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Tiêu đề Motivational Factors As Predictors Of Teachers’ Job Performance In Colleges Of Education At Northern Provinces: A Proposed Enhancement Program
Tác giả Hoang Van Thanh - Frank
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Ricaryl Catherine P. Cruz, Dr. Susana A. Salvacion, Ph.D., Walberto A. Macaraan, Ed.D.
Trường học Southern Luzon State University
Chuyên ngành Educational Management
Thể loại dissertation
Năm xuất bản 2014
Thành phố Lucban
Định dạng
Số trang 156
Dung lượng 1,92 MB

Nội dung

The primary intent of this study was to investigate which motivational factors predict the teachers’ job performance in the colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam, school year 2013 – 2014. Specifically, it sought to determine the level of motivational factors of the respondents as to physiological, safety and security, love belongingness, selfesteem and selfactualization needs; to find out the level of job performance of the teachers in colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam; and the development of program as result of the study. This study used the descriptive design in analyzing the investigated variables. Measurement of the motivational factors and teachers’ job performance were limited to the used of questionnaires. The questionnaire

MOTIVATONALFACTORSASPREDICTORSOFTEACHERS’JOBPER FORMANCEINCOLLEGESOFEDUCATION ATNORTHERNPROVINCES:APROPOSEDENHANCEMENTP ROGRAM A Dissertation Presented totheFacultyoftheGraduateScho ol SouthernLuzonStateUniversity,Lucban,Quezon, Philippin esinCollaborationwithThaiNguyenUniversity SocialistRepublicofVietnam In Partial Fulfillment of theRequirementsfortheDegre eof DoctorofPhilosophyinEducationalManagement HOANGVANTHANH-(FRANK) April2014 APPROVALSH EET InpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeDoctorofphilosophy in EducationalManagement,this Predictors of researchentitled Teachers’ Job “MotivationalFactors Performance In Colleges as Of EducationAtNorthernProvinces:AProposedEnhancementProgram”hasbeen submitted byHoang Van Thanh - Frank, and is hereby recommended for oralexamination DR.RICARYLCATHERINEP.CRUZ ResearchAdviser ApprovedbytheOralExaminationCommittee,inpartialfulfillmentoftherequirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational ManagementofferedbySouthernLuzonStateUniversity,RepublicofthePhilippinesincoll aborationwithThaiNguyenUniversity,SocialistRepublicofVietnam DR …………………… Member DR………………………… Member DR………………………… Member DR.… … … … … … … … … Member DR.………………………… SUSANAA.SALVACION,Ph.D Chairman Dean, Graduate SchoolAcceptedinpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeDoctorof PhilosophyinEducationalManagementofferedbySouthernLuzonStateUniversity, RepublicofthePhilippinesincollaborationwithThaiNguyenUniversity,SocialistRe publicofVietnam Date WALBERTOA.MACARAAN,Ed.D VicePresident,AcademicAffairs ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sincerest and profound gratitude and appreciation are extended to all thepersonswhointheirownspecialwayshavemadethisdissertationareality Theauthorismostgratefulto: Hon.Dr.CeciliaN.Gascon,PresidentofSouthernLuzonStateUniversity,R epublicofthePhilippines,forherinvaluablecontributioninestablishment of Doctor program of Philosophy in Educational Management the inThaiNguyenUniversity; Prof.Dr Dang KimVui,PresidentofThai NguyenUniversity,theSocialist Republic of Vietnam for his incomparable contribution and support to theDoctor of Philosophy in Educational Management program in Cooperation withtheSouthernLuzonStateUniversity,theSocialistRepublicofthePhilippines; Dr Walberto A Macaraan,Vice president, Academic Affairs for hissupporttothetie–upprogrambetweenSLSUandTNU; Dr.SusanaA.Salvacion,Dean,GraduateSchoolforhersupporttothetie –upprogrambetweenSLSUandTNU; Prof.Dr.TranVanDien,RectorofThaiNguyenUniversityofAgriculture and Forestry for his invaluable assistance in the establishment of theDoctor of Philosophy in Educational Management program in cooperation with theSouthernLuzonStateUniversity,Philippines; Dr Nguyen Tuan Anh,Former Director of the International TrainingCenter, Thai Nguyen University for his precious and wholehearted assistance andencouragements in the establishment of the Doctor of Philosophy in EducationalManagement program in cooperation with the Southern Luzon State University,Philippines; iii Dr Dang Xuan Binh,Director of the International Training Center, ThaiNguyenUniversityforhisprecious,invaluableassistanceandhissincereencourage mentandsupporttothestudentsofthisinstitution ThePanelofExaminers,Dr.………………… Prof ………………………………… fortheirinvaluablecomments,suggestions and recommendationstoenhancethethesismanuscriptoftheauthorofthisstudy; Dr Ricaryl Catherine P Cruzfor her adviser, dedication, enduringpatienceandconcern,guidance,sincerehopesandencouragementfortherese archertofinishthemanuscript; Dr Teresita V De La CruzandDr Apolonia.A.Espinosaprofessors ofmethodofresearchandadvancedstatisticsfortheirpatienceandsupport; Thev is i ti ng Professors in cl u di n g D r A r i v a la n , Dr.B a l a k r i s h n a n , D r LeeKarLing,Dr.W.Johnsona n d otherprofessorsfortheirlectures; The Rectors ofHa Giang, Tuyen Quang, Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Yen BaiTeachers’TrainingCollege,fortheapprovaloftheresearcher’srequesttoconductthestudy; The Learning Resource Center of Thai Nguyen University, for the valuablesourcesofbooksandreferences; Theauthorsandresearchersofbooksandunpublishedgraduatethesesanddissertation sthatservedasreliablesourceofdataandinformation; The teachers – respondents of the study, for their active involvement,without their cooperation, the result of this dissertation could not have beenpossible; iv Hislovingclassmatesandcolleagues,fortheendlesssupportandfriendshipwhi chinspiretheresearchertoputhisbestinfinishingthestudy; His wife, son and parents, for their encouragement, financial, moral andspiritual supports for continuously believing that he can finish the task to the bestofhisabilities Toyouall,THANKYOUVERYMUCH! HVT v DEDICATION Thisdissertationisdedicatedtohisparents,hiswifeandhisson.Heappreciatest heireverlastinglove,patience,encouragementandsupport MybelovedfatherHOANGDINHNOI MybelovedmotherHOANGTHIDE My beloved father in law DUONG TIEN SOAMybelovedmotherinlawHOTHIMYHANH EspeciallymybelovedwifeDUONGTHITHUHA AndmysonHOANGTUANDAT HVT TABLEO F C O N T E N T S TITLEP A G E APPROVALS H E E T ACKNOWLEDGMENT DEDICATION………………… TABLEO F C O N T E N T S LISTO F T A B L E S LISTO F F I G U R E S LISTO F A P P E N D I C E S ABSTRACT ChapterI I NTRO DUC TI O I N Backgroundo f t h e S t u d y Objectiveso f t h e S t u d y Hypothesis Significanceo f t h e S t u d y Scopea n d L i m i t a t i o n o f t h e S t u d y Definitiono f T e r m s ChapterII.REVIEWOFLITERATURE ANDSTUDIES RelatedL i t e r a t u r e a n d S t u d i e s … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …… ResearchP a r a d i g m ChapterI I I R E S E A R C H M E T H O D O L O G Y Localeo f t h e S t u d y ResearchDesi gn Populationa n d S a m p l i n g Instrumentation Validationo f t h e I n s t r u m e n t DataG a t h e r i n g P r o c e d u r e s Statistic alTreat ment C h a p t e r I V R E S U L T S A N D D I S S C TABLEO F C O N T E N T U S S I O N S S page ii iiii ChapterV S U M M A R Y , C O N C L U S I O N S A N D R E C O M M E N D A T I viv ONS iiv Summary iii xix Findings iix Conclusions iii Recommendations BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………… APPENDICES………………………………………………………… CURRICULUMV I T A E 5 10 29 31 37 37 38 39 40 40 43 115 116 118 119 121 124 135 LISTOFTABLES Table Page FrequencyandPercentageDistributionoftheRespondents… 38 1.1 Frequency and PercentageDistribution of Respondents According toAge… 43 1.2 Frequency and PercentageDistribution of Respondents According toGender… 44 1.3 Frequency and PercentageDistribution of Respondents According toProfessionalq u a l i f i c a t i o n … 44 1.4 Frequency and PercentageDistribution of Respondents by Number ofYearsSpentinSchools… 45 1.5 Frequency and PercentageDistribution of Respondents According toMonthlyI n c o m e … 45 2.1 MeanDistributionoftheResponsesAccordingtoPhysiologicalNeed s… 46 2.2 Mean Distribution of the Responses According to Safety and SecurityNeeds 48 2.3 MeanDistributionoftheResponsesAccordingtoLoveand belongingnessneeds 50 2.4 MeanDistributionoftheResponsesAccordingtoEsteemNeeds… 52 2.5 MeanDistributionoftheResponsesAccordingtoSelf-actualization Needs .54 3.1.1 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoPhysiologicalneedsintermofAge… 56 3.1.2 Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Physiological needs in term ofGender… 58 3.1.3 Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Physiological needs in term ofEducationalq u a l i f i c a t i o n .59 3.1.4 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoPhysiologicalneedsintermof Lengthofexperience… 60 3.1.5 Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Physiological needs in terms ofMonthlyI n c o m e … .63 3.2.1 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoSafetyandSecurityneedsinterms ofAge… 65 3.2.2 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoSafetyandSecurityneedsinterms ofGender… 67 3.2.3 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoSafetyandSecurityNeedsinterms ofEducationalQualification… 69 3.2.4 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoSafetyandSecurityNeedsinterms OfLengthOfExperience… 70 3.2.5 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoSafetyandSecurityNeedsinterms ofMonthlyIncome… 72 3.3.1 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoLove&BelongingnessNeedsin TermsofAge… 74 3.3.2 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoLove&BelongingnessNeedsin TermsofGender… 76 3.3.3 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoLove&BelongingnessNeedsIn TermsofEducationalQualification .78 3.3.4 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoLove&BelongingnessNeedsIn TermsofLengthOfExperience 80 3.3.5 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoLove&BelongingnessNeedsin TermsofMonthlyIncome… 82 3.4.1 Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Esteem needs in Terms ofAge… 84 3.4.2 MeanandChi-SquareValuesasto Esteem needs in Terms ofGender… 86 3.4.3 MeanAndChi-SquareValuesastoEsteemNeeds inTermsOfEducationalQualification 87 3.4.4 MeanAndChi-SquareValuesastoEsteemNeedsInTermsofLength ofExperience… 89 3.4.5 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoEsteemNeedsinTermsof MonthlyIncome… .91 3.5.1 MeanandChi-SquareValuesastoSelfActualizationNeedsinTerms ofAge… 93

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2023, 10:55


