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J Q V BO GlAO Di e: VA DAO TAO TRUONG DAI HOC KLNH 'it QUdC DAN r BO GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO TRUONG BAI HOC KINH TE QUOC DAN , X A^ G5 SO C3 05 AZ a £5) AUOC DI VV CAC GIAI PHAP CHU V€U D€ CHUV€N VI€TSOVP€TRO SANG MO HINH CONG TV M€ - CONG TV CON _ XI? 'W LUAN VAN THAC SI QUAN TRI KINH DOANH DAI HOC KTQD TRUNG< THONG TIN’ , Giao vien huring dan: GS.TS NGUYfiN KE TUAN Hoc vien: NGUYfiN THI QUYEN HA NOI - 2005 LOT CAM ON Trong qua trinh hoc tap, toi da nhan sir quan tam giup tan tinh cua GS.TS Hieu truong, cac thay cd giao phong Dao tao Dai hoc va Sau dai hoc, phong Cong tac chinh tri va Quan Iy sinh vien, khoa Quan tri kinh doanh va GS.TS.Truong khoa Quan tri kinh doanh trirdng Dai hoc Kinh te quoc dan Toi xin chan cam on cac thay co, ban be, co quan va gia dinh da giup toi hoan ban luan van Ban luan van la ket qua qua trinh lao dong khoa hoc nghiem tuc cua ban than, song kha nang va trinh co han nen khong tranh khdi nhung khiem khuyet nhat dinh Toi mong muon nhan duoc sir quan tam dong gop cua cac thay cd giao Ha noi, 18 thang 08 nam 2005 Hoc vien Nguyen Thi Quyen MUC • LUC • Mfr frau Chuong 1- Nhung van fre ly luan co’ ban ve mo hinh' cong ty me - cong ty 1.1- Doanh nghiep nen kinh te thj tru’frng 1.1.1- Khai niem ve doanh nghiep X / 1.1.2- Cac loai hinh doanh nghiep nen kinh te thj trufrng 10 1.2- Mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty 11 , 1.2.1- Khai quat ljch su hinh va phat trien mo hinh cong ty me ' - cong ty 11 12.2- Dac ' trung va phan loai mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty 12 1.2.3- Co che hoat dong cua mo hinh cong ty ' me - cong ty 21 1.2.4- Nhung frieu kien ap dung ' mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty 23 1.3- Qua trinh thi friem mo hinh cong ty me ' - cong ty fr Viet Nam va kinh nghiem quoc te x ■ r •> 1.3.1- ' Su can thiet phai froi mfri mo hinh quan ly DNNN 25 1.3.2- Qua trinh ' thi friem mo hinh cong ty me-cong ty fr Viet Nam 27 25 1.3.3- Gifri thieu mo hinh cong ty me-cong ty ' frien hinh nganh dau fr khoi ASEAN - Mo hinh tap froan dau PETRONAS 32 (Malaysia) Chuong 2- Thuc trang to chuc quan ly san - xuat - kinh doanh ' cua VIETSOVPETRO 45 2.1- Qua trinh phat trien va mot so frac friem cua VSP 45 2.1.1- Khai quat ve hoat frong dau fr Viet Nam va lap xi 45 nghiep lien doanh Vietsovpetro 2.1.2- Qua trinh phat trien va vj tri cua VSP nen kinh - te Viet 50 Nam 2.2- Thuc trang mo hinh to chuc quan ly san xuat - kinh doanh 58 cuaVSP 2.2.1- Su thay froi mo hinh to chuc quan ly san xuat - kinh ' doanh cua VSP giai froan 1981-1990 58 2.2.2- Mo' hinh to chuc quan ly san xuat-kinh - doanh giai ' froan 1991-2004 66 2.3- Nhung han che va sir bat cap cua mo hinh to chuc quan ly hien 79 2.3.1- Nhung bat cap d tarn vT mo 79 2.3.2- Nhung bat cap voi nganh dau khl Viet Nam 81 2.3.3- Nhung han che tir XI nghiep Lien doanh 83 Chuong 3- Buoc di va cac giai phap chu y£u chuyen VSP sang mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty 85 3.1- Sir can thiet phai doi moi mo hinh to chuc cua VSP va cac mo hinh co the lua • chon • 3.1.1- Chu truong cua nha nude chien luqc phat trien nganh dau 85 Viet Nam 85 3.1.2- Muc tieu chien lucre phat trien cua nganh Dau Viet Nam 86 3.1.3- Str thay doi moi trrrdng hoat dong va xu the phi tap trung hoa quan ly 87 3.1.4- Su can thiet phai doi moi mo hinh to chuc cua VSP 88 3.1.5- Nhung mo hinh to chuc quan ly co the lua chon va uu the cua mo hinh cong ty me-cong ty 89 3.2- Cac buo’c di cua qua trinh chuyen VSP sang mo hinh cong ty me-cong ty 93 3.2.1- Giai doan qua (trung gian) 94 3.2.2- Giai doan chinh thuc chuyen doi sang mo hinh quan ly moi 98 3.3- Nhung giai phap chii yeu de chuyen VSP sang mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty 101 3.3.1- Tao sir thong nhat ve nhan thuc 101 3.3.2- Xay dung chien luqc phat trien VSP 103 3.3.3- Hinh de an to chuc va trien khai thi diem 108 3.3.4- Ki6n nghi voi Nha nude 111 Ket Iuan 115 Danh muc • tai lieu • tham khao Phu luc 116 118 CAC Tl VIET TAT Chic viet tat Chit viet dav du CNH, HDH Cong nghiep hoa, hien dai hoa CNXH Chu nghTa xa hoi CT Cong ty CTCP Cong ty co phan CTNHH Cong ty trach nhien htru han CTM-CTC Cong ty me - cong ty DN Doanh nghiep DNNN Doanh nghiep nha nude HDBT Hoi dong Bo trurdng 10.HDQT Hoi dong quan tri ll.TCT Tong cong ty 12.TGD Tong giam doc 13.USD Do la My 14.VSP VIETSOVPETRO 15.XNLD Xi nghiep lien doanh 16 XNQD Xi nghiep quoc doanh 17.XNVTB Xi nghiep Van tai bi£n DANH MUC CAC BANG BIEU, SO DO, BIEU DO Danh muc bang bieu Bang 1: Danh sach cac cong ty vien cua tap doan dau PETRONAS 37 Bang 2: Ket qua kinh doanh cua Petronas .43 Bang 3: Cac chi tieu kinh te ky thuat cua VSP giai doan 1981-1990 52 Bang 4: Ket qua hoat dong san xuat kinh doanh cua VSP giai doan 1991-2004 54 Bang 5: Tong hop chi tieu kinh te co ban toan nganh dau 1986-2004 57 Bang 6: Sir thay doi co cau to chdc cua cac don vi vien VSP .63 Bang 7: Co cau lao dong cua VSP 64 Bang 8: Ket qua san xuat giai doan 1981 - 1990 65 Bang 10:Ket qua san xuat - kinh doanh giai doan 1991-2004 72 Bang 11- Ket qua doanh thu dich vu ngoai va doanh thu tur dau1991-2004 73 Bang 12: Quy dinh trich lap cac quy cua VSP 77 Bang 13- Mot so chi tieu giai doan 1991-2004 79 Bang 14- Chi tieu ke hoach khai thac dau chu yeu giai doan2005-2020 104 Bang 15- Tong hap dau tu bo sung giai doan 2005-2010 105 Bang 16: Lo trinh thay the chuyen gia Nga 107 Bang 17: Danh muc cac cong trinh va cac quoc gia Tap doan Petronas dang thuc hien .127 Danh muc so’ So I: Cau true mo hinh CTM - CTC 21 So 2: Quan he chu so hiru nha nude vdi cong ty me nha nude .29 Sa 3: Mo hinh CTM Petronas 34 Sa 4: Mo hinh lien ket gitra cac cong ty cua tap doan Petronas 38 Sa 5: Ca cau to chuc cua VSP giai doan 1981 - 1990 59 Sa 6: Bo may dieu hanh cua VSP giai doan 1981 - 1990 60 Sa 7: Ca cau to churc san xuat cua VSP giai doan 1991 - 2004 67 Sa 8: Ca cau to chtrc quan ly true tuyen cua VSP 68 Sa dd 9: Mo hinh khai quat CTM-CTC cua VSP 100 Sa 10: Mo hinh CTM Vietsovpetro 101 Danh muc bieu Bieu 1: Ket qua kinh doanh cua Petronas 2000-2004 119 Bidu dd 2: Khai thac dSu;tho cua VSP 1986-2004 122 Bieu 3: Doanh thu xuat khau va gia dau tho giai doan 1991-2004 123 Bieu 4: Doanh thu va chi phi giai doan 1991-2004 124 Bieu 5: Hoan von dau tir cua hai phia tham gia 125 Bieu 6: San lirong dau khai thac theo chu ky mo cua VSP 126 MO’ DAU Sir can thi&t nghien cun de tai Tren the gidi, nhieu cong ty (CT), tap doan kinh te ion thudng ap dung mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty (CTM - CTC) Theo mo hinh ' nay, cong ty me (CTM) so huu toan 'bo hoac so him phan von (co phan) chi phoi cua cac cong ty (CTC), co quyen chi phoi theo nhung noi dung khac va vdi mhc do' khac hoat dong cua cac CTC Mo hinh phu hop vdi dieu kien quy mo san xuat ldn, linh vrc kinh doanh da dang va phan tan khong gian rong, bao dam duoc quyen chu so huu cua CTM, nhung van phat huy duoc tinh chu dong va tr chiu trach nhiem cua cac CTC Trong qua trinh doi mdi kinh te d Viet nam da xuat hien nhieu mo hinh quan ly doanh nghiep (DN), co nhieu DN co' quy mo ldn kinh doanh da nganh hoac kinh doanh mot nganh nhung co nhung hoat dong khac lien ' quan chat che vdi Viec to chuc theo mo hinh tong cong ty (TCT) kidu truyen thong duoc cau tu cac DN hach toan doc lap, cac DN ' hach toan phu thuoc va cac don vi sr nghiep, rat nhieu trudng hop to kem hieu qua va khong thich hop vdi tinh phuc tap cua linh vrc hoat dong dac thu 'Trong nhung ' nam gan day, mo hinh cong ty me - cong ty (CTM - CTC) bat dau duoc trien khai thi diem va duoc coi la mot nhung dinh hudng doi mdi mo hinh TCT Xi nghiep lien doanh diu VIETSOVPETRO '(VSP) la DN lien doanh giua nudc Cong hoa Xa hoi chu nghia Viet nam va Lien Xo (nay la Lien bang Nga) duoc lap tu nam 1981 Trong hon 20 nam qua, VSP da khong ngung ldn manh va co nhung dong gop to Idn vao cong cuoc phat trien kinh te cua Viet Nam Hien nay, co cau san xuat , cua VSP gom 15 don vi vien va duoc chia khoi cac don vi san xuat chinh, khoi cac don vi san xuat phu tro, khoi cac don vi phuc vu Tong von dau tu cua VSP da len den gan 3.550 trieu USD, so lao dong lam viec thudng xuyen la 5.933 ngudi Cung vdi sr phat trien san xuat - kinh doanh, can bo, cong nhan Viet Nam da dan dan thay ' the cac chuyen gia va cong nhan Nga d hau het cac khau san xuat va quan ly Trong 'tuong lai, VSP se tro danh nghiep thupc sd huu cua Viet Nam La DN co quy ■ mo ' ldn, •" co' cau san xuat phic tap gom nhieu khau co quan he chat che vai qua trinh , ■ ■ r ' ■ ’ ■ ’ ' khai thac va tieu thy dau tien hanh tren pham vi khong gian rong lan, viec z " ' X z ' '• quan ly VSP bao dam san xuat deu dan, nhip nhang va dat hieu qua kinh te cao ■ • * '' ■ la cong viec phic tap Co che quan ly tap trung ton tai hon 20 nam qua cang boc lo ro nhung khiem khuyet va bat cap so vai yeu cau phat trien quan ly tap trung cua VSP, vua phat huy tinh chu dong, sang tao va ty chiu trach • ' _ ' ' _ nhiem cua cac don vi vien la yeu cau khach quan CTM' - CTC la mo hinh co kha nang ap dung phu hop va co hieu qua vai VSP Xuat phat tu ly do, toi da chon van de “Bwoc- Bi va cac giai phap chu yeu de chuyen Vietsovpetro sang mo hinh -cong■ ty me - cong- ty, con” lam de tai luan van thac sT quan tri kinh doanh De tai co y nghia ly luan va thyc tien ~ thiet thyc 2- Muc' dich nghien ccru Tren co so van dung nhung noi dung ly luan co ban va kinh nghiem cua mot so hang dau nuac ngoai ve mo hinh CTM - CTC, danh gia thyc trang quan ly cua VSP, luan van trinh bay ro sy can thiet va kha nang chuySn VSP sang mo hinh CTM - CTC, de xuat buac di va cac giai phap chu yeu de chuyen sang mo hinh quan ly moi Z ■ • • 3- Doi tuyng va pham vi nghien ciu - Luan van dat tam cua nghien ciu la nhung van de co ban ve to chic DN quy mo lon, co cau san xuat phic tap hoat dong tren pham vi rong, chu yeu la mo hinh CTM - CTC, co tinh den anh huong cua mo hinh to chic den hieu qua san xuat - kinh doanh cua DN - Pham vi nghien cuu cua luan van la VSP vai nhung thay doi co cau va •> r co -che quan ly cac giai doan phat trien khac 4- Phuong phap nghien cun Phuong phap luan nen tang duoc su dung nghien ciu la phuong phap luan vat bien ching va vat lich su Tren co so do, cac phuong phap nghien ciu cu the duoc su dung viec nghien ciu giai quyet cac van de cua de tai la cac phuong phap mo hinh hoa, phan tich kinh te,-dieu tra'thuc - te ■ 5- Nhung diem moi ma luan van quan tam _ r \ f' - Trinh bay co he thong nhung van de ly loan co ban ve dac trimg, co cau va co che quan ly mo hinh CTM - CTC - Gioi thieu kinh nghiem to choc thi diem ap dung mo hinh CTM - CTC va nhung bai hoc ban dau rut tu qua trinh thi diem •> ■ • - Danh gia thuc trang mo hinh to choc quan ly hien cua VSP, lam ro su can thiet va kha nang chuyen sang mo hinh CTM - CTC k - De xuat khuyen nghi ve budc di va cac giai phap chu yeu chuyen VSP sang mo hinh to choc quan ly moi 6- Ket cau.'luUnvvn • ' i VV.r., ■ ■ * , • J Ngoai lai ma dau, ket luan, phu due va danh muc tai lieu thamkhao, noi dung cua luan van gom ehuxang: Chwong Nhdng van de ly luan cff ban ve mo hinh CTM-CTC Chiong 2- Thuc trang to chdc quan ly san xuat - kinh doanh cua VSP Chiioong 3- Bii’d'c di va nhimg giaiphap chu yeu chuyen VSP sang mo hinh CTM - CTC Hieu ltd 5: Hoan von dau tir cua hai phia tham gia VSP Trieu USD 125 Bieu : Sdn lirpng dau khai thac theo chu ky mo cua Vietsopetro 126 Bang 17: Danh muc cac cong trinh va cac quoc gia Tap doan Petronas dang thyc hien STT LINH VUC THAM GIA CUA QUOC GIA TEN CONG TRINH THAM GIA DOI TAC TINH TRANG PETRONAS NATION INTEREST Partner Status UPSTREAM Exploration & ALGERIA Production i Interest in onshore Ahnet Block Sonatrach, Gaz de France ii Interest in onshore Ahnet Block Amerada Hess (operator) Exploration 401c UPSTREAM Exploration & ANGOLA Production DOWNSTREAM Gas ARGENTINA Pipeline Network Exploration Exploration i Interest in Devon Energy (operator) Deepwater Block 24 And Sonangoal P&P Interest in Gasinvest S.A and Total, CGC Argentina and Gasinvest S.A has a 70.58 transportadora de Gas Del Techint Argentina percent stake in transportadora de Gas Del Mercosuar Norte S.A which owns and operate a 4,300 km pipeline in northern Argentina DOWNSTREAM Gas Pipeline Network AUSTRALIA i Interest in the Australian portion of Australian Gas Light Expected to deliver gas to the Papua New Guinea-Queenaland Company customers by early 2008 Gas Pipeline ii Interest in Australian Pipeline Trust which owns over 7,000 km of 127 pipelines and a 28% share of the natural gas market in Australia iii Interest in Gasnet, a gas transmission pipeline company in Victoria UPSTREAM BAHRAIN Exploration & Production UPSTREAM Operates Bloks IV and VI, located Exploration southeastern offshore BENIN i Interest in Block Ker McGee (Operator) Compression Platnt BRUNEI Awarded contract by Brunei Shell Nuovo Pignone SpA Contraction DARUSSALAM Petroleum Company to design and Exploration Exploration & Production construct an onshore compression plant DOWNSTREAM CAMBODIA i Operates service stations and Product reatailing & markets petroleum product marketing ii Operates a 7,000 metric ton of petroleum producs storage since 1998 UPSTREAM CAMEROON i Interest in Block PH 77 through a Philips Production Sharing Contract signed (Operator) Exploration in 11.2004 10 DOWNSTREAM CAMEROON i.Xay dung 900 km tong so 128 ExxonMobil, Chevron Operational Chad-Cameroon Pipeline 1070 km ong tir mo nam Chad den Taxaco, Cameroon bo bien cuaCameroon Government and Chad Government 11 UPSTREAM CHAD i Xay dung Block H Doha Basin ExxonMobil Production, bat dau tir (Operatior) Chevron giua nam 2003 i Xay dung 170 km tong so Taxaco Operational DOWNSTREAM 1070 km ong dan dau tur mo nam ExxonMobil Chevron Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Chad den bo bien cuaCameroon Taxaco, Cameroon Exploration & Production Government and Chad Government 12 DOWNSTEAM CHINA - Lien doanh in linh vuc hoa China Offshore Oil long (PLG), thu gom va phan phoi Donghai Corporation Operational tai Jiangsu - Tiep thi cac san pham dau tai Hong kong, Macao va mien nam Trung Quoc 12 UPSTREAM EQUATORIAL i Interest in Block N, Offhore -Devo Energy and Vanco Exploration & Production GUINEA Corisco Bay Energy Company ii Interest in Block P, Rio Muni Devo Energy (Operator), Basin GEPetro,Atlas Petroleum (international) Ltd And DNO ASA 129 Exploration Exploration 13 UPSTREAM EGYPT i Interest in North East Mediterranean Deepwater (Nemed) Exploration & Production Shell Egypt Deepwater Exploration (Operator) Oil and Gas Block DOWNSTREAM ii Interest in West Delta Deep BG Group Under joint Marine Concession operatorship i Interest in Egyptian LNG Project, BG Group Egyptian involved in the development and Natural Gas Holding Co., operation of LNG liquefaction plant Egyptian General and the related infrastructure Petroleum co and Gaz De Production of Gas Under construction France 14 UPSTREAM ETHIOPIA UPSTREAM Exploration & Production Exploration Basin and Ogaden Basin Exploration & Production 15 i Interest in Block G, Gambela GABON i Interst in Mpolo Block, Chaillu AG1P Gabon SA and Meboun blocks, offshore Gabon (Operator) Exploration And Burlington Resources ii Interest in Moabi and Nguma Ltd Permits Amerada Hess Production Gabon (Operator) and Mitsubishi Petroleum 130 Exploration Development Corp 16 DOWNSTREAM INDIA Joint venture to import LP( at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Operational ConocoPhilips (Operator) Exploration -Interest in Taniung Aru Block Amerada Hess (Operator) Exploration offshore Kalimantan and PERTAMINA iii Interest in Karapan Block, RIMS Energy Karapan offshore East Java, through a joint Ltd Under joint venture company, PETRONAS operatorship j Haldia for marketing in East India 17 UPSTREAM Exploration & Production INDONESIA -Interest in Ketapang Block offshore East Java Exploration Carigaii RIMS Joint Operating Company Ltd iv Interest in Jabung Block, onshore South Sumatra PetroChina (Operator) and Exploration & production PERTAMINA v Interest in Tanjung Jabung vi Interest in Natuna Sea Block A Wirabuana Group Exploration Kufpec, Premier (Operator) Production i Interest in ammonia/urea plant in and Amerada Hess Acheh, Indonesia National Dev Co of the Philippines, Thai Ministry 131 DOWNSTREAM: of Industry, PT Pupuk Petrochemicals Sriwidjaja and Temasek Operational Holdings i Interest in P.T Transportasi Gas TGI currently owns and Indonesia (TGI) through a joint CONOCO Indonesia operates two gas pipelines venture company, Transasia Pipeline Holdings Ltd, SPC Indo­ in Sumatra: Company Pvt Ltd Pipeline Co Ltd and i Grissik-Duri pipeline, Talisman Transgasindo which runs from the Ltd Corridor Block gas plant to the Duri Oil field ii Grissik-BatamSingapore pipeline, transporting gas from three gas plants - Corridor Block, South Jambi B and Jabung Block to Gas Pipeline Network i Marketing of petroleum products 132 Singapore Product retailing & marketing 18 UPSTREAM: IRAN i Interest in Sirri A and E offshore NIOC (Operator) in 1998 oil fields Exploration & Production Production of oil started ii Interest in South Pars Gas Total (Operator), Gazprom in 2002 Development project, phases & iii Interest in Munir Block Production of gas started Edison International (Operator) and Lundin Exploration (Munir) Ltd 19 UPSTREAM: Exploration & Production MAURI 1AM A i Interest in Block located Woodside Mauritania Pty northwest of Nouakchott Ltd (Operator), Hardman Resources Ltd, and Roc Oil 133 Exploration 20 UPSTREAM: MY ANMAi Exploration & Production Interest in Yetagun Gas Project: Nippon Oil, PTTEP, Production started in Blocks M-12 M-13, M-14 and Myanmar Oil and Gas 2000 Taninthayi Pipeline Co LLC which Enterprise has been conferred the rights to construct and operate a pipeline from the Yetagun Gas field to Thailand ii Interest in Blocks M-15, M-16, M-17 and M-l 8, offshore southern Myanmar 21 UPSTREAM: MOROCCO Exploration & Production 22 UPSTREAM: MOZAMBIQUE Exploration & Production Exploration i Interest in Tiznit Block Energy Africa (Operator), Exploration ii Interest in offshore Rabat-Sale Taurus and ONA REP Exploration Haute Mer Block ONAREP i Interest in offshore Zambezi Delta Empresa Nacional de Block Hidrocarbonetos de Exploration Mozambique (ENH) 23 UPSTREAM: NIGER Interest in Agadem Block ExxonMobil Exploration PARISI \N i.Interest in onshore Mubarak Block, Lasmo Oil Pakistan Exploration Sindh Province Limited (Lasmo) and Exploration & Production 24 UPSTREAM: Exploration & Production Government Holdings of 134 Pakistan ii Interest in Mehar Block, Orient Petroleum Inc Sindh/Balochistan provinces (OPI), Zaver Petroleum Exploration and Government Holdings of Pakistan iii Interest in offshore Indus Blocks Total (Operator), OMV, G&H Oil and Gas Development Exploration Company Ltd (OGDCL) and Mari Gas Company Ltd (MGCL) 25 DOWNSTREAM: PHILIPPINES i Joint venture in Liquefied Alcantara Consolidated Petroleum Gas (LPG) terminalling, Resources Inc and bottling and distribution in Masalingan Inc Operational Mindanao 26 DOWNSTREAM: SEYCHELLES i Terminalling facilities for Seychelles Petroleum Co distribution of petroleum products to the East African markets 27 UPSTREAM: SOUTH i Interest in Energy Africa Ltd, a Involved in the exploration Exploration & Production AERIC A subsidiary of Engen Ltd and production of oil and gas in the North Sea, Congo, Gabon, South i Interest in Engen Ltd Africa and Sub-Saharan Operational DOWNSTREAM: Africa Refill ing/Prod uct Engen owns and operates a Retailing: refinery in Durban and has more than 1,250 service stations in Southern Africa 28 UPSTREAM: Exploration & Production SI 1) AN i.Interest in Blocks 1, and China National Petroleum Integrated development of through a joint venture company, Corporation (CNPC) oil field and construction Greater Nile Petroleum Operating ONGV Videsh and of 1.504 km pipeline from Company Ltd (GNPOC) Sudapet (Sudan's National the fields to Port Sudan Oil Company) Under joint Reserves estimated at 600 operatorship million barrels ii.Interest in Block 5A OMV and Sudapet Production started in June iii Interest in Block 5B IPC Sudan Ltd, OMV and 1999 Sudapet iv Interest in Blocks & through CNPC, Sudapet, Gulf a joint venture company, Petroleum Corp (GPSC) PETROD AR Operating Company and Al-Thani Under joint Ltd operatorship v Interest in Blocks Sudapet and High Tech Exploration Exploration Group Joint operatorship by PETRONAS Carigaii Overseas and Sudapet 136 Exploration DOWNSTREAM: i Operates service stations and Product retailing & markets petroleum products marketing ii Owns and operates bulk terminals, depots, aviation depots and bunkering facility 29 Engineering SW II ZERI.AND Interest in Sauber PETRONAS Red Bull Sauber Holding Undertakes technical Engineering AG AG research and development activities in the field of automotive engineering technology The company develops the engine for the Sauber PETRONAS Formula One Racing Team 30 DOWNSTREAM: THAILAND i Retailing and distribution of Nova Gas International Completed in 1998 Hunt Oil (Operator) Exploration petroleum products ii Pipeline Operation Managed and constructed a 260 km pipeline from the Yadana Field in Myanmar to Thailand 31 UPSTREAM: TOGO i Interest in Togo offshore Block Exploration & Production 137 32 UPSTREAM: I RKMI XIS I \\ i Production sharing contractor for Exploration & Production Further exploration and Block South Caspian Sea development Three discovered oil/gas fields in Apsheran Sill Discovered oil and gas reserves in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea through the East Livanov- 2A well 33 DOWNSTREAM: I XI I I I) LNG Terminal KINGDOM i Interest in Dragon LNG BG Group and Petroplus Development of LNG terminal and related facilities in Milford Haven, Wales The terminal is scheduled to start operation by 2007 34 UPSTREAM: ME I X VM i Operates offshore Blocks and Exploration & Production PetroVietnam Exploration Developing Ruby, & Production Company Emerald and Topaz oil (PVEP) fields The Ruby field started production in late 1998 ii Interest in Blocks 10 and 11.1 PetroVietnam Investment through a joint venture company, and Development 138 Exploration Con Son Joint Operating Company iii Interest in Block 46-Cai Nuoc Company (PlDC) and PERTAMINA Under joint Production iv Interest in Block 46/02 through a operatorship joint venture company, Truong Son Talisman (Operator) and Joint Operating Company PIDC v Interest in Blocks 01/97 and PVEP and Talisman 02/97 through a joint venture Vietnam Ltd Under joint company, Lam Son Joint Operating operatorship Exploration PVEP Under joint Exploration operatorship Operational Exploration Company vi Interest in Blocks 102 & 106 DOWNSTREAM: Petrochemicals i.Joint venture in LPG terminalling, ATI Petroleum Inc (ATIP) bottling and distribution - Thang and PIDC Long LPG JV Co PetroVietnam Gas Corp i Interest in a polyvinyl chloride PetroVietnam Gas Corp plant in Vung Tau under a joint and Tramatsuco Operational venture company, Phu My Plastics and Chemicals Co Ltd (PMPC) 35 UPSTREAM: \ EMI \ i Interest in Block 52 Ansan Wikfs and Yemen Corp Exploration & Production 139 Exploration

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 20:47


