sample of justice.SulimanandAlKathairi(2013)studiedtheimpactofo r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e o 200 n j o b activity in general and related distribution and relationship justice From there, the employees in private the enterprises in Maylaysia, theresultsoftheanalysisshowthatdistributivejusticesignificantcontributetojobperformance.T hisfindingwassupportedby(Williams,1999),whoalsofoundthatdistributivej u s t i c e h a s a s i g n i f i c a n t l y p o s i t i v e r e l a t i o n s h i p t o j o b p e r f o r m a n c e N a s u r d i n andKhuan(2011 )identifythatdistributiveaspectshaveasignificantand positiveimpact on performance Although the important relationship between distributive task justice authorproposed thehypothesis: H3: The relationship between interactional justice and job performance is positiveand significant 1.4 Organizationaljusticeandjobsatisfaction andcontextual performance has not been determined Suliman and Al Kathairi (2013) Job satisfaction is one of the most studied concepts of organizational behavior studiedthe impact of organizational justice on job activity in general and on distributive ingeneral and organizational justice in particular Job satisfaction is considered to be andinteractional justice They find that common justice (in one respect) and distributive aneffective response that an organization member has to his or her specific job and andinteractional justice have a significant effect on job performance Therefore, the resultsfromcomparingemployees'actualresultswithactualresultswiththoseoftheirorganizatio authoroffersafollowingresearch hypothesis: n.Whattoexpect(Spector,1985).Theassessmentofjusticeresearcha n d overallsatisfactionoftheo H1: The relationship between distributive justice and performance is significant(positiveand important) Dubinsky (2005) concluded that all types of justice(segmentcoordination,procedures,andinteraction)arepositivelyrelatedt o j o b satisfa 1.3.2 Proceduraljusticeandjobperformance ction Nasurdin and Khuan (2011); Shan et al (2015) found that procedural justice andinteractionaljusticehaveapositiverelationshipwithjobperformance.Anumberofresearcher s(Aryeeetal.,2004;UenandC h i e n , 0 ; W i l l i a m s , 9 ) h a v e demonstratedt heexistenceofapositivelinkbetweenproceduraljusticeandjobperformance.Empirically,others alsoprovideevidenceforthepositiveimpacto f proceduraljusticeonvariousformsofcontextual 0 ; U e n a n d Chien,2004).Fromthere,theauthorproposesthefollowingresearchhyp othesis: jobp e r f o r m a n c e Results from a variety of studies (Fatt et al., 2010; McFarlin and Sweeney, 1992)suggest that distributive justice has a significant impact on outcomes for individual jobpromotion opportunities and employee satisfaction This is repeated by (DeConinck oneofthe andPugh,1994;Mooneta l , and 1.4.1 Distributivejusticeandjobsatisfaction andStilwell,2004)sayingthatdistributivejusticeisanindicatorofsalarysatisfaction, performance(Aryeeetal.,2004;KonovskyandOrgan,1996;Konovsky H2:Therelationshipbetweenproceduraljustice rganizationColquitt(2001)andtheevaluationo f j u s t i c e research in sales force Chang and is p o s i t i v e andsignificant componentsof job satisfaction in theirresearch.In asimilarcontext, (IsmailandZakaria,2009)conductedastudytodeterminethemediatingeffectofj u s t i c e o f di stributionintherelationshipbetweenpaydesignandjobsatisfaction;Thestudydiscovered significance and positive relationship of the components in pay the design andjobsatisfaction.Onthatbasis,theauthorproposesthehypothesis: H4a:Distributivejusticehasapositiveimpactonemployees’jobsatisfaction 1.4.2 Proceduraljusticeandjobsatisfaction that non-material and material rewards have a significant impact on job satisfaction Manystudiespointoutacorrelationbetweenp r o c e d u r a l j u s t i c e a n d j o b satis faction (Fernandes and Awamleh, 2006; Mossholder et al., 1998; Wesolowski andMossholder, 1997) In addition, Masterson et al (2000) point to procedural justice as astrongerpredictorofjobsatisfactionthaninteractivejustice,althoughbothhavea significantim pacts.Fromthere,theauthorproposesthefollowingresearchhypothesis: Theybelievethatemployees shouldberewardedandmotivatedtoachievej o b s a t i s f a c t i o n , whichwillultimatelylead toapositive,significantimpactontheperformanceo f employees' work and therefore, better overall performance (Indermun and Saheedbayat,2013) Theauthorproposesafollowingresearchhypothesis: H5:T h e r e i s a p o s i t i v e a n d s i g n i f i c a n t r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n j o b s a t i s H4b:Proceduraljusticehasapositiveimpactonjobsatisfaction f a c t i o n a n d job performance 1.4.3 Interactionaljusticeandjobsatisfaction Adams (1963); Adams (1965) think that when employees consider the interactionsbetween managers and subordinates to be justice; It may lead to higher performance ofemployees.Conversely, when therelationshipb e t w e e n sidesis not good,it the two l e a d s to negative results Numerous studies have found a significant link between interactionaljustice and job satisfaction (Al-Zu'bi, 2010; Masterson et al., 2000; Usmani and Jamal,2013) Therefore,theauthoroffersthefollowingresearchhypothesis: H4c:Interactionaljusticehasapositiveimpactonjobsatisfaction 1.5 Jobsatisfactionandjobperformance 1.5.1 Jobsatisfaction Job satisfaction is considered as to have no universally agreed definition despite itsimportance and its widespread use in the field of industrial psychology and organizationalbehavior,which makesitimportant.Beforewe have aclearmeaning,itr e l a t e s t o t h e naturalactivitiesofhumanbeingsaroundtheglobe(Aziri,2011) 1.5.2 Factorsrelatedtoidentifyjobsatisfaction Rue and Byars (2003) suggest that job satisfaction is determined by a number offactorsintheworkenvironmentincludingfinancialpackagess u c h a s w a g e s , opportuniti es,progress,workingconditionsandworkinggroups,theoutcomeplaysaroleofmeasu reofjob sa ti sf ac ti onandd is sa ti sf ac ti on as w e l l a s what t h eo u t co m e will be, a t the discretion of Aziri (2011) that when discussing inter-related issues Regarding jobsatisfaction,jobdissatisfactionshouldbeconsideredtoensurethebalance 1.5.3 Jobsatisfactionandjobperformance Accordingt o A z i r i ( 1 ) , t h e r e a r e m a n y s t u d i e s t h a t h a v e t e s t e d t h e i m p a c t o f jobsatisfactiononemployeeperformance.Most ofthempointoutthatthereis animpact of jobsatisfactionjobp e r f o r m a n c e andSaheedbayat, 2013) confirm (Indermun that t h e r e isa n u n d e n i a b l e c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n j o b s a t i s f a c t i o n a n d j o b p e r formance.Theyclaim ChapterII.Theoreticalbasisandresearchmodelontheimpactoforganizati onaljusticeonjobperformanceofemployeesinstate-ownedenterprises 2.1 Definitions TheoHerzbergetal., (1959);Herzberg(1966)internalf a c t o r s i n c l u d e : Performance;Recognition;Mission; Improvement;Evolution;Work Externalfactors 2.1.1 Organizationaljustice Organizationaljusticecanbedefinedasthestudyofworkjustice(ByrneandCropanzano,2 001).Thefirstgenerallyacceptedtypeofjusticeisc a l l e d d i s t r i b u t i o n justice.Distributi vejusticeconsidersjusticeintheoutcomeofaparticulardecision.Procedural justice,thesecondtype,is oftendefinedasthejusticeoft h e p r o c e s s t h a t results McFarlin and Sweeney (1992) and Sweeney and McFarlin (1993) support a two-factor model of organizational justice (Bies, 1986) proposes a third organizational justiceaspect It is often called interactional justice They define interactional justice as justice intheinterpersonaltreatmentthatpeoplereceiveatthehandsofacompetentfigure.(CohenCharashandSpector,2001)intheirresearchsupportsthee x i s t e n c e o f t h r e e aspects of organizational justice: distributive justice, procedural justice and interactionaljustice 2.1.2 Jobsatisfaction Definition Whenjobsatisfactionfactorsarederivedbye x t e r n a l s o u r c e s , t h i s i s c a l l e d external satisfaction External factors lead to specific behaviors related to the personalexternal environment Individual determination, willingness, and skills to succeed are notenough for job satisfaction (Bektas, 2017) According to Bektas (2017), these factors arerelatedtogoalssuchasreceivingrewards,avoidingpunishmentandimprovingprofessionalis m Basically, the monetary reward system, job security, relationships withsuperiorsandcolleagues'relationsformtheexternalrewards y s t e m ( G k o r e z i s a n d Petridou,2008) AccordingtoHerzbergetal., (1959);Herzberg(1966),externalfactorsaresupervision,workingconditions,coworkers,payment,policiesandprocedures, status,personallifeandjobsecurity.Herzbergclaimsthatthesefactorsd o n o t s e r v e satisfact orily,buttheirabsencemayalsobeasourceofdissatisfaction Hoppock(1935)firstintroducedthetermofjobsatisfaction,thisistheoldestdefinition of job satisfaction,hedefinedjobsatisfactionastheemotionalresponsethatemployees show for their work In general, overall job satisfaction has been defined as"providing the function of a person's perceived relationship between what one wants fromthejob andwhatoneperceivesitfromit"(Locke,1969) 2.1.3 Jobperformance Factorsaffectingjobsatisfaction i o o f th e a m o u n t o f pr od u c t io n and l a b o u r u s e d i n p r o d u c t i o n to a given amount of Basedontheabovedefinition,variousaspectsofjobsatisfactionhavebeenidentified.Acc ordingtoIvancevichandMatteson(2005),jobsatisfactionstemsfromvariousaspectsofthejobsuc haspay,promotiono p p o r t u n i t i e s , s u p e r v i s o r s a n d colleagues Other aspects such as policies and procedures, teamwork, working conditionsand marginalbenefitsw e r e found to bepartof the five core d i m e n s i o n s F o r t h e p u r p o s e of this study, five aspects will be considered salaries, jobs, promotions, supervisors andcolleagues JobPerformance Jobperformancecanbeconsideredastheoutputinonehouro f w o r k o r t h e numberof outputsperworkerinaspecificamountoftime(Aldmrani,1987).Jobperformancei s a l s o t h e r a t money (Suleiman, 1998), performing a job with a certain number ofcharacteristics: quantity, quality, and comprehensiveness In addition, any performance ofpersonalworkreflectsitsabilityandknowledgetoachievemonetaryrelatedgoals,regardlessofthenatureofthejob(Shanawany,2001).Allserviceormanufacturingo rganizations are interested in doing the job because it measures the performance andeffectivenessoftheorganizationaswellasindividualsandgroups Internalfactors Employees’ job performance is considered a multi-dimensional concept in Individuals with internal satisfaction can easily assume responsibility within theorganization And, responsiblei n d i v i d u a l s t e n d t o s a c r i f i c e f o r t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ( X i e e t al., 2017) When the factors of personal satisfaction come from their individuality, this iscalled Google'sinternalsatisfaction(Lee, 2017) manydocuments(forexample:performingtasks,contextualp e r f o r m a n c e , f a c i l i t a t i n g individuals, dedication at work ), although not many factors have been agreed (SomersandBirnbaum,1991;Suliman,2007).Regardingemployeeperformance(BormanandM otowidlo, 1993) identified two main factors: task performance (behavior in tasks) andcontextualperformance.Anindividualabilitytoadaptandprovidethesupportneeded forajob surfaceina dynamicworksituation iscalledadaptiveperformance( H e s k e t h a n d Neal,1999).Previousstudieshavefoundthatonceemployeesachieveacertainaccomplishme ntintheirassignedtask,theytrytoadjusttheirattitudeandbehaviortothe 10 differentrequirementsoftherequest.theirwork(Huangeta l , ; P u l a k o s e t a l , 20 example,e m p l o y e e s a r e p a i d a s p e c i f i c s a l a r y f o r p e r f o r m a n c e S o c i a l e x c h 00) a n g e d i f f e r s fromeconomicexchangeinthatsocialexchangeinvolves 2.2 Groundtheory ahighdegreeoftrustandobligationandgoesfarbeyondemploymentcontracts(Gouldner,1960) Organizationaljustice,jobsatisfactionandjobperformancearethes u b j e c t s o f manys cholars aroundthewo r l d forresearching M an y theoretical s choo ls ar e mentioned 2.2.3 Two-factortheoryofF r e d e r i c k Herzberg bytheauthorssuchasjusticetheory(Adams,1963;A d a m s , ) , B l a u ' s t h e o r y o f Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959) formulated a two-factor theory of socialexchange(1964);Vroomtheoryofexpectations(1964) jobsatisfaction,wheresatisfactionstemsfromtwotypeso f f a c t o r s t h a t a f f e c t j o b sati 2.2.1 JusticetheoryofJ.StacyAdam sfaction.Thefirsttype The theory of justice states that employees compare what they put in a job ofe l e m e n t isnature innaturebecause they canbe thei n p u t - c o n t r o l l e d byindividualsandarecalled"motives".Motivationincludesvariabless u c h a s o u t p u t r a t i o w i t h ratios of others (Ngoc and Huong, 2016).I f t h e i r r a t i o i s achievement, recognition, challenging work, responsibility, promotion and growth e q u a l t o t h a t o f o t h e r s , i t i s assumed that a justice situation exists If this Thesecond type, the"maintenance"factor,affects jobd i s s a t i s f a c t i o n a n d ration is not equal, they believe that aninjustice exists Whenunjusticeconditionsexist, thoughtto employees willmake every effort tocorrect them The perception of unjustice distribution b e exoticinnature,whentheyarecontrolledbyt h e o r g a n i z a t i o n M a i n t e n a n c e f may result in low performance ofemployees (Greenberg, 1990, Cropanzano etal., 2007), to a c t o r s includeorganizationalpoliciesandprocedures,workingconditions,oversightandinte withdrawt o the rpersonalrelationships.WhilethemodelofHerzbergetalprovidesa n i n i t i a l framework for a m o u n t ofinputsforthetasktheycomplete(Schwarzwald).etal.,1992).R e d u c e t h e i r co studying job satisfaction, scholars have drawn limitations to this theory(Chelladurai,1985) llaborationwiththeirpeersandexperiencestress(Greenberg,1990) 2.3 Researchmodel (input)with whatthey getfrom that job(output) and thenconsider reduce O1 I =02 I2 Inc h a p t e r I , t h e a u t h o r r e v i e w e d t h e p r e v i o u s s c h o l a r s ' s t u d i e s , a n d Becausedistributivejusticefocusesonresults,ittriggersemployee'scognitive,emotionaland behavioralresponsesandevaluationo f r e s u l t s ( C o h e n C h a r a s h a n d Spector,2001).Therefore,anyassessmentofdistributivejusticesuggeststhati t i s unjustice,it will affect an individual'semotions (causing anger,u n h a p p i n e s s , anger o r guilt), inputsandc o g n i t i v e perceptions (for example).forexample, a t t h e s a m e time studied the context of state-owned enterprises in Vietnam, to proposed the followinghypotheses: H1: relationship between distributive H2:Therelationshipbetweenproceduraljustice distorting o u t c o m e s ) andultimatelybehavior(eg,reducinginputs) The justice and performance is significant(positiveand important) and jobp e r f o r m a n c e is p o s i t i v e andsignificant (Cohen-CharashandSpector,2001) H3: The relationship between interactional justice and job performance is positiveand significant 2.2.2 Theoryofsocialexchange H4a: Distributive justice has a positive impact on employees’ job Researchdonebysociologists(Blau,1964;Homans,1 ) a n d s o c i a l psychologi sts(Thibautand Kelley,1959)isthebasisofsocial exchangetheory.Muchofthe satisfaction.H4b:Proceduraljusticehasapositiveimpactonjobsatisfaction theory used to explain organizational and interactive justice, finds support and H4c:Interactionaljusticehasapositiveimpactonjobsatisfaction beliefrootedinsocialexchangetheory(Blau,1964).Accordingt o ( B l a u , ) , s o c i a l H5:T h e r e i s a p o s i t i v e a n d s i g n i f i c a n t r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n j o b s a t i s exchangeis thevoluntary action of individuals motivated by theprofits thatthey f a c t i o n a n d job performance areexpectedtobringandoftenactuallybringfromothers (Blau,1964)extendedtheconceptof(Homans,1958)ondistributionjusticeandmadeas i g n Onthatbasis,incombinationwiththegroundtheoryinchapter2,theauthorproposed a research i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e theory of justice by distinguishing between two model types ownedenterprisesinVietnamasfollows: of is exchange, economic and that affects organizational justice on the job performance ofemployees instate- social.Sociale x c h a n g e i n v o l v e s u n s p e c i f i e d o b l i g a t i o n s i n c o n t r a s t t o e c o n o m i cexchanges;for 11 12 Chart1.1Researchmodel ChapterIII.Researchmethod *Researchobjectives - Todesigntheresearchprocessofthethesisbythemethodofcombiningquantitativeandq Organizationaljustice ualitativeresearch - Quantitativeresearchstartswithd i s c o v e r y r e s e a r c h V i e t n a m N a t i o n a l C o a l and Corporation(VINACOMIN) Mineral as at Industries Holding for testing abasis thesuitabilityofthescale,completingthesurveyquestionnaireb e f o r e c o n d u c t i n g a n e Proceduraljustice xpanded surveywithallstate-ownedenterprises H2 H4a - Qualitativer e s e a r c h t o c o l l e c t d a t a b y i n d e p t h i n t e r v i e w s w i t h p a r t n e r s i n s i d e and outsidetheenterprise H3 Interactionaljustice H4b - The findings of the research findings are used to support the expanded researchresultsandserveasabasisformakingrecommendationsandsuggestions H4c 13 Jobsatisfac tion * Researchsubjects,objectsandscope - Researchobject: State-ownedenterprises - Thesubjectofresearchistheorganizationaljusticeinfluencing onthejobperform anceofemployeesinstate-ownedenterprises - Scope:State-ownedenterprises:parentcompanies,singlememberl i m i t e d liabilitycompaniesownedbytheparentcompany-theGrouporCorporation Source:Proposedbytheauthor - Researchunit:employeesinstate-ownedenterprises Controlvariables: - Age - Sex - Experience - Educationallevel Distributivejustice * Thec o n t e n t o f t h i s c h a p t e r w i l l p r e s e n t t h e r e s e a r c h m e t h o d u s e d i n t h e t h e s i s (excludingdataanalysis).Thetopicscoveredinthischapterinclude: Designingresearchprocess Quantitativeresearch: H1 - ResearchatVietnamCoal– Jobperformance: - Taskperformance Contextual performance - Jobadaption MineralIndustriesHoldingCorporationa n d i t s 100%owned subsidiaries - Designingresearchsamples - Developingthescale - Designingsurveyquestionnairesanddatacollection Qualitativeresearch: H5 - Presentationofcasestudy:caseselectionandsampling - Datacollection; 14 -Relatedissues:ethicalcompliance;researchreliabilityandvalidity 3.2 Quantitative 3.1 Researchprocess 3.2.1 Exploratory researchinVinacomin Theresearchprocessisdescribedinthefollowingchart Stateownedenterprisesconcentrateonproductioni n m o n o p o l y f i e l d s ( o i l a n d gas, coal, Chart2.1Research process electricity, chemicals .) and a number of enterprises belonging to the People'sCommitteesofprovinceswithrelativelysimilarindustries(watersupply,drainage,envir 1.Identifyresearchobjectives onmentalsanitation,greenery,lighting)distributedin6 l o c a l i t i e s a c r o s s t h e countr y Each profession has its own characteristics To be able to understand the currentstatus 2.Researchtheoreticalbasisoforgan izationaljustice,proposeresearchm odelandhypotheses of organizational justice, thesebusinessestocomplete job satisfaction, work thescale,questionnaire performance forofficial of workers surveys, in author conductingresearch and discovery at Vinacomin (focusing on the parent company and one memberlimitedcompaniesownedbytheparent 3.ResearchorganizationaljusticeinSO EsinVietnam companywith1 0 % o f c h a r t e r c a p i t a l ) , w i t h about5,000employees 3.2.2 Theobjectives ofthesurvey method 4.Quantitative 4.1E x p l o r a t o r y r e s e a r c h i n Vinacomin 4.2R e s e a r c h d e s i g n a n d survey WiththeexploratoryresearchatVinacomintoexaminethecurrentstatusoforganizational 5.Qualitative 5.1In-depthinterview justice, satisfaction and the job performance of employees Vinacomin, cases in state- through and t h e resultsobtainedatTKV,theauthorcompletesthescale,proceedstoabroadinvestig 5.2D a t a a n a l y s i s : b y topics ationof allState-ownedCorporations 4.3D a t a a n a l y s i s : r e g r e s s i o n , CEM The collected data is cleaned, coded and processed on SPSS software version 20.1.The methods used are exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach Alpha 5.3Qualitativefindings 4.4Quantitativefindings job ownedenterprisesinVietnamthroughthes i t u a t i o n o f coefficientsusedtoconfirmthequalityofscalesandm u l t i v a r i a t e r e g r e s s i o n s t o v e r i f y t h e relationshipbetweenthestudiedvariablesinthemodel.bytheauthorofthepropo sal 6.Comparisonanddiscussion 3.3 Researchsamples 3.3.1 Wholesamples 7.Resultsreport According to a report of the equitization steering committee, as of December 31,2017,Vietnamhad525enterpriseswith100%statecapital,t h e t o t a l n u m b e r o f emplo yeeswas1.3million, ofwhichCentral enterprises(belongingtoministries andsectors) have Source:DevelopedbytheauthorfromCreswellvàClark(2007) 946,888 employees, enterprises in localities (under People's Committees ofprovincesandcities)have363,111workers,specifically: Among 525 state-owned enterprises (of which, there are 07 economic groups, 57statecorporations,441independententerpriseso f m i n i s t r i e s , b r a n c h e s a n d l o c a l i t i e s ) The number of state-ownedenterprises has plummeted,with 12,000in 1986a n d a b o u t 6,000 in 2001 and 1,369 by 2011 Enterprises with 100% state-owned charter capital areonlyp r e s e n t i n 1 i n d u s t r i e s a n d s e c t o r s c o m p a r e d t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f o v e r i ndustries 15 16 andfieldsin2001;hasfocusedonkeysectorsandfields,providingessentialp u b l i c products 3.4 Scaledevelopment and services for society and national defense and security It is expected that Basedo n t h e t h e o r e t i c a l o v e r v i e w i n C h a p t e r I , t h e g r o u n d t h e o r y i n C h by2020,thewholecountrywillonlyhavea b o u t s t a t e - a p t e r I I , the authorhas made seven research hypotheses andproposedaresearchmodelo n o w n e d e n t e r p r i s e s ( m a i n l y lottery,publicutilitycompaniesand3groups:Petrol, t h e impactoforganizationaljusticeonthejobperformanceofemployeesinstate- ElectricityandViettel) ownedenterprises The scale of variables in the model used from previouss t u d i e s , 3.3.2 Samplingmethod developed With a total of 525 state-owned enterprises and 1.3 million employees Overalldimensionsarelarge.Therefore,theauthorp e r f o r m e d t h e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f s u r v e y samplesintheoverallstudy.Basedontheformulaforcalculatingthesamplesizedeter t o suittheresearchmodelinthecontextofstate- ownedenterprisesinVietnamisasfollows: 3.4.1 Scaleoforganizationaljustice Combining an overview of the research works of foreign authors, and the mined as a finite number as presented at the "survey methodology: principles actualcontextofoperationofstate- andpractices"oftheauthorsoftheNationalEconomicsUniversity(Mai,2015),asfollows: ownedenterprisesinVietnam,thea u t h o r p r o p o s e s observationvariablestomeasureo rganizationaljusticein business.State-owned enterprisesi n V i e t n a m , u s e d i n t h e r e s e a r c h o f N i e h o f f ( 9 ) , D u s t i n Thorn(2000); TimothyA.Judgeetal.(2001),including: 2− 𝑛= [1𝑁 + 𝑁−1𝑁 ( e )] 𝑧∝ 𝑝(1−𝑃) 1− (1) Distributivejustice - n:sizeofresearchsample; (2) Proceduraljustice - N:overallresearchsize - z:Thedistributionvalueofthetwosidescorrespondingtotheselectedreliabili The scale in the distributive justice consists of 05 items, the scale in the ty(if thereliabilityis95%thenz=1.96) proceduraljustice uses 06 question items, the scale in interactional justice includes two - e:allowedsampling er ro r(usually e iswithin +/-1% to +/- componentsincluding06itemsofNiehoff(1993)and05itemsofRobinson(2014),allu s i n g stat %) Thelargerthiserroris,thesmallerthesamplesizeandviceversa ements, andt h e - p:p er ce nta ge inth e overallresearch variables(u sua lly themaximumis50/5 0or 0.5) Accordingly,inthecaseoftheoverallstudy,therew e r e a b o u t , 0 , 0 employ ees in state-owned enterprises Thethesis plannedto design a survey sampleo f 2,000 employees, the sample size was (3) Interactionaljustice designed in accordance with the sample selectionmethodmentionedintheaboveformula(theobservedsamplesizen e e d s observ ations) Surveydatawasobtainedbyquantitativeresearchmethodontheimpactoforganizationalj Likert scale ownedenterprisesinVietnam,theauthorproposestomeasuretheperformanceof state-ownede n t e r p r i s e s i n the studies of theauthorswhohaveresearchedonorganizationaljusticeinforeignorganizationsandorganizatio ns,which collectopinionsdirectly from ther e s e a r c h u n i t s b e i n g e m p l o y e e s and = employeesin Vietnam.Vietnam c o n s i s t s o f twocomponentsusedinthestudyofLiaoetal.(2012),aswellasotherauthors: (1) Taskperformance; (3) Adaptingtowork to agree, Based on the ground theory, an overview of the research works, and the (2) Contextualperformance similar strongly actualsituationinstate- ownedenterprisesinVietnamt h r o u g h t h e s u r v e y q u e s t i o n n a i r e c o l l e c t e d i n t h e a p p is = 3.4.2 Jobperformance usticeontheperformanceofemployeesinstatel i c a t i o n T h e r e s e a r c h e r i s an employee at state-owned enterprises The above method (1 s t r o n g l y d i s a g r e e ) t o m e a s u r e based on employeeviews Task performance includes 09 items; Contextual job performance consists of 07itemsthatallusestatements,andtheLikertscale(1=stronglyagree,5 = s t r o n g l y disagree) tomeasurebasedon employeeviews sports coaches , corporate employees (Wang, 2010), Niehoff (1993), Dustin Thorn,2000); Timothy A Judge etal(2001) 17 18 3.4.3 Jobsatisfaction 3.6.2 Selectcasesandsampleincases Job satisfaction in the author's model is an intermediary and organizational justicevariablethatnotonlydirectlyaffectstheperformanceofworkers,butalsoi n d i r e c t l y th rough job satisfaction (has been affirmed in the study of Suliman (2007), based on thecontextual study of state-owned enterprises in Vietnam, the author proposes to use the jobsatisfactionscalepresentedinVandenabeele(2009),Therearesixitemsthatallusestatements, and the Likert scale (1 = very small, = very large) to measure based onworkers'views Caseselection AccordingtoGering(2006),caseselectionisimportanttoe x p l o r e r e s e a r c h conte nts.The value ofd a t a collected dependson thechoiceof cases t h a t i s a p p r o p r i a t e forthe purposeof the research Thepurposeofthethesisistoexploretheimpactofthecomponentsoforganizationaljustice onthecomponentsofjobperformanceint h e c o n t e x t o f s t a t e - 3.5 Designquestionnaireforthesurvey ownedenterprisesinVietnam.Duetot h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f m a n y s t a t e - 3.5.1 Contentsofquestionnaire o w n e d enterprises,businessenterprisesinmanyfields,branchesandunitsspreadacross64pro Based on the research of foreign authors, the context and characteristics of state- vinces and cities, and a number of public utility enterprises in localities are owned enterprises in Vietnam, the author offers a research questionnaire with exactlysimilari n t e r m s o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l m o d e l , f u n c t i o n s a n d t a s k s , o p e r a t contents:Part1.Introduction;Part2Personalinformation;Part3.Informationonkeystatem i o n I n a d d i t i o n , i n thepreviousperiod,allstate- ents ownedenterprisesusedt h e s a m e d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m (payroll,salarypaymentm echanism).Therefore,theselectionofcasesinthisthesisisnota random process, but a 3.5.2 Colletdatafromemployees comprehensive, comprehensive case aimed at reflecting the mostcomplete pictureofSOEs Thed a t a c o l l e c t i o n i n t h i s s t u d y w a s c o n d u c t e d b y s u r v e y m e t h o d t h r o u g h t w o forms: online questionnaire (questionnaireon googledoc at:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RkymeoaAemkQe9iaMTlxCVQ8RCw3Y3FTOLTjUj4i5nc edit) and / paperquestionnaire 3.6 Qualitativeresearch 3.6.1 Casestudy Thethesisusesquantitativea n d q u a l i t a t i v e r e s e a r c h m e t h o d s c o m b i n e d , qualitative research is conducted in parallel with quantitative research The purpose of thequalitativeresearchinthisthesisistoimprovetheunderstandingofther e l a t i o n s h i p bet ween the components of organizational justice (distributive justice, procedural justice,and interactionaljustice) andthe componentsof jobs a t i s f a c t i o n ( j o b s a t i s f a c t i o n o n t h e jobandtheworkingconditions)andcomponentsofjobp e r f o r m a n c e ( p e r f o r m i n g individualtasks;performing work in thecontextof ag e n e r a l i n t e r a c t i o n ; a d a p t a t i o n t o work) in the context of state-owned enterprises in Vietnam This is the first study on theimpactoforganizationaljusticeontheperformanceofemployeesins t a t e o w n e d enterprises in Vietnam, so the approach consists of both qualitative and quantitative toenhanceto have ageneralviewon reliability of the study and limittheerror ofe a c h researchmethodincaseofapplicationindividuallyandseparately 19 20 ChapterIV.Quantitativeresearch 4.1 Introduction In the chapter 3, the author presented a research method combining qualitative andquantitativetolookattheresearchquestionsmorecomprehensively.Aq u a n t i t a t i v e res earch was conducted with the survey results of nearly 3,000 employees at onememberstate-owned limited liability companies Quantitative research uses survey questionnaire(Appendix4 ) w i t h L i k e r t p o i n t s t o i n v e s t i g a t e w o r k e r s ' o p i n i o n s a b o u t t h e s t a t e m e n t s andthe ir c o m m e n t s r e l a t e d to th e r e l a t i o n s h i p o r g a n i z a t i o n a l j u s t i c e , j o b s a t i s f a c t i o n a n d jobperformanceofemployeesinstateownedenterprisesinVietnam 4.2 Analyzethereliabilityofthescale(Cronbach’sAlphacoefficient) Thepurposeofthepreliminary assessment ofthe reliability andv alue ofthesc aleis to screen and eliminate observation variables that not meet the criteria (garbagevariables).Inparticular,Cronbach'sAlphaisastatisticaltestoftherigor(expla nationforaresearchconcept)ofthesetofobservedvariables(questions)inthescalethroughCron bach'sAlphacoefficient 4.3 Resultsofexploratoryfactoranalysis AfterusingCronbach'sAlphamethodtoassessthereliabilityoft h e s c a l e , t h e authorus es the Exploratory FactorAnalysis (EFA)method toe v a l u a t e t w o i m p o r t a n t valuetypesofthescale:convergentanddiscriminantvalue s 4.4 Confirmatoryfactoranalysis Thelevel1CFAmodelwasanalyzedtocheckthes t r u c t u r e , r e l i a b i l i t y a n d ac curacyoftheorganizationaljusticefactors.InCFAanalysisforeachofthesefactors,itis necessarytocheckunidirectional,convergencevalueandreliabilityofthescale Figure4.1CFAmodelonorganizationaljustice Figure4.2CFAmodelonjobsatisfactionFigure4 3CFAmodelonjobperformance 21 22 In this thesis, there are theoretical concepts including independent variables(includingdistributivejustice,proceduralinteractionandinformationjustice),2 interm ediate variables (including satisfaction with job and working conditions), the threedependent variables (task performance, contextual performance, and job adaptation) arerepresentedbyageneralvariablethatisthejobdone,including: Table4.18.Resultsofmodelconformityassessment 4.5 Structuralequationmodel(SEM) To test the research hypotheses, after performing the scale test by CFA, the thesiswill use SEM model to simultaneously check the relationship between variables in themodelandtakeintoaccountfactorsestimatederror CMIN df CMIN/df P Standardvalues >> >0

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