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HỌC VIỆN NGOẠI GIAO KHOA LÝ LUẬN CHÍNH TRỊ TIỂU LUẬN KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN TRIẾT HỌC MÁC – LÊNIN Quy luật lượng chất vận dụng quy luật vào trình học tập sinh viên Họ tên sinh viên: Mã số sinh viên: Lớp: Lê Thị Hương Trà 0331 KTQT48C1 Ngành: Kinh tế quốc tế Khóa học: K48 Hà Nội – 2022 MỤC LỤC Mở đầu INTRODUCTION Currently, in order to further develop international economic cooperation between countries, in addition to the agreements already made, some countries continue to participate in new agreements with a wider opening of cooperation, in which the including the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement More than joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is considered an ambitious "new generation" free trade agreement High expectations and standards; an open, flexible and comprehensive regional agreement with a commitment to strong market opening and deep participation of the parties, completely eliminating many import tax lines, and opening up services services and high requirements on environment and labor… Therefore, TPP is considered as an opportunity not to be missed Overview of TPP .4 1.1 What is TPP? I.1 The forming of TPP I.2 Main content of TPP agreement INTRODUCTION Currently, in order to further develop international economic cooperation between countries, in addition to the agreements already made, some countries continue to participate in new agreements with a wider opening of cooperation, in which the including the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement More than joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is considered an ambitious "new generation" free trade agreement High expectations and standards; an open, flexible and comprehensive regional agreement with a commitment to strong market opening and deep participation of the parties, completely eliminating many import tax lines, and opening up services services and high requirements on environment and labor… Therefore, TPP is considered as an opportunity not to be missed In November 2010, Vietnam officially joined the TPP negotiations of TPP is expected to create great benefits for Vietnam's economy when it brings commitments in important areas such as services (banking, finance, legal and brokerage); invest; telecommunications and e-commerce; Intellectual property rights; technical barriers in trade TPP also creates many favorable opportunities for Vietnam's export industries such as tax reduction and exemption for key export products in member countries However, besides the prospects and opportunities that TPP can bring, Vietnam will also face significant challenges that require careful and right steps Overview of TPP 1.1 What is TPP? Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, or TPP, is a free trade pact between 12 nations with the goal of integrating the local economy of the Asia-Pacific area Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Canada, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, the United States, and Japan are among the TPP's 12 signatories Additionally, interest in the TPP has been shown by Colombia, the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, and South Korea The main goal of the TPP is to get rid of tariffs and other restrictions on the import and export of products and services among its participating nations Besides, the TPP will harmonize a number of shared laws and regulations among these nations, including those pertaining to labor safety, food safety, and intellectual property Moreover, increased trade in goods and services become a concrete foundation, contributing to the forming of closer economic relations between these nations by reducing (or in some cases totally eliminating) tariff barriers TPP is anticipated to increase financial flows as well as the 12-member group's economic growth.1 I.1 The forming of TPP The TPP Agreement was originally known as the P4 Agreement since it only had participating nations: Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore TPP gì? TPP quan trọng? (2015, December 9th) http://vuit.org.vn/tin-tuc/t2055/tpp-la-gi-visao-tpp-quan-trong-.html Then, the United States declared its involvement in P4 on September 22, 2008, but made it clear that the participants will not negotiate the new Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement within the parameters of the previous P4 Agreement Australia and Peru also declared their involvement in the TPP shortly after After that, Vietnam joined the TPP in 2009 as a special observer Vietnam formally ratified this Agreement following three rounds of negotiations during the APEC Summit, which took place in Yokohama city on November 13–14, 2010 (Japan) In addition to the negotiation process, the TPP has added Malaysia, Mexico, Canada, and Japan as new members, increasing the total number of participating nations to 12 The TPP members essentially finished all the negotiation contents at the Ministerial Conference held in Atlanta, USA in October 2015 after more than 30 technical level conversations and more than 10 ministerial level negotiations The signing ceremony to ratify the TPP Agreement's text was held in Auckland, New Zealand, on February 4, 2016, and was attended by the ministers of the 12 TPP Agreement signatory nations On the other hand, the United States formally announced its exit from the TPP Agreement on January 30, 2017 Prior to this occurrence, the remaining TPP nations actively studied and communicated to come to an understanding over how to handle the TPP Agreement in the new environment http://cptpp.moit.gov.vn/?page=overview&category_id=9040e56c-c3f54592-9fe7-baa47f75a7c0\ I.2 Main content of TPP agreement (1) Trade in goods: removal or reduction of industrial goods tariffs and non-tariff trade restrictions, agricultural products tariffs and trade restrictions, abolition of agricultural export subsidies, increased openness in the management of export state-owned companies (SOEs), and increased use of agricultural biotechnology (2) Textiles: removing textile tariffs; specific restrictions on using yarns and fabrics from the TPP territory as well as from outside the region under the "shortage supply" system (3) Rules of origin: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) unifies a common set of origin rules to identify a specific good that benefits from preferential tariffs among member countries, ensuring that businesses can conduct business with ease throughout the region through a common system of proof and inspection of origin for TPP goods (4) Customs management and trade facilitation: facilitating trade; increasing the openness of sanctions and customs processes; and giving information to help with customs law enforcement (5) Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS); technical barriers to trade (TBT) and trade remedies: Making sure that SPS rules and technical standards are based on facts and are transparent, non-discriminatory, and non-obstructing to trade (6) Investment: obligations based on a "select-and-go portfolio," where all markets are completely open to foreign investors unless specifically excluded by the annexes attached (7) Cross-border trade in services; financial services: No quantitative limitations on service delivery; open international investment markets; maintenance of full management powers over financial institutions and markets; and implementation of crisis management procedures (8) E-commerce telecommunications: ensuring an effective and dependable communications network; avoid encouraging domestic producers or service providers of digital goods (9) Government procurement: establishing fair, transparent, predictable, and non-discriminatory regulations to open the government procurement market (10) Competition policy: maintaining the legal system is necessary to ensure a fair competition framework It is also forbidden to engage in unfair business activities, consumer harming fraud, and commercial and other types of fraud By providing notice, seeking advice, or exchanging information, parties may collaborate in the implementation of the Competition Law (11) State-owned enterprises: ensuring that SOEs undertake commercial activities on the basis of commercial calculations; SOEs or monopolies not participate in discriminatory actions against other members' enterprises, goods, or services (12) Intellectual property: specifying standards, agreements regarding patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other types of intellectual property rights, as well as areas where parties agree to collaborate (13) Labor, environment: acknowledging the relationship between workers' rights and trade, supporting the fundamental rights of employees in the law and in practice, outlawing child labor and forced labor, and end discrimination in the workplace Strongly dedicating to the preservation and protection of the environment, and collaboration to address environmental problems (14) Small and Medium Enterprises: establishing a Small and Medium Enterprises Committee to assess the TPP's degree of assistance for businesses, considering methods to increase its benefits, keep an eye on collaboration or capacity-building efforts, and sharing information Furthermore, the TPP includes particular clauses addressing the transient entry of businesspeople; cooperating and capacity building; unifying the political environment; transparency and anti-corruption, administrative and institutional clauses, and disputing settlement.2 http://tapchikhxh.vass.gov.vn/tham-gia-tpp-thach-thuc-va-giai-phap-doivoi-nen-kinh-te-viet-nam-n50214.html? fbclid=IwAR30_kJwjJf9HStccmQj611avA2iERpE4Un8afoTvMJ3DA0NXE9I9eUzog#:~:text=Tuy%20nhi %C3%AAn%2C%20b%C3%AAn%20c%E1%BA%A1nh%20nh %E1%BB%AFng,tr%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng%20mua%20s%E1%BA %AFm%20c%C3%B4ng%2C%20v.v Tham gia TPP: Thách thức giải pháp kinh tế Việt Nam (2018, September 27 th) http://tapchikhxh.vass.gov.vn/tham-gia-tpp-thach-thuc-va-giai-phap-doi-voi-nen-kinh-te-viet-namn50214.html?fbclid=IwAR30_kJwjJf9HStccmQj611avA2iERpE4Un8afoTvMJ3DA0NXE9I9eUzog#:~:text=Tuy%20nhi%C3%AAn%2C%20b %C3%AAn%20c%E1%BA%A1nh%20nh%E1%BB%AFng,tr%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng%20mua %20s%E1%BA%AFm%20c%C3%B4ng%2C%20v.v Opportunities for Vietnam when joining in the TPP 2.1 Benefits from the foreign markets (TPP partner countries) Vietnam can take advantages of the foreign markets in main aspects: - Tariff (for trade in goods): This benefit is supposedly attained when Vietnamese goods gain access to these countries at zero or a very low tariff rate But, this benefit is only practical if Vietnamese goods are suffering from high tariff rates - the only problem which is barricading our goods in these markets As an export-oriented economy, the opportunity to enter major markets like the United States with such zero or low tax rates will give Vietnam a significant competitive advantage and open up great potential for many of our product lines As a result, many employees working in the export industry will be significantly benefited In addition, this extends beyond the products which Vietnam excels at exporting (such as textiles and garments, footwear, ), it also serves as a catalyst for many other commodity categories that currently not possess a high turnover to have a driving force to improve their competitiveness In other words, this can benefit Vietnam greatly from both a current and future standpoint However, this benefit needs to be assessed cautiously, especially if it requires us to trade off the ability of foreign goods reaching the Vietnamese market Specifically: + In reality, not all members have the opportunity to significantly increase exports For instance, in regards to the United States, unprocessed seafood or wooden furniture - the two main export sectors of Vietnam to this market - actually experiences a tax rate that is close to zero, so whether the TPP exists or not is insignificant to them + Additionally, even though the future is uncertain, the US may accept some goods with "free" GSP if Vietnam can give out adequate efforts without the need for TPP that requires a consequential cost (by opening the domestic market as well as other constraints) The benefits of the tariffs for these goods maybe minimal (or nonexistent) Similar circumstances can be seen in some other markets (for example, aquatic items from Vietnam such as fish, shrimp, and crab are tax-free in Australia, New Zealand, and Peru) Not to mention, while there is a real and significant chance to raise exports of other items at competitive pricing (such as textiles, footwear, and leather), there are still trade remedies as a non-market economy status that the United States must implement (technical requirement, sanitize qualification, ) Most likely, the benefit of the tariff cut will be cancelled out by the implementation time Similarly, stringent labor and raw material origin requirements may make it impossible for Vietnamese goods to benefit from the TPP In other words, only when all circumstances are taken into account will the benefits regarding tariffs from TPP partner nations (particularly the United States) be truly clear And if any of these export-related obstacles are not removed, the TPP's tariff benefits will be diminished Even worse, if these obstacles are exploited, the benefits of tariffs may be entirely lost Therefore, all tariff negotiation strategies need to be aware of these above-mentioned factors - Market access (for trade in services and investment) Theoretically, Vietnam will have easier access to partner countries' service markets with less restrictions However, due to the underdeveloped capacity of Vietnamese businesses to provide sufficient and qualified services, there has actually been very little meaningful investment in Vietnam's service activities abroad Even though future initiatives to 10 export software, invest in telecommunications, or engage in other servicerelated activities may slightly alter this scenario, this potential is still comparatively low Moreover, with the current situation in which important TPP partners tend to maintain an open service market, this benefit might not be significant (because with or without TPP, their service markets is already open) This is another reason why many believe that developed nations will gain from TPP services while developing nations like Vietnam will hardly see any benefit 2.2 Benefits from the domestic market (Vietnam) The domestic market is frequently viewed as the area that bears the brunt of damages when FTAs are implemented Many analysts point out that in the case of Vietnam, however, we can "make profit" from TPP even in the local market, which is thought to be "only losing" from FTAs generally The following are some features of this potential "profit”: - The reduction of import tax from TPP countries: Cheap goods and materials will benefit consumers and manufactures who employ imported commodities from these nations as input resources, hence, this lowers the cost of living and production, which can help these sectors become more competitive respectively; - Investments and services from the United States and TPP partner countries: There will be a more competitive business environment, providing consumers lower-cost services of higher quality, as well as pressures to reform and enhance domestic service units, along with new technology and management techniques from Vietnamese partners; - Institutional changes or reforms to meet the common requirements of the TPP: TPP contains commitments on cross-cutting problems such as the harmonization of legal rules, competitiveness, concerns relating to 11 assisting the development of small and medium-sized firms, supply chains, and development assistance These are long-term advantages that touch on all facets of the socioeconomic life, making them especially crucial for the sector of businesses that makes up the greatest portion (small and medium-sized organizations); - The implementation of labor and environmental standards: Although the general high standards on this matter may pose problems for Vietnam (particularly the State's implementation costs and businesses' compliance costs),but, if carefully considering important standards like the environment, this\will surely present a good opportunity for Vietnam to improve on environmental protection and safeguard domestic workers abuse 3 Challenges to Vietnam's economy 3.1 Legal and institutional environment TPP requires a transparent and highly competitive business environment Because of that, when joining TPP, Vietnam must innovate in terms of institutions, government apparatus and business community to be able to participate in this “game” In fact, thanks to the process of reformation and international integration, especially since joining the WTO, Vietnam has made great strides after completing the legal framework, amending and supplementing a number of new laws, such as: Competition Law (2004), Commercial Law (2005), Intellectual Property Law (2005), Law on negotiation, signing and accession to international Treaties (2005), Lawyers Law (2006, revised in 2012), Bankruptcy Law (2014), Enterprise Law (2014), Investment Law (2014) But the implementation of these laws is still slow compared to the requirements and has not really met the high standards of international integration in general and TPP participation in particular Vietnam's regulatory system is generally not as developed as those of other TPP member countries It is therefore a Lợi ích bất lợi từ TPP (2015, October 15th) https://dangcongsan.vn/kinh-te-va-hoi-nhap/loi-ichva-bat-loi-tu-tpp-326708.html 12 challenge to bring the regulatory system to a level commensurate with other parties The process of implementing the policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam on renovating the growth model and restructuring the economy has not been strong and synchronous enough in practice The government management apparatus is still relatively cumbersome; employees, including leaders and managers, have limited innovative thinking, awareness of the market economy, and lack of deep market competition, leading to a lack of determination and thorough implementation of innovation in many sectors Joining TPP, implementing commitments of this agreement puts great pressure on the improvement of the legal framework and targets according to international standards Legal documents providing sanctions for violations of the law on intellectual property, environment, etc have not been adjusted appropriately to ensure that Vietnam will follow the commitments to the parties involved in TPP In regards to protecting domestic goods, Vietnam still lacks measures in using non-tariff barriers If technical barriers not exist, or are weak, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures are not guaranteed, Vietnam will become a market for low-quality products 3.2 Competitive activities and trade in goods Joining TPP, Vietnam's economy will surely be under great competitive pressure Vietnam has strengths in the agricultural sector However, in others, products and goods are not good enough For instance, in terms of the livestock industry, Vietnam's key agricultural and mineral exports (in raw or semi-processed form, with low added value), due to its small production scale, low productivity, limited application of scientific 13 advances, dependence on imported raw materials, resulting in products with very high prices In addition, this will be the sector that faces the most difficulties when the TPP comes into effect According to the commitment, TPP members must implement the free opening of investment, service and trade markets Implementing this commitment will lead to a rapid increase in the flow of imports from TPP countries into Vietnam at competitive prices, while Vietnam's technical barriers are not present or high enough, making Vietnamese goods in the domestic market stand at a disadvantageous position For example, in the Vietnamese market, high-quality rice from Thailand and Japan are dominating the market Or, for key export products such as textiles and garments and footwear, they must meet the regulations on proof of origin within the bloc, meaning they not use materials from third parties outside TPP members However, Vietnam is exporting mainly in this industry, but 75% of our raw materials are imported from China, while China is not participating in TPP Meanwhile, most of Vietnam's export goods, although growing rapidly in quantity and quality, are vulnerable to fluctuations from the outside, such as the world market prices, the appearance of new trade barriers, non-tariff barriers of importing countries such as chemical residues, packaging, labels, etc 3.3 Opening the public procurement market For Vietnam, the opening of the public procurement market (or government procurement) is completely new, first appearing in the TPP and FTA with the European Union (EU) However, on the international level, the new generation FTAs are all associated with the opening of the public procurement market 14 According to TPP, the rules and procedures in the contractor selection process must have a high level of fairness, openness and transparency Vietnam will have to organize the selection of contractors among TPP members (intra-regional bidding) or international bidding which allows TPP countries to participate in Moreover, investors are obliged to treat contractors, Vietnamese goods and contractors, goods of TPP members fairly and equally For Vietnamese enterprises, opening the public procurement market will leave detrimental impacts as the infiltration of foreign contractors makes domestic contractors unable to compete; in contrast, the ability to access and win bids of domestic contractors in the public procurement market of TPP partners is almost nonexistent due to their limited competitiveness Hence, in the long run, if they refuse to innovate and reform, instead depending on "relationships", "relying on something or someone", then, the chance of Vietnamese contractors to win bids in the public procurement market will keep on narrowing, affecting employment and the market share of domestic enterprises Not to mention, the biggest problem they have to tackle is that Vietnamese contractors must compete fairly and genuine business 3.4 Businesses TPP aims to create an equal “playing field”, regardless of whether developed or developing countries are on it Thus, it is clear that this is a big disadvantage for Vietnamese businesses when they not have enough resources to compete fairly with American, New Zealand, or Australian businesses The countries participating in TPP commit to follow high standards on environment, labor, competition and procedural constraints in 15 regulations related to technical barriers, sanitary and epidemiological As a result, this has created difficulties as well as increasing costs and expenses for Vietnamese enterprises, affecting their production and business processes To be more specific, the export sectors in which Vietnamese enterprises really encounter difficulties are: beef, pork, sugar, processed food, consumer chemicals and automobiles Moreover, TPP places high requirements on the enforcement of intellectual property rights For example, the US is a partner that holds great importance regarding intellectual property rights protection, which is displayed both in the WTO and in their FTAs However, this is a big problem for Vietnamese businesses, since, although it has joined the Bern Convention, Vietnam still does not have effective protection institutions, violations pertaining to intellectual property rights still appear in large numbers In addition, in order to maximize benefits gained from the TPP, Vietnamese enterprises need to overcome one of the most crucial challenges, which is the successful restructuring of SOEs (State-owned Enterprises) First of all, those enterprises that still rely on State subsidies, have outdated production and business technologies, inefficient use and management of capital will be bound to fall into dire circumstances (even as worse as going bankrupt), leading to the adverse possibility of mass unemployment in a part of the labor force Besides, human resources is also a problem that creates difficulties for businesses In the process of attracting foreign investment into investing and manufacturing in Vietnam, although unwantedly, this will simultaneously create increasingly fierce competitive pressure Thus, only enterprises with a good management system, modern equipment, and high specialization that are on par with foreign enterprises can actually defend 16 their positions Meanwhile, weaker enterprises will face extremely tough competition, especially in the labour aspect as foreign enterprises tend to have preferential policies and pay higher wages to attract skilled workers.4 Solutions for Vietnam when joining in the TPP 4.1 Solutions for the Government in Vietnam To overcome the challenges when joining in the TPP, these are the following solutions for our country: Firstly, it is necessary to concretize the provisions in the 2013 Constitution, continue to amend and supplement the legal system in accordance with international commitments The National Assembly has continuously had to amend 87 laws, as well as regulating various markets (labor market, land, securities ), factors of production and business to ensure their full and synchronous operation, pertaining to legal norms, compatible with commitments in TPP, Vietnam - EU FTAs (EVFTA), FTAs between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union In addition, the government should further promote the implementation of the human resources’ quality improvement process, modernizing infrastructure, enhancing national synergy and competitiveness; as well as creating mechanisms and policies to promote linkages between regions and products with export advantages at high value Secondly, accelerating the implementation of commitments to reform and restructuring the economy, focusing on key areas along the lines of public investment, finance, enterprises and agricultural restructuring In this era of integration, this has become an urgent requirement for the government Tham gia TPP: Thách thức giải pháp kinh tế Việt Nam (2018, September 27 th) http://tapchikhxh.vass.gov.vn/tham-gia-tpp-thach-thuc-va-giai-phap-doi-voi-nen-kinh-te-viet-namn50214.html?fbclid=IwAR30_kJwjJf9HStccmQj611avA2iERpE4Un8afoTvMJ3DA0NXE9I9eUzog#:~:text=Tuy%20nhi%C3%AAn%2C%20b %C3%AAn%20c%E1%BA%A1nh%20nh%E1%BB%AFng,tr%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng%20mua %20s%E1%BA%AFm%20c%C3%B4ng%2C%20v.v 17 The authority should continue to maintain macroeconomic stability, coordinating synchronously between fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy Not only that, Vietnam also needs to implement a limited opening of capital transactions, thoroughly appraise projects using foreign capital, and closely monitor the movement of short-term capital flows and capital transactions on the stock market Moreover, it is necessary to gradually open the capital market to foreign investors according to the integration roadmap, ensure it is based on international commitments and it should be consistent with the foreign investors' abilities to monitor and manage investment capital Thirdly, promote the propaganda and dissemination of TPP to businesses and people in each industry and field to spread them a clear and complete awareness of the contents in the TPP as well as new developments of the world economy when TPP officially comes into effect Along with promoting propaganda, the Ministry of Industry and Trade should direct the Office of the Inter-branch Steering Committee for international economic integration to cooperate with the People's Committees of provinces and cities across the country to organize conferences on "Disseminating information on TPP” in each specific field such as: textile industry, footwear, electronics, finance On that basis, the citizens and businesses community will proactively determine their business strategies and goals, quickly adapt and meet the requirements set out in the new context At the same time, selecting important industries and products with competitive advantages to boost exports and deeply participate in the supply chains of large corporations in the Asia-Pacific region Fourthly, there needs to be solutions to deal with the negative impacts of TPP It is necessary to focus on key industries which are vulnerable and 18 easy to be affected For example, regarding the textiles and garments industry, it is necessary to develop the supporting industries to reduce costs import raw materials from other countries; for the seafood industry, it is mandated to improve its quality to meet the ever-raising standards of markets such as the US; for SOEs, it is crucial to have a plan to provide insurances and vocational training for the unemployed In terms of the labor sector, Vietnam needs to continue on improving the labor law, in line with the current situation and the country’s development situation, and at the same time gradually climb towards international labor standards Besides, the government should also support and aid businesses in smoothly accessing, absorbing and implementing TPP commitments along with developing strategies to apply scientific and technical advances, train qualified human resources for each specific field and in respective levels.5 4.2 Solutions for Businesses in Vietnam Firstly, Vietnamese Businesses has to re-evaluate themselves to further discover the advantages and disadvantages which they have displayed throughout the passage of time, from then, they should review them in accordance with the terms and conditions of the TPP, hence, being able to firmly identify their existing issues that need to be addressed as well as deciding if they need to keep developing or narrowing down their fields of operation in a flexible, suitable way for each businesses and products To be more specific, businesses must thoroughly research the terms and conditions of the TPP to distinguish between opportunities and Tham gia TPP: Thách thức giải pháp kinh tế Việt Nam (2018, September 27th) http://tapchikhxh.vass.gov.vn/tham-gia-tpp-thach-thuc-va-giai-phap-doi-voi-nen-kinh-te-viet-namn50214.html?fbclid=IwAR30_kJwjJf9HStccmQj611avA2iERpE4Un8afoTvMJ3DA0NXE9I9eUzog#:~:text=Tuy%20nhi%C3%AAn%2C%20b %C3%AAn%20c%E1%BA%A1nh%20nh%E1%BB%AFng,tr%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng%20mua %20s%E1%BA%AFm%20c%C3%B4ng%2C%20v.v 19 challenges For example, the drop of tax rate down to 0-5% will surely enhance the exchange of goods, therefore, businesses can simultaneously benefit from buying cheap products and exporting products which they hold advantages over like clothes, shoes, or agricultural, forestry, fishery commodities, … However, the tax rate at 0% also means that imported goods will fiercely compete with domestic goods, hence, businesses need to be aware of that Secondly, businesses should take an active role in improving product quality and value, establishing links from production, distribution to consumption and export, forming supply chains to create a solid foothold in regional and international value chains To so, they need to prioritize developing and training their personnel and absorb scientific - technical technology, advanced management techniques and experiences from other countries At the same time, businesses need to access and update information frequently, as well as building a qualified system, met the food safety standards, thereby, effectively improving and enhancing product quality and value Moreover, in this Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, in which Electronic Commerce or E-Commerce is swiftly taking over the place of Traditional Commerce thanks to the constant development of Information Technology (IT) and the Internet, businesses also face some urgent needs They have to improve their import and export qualifications, concurrently fill up their pool of knowledge in foreign languages and the IT field, along with sharpening their risk management skills, especially in finance to limit losses due to lack of knowledge Thirdly, branding As the TPP aims to create an equal playfield for everyone whether they are a developed country or a developing country, domestic businesses will certainly have a hard time competing with foreign ones as mentioned above Because of that, in order to boost their 20 competitiveness and market development capabilities, businesses need to concentrate their resources in branding Since,Vietnam does not have many popular or exclusive brands even though the country has a good amount of big and important exported goods A prime example for this is that at the time when the TPP first appeared, although Vietnam was one of the biggest rice exporters in the world, there were no rice brands which had gained great favors and recognitions among international consumers, while brands like Jasmine or Basmati rice had already represented countries along the lines of Thailand, India, and Pakistan on the international market Fourthly, businesses need to reform their ways of operation, befitting with the new era of accelerating integration and globalization As mentioned above, the TPP has set up strict rules in aspects like environment, labors, or intellectual property Take intellectual property for instance, TPP has established high requirements in protecting intellectual property rights, which is also respected greatly by the US as shown in the intellectual property rights in WTO and this country’s FTAs However, this is still an aching issue for Vietnamese businesses with their frequent violations of intellectual property rights Overall, these are necessary development trends for a healthy and civilized business environment in the status quo Accordingly, businesses in Vietnam should detach their old, laggard ways of running their companies and adaptively innovate themselves Lastly, it is mandatory to boost the capacity and stance of the Trade Associations for the purpose of linking their members in production and business, in protecting the market through tools such as anti-dumping, subsidies, monopolies, and the establishment of consumer culture In reality, many countries have already transferred the duty of preserving the market and production from the Government to Trade Associations 21 Because realistically speaking, the higher the trade liberalization is, the less protective the role of the Government will be through tools like tariffs, subsidies, monopolies, state trade, market opening, … In general, the open door to integration has generated great opportunities as well as challenges for Vietnamese businesses, therefore, they need to actively grab this golden chance, overcoming the obstacles to further develop their legacies.6 CONCLUSION After the failure of TPP, we think Vietnam was wise not to put all its eggs in the TPP basket Vietnam is a prime example of the potential gains in global trade, having grown rapidly from a country with almost no trade in 1990 to a major world's most significant leading exporter After the TPP was stopped, Vietnam had a series of options In particular, Viet Nam’s Plan B is the Trade Facilitation Agreement - the only multilateral agreement in the Doha round of negotiations within the WTO framework that was signed, approved, and took effect from 22/02 February 2017 In fact, we can say that Vietnam not only had a plan B, but also a plan C, D, E, F and G when the government of the United States immediately withdrew from the TPP Not long after the United States officially withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the remaining 11 countries continued to promote and reach an agreement on the new name of the TPP Agreement, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) The Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) This Agreement basically inherits the entire content of the TPP Agreement but allows member countries to suspend some Tham gia TPP: Thách thức giải pháp kinh tế Việt Nam (2018, September 27th) http://tapchikhxh.vass.gov.vn/tham-gia-tpp-thach-thuc-va-giai-phap-doi-voi-nen-kinh-te-viet-namn50214.html?fbclid=IwAR30_kJwjJf9HStccmQj611avA2iERpE4Un8afoTvMJ3DA0NXE9I9eUzog#:~:text=Tuy%20nhi%C3%AAn%2C%20b %C3%AAn%20c%E1%BA%A1nh%20nh%E1%BB%AFng,tr%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng%20mua %20s%E1%BA%AFm%20c%C3%B4ng%2C%20v.v TPP tiêu chuẩn cao giải pháp doanh nghiệp (2016, February th) https://www.tapchicongsan.org.vn/web/guest/quoc-phong-an-ninh-oi-ngoai1/-/2018/37428/tpp-tieuchuan-cao-va-giai-phap-cua-cac-doanh-nghiep.aspx 22 obligations to ensure balance in the new context This is still the largest free trade agreement in the world, bringing Vietnam many economic and social benefits The future of the new TPP - CPTPP is unprecedented It can be believed that, CPTPP will bring into play the achievements gained during the 30 years of ‘Renovation’, especially the practical experience of international economic integration, Vietnam will reap great benefits achieve more success, fast and sustainable development of the country 8 Hậu TPP: Việt Nam có tới kế hoạch phịng xa (2017, June 16 th) http://tankhai.honquan.binhphuoc.gov.vn/ke-hoach/hau-tpp-viet-nam-co-toi-6-ke-hoach-phong-xa9.html 23

Ngày đăng: 29/05/2023, 10:10



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