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LTTN- KTTN Ngữ pháp lý thuyết – EN13 LTTN 01 Câu hỏi Very often, prepositional phrases can be found functioning as in English sentence Chọn câu trả lời: a appositive b adverbial c subject d object Phản hồi Correct choice: adverbial See 4.3 Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi In terms of syntactic function, adjectives can be classified as central, attributive and Chọn câu trả lời: a relative b postmodifier c predicative d premodifier Phản hồi Correct choice: predicative See 2.3.1 Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi In a noun phrase the determiner normally the head noun Chọn câu trả lời: a goes with b follows c forms d precedes Phản hồi Correct choice: precedes See 1.2.1 Determiners belong to premodification in a noun phrase, modifying the head noun Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi When the V- element requires no for the sentence to exist, it is intransitive Chọn câu trả lời: a object b complementation c predication d modification Phản hồi Correct choice: complementation See section b, 5.2.2 Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Any language unit that functions as a noun is called Chọn câu trả lời: a adjective b relative c nominal d adverbial Phản hồi Correct choice: nominal Nominal functions as a noun LTTN 02 Câu hỏi The plan is for us all to meet outside at eight Chọn câu trả lời: a Od b Co c A d C of S Phản hồi Correct choice: C of S To meet outside modifies the plan, it means: our plan is to meet outside at eight Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi The difference between a finite and non- finite clause is that there is no of any kind in a non - finite clause Chọn câu trả lời: a subject b complement c object d S-V concord Correct choice: S-V concord See 3.1 and 3.2, III Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi I never imagined that such a thing could happen Chọn câu trả lời: a simple (= one-word) finite verb phrase b complex finite verb phrase c finite clause d simple non-finite verb phrase (including infinitive with to) Phản hồi Correct choice: finite clause That such a thing could happen is a finite clause, including finite verb could happen agrees with the subject such a thing Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Who has given a vivid account of it Chọn câu trả lời: a simple non-finite verb phrase (including infinitive with to) b simple (= one-word) finite verb phrase c finite clause d complex finite verb phrase Phản hồi Correct choice: complex finite verb phrase Has given is complex finite verb phrase, because it is a group of two verbs and it has components Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi I thoroughly enjoyed meeting June again Chọn câu trả lời: a simple non-finite verb phrase (including infinitive with to) b finite clause c complex non-finite verb phrase d non finite clause Phản hồi Correct choice: non finite clause Meeting June again is an –ing participle non finite clause LTT03 Câu hỏi He told everyone to stay at home when he left Chọn câu trả lời: a SVOA b SVOO c SVOC d SVO Phản hồi Correct choice: SVOO The main told, in this context, is a monotransitive verb, so the basic sentence patter of this sentence is SVOO Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi You may ask the man whatever you like Chọn câu trả lời: a adverbial b modifier c object d complement Phản hồi Correct choice: object The verb ask, in this case, is a ditransitive transitive verb, has SVOiOd sentence pattern, so whatever you like is direct object Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi If an adjective takes place right after the intensive V- element as an obligatory sentence element, it functions as .in the sentence Chọn câu trả lời: a subject complement b adverbial c postmodifier d modifier Phản hồi Correct choice: subject complement See 2, III Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Among five sentence elements, adverbial is optional Chọn câu trả lời: a often b never c sometimes d always Phản hồi Correct choice: often See II There are sentence patterns, in which Adverbial is optional in sentence patterns (SVC, SV, SVO, SVOO, SVOC – 70% - often) Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi You may call that man whatever you like Chọn câu trả lời: a modifier b object c complement d adverbial Phản hồi Correct choice: complement The verb call, in this case, has SVOCo sentence patter, so whatever you like functions as object complement, modifying man Câu trả lời là: What you have said is true Chọn câu trả lời: a adverbial b complement c subject d object Phản hồi Correct choice: subject Main verb is is, so what have you said is the subject of the sentence Câu trả lời là: Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi The question, how I can it, doesn't matter much Chọn câu trả lời: a modifier b appositive c complement d adverbial Phản hồi Correct choice: appositive How I can it modifies and makes clear the meaning of the question, so it is an apposition of the subject Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi You may ask your teacher whatever you are not sure whenever you see him Chọn câu trả lời: a SVOA b SVC c SVOO d SVO Phản hồi Correct choice: SVOO The main ask, in this context, is a ditransitive verb, so the basic sentence patter of this sentence is SVOO KTTN 01 Câu hỏi In modern concepts, grammar may be defined as a set of morphological and rules Chọn câu trả lời: a phonetic b syntactic c semantic d lexical Phản hồi Correct choice: syntactic See Introduction – Grammar deals with morphology and syntax Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Very often, prepositional phrases can be found functioning as in English sentence Chọn câu trả lời: a adverbial b subject c object d appositive Phản hồi Correct choice: adverbial See 4.3 Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi The main syntactic function of adjective phrase is Chọn câu trả lời: a adverbial b subject c object complement d modifier Phản hồi Correct choice: modifier See 2.2 Most adjectives are noun modifiers Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi I promise you not to be late Chọn câu trả lời: a A b Co c Od d Oi Phản hồi Correct choice: Od Sentence patter of promise is S + V + Oi + Od, therefore, not to be late functions as a direct object Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi , clauses are classified as either finite or non- finite Chọn câu trả lời: a syntactically b structurally c semantically d functionally Phản hồi Correct choice: structurally See 3, III Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi To speak in public for the first time can be a terrifying experience Chọn câu trả lời: a Apposition of S b A c Cs d S Phản hồi Correct choice: S Main verb is can be, so to speak in public for the first time is the subject of the sentence Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Among five sentence elements, adverbial is optional Chọn câu trả lời: a always b never c sometimes d often Phản hồi Correct choice: often See II There are sentence patterns, in which Adverbial is optional in sentence patterns (SVC, SV, SVO, SVOO, SVOC – 70% - often) Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi When he came I was sleeping Chọn câu trả lời: a SVO b SV c SVC d SVA Phản hồi Correct choice: SV The main verb sleep is an intransitive verb, the basic sentence pattern of this sentence is SV Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi We wanted the visitor to stay with us Chọn câu trả lời: a adverbial b modifier c object d complement Phản hồi Correct choice: complement Main verb want, in this case, has SVOCo sentence pattern, so to stay is object complement modifying the visitor Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi 10 He always thinks his friends good enough to share any confidential talk Chọn câu trả lời: a SVOC b SVA c SVOA d SVO Phản hồi Correct choice: SVOC The main think, in this context, is a complex transitive verb, so the basic sentence patter of this sentence is SVOCo Câu trả lời là: LTTN 04 Câu hỏi Dairy farming is ………….leading agricultural activity in the United States Chọn câu trả lời: a at b a c none d then Phản hồi Correct choice: a In this case it is a definition of dairy farming, so indefinite article a is used to denoting conception Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi ………….vastness of the Grand Canyon, it is difficult to capture it in a single photograph Chọn câu trả lời: a While the b For the c The d Because of the Phản hồi Correct choice: Because of the Syntactically and semantically, While the in this context is the subordinator Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi “We need better traffic rules.” “Yes wouldn’t be so many accidents” Chọn câu trả lời: a Then it b Then c Then they d Then there Phản hồi Correct choice: Then there There is in an existential sentence, expressing hidden present unreal condition If there had better traffic rules, there wouldn’t be so many accidents Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Flag Day is a legal holiday only in the state of Pennsylvania, ………… Besty Ross sewed the first American flag Chọn câu trả lời: a has b that c where d which Phản hồi Correct choice: where The state of Pennsylvania is the place, so relative pronoun where is used Câu trả lời là: Phản hồi Correct choice: than sound waves It is comparative degree with the main subject sound agrees with substation of auxiliary verb of the former verb produce Câu trả lời là: California, ……….more populous state than any of its Western neighbors, has greater representation in the House Chọn câu trả lời: a that b it is a c is a d a Phản hồi Correct choice: a A more populous state is an apposition of the subject California Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi The discovery of the halftone process in photography in 1881 made it ………….photographs in books and newspapers Chọn câu trả lời: a possibly reproduced b possible to reproduce c the possible reproduction d the possibility of reproducing Phản hồi Correct choice: possible to reproduce The verb make has sentence pattern: make something done/ adjective, so possible to reproduce is correct Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi Tears not only foreign substances from the eyes, but also contain chemicals that fight many common pathogens Chọn câu trả lời: a washing b for washing c wash d are washing Phản hồi Correct choice: wash Wash was a parallel structure with not only + base verb form, but also + base form of contain Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi The dawn redwood appears………….some 100 million years ago in northern forests around the world Chọn câu trả lời: a have flourished b was flourished c to have flourished d having to flourish Phản hồi Correct choice: to have flourished Main verb appears with to infinitive clauses Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi “We need better traffic rules.” “Yes wouldn’t be so many accidents” Chọn câu trả lời: a Then b Then it c Then they d Then there Phản hồi Correct choice: Then there There is in an existential sentence, expressing hidden present unreal condition If there had better traffic rules, there wouldn’t be so many accidents Câu trả lời là: There is always disagreement as to is the better student, Mary or John Chọn câu trả lời: a whose b whom c who d which Phản hồi Correct choice: who Who is relative pronoun as the subject goes with main verb is ………….vastness of the Grand Canyon, it is difficult to capture it in a single photograph Chọn câu trả lời: a Because of the b While the c For the d The Phản hồi Correct choice: Because of the Syntactically and semantically, While the in this context is the subordinator Dairy farming is ………….leading agricultural activity in the United States Chọn câu trả lời: a then b at c none d a Phản hồi Correct choice: a In this case it is a definition of dairy farming, so indefinite article a is used to denoting conception Although thunder and lightning are produced at the same time, light waves travel faster …………., so we see the lightning before we hear the thunder Chọn câu trả lời: a sound waves b than sound waves c sound waves d than sound waves are Phản hồi Correct choice: than sound waves It is comparative degree with the main subject sound agrees with substation of auxiliary verb of the former verb produce The shuttle, reusable spacecraft, lifts off like a rocket and lands like an airplane Chọn câu trả lời: a a b which, as a c is a d it is a Phản hồi Correct choice: a A reusable spacecraft is an apposition of the subject the shuttle KTTN 02 Last Sunday was that we all went on a picnic Chọn câu trả lời: a so beautiful day b such a beautiful weather c so beautiful a day d such beautiful day Phản hồi Correct choice: so beautiful a day In emphasis structure so + adj + a noun + that… Flag Day is a legal holiday only in the state of Pennsylvania, ………… Besty Ross sewed the first American flag Chọn câu trả lời: a has b that c which d where Phản hồi Correct choice: where The state of Pennsylvania is the place, so relative pronoun where is used Câu trả lời là: Câu hỏi 10 Microwaves are used for cooking, telecommunication ……… Chọn câu trả lời: a and diagnosed medically b and to diagnose medically c and medical diagnosis d and medical diagnosing Phản hồi Correct choice: and medical diagnosis and medical diagnosis is a parallel structure with telecommunication LTTH 10

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2023, 20:02

