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Tiêu đề Management Of Human Resource At The Local Universities Of Central Region Of Vietnam: Reality And Solutions
Tác giả Chau Van Lương - Money
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Leonisa O. Bernardo
Trường học Southern Luzon State University
Chuyên ngành Educational Management
Thể loại dissertation
Năm xuất bản 2014
Thành phố Lucban, Quezon
Định dạng
Số trang 138
Dung lượng 1,64 MB

Nội dung

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the management of human resources of local universities in central Vietnam through three main functions: functions Recruitment and Selection, functions Training and Developing, and functions retention. Thereby offering solutions to improve the management of human resources of the local university in Central Vietnam. This study used the descriptive design of the correlation analysis of the variables investigated, measuring the administrative functions of human resources limit the use of the questionnaire and the results of operations of the local universities in recent years. Questionnaires were used to collect data through surveys at six local universities, the three subjects: of management staff, faculty and administrative staff of the school. Nearly 450 peoples answered in this study. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. Thereby, there is no significant distinction of

MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE AT THELOCALUNIVERSITIESOFCENTRALREGIONOFVIET NAM: REALITYANDSOLUTIONS ADissertationP r e s e n t e d totheFacultyoftheGraduateSchool Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, PhilippinesinCollaborationwith Thai Nguyen University SocialistRepublicofVietnam In Partial Fulfillment of theRequirementsfortheDegr ee Doctorof PhilosophyinEducationManagement CHAUVANLUONG- (MONEY) March2014 APPROVALSHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of philosophy inEducational Management, this research entitled “Management of Human Resources atthe local Universities of centralregion ofVietnam: reality and solutions” has beensubmittedbyChau VanLương-Money,and is herebyrecommended for oralexamination DR.LEONISAO.BERNARDO ResearchAdviser ApprovedbytheOralExaminationCommittee,inpartialfulfillmentoftherequirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered bySouthern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with ThaiNguyenUniversity, Socialist Republicof Vietnam DR.…………………… DR………………………… Member Member DR………………………… DR.……………………… Member Member DR.………………………… Ph.D.Chairman SUSANA A SALVACION, Dean,GraduateSchool AcceptedinpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeDoctorofPhilosophyin EducationalManagementofferedbySouthernLuzonStateUniversity,RepublicofthePhilippinesi ncollaborationwithThaiNguyenUniversity,SocialistRepublicof Vietnam WALBERTOA.MACARAAN,Ed.D VicePresident,AcademicAffairs Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere thanks to Republic of the Philippines SouthernLuzon State Universityb Lucban, Quezon and teachers, Tutors for the invaluable supportduringthecourseof thestudyandparticularlyforguidance in preparation of this thesis: Dr Cecilia N Gascon, President of the Southern Luzon State University, Republicofthe Philippines; Dr.DangKimVui,Presidentof ThaiNguyenUniversity; Prof Nordelina (Nordy) B Ilano, Director, Office of International and AlumniAffairs (OIAA) SouthernLuzonStateUniversity(SLSU)Lucban,Quezon,Philippines; I special thanks alsoDr LeonisaO Bernardofor her supervision, enthusiasticsupport,invaluableguidance,suggestionsandcommentsduringpreparationandco mpletionofthis research; Dr Tran Thanh Van, head of postgraduate, Thai Nguyen University andProf DrHùng,director ofInternational trainingcenter IexpressgratitudewouldbegiventotheInternationalRelationsCenterofAgriculture and Forestry University, which created the opportunity for me to undertake thePhD’s course on Educational Management and expand my knowledge inv a r i o u s a s p e c t s ofe d u c a t i o n a l management My thanks also express to leaders, oficcers, teachers and administrational staffs oflocal Universities which U n i v e r s i t y ,QuangBinh includeHong University,Quang Duc Nam University,H a University,Phu Tinh Yen UniversityandPham Van DongUniversitywhich co-operate and support me during the study timeand universities’Realitysurveytime Last but not least, the special thanks are given to my lovely family with my deceasedday,mymommywifeandmychildren,whostronglysupportandencourageauthortocompletethecourse Thankyou, ChauVanLuong –(Money) TABLEOFCONTENTS Page TITLEPAGE i APPROVALSHEET ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLEOFCONTENTS .iv LISTOFTABLES .vi LISTOFFIGURES vii LISTOFAPPENDICES viii ABSTRACT x ChapterI:INTRODUCTION .1 Background ofthestudy .2 Objectivesofthestudy: Researchhypothesis .5 Significanceof thestudy .5 Scopea n d l i m i t a t i o n s of thestudy: Definitionsofterms: .6 ChapterII:R E V I E W OFLITERATUREANDSTUDIES ConceptualFramework ResearchParadigm .34 ChapterIII:METHODOLOGY 35 Localitiesofthestudy: 35 ResearchDesign 35 Population and Sampling 35 ResearchInstrumentation 36 Data gatheringprocedures 36 StatisticalTreatment 38 ChapterIV:RESULTSANDDISSCUSSION 42 Chapter V: SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSSummary: 52 Findings: 52 Conclusions .53 Recommendations: 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY .56 APPENDICES 59 CURRICULUMVITAE 128 LISTOFTABLES Table Page Teammanagers,lecturerandstaffyear2008-2012 28 Admissionsyear2013 29 Listthe LocalUniversitiesofcentralregionofV i e t Nam .35 Frequency,Percentage andDistributionoftheRespondents 36 General statistics on the objects of survey participants: Gender, Position,Qualifications,Workingtime .40 MeanDeviation ofvariants Reality .43 MeanDeviationofvariantsnecessity .44 MeanDeviationofvariantsFeasiblefeasible 44 Correlations 45 10 TheRealityof human resources management: Perception .48 11 The Reality of human resources management: Function of Recruitment andselection .48 12 The Reality of human resources management: Functional of training anddevelopment 49 13 TheRealityof humanresources management: Function ofr e t e n t i o n 50 14 Theneed of theperfect solution HRM 51 15 Thefeasibilityof the solutions to improveHRM .52 LISTOFFIGURES Figures .Page TheHRMFramework .14 FunctionofHRM 17 Diagramorganizationalstructure 27 Diagram representing independent variables and dependent variables and results of thestudy .34 LocationofLocaluniversitiesintheCentralRegionofVietnam 41 LISTOFAPPENDICES Appendix Page Appendix"A",T h e Tables 59 Appendix "B", Question survey questions reality, the necessity and feasibility of acompletesolution HRM 114 Appendix"C",EstablishedDecision 6LocalUniversity 118 Appendix"D", Mechanisms,policies ofHRM ofthelocal university 119 Appendix "E",Confirmationoftheuniversitiessurveyed 120 Title: MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE AT THE LOCALUNIVERSITIESO F CENTRALREGIONOFVIETNAM: REALITYANDSOLUTIONS Researcher: CHAUVANLUONG– (MONEY) Degree: DoctorofPhilosophyinEducational Management Name/ Southern Luzon State AddressoftheInstitution: UniversityGraduateSchoolLucban ,Quezon DateCompleted: April2014 Adviser: Dr LEONISAO BERNARDO ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to analyze them a n a g e m e n t o f h u m a n r e s o u r c e s oflocaluniversitiesincentralVietnamthroughthreemainfunctions:functionsR ecruitment and Selection, functions Training and Developing, and functions retention.Thereby offering solutions to improve the management of human resources of the localuniversityinCentral Vietnam This study used the descriptive design of the correlation analysis of the variablesinvestigated, measuring the administrative functions of human resourcesl i m i t t h e u s e o f the questionnaire and the results of operations of the local universities in recent years.Questionnaires were used to collect data through surveys at six local universities, the threesubjects: of management staff, faculty and administrative staff of the school Nearly 450peoplesanswered in this study Data was analyzed by SPSS software Thereby, there is no significant distinction ofthreesubjectsanswered thequestionnaire,the unanimouslyproposed solutionsaregiven Thesolutionproposedmanagementisnecessaryandfeasibletoimprovethemanagement ofhumanresourceslocaluniversityinCentralVietnaminthecomingyears Chapter IINTRODUCTIO N There are 14 coastal provinces in the central region of Vietnam, running from ThanhHoa to Binh Thuan Province The total area of this region is 90.790 km 2, accounting for 28%of the total natural area of the country The central region is bordered in the North by the RedRiver Delta and the Northern mountainous areas, in the South by the Southern region, in theEast by the East Sea, and in the West by the Central Highland The Central region of Vietnamis surrounded by ranges of mountains, running from the West to the coastal line in the East.This region has very extreme weather conditions However, it is very rich in natural resources.With a coast line of around 1,000 km, it has great potential for marine economic development.This centralregion hasmany beautiful landscapes whichare well-known in thec o u n t r y Social conditions: This region has a population of 18,994,709 people, accounting for 21.7% ofthe population of the country Economic conditions: Economic growth of this central region isstill slow Education and training: People in this region are known to be studious There aremanyculturalcelebritiesandheroesintheprotection,anddevelopmentofthecountry.Tertiary education: Therearetworegionaluniversities,includingHueUniversityandDanangUniversity In addition, there are several other universities under the management of theministries There have also been local universities formed under the management of theprovincial authorities since 1997 in the central region This accounts for 8/22 universities inthe country In the21stcentury, education and training in general and tertiary education in particularisfacingmanychallengesoftheintellectualeconomy,globalization,expansiono f inform ationtechnology, and harshcompetition ofhighquality humanresources,.Tertiary There are 14 coastal provinces in the central region of Vietnam: Thanh Hoa, Nghe an, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh,Quang Tri, Thua -Thien- Hue, Da Nang , Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, NinhThuanvà BinhThuan SeeTableA1,Appendix"A"

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2023, 09:41


