INTRODUCTION MODULE 5 WHAT IS INTERPRETING? • rendering information and ideas from one language into another language by means of speaking DEFINITION • Kade (1968) defined interpreting as a form of Tr[.]
MODULE INTRODUCTION WHAT IS INTERPRETING? • rendering information and ideas from one language into another language by means of speaking DEFINITION • Kade (1968) defined interpreting as a form of Translation in which: • the source-language text is presented only once and thus cannot be reviewed or replayed, and • the target-language text is produced under time pressure, with little chance for correction and revision MODES OF INTERPRETING CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING • An interpreter gives a rendering of lengthy passages of speech after a party has finished speaking SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING • Simultaneous interpreters not wait for a speaker to finish a segment and pause before beginning to interpret but follow the speaker and interpret what the speaker is saying TYPES OF CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING • Unilateral: • Sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph interpretation • The whole speech, which may last 5-10 minutes up to half an hour or an hour • Bilateral: • Liason interpreting • In consecutive interpreting situation, the interpreter must give a structured and accurate rendering of the meaning of the statement with no major distortions of meaning, changes to the logical order of the statement or serious omissions of details NECESSARY QUALITIES OF AN INTERPRETER a) Proficiency in two languages and two cultures b) Quickness of speech and mind c) Good memory and quick conversion into another language d) Power of Concentration e) High moral standards f) Sense of responsibility g) High level of education and culture h) Familiarity with specific terms and situations i) Remaining impartial and not taking sides j) Note taking k) Being able to work under stressful conditions LIAISON INTERPRETING • Interpreters work in and out of two languages between clients and professionals who lack an understanding of each other‟s language and culture RESPONSIBILITIES OF LIAISON INTERPRETERS Familiarize with the likely content of the interview Evaluate the complexity of the job Obtain correct information on location, time and participants Make contact with the party to arrange introductions and, if possible, arrange pre-interview consultation Provide advice on cultural background of client Explain interpreter's role in the interview to all participants Select appropriate interpreting mode Arrange appropriate physical elements, e.g tables, chairs, sound control, etc., to facilitate communication RESPONSIBILITIES OF LIAISON INTERPRETERS Render between two languages 10 Seek clarification of terminology used to ensure accuracy and clarity 11 Clarify specific role and responsibilities where more than one interpreter is present in an interview 12 Arrange de-briefing, where possible, to clarify questions of cultural difference, or failure to establish intended level of communication 13 Control length of questions and answers to maintain adequate level of communication and ensure full understanding by either parties 14 Consult with individuals for additional information, e.g cultural background, religious aspects, etc TYPES OF SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING • Sight translation: a written SL text is read aloud as if written in the TL text • Whispered interpretation: at a meeting without interpreting equipment or in court • Electronic hook-up: at a conference with microphones and headsets and booths for interpreters INTERPRETING PROCESS D Decipher T Transfer Culture + C+C Context U Understand Input I O1 Output O2 Output SKILLS FOR INTERPRETING Hearing Ability • have acute hearing Public Speaking Skills • not mumble, stutter or speak too quickly/slowly • have a clear, well-modulated voice and a smooth style of delivery Conversion Skills • think quickly and “on-the-feet” SKILLS FOR INTERPRETING Memory Skills • used for temporary storage of segments of speech decoding and re-encoding • Practicing Techniques: a Newspaper Translation b Translating from Speech c Radio Translation d Interpreting Practice e Observing High-level Interpreters SKILLS FOR INTERPRETING • Note-taking skills • Begin as soon as one party begins speaking • develop your own note taking system: abbreviation, signals, symbols • only note key words, skip grammatical units SYMBOLS FOR NOTE-TAKING SYMBOLS FOR NOTE-TAKING ABBREVIATIONS FOR NOTE-TAKING ... LIAISON INTERPRETING • Interpreters work in and out of two languages between clients and professionals who lack an understanding of each other‟s language and culture RESPONSIBILITIES OF LIAISON... order of the statement or serious omissions of details NECESSARY QUALITIES OF AN INTERPRETER a) Proficiency in two languages and two cultures b) Quickness of speech and mind c) Good memory and. .. Power of Concentration e) High moral standards f) Sense of responsibility g) High level of education and culture h) Familiarity with specific terms and situations i) Remaining impartial and not