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Motivational factors as predictors of teachers’ job performance in colleges of education at northern provinces aproposal enhancemnet program

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Thai Nguyen University Socialist Republic of Vietnam Southern Luzon State University Republic of Philippines HOANG VAN THANH MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS AS PREDICTORS OF TEACHERS’ JOB PERFORMANCE IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION AT NORTHERN PROVINCES: APROPOSAL ENHANCEMNET PROGRAM Speciality: Educational Management DEM DISSERTATION SUMARY OF EDUCATIONNAL MANAGEMENT THAI NGUYEN, 2014 Research has been conducted in: THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Academic supervisor: Dr Ricaryl Catherine P Cruz Reviewer 1:…………………………………………… Reviewer 2:…………………………………………… Reviewer 3:…………………………………………… The EDM dissertation was defended at Thai Nguyen University Academic Assessment Board Venue: …………………………………………… Time period (dd/mm/yy): ……………………… The dissertation has been stored in: - Vietnam National library; - Learning resource center, Thai Nguyen University; - Library at Southern Luzon University, Philippines 1 PREFACE To develop the quality of education and training, state and government in Vietnam has determined that the teacher is a key factor Manpower with good knowledge is the most important resource of national industrialization and modernization Thus, to improve teachers’ job performance is the main condition for the educational growth and social development This study aimed to investigate which motivational factors predict the teachers’ job performance in the colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam Specifically, it sought to determine the level of motivational factors of the respondents as to physiological, safety and security, love & belongingness, self-esteem and self-actualization needs; to find out the level of job performance of the teachers in colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam; and the development of program as result of the study After using statistic tool, the Author defined that physiological, safety, love & belongingness, esteem and self-actualization needs of teachers in colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam meet the basic needs but very low The teachers’ job performance in this region does not get high efficiency The motivational factors: physiological, love & belongingness, esteem, self-actualization needs and the demographic characteristics in term of age and gender of teachers are the significant predictors of teachers’ job performance, hence a need to enhance the weak areas in the selected schools It is therefore recommended that the principals and the administrators as well must intensify their concerted efforts to further enrich and supply teachers’ needs so as to encourage them bring positive and highest enthusiastic attitude towards teaching activities 2 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Teacher’s importance in modern era has acquired new dimensions They not only have to impart subject matter to the pupil but also help him in developing his innate abilities and talents If one is committed to bring about really a productive change, to raise the standards of education, it is imperative to recruit teachers who are not only proficient in the subject matter, but also have a positive attitude towards education and the learners Teachers’ job performance is a key determinant of the quality of education and this is very true particularly in education schools, where students are learning to be teachers in the future, who will transform their knowledge to the next generation Based on the situation above, the researcher decided to conduct a study on “Motivational factors as predictor of teachers’ job performance in the colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam” Objectives of the study Determine the demographic characteristic of the respondents in term of Age, Gender, Educational qualification, Length of experience and Monthly income 3 Determine the level of motivational factors of the respondents as to Physiological, Safety and Security, Love and belongingness, Self – Esteem, Self – actualization Reveal the level of motivation and significant difference of the respondents when they are grouped according to demographic characteristics Find out the job performance of the respondents in terms of: Teaching performance, Professional responsibilities Identify which of the demographic characteristics and motivational factors predict teachers’ job performance Propose an enhancement program based from the result of the study Hypothesis Demographic characteristics and motivational factors predict the teachers’ job performance in colleges of education at Northern provinces of Vietnam Significance of the study This study will benefit the educational administrators and managers, teachers, students and other researchers The educational administrators and managers identify important motivational factors that are responsible for their worker’s performance, how to maintain and or improve upon such factors Teachers will be received the concern of the educational managers and whole society that would affect changes and improvements of teaching performance at schools Students will bring understanding and harmonious relationship among members of the school systems 4 Scope and Limitations of the study The primary intent of the study was to further investigate and focus on the teachers as respondents In content, the study was focused on how the motivational factors affect the teachers’ job performance in colleges of education at Northern provinces Precisely, physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs, love & belongingness needs and self-actualization needs were studied, and determine the motivational factors predict teachers’ job performance Definition of Terms Motivational factors in this study referred to physiological, safety and security, love & belonging, self esteem and self actualization needs of teachers in Northern Province of Vietnam Job Performance is referred the efficiency of teachers in teaching job, and the teacher's contribution in a given year CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This section includes studies and opinions on the of many famous authors directly related to the subject of this dissertation such as: motivational factors, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and Belongingness Needs ,Self - Esteem needs, Self Actualization needs, Teachers’ Job performance 5 Research paradigm Independent Variables Dependent Variable Demographic Profile - Age - Gender - Educational qualification - Length of experience - Monthly Income Motivational Factors - Physiological needs - Safety needs - Love & Belongingness needs - Self-Esteem needs - Self-actualization needs Teachers’ Job Performance - Teaching performance - Professional responsibilities PROPOSED ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design The study took mainly the descriptive and quantitative approach it involved the collection of numerical data in order to explain, predict, and control phenomena and data were analysed by statistical procedure In particular the study was a predictor and cross-sectional survey It was predictor as the variables were made to predict the motivational factors and teachers’ job performance The study was a cross sectional survey because it gathered data from the samples of a population Population and Sampling The target population in this study was constituted by all the teaching staff in Colleges of education in northern provinces, Vietnam, school year 2013 – 2014 There were five colleges of education in northern provinces and the study was conducted in all five colleges, then got data by giving questionnaire The teachers were the respondents due to their being directly affected by the motivational practices in their colleges It reveals that there are 250 out of the 503 teachers were requested to answer the questionnaire To ensure representativeness of the samples, randomization was a suitable approach To attain the respective sample size from the said population, the Slovin’s formula was used in computing the samples and got data by questionnaire Research Instrumentation The researcher utilized a questionnaire which was the main tool in gathering data The part of the questionnaire contains a fourpoint Likert Scale ranged from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” was used Validation of the Instrument Research questionnaire was made through different stages Items in the instruments were tested by giving them to at least 15 non respondents in a school not included in the population to determine the suitability of the language and to determine the length of time of each respondent Then, reliability of the instrument on multi-item variables (i.e physiological, safety, love & belonging, self esteem, self actualization needs and teacher’s job performance) was tested via the Cronbach Alpha Method provided by Statistical Package for Social Science, (SPSS) Finally, it was submitted to the researcher’s adviser for final approval After this pilot stage, the Author sent a formal questionnaire to teachers who are teaching at said schools Data Gathering Procedure When questionnaires were approved, the researcher administered the questionnaires to the respondents directly or by email The researcher ensured that the filled questionnaires are collected as soon as they get filled after a period of two weeks to avoid loss and misplacement Data obtained then was analyzed and report on the findings made Statistical Treatment The data collected was prepared or processed for analysis and then later actually analyzed; the collected data from the questionnaire was edited, categorized or coded and entered into computer using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for generation of summary frequency tables Weighted mean was utilized to describe the perception of teacher-respondents on the motivational factors and job performance Chi-square test, for determining the significant difference of the respondents Multiple regressions were used to find out the predictability of the influence of motivational factors to the teachers’ job performance of the colleges of education in Northern Provinces 8 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents The researcher found out the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents according to age, gender, professional qualification, number of years spent in schools and monthly income as follow: The frequency and percentage distribution of respondents by age finding reveals that ages 33-38 with 122 (49%), ages 39-44 with 68 (27%) respondents are the majority and ages 51-56 with or one percent, ages 27-32 with 29 or 12 percent and ages 21-26 with or one percent are the least number of respondents It maybe inferred that majority of the respondents are middle age and just a little number of the respondents belongs to the retiring age and younger age, respectively It shows that 154 female or 61.6 percent are the greatest number of respondents Only 96 or 38.4 percent are male respondents, these suggest that there have been least number of male respondents who have made themselves available during the conduct of the study 53.6% of respondents had Master’s degree, followed by bachelor’s degree (almost 46.4%), suggesting all the respondents had the basic/minimum qualification to teach in colleges of education at Northern Vietnam provinces Finding shows that 6-11 years category with 114 or 45 percent is the longest time spent in schools; followed by 12-17 years category with 80 or 32 percent This only implies that most of the respondents in colleges of education at Northern Provinces had stayed in their schools for a period of ten years and below, indicating that there is teacher instability on job in Colleges of Education at Northern Provinces Finding shows that to below million category with 180 or 72 percent is the highest income in schools; followed by to below million category with 44 or 17.6 percent, to below million with 25 or 10 percent and to 10 million with only or 0.4 percent These imply that most of the respondents in colleges of education at Northern Provinces have not high monthly income Level of Motivational Factors of the Respondents Table 2.1 Mean Distribution of the Responses According to Physiological Needs Indicators of Physiological Needs WM Current salary meets the minimum of life’s needs 2.15 Accesses with adequate and clean water at school Receives salary promptly and in accordance with my efforts Receives extra teaching allowances prompt and equitably Accesses free meals during shifts and lunch at school Is provided free accommodation and water Has enough working space in the school environment Accesses comfortable and convenient working places Has received free materials and equipment at school 10 Has appropriate workload at school Average Weighted Mean DR Disagree 2.90 Agree 3.14 Agree 3.20 Agree 1.76 Disagree 2.21 Disagree 2.83 Agree 2.87 Agree 3.05 Agree 2.70 Agree 2.70 Agree 10 Table 2.1 discusses the mean distribution of physiological needs of the respondents This implies that the respondents are agreeable towards the physiological aspects, generally, the total computed WM = 2.70 agree category only suggest affirmative physiological needs However, they feel the inadequacy of the salary to maintain the minimum standard of life with the present economic condition the Northern Province Table 2.2 Mean Distribution of the Responses According to Safety and Security Needs Indicators of Safe and Security Needs WM DR Stays in a safe environment at school 2.91 Agree Stays in a secure environment at school 2.98 Agree Is given free medical care in case of ill health 2.82 Agree Has job security 3.18 Agree Has access to banking services near by the school Has fair treatment by the school administration and colleague 3.01 Agree 2.99 Agree 2.85 Agree 2.89 Agree 3.03 Agree 3.06 Agree 2.97 Agree Has access to fire control measures at school Has good interpersonal relationship with school administration Has good interpersonal relationship with students and colleagues at school 10 School complies fully with the labor law and insurance rules Average Weighted Mean 11 Table 2.2 presents, the mean distribution of responses according to safety and security needs of the respondents On the whole, the total computed WM = 2.97 agree category only suggests that there is safety and security among the respondents in the school Table 2.3 Mean Distribution of the Responses According to Love and belongingness needs Indicators of Love & Belongingness Needs Shows love by students and colleagues Is accepted in clubs and organizations formation in the school Is appreciated by the school administration Has received the interest by school administration Has received help and sharing from colleagues Colleagues are very friendly and credible Has a chance to participate to other activities in school Feels that he is clearly a part of a group or multiple groups in school which gives him a sense of belonging School organizations always encourage and help him whenever he has difficulties in life and job 10 Is encouraged to give comments for school development and comments are respected by the school administration and colleagues Average Weighted Mean WM DR 2.82 Agree 3.02 Agree 2.87 Agree 2.94 Agree 2.89 Agree 2.88 Agree 2.91 Agree 2.83 Agree 2.91 Agree 2.96 Agree 2.90 Agree 12 Table 2.3 depicts the mean distribution of responses of the respondents in terms of love and belongingness Generally, the total computed WM = 2.90 agree category only suggest the feeling of the respondents with love and belongingness This shows that the administrators in colleges of education have been creating a favorable environment for everyone to participate in activities in schools, but the levels are not very high Table 2.4 Mean Distribution of the Responses According to Esteem Needs Indicators of esteem needs WM DR Has made a number of achievements at school 2.91 Agree Has recognized by the school administration 2.62 Agree Has good reputation at school 2.72 Agree Is assertive at school 2.94 Agree Is self motivated at school 2.72 Agree Is respected by students and colleagues 2.86 Agree Has a number of responsibilities at school 2.46 Disagree 2.52 Agree 2.29 Disagree 2.67 Agree Is praised by school administration for any good work done Has been attended to by the school administration Average Weighted Mean 13 Table 2.4 shows the mean distribution of statements pertaining to esteem needs Generally, the total computed WM = 2.67 agree category only implies school commitment and contentment of the respondents in school Table 2.5 Mean Distribution of the Responses According to Self-actualization Needs Indicators of Self – Actualization Needs Has been satisfied with and proud about the achievements and present position which he has Is currently working on a plan to help him maximize his potential in life Is doing what he is really good at and what he is meant to be doing Is self confident and satisfied with what he does in school everyday Has opportunities for further study and promotion Has been entitled to decide some issues which are related to his competence Has prospects for career development in school Has applied his creative thinking in his job His life has enough stability and consistency in it that he is free to pursue important interests 10 He really likes to continue his current job that he is towards finding the ultimate harmony and happiness Average Weighted Mean WM DR 2.72 Agree 2.88 Agree 2.83 Agree 2.78 Agree 2.76 Agree 2.58 Agree 2.78 Agree 2.64 Agree 2.60 Agree 2.75 Agree 2.73 Agree Table 2.5 portrays the mean distribution of the responses of the respondents by self-actualization needs On the whole, the total 14 computed WM = 2.73 agree category only suggest contentment, peace and happiness in school Level of motivation and significant difference of the respondents when they are grouped according to demographic characteristics 3.1 Physiological needs According to the result of research showed the Weighted Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Physiological needs in term of age, gender, professional qualification, number of years spent in schools and monthly income as follow: The mean distribution and significant differences of the respondents in term of Physiological needs according to age and there are significant differences between the physiological needs in term of age There are no significant differences between the physiological needs in term of gender The respondents were found only in bachelor’s and Master’s degree According to bachelor’s degree, there are significant differences between the physiological needs in term of Educational qualification In term of Physiological needs according to length of experience There are significant differences between the physiological needs in term of length of experience There are significant differences between the physiological needs in term of monthly income 3.2 Safety and Security needs According to the result of research showed the weighted Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Safety and Security needs 15 in term of age, gender, professional qualification, number of years spent in schools and monthly income as follow: The mean distribution and significant differences of the respondents in term of Safety needs according to age There are significant differences between the safety and security needs in term of age The mean distribution of the responses of the respondents by Safety and security needs in term of gender, there are no significant differences between the Safety and security needs in term of gender The mean distribution of the responses of the respondents by Safety and Security needs in term of educational qualification The respondents were found only in bachelors’ and Master’s degree There are significant differences between the Safety and Security needs in term of Educational qualification The mean distribution and significant differences of the respondents in term of Safety and security needs according to length of experience there are significant differences between the safety and security needs in term of length of experience The mean distribution and significant differences of the respondents in term of Safety and security needs according to monthly Income, there are significant differences between the safety and security needs in term of monthly income 3.3 In term of Love & Belongingness According to the result of research showed the Weighted Mean and Chi-Square Values as to Love & Belongingness needs in term of Age, gender, professional qualification, number of years spent in schools and monthly income as follow: The mean distribution and significant differences of the respondents in term of Love & Belongingness needs according to 16 age, shows that all the statements of physiological needs in term of age get Chi-square test with P- value 0.05, there are no significant differences between the love & belongingness needs in term of gender The mean distribution of the responses of the respondents by Love & belongingness needs in term of educational qualification Group of Master’s degree get Chi-square test with P- value

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2021, 00:16

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Mục lục

    1. Background of the Study

    5. Scope and Limitations of the study


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