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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HUE UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN HUU TOAN AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF ENGLISH CHANTS TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS AT PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN QUANG TRI PROVINCE MA THESIS IN THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Hue University of Foreign Languages HUE, 2017 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HUE UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN HUU TOAN AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF ENGLISH CHANTS TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS AT PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN QUANG TRI PROVINCE MA THESIS IN THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING CODE: SUPERVISOR: Assoc Prof Dr NGUYEN VAN LONG HUE, 2017 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐẠI HỌC HUẾ TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ NGUYỄN HỮU TOÀN KHẢO SÁT VỀ VIỆC SỬ DỤNG HOẠT ĐỘNG ĐỌC THEO NHỊP ĐIỆU TRONG GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO HỌC SINH TIỂU HỌC TẠI TỈNH QUẢNG TRỊ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ LÝ LUẬN VÀ PHƯƠNG PHÁP DẠY HỌC BỘ MÔN TIẾNG ANH MÃ SỐ: NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: PGS TS NGUYỄN VĂN LONG HUẾ, 2017 STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY The work contained in this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any university I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, my thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself Date: / 11 / 2017 Signature Nguyen Huu Toan i ABSTRACT This research aims to investigate the use of English chants in teaching English to young English learners in Quang Tri province In particular, this research explored the teachers and students’ perception with English chants In addition, the research pointed out several difficulties in applying English chants and suggested appropriate solutions This paper reports a quantitative research with a survey research design In this research, there were groups of participants The first group includes 34 English teachers who are teaching at primary schools in Quang Tri province They contributed their opinion in a questionnaire which was designed with 20 items There are five random teachers who were chosen to take part in an interview The interview aims to digging deeply in difficulties of teachers when applying the English chants in their teaching In the second group, there were 85 primary students The students’ perception was investigated by a questionnaire which included 19 items The data collected were quantitatively analyzed and presented in tables and figures ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am fully aware of that my thesis can never finished without the help of others during the process of writing Therefore, on this occasion, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to all those who gave me the possibility for the fulfillment of this thesis paper My initial thanks go to the young learners from primary schools in Quang Tri province, who provided important information to the research I also appreciate the precise contributions of English teachers from primary schools in Quang Tri province Most importantly, I owe a major debt to my supervisor — whose rich resource of materials and enthusiastic guidance over research methodology Due to limited time, he had to pay precious time to correct my research This makes me feel ashamed because of my fault He was a critical editor who contributed positively to the final result Besides, he created chances for me to be able to continue doing research Another major debt is to my beloved family My father, my mother and my younger sister are always beside me to take care of and encourage me when I feel tired and want to give up through the race iii TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the Study 1.2 Research Scope 1.3 Aims and Brief Outline 1.4 Significance of the Thesis 1.5 Research Questions Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Young Language Learners 2.1.1 Children Characteristics & Children Language Acquisitions: 2.2 English Chants 2.2.1 Definition 2.2.2 How to Create a Chant? 2.2.3 Classification 2.2.4 How does it work? 12 2.2.5 What are the advantage of using English chants in teaching? 13 2.3 Review of the Previous Studies 14 Chapter 17 METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 Research Design 17 3.1.1 Research Approach 17 3.1.2 Research Procedure 18 3.2 Participants 19 iv 3.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis 20 3.3.1 Data Collection 20 3.3.2 Data Analysis 23 3.4 Summary 23 Chapter FINDINGS AND DISSCUSSIONS 24 4.1 Teachers’ perceptions of chants and its related issues 24 4.2 Perceptions of the Students 29 4.3 Difficulties in Teaching English Chant 38 Chapter 42 CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS 42 5.1 Introduction 42 5.2 Summary of the key findings 42 5.2.1 What Are the Perceptions of Teachers and Pupils about Using Chants in Teaching English for Young Language Learners at Some Primary Schools in Quang Tri? 42 5.2.2 What Are the Difficulties of Using Chants in Teaching English for Young Learners? 43 5.3 Implications 44 5.3.1 For teachers 44 5.3.2 For Administrators 44 5.3.3 Limitations of the Study 45 5.4 Suggestions for Further Research 45 REFERENCES 47 v LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 The correlation between training status and creating a chant 24 Table 4.2 Difficulties in creating English chant .25 Table 4.3 Teachers’ perception of definition 26 Table 4.4 What skills English chants aim to? 28 Table 4.5 The purposes of teacher when use English chants 29 Table 4.6 The attraction of English chant with young learners 30 Table 4.7 What aspects of linguistic English chants improve? 31 Table 4.9 English Chant Purposes 33 Table 4.10 The speed of English chant in the course book .34 Table 4.11 Sentence pattern in chants .35 Table 4.12 Vocabulary in chants .35 Table 4.13 Have you ever done English chant at home? 36 Table 4.15 The suggestion of students for English chant activity 37 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1 Role of musical talent in teaching English chant 27 Figure 4.2 The frequency of students' English chant learning 30 Figure 4.3 The content of English chants should be related to 32 Figure 4.4 Do you have any difficulty in learning English chant? 36 Figure 4.5 The difficulties in teaching English by chants .38 Figure 4.6 The number of students in each class 39 Figure 4.7 English chants teaching places 40 vii experience in teaching English to young language learners Thus, administrators should hold the teaching methodology workshop as well as training courses for teachers It provides opportunity to teachers to exchange their experiences and gain knowledge of teaching English for children In addition, the facility is supplementary materials It is better for children when they are easy to approach the English chant data base It can be books of many types of English chant or the recording of other students’ chants As the suggestion of other teachers, administrator should give the consideration to improve facility For example, it is necessary to increase the number of books, CD players, learning instruments, etc Especially, administrators should consider to equip the computers as well as projectors It will help the students have a vivid lesson Besides, English chant activity is quite noisy Therefore, in order not to bother other classes, each school should have an English room with full of equipment Finally, the number of students in a class has an important effect to the result of teaching It is easier for teacher to control and guide a small group of students On the other hand, administrators should give full support for teachers to hold English extra activities or English chant performance competition These activities create environment for students to practice English as well as English chants 5.3.3 Limitations of the Study The study was conducted in a short time Therefore, it cannot avoid several limitations Firstly, the number of teachers and students participated in this study is not many as expected As a consequence, the result of the research may not be generalized to all primary school in Quang Tri province or primary schools in other provinces Secondly, the study is the limiting of data collection method If there were many other methods of data collection such as observation, students interview, the result of the research would be more reliable and exact 5.4 Suggestions for Further Research This study had several limitations as mentioned in the previous section There were some recommendations for future researches as follows: 45 The research was carried out at primary schools in Quang Tri province It is necessary to conduct similar researches in other provinces Comparing the results of the researches, it has potential to generalize the findings of the study to all primary schools’ teachers in different provinces of Vietnam The research focused on the perceptions of the teachers and students The research did not mention the effect of English chant when applied in teaching English on young language learners in Vietnam Therefore, it may be a topic for researcher to work with 46 REFERENCES Cameron, L (2001) Teaching languages to young learners Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cohen, L., Manion, L and Morrison, K (2000) Research methods in education 5th ed London: Routledge Creswell, J (2014) Research design Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Forster, E (2006) The value of songs and chants for young leaners Encuentro, 6368 Gorard, S and Taylor, C (2004) Combining Methods in Educational and Social Research Maidenhead: Open University Press Graham, C (1988) Jazz chants fairy tales New York: Oxford University Press Graham, C (1993) Grammarchants New York: Oxford University Press Graham, C (1999) Holiday jazz chants New York: Oxford University Press Graham, C (2006) Teaching Jazz Chant to Young Learners The Office of English Language Programs of the United State Department of State Graham, C (2011) Creating chants and songs Oxford: Oxford University Press Graham, C., & Rosenthal, M S (2001) Jazz chants old and new New 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cứu cho đề tài nghiên cứu việc dạy học hoạt động “Let’s chant” (Đọc tiếng anh vỗ tay theo nhịp điệu) học sinh khối tiểu học Rất mong bạn học sinh trả lời câu hỏi cách xác trung thực Sự đóng góp bạn góp phần to lớn vào thành công nghiên cứu Rất cảm ơn hỗ trợ bạn! Đầu tiên mời bạn cung cấp số thông tin sau (Tôi không sử dụng tên thật bạn nghiên cứu ấn phẩm): Họ tên (Tùy chọn): Lớp: Tuổi: Giới tính: ………………………… Thời gian học Tiếng Anh: ………………… năm Mời bạn trả lời câu hỏi sau (Bạn đánh dấu vào ô vuông trước câu trả lời bạn chọn nhé): Bạn tham gia vào hoạt động vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu (Let’s chant) học môn tiếng anh chưa? Đã tham gia Chưa tham gia Bạn học hoạt động vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu (Let’s chant) với tần suất nào? Rất Ít Trung bình Nhiều Rất nhiều Theo bạn, hoạt động vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu (Let’s chant) có thú vị khơng? Khơng thú vị Ít thú vị Bình thường Thú vị Rất thú vị Bạn có thích “Let’s chant” thiết kế sách giáo khoa khơng? Có Khơng 50 Bạn học hoạt động vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu (Let’s chant) sách giáo khoa chưa (Tiếng Anh 3,4,5)? Đã Chưa Bạn nghĩ hoạt động vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu (Let’s chant) giúp bạn ghi nhớ kiến thức gì? (Có thể chọn nhiều câu trả lời lúc) Từ vựng Các mẫu câu Phát âm Ngữ âm (Đọc câu lên giọng, xuống giọng chỗ) Ý kiến khác: Bạn học hoạt động vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu (Let’s chant) hình thức hoạt động nào? (Có thể chọn nhiều câu trả lời lúc) Hoạt động cá nhân Hoạt động nhóm Hoạt động lớp Ý kiến khác: Các bạn thích “Let’s chant” thiết kế liên quan đến phần học nhất? Từ vựng Các mẫu câu Ý kiến khác: Trong hoạt động sau bạn thích hoạt động nhất? Bài hát Bài vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu Trò chơi Ý kiến khác: 10 Theo bạn hoạt động chant nên thực nhằm mục đính nào? (Có thể chọn nhiều câu trả lời lúc) 51 Tạo khơng khí vui tươi học Ôn luyện mẫu câu, từ vựng Dạy kiến thức Tạo điều kiện để tập nói tiếng anh Ý kiến khác: 11 Theo bạn, đọc theo nhịp điệu vỗ tay sách giáo khoa có tốc độ đọc nào? Rất chậm Chậm Bình thường Nhanh Rất nhanh 12 Mẫu câu sử dụng đọc theo nhịp điệu vỗ tay sách giáo khoa nào? (Có thể chọn nhiều câu trả lời lúc) Mẫu câu học phù hợp với học sinh Có mẫu câu gây khó khăn thực hoạt động Mẫu câu dài khó khăn việc ghi nhớ Mẫu câu lặp lại nhiều gây nhàm chán Ý kiến khác: 13 Từ vựng sử dụng đọc theo nhịp điệu vỗ tay sách giáo khoa phù hợp chưa? (Có thể chọn nhiều câu trả lời lúc) Từ vựng dễ dàng Có nhiều từ Từ vựng khơng liên quan tới học Từ vựng nhàm chán 14 Ý kiến khác: 15 Theo bạn việc vừa vỗ tay, vừa đọc có khó khăn bạn khơng? Có Khơng 16 Theo bạn vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu nên thay đổi nào? (Có thể chọn nhiều câu trả lời lúc) Giáo viên nên đánh dấu từ mà nhịp vỗ tay rơi vào 52 Giáo viên nên dạy đọc mà không dùng máy CD Giáo viên nên thay đổi đọc với từ vựng dễ Giáo viên nên tập cho nhóm nhỏ lớp Ý kiến khác: 17 Bạn có thực chant (vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu) nhà sau học lớp? Có Khơng 18 Sau học chant (vỗ tay đọc theo nhịp điệu) bạn có giáo viên cho ơn lại vào tiết học sau khơng? Có Khơng 19 Bạn cho biết khó khăn khác mà thân gặp phải thực hoạt động “Let’s chant”? Ý kiến: 53 APENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire aims to explore the issue of the use of English chants to teach English for young learners at primary schools in Quang Tri province All the data collected will be used to solve the purpose of the research I promise not to use your real name in my thesis and my publication I hope that you can help to answer the questions accurately and honestly as much as possible Thank you very much for your assistance Please provide your personal information: Name (optional): Gender: Male Age: Female Your degree/ certificates/ experiences for EFL methodology BA MA Other (please specify) Numbers of years teaching English: Please put ( ) into the box next to your answers Your additional ideas are appreciated since they are truly valuable contribution to my research The grade(s) that you are teaching: Grade Grade Grade How many students you often have in a class? 10-20 Students 20-30 Students 30-40 Students More than 40 Students Have you attended any training courses about how to teach English chant? Yes How often you teach English chant in your classroom? Never No Rarely Sometime Often In your opinion, what is the English chant in teaching language? It’s poem with rhymes It’s activity that student read the sentences and clap hands 54 Always Nursery rhymes Natural speech with rhymes Other answer: (Please write your answers here) What skills English chants aim to? (You can choose more than one option) Listening Speaking Reading Writing Grammar Other answer: (Please write your answers here) Is musical talent necessary when teaching English chants? Not important Not much important Neutral Important Very important What are the purposes of using English chants in teaching English to young language learner? (You can choose more than one option) Create a suitable atmosphere that students are flexible to use English Help students practice their pronunciation Make an opportunity to help students review grammar point Encourage team cooperation Other answer: (Please write your answers here) Have you ever created an English chant? Yes 10 No What are the difficulties when you create a chant? (You can choose more than one option) I’m a non-native speaker It’s take a lot of time I don’t have much musical talent 55 I lack of technical support to create a chant Other answer: (Please write your answers here) 11 In your opinion, should teacher create their own chants? Yes 12 No Is English chant necessary to you in the classroom? Very unimportant Unimportant Neutral Important Very important 13 What are the criteria of a good English chant activity? (You can choose more than one option) Appropriate and accurate language Well-organized Attractive and fun Well group cooperation Other criteria: (Please write your answers here) 14 How you organize your students when teaching English chant? (You can choose more than one option) Individual Pair work Group work Whole class Other answer: (Please write your answers here) 15 What you think about the English chants in Tieng Anh 3,4,5 books? Interesting Boring Easy 56 Difficult Other criteria: (Please write your answers here) 16 What should teacher to support student in English chant activities? (You can choose more than one option) Teacher helps students to clarify the stress and intonation Teacher helps students in a small group or individual Teacher plays the recording along students’ performance Teacher perform it as a model Other answer: (Please write your answers here) 17 How much time should be used to teach an English chant? - 10 minutes 10 – 20 minutes 20 – 30 minutes Other answer: (Please write your answers here) 18 Where you usually teach English chant? In the classroom Outside the classroom In the English teaching room Other answer: (Please write your answers here) 19 According to you, what are the difficulties in teaching English to young language learners by using English chant? (You can choose more than one option) Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar 57 Attention span Other criteria: (Please write your answers here) 20 Which activity would you prefer to use? Games Songs Nursery rhythms Chants Other activity: (Please write your answers here) 58 APENDIX QUESTIONS FOR INTERVIEW Question 1: How many steps you use when teaching a chant? What are they? Question 2: How did your students learn with English chant? Did they enjoy it? Question 3: Did your students finish the chant easily? Question 4: What are the difficulties in teaching English chant? What is the most difficulty? Question 5: In your opinion, what are the solutions to solve the difficulties? 59

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:12

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