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SỞ GD&ĐT THÁI BÌNH TRƯỜNG PTTH NGUYỄN ĐỨC CẢNH ĐỀ THI OLYMPIC MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 NĂM HỌC 2008-2009 THỜI GIAN LÀM BÀI : 120 PHÚT Họ tên thí sinh : ………………………… ……………………… Lớp : ………………… Số báo danh:……………… A PHONETICS ( 10 points) I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A influenced B terrifed C averaged D accompanied A association B indication C aviation D question A sound B touch C down D account A south B truth C smooth D both A miles B months C lakes D mates Answers: 1…………… 2…………… 3……………… 4……………… 5……………… II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words A accurate B customer C computer D exercise A reduction B popular C fnancial D romantic A theory B generate C delicious D confdence A happen B village C realize D reality 10 A characteristic B environmental C documentary D sophisticated Answers: 6…………… 7…………… 8…………… 9……………… 10……………… B GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY I Choose the best answer:( 10 points) …………… the low rainfall this year, the crops did not produce a high yield A Since B Despite C Due to D Because An employer may look with………… on a young college graduate A suspect B suspicion C suspicious D suspiciously He is the only boy in this class ……… the teacher chose to join the English Competition A who B whom C that D A, B or C This is ….the most difficult job I’ve ever had to A by far B.by chance C.by heart D.by my self You smell awful It's about time you…………a bath A have B will have C had D have had At the hospital I was told that I gave up smoking immediately, my illness would get much worse A except B until C without D unless She wondered her father looked like now, after so many years away A how B whose C that D what An accident in the power station may result in large ……… of radiation being released A numbers B number C amount D amounts That book was written by a famous anthropologist It’s about the people in Samoa ………… for two years A that she lived B that she lived among them C among whom she lived D where she lived among them 10.If you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish more quickly A me a favour B lend me money C take my fingers D pick me up Answers: 11………… 12………… 13…………… 14………… 15……………… 16…………… 17…………… 18…………… 19………… 20……………… II Find one mistake in each sentence then correct it:( 10 points) 21) Dolphins, whales and many (A) other (B) sea creatures use high (C) sophisticated navigation systems (D) 22) Dogs (A) that are trained (B) to lead a (C) blind must be loyal (D) ,intelligent and calm 23 To save (A) the Carlifornia from exinct (B), a group of federal, local, and private organization initiated (C) to a rescue programme (D) 24 One of the students (A) who are being (C) considered for the (C) scholarship are from (D) this university 25 Some language students (A) have difficulty (B) to express (C) exactly (D) what they want to say Answers: 21…………………… 22………………………… 23…………………… 24…………………… 25……………………… III Put each verb in brackets in an appropriate form (10 points) 26-27 She has made up her mind ……… (have) a garage ……(build) next to the house 28-29 The statue …… (break) while it …… (move) to another room in the museum 30 The highway patrol advised … (take) the old route through the city 31-32 The bell is ringing I must stop … (do) my homework … (answer) the phone 33-34 Why you all ……… (laugh)? Roger ……… (tell) you his funny stories? 35 Don’t worry We ……… (finish) the report by 11 Answers: 26………… 27………… 28…………… 29………………… 30……………… 31…………… 32…………… 33…………… 34………………… 35……………… IV Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks (10 points) 36 His village lies near the foot of a mountain and……a river 37 I’m loyal …… my principle 38.My shoes are dirty I'd better take them… before I come in 39 The park was named… a young hero, Le Van Tam 40 This service is free …………… charge 41 There seems to be no mutual understanding ……… the two groups 42-43.Have you figured ……………… what's wrong ……………… your car? 44-45 This new law prohibits people .smoking offices Answers: 36………… 37………… 38…………… 39………………… 41…………… 42…………… 43…………… 44………………… V Use the correct form of the word in brackets (8 points): Answers: 46 He failed the exam and hos friends were _ (sympathy) 47 The teacher is disappointed about his students' _ (care) 48 The shoes were nice, but they were .( comfort) 49 Thank you for your timely of the parcel ( deliver) 50 The roof of this cottage needs (strong) 51 The whole country is trying to get rid of (poor) 52 Despite his parents' , he still married her ( approve) 53 After several _ attempts, we have finally done it ( susseed) 40……………… 45……………… 46……………… 47………………… 48…………………… 49………………… 50………………… 51………………… 52………………… 53………………… VI Complete the sentences with A/ AN/ THE or ZERO ARTICLE (10 points) When I opened (54) first "Body Shop" in 1976 my only object was to earn enough to feed my children Today "The Body Shop" is (55) _ international company rapidly growing all around the world In (56) years since we began I have learned a lot Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, for I believe that we, as (57) _ company, have something worth saying about how to run (58) successful business without giving up what we really believe in It is not (59) normal business book, nor is it just about my life The message is that to succeed in (60) business you have to be different (61) business can be fun, (62) business can be run with love and it can good In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have (63) feeling of family and to feel excited by the unexpected I have always wanted the people who work for " The Body Shop" to feel the same way Answers: 54………… 55………… 56…………… 57………………… 58……………… 59…………… 60…………… 61…………… 62………………… 63……………… C READING COMPREHENTION VII.Read the reading passage carefully and then choose A,B,C or D (7 points) A gold rush is the rapid relocation of large numbers of people to an area where gold has been discovered Gold rushes capture the imagination and participation of many people because of the magical lure of gold and the potential for overnight rich The greatest gold rush in United States history was the California Gold Rush in 1849 The rush first began in 1848 when a carpenter named James Marshall discovered gold on the property of John A.Sutter in the Sacramento Valley.Hired to build a sawmill on the banks of the American River Marshall had hardly begun work when he started finding nugget after nugget of gold.News of the discovery at Sutter’s mill spread quickly,and soon thousands of persons were laying claims in the area.These people,called “forty-niners”,rushed in from all over the world In just two years,the population of California increased from about 26,000 to 380,000.Cons-equently, California was officially admitted to the union as state in September of 1850 The free-spending style of the successful miners helped to turn communities such as Sacramento and San Francisco into prosperous towns Those who were not so lucky became farmers and ranchers in the Central Valley of California 64 What is the best title for this passage? A Famous Gold Rush B The Forty-Niners C The Lure of Gold D The California Gold Rush of 1849 65 According to the passage, people joined gold rushes because: A they were sure that they would become rich B gold held a magical power for everyone C they believed they had a chance of becoming rich D they had very active imaginations 66 It can be inferred from the passage that the California gold rush: A provided most “forty-niners”with long term mining work B attracted people from every country in the world C spread through out the central Valley D greatly speeded up the development of California 67 According to the passage,where was gold first discovered? A At Sutter’s mill B On James Marshall’s property near Sacramento C In the streambed of the American River D In the Central Valley of California 68 According to the passage,what qualified California to be admitted to union? A The status of statehood B The great increase in population C The political efforts of successful miners D The prosperity of California communities 69 The word "lure" in paragraph is closest in meaning to A wealth B attraction C beauty C value 70 The phrase "The free-spending style" in the seceond paragraph refers to the people who are … A modest B hospitable C generous D kind-hearted Answers: 64……… 65……… 66…………… 67………… 68………… 69…………… 70……… VIII Fill each blank in the passage with one suitable word Write the answers on the answer sheet.(10 points) Microscopes ( Kính hiển vi) It happened over 300 years (71)…………… in Holland Anton van Leeuwenhoek had a new microscope that he (72) ……… made One day he looked through it at a drop (73) ………… lake water What he saw surprised him The water was alive with what Leeuwenhoek called "wee beasties." The microscope made tiny organisms look 200 times (74) ……… than life size Leeuwenhoek was one of the first scientists to see living (75)……… that were that small His work was a giant step (76) ………… science Today, microscopes are (77) ………… stronger An electron microscope can make tiny organisms look 200,000 times life (78)…… A few electron microscopes can see individual atoms Pictures can be made to show the objects (79) ………other things much bigger The pictures add greatly to (80) …we know about tiny objects and organisms Microscopes have come a long way in 300 years! Answers: 71…………… 76…………… 72………… 77…………… 73…………… 78…………… 74………………… 79………………… 75……………… 80……………… D WRITING IX Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning : (10 points) 81 The teacher said to his students: "Do all the homework before you come to class." ->The teacher asked……………………… 82 We are very busy because there is a lot of homework which has to be done ->We are very busy……………………………………………… 83.I'm sorry that I didn't finish my homework last night ->I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………… 84 Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous -> Contrary……………………………………………………………………………………… 85.The critics were impressed by her performance -> Her performance made……………………………………………………… X.Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the given one: (5 points) 86.“ Don’t tell anyone or you’ll be sorry.” A She said she was sorry as I didn’t tell her B She warned me not to tell anyone C I would be sorry if she didn’t tell me D She said that I should apologize to her 87 The boy is so clever that he understands what you imply very quickly A He is so a clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly B He is such the clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly C He is so clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly D He is clever enough to understand what you mean very quickly 88 Her success is all the thanks I wanted A She ought to thank me for helping her to succeed B She thanked me but I knew she would be successful C I helped her but she needn't thank me for her success D I was surprised by her success so she won't thank me 89 When did you begin to work here? a How long did you work here? b How long ago did you begin to work here? c How long are you working here? d How long have you begun working here? 90 Joe has a lot on his mind a Joe can't quite decide what to b Joe has a wonderful mind c Joe has refused to something important d Joe is worried about several things Answers: 86…………… 87………… 88…………… 89………………… 90……………… -The end -

Ngày đăng: 01/01/2023, 00:08


