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Giáo án Tiếng anh Năm học 2022 - 2023 Preparing date 15/1/2023 PERIOD 55: Kiểm tra ngày 16/1/2023 Hoàng Thị Hậu UNIT 7: LOLLUTION LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - use lexical items related to the topic 'Pollution' to talk about types of pollution - Educational aim: Ss should have practical activities to protect the environment II Language contents: Vocabulary: aquatic, to come up with Grammar: conditional sentence III Teaching aids: CD, pictures, sub- boards IV Procedures: Steps/ Teacher and students’ work Contents Times Warm Word circle! T: Call out one fairytale you’ve up: Ss work in whole class to call known (5.m) out one fairytale S1: Sleeping Beauty S2: Cinderella Lead-in S3: … T introduces a new lesson to T: Do you know any story about Ss pollution? Can you tell something Presentatio about pollution? n: S: … T: Great Today I am going to (10.m) Picture help you know more information about Ask Ss to open their books Pollution and look at the picture * Set the scene Ask them some questions Play the recording and have Practice: Ss follow along After that, Ss (15.m) can compare their answers with the information in the dialogue and add some more T: Who can you see in the picture? details to their answers * Pre-questions Where are the children? What can you see in the picture? Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Definition Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the conversation Allow them to share answers before discussing as a class Quickly write the correct answers on the board Comprehension questions Ss work in pairs T lets them check the answers in pairs or groups, then T gives the keys If there's time, call some pairs to read the questions and give answers True/ False / NI statements Ask them firstly to decide if the sentences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue Ss write their answers on the board Now ask Ss to read the conversation again to check their answers and ask them to explain their choices Confirm the correct answers Năm học 2022 - 2023 What you think they are talking about? Ss’ answers 1a Find a word / phrase that means: no longer alive = dead growing or living in, on or near water = aquatic throwing away something you not want, especially in a place which is not allowed = dump a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it = poison made unclean or unsafe to use = polluted to think of an idea, or a plan = to come up with * Bless you! is an idiom You say it to sb after they have sneezed * I can't believe my eyes - This expression means you are very surprised at something you see 1b Answer the questions Where are Nick and Mi?  They are in Mi's home village What does the water in the lake look like?  It's almost black Why is Mi surprised when they get closer to the lake?  She's surprised because she sees the fish are dead What is the factory dumping into the lake?  It's dumping poison into the lake Why is Nick sneezing so much?  He's sneezing so much because the air is not clean 1c Tick(v) T (true), F (false) or NI (no information) Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Labeling Ss work in pairs and write the means of transport under the right pictures Then T lets 5s read each word correctly Check and correct their pronunciation Gap-fill Ss this activity individually and then compare their answers with a classmate Call on some Ss to stand up and give their answers Confirm the correct answers Production : (12.m) Discussion Ss work in groups of five or six In five minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness Have the class vote for the group with the best reasons T asks Ss to at home Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Năm học 2022 - 2023 Key: F (It's polluted by the factory) 2.T 3.NI 4.T 5.T There are different types of pollution Write each type under a picture Key:A radioactive pollution B noise pollution C visual pollution D thermal pollution E.water pollution F land/ soil pollution G light pollution H air pollution Complete the sentences with the types of pollution - contaminátion (n) : làm bẩn Key:1 thermal pollution Air pollution radioactive pollution light pollution Water pollution Land/ Soil pollution Noise pollution visual pollution Work in groups Which types of pollution in does your neighbourhood face? Rank them in order of seriousness Give reasons for your group's order Vote for the group with the best reasons Example: I think my neighbourhood faces water pollution In the river there is full of rubbish that residents dump into Moreover, the factories nearby pump chemical waste directly into the Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Năm học 2022 - 2023 river… Home T guides Ss how to - Learn new words by heart work exercises in workbook and - Prepare Unit 7/ Lesson 2: A Closer (3.m) what to prepare for the new Look P 8,9 lesson Ss write down in their notebook Preparing date 15/1/2023 PERIOD 56: UNIT 7: LOLLUTION LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution - Pronounce the words ending in -ic and -al correctly in isolation and in context - Educational aim: Ss should have practical activities to protect the envirinment II Language contents: Vocabulary: spill, defect, expose, botanic, medical treatment Stress correctly multi- syllable words with -ic and -al III Teaching aids: CD, pictures, sub- boards IV Procedures: Teacher and students’ work Warm up Kim game! (5.m) Ss work in groups to write types of pollution Steps/Times Contents T gives feedback 2.Presentati Lead-in on T introduces a new Group A (10.m) lesson to Ss Group B T elicits vocabulary Air pollution Mime Noise pollution Explanation …………… Situation ……………… Picture Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Translation Example Situation Ss copy down words Năm học 2022 - 2023 T: Great Besides these, what shall we learn about? You’ll know more in this the lesson Practice: (15.m) Grids/ Forms Have Ss look at the table in the book Make sure that they understand what to Ss complete the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board Check their answers Gap-fill Point out that the provided letter is a clue to help them find the word Ss the exercise and then compare their answers with a partner Call on one or two Ss to give out the answers before confirming the correct ones Explanation Have Ss look at the language box Tell Ss that the words and phrases in the box express cause and effect relationships Ss have learnt so, because and New words - (to) spill – spilled / spilt : tràn / đổ - deféct (n) : khuyết điểm, nhược điểm - (to) expóse to : đặt vào tình dễ bị (tai nạn…) - botánic (adj.) : (thuộc) thực vật học (=botanical) - lógical (adj.) : hợp lí - scientífic (adj.) : thuộc khoa học - médical tréatment (n) : trị bệnh Vocabulary 1/Complete the table with appropriate verbs, nouns, and adjectives Key: poison contaminate pollutant polluted death damaged 2/ Complete the sentences with the words from the table in You not need to use all the words The first letter of each word has been provided The poisonous chemical waste is dumped into the river Do you know what pollutants cause air pollution? The dead fish are floating in the water Don't drink that water It's contaminated The acid rain has caused damage to the trees in this area If we pollute the air, more people will have breathing problems Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Năm học 2022 - 2023 because of Quickly go through the rest of words/phrases Ask Ss to read each pair of sentences and decide which sentence is a cause and which is an effect Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving the answers to the teacher Confirm the correct answers Write-it-up Ask Ss to read the example Ask them what changes they can see in the new sentence T may have Ss look at the language box again to remind them of the structures Now Ss have to combine each pair of sentences in 3a into a complete sentence, using the word/phrase in brackets Write-it-up Have Ss look at the pictures in 1.Ask Ss which picture shows the cause and which shows the effect Then ask them to read the example sentences and pay attention to the cause/effect words or phrases Ss work in pairs to write sentences showing cause / effect relationships 3a Decide which sentence in each pair of sentences is a cause and which is an effect Write C (for cause) or E (for effect) next to each sentence Note that the words in brackets relate to Activity 3b b Combine the sentences in each pair into a new sentence that shows a cause / effect relationship Use the cause or effect signal word or phrase given in brackets You will have to add, delete, or change words in most sentences Example: Because people throw litter on the ground, many animals eat it and become sick.! Many animals eat the litter and become sick because people throw it on the ground Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects We can't see the stars at night due to the light pollution Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh For a more able class, T may have Ss the whole exercise With other classes, just ask Ss to work with the pair of pictures in Ask Ss to identify the picture showing the cause and the one showing the effect Then together make up sentences, using the cause/effect words or phrases Năm học 2022 - 2023 Work in groups Look at the pairs of pictures Give as many sentences as possible to show cause/ effect relationships Example: - People cough because they breathe in the fumes from cars - The fumes from cars make people cough The soil is polluted, so plants can't grow Explanation Ask Ss to look at the rules in the box and the examples Go through We won't have fresh water to drink the rules with them For because of water pollution a more able class, have Ss give some more examples Repetition Play the recording for Ss We plant trees, so we can have fresh air to stress the words Ask Pronunciation some Ss to say where Stress in words ending in -ic and -al the stress in each word is Confirm the correct answers Call on some Ss to read out the words Production: Identify words (12.m) Have Ss the activity individually Play the recording for Ss to check their answers Then elicit the correct stress patterns from Ss Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the sentences Ask some Ss Listen and mark the stress in each word, then repeat it Underline the words ending in -ic and circle the words ending in Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh to read sentences Năm học 2022 - 2023 out the -al in the following sentences Mark the stress in each word Listen and check your answers, then repeat the sentences According to scientific research, tiny species may help clean radioactive pollution Water quality has become a national problem Many people have received medical treatment because of the disease Chemical waste can cause water pollution The reduction in air pollution was dramatic last year Key: -Learn the vocabulary Homework by heart and practice (3.m) using them -Do the exercises in workbook - Prepare Unit 7: A closer look Preparing date 15/1/2023 PERIOD 57: UNIT 7: LOLLUTION LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK I OBJECTIVES: -By the end of the lesson, students can: - Use lexical items related to the topic “Pollution” - Use conditional sentences type and type correctly and appropriately to describe pollution - Educational aim: Students should have practical activities to protect the environment II Language contents: Conditional sentences type and type III Teaching aids: Pictures, sub- boards IV Procedures: Steps/Times Teacher and students’ work Contents Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Năm học 2022 - 2023 Warm up Slap the board poison damage (5.m) Ss work in contaminati groups on T gives feedback pollutant 2.Presentati on (10.m) death effect Lead-in T introduces a new lesson to Ss Remind Elicit the form and use of the conditional sentence type 1S +from Ss.+ V + If + S + V (present simple), will (not) T: Today you will study new grammar points Grammar Conditional sentences type 1: review Describing a thing which is possible and likely to happen in present or the future … If-clause Practice: (15.m) main clause Gap-fill Ss this exercise individually then compare their answers with a partner Have Ss read out their answers Confirm the correct ones Combination Have Ss read the pairs of sentences Ask two Ss to write the new conditional sentences type on the board while other Ss write their own sentences Ask Ss to comment on the sentences on the board Give feedback on these Ex.1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form If we (recycle) more, we (help) the Earth Factories (not dump) waste into rivers if the government (fine) them heavily If people (travel) to work by bus, there (be) fewer car fumes We (save) thousands of trees if we (not waste) paper If we (use) water carefully, more people (have) fresh water Key: recycle; will help won't dump; fines travel; will be will save; don't waste use; will have Ex.2 Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentence type 1 Students will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school If light pollution happens, animals will change their behaviour patterns The levels of radioactive pollution will decrease if we switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Năm học 2022 - 2023 sentences and ask other Ss If the water temperature increases, to correct them if some aquatic creatures will be unable to necessary reproduce People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated Conditional sentences type Explanation The conditional sentence type Have Ss look at the structure of the conditional describes a thing which is not true or is sentence type in the unlikely to happen in the present or language box Draw Ss' future attention to the example sentence on the board Underline the subject, verb, etc in this example and explain the structure of Example: If it wasn't noisy in here, I the sentence at the same could hear you clearly time Now Ss read the (But it's very noisy in here) second example in the The conditional sentence type can be language box Tell them used to give advice that this sentence is a piece Example: If I were you, I would see the of advice doctor immediately * Note: We can use both was and were with t/he/she/it in the if-clause Ex.3 Match an if-clause in A with a suitable main clause in B Key: a b c d e Ex.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form Key: were; would exercised; would be 10 Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú ... can 13 Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Production: ( 12. m) Năm học 20 22 - 20 23 cause immediate and permanent hearing loss? A motorcycle B concert C vacuum cleaner... Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Năm học 20 22 - 20 23 conditional sentences Walk around the class listening to groups and monitoring the game Homework (3.m) T : give homework and... pollution Explanation …………… Situation ……………… Picture Giáo viên : Phạm Thị Oanh Trường THCS Quảng Phú Giáo án Tiếng anh Translation Example Situation Ss copy down words Năm học 20 22 - 20 23 T: Great

Ngày đăng: 20/02/2023, 15:09

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