Thong tin khoa hpc cong nghe m o ^/ NGHIEN CllU CAC S0 DO CONG NGHE KHAI THAC CHON LOC HOfP LY CHO CAC MO QUANG SAT LO THIEN VIET NAM Recently, the selective mining method for the iron ore bodies has been carried out at Vietnam open pit iron ore mines However, the proper selective mining technologies have not been so far selected; therefore, the loss rate is increased, directly affecting on the mining cost Therefore, in the coming years, the selective mining technology for open pit iron ore mines will have to be changed, suitable to the concrete natural and technical conditions at each mine, for recovering natural resources and increasing the efficiency in business and production of mining enterpnses Khai thac chpn Igc la tong hgp cac giai phap ky thuat va to chirc nham taeh ridng cac logi khoang san cd chit lugng khac nhau, taeh rieng da kgp khdi via quang, dam bao higu qua sir dgng va tgn thu t i l da tai nguydn tir Idng dat vdi ty l§ tin thit va lam ngheo it nhit Hien tai, eae md da va dang tien hanh khai thae chpn Ipc eae via qugng sit, nhldn, cac md hien v i n chua lya chgn dugc cdng nghg khai thae chpn Ipc hgp \