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Tiêu đề Students’ Satisfaction on the Service Quality Provided by Colleges of Thai Nguyen University: A Proposed Formation Program
Tác giả Nguyen Tat Thang - Victor
Người hướng dẫn Prof. Dr. Walberto A. Macaraan, Dr. Apolonia A. Espinosa
Trường học Southern Luzon State University
Chuyên ngành Educational Management
Thể loại dissertation
Năm xuất bản 2014
Thành phố Lucban
Định dạng
Số trang 136
Dung lượng 244,1 KB

Nội dung

This study examines the level of students’ satisfaction on the service quality provided by colleges of Thai Nguyen University. The exploration and comparison of possible differences in terms of level of students’ satisfaction across gender, origin, monthly family income and the college inrolled. Data were collected based on EDUSERVQUAL tool that has been modified from SERVQUAL instrument. The EDUSERVQUAL tool consists of nine dimensions namely: Instructional services, auxiliary services, ancillary services, learning support facilities, tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy. The finding of this study reveals that service quality is a vital factor that determines

THAINGUYENUNIVERSITY SOUTHERNLUZONSTATEUNIVERSITY SocialistRepublicofVietnam RepublicofthePhilippines STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION ON THE SERVICE QUALITY PROVIDED BYCOLLEGESOFTHAINGUYENUNIVERSITY: APROPOSEDFORMATIONPROGRAM ADissertationOutline the Facultyof the Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, PhilippinesinCollaboration with ThaiNguyenUniversity,SocialistRepublicofVietnam In Partial Fulfillment of theRequirementsfortheDegreeo f DoctorofPhilosophyinEducationalManagement By NGUYENTATTHANG-(VICTOR) March,2014 APPROVALSHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree ofDoctorof Philosophyin EducationalManagement this research study entitled “Students’ Satisfaction on the Service Quality Provided byColleges ofThai Nguyen University: A Proposed Formation Program” has been submited byNguyen Tat Thang -Victor,and is herebyrecommended fororalexamination PROF.Dr.WALBERTOA.MACARAAN ResearchAdviser Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for theDegreeofDoctor of PhilosophyinEducationalManagement offeredbySouthernLuzonStateUniversity,RepublicofthePhilippinesincollaborationwith ThaiNguyenUniversity, SocialistRepublic of Vietnam (NAMEOFPROFESSOR) (NAMEOFPROFESSOR) Member Member (NAMEOF PROFESSOR) (NAMEOF PROFESSOR) Member Member (NAMEOFPROFESSOR) Chairman Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree ofDoctorof Philosophyin EducationalManagement offered by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration withThaiNguyenUniversity, SocialistRepublic of Vietnam APOLONIAAESPINOSA, Ph.D Dean,Graduate School WALBERTOA.MACARAAN,Ed.D VicePresident,AcademicAffairs Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sincerest and profound gratitude and appreciation are extended to all the persons whointheir own special wayshavemadethis dissertation areality Theauthor is mostgrateful to: Hon Dr Cecilia Gascon,President of Southern Luzon State University (SLSU),Republic of the Philippines, for her invaluable contribution in establishment of the Doctor ofPhilosophyin Educational Management programin ThaiNguyen University(TNU); Prof.Dr.DangKimVui,PresidentofThaiNguyenUniversity,theS o c i a l i s t Republic ofVietnamforhisincomparablecontributionandsupporttotheDoctorofPhilosophy in Educational Management program in Cooperation with the Southern LuzonStateUniversity, the Socialist Republicof thePhilippines; Dr Walberto A Macaraan,Vice president, Academic Affairs for his support to thetie– up program betweenSLSU and TNU; Dr Apolonia A Espinosa,Dean, Graduate school for his support to the tie – upprogrambetween SLSUand TNU; Prof Dr Tran Van Dien,Rector of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture andForestry for his invaluable assistance in the establishment of the Doctor of Philosophy inEducational Management program in cooperation with the Southern Luzon State University,Philippines; Dr Nguyen Tuan Anh,Former Director of the International Training Center, ThaiNguyen University for his precious and wholehearted assistance and encouragements in theestablishmentoftheDoctorofPhilosophyinEducationalManagementprogramincooperationw ith theSouthernLuzon StateUniversity, Philippines; Dr Nguyen The Hung,Director of the International Training Center, Thai NguyenUniversity for his precious, invaluable assistance and his sincere encouragement and supporttothe students of this institution ThePanelofExaminers,D r … … … … … … … Prof ………………………………… fortheirinvaluablecomments,s u g g e s t i o n s andrecomme ndations to enhancethe thesis manuscript oftheauthor ofthis study; Dr Ricaryl Catherine P Cruzfor her adviser, dedication, enduring patience andconcern,guidance,sincerehopesandencouragementfortheresearchertofinishthemanuscript; Dr Teresita V De La CruzandDr Apolonia.A.Espinosaprofessors of method ofresearchandadvanced statistics fortheirpatience and support; The visiting Professors includingDr.Arivalan,Dr Balakrishnan, Dr Walberto A.Macaraan,Dr.LeeKar Ling, Dr.W.Johnsonand otherprofessors fortheirlectures; The Learning Resource Center of Thai Nguyen University, for the valuable sources ofbooksand references; Theauthorsandresearchersofbooksandunpublishedgraduatethesesa n d dissertationsthat servedas reliable sourceof dataand information; The college members of Thai Nguyen University, for the approval of the researcher’srequestto conduct thestudy; Thestudentrespondentsofthestudy,fortheiractiveinvolvement,withouttheircooperation,there sult of this dissertationcould nothavebeen possible; His loving classmates and colleagues, for the endless support and friendship whichinspirethe researcher toputhis best infinishing thestudy; His wife, daughter, son, parents and siblings, for their encouragement, financial, moralandspiritualsupportsforcontinuouslybelievingthathecanfinishthetasktothebestofhisabilities Toyou all,THANK YOUVERYMUCH! NGUYENTATTHANG(VICTOR) TABLEOFCONTENTS page ii TITLEPAGE iiii APPROVALSHEET vvi ACKNOWLEDGMENT vii xii viii TABLEOFCONTENTS LISTOFTABLES LISTOFFIGURES LISTOFAPPENDICES 10 11 ABSTRACT 14 ChapterI INTRODUCTION 14 Background ofthe Study 17 Objectives of the 22 Study 27 28 NullHypothesis 29 29 Significanceof theStudy 30 ScopeandLimitationsof theStudy 31 DefinitionofTerms 34 35 ChapterII.LITERATUREREVIEWANDRESEARCHPARADIGM 35 ServiceQualityMeasurement 36 ServiceQualityin HigherEducation StudentSatisfaction 38 TheRelationship oftheServiceQualityand Student Satisfaction ResearchParadigm 75 75 ChapterIII METHODOLOGY 78 TimeandLocale 79 oftheStudy 79 ResearchDesign 81 95 106 Populationand Sampling Instrumentation Validationofthe Instrument DataGatheringProcedures StatisticalTreatment ChapterIV.RESULTSANDDISSCUSSIONS Chapter V SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS ANDRECOMMENDATIONS Summary Findings Conclusions Recommendations BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………… APPENDICES……………………………………………………… .… RESEARCHER’SPROFILE LISTOFTABLES Table Page Distributionofthe SampleSizeAccording to Population 32 Distribution ofthe Respondentbycolleges 33 Percentdistributionof therespondentsaboutG ender, Age, Origin, Familyincome 39 FactorAnalysis of Perceived ServiceQuality 40 ResultfortheEDUSERVQUALItemsfortheStudents’ 46 CorrelationoftheResponsesonIntructionalServicewithProfileofRespondents 52 Correlationof theResponsesonA uxiliary ServicewithP rofile ofRespon dents 53 Correlationof the R es po ns e s on Ancillary Servicew i th P rofile ofRespon dents 54 CorrelationoftheResponsesonLearningSupportFacilitieswithProfileof Respondents 55 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 CorrelationoftheResponses onTangiblewith Profile ofRespondents 6.6 Correlationo f t h e R e s p o n s e s o n R e s p o n s i v e n e s s w i t h P r o f i l e o f Respondents 57 6.7 Correlation of the Responses on Reliability with Profile of 58 6.8 Respondents Correlation of the Responses on Assurance with Profile of Respondents Correlationof 59 6.9 theResponses on Empathywith Profileof Respondents 60 TheProposedFormationProgram 65 56 LISTOFFIGURES Figure Page ResearchParadigm………………………… .………………… 28 LocationofRespondentsCollegein ThaiNguyenProvince.… …… 30 LISTOFAPPENDICES Appendix Page A Communicationletters………………………………………………… 95 B Evaluationof thequestionnaireforcontent validation 96 C Questionnaireo n s t u d e n t s ’ s a t i s f a c t i o n o n t h e s e r v i c e q u a l i t y p r o v i d e d bycollegesofThainguyenUniversity 97 Researcher’sProfile 106 D Title : STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION ON THE SERVICE QUALITYPROVIDEDBY CO LL EG ES O F TH AI NG UY EN U N I V E R S I T Y : APROPOSEDFORMATIONPROGRAM Researcher: : NGUYENTATTHANG –(VICTOR) Degree : DoctorofPhilosophyinEducationalManagement Name/ AddressoftheInstitution Southern Luzon State UniversityGraduateSchool Lucban,Quezon DateCompleted: Adviser March,2014 : DR.WALBERTOA.MACARAAN ABSTRACT This study examines the level of students’ satisfaction on the service quality providedbycollegesofThaiNguyenUniversity.Theexplorationandcomparisonofpossiblediffere nces in terms of level of students’ satisfaction across gender, origin, monthly familyincome and the college inrolled Data were collected based on EDUSERVQUAL tool that hasbeen modified from SERVQUAL instrument The EDUSERVQUAL tool consists of ninedimensionsnamely:Instructionalservices,auxiliaryservices,ancillaryservices,learningsuppo rt facilities, tangibles, responsiveness,r e l i a b i l i t y , assurance, and e m p a t h y T h e f i n d i n g of this study reveals that service quality is a vital factor that determines the level of studentsatisfaction and showed that thefollowing dimensions: instructional service, followed byempathy, reliability, auxiliary service, ancillary service, and learning support facilities werethe most importantdimensions and had significant positive relationship with students’satisfaction level Furthermore, the study also findthe following factors:“ t h e w i f i n e t w o r k and the internet service quality”; followed by the item “soft skills are equiped for students”;“the college’s audio visual/media center functions well”; “when you have a problem, collegeshowssincereinterestinsolvingit”;“collegegivesyouindividualattention”;“food services

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2023, 09:56



