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1 Full name TỪ ĐA NGHĨA Choose A, B, C or D that best replaces or explains the underlined part 1 On account of some drastic measures, Vietnam has managed to contain the disease A restrain B control C[.]

Full name:…………………………………………… TỪ ĐA NGHĨA Choose A, B, C or D that best replaces or explains the underlined part On account of some drastic measures, Vietnam has managed to contain the disease A restrain B control C hold D comprise The girl couldn't contain her anger any longer, so she shouted at the man A restrain B conceal C comprise D concede We should avoid eating foods that contain a lot of sugar, salt or additives A consist B control C have D restrain I failed to write her exact address on the envelope, so the letter was returned A good deal B postage stamp C formal speech D home details He was very surprised when I addressed him in English A wrote to B sent to C dealt with D spoke to The president delivered a keynote address at the press conference A new policy B small talk C formal speech D home info A month after the theft, the police were eventually able to recover the stolen painting A invent B find C arrest D catch It will take a long time for the economy to recover after the pandemic A revive B regain C refund D repeat People in our country not usually observe Father's Day A notice B celebrate C comply D monitor 10 All visitors are required to observe the regulations of the art gallery A monitor B notice C obey D perform 11 Entering the hall, I observed that all the seats had already been taken A obeyed B commented C monitored D noticed 12 My old laptop was out of work and the technician couldn't fix it, so I bought a new one А repair B attach C prepare D install 13 As a secretary, Jane's responsibility is to fix meetings for her boss A preserve B repair C change D arrange 14 Text messages are sent to each citizen to extend public awareness of the dangers of Covid-19 A attract B increase C lengthen D expand 15 Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car by two or three years A decrease B shorten C prolong D enlarge 16 Every employee had a feeling of depression when the news of the job cuts was announced A sadness B happiness C tiredness D hopefulness 17 There was a depression in the sand where he had been lying A pillow B hollow C mattress D deckchair 18 My cousin contracted malaria while he was travelling to a tropical country A took B gave C made D caught 19 Mr Smith has contracted to work full-time for an estate company A signed a formal letter B made a legal agreement C rejected a kind offer D considered a document 20 The muscle of the heart relaxes to fill it with blood and contracts to pump the blood A changes B removes C squeezes D breathes 21 We have six periods of Mathematics every week because we major in the subject A classes B times C quizzes D problems 22 A woman who is not pregnant has monthly periods - blood flows from her womb once a month A injury B menstruation /ˌmenstruˈeɪʃn/ C bleeding D timeline 23 You must put a period at the end of a sentence when you write in English or in Vietnamese A endnote B finisher C stopper D full stop 24 Don't you think we can find a practical solution to this problem? A workable B permanent C radical D speedy 25 Her father tends to wear shoes that are practical rather than fashionable A stylish B trendy C ugly D sensible 26 Real Madrid have played very well this year, so it's a practical certainty that they'll win the cup A genuine B moral C virtual D total 27 The customs officer stopped him and asked to see his papers A questions B documents C newspapers D possessions 28 My father used to read a paper during breakfast every morning A document B sheet C newspaper D magazine C returned D reiterated /riˈɪtəreɪt/ 29 The kidnappers renewed their threats just now A retreated B reworded 30 You should renew the wiring in your house every ten years A replace B retake C repeat D repair 31 The two governments are going to renew their negotiations A finish B resume C rewire D begin 32 Magnus Carlsen is widely acknowledged to be the best chess player in the world A classified B considered C recognised D identified 33 She did not acknowledge that she had done a wrong thing A Know B deny C admit D insist 34 We acknowledged financial support from several organisations A certified receipt of B took advantage of C showed interest in D expressed thanks for C producer D newscaster 35 The show is hosted by a popular TV personality A celebrity B weatherman 36 My two sons have very different personalities: the eldest is timid and the youngest is sociable A appearances B characters C interests D images 37 The majority of teachers back the new educational reform of the Ministry of Education A detest B protest C support D report 38 The student driver backed the car into the glass door and broke it A covered up B hit back C drove forwards D moved backwards 39 I backed the horse that came first and won two hundred dollars A got onto B bet on C sat on D rode on 40 My watch not only tells the time, but it also shows my heart beat and blood pressure A timepiece B observation C guard D watchman 41 Some of the crew were sleeping, while others were on watch A guard duty B watchman C timepiece D warder 42 I realise that all that he has done for me is just his game A secret B trick C sport D match 43 The government has spent a large amount of money on game reserves A sports event B secret plan C wild animal D fun activity 44 The man was sentenced to death for a murder he had not committed A admitted B promised C witnessed D perpetrated /ˈpɜːpətreɪt/ 45 The woman suffered from severe depression and was committed to a psychiatric hospital A sent B made C set D spread 46 Mr White is promoted because he has committed to the company for twenty years A been kind B been loyal C been cruel D been addicted 47 As she has very little experience, she needs your advice on some business matters A partners B situations C affairs D ingredients 48 Tim exceeded the speed limit, and to make matters worse, he didn't have a driving licence A substances B situations C materials D positions 49 I wonder what the matter is with his new car as he is not driving to work today A substance B question C situation D problem 50 The soil in this garden is fertile because it is rich in organic matter A substances B components C problems D issues 51 One of the policemen hit a violent protester with a billy club A stick B racket C card D venue 52 Nick took a risk by playing the ace of club and luckily he won the game A police weapon B card suit C golf equipment D sports hall 53 If you are a member of her fan club, you can get tickets at a discount A entertainment B gymnasium C building D organisation 54 Several solutions to the traffic problems in big cities have been sought A measures B proposals C answers D regulations 55 Stomach aches can often be eased with an alkaline solution such as bicarbonate of soda A solid B refreshment C liquid D mineral 56 Keeping calm during a job interview is the key to success A padlock B method C hindrance D secret 57 You should try to the exercises yourself before looking at the key on the last page of the book A set of answers B marking scheme C set of scores D answer sheet 58 The skillful secretary's hands seemed to fly over the keys of the typewriter A letters B buttons C symbols D numbers 59 Their daughter was born with an incurable heart condition A circumstance B regulation C disease D situation 60 The bar was licensed subject to the condition that no children be admitted A promise B illness C problem D rule 61 Although mine is a second-hand car, it is still in excellent condition A state B term C status D look 62 There has been a lot of research in the field of language acquisition A region B area C activity D ground 63 The match between our school team and the visiting team took place on our football field A pitch B land C club D earth 64 We went to the countryside and we walked across ploughed fields A landfills B subjects C reserves D farmlands 65 I can't remember who is currently holding the world record for the long jump A written account B first champion C best result D worst performance 66 Our mother has a habit of keeping an accurate record of her spending A best result B written account C quick note D music disc 67 Her new album has sold more than one million copies, and she has received a platinum disc A record B result C account D plateful 68 The woman gave the police a detailed account of the accident A picture B prescription C image D description 69 Several of our most important accounts have left our company and used our rival's services A customs officers B regular customers C full explanations D statistical figures 70 If the master copy of the film is not kept safe, pirated DVDs will be produced A illegal B duplicate C original D final 71 The faithful dog has been waiting for his master for fifteen years A teacher B trainer C partner D owner 72 The man whom you have just talked to is a past master in treating autistic children a person who is very skilled in a particular activity: A an expert B a teacher C a painter D a magician 73 In my company the sales manager is very critical: he always criticises us A analytical B judgemental /dʒʌdʒˈmentl/ C logical D rational 74 The competence of the teacher is a critical factor affecting educational performance A minor B crucial C contributory D secret 75 The two victims of the road accident remain in a critical condition A perfect B strange C strict D serious 76 The principal himself will honour excellent students and present prizes at the ceremony A show B receive C give D hold 77 We are looking forward to watching their presentation at the theatre next weekend A concert B lecture C performance D speech 78 The young author gave some presentation copies at the local library A free books B cash gifts C computer slides D printed photos 79 I'm pleased to inform you that your application for membership has been approved A request B submission C tuition D reference 80 The Ministry of Education encourages the application of technology to teaching A spread B use C charge D trial 81 Leaming a foreign language is becoming easier thanks to a lot of mobile applications A footwear B glassware C hardware D software 82 The exciting match between Liverpool and Manchester United ended in a three- all tie A fight B win C draw D row 83 In a happy family, children should have strong ties with their parents A bonds B limits C moods D tasks 84 Young adults always want freedom, so they don't like any ties A fantasies B connections C orders D restrictions ... plan C wild animal D fun activity 44 The man was sentenced to death for a murder he had not committed A admitted B promised C witnessed D perpetrated /ˈpɜːpətreɪt/ 45 The woman suffered from severe... watch A guard duty B watchman C timepiece D warder 42 I realise that all that he has done for me is just his game A secret B trick C sport D match 43 The government has spent a large amount of money... onto B bet on C sat on D rode on 40 My watch not only tells the time, but it also shows my heart beat and blood pressure A timepiece B observation C guard D watchman 41 Some of the crew were sleeping,

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2023, 15:31
