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Full name SỰ HÒA HỢP GIỮA CHỦ NGỮ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ key I Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1 Five thousand dollars big sum of money It''''s worth trying A are a B are C is a[.]

Full name:………………………………………………… SỰ HÒA HỢP GIỮA CHỦ NGỮ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ- key I Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: Five thousand dollars big sum of money It's worth trying A are a B are C is a D would be Question 2: Someone upstairs when I entered the house A are talking B is talking C were talking D was talking Question Not only Linda but also John down the names for the course in French A has put B have put C are put D are putting Question 4: Half of the letters she sent him in purple ink A wrote B has written C was written D were written Question 5: Psychologists have found that the number of social contacts we have only reason for loneliness A are not the B is not the C are not an D is not an Question 6: None of the students to go outside the Main Hall while the ceremony was taking place A was allowed B is allowed C are allowed D were allowed Question 7: Can I borrow your scissors? Mine broken A is B has been C are D was Question The facilities at the new research library, including an excellent microfilm file, wonderful A are B is C has been D was Question 9: Every man and woman in our country the same equality A have B had C have had D has Question 10: In the hotel, the bread and butter for breakfast A is served B are served C serves D serve Question 11: The herd of cows towards the river! What is happening? A are running B is running C has been running D have been running Question 12: Everyone who a ticket should be in this line A hasn't purchased B doesn't purchase C don't purchase D haven't purchased Question 13: 75 percent of the students in this school very stupid Fortunately, I belong to the remaining 40 percent A were B have been C are D.is Question 14: Billiards _ considered to be an artistic sport A has B are C have D.is Question 15: Here _ the clown that you _best A comes/ likes B come/ like C comes/like D come likes Question 16: Cattle _raised mostly in the south of the United States A has B are C have D is Question 17: Measles _proven to be caused by a kind of virus A are B is C has D have Question 18: The United Nations _its headquarters in New York city A to have B having C have D has Question 19: What he told you _to be of no importance A have seemed B seems C must seem D seem Question 20: Mr John, accompanied by several members of the committee, _proposed some changes of the rules A has B is C are D have Question 21: Tom doesn't agree but the rest of us _ A does B done C D doing Question 22: A lunch of soup and sandwiches _not appeal to all of the students A does B are C is D Question 23: The young in this country _to take part in more extra-curricular activities A is being encouraged B is encouraging C are encouraging D are being encouraged Question 24: John or you _to be responsible for the unfinished work A are B.is C have D has Question 25: Three kilos of potatoes _the basket heavier A makes B C does D make Question 26: Pliers _for holding things firmly or cutting wire A are B am C be D is Question 27: My sister, together with her two children, _to Hawaii at the moment A flies B fly C are flying D is flying Question 28 The police _come to the site of the accident A have B have been C has been D has Question 29: Jim as well as I _always busy doing English homework A are B is C am D be Question 30: Both of the girls _pretty, but neither of them _ intelligent A are/ is B.is/is C are/ are D is/are II Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: A number of unexpected events _us from carrying out the plan A has prevented B have prevented C was preventing D have been prevented Question 2: Sometimes, Mathematics _very difficult to understand to me! How can 550 divided by equal 275? A was B are C were D.is Question 3: What I admire about the Japanese is _ A how disciplined they were B how disciplined it is C how disciplined it was D how disciplined they are Question 4: The City Committee _trying to make the final decision about the matter A.is B am C are D be Question 5: In the past, measles _incurable A is thought to be B were thought to be C was thought to be D are thought to be Question 6: To learn a language effectively _determination and patience You must never give up! A requires B is requiring C require D has required Question 7: The Smiths, together with their son Jamie, _to Paris next week A is going B are going C was going D were going Question 8: Neither the coach nor the players _happy about the referee's decision to award the opposing team a penalty in last week's match A is B are C were D was Question 9: That's incredible! He defeated Thomas! Nobody _to that before! A was managing B has ever managed C have ever managed D has been managing Question 10: The number of applicants this year _unbelievable! A had been B.is С Were D are the Question 11: One of the girls who _working in this department _my niece A was/ were B are/ is C is/ being D is/ are Question 12: Above the fireplaces _a portrait of Lenin A is B be C to be D are Question 13: What _you used in picking a winner in the art contest? A are the criterios B is the criteria C are the criterion D are the criteria Question 14 Each of the types of human _suited for a specific purpose A tooth is B teeth is C teeth are D tooth are Question 15 Several _sleeping under a tree A of lions were B lions were C lion was D of the lions was Question 16: The fact that the new staff members were complimented on their achievement _known to the whole company A has B have C was D are Question 17 Neither Jim nor his brothers _to school Their father teaches them at home A have never been B has ever been C have ever been D ever go Question 18 The first two problems _very difficult but _is not A are -the rest B is- the other C are – another D are -the last Question 19 Many of the _not used today They are remnants of the past A railroad's tracks around here are B railroad's tracks around here is C railroad tracks around here is D railroad's track around here are Question 20 Ten minutes _actually a very long time if you have nothing to A is B have been C are D has been II Choose your best options to indicate the part which needs correcting in each of the following Question 21 Either the father or his children is going to be interviewed next week, but nobody knows for sure who will be chosen A his children is B to be interviewed C will be chosen D knows Question 22 A number of equipment was broken yesterday Needless to say, we have received a lot of complaints since then, including those from students who were almost injured A have received B were almost injured C was broken D A number of Question 23 While 25 percent of the students in this class are bilingual, the remaining 75 percent of them has no knowledge of any other language besides their mother tongue A an B has C language D the students Question 24 I really feel that the increase in government funding is going to enable us to help the poor, who is desperately in need of help, more effectively A feel B is going to C is D to help Question 25 Someone has set the building on fire and now we can see that the police is ordering people to stay away from the area It is also reported that some officers are in pursuit of suspects A are B is also reported C has set D is Question 26 A bouquet of red flowers were placed in the middle of the wooden table Strangely, all children except Valerie were unable to see it A were unable B it C were placed D all children Question 27 As breaking and entering are against the law, the thief and his accomplice were sentenced to months in prison However, not everyone is satisfied and some people have already demanded for a more severe punishment A are B were C is D have already demanded Question 28 Excitement, along with a twinge of nervousness, was the cause of her constantly shaking However, she was certain that her performance would be successful and that everybody as well as the judges were going to be amazed A were going to be B would be C was certain D was Question 29 If Joanne was here, she would certainly be very unhappy! Your decision was absolutely outrageous and now nobody is going to trust our company anymore! A would certainly be B was absolutely outrageous C was D is going to trust Question 30 The doctor suggested that he exercise more regularly But for him, to exercise are to torture himself A But B are C suggested D exercise ... that before! A was managing B has ever managed C have ever managed D has been managing Question 10: The number of applicants this year _unbelievable! A had been B.is С Were D are the Question

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2023, 15:31



