Tiết thứ 87 UNIT 11 OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 2 A closer look 1 Class Date of teaching Attendence 6A /03/2022 6B /03/2022 6C /03/2022 I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students are expected to ach[.]
Tiết thứ 87 UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 2: A closer look Class 6A 6B 6C Date of teaching /03/2022 /03/2022 /03/2022 Attendence I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: *Vocabulary: - Understand the key words: process, reprocess, procedure, factory, purified * Pronunciation: - Pronounce the key words correctly: process, reprocess, procedure, factory, purified - Say sentences with correct rhythm * Grammar: - Use the articles correctly; - Use the first conditional to talk about possibilities Competencies: a) General competencies: - Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence b) Specific competencies: - Read for general and specific information about ways to go green at school; Qualities: - To teach Ss positive attitude about ways to go green - Students know the importance of protecting living environment - Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork, cooperative learning and working II PREPARATIONS Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector… Students: Text books, studying equipment’s… III PROCEDURE ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’-GW) Aim: - Revise the old lesson - Do some activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to warm up to the new lesson… - To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the topic, the targeted vocabulary and its pronunciation Content: - Have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new class Products: - Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities - A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson Implementation: - Teacher instructs - Ss as required TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering - Chatting Step 2: Task performance + Greeting Teacher encourages students to give short Chatting answers, tries to call as many students as she What advantages does a green can world have? Step 3: Report and discussion What does it look like? - Ss join in the discussion Step 4: Judgement - T summarizes the discussion and leads to Activity Fresh air, healthy food, more exercise, less stress and so on A lot of trees People are not in a hurry, no traffic jams,… ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (15') Aim: - To set the context for the introductory; - To lead in the lesson about vocabulary and pronunciation - To teach students some extra vocabulary about environment, ways to go green - To revise / teach the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled Content: - Extra vocabulary - Exercises of vocabulary Products: - Exercises with REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering - T sets the scene/ context for the listening and reading - T ask the whole class to the Tasks in A Closer Look Step 2: Task performance To lead in the lesson about vocabulary - Teacher leads students into the lesson by telling them that “In today lesson, we are going to learn more about 3Rs and how we can save the environment VOCABULARY - Have students read the information in the table and draw a line from a symbol in column A to the matching word in column B and its meaning in column C Students work in pairs to compare their answers before giving teacher the answers Check and write the correct answers on the board - Elicit the difference between “recycling” and “reusing” from students Explain the difference between these two terms again if necessary: VOCABULARY REDUCE: using less of something REUSE: using something again RECYCLE: creating new products from used materials - Recycling means reprocessing an old item such as a newspaper, a glass or a can and turning it into a new product For example, used paper is brought to a factory where it is reprocessed, cleaned and purified This paper is then used to make new things such as books or newspapers - Reusing means avoiding the reprocessing procedure It is when people use something over and over again until it cannot be used any more For example, a used plastic bottle can be used again as flower vases, or a butter container can be used to grow a small plant Task 1: Match the words below with the Task 1: Match the words below pictures Then listen, check and repeat with the pictures Then listen, the words check and repeat the words - Teacher asks students to match the places with the pictures - Students the task - Teacher asks students to swap their books and mark in pairs - Teacher asks them to repeat the words/ phrases chorally and individually Task 2: Write a word/ phrase under the pictures - Have students work in pairs to this activity Call on students from different pairs to go to the board and write the words - This activity can also be organized as a competition Whichever pair finishes the activity first will be the winner and they can go to the board to write their answers Step 3: Report and discussion - Ss write down the new vocabulary - T asks, Ss answer some more questions about the lesson Step 4: Judgement - T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss - Picture - Reuse - using something again - Picture - Reduce - using less of something - Picture - Recycle - creating new products from used materials Task 2: Write a word/ phrase under the pictures rubbish plastic bag glass plastic bottle noise paper water clothes ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (20'-IW; PW; GW) Aim: To help students categorize things that can be reduced, reused and recycled To get students familiarized with rhythm in sentences Content: Understand the new words and the task Listen and repeat the sentences with the above mentioned rhythm Students have a chance to identify and practise the rhythm in sentences Products: To know about the topic of the lesson, Vocab, grammar points To give students a chance to apply what they have learnt Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering - T let Ss Task 3-4-5 in A closer look Step 2: Task performing Task 3: Pair work – Put the words into Task 3: Pair work – Put the groups; some words can belong to more words into groups; some words than one group can belong to more than one group Teacher asks students to work in pairs, Answer key: students put the words from in appropriate Reduce groups Draw the table on the board and call rubbish, plastic bag, noise, plastic three students to go to the board and write bottle, paper, water their answers One word can belong to more Reuse than one group - Teacher elicits some more words for each plastic bag, glass, plastic bottle, group from the students Here are some can, paper, bulb, water, clothes suggested words: Recycle rubbish, plastic bag, glass, plastic bottle, can, paper, bulb * Reduce: electricity, gas,… * Reuse: envelope, carton box, old textbook,… PRONUNCIATION * Recycle: newspaper, textbook, Rhythm in sentences - Tell students that in English, the stressed plastic container,… and unstressed syllables combine to make rhythm in a sentence Students have learnt about stress in two-syllable words, so Teacher can remind them of the rule to put stress in two- syllable words (put stress on the first syllable in nouns and adjectives) - In the sentences in this activity the bold parts are the stressed syllables The aim of this pronunciation part is only to raise students’ awareness of rhythm It is not necessary to teach them in detail - Play the recording for students to listen to the sentences Have them pay attention to the bold parts Play the recording of each sentence again for students to repeat in chorus Have students work in pairs to practise reading the sentences Call on some students to read the sentences aloud Comment on students’ pronunciation Task 4: Listen and repeat these sentences - Play the recording for students to listen to the conversation Have them pay attention to Task 4: Listen and repeat the the bold parts sentences - Teacher plays the recording and ask students to repeat Task 5: Listen to the conversation Pay attention to the bold syllables and practice with your partner - Play the recording for students to listen to the conversation Have them pay attention to the bold parts - Teacher plays the recording and ask students to repeat - Play the recording of each sentence again for students to repeat in chorus Have students work in pairs to practise reading the conversation Call on some students to read the conversation aloud Comment on students’ pronunciation Game: Understanding each other - Teacher prepares some word cards - Teacher asks students go to the board and give one of them the cards She/ He has to act the word out without saying a word If the other one can guess and say aloud the word correctly, they will get the points (or candies instead) Step 3: Report and discussion - Ss work independently - Share the answers Step 4: Judgement - T gives feedback on the answers and studying attitucde of Ss in class ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (5'-IW) Aim: To help Ss revise all they have learnt To give Home assignments Content: Task 5: Listen to the conversation Pay attention to the bold syllables and practice with your partner Game: Understanding each other rubbish plastic bag glass plastic bottle noise paper water clothes cycle 10 plant 11 walk 12 wait Make sentences using the new words and structures Home assignments Products: Take note Home assignments Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment) - Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt - Ask Ss to say aloud some words they remember from the lesson and make sentences with them - Home assignments Step 2: Task performance * Home assignments: - Teacher summarizes the lesson Find more words in the topic - Guide ss how to exs (Work book) Going Green so they can continue - T assigns the homework playing Understanding game with - Ss copy their homework each other in the next lesson - T explains it carefully - Do more exercises in workbook Step 3: Report and discussion - T asks, Ss answer about houses Step 4: Judgement T gives feedback and requires Ss home assignments V FEEDBACK: With 6A …………………………………………………………………………… … With 6B ………………………… …………………………………… …………… With 6C ………………………………………………………………………….…… Tiết thứ 88 UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 3: A closer look Class 6A 6B 6C Date of teaching /04/2022 /04/2022 /04/2022 Attendence I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: * Vocabulary: - Understand the key words: rubbish, cut down, cough, forest, flood, noise pollution * Pronunciation: - Pronounce the key words correctly: rubbish, cut down, cough, forest, flood, noise pollution * Grammar: - use the articles correctly; - use the first conditional to talk about possibilities Competencies: a) General competencies: - Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence b) Specific competencies: - read for general and specific information about ways to go green at school; - talk about tips for going green; Qualities: - To teach Ss positive attitude about ways to go green - Students know the importance of protecting living environment - Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork, cooperative learning and working II PREPARATIONS Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector… Students: Text books, studying equipment’s… III PROCEDURE ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP Aim: To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the targeted grammar of future simple and to increase students’ interest Content: - To review/ introduce the use and the form of the grammar points Products: - Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities - A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson - Ss know the use and form of future simple Implementation: - Teacher instructs - Ss as required TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering - Chatting Step 2: Task performance + Greeting * Game: Crossword * Game: Crossword GLASS PAP E R - Teacher divides the class into groups P LAS T I C - Teacher prepares the ppt for the crosswords, RUBBISH students take turn to answer the words RECYCLE - The one can get the key word wins the game WAL K Step 3: Report and discussion CLOTHES - Ss join in the discussion and as required REUSE Step 4: Judgement - T summarizes the discussion and leads to Activity ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (15'-IW) Aim: To introduce targeted grammar of article To give practice with a and an To practise targeted grammar of the articles Content: The use of the articles Products: Vocabulary about the topic Practising the articles in context Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES Step 1: Task delivering - To help Ss learn The Articles - T sets the scene/ context for the listening and reading - T ask the whole class to the Tasks in A Closer Look Step 2: Task performance Lead in: - Teacher asks students how they understand the word ARTICLES - Write two sentences with articles on the board This is a book The book on the table is my favourite - Underline “a” and “the” Explain to students the CONTENTS difference between these two articles, tell them that “a” is an indefinite article and “the” is a definite article - Use the information in this table to explain to students Task 1: Write “a” or “an” - Have students the exercise individually and then compare their answers Invite some students to read their answers aloud Check their answers in front of the class - Ask students to the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a classmate Check the answers as a class Confirm the correct answers “Now, let’s Act.1 together then we can know how we use a or an before a noun.” Now draw students’ attention to the yellow Grammar box Let students read the information in some minutes Explain the information again if necessary Task 2: Write “a”, “an” or “the” - Have students read the sentences and fill each blank with a suitable article Check and confirm the correct answers Step 3: Report and discussion - Ss write down the new vocabulary - T asks, Ss answer some more questions about the lesson Step 4: Judgement - T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss Task 1: Write “a” or “an” an a a an a an an a Task 2: Write “a”, “an” or “the” a The; the a; an an the; the ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (20'-IW; PW; GW) Aim: To give practice with the first conditional To give further practice with the first conditional Content: Exercises of the first conditional Practise using the first conditional Products: Use the first conditional to the exercises Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES Step 1: Task delivering - T let Ss study the examples, consume the rules and the exercises Step 2: Task performing CONTENTS First conditional - Tell students that they are going to learn the first conditional Ask students to have a closer look at the Grammar box - Explain to them that there are two clauses in a conditional sentence and when the main clause comes before “the” if clause, there isn’t a comma between the two clauses - Give some more examples with the first conditional Task 3: Write the correct form of each verb in Task 3: Write the correct form of brackets each verb in brackets - Have students this exercise quickly then give the is; will go answers to teacher Write their answers on the board recycle; will help and confirm the correct answers will save; don’t waste will have; use isn’t / is not; will be Task 4: Write the correct form of each verb in Task 4: Write the correct form of brackets each verb in brackets - Teacher asks Ss to used the first conditional to is / will go write the correct form of the verbs recycle / will help - Ss work individually to the exercises - Teacher calls some SS to write the answers on the will save/ don't waste will have/ use blackboard and some others to give evaluations Task 5: Combine each pair of sentences below to isn't/ will be Task 5: Combine each pair of make a first conditional sentence If necessary, teacher can combine the first pair of sentences below to make a first sentences as an example Have students this conditional sentence Answer key: exercise in pairs Ask some students to write their sentences on the board Ask for feedback from other If the air isn’t fresh, people will cough students Confirm the correct answers If the water is dirty, a lot of fish Game: Fun matching will die - Divide the class into groups (A and B) and give If we cut down trees in the forest, each student a strip of paper Tell students from group A to write an if-clause Students from group B there will be more floods If there is too much noise, people write a main clause will not / won’t sleep - After minutes have students try to make a If there is no water, plants will sentence by matching the clause on their strip of die paper with a clause from the other group Ask Do they match? students to read their sentences aloud - Encourage the students to use the adjective in the Are there any funny textbook first and then they can broaden by adding more adjectives to describe Step 3: Report and discussion - Ss work independently and in pairs, in groups - Share the answers Step 4: Judgement - T gives feedback on the answers and studying attitude of Ss in class ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (5'-IW) Aim: To help Ss revise all they have learnt To give Home assignments Content: Make sentences using adjectives to to compare people and things in their classroom, using comparative adjectives Home assignments Products: Review the old lesson Take note Home assignments Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment) - Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt - T asks some Ss to make sentences using MIGHT - Home assignments Step 2: Task performance - T summarises the main points of the lesson - T lets Ss take note the home assignment - Guide ss how to exs (Work book) - T assigns the homework - Ss copy their homework - T explains it carefully Step 3: Report and discussion - T asks, Ss answer about positions of things Step 4: Judgement T gives feedback and requires Ss homework * Home assignments: Make sentences using first conditional sentence Do more exercises in workbook V FEEDBACK: With 6A …………………………………………………………………………… … With 6B ………………………… …………………………………… …………… With 6C ………………………………………………………………………….…… KIỂM TRA, ĐÁNH GIÁ CỦA BGH Đồng Minh, ngày tháng 03 năm 2022 …………………………… … …………………………… … …………………………… KÍ DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN Đồng Minh, ngày tháng 03 năm 2022 Duyệt chương trình …………………………… … …………………………… … … Tổ trưởng: Vũ Thị Thu Lý Tiết thứ 89 UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 4: Communication Class 6A 6B 6C Date of teaching /04/2022 /04/2022 /04/2022 Attendence I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: * Vocabulary: - Understand the key words: a survey, wrap, be in need, breeze * Pronunciation: - Pronounce the key words correctly: a survey, wrap, be in need, breeze * Grammar: - use the articles correctly; - use the first conditional to talk about possibilities Competencies: a) General competencies: - Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence b) Specific competencies: - read for general and specific information about ways to go green at school; - talk about tips for going green; Qualities: - To teach Ss positive attitude about ways to go green - Students know the importance of protecting living environment - Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork, cooperative learning and working II PREPARATIONS Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector… Students: Text books, studying equipment’s… III PROCEDURE ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) Aim: - To revise the old lesson - To activate students’ prior knowledge and to increase students’ interest Content: - Use everyday expressions to develop the language skills - Having some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new class - Lexical items of cities and landmarks Products: - Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities - A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson - Developing the language skills by asking and answering questions Implementation: - Teacher instructs - Ss as required TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering - Chatting Step 2: Task performance + Greeting * Revision: Conditional type - Teacher shows the picture of the things which are recycled, reduced, reused and ask students to make a sentence using the 1st conditional sentence - Students give their answers - Teacher checks the answer Step 3: Report and discussion - Ss join in the discussion and as required Step 4: Judgement - T summarizes the discussion and leads to Activity ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (15'-IW) Aim: To introduce two ways to give warnings Content: To apply the knowledge about the structure to give warnings Products: Vocabulary about the topic How to use the structure to give warnings Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering - T sets the scene/ context to reading and listening - T ask the whole class to the Tasks in Communication Step 2: Task performance Task Listen and read the dialogue between Task 1: Listen and read the dialogue Mi and Mike Pay attention to the between Mi and Mike Pay attention to highlighted sentences the highlighted sentences * Giving warnings: - Teacher plays the recording for students to listen and read the dialogue between Mi and Mike at the same time - Teacher asks students to pay attention to the highlighted sentences - Teacher elicits the structures to give warnings from students Structure: - Imperative sentences Don’t that - First conditional If you give them too much food, they will die - Teacher has students practise the dialogue in pairs Call some pairs to practise the dialogue in front of the class Task 2: Work in pairs Student A is watering flowers in the garden Student B is giving some warnings Act out the dialogue Remember to use the highlighted language in Teacher asks students to use the picture in “Revision” to make a similar dialogue, using the languages for giving warnings - Teacher asks students to work in pairs - Teacher moves around to observe and provide help Teacher calls some pairs to practise in front of the class, then comment on their performance Step 3: Report and discussion - T asks, Ss answer some more questions about the lesson Step 4: Judgement - T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss Task 2: Work in pairs Student A is watering flowers in the garden Student B is giving some warnings Act out the dialogue Remember to use the highlighted language in Suggested answers: A: You are using too many plastic bags Don’t that B: Why? A: If you use too many plastic bags, they will pollute our environment B: I see Thank you ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (20'-IW; PW; GW) Aim: - To give students a chance to know if they have a green way of living - To help students practise using some grammar points and vocabulary related to the topic - To give students an opportunity to ask and answer about a green way of living Content: - Conversation about green living and how to go green 3 Products: - More knowledge of the topic - Ability to ask and answer questions about green way of living Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES Step 1: Task delivering - T let Ss study the examples, consume the rules and the exercises Step 2: Task performing Task 3: The 3Rs Club survey How Green Are You? * Set the scence: - Teacher shows questions of the survey and asks students some questions: - Have students read the questions quickly and make sure that they know what to - Students answer the questions individually, then turn to page 57 to check their answers and count the points - Ask some students to speak out their points Task 4: Interview a classmate, using the questions in Compare your answers How many different answers have you got? Have students work in pairs: one student is the interviewer, and the other is the interviewee - Ask them to the interview in about minutes and to note down their friend’s answers - The interviewer then shares their answers with their friend and find out how many different answers they have - Call on some students to report the results of their interview to the class Teacher models with a student Step 3: Report and discussion - Ss work independently and in pairs, in groups - Share the answers Step 4: Judgement - T gives feedback on the answers and studying attitude of Ss in class CONTENTS Task 3: The 3Rs Club survey How Green Are You? + What is the name of the club? + What is the name of the survey? + How many questions are there in this survey? + How you understand the word “ green” here? Q1: A(0) B(2) C(2) Q2: A(1) B(0) C(2) Q3: A(0) B(2) C(0) Q4: A(1) B(0) C(2) Q5: A(0) B(2) C(0) Q6: A(2) B(0) C(2) 9-12 points: You’re green! 5-8 points: Try to be green! 1-4 points: You aren’t green at all! Task 4: Interview a classmate, using the questions in Compare your answers How many different answers have you got? Suggested answers: A: What’s your answer to Question 1? B: It’s C What’s your answer? A: My answer is A What’s your answer to Question 2? B: It’s C What’s your answer? A: Oh, me too What’s your answer to Question 3? B: It’s B What’s your answer? A: Well, I choose A ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (5'-IW) Aim: To help Ss revise all they have learnt To give Home assignments Content: More questions and answers about the main topic Home assignments Products: Review the old lesson Take note Home assignments Implementation: TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment) - T summarizes the lesson and let Ss tell what the have learnt - Home assignments Step 2: Task performance - Teacher summarizes the lesson - T has Ss tell what they have learnt (Practice asking about audio guides to places) - Guide ss how to exs (Work book) - T assigns the homework - Ss copy their homework - T explains it carefully Step 3: Report and discussion - T asks, Ss answer about GREEN LIFE Step 4: Judgement T gives feedback and requires Ss homework CONTENTS * Home assignments: - Search some more ways to go green and write down on notebooks - Do more exercises in workbook V FEEDBACK: With 6A …………………………………………………………………………… … With 6B ………………………… …………………………………… …………… With 6C ………………………………………………………………………….……