)+l,a VJE +5-+( Tap chi Gi6o duc (2022),22(22\,4347 pHAn ISSN:2354-0753 ricH Ner DUNG HoAT DqNG ruvoN smu oTRuoNG pHO TH6NC TTJTHUC Nguy6n Th! Thriy Dungri, TrAn Thi Kim Ngln'? Article history Received: 05,92022 Accepted: 15110/2022 Published: 20ll 12022 Keyrvords Analysis, snrdent recruifnent, recruitrnent activities, private schools l M& qi gia 'Tnrdng D h9c Khoa hqc Xi hOi Nhan vin - Dai hqc Qu& Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh; tiQn Nghidn crru tmg {rng tdm li - im ngt td liQu +Tdc gii fiAn h€ o Email: nguyvnthithuydung@)cmtssh.edu.w ABSTRACT To achieve susainable growth and fah corpetition with public schools, private schools should ensure educational quality and well-conducted student recruitrnent activities The admissions process in private schmls includes marketing communication, counseling and admissions, placement test and effollment At every stage ofthe pocess, nec€ssary resorrc€s such as human, material, and fnancial resources must be sufficient for effective performance The article presents the concept, analyzes the content of emollment activities at private high schools, and rcsouces to implement each specific content in enrollrnent activities The research result contibutes to forming a theorctical basis for enrollment activities in private high schools and serves as a reference for ftose interested in the issue as well as investors, managers of the private high school slstem in the armual enmllment process dAu Diii voi tnrong hgc noi chung vi miong phd th6ng n6i ri€ng, nguoi hqc d6ng vai tro quan trpng Co th6 noi, su nguyi hqc Vi thii, loar d0ng tuyh sinh diii vd'i t6n tai cua tuonglqc chiu anh hucmg boi quy6t Ai* nnAp nq" "uahien tdt sC dem bao sd lugng ve chat luqng nguoi quan duorc thuc npng Hoqt