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Tiêu đề Enhancing The Communication Skills Of Educational Managers In Vinh Phuc Province: Basis For A Training Program
Tác giả Hoang Van Binh-Peace
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Cecilia N. Gascon, Dr. Dang Kim Vui, Dr. Ricaryl Catherine P. Cruz, Dr. Tran Thanh Van, Dr. Dang Xuan Binh, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hai
Trường học Southern Luzon State University
Chuyên ngành Education Management
Thể loại dissertation
Năm xuất bản 2014
Thành phố Lucban Quezon
Định dạng
Số trang 132
Dung lượng 2,28 MB

Nội dung

In management psychology, humans are considered central factors, throughout the management process. People are the subjects as well as the objects of the management relationships. In management, the psychological contact between officials or managers (to communicate) and the major management objects individual and collective (communication objects) is management communication, it is the basic content of the management. To establish relationships with management objects, to deal with management tasks, to maintain management functions, management staff should have the psychological traits and communication ability in certain management in which communication ability are the most basic elements. In fact, there have not been studies on communication ability of leaders in general and Vinh Phuc province in particular. So the study focuses

ENHANCINGTHECOMMUNICATION SKILLSOFEDUCATIONALMANAGERSINVINHPHUCPR OVINCE:BASISFORA TRAININGPROGRAM ADissertationPresentedto theFacultyoftheGraduateSchool SouthernLuzonStateUn i v e r s i t y, Lucban Quezon, Philippi ne sInCollaborationwith ThaiNguyenUniversity, SocialistRepublicofVietnam InPart i al Fulfillment oftheRequirementsfortheDegreeofDo ctorinEducationManagement By HOANGVANBINH-PEACE March2014 APPROVALSH EE T i DEDICATION ThispieceofworkisdedicatedTo MyFamily ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researcher wishes to extend her most sincere gratitude to the followingpeoplewhomadethispieceofworkareality Dr.CeciliaN.Gascon,PresidentofSouthernLuzonStateUniversity,Republicof Philippines, who made possible the linkage with Thai Nguyen the University andtheofferingofDoctorinEducationManagement,throughtheITC-TUAF; Dr Dang Kim Vui, the President of Thai Nguyen University, who made thelinkage with Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines and theofferingofDoctorofEducationManagement,throughtheITC-TUAF; Dr.RicarylCatherineP.Cruz,forhersupportandsupervisionthroughoutmygraduatestu dyprogram.Herkindnessanddailyinstructionsinthelastthreeyearsaregreatlyappreciatedandthisdi ssertationisasmuchherworkasmine; Prof.NordelinaIlano,Director,OfficeforInternationalAffairsofURSforhersupporttothe Ph.D.Ed.Mstudents; Dr Tran Thanh Van, the Dean of the Graduate School of Thai NguyenUniversity,forhisassistanceandencouragementtopursuethisstudy; Dr Dang Xuan Binh, the Director of International Training Center, for hisassistanceandencouragementtopursuethisstudy; Dr.NguyenThanhHai,theViceDirectorofInternationalTrainingCenter,forhisassistanc eandencouragementtopursuethisstudyasPh.D.Ed.MClassManager; ToalltheSLSUandTNUProfessors,fortheirsupportandguidanceextendedthroughoutthegr aduatestudiesinThaiNguyenUniversity,Vietnam; Tohiseverdearestfriendsfortheirkindnessandremarkablesupport; To his family, for their support, encouragement for being the sources ofgreatestinspiration,whichmadehiscareerasuccess ABSTRACT In management psychology, humans are considered central factors, throughoutthe management process.People are the subjects as well as the objects ofthemanagementrelationships.Inmanagement,thepsychologicalcontactbetweenoffi cialsormanagers(tocommunicate)andthemajormanagementobjectsindividualandcollective(communicationobjects)ismanagementcommunication,itis the basic content of the management To establish relationships with managementobjects,todealwithmanagementtasks,tomaintainmanagementfunctions,manag ement staff should have the psychological traits and communication ability incertain managementinwhichcommunicationabilityarethemostbasicelements.Infact,therehavenotbeenstudiesoncommunicationability of leaders in general andVinh Phuc province in particular So the study focuses on communication ability ofeducationalleadersisveryuseful Vinh Phuc is a newly re-established province, but has rapidly developed andshown to be a dynamic province during the period of industrialization and integration.One of the causes leading to the development is educational leaders in Vinh Phuc Itexpressesthattheeducationalleadershavevision,depth,leadership,communicationabilitytogett herightpoliciestopromotetheeducationandsocioeconomicdevelopmentinrecentyears;howevertherearesomeinevitableweaknesses.Th erefore,improvingthecommunicationabilityforeducationalleadersisnecessary Recognizingtheproblem,theresearcherdecidedtoconductastudyoncommunicationa bilityofeducationalleaderstopointoutthestrengthsandlimitations The researcher also gives solutions to improve psychological quality,leadership,communicationabilityofeducationalleaderstomakearapidde velopmentinVinhPhucprovinceonthepathofindustrializationandinternationalintegration Keywords:Education,Ability,Leaders,Skills,Interpersonal,Emotional,Sensiti vity,Flexibility,Persuasive,Problemsolving TABLEOFCONTENTS TITLEPAGE Page APPROVALSHEET ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv ABSTRACT .v TABLEOFCONTENTS viii ABBREVIATION x LISTOFTABLES xi LISTOFFIGURES xiii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION BackgroundoftheStudy ObjectiveoftheStudy HypothesisoftheStudy SignificanceoftheStudy ScopeandLimitationof the Study .5 DefinitionofTerms REVIEWOFRELATEDLITERATUREANDSTUDIES RelatedLiterature .8 RelatedStudies .46 ConceptualFramework 53 METHODOLOGY .54 Localeofthe Study 54 ResearchDesign 55 PopulationoftheStudy 55 Instruments 56 DataGatheringProcedure 57 StatisticalTreatment .57 RESULTSA N D D I S C U S S I O N 60 RespondentsProfile 60 Respondents'Perceptionaboutcommunication ability 63 Analysisoffactorsinfluencingcommunicationabilityofeducationalleaders7 Comparisonofrespondent’sperceptionbypersonalprofile 80 ProposalTrainingPrograms 91 SUMMARYO F F I N D I N G S , C O N C L U S I O N S A N D R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S SummaryofFindings 104 Conclusions 105 Recommendations .106 BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 QUESTIONNAIRE 110 ABBREVIATION ANOVA AnalysisofVariance ES Emotionalskills FS Flexibilityskills IC Interpersonalc o m m u n i c a t i o n PCS Persuasivec omm uni c at i on skills PSS Problemsolvingskills SWOT Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats SPSS StatisticalPackageforSocialSciences SS Sensitivityskills VIF Varianceinflationfactor WM WeightedMean LISTOFTABLES Table Page Distributiono f R e s p o n d e n t s 56 Titleoft h e t a b l e 56 FrequencyandPercentageDistributionofRespondentsProfileinter msof A g e andGende r FrequencyandPercentageDistributionofRespondentsProfileinter mso f E d u c a t i o n a l Q u a l i f i c a t i o n 61 FrequencyandPercentageDistributionofRespondentsProfileinter msofLe ngt h ofWorkExperience 60 61 FrequencyandPercentageDistributionofRespondentsProfileinter msofNumberofYearsinManagement ReliabilitystatisticsonInte rpe rsonal comm uni cati onskill s MeanD i s t r i b u t i o n o f R e s p o n d e n t s P e r c e p t i o n i n T e r m s o f InterpersonalC o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s Reliabilitystatisticson E m ot i o n a l skills 10 MeanD i s t r i b u t i o n o f R e s p o n d e n t s P e r c e p t i o n i n T e r 62 63 64 65 m s o f Emotionals k i l l s 11 12 ReliabilitystatisticsonS e n s i t i vi t y skills MeanD i s t r i b u t i o n o f R e s p o n d e n t s P e r c e p t i o n i n T e r m s o f Sensitivitys k i l l s 67 68 13 Reliabilitystatisticson F l e x i b i l i t y skills 69 14 MeanD i s t r i b u t i o n o f R e s p o n d e n t s P e r c e p t i o n i n T e r m s of Flexibilitys k i l l s ReliabilitystatisticsonPer suasi ve communicationskills MeanD i s t r i b u t i o n o f R e s p o n d e n t s P e r c e p t i o n i n T e r 70 15 16 m s o f Persuasivec o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s 17 21 22 23 24 25 74 Meandistributionofrespondents’perceptionintermsofaverageeval uationf o l l o w i n g c i t i z e n 20 73 MeanD i s t r i b u t i o n o f R e s p o n d e n t s P e r c e p t i o n i n T e r m s o f Problemsolvingskillsincommunicationprocess 19 72 ReliabilitystatisticsonProblemsolvingskillsincommunicationp rocess 18 71 Descriptives t a t i s t i c s ANOVAa n a l y s i s Resultr e g r e s s i o n HypothesisT e s t i n g Comparisonsofr e s ponde nt ’ s perceptionaccordingtoprofile 75 76 77 78 80 81 Testhomogeneityofvariancesintermofage ANOVAanalysisintermofa ge Testhomogeneityofvariancesintermofworkexperiences ANOVAanalysisintermofworkexperiences Testh o m o g e n e i t y o f v a r i a n c e s i n t e r m o f n u m b e r o f 82 y e a r s i n management 86 30 ANOVAanalysisintermofnumberofyearsinmanagement 87 31 TesthomogeneityofvariancesintermofEducationalqualificatio n 88 26 27 28 29 83 84 85

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2023, 09:47



