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This research determined to find out the most dominant leadership style and to correlate it with job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome. It answered the following objectives: 1. Determine the most dominant leadership style; 2. Ascertain the level of job satisfaction of the respondents; 3. Find out the degree of work commitment; 4. Find out the behavioral outcome of the subjects; and 5. Correlate the most dominant leadership styles with the three

i SOUTHERNLUZONSTATEUNIVERSITY RepublicofthePhilippines THAINGUYENUNIVERSITY SocialistRepublicofVietnam LEADERSHIPSTYLESOFUNIVERSITYMANAGERSTOWARDJOB SATISFACTION, WORK COMMITMENT AND BEHAVIORALOUTCOME ADissertationPresented totheFacultyoftheGraduateSchool, SouthernLuzonStateUniversity,RepublicofthePhilippinesand Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam InPartialFulfillment of the Requirements for the DegreeD o c t o r ofPhilosophyinEducationalManage ment by PHIDINHKHUONG(NADAL) April2014 APPROVALSHEET Thisdissertation entitled“Leadership Styles of University Managers Toward Job Satisfaction, Work Commitmentand Behavioral Outcome”submitted byPHI DINH KHUONG, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Management been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval DR.BELLAMUELLO Adviser ApprovedbytheOralExaminationCommittee,inpartialfulfillmentofthe requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education Management by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam DR DR D R CriticReader Chairman Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education Managementb y Southern Republic Philippines Thai of Nguyen the University, Luzon in State University, collaboration Socialist Republic Vietnam Dean,GraduateSchool Date with of ACKNOWLEGDEMENT Theresearcherwishestoexpresshisheartfeltappreciationandgratitudeto: Dr Cecilia N Gascon, PresidentoftheSouthern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines for permission of training for Doctor of Philosophy in Educatinal Managenent in International training center, Thai Nguyen University; Dr Dang Kim Vui, PresidentofThaiNguyenUniversity for allowance the training for Doctor of Philosophy in Educatinal Managenent in International training center, Thai Nguyen University; Dr Bella R Muello, his research adviser, who from the very preparation of the study had always been there to give valuable suggestions and ideas for the completion of this study; Dr Apolonia A Espinosa, for sharing her statistical skills in evaluating this study and suggestions; Dr Tran Thanh Van, head of postgraduate, Thai Nguyen University andDr Dang Xuan Binh, director of International training center for their kind supportt h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u r s e o f t h i s s t u d y ; Leaders of universities and colleges in Thai Nguyenforproviding respondents and for their untiring support to pursue this study; Dr , Prof ,membersofthepanel,fortheir precioussuggestionsand supportsforthecompletionofthisstudy; Dr , who servedas critic readerduring the oral defense, for his comments and suggestions; Mr .f o r h i s p r o f i c i e n t insights andvaluablesuggestionsinthefinalizationofthisstudy; ITCstaff,forprovidingthenecessaryresearchmaterials; Hisbeloved mother and wifefor the encouragement, help and moral support as his sources of strength and inspiration; Thet e a c h e r – respondentsofthestudy,f o r theiractiveinvolvementand c o o p e r a t i o n; and Toallwho havecontributed tomakethisstudyasuccess LXT TABLE OFCONTENTS page TITLEPAGE APPROVALSHEET ACKNOWLEDGMENT TABLEOFCONTENTS LISTOFTABLES LISTOFFIGURES ABSTRACT Chapter I INTRODUCTIOIN Backgroundofthe Study ObjectivesoftheStudy Hypothesis Significanceof theStudy ScopeandLimitationoftheStudy DefinitionofTerms Chapter II REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES Conceptual/TheoreticalFramework ResearchParadigm Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY LocaleoftheStudy ResearchDesign Populationand Sampling Instrumentation DataGatheringProcedures StatisticalTreatment ChapterIV.R E S U L T S ANDDISCUSSION Chap terV.SUMMARY,CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS Summary iii iii vv ivi i viii 5 6 23 44 45 46 47 49 49 50 54 60 61 61 62 64 Findings 67 73 Conclusions Recommendations BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES RESEARCHER’SPROFILE LISTOFTABLES Frequency,PercentageandDistributionoftheRespondents 47 MeanDistributionofResponsesastoEthicalLeadership 53 MeanDistributionoftheResponsesastoJobSatisfaction………… 54 MeanDistributionofResponsesCommitmenttowork 56 MeanDistributionofResponsesBehavioralOutcomes 58 LISTOFFIGURES FIGURE 1ResearchParadigm ……… ……………………………… ……… 49 2LocationofRespondentCollegesandUniversityinThaiNguyenProvince 51 ABSTRACT TitleofDissertation : Leadership Styles Towards Job Satisfaction, Work CommitmentandBehavioralOutcome Researcher : CompleteName(NADAL) Adviser : Dr.BellaR.Muello AcademicYear : April2014 Thisresearch determined to find out the most dominant leadership style and to correlate it with job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome It answered the following objectives:1 Determinethe mostdominant leadership style; Ascertain the level of job satisfaction of the respondents; Find out the degree of work commitment; Find out the behavioral outcome of the subjects; and Correlate the most dominant leadership styles with the three variables It used the descriptive correlation type ofr e s e a r c h w h e r e 0 r e s p o n d e n t s f r o m T h a i N g u y e n U n i v e r s i t y were utilized Random sampling was used The gathered data were computed using weighted mean, rank, and chi- square Based from the interpreted data the following findings were d r a w n : T r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l l e a d e r s h i p s t y l e i s t h e most dominant with an AWM of3.36 (SA) The level of job satisfaction is very satisfied with an AWM of 3.27 AWM of 3.34 was obtained in level of commitment to work (Vc) On behavioral outcomes, it got an AWM of 3:30 (strongly agree) With a chi-square of 3.65, 1.23 and 4.26 consecutively on the three variables, it revealed that the computed value is higher than the critical value at 01 level of significance, thus the null hypothesis is rejected From the findings, the following conclusions weremade:1.themostdominantleadershipstyle is transformational leadership The respondents are highly satisfied on the level of job satisfaction degreeofworkcommitmentisveryevident.4.Therespondentspracticegoodbehaviorin The their work The correlation between transformational leadership and the three variables are positivelyrelated In view of the results of the study, the researcher recommends to use differentsamples coming fromanother institution toprove thereliability ofthefindin gs Chapter IINTRODUCTIO N Inrecentyears, the leaders in Thai Nguyen University have paid considerable attention to education and university performance as key to sustainable development and stability Such recognition makes education an indispensable means for effective participation not onlyin the socio-economic development of the countrybut also in the ongoing rapid globalization Throughout the years, it has been the goal of the educational system in Thai Nguyen to regard education as instrument for excellence for national development It follows therefore that the realization of the country’s educational policies and the performance of the administrators, lecturers and students at all levels of the system are intertwined The kind of education can be reflected on the leadership style of managers Ina n y o r g a n i z a t i o n t h e l e a d e r b e h a v i o r i s p a r t l y r e f l e c t e d o n h o w their constituents perform Their roles and expectations can induce change in the behavior of the members Their commitment to their job can also be ascertained on how they accomplished their duties More so, their job satisfaction can also be observed As such the success of any work group or organization depends on leadership A majorfactorin an effectiveuniversityis a strong leader whosteersthe organization toward the achievement of the mission Backgroundofthestudy Thai Nguyen University (TNU)establishedbyDecree No 31 dated on April th1994 of the Government on the basis of the arrangement, reorganization of the university and vocational training under the MinistryofEducationandTraininginThaiNguyen

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2023, 10:03


