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Training management based on information and communications technology at the private universities in Central Vietnam

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THE VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES NGUYEN LE HA TRAINING MANAGEMENT BASED ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN CENTRAL VIETNAM Speciality: Education Management Code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Hanoi, 2016 Công trình hoàn thành t i: Vi n Khoa h c Giáo d c Vi t Nam Ng ih ng d n khoa h c: - GS.TS Nguy n L c - TS Tr n Th Thái Hà Ph n bi n 1: Ph n bi n 2: Ph n bi n 3: Lu n án s đ c b o v tr c H i đ ng ch m lu n án c p Vi n h p t i Vi n Khoa h c Giáo d c Vi t Nam, 101 Tr n H ng o, Hà N i Vào h i gi ngày tháng n m Có th tìm hi u lu n án t i: - Th vi n Qu c Gia - Th vi n c a Vi n Khoa h c Giáo d c Vi t Nam INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the title In the twenty-first century, science, technology and knowledge economy have been developing strongly The trend of globalization has created environment for developing economy, culture, and competition between nations Competitive advantages will belong to the country with high-quality human resources Therefore, education and training must have appropriate changes, catching up with development trend of the times In recent years, the higher education in Vietnam has made progress in terms of size, form, training of professions and international cooperation However, the training quality has not met the requirements of their industrialization and modernization of the country and international integration Currently, enhancing the quality of higher education is the problem needing to be solved Solving the problem will depend on the quality of education management, which is a key to improve the quality of higher education Educational activities in many countries is in the trend of implementing management revolution based on high technology In our country, together with the higher education innovation, education management need to switch to new management methods Not to mention is the the particularly important role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Education management model at universities based on traditional methods is lack of tools, lack of uniformity, making the management process not fulfill all the requirements To overcome the disadvantages, it is necessary to change the method of training management in order to make university education catching up with the requirements of society in the era of knowledge economy ICT is a powerful tool to support the renewal of the training management, contributing to improve the quality and effectiveness of education ICT-based training management is crucial for the development of the universities in general and private universities in Central Vietnam in particular Currently, the ICTbased training management in private universities in Central Vietnam has been implemented, but it has not implemented fully and radically The conditions and situations of private universities in Central Vietnam for this activity show many shortcomings, so training management is not effective Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and shortcomings in some stages of training management based on ICT in private universities in Central Vietnam to find appropriate solutions, helping to improve efficiency of training management From such reality, the author chose the title "Training management based on information and communications technology at the private universities in Central Vietnam" for the study Purpose of study Researching theory and reality of training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Vietnam aims at proposing management solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of training management Contributing to developing the scientific basis for training management activities at universities Entity and object of study 3.1 Entity of study: Training activities at private universities 3.2 Objects of study: Training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Vietnam Scientific hypothesis Currently, training management based on ICT at private unversities in Central Vietnam has achieved certain results, but the implementation of this activity has showed many shortcommings, not meeting the actual demand of training management With rationale built, the process of training management standardized including components: Input - Process - Output and accurate assessment of the situations will propose appropriate management solutions, strongly contributing to improve efficiency of training management at private universities in Central Vietnam Research Tasks Researching on rationale of training management based on ICT at universities Learning from Vietnam’s and other countries’ experiences of training management Assessing the situations of training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Vietnam Proposing appropriate solutions contributing to improve the efficiency of training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Vietnam Scope of Research The thesis focuses on researching and analysing situation of training management activities based on ICT at some private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam to propose appropriate solutions Testing solution "Management of applying software system into training management" was carried out in certain conditions through the deployment of module "Managing Admission of students" Study Methods 7.1 Approaches System approach; Functional approach; Historical and logical approach 7.2 Theoretical research methods Synthetizing and analysing relevant documents, systematizating theoretical issues based on the scientific literature and the written report on the issues of research topics aim at defining the basic concepts, technical language, categories and rules, and the next step is analysing, processing and systematizing the theories 7.3 Practical research methods Using basic methods: survey, observation, interviewing and summing up the experiences 7.4 Statistical methods Using mathematical statistical methods, through a dedicated statistical software to process, analyze, synthesize and evaluate the results of the study to draw conclusions based on science Some of the main points of the thesis Training management is a key activity, determining the quality and effectiveness of training ICT is one of the important tools to promote the development of training management activities Training management based on ICT is an effective way of management, helping education managers achieve the desired training effects So it is inevitable for private universities in Central Vietnam to implement the effective way of management to achieve the objectives of training management The contribution of the thesis - Reviewing some basics about the objects of research and contributing to the rationale development of training management based on ICT - Through research and access to training management according CIPO, proposing training model based on ICT - Analysing and evaluating situation of training management activities based on ICT at private universities in Central Vietnam and contributing to innovative methods of training management based on ICT in education management - Proposing solutions and testing training management solutions based on ICT to change the way of thinking and training management methods - Establishing the criteria for evaluating training management based on ICT - Training management based on ICT contributes to improve the quality and efficiency of training management and to save training management cost for private universities in Vietnam operating in self-financing mechanisms and their funding sources rely mainly on tuition - The results of the research is the scientific basis for the formulation of education management policies based on ICT 10 The structure of the thesis The thesis consists of three main parts:  Part One: Introduction  Part Two: Content, including three chapters - Chapter 1: Rationale for training management based on ICT at universities - Chapter 2: Situation of training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Vietnam - Chapter 3: Training management based on ICT at the private universities in Central Vietnam  Part Three: Conclusions and Proposals CHAPTER RATIONALE FOR TRAINING MANAGEMENT AT UNIVERSITIES BASED ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS 1.1 Overview on study 1.1.1 In another countries The author Victor L.Tinio published the document "ICT in Education", helping education managers make education policies in developing countries, identifying the directions for using ICT effectively and in compliance with the practice in the education system of the country Peter Van Gils, the author of "ICT in Education", wrote: "The application of IT can give schools opportunity to optimize their entire operations A school regularly appying IT in management will applications administrative tasks and other activities in a more professional way " Indian authors, Sharmila Devi, Mohammad Rizwan, and Subhash Chander, in the article "ICT for education quality in India" Author Sukanto Sarkar, Faculty of Management, Institute ICFAI (Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Tripura), Agartala India with the article "The Role of ICT in higher education of the 21st century" Sayling Wen (Taiwan), the author of "IT and education in the future", is aware of that education innovation is no longer a slogan but concrete action 1.1.2 In Vietnam Author Tran Kiem, in his book "The basics of education management science," says that one of the seven major trends of education in the world in the the 21st century is: "Widely applying IT- a trend of effective educational innovation "; IT's impact on the education sector " creating a revolution in private education" The authors, Bui Minh Hien, Vu Ngoc Hai, Dang Quoc Bao published "Education Management" Education management needs to apply modern technology to increase management efficiency The authors, Jef Peeraer, Thy Tran Nu Mai, Tran Thi Thai Ha in the article: "Analysing Policies of applying ICT in higher education in Vietnam" The author Dao Thai Lai in the article: "IT and changes in education" The author Hoang Van Kiem mentioned higher education development based on ICT in the document "Information Technology and the Creation of Universities" The author Vo Dinh Bay researches and develops "E-learning training management under credit system for universities based on the IT applications" 1.2 Management and education management 1.2.1 Manage Henry Fayol (1841-1925) who proposed the theory of public administration management in France definited that: "Administration management is predicting, planning, organizing, controling, combinating and checking" He was the first to explicitly outline the elements of the management process, ways of analysing a complex management process into relatively independent and universal functions including: Predicting-planning; Organizing; Controlling; Combinating; Checking 1.2.2 Education Management According to Okumbe (1999), education is a process of collecting and allocating resources to achieve the goal of education determined in advance The author Tran Kiem showed that education management is divided into levels: macro management (state management of education) and micro management (school management) in education 1.3 Training management at universities 1.3.1 Training According to UNESCO, "Training is the activity including knowledge, skills and attitudes of a profession, demanding either to improve their work or task done recently." The authors, Dang Vu Hoat - Ha The Ngu, showed that "Training is the systematic development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, behavioral patterns according to individual requirements in order to a task properly, or a profession." Training under the credit system The credit system in training was first developed by Harvard University (USA) in 1872 In Vietnam, facing the requirements of human resource development of the society and the integration with higher education in the world, MOET issued Decision 43/2007/QD-BGDDT dated 15/8/2007 about deploying training under credit system 1.3.2 Training management model There are several models of training management such as the US model; models of higher education process (the author Tran Khanh Duc); CIPO model (UNESCO) Through approaching some models of the authors and organizations mentioned above, there is an overview of the general and basis characteristics of training management model Acquiring and applying CIPO model to training management based on ICT with three basic components: Input - Process - Output and Context, which is consistent with research To be near the content of these components in training management at universities according to direction of research, the thesis proposes and uses the following training management model: Figure 1: The basic components of the training management model at universities 1.3.3 Training management content The training management content is arranged according to three basic elements of training management activities: - Input: including the conditions for ensuring training quality - Process: Implementing training management, management of teaching process and teachers’ and students’ activities - Output: management of graduates’ training quality including knowledge, skills, attitudes and satified individual needs; Employment situation of students after graduation, graduates’ social integration and the ability to respond to the labor market: labor productivity, career development, income etc 1.3.4 Process of training management training Process of training management helps training managers know what steps to follow, how to and what results to achieve, helping to control training management progress and quality 1.4 Training management based on ICT 1.4.1 Information and communications technology in training mangement  The role of ICT in training management ICT is a powerful tool to expand opportunities for education development, and it has become one of the key factors changing activities and management practices in the system of training management  Information Systems in Management Training Information systems in training management are the set of elements linked together (a set of human, hardware devices, software and other resources), implementing the activities of collecting, processing, storing information about the training activities at universities and serving for training management The thesis points out that training management based on ICT is applying achievements of ICT to training management systematically to ensure training quality and efficiency and create working environment based on modern technologies 1.4.2 Training management based on ICT - Managing input, process, output of the training activities based on ICT - The training management activities at universities based on ICT follow the model: 13 training management activities at universities However, there are some students not being fully and clearly aware of this content Situation of training process management The survey shows that the stages of training management are based on the rules, regulations and habitually deployed The new staff follow the formers In some stages such as checking and assessment of learning outcomes, registering of learning amount, reviewing and recognizing graduation and teaching organization, universities in this area initially have documents of the training management process Situation of teaching process management The survey shows that the universities managed the basic elements of the teaching process at the average level, meeting the general requirements of the teaching management However, management of teaching methods and teaching goals at the private universities are evaluated at low level by education management staff and lecturers 2.4.2 Analyzing survey results of training management situation based on ICT Awareness situation of training management based on ICT  Staff’s and teachers’ awareness of training management based on ICT Most education management staff, lecturers and students were aware of the importance of applying ICT to training management activities However, some staff and students did not understand deeply and thoroughly about the importance of training management based on ICT Situation of staff’s, teachers’ and students’ ability in training management based on ICT Most staff, teachers and students has met the demands of knowledge and basic skills to participate in training management activities based on ICT However, the ability of updating ICT development and the ability of using 14 English in ICT are also very limited Students’ability of using English in ICT and using of office software are not good Situation of improving training management ability based on ICT Most of the staff and teachers commented that training management based on ICT is implemented at a moderate level and there are not breakthroughs to improve staff’s and teachers’ capicity of training management based on ICT Situation of facilities and ICT equipments for training management Most of the staff and teachers commented that facilities and ICT equipments are good enough to meet the basic demands of training management But they need to be upgraded to develop training management based on ICT in the future Situation of systemization of documents about ICT-based training management The survey shows that systemization of documents about training management and ICT-based training management are at average level In some developed universities, this activity is implemented better The situation of training management based on ICT The content of ICT-based training management such as module management, retest; Learners’ information management; Management of students’ result; Management of training programs, Detailed outline of syllabi; Management of training plan is paid more attention However, the private universities in the region has not paid more attention to system of credit module registration, management of certificates, evaluation of teachers’ teaching through students and surveying graduates Situation of ICT systems for training management Staff, teachers and students at the universities applying ICT to training management commented that ICT system relatively meet demands of training management However, these systems still have weak points such as: unconnected construction, lacking of coherence of data synchronization making this management 15 system imcomplete; The interface not friendly to users; Information processing speed and data of training management not timely responsing to rising student numbers Situation of checking and evaluating training management based on ICT The survey shows that situation of checking and evaluating training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam reach the average point of X = 1,88 (between 1.54 and 22 points) Besides, some of the contents of checking and evaluating training management such as: organizing a conference of checking and evaluating training management activities, implementation of the emulation and commendation, developing criteria for evaluating the performance and the regular checking are still not good 2.5 Overall assessment of training management based on ICT  Facilitation and the results achieved - The private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam are paid more attention by the Party and the State with policies of educational socialization and and favorable conditions by local authority - Most of the staff, teachers and students at the universities are well aware of this activity They find ICT an effective tool to support training management activities, which is a new method for training activities  Difficulties and challenges Sources of funding of universities in the region are limited, mainly relying on tuition, so facilities and equipment at present for applying ICT to all phases of the training management process only partly meet requirements Conclusion of chapter By survey, analysis and evaluation of data on training management activities based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam shows that the universities gradually implement training management based on ICT and acquire 16 certain results However, to meet the training requirements and innovation trends of education management at the universites, there are some issues: The majority of staff, teachers and students have not been fully and deeply aware of the main purpose and the importance of training management based on ICT Staff’s, teachers’ and students’ capicity of updating the development of ICT, using English in ICT are still limited, so training management activities based on ICT have not been fullfilled ICT’s roles Facilities and ICT equipments for training management are at avarage level Many contents in software of training management based ICT have not met the requirements and ensured the diversity of training management types The security of the software is not high The process of training management at universities is not formally implemented by instruction documents, but it is based on habits, which impedes the construction and development of training management systems based on ICT Systematizing and completing the documents of training activities and training management based on ICT are not timely promulgated, so ICT development in training management is still limited The development of evaluation criteria, regular checking, emulation and commendation have not been implemented strongly, so training management activities based on ICT has not developed thoroughly 17 CHAPTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS BASED ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS AT PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN CENTRAL VIETNAM In the context of social and economic development, extensive international integration of education and the policy of reforming higher education in Vietnam, it is necessary to propose suitable training management solutions to improve training quality at the private universities in Central Vietnam Based on the situation surveyed in chapter 2, the thesis will focus on training management solutions based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam 3.1 Oriented development of private universities in Central Coast 3.1.1 Oriented development of education and training Government issued Resolution No 14/2005/NQ/CP on the fundamental and comprehensive innovation of higher education in Vietnam period 2006-2020; Decision No.71 /QD-TTg dated 06/13/2012 of the Prime Minister on the Education Development Strategy 2011-2020 3.1.2 Oriented development of training management based on ICT Resolution 49/CP dated 08/04/1993 of the Government on the development of IT in our country point out: "Developing and implementing national ICT project in education and training with the content of studying and applying ICT in education and training.” Decision 246/2005 /QD-TTg dated 06/10/2005 on Development Strategy of ICT in Vietnam till 2010 and orientations to 2020 point out that ICT is the most important tool to achieve the objectives of the Millennium, to set up information society and to shorten the process of industrialization and modernization of the country 3.2 Principles for proposing solutions Training management solutions based on ICT need to be built on the principles of synchronization at all management levels of the universities 18 3.3 The proposed solutions 3.3.1 Increasing staff’s, teachers’ and students’ awareness of training management based on ICT Purpose of solution Making staff, teachers and students more fully aware of the role, effects, benefits and necessity of bringing ICT into training activities in general and training management in particular Content of solutions Propagation and dissemination and organization of workshops and seminars on the importance of bringing ICT into the stages of the training management process for staff, teachers and students contribute to improve training quality The ways to implement the solutions Planning propaganda and popularization of the importance of training management based on ICT for staff, teachers and students and considering this activity as one of the central tasks of the annual plan 3.3.2 Standardizing the training process Purpose of solution Stages of implementing training process are standardized to easily apply training management based on ICT, contributing to improve the efficiency of training management Content of solutions Building processes of input, teaching and output stages The way to implement the solution Learning contents of training activities; describing them by the flow chart and identifying which entities perform the tasks; issuing documents on processes of training management 3.3.3 Managing the software system of training management based on ICT The purpose of solution Deploying ICT software in training management contributes to improve management method and efficiency of training management 19 Content of solutions Constructing the module system of training management based on ICT: enrollment management module; learner management; management module of learners’ results; management of teaching facilities; management of the training process; management graduates; developing criteria for evaluating software modules of training management based ICT including the following criteria: information completeness; Timeliness; Accuracy; Security; Inheritance Ways to implement the solution Steering implementing units to deploy functions; checking the implementation of software modules of training management based on ICT, using the criteria for evaluating the efficiency of the system modules based on ICT 3.3.4 Improving staff’s, teachers’ and students’ capacity of training management based on ICT Purpose of solution To enhance staff’s, teachers’ and students’ ICT capacity of training management to gradually build modern and effective working style Content of solutions Based on the planning and orientation, it is necessary to build programs, contents and forms of training in a formal, scientific and practical ways to ensure that the implementation of training and retraining achieve the highest results; Periodically, the universities regularly organize seminars on experiences of applying ICT to training management activities Ways to implement the solutions Training scheduling to improve staff’, teachers’ and students’ ICT capicity in training management: regular training, periodic training and advanced training 20 3.3.5 Strengthening ICT facilities and infrastructure for training management Purpose of solutions Improving ICT facilities and infrastructure to create the environment and conditions meeting the demands of training management based on ICT Content of solutions Building development plan of ICT facilities and infrastructure, investing in ICT equipments for training management activities based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast; On the basis of the plan, there are plans of long-term and annual funding sources to ensure investment in ICT facilities and infrastructure Ways to implement the solutions Based on the budget allocated to build ICT facilities and infrastructure for training management activities based on ICT, preparing an estimate of expenditures for buying equipments for training management based on ICT 3.3.6 Systematizing and completing legal documents and regulations Purpose of the solutions Systematizing and completing documents regulating training management and ICT applications at the private universities in Central Coast Content of sSolutions Updating and systematizing the legal documents of the Party, the State, and the Ministry of Education and Training regulating ICT in education; Based the legal documents, there are documents regulating ICT activities in detail to improve training management based on ICT Ways to implement the solutions Planning to review the legal documents in effect incuding collecting, classifying and cataloging legal documents according to the content 3.3.7 Strengthening checking and assessing training management activities based on ICT Purpose of solutions Through checking and assessing effectiveness of training activities based on ICT, measures to strengthen the application of ICT are given to make training management achieve the desired effects 21 Content of solutions The evaluation criteria have been developed to check and evaluate efficiency of training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast Ways to implement the solutions Planning to regularly checking and evaluating training management activities based on ICT; allocating responsibilities for each implementing units to check and supervise the implementation of the plan 3.3.8 The relationship between the solutions Each solution has specific functions of different tasks However, these solutions have the dialectic relationship and support each other to create a whole uniform to improve the system of training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast Thus we not overlook any solutions 3.4 Testing necessity and feasibility of the solutions 3.4.1 Purpose of survey To get staff’s and teacher’s opinion about the necessity and feasibility of the proposed solution at private universities in Central Coast 3.4.2 Content of survey Training management solutions based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast proposed and tested including: Solution 1: Raising awareness of training management based on ICT for staff, teachers and students ; Solution 2: Standardizing the training process; Solution 3: Managing the deployment of software systems of training management based on ICT; Solution 4: Fostering ICT capacity of training management for education management staff and lecturers; Solution 5: Improving ICT facility and infrastructure for training management; Solution 6: Systematizing and completing documents of training management based on iCT; Solution 7: Strengthen checking and assessing training management activities based on ICT 22 3.4.3 Survey methods To survey the necessity and feasibility of the solutions, we use questionnaire to take a survey of 140 staff and lecturers at the private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam 3.4.4 Survey results Results of surveying necessity of the solutions The survey’s results showed that the solutions are evaluated to be necessary, with average points from 2.414 to 2.729 Solution is rated the highest with average point 2.729, and the next is solution (with point 2.664) and solution (with point 2,6) The lowest evaluated solutions are solution and (with point 2.414 and 2.493) Results of surveying feasibility of the solutions Survey results showed that all solutions were highly evaluated about the feasibility The average points ranged from 2.221 to 2.786 No solutions are not feasible The solution considered as the most feasible is solution 3: "Manage the deployment of software systems of training management based on ICT " (average point 2.786) Besides, the other solutions are highly evaluated such as solution 4, and (with average points 2.729, 2.707 and 2.621 relatively) Solution is the lowest evaluated: "Strengthening checking and assessing training management based on ICT- " (average point 2.221) The correlation between the necessity and feasibility of the solutions Applying the formula Spearman, correlation between the necessity and feasibility of the solutions proposed, we have: r = 0.893, which shows that the solutions are highly correlated The solutions applied in practice will be highly feasible 3.5 Trial of the proposed solutions Based on the purpose, content and nature of the seven solutions proposed and the importance of management systems, we chose solution "Managing the deployment of software systems of training management based on ICT" for testing 23 3.5.1 Purpose of trial To examine the necessity, feasibility and optimization of applying ICT tool to support the stages of training management activities at the private universities Testing will demonstrate the high efficiency of the innovation of training management methods based on ICT compared with traditional management methods 3.5.2 Content of trial Training management activities based on ICT has several modules need to be tested to manage the training process at the universities Because of the limited conditions, in solution 3, the thesis uses software module "Management of student enrollment" which is built from process of student enrollment The trial will show the evaluation results and feedback on the efficiency of the software modules in particular and of the solution in general compared with traditional management methods 3.5.3 Subjects of the trial In the time and conditions of the trial, the thesis only tests the module “Management of student enrollment” whose necessity and feasibility is highly evaluated by most staff and teachers at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam This module was tested at Quang Trung University 3.5.4 Tools and methods of trial Tools To evaluate efficiency of training management based on ICT according to the content of solutions based on the software tool "Student enrollment management” Methods of trial Assessing the trial based on four criteria: Criterion 1: The completeness of information; Criterion 2: Timeliness; Criterion 3: Accuracy; Criterion 4: Inheritance 3.5.5 Results of trial Module of student enrollment management with friendly interface is easy to use, meeting the technical requirements, catching up with the general trend of ICT development and ensuring information security features and data assurance 24 The module also ensures the basic functions, meeting the requirements of student enrollment and training management activities The trial shows the feasibility and efficiency of the solution "Managing the deployment of software system of training management based on ICT " In the process of implementing the solution, the managers should carefully prepare all the factors such as staff, facilities, infrastructure and equipment to prevent risks when use ICT tools in training management Conclusion of chapter solutions are surveyed and are highly evaluated about necessity and fessibility by staff, teachers and students’ The solutions has a relationship and strong correlation The solution, if fully applied in practice, will be feasible - The trial of solution about the efficiency of traditional management methods and management methods based on ICT in student enrollment management bases on criteria: Criterion 1: The completeness of information; Criterion 2: Timeliness; Criterion 3: Accuracy; Criterion 4: Inheritance The testing process is conducted objectively and data are analyzed to give out reliable results of efficiency of training management based on ICT CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL Conclusions 1.1 In the trend of innovation of education management at universities of Vietnam and the integration of international education, training management based on ICT is considered as an intelligent management method and inevitable trend which the private universities in Vietnam in general and Central Coast in particular must implement effectively 1.2 The benefits of ICT are considered as breakthrough strategies for social and economic development in general and education and training development in particular in by The Party and the State 25 1.3 On a theoretical basis and situation of training management based on ICT, the thesis has proposed solutions, each of which has its own role and efficiency including urgent and basic efficiency 1.4 Testing the solutions of training management at private universities at Central Vietnam shows that they are highly evaluated by staff, teachers and students Besides, the trial results of the solution “Managing the deployment of software system of training management based on ICT " show the efficiency of the training management based on ICT compared with traditional methods Proposal 2.1 For the Ministry of Education and Training: Developing and promulgating standards and criteria for evaluating ICT application in training management and education Putting these criteria in the content of annual quality testing for ranking universities; Giving the regulations of checking, evaluating, emulation and awarding for individuals and the education and training institution with scientific researches and initiative of ICT and well performance of training management based on ICT 2.2 For private universities in Central Coast: developing a strategic plan for ICT development of the university; diverging implementation plan in line with development capabilities of each school; regularly organizing training courses on improving ICT capacity for staff and teachers to ensure that training management achieves good results; completing the process and documents on direction of training management based on ICT; strengthening infrastructure development, technical equipment and software for training management based on ICT; Implementing emulation and commendation policies for individuals and collectives well implementing ICT applications in education and training management 2.3 For staff and lecturers: with their roles and positions, constantly improving the awareness and responsibility in carrying out training management activities based on ICT, enhancing scientific research to apply scientific research, 26 advanced techniques and advanced management methods to make management activities more and more effective training 27 LIST OF RESEARCH PROJECTS Nguyen Le Ha (2012), Application of information technology in students enrollment procedures, Journal of Education and Social Affairs (ISS1859-3917), Hanoi, No 16 (76) June/2012 Nguyen Le Ha (2012), Application of information technology in the management of higher education - Journal of Science Education, the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences (ISSN 0868-3662), No 82 July/2012 Nguyen Le Ha (2013), Building online survey taking feedback from students about lecturer’s teaching activities, Journal of Education and Social Affairs (ISSN1859-3917), Hanoi, No 28 (89 ) July/2013 Nguyen Le Ha (2013), Formation of information technology environment for students in the training management activities at universities, Journal of Education and Social Affairs, Hanoi (ISSN 1859-3917), No 32 (93) November/2013 Nguyen Le Ha (2014), Training management at universities in an era of information technology, Science education Journal - the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, Hanoi (ISSN 0868-3662), January/2014 Nguyen Le Ha (2014), Accessing system of management of training activities at universities, Journal of Education and Social Affairs, Hanoi (ISSN 1859-3917), No 37 (98) April / 2014 Nguyen Le Ha (2014), Applying CIO positions to management systems in higher education establishments, Journal of Education and Social Affairs, Hanoi (ISSN 1859-3917), No 39 (100 ) June/2014 Nguyen Le Ha (2014), Management of teaching activities with the support of information technology, Journal of Education and Social Affairs, the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, Hanoi (ISSN 0868-3662), October/2014 Nguyen Le Ha (2015), training management at universities, Scientific Journal of Quy Nhon University (ISSN 1859-0357), No 1, collective IX, 2015 [...]... functions and responsibilities of universities Conclusions of chapter 1 In the inovation trend of training management at universities in Vietnam and international integration of education, using training management model based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam will contribute to improve the training quality 11 CHAPTER 2 TRAINING MANAGEMENT SITUATION BASED ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. .. Education and Training: Developing and promulgating standards and criteria for evaluating ICT application in training management and education Putting these criteria in the content of annual quality testing for ranking universities; Giving the regulations of checking, evaluating, emulation and awarding for individuals and the education and training institution with scientific researches and initiative... efficiency of training management based on ICT CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 1 Conclusions 1.1 In the trend of innovation of education management at universities of Vietnam and the integration of international education, training management based on ICT is considered as an intelligent management method and inevitable trend which the private universities in Vietnam in general and Central Coast in particular... Systematizing and completing documents regulating training management and ICT applications at the private universities in Central Coast Content of sSolutions Updating and systematizing the legal documents of the Party, the State, and the Ministry of Education and Training regulating ICT in education; Based the legal documents, there are documents regulating ICT activities in detail to improve training. .. timely responsing to rising student numbers Situation of checking and evaluating training management based on ICT The survey shows that situation of checking and evaluating training management based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam reach the average point of X = 1,88 (between 1.54 and 22 points) Besides, some of the contents of checking and evaluating training management. .. education and the policy of reforming higher education in Vietnam, it is necessary to propose suitable training management solutions to improve training quality at the private universities in Central Vietnam Based on the situation surveyed in chapter 2, the thesis will focus on training management solutions based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam 3.1 Oriented development of private. .. evaluation criteria, regular checking, emulation and commendation have not been implemented strongly, so training management activities based on ICT has not developed thoroughly 17 CHAPTER 3 EDUCATION MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS BASED ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS AT PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN CENTRAL VIETNAM In the context of social and economic development, extensive international integration... this, the advantages of the private universities will have opposite effects, negatively affecting the process of training and management compared with state universities - The characteristics of the private universities show some advantages but many difficulties, which affects the training and training management based on ICT at the private universities Therefore, training management based on ICT at private. .. ICT -based training management The survey shows that systemization of documents about training management and ICT -based training management are at average level In some developed universities, this activity is implemented better The situation of training management based on ICT The content of ICT -based training management such as module management, retest; Learners’ information management; Management. .. organizing a conference of checking and evaluating training management activities, implementation of the emulation and commendation, developing criteria for evaluating the performance and the regular checking are still not good 2.5 Overall assessment of training management based on ICT  Facilitation and the results achieved - The private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam are paid more attention ... trend of training management at universities in Vietnam and international integration of education, using training management model based on ICT at private universities in Central Coast of Vietnam. .. Conclusions 1.1 In the trend of innovation of education management at universities of Vietnam and the integration of international education, training management based on ICT is considered as an intelligent... collecting, processing, storing information about the training activities at universities and serving for training management The thesis points out that training management based on ICT is applying achievements

Ngày đăng: 14/04/2016, 09:21

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