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Su6t qua trlnh hoc t~p truang d'CleO F'IlTl_load :v:>l1(obj"t"I>ESInsCOlllb)Sys:enEvenlArgsl Irttla I2IlCom.o"nl :v,ljO ;-0 Man:'oidQ + conpm.nts: 1-, i,., A hierarchical nelwork design mod.1 breaks the complex problem of nelwork design into smaller, more manageable problems, Each I.vel, or tier, in the hierarchy addresses a differenl sel of problems so Ihat network hardware and software can be optimized to perform specific roles, Devices at the lowest tier of Ihe hierarchy are designed to accept traffic into a network and Ihen pass traffic up to the higher layers, Cisco offers a three-tiered hierarchy as Ihe pref.rred approach to network design, [j] In the three-layer network design mod.l network devices and links are grouped according 10Ihree layers: core, distribulion, and access, 1iJ like Ihe Open System Interconneclion (OSQreference model, the three.layer design model is a conceptual framework, an abstract picture of a network, layered models are useful because they facililate modularily Since devices al each layer have similar and well.defined functions, administrators can easily add replace, and remove individual pieces of the nelwork This kind of flexibility and adaptabilily makes a hierarchical network design a scalable network design At Ihe same lime, layered models can be dillicutt to comprehend because the exacl composilion of each layer varies from network to network Each layer of the three.tiered design model may include a router, a switch, a link, or some combination of Ihese In fact some networks may combine Ihe function of two layers into a single device, or may omit a layer entirely (Hinh 4.010) Xay dlfng hf thang giao trinh ilifn tir cho e-Learning Trang: 44 PHV LVC: HUONG DAN • sir DVNG CHUONG TRINH • ~ Bang di~u khi~n clla man hlnh two-ng tac Bang diSu khiSn cung c~p cac bang M\lc l\lc, Tai li~u tham khao, Lab, Tim kiSm, giup hQc vien dS dang dinh huang va th\lC hien cac thao tac mQt cach co th~ th6ng ld;;;; ~~~~~"~"O""O=11 Se.vch I Co 12 ket qua GiOl thieu 'thl/ono Teino quan nah(i NET, trana du'Q'c tim thay vm tU' khoa 'cisco' ve Microsoft NET, bai Tono quan vS t6ng ma /2 Chuah XMl ChlfO'ngTong qu",n ve righe NET, trang Microsoft NET, boi Tong qua" ve cang lt~ g~~_!,l_l.!!,!1!!!9Jl~ :ChlfO'ng TOng quan ve Microsoft NET, bAi TOng quan va cOno oh~ NET, trang Noon nOli' Jl 'ChlfO'ng ning quan ve Microsoft NET, bAi Tono quan ve cong nah(i NET, trana '" •• 80 may ADQ.NH Ch"ana T6no Quan nah(i NET, trana vi! Microsoft NET, b.li T8'no Quan vi! c5na • THl/C T~P lAB Chu'o'ng 1: 1O'og quan ve Microsoft 11 The Asian-Pacific Internet backbone users in East and South Asian countries and Australia at Tl speeds or better, without the need to send data through North ~rn~,rl~an f~1iUes The A~Bonewas launched by NliJHt"rn;iHo/iliii'fltil!; NET that (oooed's 1.4 Th\I'C t3p lam Quen vOl Visual Studio.NET 1;1 ltd in 1996 By 1.4.1 G.~!!i!!Y2t.~.tl ~ g3m9.J~.Yt!!t~.tq.~.t~ll.l~.I 1998, a total of 13 countries were connected to the ABone.s hub in Japan a> 1.4.2 Capturing HyperTerminal and Telnet IiiiI Sessions AABC Acronym for AtanasofT-Berry Computer The nrst electronic digital computer, created by John Atanasoff and CliffordBerry of Iowa State University in 1942 Acronym for automatic brightness control A circuit that changes the luminance of a monitor to compensate for ambient lighting conditions An Imperative language and programming ~vironment (rom CWI,Netherlands This interactive, structured, high-Icvel language is easy to learn and use It is not a systems-programming lanQUlJIQc, but it Is good (or teaching or prototyping IL • 1.5 ThVCt$p via ((ng dt}Ogdau tien 1.5.0 Equal-Cost ChU'a'ng 3: Windows with RIP IiiiI Form Chu'ollg 4: X•.•.I)! S•••.kien absolute pointing device load balancing va Bitmap A mechanical or physical pointing device whose location is associated with the position of the on-scrcen cursor IL • ~'!.'! (mnh 4.011) , Xay d~ng h? thong giao trinh ili?n tit cho e-Learning Trang: 45 TAl LI~U THAM KHAo TAl LIEU THAM KHAo • [1] Cisco Systems, Inc, Curriculum Version 2, Cisco Sytems Press, 200l [2] Ellen Finkelstein and Gurdy Leete, Flash Mx Techniques, Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2002 [3] Jennifer Niederst, Web Design in a Nutshell First Edition, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc, 1999 [4] Luke Welling and Laura Thomson, PHP and MySQL Web Development, Sams Publishing, 2001 [5] Mohammed J Kabir, Secure PHP Development, Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2003 [6] PHP Documentation Group, PHP Manual, http://www.php.net 2004 [7] Tr~n Thanh Trai, Phdn Tich & Thiit Ki H? Th6ng Thong Tin Quem Lf;, Nha Xuftt Ban Tre, 2003 Xay dlfng h? thang gilio trinh i/i?n tir cho e-Learning Trang: 46