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INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES SMALL WORLD FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER INTERNSHIP REPORT FULL NAME: LUU THI THANH HONG CLASS: DH18TA STUDENT CODE: DTA176103 INSTRUCTOR: MS DO THI NGOC NHI th An Giang, April 28 , 2021 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The internship opportunity I had with Small World Languages Center was a great chance for learning and professional development Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it I would like to express my gratitude for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me through this internship period First, I would like to specially thank the Director of Small World Foreign Language Center – Mr Pham Tan Tai and the Manager – Ms Do Huynh Trang for their careful and committed guidance which were extremely valuable for my career both theoretically and practically Second, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ms Do Thi Ngoc Nhi who instructed and advised me throughout my practical training I also thank her for working with me during my internship with great patience and constant encouragement I appreciate the time spent to prepare materials and helpful feedback on the paper along with conscientious guidance and remarks in my report Besides, I also thank the staff working at Small World Foreign Language Center for their enthusiastic and unconditional help in my fulfillment of this practical training course Finally, I choose this moment to express my thankfulness to the members of classes Mover and Starter with Teachers in Charge – Ms Phuong, Ms Loi, Ms Ngan and Ms Chau who always supported me whenever I needed it These classes helped to keep a high morale and motivation which are important qualities for successful training INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .1 TABLE OF CONTENTS OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT ABSTRACT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF PICTURES AND TABLES .5 PART A: DESCRIPTION OF SMALL WORLD FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER I Introduction of Small World Foreign Language Center II Small World Foreign Language Center Organization III Facilities and Task PART B: INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES I The purposes of internship II Describe the work III.The advantages and difficulties 12 The advantages 12 The difficulties 12 IV The reason of difficulties and the solutions 12 V The experiences from the internship 13 PART C: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS OF THE INTERNSHIP 14 I Conclusion 14 II Suggestions 14 Suggestions for Small World Foreign Language Center 14 Suggestions for An Giang University and Foreign Language Faculty 15 REFERENCES 16 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT The main objective of this report is to finish the internship program As many AGU students, every student has to work in any business organization for at least two months to acquire practical knowledge about real situations Now, I have gathered practical knowledge in working as a consultant and teaching assistant at Small World Foreign Language Center Other objectives: • Improve the written communication skills • Use as an archival record of the internship experience • Give a chance to reflect on the professional aspects and the soft-skills • Describe the science content of the internship • Require the student to reflect on the initial acknowledgement of the internship and the way they were whether or not achieved during the internship Besides, The internship at Small World Foreign Language Center has multiple purposes:  To know the function and structure of a language center  To know how to use English in teaching method and communication in daily life  How to solve problems in communication  How to organize games, manage classrooms and begin a new lesson in class  How to remember and take note of the information INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG ABSTRACT This report details an internship at Small World Foreign Language Center I worked as a consultant and a teaching assistant The aim of the internship was to apply academic English language in real life and help me have more valuable experiences when I worked as a trainee These experiences were a big piece of equipment for my future career after graduating from university The internship reports in broad-spectrum contains three parts in which I try to explain my experience during training The content of all chapters is broadly explained and it is constructed from the practical basis of environmental workplace In the opening first part, I give details to the description including general introduction, organization, facilities and tasks at my internship place In this chapter, I record a necessary introduction about the Small World Foreign Language Center, so it gives details of this center for readers to easily know and access the company The second part is the most important part which explains my internship activities This part is the main part and I record the overall work I have been executing and it gives a highlight of what I have been doing and gained during the period of internship Moreover, I also express the main benefits of the internship class in terms of different aspects such as knowledge and skills It is obvious that the internship has terms of improving skills and different abilities as a whole The final part provides suggestions for An Giang university and Faculty of Foreign Languages as well as and Small World Foreign Language Center INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ● YLE : Young Learners English ● IELTS : International English Language Testing System ● CEFG : Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ● KET : Key English Test ● PET : Preliminary English Test ● WB : Wordbook ● MV : Mover ● GTM : Grammatical Teaching Methods ● TBLT : Task-based Language Teaching ● CLT : Communicative Language Teaching ● AGU : An Giang University LIST OF PICTURES AND TABLES  Table 1: The quantity of classes and students in every course  Table 2: Practical content and Time table  Table 3: Classroom observation schedule  Picture 1: Small World Logo  Picture 2: Some leaflet courses  Picture 3: Classroom observation INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG PART A: DESCRIPTION OF SMALL WORLD FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER I Introduction of Small World Foreign Language Center Address: 77 Nguyen Thien Thuat, Binh Khanh Ward , Long Xuyen City Phone : 0947401613 Gmail: dohuynhtrangsw2@gmail.com Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 5:00pm – 9:00pm Saturday: 7:30am – 9:00pm Sunday: 7:30am – 5:00pm Small World is one of the best qualified English Centers in Long Xuyen city which has more than years of experience of training English skills for many generations of students Small World offers English education to more than 300 students annually With its equally qualified teachers, Small World is committed to enhance the quality of its training education and divided into main target groups : ● The English for Young Learners Program for children from to 12 years old, equivalent to the YLE (Starters ; Movers ; Flyers) levels of Cambridge English This program creates opportunities for children to access English, inspire them to learn and confidently apply English to life Besides, The Young English is a program designed exclusively for students from 13 to 18 years of age , including levels of KET, PET equivalent to levels A2, B1 of the European Standard Language Reference Framework (CEFR) ● The IELTS preparation program is specially designed for high school and university students who want to use English for further study and working ● Exam preparation for high school - grade 10 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG The most important one in this center is The English for Young Learners Program (YLE) for kids In the 2019-2020 school year, more than 80% of students finished the Cambridge course from Starter to PET In the 2020-2021, there were nearly 300 students completing the YLS program, 20 students won the honor level in the province Besides, there were 15 students reaching the good honor English level, and prizes for the provincial speech contest II Small World Foreign Language Center Organization Director: Mr Pham Tan Tai Manager: Ms Do Huynh Trang Teachers: 11 Security staff: Total of classes: 22 Table 1: The quantity of classes and students in every course No Name of course Number of classes Number of students Kindergarten 50 Starter 60 Mover 50 Flyer 45 Ket 50 Pet 30 Ielts 25 Exam preparation grade 10 30 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG III Facilities and Task Classroom infrastructure is equipped with audio-visual facilities such as LCD projectors and loudspeakers The classrooms accomodate chairs and desks arranged in a large circle or U-shape or lines Function and duties of Small World are not only to practice four skills in English with a modern teaching and learning environment, but also to bring its students soft skills such as teamwork, quick reflexes and confident communication Children are confident to speak English with foreigners and use it in daily life The center is a passionate heart with a message : “ The center is small but a big preparation for your future” Picture 1: Small World Logo PART B: INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES I The purposes of internship The greatest purpose of an internship is to provide real-world experience that I was able to put into action This internship not only provided me with precious time to thoroughly understand all dimensions of teaching, but also began to apply what I have learnt in real challenges For me, this internship helped me widen my knowledge and become more confident My internship course includes two main activities: course consultancy and classroom observation In the first part, I worked as a course consultant at the center when the parents needed course information, the opening times of new courses and fees Thanks to this task, I had more skills such as INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG listening and solving problems, communication skills I continued the next part of the classroom observation After my supervisor guided me, I asked four teachers (Ms Phuong, Ms Loi, Ms Chau, Ms Ngan) for their permission to observe classes During this period, I received from the teachers many experiences that I have never had I could learn the way they expressed new knowledge to their students, the ways they managed students and use “classroom language” in class II Describe the work Table 2: The Practical content and Time table No Date Task February 22th Meeting Manager Board of Small World Foreign Language Center March Listening to Ms Trang introduce about of st Small World Foreign Language Center March 8th - March 27 Consulting New Courses Meeting between Instructor and Manager March 26 March 30th - April 10th April 12th - April 15th Preparation of internship report April 16th - April 21st Writing Report April 28 - May 6th th th th Classroom Observation Finishing Internship Report *Consulting for new courses Date: 8/3/2021 – 27/3/2021 Time: 5:00pm- 7:30pm I provide some information about courses, promotions from the training center, consult, answer the parents' claims These courses include INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG registration time, study time, fee, the training program, the teachers All courses consist of level, fee, the day of beginning and guide parents how to register Then, I will rewrite the phone number and information of students Picture 2: Some leaflet courses * Classroom observation Date: 30/3/2021 – 10/4/2021 every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday a week Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm I had to observe some classes by the permission of the teachers of those classrooms I helped perform many classroom tasks, ranging from organizing classroom materials to setting up equipment that teachers would use to carry out lessons, play games and work in group activities with students Sometimes, the teachers in class helped me practice how to begin a new lesson and join some games.They were enthusiastic and professional in teaching English Through this activity, I have had some experiences for my teaching practice and speaking English with many students 10 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG Table 3: Classroom observation schedule No Date Time (p.m) 30/3/2021 1/4/2021 3/4/2021 6/4/2021 8/4/2021 10/4/2021 Class Teacher 5:30 – 6:45 WB1 Ms Phuong 7:00 – 8:15 WB4 Ms Chau 5:30 – 6:45 WB1 Ms Phuong 7:00 – 8:15 WB4 Ms Chau 5:30 – 6:45 WB1 Ms Phuong 7:00 – 8:15 WB4 Ms Chau 5:30 – 6:45 WB2 Ms Ngan 7:00 – 8:15 MV1&2 Ms Loi 5:30 – 6:45 WB2 Ms Ngan 7:00 – 8:15 MV1&2 Ms Loi 5:30 – 6:45 WB2 Ms Ngan 7:00 – 8:15 MV1&2 Ms Loi Picture 3: Classroom observation 11 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG III.The advantages and difficulties The advantages One of the indispensable advantages was that I always had the enthusiastic support of the staff at the Small World Foreign Language Center Another advantage was that the practical location was close to my house Therefore, it was convenient for me to go to work In reality, when studying in AG University, I learned basic English skills, but most of them were based on knowledge of language structures and theory in books When coming to this center, I got good opportunities to expand my knowledge as well as learned many things that I had never known before, especially from my manager who was always dedicated to guiding me how to solve problems in the workplace In short, I have learned many useful and interesting experiences like a better understanding of the tasks of a consultant and classroom language The difficulties At the beginning of training time, I found it difficult to memorize all the information about the courses, sometimes when the parents of students asked me about that information, I was still not clear and didn’t remember all of them Thus, I had to ask my manager to confirm the information correctly Besides, I sometimes could not catch up with what the student mentioned as well as how to communicate simply for children to understand more easily Furthermore, one of my biggest disadvantages was that the teachers at this center were only Vietnamese, so I didn't have many opportunities to practice English with native speakers IV The reason of difficulties and the solutions There were some reasons for my difficulties in the internship Firstly, my ability to memorize information for a short time was not really good, so I would try to practice my memory skill more Anyway, I didn't consider it 12 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG as a big problem I think that I can improve this point in the near future In addition, I will also improve the classroom language to communicate with students more easily because there were some grammatical structures and vocabulary for children which I didn't complete well in the classroom observation period In addition, I will learn how to explain what I want to speak with other people and children in particular by using simple vocabulary Finally, I will take part in many English courses with native speakers to enhance my accent V The experiences from the internship After nearly two months of training, I have achieved the following results Firstly, I have learned valuable practical experiences as a consultant when I have access to English classes This is an important experience that gives me many opportunities to fulfill my current position, to teach kids English, work effectively and have interesting discussions with other students Second, I feel more confident when starting a conversation and my ability to communicate with other people better Before having an internship, I mostly used English only in Listening and Speaking subjects to communicate with my friends at university Now I can confidently chat with more people, especially using the classroom language An internship at an English language center has helped me gain more knowledge and experience in this field to be able to teach and express my opinions and skills to organize efficient management The training course has provided me with many different skills, practical experiences, especially the opportunity to work directly with many people in a professional and demanding environment 13 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG PART C: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS OF THE INTERNSHIP I Conclusion This report is considered as the overall result of weeks internship time Although only months was not too long for me to get completely used to job experience in a new working environment, I tried my best to take up and apply what I learned in academic books during four years into my internship course Thanks to classroom observation periods I did gain a lot of new knowledge and experience which I had not had before Sometimes, the teacher in charge allowed me to practice teaching for children and I learned teaching methods such as GTM, TBLT, or CLT Besides, thanks to Ms Trang‘s comments and advice, I have finished my work as a consultant for new courses and felt more confident In summary, through the observation and practice teaching, I have learned so many things, which are absolutely good for me All these knowledge and experiences, sooner or later will help me on the road to my future The internship report is made for a period of two weeks Therefore, it is still limited and I cannot avoid shortcomings, I am looking forward to receiving your valuable comments and suggestions for my knowledge II Suggestions Suggestions for Small World Foreign Language Center The weather is really hot which affects the study of children because they are not comfortable to focus on the lessons The Manager Board should install or upgrade air-conditioning and fans and expand the space for putting school things or personal appliances Second one is the schedule for some English classes which start at 5:30pm, it is not flexible to study because most 14 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG students have not had dinner after coming back from their school Therefore, these students will be under the pressure or feel tired such as getting stressed and neglecting the lesson So I think that it will be more effective if the schedule in these classes is a little bit later Third, I hope that there will be more native English teachers to diversify accents The last one is that the soundproof room is still not effective in some situations Students find it hard to pay attention to their studying out of the surrounding environment It is also difficult for students to concentrate on Listening lessons Suggestions for An Giang University and Foreign Language Faculty Thanks to my internship, I gain a lot of new skills and experiences AGU and my lecturers gave me a chance to be a consultant and teaching assistant and helped me contact the Small World manager board to have a place for the internship And, I also have some suggestions in the hope that teaching and learning in AGU university become better and more successful The first thing is to have more than one place for trainees to apply because this is a perfect chance to gain more a range of experiences in many fields The second is to prolong the internship time I think that two months is not long enough to understand completely surrounding life as well as the features of a job Finally, I suggest that the curriculum of English Language major should be updated by having more real trips, using 100% English in class as well as studying with Foreign English Teachers to improve pronunciation, listening and speaking skills 15 INTERNSHIP REPORT- LUU THI THANH HONG REFERENCES Ly, Q Internship Report (2010) https://khotrithucso.com/ doc/p/english-internship-report-226792 Thuy, P Internship Report Teaching at English Center (2019) https://123doc.net/document/5713248-internship-reportteaching-at-english-center.htm 16

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2023, 16:00



