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Lei3025 assignment 2 individual consultancy report mai anh ngoc

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ABSTRACT Over the last two decades, the debate over customer satisfaction and service quality have remained among tourism and hospitality research topics Therefore, the current study critiques service. ABSTRACTOver the last two decades, the debate over customer satisfaction and service quality have remained among tourism and hospitality research topics. Therefore, the current study critiques service management and leadership principles and suggests a combination of servant leadership style and customer orientation in hospitality conduction. Some recommendations for human resource and marketing policies to improve the quality of hospitality services are also proposed in the last section. TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACTiTABLE OF CONTENTSiiI. INTRODUCTION1II. FINDING22.1. Relevant theories relevant to service quality in the contemporary hospitality industry22.2. Critique the principles of hospitality service leadership22.3. Different approaches to service management evaluation and realistic recommendations32.4. Researchers argument42.5. Key issues that affect hospitality operations and solutions for service improvement5III. CONCLUSION6References8  I. INTRODUCTIONService quality and customer satisfaction have emerged as essential topics in tourism and hospitality research that have gotten much attention from academics and researchers. Since the initial models of service quality were published in the mid1980s, there have been many publications. Service quality is critical to a companys profitability because it leads to repeat business and customer loyalty in the long run (Rhoades, 2006). However, the approaches to investigating leadership principles and service management did not dominate research on service quality and customer satisfaction in the tourism and hospitality industry. As a result, these factors remain a significant competitive advantage for tourism and hospitality businesses. This research aims to examine management and leadership trends, identify shortcomings, and make recommendations. The next section contains reviews of the literature on hospitality service quality. It is then followed by research on leadership principles and management approaches, which leads to an argument for feasible hospitality management. The study also investigates critical issues affecting hospitality operations and solutions to these issues before concluding this paper. II. FINDING2.1. Relevant theories relevant to service quality in the contemporary hospitality industryThe tourism industry is highly fragmented, with numerous sectors and subsectors catering to visitors needs. Visitors interact with various service providers, and the interaction process and service delivery reflect critical attributes in the tourism consumption process, such as value, quality, and satisfaction. In short, hospitality service quality is an assessment drawn from the comparison between the quality expected and the quality of the service received by the customer (Laws, 2001). From the perspective of service consumers, hotel service quality is the level of customer satisfaction. Based on perception, the quality of hotel service is the customers evaluation drawn while consumption of the service; and based on experience, hotel service quality is the customers evaluation drawn after using and experiencing the services provided by the hotel. From these criteria, this investigation studies the dependence of hospitality product quality on leadership principles and service management styles.2.2. Critique the principles of hospitality service leadership Popper (2005) stated three main leadership principles in the light industry: democracy, transformational and servant leadership. Each principle has outstanding features, but there are also specific limitations when applied to the hospitality industry. While democracy is considered one of the most effective governance trends, this method is not wholly perfect. Limitations of the democratic leadership style in the hospitality industry include delayed decisionmaking, risk of poor quality solutions and dissent. Where the team members roles are not clearly defined will cause delays in making decisions. At that time, gratis management can lead to ineffective internal communication, affecting the ability to achieve the desired goals. Also, disagreement is inevitable, leading to a decline in employee morale and satisfaction.Transformational leaders often focus on individual needs, leading to employee burnout (Niemiec, 2020). Transformational leaders seek diversity because more opinions and experiences lead to more innovation. Transformational leaders encourage employees to seek opportunities to enhance their hospitality expertise to foster diversity. The needs of individuals are often the focus of the leader rather than the needs of the group as a whole, meaning that one team member tends to receive more attention than others in the field. That leads to a lack of trust among team members, ultimately affecting work productivity. However, if it is necessary to maintain a high level of productivity for long periods, it can lead to employee exhaustion.According to Lacroix (2017), servant leaders can overabdicate power and fade into the woodwork in their attempt to lead from behind, inadvertently making their impact invisible to the organization. They may seek refuge in the comfort of serving their employees, preferring not to engage higher up the chain and thus failing to establish a strong presence with their leaders. All hospitality organizations value servant leaders, but they also expect them to be highly competent leaders in their field, with authority, control and the power to influence in all directions (Cho, 2015). Furthermore, classic servant leaders frequently clash with bosses who do not share the same leadership philosophies. Priorities, for example, can quickly clash when the servant leader seeks to protect the people first and the leader seeks to protect profit first. This disagreement can erode the servant leaders trust in the eyes of their boss, making it harder for them to obtain the resources and support they require to serve their constituents best.2.3. Different approaches to service management evaluation and realistic recommendationsAccording to Downar (2018), four critical aspects of the Service Management perspective can be identified: the overall traditional perspective, customer focus, quality focus internal development and reinforcement. Traditional management focuses more on costcutting efforts, specialization, and the division of labour, which affects service quality, creates employee deterioration, jeopardizes external affairs, and eventually declines profitability and customer fulfilment in the long run. The hospitality industry can use software that supports technology and links the business to the market to solve this problem. The use of technology in enterprise production activities to increase efficiency and economy is becoming more widespread, particularly in the problem of reception reservation and the accuracy of business reports. In addition, hospitality businesses can collaborate with tour companies and service quality review blogs.Customer orientation is simply a business method or strategy in which a company solves a problem for a customer at first. It is all about helping clients achieve their goals, and the customers needs are valued more than the needs of the business. However, keeping up with market trends is difficult for new hospitality businesses, especially the young generation, who change the demand to experience fast over time (Anon, 2020). Therefore, in order to be able to orient the service quality following customers, service providers should have surveys for popular customer groups and continuously update changes in hospitality service trends through social networks.Quality management is clearly understood to be an essential component of service management theory (Pizam, 2015). Researchers strongly advocate that the customer determines what quality is and that customerperceived quality should be studied. Quickly responding to requests helps the hotel receive positive feedback from guests. Long processing times for simple requests, such as when a guest requests a blanket replacement or the remote controls battery is dead, can be frustrating and lead to negative feedback about the hotel. The hotel will function better and satisfy the guests if there is a team of trained staff focused on working together to aid the guests, and the staff should be friendly and appropriate when dealing with visitors complaints.

ABSTRACT Over the last two decades, the debate over customer satisfaction and service quality have remained among tourism and hospitality research topics Therefore, the current study critiques service management and leadership principles and suggests a combination of servant leadership style and customer orientation in hospitality conduction Some recommendations for human resource and marketing policies to improve the quality of hospitality services are also proposed in the last section TABLE OF CONTENT i ABSTRACT i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii I INTRODUCTION II FINDING 2.1 Relevant theories relevant to service quality in the contemporary hospitality industry .2 2.2 Critique the principles of hospitality service leadership 2.3 Different approaches to service management evaluation and realistic recommendations 2.4 Researcher's argument 2.5 Key issues that affect hospitality operations and solutions for service improvement .5 III CONCLUSION .6 References ii I INTRODUCTION Service quality and customer satisfaction have emerged as essential topics in tourism and hospitality research that have gotten much attention from academics and researchers Since the initial models of service quality were published in the mid-1980s, there have been many publications Service quality is critical to a company's profitability because it leads to repeat business and customer loyalty in the long run (Rhoades, 2006) However, the approaches to investigating leadership principles and service management did not dominate research on service quality and customer satisfaction in the tourism and hospitality industry As a result, these factors remain a significant competitive advantage for tourism and hospitality businesses This research aims to examine management and leadership trends, identify shortcomings, and make recommendations The next section contains reviews of the literature on hospitality service quality It is then followed by research on leadership principles and management approaches, which leads to an argument for feasible hospitality management The study also investigates critical issues affecting hospitality operations and solutions to these issues before concluding this paper II FINDING 2.1 Relevant theories relevant to service quality in the contemporary hospitality industry The tourism industry is highly fragmented, with numerous sectors and sub-sectors catering to visitors' needs Visitors interact with various service providers, and the interaction process and service delivery reflect critical attributes in the tourism consumption process, such as value, quality, and satisfaction In short, hospitality service quality is an assessment drawn from the comparison between the quality expected and the quality of the service received by the customer (Laws, 2001) From the perspective of service consumers, hotel service quality is the level of customer satisfaction Based on perception, the quality of hotel service is the customer's evaluation drawn while "consumption" of the service; and based on experience, hotel service quality is the customer's evaluation drawn after using and experiencing the services provided by the hotel From these criteria, this investigation studies the dependence of hospitality product quality on leadership principles and service management styles 2.2 Critique the principles of hospitality service leadership Popper (2005) stated three main leadership principles in the light industry: democracy, transformational and servant leadership Each principle has outstanding features, but there are also specific limitations when applied to the hospitality industry While democracy is considered one of the most effective governance trends, this method is not wholly perfect Limitations of the democratic leadership style in the hospitality industry include delayed decision-making, risk of poor quality solutions and dissent Where the team members' roles are not clearly defined will cause delays in making decisions At that time, gratis management can lead to ineffective internal communication, affecting the ability to achieve the desired goals Also, disagreement is inevitable, leading to a decline in employee morale and satisfaction Transformational leaders often focus on individual needs, leading to employee burnout (Niemiec, 2020) Transformational leaders seek diversity because more opinions and experiences lead to more innovation Transformational leaders encourage employees to seek opportunities to enhance their hospitality expertise to foster diversity The needs of individuals are often the focus of the leader rather than the needs of the group as a whole, meaning that one team member tends to receive more attention than others in the field That leads to a lack of trust among team members, ultimately affecting work productivity However, if it is necessary to maintain a high level of productivity for long periods, it can lead to employee exhaustion According to Lacroix (2017), servant leaders can over-abdicate power and fade into the woodwork in their attempt to "lead from behind," inadvertently making their impact invisible to the organization They may seek refuge in the comfort of serving their employees, preferring not to engage higher up the chain and thus failing to establish a strong presence with their leaders All hospitality organizations value servant leaders, but they also expect them to be highly competent leaders in their field, with authority, control and the power to influence in all directions (Cho, 2015) Furthermore, classic servant leaders frequently clash with bosses who not share the same leadership philosophies Priorities, for example, can quickly clash when the servant leader seeks to protect the people first and the leader seeks to protect profit first This disagreement can erode the servant leader's trust in the eyes of their boss, making it harder for them to obtain the resources and support they require to serve their constituents best 2.3 Different approaches to service management evaluation and realistic recommendations According to Downar (2018), four critical aspects of the Service Management perspective can be identified: the overall traditional perspective, customer focus, quality focus & internal development and reinforcement Traditional management focuses more on cost-cutting efforts, specialization, and the division of labour, which affects service quality, creates employee deterioration, jeopardizes external affairs, and eventually declines profitability and customer fulfilment in the long run The hospitality industry can use software that supports technology and links the business to the market to solve this problem The use of technology in enterprise production activities to increase efficiency and economy is becoming more widespread, particularly in the problem of reception reservation and the accuracy of business reports In addition, hospitality businesses can collaborate with tour companies and service quality review blogs Customer orientation is simply a business method or strategy in which a company solves a problem for a customer at first It is all about helping clients achieve their goals, and the customer's needs are valued more than the needs of the business However, keeping up with market trends is difficult for new hospitality businesses, especially the young generation, who change the demand to experience fast over time (Anon, 2020) Therefore, in order to be able to orient the service quality following customers, service providers should have surveys for popular customer groups and continuously update changes in hospitality service trends through social networks Quality management is clearly understood to be an essential component of service management theory (Pizam, 2015) Researchers strongly advocate that the customer determines what quality is and that customer-perceived quality should be studied Quickly responding to requests helps the hotel receive positive feedback from guests Long processing times for simple requests, such as when a guest requests a blanket replacement or the remote control's battery is dead, can be frustrating and lead to negative feedback about the hotel The hotel will function better and satisfy the guests if there is a team of trained staff focused on working together to aid the guests, and the staff should be friendly and appropriate when dealing with visitors' complaints The last approach-Internal focus discusses the compelling need to train and develop employees while creating a commitment to the organizational objectives Hospitality providers should have a periodical test to assess the working capacity of employees, thereby providing appropriate courses When developing a training plan for hotel staff, it is necessary to strictly comply with the standards of the service industry to bring good training efficiency and help improve the hotel's service quality 2.4 Researcher's argument Following some words on hospitality leadership principles and different approaches to hospitality service management, it is clear that each principle or approach has strengths and limitations Since then, the writer provides various reasons in the preceding paragraph why "Interaction between Servant leadership style and customer orientation" will result in high efficiency in the hospitality industry Several studies on service leadership and its impact on staff mindset to provide better service for organizations have been discovered Baah-Mensah (2014) contended that providing excellent service necessitates leaders believing in their employees, coaching, teaching, inspiring, and listening to them Hui (2015) then reiterated that servant leaders enable employees to develop, trust, and gain confidence, inspiring employees to interact effectively with customers Service leadership is associated with improved customer service by employees in the hospitality industry Designing a robust and quick service system capable of responding to a service failure or crisis can ensure a good quality of service Poor service quality is frequently regarded as a systemic issue that affects not everyone (Helms and Mayo, 2008) As a result, various practices and processes must be blended into the service provider's service system to determine the remediation and prevention of service failures As a critical determinant of organizational performance, any effective service system must proactively hinder and respond effectively to service failures when they occur Service leaders' vision is communicated to employees by defining and communicating specific service goals Service failure prevention and recovery procedures should be chosen with the goals and objectives identified in the organization's service manifesto It assists in establishing each employee's responsibility for the level provided to the client and the satisfaction that should be developed for them among the services provided (Sourdin, 2010) The more hotel employees are influenced by their leader to serve others, the more likely they will prioritize their guests' needs over their own It will instil in the hotel staff a sense of urgency to respond or even avoid any customer service error From January to December 2020, Kumar used an anonymous questionnaire to collect data from employees working in - star hotels in Northern India Seven hotels were investigated, four of which were four stars and three five stars Seven hotel managers received 600 questionnaires, which were distributed to the departmental managers in charge of these hotels The majority (512/600) stated that intellectual stimulation empowers employees and stimulates creativity in problemsolving while respecting new employee suggestions The comments demonstrated that the leader's concern is for each member's aspirations, needs, abilities, and circumstances All of the leaders interviewed support and agree with the research hypotheses This demonstrates that all aspects of the servant leadership style positively impact employee customer orientation performance, and the knock-on effect of managers' service leadership behaviour as a mediator of customer service remains the primary contributor to the success of the customer-oriented approach Furthermore, the findings of this study lend support to the importance of hotel staff in direct customer contact 2.5 Key issues that affect hospitality operations and solutions for service improvement As according to Lawson and Wooliscroft (2004), the two most important issues affecting hospitality operations are human resources and marketing policy Human creative labour is a decisive factor in business performance The hotel needs adequate investment to develop the retraining scale and train a team of intellectuals and high-quality workers In order to improve the existing shortcomings, the hotel needs to develop a specific program and plan Hotels can improve their staff's foreign language skills and increase the bonus fund for employees These solutions encourage employees to find new customers and take advantage of their relationships to introduce the hotel's services Self-sufficient travel has become a popular trend when customers are increasingly active in finding information and booking rooms through online platforms instead of using services at travel agencies (Seeman et al., 2019) So tourist accommodation units, especially hotels, must know how to seize opportunities and promote overall Online Marketing strategies to reach many target customers First, Websites are considered "faces" of the hotel on the Internet, which customers will regularly visit and dig for information before deciding whether to book So investing in professional website design is always the ultimate marketing solution for travel and hotel companies because customers often use travel applications to book air tickets and hotel rooms Second, linking with booking applications allows hotels and travel businesses to display their services with all images and information about prices, facilities and customer reviews Along with that, with the advantage of the number of users and the ability to reach and interact well with customers, optimizing social networks is also a highly effective online marketing solution III CONCLUSION At any time, improving business efficiency is an urgent requirement, a top concern of every business The article has raised several theories related to service quality, thereby making objective comments on some hospitality principles and management approaches These assessments are the basis for the author to argue that the combination of servant leadership style and customer orientation will bring high efficiency in management and improve the quality of hospitality services In the end, this study discusses why human resources and marketing policy are critical to a hotel's success and offers some recommendations relevant to the post-Covid economic situation References Anon (2020) Predicting Customer Retention through Customer Orientation of Service Employees: The Missing Link of Customer Satisfaction JOURNAL OF XI'AN UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE & TECHNOLOGY XII(IV) Baah-Mensah, S (2014) Coaching for confidence Nursing Standard 29(5), pp.26-27 Cho, E (2015) Primary Identity of Missional Leaders: Servant Leader or Leading Servant? ACTS Theological Journal 25, pp.95-122 Downar, W (2018) Some aspects of trust in service activities European Journal of Service Management 28, pp.79-85 Helms, M and Mayo, D (2008) Assessing poor quality service: perceptions of customer service representatives Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 18(6), pp.610-622 Hui, L., Mickleborough, N and Chan, B (2015) Service Leadership Community: A seedbed for nurturing a service leadership mindset in engineering student learning QScience Proceedings 2015(4), pp.18 Kumar, A., Mahajan, A and Sharma, S (2020) Sustainable Practices in Hotels: A Study of Five Star Hotels in Northern India SSRN Electronic Journal Lacroix, M and Pircher Verdorfer, A (2017) Can Servant Leaders Fuel the Leadership Fire? The Relationship between Servant Leadership and Followers’ Leadership Avoidance Administrative Sciences 7(1), pp.6 Laws, E (2001) Service Problems, Service Crises and Service Disasters Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 2(1-2), pp.119-129 Niemiec, R (2020) Transformational Leadership and Employee Psychological Needs INFLUENCE : International Journal of Science Review 2(3), pp.20-27 Pizam, A (2015) Is empathy essential for high-quality customer service? International Journal of Hospitality Management 49, pp.149-150 Rhoades, D (2006) Growth, customer service and profitability Southwest style Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 16(5), pp.538-547 Seeman, N., Goldfarb, D., Kuzan, E and Seeman, M (2019) Feasibility of Obtaining Sufficient Numbers of Responses to Questions About Travel Intentions, Thereby Facilitating Effective Health Messaging International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health 7(2), pp.48-52 Sourdin, T (2010) Poor Quality Mediation - A Systemic Failure? SSRN Electronic Journal

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2023, 18:31


