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Full name TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA I Choose A, B, C or D to replace the underlined part so that the meaning of the sentence will remain unchanged 1 The woman decided to devote herself to social work A determine[.]

Full name:………………………………………………… TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA I Choose A, B, C or D to replace the underlined part so that the meaning of the sentence will remain unchanged The woman decided to devote herself to social work A determine B appeal C assist D dedicate The project is too costly to be feasible at the present time A tangible B practicable /ˈpræktɪkəbl/ C capable D impossible Though the climb was risky, several adventurous tourists managed to reach the top A costly B tiring C hazardous D bumpy Strict laws must be passed to stop factories from discharging toxic chemicals into the sea A producing B obtaining C dismissing D releasing The excessive use of pesticides has a detrimental effect on the local groundwater A useless B fundamental C harmless D harmful Shy children need to have a lot of encouragement to build their confidence A Timid B Shameful C Naughty D Mischievous There weren't many tough questions in the test, so we could answer most of them A simple B important C interesting D difficult All drinks that include saccharin must be marked with a warning label A medications B desserts C beverages ˈbevərɪdʒ/ D packages We got up a bit late, but luckily we still had sufficient time to get to the airport A deficient B ample C insufficient D spare 10 His travel schedule keeps him in perpetual motion A rhythmic B continuous C rapid D periodic 11 I've had enough of his hollow promises, so I don't trust him any longer A sturdy B truncated C empty D large 12 Changing the departure time entails getting up two hours earlier /ɪnˈteɪl/ A refers B mentions C lengthens D involves 13 He was sacked because he was late for work many times A relieved B recalled C dismissed D enrolled 14 They are not married, but they are in a stable relationship A steady B close C strong D clear 15 It was unavoidable that the smaller company should merge with the larger one A necessary B urgent C uncertain D inevitable 16 His last attempt seemed to be futile and she still left A difficult B hostile C pointless D convincing 17 She has a snug little apartment in Boston A dirty B cheap C cold D cosy 18 His involvement in illicit drug dealing ended with the police raid this morning A irregular B illegal C secret D serious 19 Sedatives calm a person without actually inducing sleep A prolonging B stopping C causing D preventing 20 Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another disaster A catastrophe B phenomenon C conflict D flood 21 The firefighters bravely fought against the fire A courageously B carefully C impatiently D strongly 22 Avaricious people always have extreme desire for wealth /ˌævəˈrɪʃəs/ A Hungry B Violent C Jealous 23 Failure to observe the school rules will lead to punishment A control B obey C watch 24 A lot of new schools have been built in our province in the last two years D Greedy D obtain A obstructed B instructed C constructed D retracted 25 A makeshift hospital was put up near the battle field to treat wounded soldiers A luxurious B conditional C movable D provisional 26 Mr Fox sat down at the desk and started to pen a letter to the local authority A write B send C post D mail 27 The meeting has been postponed three times A cancelled B organised C deterred D deferred 28 The boy is short-sighted and he has to wear glasses A myopic /maɪˈɒpɪk/ B blind C unforeseeable D eye-catching 29 They know that going back to live in the countryside will be a retrograde /ˈretrəɡreɪd/ step A upward B backward C forward D onward 30 The forecast says precipitation /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn/ in this area will be 2,500 to 3,000 mm this year A surface B density C rainfall D erosion 31 Two makeshift hospitals have just been built to treat an increasing number of patients A provisional /prəˈvɪʒənl/= temporary B modern C detachable D convertible 32 Research has found that children who imbibe too much coke can become obese /ɪmˈbaɪb/ A accumulate B purchase C collect D drink 33 My father is quite old, so he can't read newspapers without his spectacles A flashlights B glasses C pictures D relatives 34 After the accident he had two prosthetic legs A artificial B robotic C shortened D additional 35 The bowls and the plates are delicate, so please handle them with care A precious B beautiful C fragile D durable 36 The spy was sentenced to death as he had revealed secrets to the enemies A concealed B disclosed C disguised D obtained 37 The daughter of the president was abducted from her car by some masked men A attacked B abused C threatened D kidnapped 38 It is reported that a decapitated body was found floating in a canal /dɪˈkæpɪteɪt/ A naked B deceived C beheaded D decayed 39 According to the law, drug abusers must be incarcerated /ɪnˈkɑːsəreɪt/ in rehabilitation /ˌriːəˌbɪlɪˈteɪʃn/ centres A imprisoned B quarantined C educated D constrained 40 The fact that she posted fake news on Facebook was deliberate A sceptical B intentional C accidental D negligent 41 As she got pregnant when she was at university, she decided to have an early termination A abolition B delivery C miscarriage D abortion 42 The discovery of a new planet was a great triumph of astronomy A success B failure C invention D finding 43 A democratic society must be based on equity and social justice /ˈekwəti/ A prejudice B happiness C fairness D freedom 44 The huge distance between two countries is no longer an obstacle to communication A a fence B a hindrance C a force D a pull 45 Water evaporates when it is heated on a stove or placed in the sun A boils B freezes C condenses D vaporises /ˈveɪpəraɪz/ 46 We will everything in our power to bring the criminals to justice A perpetrators /ˈpɜːpətreɪtə(r)/ B benefactors 47 The most modern building in this city has a circular shape A triangular B square C round C sponsors D strange D investors 48 Some roads have been closed because of inundation /ˌɪnʌnˈdeɪʃn/ A accident B flooding C repair D drought II Choose A, B, C or D to replace the underlined part so that the meaning of the sentence will remain unchanged Could you please back up your car so that I can get out? A reverse B support C move D remove A bomb suddenly blew up and killed five people in the square A expanded B exploded C appeared D founded Her parents brought up her children because she couldn't find a job A checked B cared C raised D loved Doris decided to call off the wedding as her fiancé was unfaithful to her A defer B postpone C delay D cancel His leg was cut off as it was severely injured in the road accident A renewed B removed C replaced D released Billy, who is only five years old, can up his coat by himself A fasten B shorten C lengthen D wash The secretary crossed out the old address and wrote the new one A erased B recorded C deleted D returned The inhabitants in the area required that the government away with the current regulations A realise B accept C pass D abolish Our teacher asked all of us to hand in our essays by Friday this week A review B discuss C submit D receive 10 I turned down the job offer as I didn't want to move A reduced B refused C revised D regained 11 After she had reported her missing dog to the police, he suddenly turned up A appeared B shouted C vanished D returned 12 Some American scientists are trying out the vaccine against the novel coronavirus A testing B selling C developing D discovering 13 He takes after his father in appearance: he has his father's eyes and nose A sympathises B represents C resembles D symbolises 14 Joe made up a story about why he was late for the meeting A composed B recited C printed D invented 15 Their grandmother passed away last week after a long illness A hospitalised B died C weakened D recovered 16 Hardly had the lady finished reading the letter when she passed out A shouted B fainted C vomited D cried 17 They put off the trip until the end of the year because of the outbreak of COVID-19 A postponed B cancelled C advanced D changed 18 The neighbours helped us to put out the fire before the firefighters came A abolish B distinguish C extinguish D diminish 19 The train left the station and soon speeded up A vanished B disappeared C decelerated D accelerated 20 Before Christmas many shopping centres take on more staff as the quantity of work increases A dismiss B employ C overpay D train 21 A group of students are carrying out an experiment in the laboratory A performing B making C transporting D watching 22 That aggressive young driver cut up a truck on a bend, which was so dangerous A overrode B oversaw C overtook D overwrote 23 The riverbank is being eaten away year by year, so many people have to move house A accumulated B extended C expanded D eroded 24 The children have made a mess in the bedroom, so it needs sorting out A painting B tidying C washing D furnishing 25 Her husband finally owned up to betraying her and hoped she would forgive him A confessed B possessed C decided D discussed 26 We need to move the table and four chairs as they take up too much room A justify B apply C enjoy D occupy 27 In some cultures it is considered rude to break in on someone's conversation A interact B interfere C interrupt D intercept 28 When my visa runs out in the next six months, I will have to renew it A fades B validates C expires D misses 29 I met her at a party last year and we fell for each other instantly A helped B loved C danced D talked 30 You needn't answer all of the questions, but you can leave out some of them A reserve B answer C delete D omit 31 The winning entry will be picked out at random by computer A selected B informed C noticed D notified 32 The police used tear gas to break up the demonstrators who gathered in the square A extinguish B disperse C destroy D threaten 33 We didn't want to drag out the discussion, so we came to a conclusion A interrupt B lengthen C prolong D shorten 34 The man was so extravagant with money that his debts gradually piled up A returned B decreased C disappeared D accumulated 35 Due to its urgency, the meeting has been brought forward by a week, from June 14 to June A postponed B advanced C delayed D dated 36 Remember to go over your answers before you submit your paper A review B rewrite C redo D return 37 This factory turned out five hundred cars each day before the epidemic stroke A purchased B exported C produced D imported 38 If the sun did not send out light and heat, life on earth would come to an end A explode B emit C transfer D provide 39 The school bus picks up the children at the school at four in the afternoon A visits B assists C releases D collects 40 Many people donate to local charities as they identify with the needy in their community A sympathise B understand C communicate D unify 41 The director asked his assistant to stand in for him at the meeting because he was away A direct B deputise /ˈdepjutaɪz/ C control D speak 42 A group of reporters headed off the notorious pop star as he was leaving the hotel A interacted B interviewed C intercepted D informed 43 The athlete made a great effort to get over injury to win the gold medal in the Olympics A operate B overcome C discover D uncover 44 Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week A stabilised B fluctuated C decreased D recovered 45 My son can work out the volume of common solids such as a cube, a sphere and a cylinder A calculate B exercise C succeed D apply 46 The car slowed down when it approached a sharp bend in the road A accelerated B decreased C decelerated D stopped 47 My cousin and her husband broke up after having lived with each other for nine years A interrupted B divorced C remarried D escaped 48 If you can't put up with all the noise children make, you shouldn't choose to be a nanny A forgive B cover C overhear D tolerate

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2023, 15:31
