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WEEK:20 Period: 55 Preparing date: Teaching date: Unit 7: RECIPES AND EATING HABITS Lesson - GETTING STARTED: My favourite salad I./ OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can: - use the lexical items related to making a prawn salad - listen and read Nick's mum and Mi's conversation for specific information about how to make a spawn salad - Learn some more famous dishes of some countries in the world Knowledge: - Vocabulary: lexical items related to making a prawn salad - Grammar: Giving instruction 2.Qualities: Skills: Practicing skills Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits - Students know how to learn English in right way - Ss are interested in doing exercises Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and recipes for dishes II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./ TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present… IV./.PROCEDURE: Teacher and Students' Contents activities ACTIVITY 1: Warm up (5’) Brainstorming Aims: help students have an Find out famous dishes of some countries overview about dishes and in the world cuisines from different cutures Countries Dishes Teacher and Students' activities Contents: Viet Nam Find out famous dishes of some Thailand Japan countries in the world The USA Products: Mexico Famous dishes from the coutries The UK in the board Italy Organization: India - Teacher elicits and write the name of some countries on the board ? Discuss and find out some famous or tradition dishes of these countries - Have some students write the dishes on the right corner of the board ACTIVITY Knowledge Formation (17’) Getting-started: Aims: provide sts neccesary I New words words and structure for - prawn understanding and learning the - celery - mayonnaise conversation - versatile Contents: - new words from the conversation - A/an, some/any - Modal verbs in Conditional sentences type Products: - New words - Usage of a/an/some/any Organization: New words Contents (n): (n): (n): (adj) tôm sú cần tây sốt ma-i-on-ne đa dụng Teacher and Students' activities Teacher use the things in the picture on page 6-7 to teach new words - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary Listen and read Contents II Listen and read ? Cover the text and look at the picture on page 6-7 * Suggested answers: ? Who can you see in the - Mi, Nick and his mom picture? - In the kitchen ? Where are they? - prawn, celery, lemon salt, pepper, ? What is there on the table? mayonnaise, knife, tablespoon - They are talking about how to make a ? What you think they are salad talking about? - Play the recording and have students follow along ? Compare your answer with the information in the dialogue 1.a Find the words (1a P8) 1.a Find the words (1a P8) ? Work individually to find the starter versatile words with the given meanings drain peel in the dialogue chop combine ? Quickly write the answer on the board 1.b Word webs (1b P8) 1.b Word webs (1b P8) ? Work in pairs and complete * Ingredients: prawn, celery, lemon salt, the word webs pepper, mayonnaise, spring onion - Call one pair to write their * Preparing and cooking: wash, boil, answers on the board combine, chop, peel, drain, mix, add ? Add more if needed Teacher and Students' Contents activities 1.c Answer the questions (1c 1.c Answer the questions (1c P8) P8) Nick's mum ? Run through the questions Because it's simple and delicious - Make sure students understand In the summer time them They are versatile, and you can use lots of ? First, answer the questions ingredients in a salad without reading the dialogue Nick's mum boils and drains the prawns, again and mixes the ingredients Mi washes the ? Exchange your answer with spring onions, chop the celery, peels the your partner onions, and mix the ingredients ? Read the dialogue again and Because he finds it difficult to wait for one check hour ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (15’) Aims: help sts have some concepts about famous dishes all over the world Contents: - famous dishes - words about food Products: - key to Practice 2, 3, 4/P8 Organization: Matching (2 P8) ? Refer back to the warmer III Practice ? Look at the pictures and match Matching (2 P8) the dishes with the pictures A Cobb salad B sushi ? Pair compare C steak pie D fajitas - Play the audio for students to E lasagne F mango check and repeat the answers sticky rice G beef noodle soup H curry Discussion (3a P8) Discussion (3a P8) ? Work in pairs to discuss what A The USA B Japan country in the box is associated C The UK D The UK Teacher and Students' activities with each dish in - Check and confirm the correct answers Fill in each blank with the name of a dish (3b P8) ? Complete the sentences with the name of the dishes in ? Write the answer on the board Food quiz (4 P8) ? Work in groups to the quiz Contents E Italy G Viet Nam F Thailand H India Fill in each blank with the name of a dish (3b P8) lasagne curry steak pie Fajitas sushi Food quiz (4 P8) Suggested answers beef prawn, potato cheese, butter, ice cream strawberry, lychee, cherry, promegranate broccoli, spinach, lettuce, celery, kohlrabi ACTIVITY 4: Further practice (5’) Aims: review and learn by heart at class some new words and structure Contents: Noodles in main areas of Vietnam More speacial dishes from Vietnamese special food different area of Vietnam Products: - Vietnamese specialities Sts’s knowledge about food and articles Organization: ? Recall some dishes Homework: Learn by heart new words Do exercises B1-3 P4-5 (workbook) Teacher and Students' Contents activities Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look -0@0 -WEEK:20 Period: 56 Preparing date: Teaching date: Unit 7: RECIPES AND EATING HABITS Lesson 2: A closer look I./ OBJECTIVE: : By the end of the lesson, students can: - learn some more words related cooking verbs - remember the instructions on how to make a pizza - Identify the tone in statements used as questions and say these sentences correctly 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to cooking verbs and making a pizza - Grammar: Imperative Qualities: Skills: Practicing skills Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits - Students know how to learn English in right way - Ss are interested in doing exercises Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and recipes for dishes II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./ TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present… IV./.PROCEDURE: Teacher and Students' activities ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) Word webs Aims:- Elicits the topic from students Contents: Dishes: Cobb salad, sushi, steak pie, fajitas, lasagne, mango sticky rice, beef noodle soup, curry Preparing and cooking:wash, boil, combine, chop, peel, drain, mix, add Product: all the words related to the topic: dishes and preparing/ cooking Organization: ? Work in two teams ? Brainstorm all the words related to the topic: dishes and preparing/ cooking - Encourage them to call out as many words as possible ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary (15’) Aims: help sts learn the words about cooking process and usage of those Contents: new words in A closer Look Products: Keys of A Closer Look Organization: - Teacher use the pictures in on page to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary Content Word webs * Suggested answer: Dishes: Cobb salad, sushi, steak pie, fajitas, lasagne, mango sticky rice, beef noodle soup, curry Preparing and cooking:wash, boil, combine, chop, peel, drain, mix, add I New words (v): - whisk (v): - grate - spinkle (v): - manirate (v) (v): - spread (v): - simmer (n): - paster (n): - batter Matching (1 P9) II Vocabulary ? Match the verbs in the box with the Matching (1 P9) đánh (trứng) nạo rắc ướp phết om mì ống, mì sợi bột (nhão) làm bánh Teacher and Students' activities pictures Content A chop B slice C grate D marinate E whisk F dip G sprinkle H spread Complete the sentences (2 P9) Complete the sentences (2 P9) ? Work in pairs chop, Slice grates, ? Use the correct form of the verbs in sprinkles to complete the sentences Marinate whisk Dip spread Matching (3 P9) Matching (3 P9) ? Run through all the cooking verbs 1.g f ? Read the definition and match a h c cooking verb in A with its definition e a in B d b ? Work individually 4.a Questions (4a P9) 4.a Questions (4a P9) ? Look at the picture and answer the - tomato sauce, onion, cheese, apple, two questions bacon, pizza base -> pizza ? Pair compare - Elicit their answers ? Have you ever eaten or made a pizza? ? If so, you like the dish? ? Describe the process of making one briefly 4b Complete the instruction (4b 4b Complete the instruction (4b P10) P10) Chop ? Look at the pictures and complete Grate the instructions individually Spread ? Then compare the answer with a Sprinkle partner Spread - Check the answer as a class Bake ? Can you make a pizza after reading the instructions Teacher and Students' activities ACTIVITY 3: Pronunciation (15’) Aims: Concept of tone in statement used as questions Contents: What is a statement? - a telling sentence that ends with a full stop ? What is a statement question? - used to check information has the order of a statement but ends with a question mark Products: Sts can read in correct innotation Organization: - Play the part of the conversation in GETTING STARTED which includes a statement question ? Listen and pay attention to the intonation of the sentences, give comment ? Read the REMEMBER box - Make sure students understand the information Listen and draw or (5 P10) ? Listen to the conversations and draw correct symbol for the intonation of each sentence - Play the recording as many times as necessary ? Practice the conversations with a partner Complete the mini-dialogues (6 Content III Pronunciation * Tone in statement used as questions - A statement can be used as a question to check that the information we have is correct - When we pronounce a statement question, our voice goes up at the end Listen and draw or (5 P10) Complete the mini-dialogues (6 P10) Teacher and Students' activities P10) ? Work in pairs to complete the minidialogues with suitable statement questions - Call on some pairs to write their answers on the board - Give comment when needed ? Practice the dialogues using the correct intonation ACTIVITY 4: Further practice (5’) Aims: - help sts use cooking verbs flexibly - practice speaking statement questions Contents: - cooking verbs in textbook - questions from students Products: Sts can use cooking verbs have a clear concepts of intonation of statement questions Organization: ? Recall some cooking verbs ?How is a statement question pronounced? Teacher review the lesson and give homework Homework: ? Learn by heart new words ? Do exercises A1,2 P3 (workbook) ? Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look ACTIVITY 5: Production (5’) Aims: review the lesson Content * Suggested answers: You don't like paster?/ Don't like paster? Add some salt? - a pinch of salt a glass of beer a slice of bread a stick of cinnamon a head of cabbage a handfull of cherry tomatoes Homework: 10

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 17:14
