Kỹ năng giám sát, kỹ năng giảng dạy và năng lực chuyên môn của giảng viên các trường Cao đẳng nghề tại tỉnh Nghệ An Cơ sở xây dựng chương trình tăng cường
SUPERVISORY, INSTRUCTIONAL SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS IN VOCATIONAL COLLEGES IN NGHE AN PROVINCE: BASIS FOR DEVELOPING AN ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, the Philippines in Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management by NGUYEN TRUONG GIANG (RIVER) April 2014 i APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management, this research study entitled “Supervisory, Instructional Skills and Professional Performance of Teachers in Vocational Colleges in Nghe An Province: Basis for Developing an Enhancement Program” has been prepared and submitted by Nguyen Truong Giang and is hereby recommended for oral examination , 2014 Apolonia A Espinosa, Ed.D Adviser Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam (NAME OF PROFESSOR) (NAME OF PROFESSOR) Member Member (NAME OF PROFESSOR) Chairman Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam Date APOLONIA ESPINOSA, Ed.D Dean, Graduate School ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT Writing a doctoral dissertation is a gratifying but difficult and sometimes nerve wrecking endeavor that only few engaged in because it requires a lot of sacrifices and hard work from the researcher However, at the end of the task, one experiences a wonderful feeling of joy, happiness, relief and fulfillment The researcher would like to extend his sincerest gratitude and thanks to the following people who were very instrumental in the fulfillment of this research study DR CECILIA N GASCON, President of the Southern Luzon State University in the Republic of the Philippines, for her untiring effort and belief that this collaboration is possible thus enabling us to pursue the PhD.EdM degree; DR DANG KIM VUI President of Thai Nguyen in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, for his untiring effort and belief that this collaboration is possible thus enabling us to pursue the PhD.EdM degree DR NGUYEN TUAN ANH, Ph.D., former Director of the International Training Center, Thai Nguyen University of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, for his enormous pursuit to provide the Vietnamese people an opportunity to grow through education; PROF APOLONIA A ESPINOSA his adviser, for the guidance and endless support for the improvement of this study PROFESSORS ………… , ………………., and ……………, who composed the Oral Defense Committee, for their suggestions, comments and corrections to improve this study; ITC STAFF, for providing the necessary research materials; HIS FAMILY and FRIENDS, for the love and support in one way or the other; And TO ALL who have contributed to make this study a success iii DEDICATION To my Beloved parents, Siblings, Relatives And Most especially To my Loving Wife and Children For their endless support And for being my constant source of inspiration N.T.G iv Table of Contents Title Page Page Approval Sheet ii Acknowledgment iii Dedication iv Table of Contents v List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Abstract x Chapter I: Introduction Background of the Study Objectives of the Study Hypothesis Significance of the Study Scope and Limitation of the Study Definition of Terms Chapter II Review of Literature and Studies 11 Literature 11 Related Studies 11 Conceptual Framework 30 Chapter III Methodology 58 Locale of the Study 58 Research design 58 Population and sampling 58 v Instrumentation 59 Data gathering procedure 59 Statistical treatment 60 Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 62 Chapter V Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 89 Summary 89 Findings 89 Conclusions 91 Recommendations 92 Appendices 92 Bibliography 93 vi No LIST OF TABLES Name of tables Page Table The Level of the Supervisory Skills of Teachers as to Technical Skills 62 Table The Level of the Supervisory Skills of Teachers as to Technical Skills (Cont.) 64 Table The Level of the Supervisory Skills of Teachers as to Human Relation Skills 66 Table The Level of the Supervisory Skills of Teachers as to Human Relation Skills (Cont.) 69 Table The Level of the Supervisory Skills of Teachers as to Conceptual Skills 71 Table The Level of the Instructional Skills of Teachers as to Pedagogical Skills 74 Table The Level of the Instructional Skills of Teachers as to Counselling Skills 76 Table The Level of the Instructional Skills of Teachers as to Classroom Management Skills 77 Table The Level of the Instructional Skills of Teachers as to Assessment Skills 79 10 Table 10 The Professional Performance of Teachers of Nghe An Vocational College of Trade and Tourism 82 11 Table 11 The Professional Performance of Teachers of Viet Duc Vocational College 84 12 Table 12 The Professional Performance of Teachers of Viet Han Vocational College 86 13 Table 13 Correlation of Supervisory and Instructional Skills of Teachers to their Professional Performance 88 vii LIST OF FIGURES Research paradigm Administrative map of Nghe An Province viii Title: SUPERVISORY, INSTRUCTIONAL SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS IN VOCATIONAL COLLEGES IN NGHE AN PROVINCE: BASIS FOR DEVELOPING AN ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Researcher: NGUYEN TRUONG GIANG - RIVER Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management Nam/ Address of the Southern Luzon State University Institution Graduate School Lucban, Quezon Date Completed April, 2014 Adviser DR APOLONIA A ESPINOSA ix ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the supervisory skills and instructional skills of the teachers of vocational colleges in Nghe An Province It specifically explored on what enhancement program could be developed to solve the problems encountered by teachers in terms of supervisory skills and instructional skills The study was limited to determine the perception of the respondents on the supervisory skills of the teachers as to Technical skills, Human relation skills, and Conceptual skills and to ascertain the perception of the respondents on the instructional skills of the teachers as to Pedagogical skills, Counselling skills, Classroom management skills, and Assessment skills 186 selected respondents (college teachers) answered the questionnaire Weighted mean was utilized to describe the perception of the respondents on the supervisory skills and instructional skills of the teachers Multiple linear regression was used to determine the significant relationship between the supervisory and instructional skills and professional performance of the teachers The statistical analysis was done using EXCEL The level of the supervisory skills of teachers at the three selected vocational colleges in Nghe An province fall in the “satisfactory” category mainly Few gained “very satisfactory” category Meanwhile, that the level of the instructional skills of teachers at the three selected vocational colleges in Nghe An province is of “satisfactory” category mainly Very few fall in “very satisfactory” category Moreover, there is low/negligible relationship between the instructional skills and supervisory skills of teachers with that of professional performance x BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Glickman, Carl D et.al (1998) Supervision of Instruction, USA: A Viscom Company Robbins, Stephen P (1997) Managing Today New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc Skutley (2006), Teachers’ Perceptions of the Role of a School Counselor, MS Guidance and Counseling USA: University of Wisconsin-Stout Stoner, James A F et al (1997) Management New Jersey: Prentice – Hall, Inc Kayaoglu, M.N (2012) Dictating or facilitating: The Supervisory Process for Language Teachers Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37 (10) Teachers' Standards, May 2012, UK Department for Education Supervision, Evaluation and quality control in Education in Nwagwu, N.A Current Issues in educational Management in Nigeria, Ambik Press Ltd., Benin city JOURNALS Casareno, Alejandra B Modern Teacher, Vol XLV, No.3, Manila: Grade School, Inc (1996) Huba and Freed (2000) Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: shifting the focus from teaching to learning H Jerome Freiberg (2002) Redesigning Professional Development, Volume 59, Number Carrie Oakley (Nov 2010) Classroom Management Skills Every Teacher Must Have Robert J Marzano, Jana S Marzano and Debra J Pickering (2003) Classroom Management That Works Monoranjan Bhowmik et al, Role of Pedagogy in Effective Teaching, Basic Research Journal of Educationa Research and Review ISSN 2315-6872 Vol 2(1) pp 01-05 Jan 2013 Christina Planje Planje (Fall 1996) personal communication 93 UNPUBLISHED MATERIALS Castilla, Stella M The Managerial and Supervisory Skills of Public Elementary School Administrators in Selected Districts in the Division of Quezon: An Assessment Unpublished Master's Thesis Southern Luzon State University 2003 Cirineo, Tina M Counseling Skills of Elementary School Teachers: A Proposed Training Model Unpublished Master's Thesis Southern Luzon State University, 2012 Decin, Bernardo A Principal's Power and Authority as Tools for Effective Management Performance, Unpublished Master's Thesis, MSEUF, 1998 Gunay, Carlito B Supervisory Skills of Principals and Teachers and their Relationship on Pupils' Performance in Selected Schools in the Second Congressional District of Quezon, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Southern Luzon Polytechnic College, 2000 Sienna Fawn Falk (December, 2009) Counseling skills for teachers ELECTRONIC REFERENCES www.wisegeek.org/what-are-conceptual-skills.htm http://www:ask.com/question/what-are-pedagogical-skills-in-education? http://www.soyouwanttoteach.com/5-classroom-management-skills-every-teacher-must-have/ www.wisegeek.org/what-are-conceptual-skills.htm http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-pedagogicalskills.htm#didyouknowout http://www.teacherstandards.aitsl.edu.au/DomainOfTeaching/ProfessionalKnowledge 94 APPENDIX A Letter to Respondents Date: _ Dear Respondents I am currently conducting a study about the “Supervisory, Instructional Skills and Professional Performance of Teachers in Vocational Colleges in Nghe An Province: Basis for Developing an Enhancement Program” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management May I therefore request your full cooperation and support in answering the checklist questionnaire Rest assured that your responses will be treated with strict confidentiality and will be used solely for the purpose of this study Your kind consideration and completion of the questionnaire will highly be appreciated Thank you very much! Respectfully yours, NGUYEN TRUONG GIANG Researcher 95 QUESTIONNAIRE Please answer the questionnaire checklist by circling the scale that best corresponds to your choice Rest assured that any information will be treated with trust and confidentiality Scale/Điểm Choice Description/Miêu tả Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I Supervisory skills TECHNICAL SKILLS Speaking Is able to convey verbally to her students exactly what she wants to impart 2 Knows how to explain the lesson well 3 Stimulates students’ interest during lesson presentation 4 Speaks clearly and fluently in front of the students Shows mastery of the language in communicating Writing Accomplishes required reports on time Writes communication legibly and correctly Is skillful in making lesson plans 4 4 12 States her class program plans throughout the year 13 Plans appropriate learning objectives Demonstrating Executes effective methods and techniques in teaching 10 Demonstrates effective method of evaluating students 11 Demonstrates new methods of treating students for more effective teacher-students relationship Outlining/Planning 14 Organizes and arranges the space and materials for effective instruction 15 Defines programs for classroom structure for the satisfaction of her students 4 Computing 16 Knows the theoretical, conceptual and psychological aspects of 96 students’ performance evaluation 17 Knows the interpretation of classroom test scores and other standardized tests given to students 18 Knows the appropriate statistical treatment needed in the interpretation of students’ performance 4 4 Listening 19 Accepts feedbacks of the students 20 Listens to praises, comments and recommendations from her superiors, co-teachers and parents intelligently Chairing a Meeting 21 Follows rule of order in conducting meeting with the students 22 Holds meeting with students, parents and other stakeholders systematically and orderly HUMAN RELATION SKILLS Emphasizing Knows the style of accepting and rejecting suggestions, criticisms or diversity 2 Is sensitive to the needs of her students 3 Shows respect and dignity to her students 4 Controls her emotions in times of disagreement Applies positive approaches to problem situations Reflecting Feelings and Ideas Provides students with corrective feedbacks and praises Shows genuine concern for students Is supportive and helpful to her students Is honest and compassionate in dealing with her students 4 12 Has the ability to get the teachers and students cooperation 13 Is fair in rating the achievements of her students 14 Possesses integrity in disciplining the students 4 Prefers working with her co-workers in the acquisition of instructional materials 17 Has the ability to adjust to the different personalities such as 10 Gives due credit to the achievement of her students Leading 11 Radiates a spirit of encouragement to build leadership and responsibility among her students Participating 15 Has sufficient time for research 16 97 her superiors, peers, students and co-workers 18 Enjoys working with students Shows active support on structured learning opportunities such 19 as workshops, in-service activities and staff development programs 20 Acts as guidance counselor to students 21 Promotes pupil’s satisfaction 22 Acts as parents to students 4 4 Role Playing 23 Provides a permissive atmosphere so that students and teachers can work harmoniously Interviewing 24 Solves students problems by talking to their parents 25 Talks and counsels students about their misconduct in the classroom CONCEPTUAL SKILLS Visualizing Is aware of the current educational problems and issues and their implications 2 Is aware and receptive to innovations and changes in the educational system 3 Includes activities that present information and skills that are known to be effective 4 Knows the talents and potentialities of her students Innovative in using effective teaching techniques and approaches Analyzing Leads in trying new practices suited to her students Knows how to develop strategies for group learning Knows how to select and develop effective curriculum materials Is skillful in decision making and in solving conflicts 10 Knows how to increase and sustain students’ academic engagement time 4 4 11 Has analytical mind Diagnosing 12 Designs appropriate instructional activities needed in the solution of common learning problems 13 Knows how to develop enrichment activities 98 14 Knows how to solve instructional problems and concerns in the classroom 15 Encourages students to open-up problems existing in the classroom 16 Searches for more effective teaching techniques, methods and approaches for the solution of teaching problems II Instructional skills PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS knowledge and extensive pedagogical 1 has professional understanding uses a variety of instructional strategies 3 demonstrates problem-solving skills 4 modifies instructional activities to accommodate identified learner’s needs manages the use of time to facilitate student learning uses varied resources and materials provides learning experiences which enable students to transfer principles and generalizations to situations outside of school provides assignments/learning opportunities interesting and appropriate to different ability levels of students motivates students to ask questions 4 10 adjusts techniques to different learning styles 11 adapts his/her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, social maladjustments or handicaps 12 integrates information and communication technologies in the preparation and delivery of teaching/learning activities 4 COUNSELLING SKILLS attends quickly to inappropriate behaviour to prevent influencing others 2 provides extra help before and after the start of the class 3 develops peer tutoring program 4 helps students build self-esteem, sense of responsibility and selfrespect listens to what students say permits students to get to know one another has clear understanding of all students’ needs CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SKILLS 1 has clear rules and routines for behavior in the classrooms 2 creates a learning environment that encourages positive social 99 interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation exercises appropriate authority and acts decisively when necessary 4 moves around the room, monitoring students’ seatwork shows enthusiasm and commitment for the subject taught maintains an environment in which students are actively involved, working at tasks implements an effective classroom management system for positive student behavior uses positive reinforcement patterns with students has appropriate control in difficult situations 10 demonstrates fairness, acceptance, respect and flexibility ASSESSMENT SKILLS 1 evaluates pertinent information about students for effective instruction 2 identifies and evaluates learning problems of students in content areas being taught 3 uses criteria and effective procedures for determining students’ achievement of learning objectives 4 selects/develops appropriate assessment instruments for instructional activities collects, quantifies and interprets data from appropriate assessment instruments maintains evaluation records of students develops students’ feedback evaluation and students’ selfevaluation makes use of formative and summative assessment to ensure students’ progress gives students regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking 10 interprets and uses students’ assessment to diagnose learning barriers techniques and THANK YOU SO MUCH! 100 APPENDIX A1 SUMMARY OUTPUT - NGHE AN VOCATIONAL COLLEGE OF TRADE AND TOURISM Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.238098557 R Square 0.056690923 Adjusted R Square 0.02175355 Standard Error 0.55751847 Observations 57 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 54 56 SS MS F 1.008722696 0.504361348 1.622644106 16.78464962 0.310826845 17.79337232 Significance F 0.206851353 Coefficients Intercept X Variable X Variable Standard Error t Stat P-value 7.543652686 2.11343541 3.569379339 0.000760544 3.306469806 11.78083557 -0.976391936 0.644324766 -1.51537235 0.135510296 -2.268185315 0.315401444 -0.192833151 0.232771722 -0.828421724 0.411078313 -0.659512356 0.273846053 Lower 95% Upper 95% RESIDUAL OUTPUT Observation 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Predicted Y 3.794944206 3.812727069 3.746454456 3.880994578 4.045491022 4.006600469 3.881284261 3.726011731 4.001656029 3.873100595 3.860841536 3.806452699 4.093980772 3.923874923 3.954206527 4.119743219 4.084756858 3.757008301 3.995091976 3.812062104 3.735900611 3.888223597 Residuals 0.538389127 0.187272931 -0.413121123 -0.547661245 -0.045491022 -0.339933802 0.118715739 -0.392678398 -0.668322696 0.126899405 1.139158464 -0.473119365 -0.093980772 -0.257208257 -0.620873194 -0.119743219 0.915243142 -0.423674967 0.004908024 -0.47872877 -0.069233944 -0.888223597 101 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 3.82033137 3.750068965 3.733616033 3.80911256 3.61029472 3.728006627 3.706233972 3.74445956 3.666678454 3.583577625 3.845718535 3.806827982 3.664018593 3.720777609 3.910950899 3.913986044 3.913986044 3.765277567 3.667343419 3.765277567 3.7817305 3.77184162 3.669627998 3.845053569 3.753393792 3.837449268 3.854942449 4.099214894 3.778780956 4.017154314 3.925494536 4.081142349 3.967709916 4.107194478 3.914651009 0.513001963 0.249931035 -0.066949366 0.19088744 -0.61029472 0.271993373 1.293766028 0.25554044 0.333321546 -0.583577625 0.154281465 0.193172018 -0.664018593 0.279222391 1.089049101 0.086013956 0.752680623 0.234722433 -0.667343419 0.234722433 0.2182695 -0.77184162 0.330372002 0.154946431 -0.420060458 1.162550732 0.145057551 -0.099214894 -0.445447623 -0.683820981 0.074505464 -0.414475682 -0.967709916 -0.107194478 1.085348991 102 APPENDIX A2 SUMMARY OUTPUT - VIET-DUC VOCATIONAL COLLEGE Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations 0.056152727 0.003153129 0.038382157 0.548031962 51 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 48 50 SS MS F 0.04560015 0.022800075 0.075914459 14.41627349 0.300339031 14.46187364 Coefficients Intercept X Variable X Variable Standard Error 3.376602033 t Stat P-value 2.016222962 1.674716585 0.031921771 0.623027758 0.126730648 0.347051027 Significance F 0.927006548 Lower 95% Upper 95% 0.100494116 -0.677285933 7.430489999 0.051236515 0.959349684 -1.220759493 1.284603035 0.365164309 0.716592916 -0.571062209 0.824523505 RESIDUAL OUTPUT Observation 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Predicted Y 3.883027551 3.876528543 3.827785986 3.849816483 3.838757222 3.806559544 3.851843262 3.860071689 3.836521108 3.847073674 3.858430294 3.885858384 3.873279039 3.915819948 3.913374499 3.839649301 3.903119293 3.909408965 3.893877476 3.765626743 3.866361361 Residuals 1.116972449 0.123471457 -0.494452653 -0.516483149 0.161242778 -0.139892877 0.148156738 -0.526738355 0.496812226 0.152926326 1.141569706 -0.552525051 0.126720961 -0.249153282 -0.580041166 0.160350699 0.763547374 -0.576075632 0.106122524 0.234373257 -0.199694695 103 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3.856106155 3.885649049 3.819645583 3.911138385 3.840872026 3.885858384 3.834075658 3.849100453 3.853363346 3.850917897 3.865138637 3.865138637 3.892654751 3.863915912 3.905234096 3.878345987 3.894086811 3.886155744 3.902612598 3.887081109 3.905146072 3.871340285 3.868894835 3.867672111 3.881683515 3.853451371 3.918948141 3.889911942 3.876197897 3.870205584 -0.856106155 0.447684284 0.180354417 -0.244471718 0.159127974 -0.885858384 0.165924342 0.484232881 0.146636654 0.149082103 -0.865138637 0.134861363 0.107345249 -0.863915912 0.094765904 1.121654013 -0.227420144 0.780510923 0.097387402 -0.887081109 0.094853928 0.128659715 -0.868894835 0.132327889 0.118316485 -0.520118037 1.081051859 0.110088058 0.123802103 -0.536872251 104 APPENDIX A3 SUMMARY OUTPUT - VIET-HAN VOCATIONAL COLLEGE Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations 0.293408568 0.086088588 0.061717617 0.469317297 78 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 75 77 SS MS F 1.55609415 0.778047075 3.532423393 16.51940443 0.220258726 18.07549858 Coefficients Intercept X Variable X Variable Standard Error 1.349550951 Significance F 0.034190367 t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% 1.16396682 1.159441084 0.249954444 -0.969189858 3.66829176 -0.056277932 0.277410092 -0.202869086 0.839786716 -0.608907173 0.496351309 0.861693247 0.330015659 2.611067759 0.010895101 0.204268342 1.519118151 RESIDUAL OUTPUT Observation 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Predicted Y 3.813321681 3.687006592 3.88675218 3.495300709 3.778958589 3.555331701 3.824041287 4.033375366 4.192504759 3.838989581 3.791226982 3.637457392 3.698381685 3.965304669 3.807068577 3.995439073 3.858404378 4.030695465 3.903487076 3.838096281 3.770918884 3.777171988 Residuals 0.520011653 0.312993408 -0.220085514 -0.161967375 0.221041411 0.111334966 0.175958713 -0.3667087 -0.525838093 0.161010419 0.875439685 -0.304124059 0.301618315 -0.298638003 -0.473735244 -0.328772406 0.808262288 -0.364028798 -0.236820409 -0.171429614 -0.104252218 -0.443838655 105 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 4.207453054 4.108592467 3.96709127 3.969771172 3.958396079 4.016640471 3.863764181 4.005265378 3.954822877 3.853282389 3.802839888 3.720714198 3.771812185 3.847922586 4.044094972 4.111272369 4.019320372 3.801053287 3.958396079 4.153675165 3.827614489 3.88585888 4.005265378 3.981384079 3.783425091 4.001692176 3.720714198 3.786104993 3.7004061 4.05749448 3.785211692 3.813559495 3.819574784 3.961969281 3.895685186 3.615362693 3.915099983 3.898127273 3.789440381 3.813321681 3.859297679 3.886096694 3.731671618 3.929392791 4.114845571 3.796169112 3.96018268 0.125880279 -0.441925801 -0.300424604 0.030228828 -0.625062746 -0.016640471 0.469569152 0.661401288 0.045177123 -0.519949056 0.197160112 0.279285802 -0.438478851 0.152077414 0.955905028 -0.444605702 0.980679628 0.198946713 -0.625062746 -0.153675165 0.172385511 -0.552525547 -0.005265378 0.018615921 -0.450091758 0.998307824 0.279285802 -0.119438326 -0.367072767 -0.390827813 -0.118545026 0.186440505 -0.486241451 0.038030719 1.104314814 0.384637307 0.084900017 -0.898127273 0.210559619 -0.146655014 -0.192631012 1.113903306 -0.065004951 -0.596059457 0.885154429 -0.462835779 -0.293516014 106 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 3.736555793 3.735900306 3.650201413 3.761330393 3.784556206 3.793251397 3.739235694 3.982277379 3.832974292 0.263444207 -0.402566973 0.349798587 -0.427997059 -0.451222873 0.206748603 -0.405902361 0.684389288 -0.166307625 107 ... coordinate and integrate all of the organization''s interest and activities It involves the managers'' ability to understand how a change in any give part can affect the whole organization A manager... teacher creates short-range and long-term plans that are linked to student needs and performance, and adapts the plans to ensure and capitalize on student progress and motivation; and 40 - The teacher... teacher understands and can identify differences in approaches to learning and performance, including different learning styles, multiple intelligences, and performance modes, and can design instruction