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TEST 1 A PHẨN THI TRẮC NGHIỆM PHẦN 1 CÁCH PHÁT ÂM CỦA ÂM VỊ TRONG TỪ Chọn 01 trong 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại (1 4) 1 A permission B decision C leisu[.]

TEST A PHẨN THI TRẮC NGHIỆM PH ẦN 1: CÁCH PHÁT ÂM CỦA ÂM VỊ TRONG TỪ Chọn 01 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với lựa chọn lại (1-4) A permission B decision C leisure D occasion A tomb B combatant C comber D subtlety A infamous B fame C stranger D danger A chaperon B charity C challenge D Charlie PHẦN 2: TRỌNG ÂM Chọn 01 từ 04 từ cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với từ lại (5-8) A picturesque B ambassador C conspicuous D concern A intelligent B preferential C apprentice D potential A popular B nature C culture D mature A humorous B contagious C vigorous D mountainous PHẦN 3: TỪ HOẶC CỤM TỪ ĐỔNG NGHĨA Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần với từ/cụm từ gạch chân câu hỏi (9-11) I’m tired of working in this thankless IT support job I don’t want to be just a small cog in a large machine anymore! A someone who is necessary but insignificant B someone who plays a significant role C someone who is obedient D someone who has no power 10 Tom: “Jake you should really come to the party tonight!” Jake: “You know I can’t, I have to hit the books!” A rearrange the bookshelf B study for a lesson C replace the covers of books D read a few pages 11 I haven’t set a date for my wedding yet Things are still up in the air A open to question B under scrutiny C all over the place D going places PHẦN 4: TỪ HOẶC CỤM TỪ TRÁI NGHĨA Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ cụm từ gạch chân câu hỏi (12-14) 12 The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close down the factory A was dismissed B was acclaimed C was criticized D was penalized 13 Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer A support B oppose C annul D convict 14 The advertisement is aimed at gullible young women worried about their weight A easily fooled B mischievous C insensitive D strong-minded PHẦN 5: HOÀN THÀNH CÂU Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống câu hỏi (15-19) 15 He’s a nice guy, always ready to somebody a good……………… A present B play C turn D pleasure 16 Family relationships later ……………… much significance on his life A took on B kept up C took up D kept on 17 When John was arrested for drunken driving, he expected to lose his driving license, but he was ……………… with a fine A let through B let off C let out D let down 18 Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally……………… A intriguing B inquisitive C ingenious D captivating 19 The rather humid climate in no way……………… from the beauty of place A subtracts B protracts C detracts D attracts PHẨN 6: ĐIỀNTỪ Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn (20-27) There may be nothing worse than slammed doors, raised voices and tears but, according to a new study, it’s actually a good idea for parents who want to be close to their teenage children to (20)…………… row a day Instead of causing alienation, conflict can (21)…………… parent- adolescent relationships, says Tabiha Holmes, a specialist in adolescent development “It was a complete surprise to me to discover during my research that teenagers themselves saw heated arguments as something that (22)…………… them closer to their parents,” said Holmes “Whereas their parents talked about how upsetting and destructive arguing with their child was, the adolescents were able to see how (23)…………… horns helped them to understand their parents’ points of view more clearly They were also very (24) …………… that a good row forced them to think through, articulate and defend their opinions and desires.” According to Holmes, it is the day-to-day conflicts - the very ones that can be so draining - that are most (25) …………… : the endless rows over homework, clothes, curfews and friends It’s vital for conflicts to be heated: calm discussion or animated debate does not count “Adolescents said they only told their mothers what they really felt and thought when they were forced to defend their position If your teenager is rowing with you, it’s actually a (26) …………… for respect,” Holmes said “It shows they value you enough to tell you their genuine feelings and thoughts.” To be positive, conflicts have to be handled in the right way, Holmes admitted Parents need to listen genuinely to their teenager’s view point; it’s necessary for them to be able to modify their own position in the (27) …………… of what their child tells them; and they need to be respectful, to go into the row acknowledging that their child’s point of view is worthwhile 20 A have B make C D take 21 A spoil B strengthen C impact D influence 22 A pushed B drove C brought D took 23 A locking B marking C cutting D playing 24 A aware B wise C conscious D knowledgeable 25 A destructive B conducive C constructive D persuasive 26 A proof B manifestation C mark D indication 27 A situation B sparkle C space D light PHẨN 7: BÀI ĐỌC Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi kèm theo (28-35) A MAN WITH A MISSION Owen Forrest, one of today’s most famous sculptors, talks about work, inspiration and his new book Clean Shaven, with shoulder-length hair, the artist Owen Forrest looks younger than 35 Interviewing him is quite hard, not because he’s a difficult person, but because he’s so agreeable Make a comment about his work and how it challenges ideas about life in the modern city, and he’ll smile and answer, “Yes, I see your point.” Or he’ll cut you off in the middle of a question to offer you some more coffee He isn’t trying to be vague; he’s just a shy young man from central England Perhaps that’s why he seems such a down-to-earth person Far from having a typical artist’s temperament, he comes across more like a farmer who just happened to wander into a giant studio in London and start working When I asked him how it felt to represent Britain at the 2007 Paris Biennale Art Show, he replied that it was “very nice” and that he was rather surprised but, of course, pleased to have been chosen His modesty is rather charming, and highly unusual in an artist It’s not often that someone of Forrest’s fame will sit down to answer the ordinary person’s questions on such topics as where his inspiration comes from, what it’s like to sculpt without machines in today’s mechanized world, or simply why he does it Forrest says he was prompted to write My hands, My Vision by a sense that many people’s interest in his art extended beyond mere everyday conversation “I was asked very intelligent questions by people who weren’t in the art world, from taxi drivers to people in the supermarket queues It made me realize that people have an interest in what I which goes beyond browsing in galleries and museums,” he says My Hands, My Vision avoids the biographical and mainly focuses on Forrests inspiration “The events in my life haven’t had a huge influence on my work,” he says, though he admits his father’s obsession with wood carving and carpentry have played a role The book aims to open up the process of how he creates his sculptures, how his imagination is sparked by an idea or perhaps something he happens to see on the street He seeks to replace the sense of false mystery which surrounds many artists with a more realistic window into the kind of physical and mental work it takes to be a sculptor “The publicity an artist gets when they show a new series of works in the media is a double-edged sword,” Forrest points out “You get attention, but you also come in for a lot of criticism from the media First, they ask you to talk about your work and then they create their own interpretations, regardless of what you tell them your work actually says or means.” Forrest’s personal working style is to build up each sculpture piece by piece He says that this process is not widely understood “There’s no real vocabulary for discussing whether the artist is skillful, or how intelligent his work is.” There is still something mysterious about the creation of an amazing sculpture “It’s very personal, very emotional It’s like building a new friendship,” Owen says “When you are building a new friendship, you have periods of being very close and times when you are separate It’s similar with sculpting You can spend days working non-stop, and then you find you need to take a break for a week or so Once a sculpture is finished, the process you went through to create it remains with you, like an old friend.” Owen includes examples of his early work in My Hands, My Vision “I wanted to make a point about all those who criticized my early work as rubbish It wasn’t all bad, and it has affected the work I create today, as well as my approach to sculpting It was an important building block in my desire to create sculptures where people are challenged not only to view the world in a different way, but their own place in that world.” His success seems to prove he has achieved his goals 28 Why did the writer feel that interviewing Owen Forrest was difficult? A He didn’t like to answer questions B He talked too much about himself C He wasn’t interested in being interviewed D He was too pleasant with his responses 29 What surprised the writer about Owen Forrest? A He had once worked as a farmer B His behavior wasn’t typical of artists C He had taken part in a famous art show D His studio was too large to work in 30 Why did Owen Forrest decide to write his book? A He was tired of answering questions about his work B He knew people were tired of visiting museums C He wanted to entertain people with his writing D He realized people were curious about his work 31 The main purpose of Owen Forrests book was to…………… A give important details of his own life B analyze the difficulties of an art career C explain how he works as an artist D encourage others to become artists 32 How does Owen Forrest fell about media publicity? A It isn’t always beneficial B It rarely contains the truth C It is usually too critical D It isn’t good promotion 33 What does Owen Forrest imply about art critics? A They have a limited vocabulary B They not understand sculptors C They fail to address all the issues in art D They not recognize some artists’ work 34 When Owen Forrest is making one of his sculptures…………… A he wants to create new friendships B he usually takes a week off work C he goes through a variety of feelings D he keeps going until it’s finished 35 Why did Owen Forrest want to include his early work in his book? A to show its influence on his later work B to challenge people’s views of the world C to prove that it was actually very good D to annoy the people who criticize him PHẨN 8: HOÀN THÀNH HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống (36-40) 36 Helena: “How soon will you be leaving?”Mark: “…………… ” A On my way B In the nick of time C Once in a blue moon D By a stroke of luck 37 John: “Are you sure that’s OK?”- Linda: “…………… ” A Of course it is B No, I am not C I don’t think so D I haven’t thought about it 38 Annie: “Let’s buy this pink purse for Mum!”- Laura: “…………… ” A Yes, you’re right B Fine, thanks C No, it suits her D Good idea! 39 Alex: “Would you mind turning down the TV?”- Mike: “…………… ” A I’m really sorry I’m not paying attention B Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that C No, I don’t D Yes, I 40 Hilton: “It’s really scorching in here.”- Harry: “…………… ” A The air conditioner is too old B It’s always uncomfortable in rainy season C You can leave if you want D Yeah, those people are really stubborn PHẦN 9: SẮP XẾP HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn trật tự lượt lời hội thoại cho (41-45) 41 a Yes, that’s her b Hi, I’m here to try out for the play c No, that’s Ms Jenifer Ms Janes has long, straight hair She’s right over there d You mean the one with blonde hair? e You need to talk to Ms Janes f Oh, which one is she? Is she the one wearing a red dress? A b-e-f-c-d-a B b-d-c-a-f-e C e-f-d-c-a-b D e-d-c-f-a-b 42 a How about a salad or a bowl of ramen noodles instead? b Well, the grilled cheese sandwich is very good c I tried the salad yesterday It wasn’t very fresh d OK, I think I’ll try that e Well, I like pizza, but it’s too fattening f What are you going to get for lunch? A f-b-d-a-c-e B f-e-a-c-b-d C a-c-e-d-f-b D a-c-e-f-b-d 43 a Yes, I’ll take 10 percent off if you show me your student ID b I really like that suit How much does it cost? c It’s three hundred dollars, sir d Great, I’ll take it! e That’s a little expensive for me Do you have a student discount? f Let me get a receipt for you A b-c-e-a-d-f B b-c-d-f-a-e C b-c-a-e-f-d D b-c-a-f-d-e 44 a Oh, I just remembered I have a doctor’s appointment at two b Better make it three thirty I don’t want to be late c Do you think you’d be done by three? d Sure! What time? e Can you come over to my house at half past one? f Hi, Gloria Can you study with me this afternoon? A e-f-a-b-c-d B f-d-c-b-e-a C f-d-e-a-c-b D a-e-f-c-d-b 45 a Not really But I just wanted to disappear! I felt so embarrassed b Did you enjoy Margaret’s birthday party? c Oh, no! What happened? d Was she annoyed about it? e It was fun until I broke her lamp f It was an accident I tripped over my shoelace and knocked the lamp off the table A b-e-f-c-d-a B c-f-b-a-d-e C b-a-e-c-f-d D b-e-c-f-d-a PHẨN 10: VIẾT LẠI CÂU Chọn câu đồng nghĩa cận nghĩa với câu cho câu hỏi (46-50) 46 Since I live near China, I would consider learning Chinese; but heard that it is a very challenging language to study A Since I live close to China, I should learn Chinese, but I probably won’t because I find the language extremely challenging B If I hadn’t heard that Chinese is a very difficult language to learn, I would think about studying it, because I live near China C If I didn’t find learning foreign languages so hard, I would probably learn Chinese, especially as I live near China D Living so close to China, I have the opportunity to learn Chinese, but I think it is going to be difficult, or so I have heard 47 Unless Sams plans change over the weekend, we'll leave early on Monday morning A Well hit the road early on Monday morning regardless of the changes to Sam’s plans B Providing that there are no changes to Sam’s plans over the weekend, we’ll set off early on Monday morning C If Sam didn’t change his plans over the weekend, we would set off early on Monday morning D We will have to leave early on Monday morning as Sam’s plan has changed over the weekend 48 As far as I know, Nick will be here on Tuesday A Although I not know the fact, Nick will not be here on Tuesday B I have every reason to doubt whether Nick will turn up here On Tuesday C To the best of my knowledge, whether Nick will show up on Tuesday is precarious D I have no reason to suppose that Nick will not be here on Tuesday 49 The role of the PR company in securing the government contract was never acknowledged officially A Never did the role of the PR company in securing the government contract attract much public attention officially B The role of the PR company in securing the government contract was never as important as it deserved C At no time was there any official acknowledgement of the role the PR company played in securing the government contract D Never before did the PR company have such an official acknowledgement of the role it played in securing the government contract 50 Without the brochures they distributed, the new travel agency wouldn’ t have attracted so many customers in just the first week A Nobody would have visited the new travel agency if they hadn’t handed out so many brochures during the first week B More customers would have come to the new travel agency if they had distributed more brochures during the first week C The new travel agency drew hardly any customers during the first week, despite the brochures that they distributed D The new travel agency drew a lot of customers in only the first week, and this was thanks to the brochures that they handed out PHẨN 11: KẾT HỢP CÂU Chọn câu đồng nghĩa cận nghĩa với cặp câu cho câu hỏi (51-55) 51 The Supreme Court has turned down all the accusations against Mr Pattinson There was not enough proof A There is a lack of proof; therefore, the Supreme Court has rejected all the allegations against Mr Pattinson B The Supreme Court has rejected all the allegations against Mr Pattinson on the grounds of insufficient evidence C Due to the absence of proof, the Supreme Court has abandoned all the allegations against Mr Pattinson D As there was a total lack of evidence, the accusations against Mr Pattinson were all dismissed 52 Laura is going to help me assemble the equipment She promised me A Laura kept her promise when she gave me a hand in setting up the machinery B Laura gave me her word that she would help me set up the equipment C Laura wanted to help me with the equipment but I don’t think she will remember her words D Thanks to Lauras promise, I don’t have to worry about assembling the equipment 53 The technicians were reluctant to take on their duties I had to offer to pay extra money for their service A The technicians were hesitant to get to grips with their duties until I offered to pay extra money for their service B It was only when I offered to pay extra money for their service was the technicians willing to rise up to their responsibilities C No sooner had I offered to pay them extra money for their service than the technicians were willing to get round to doing their work D Only when I made an offer of extra money to them did the technicians really make an effort to complete their assignments 54 All possible methods have been applied to purify the polluted river The outcome is not very prospective A Although the outcome is not up to their expectations, people still go to any lengths to clean up the polluted river B Whatever the methods they took to decontaminate the river, the situation seems to be exacerbated C The situation of the polluted river does not look promising despite the numerous attempts to clean it up D The river became less polluted thanks to the measures being applied 55 The director failed to attend the meeting They had to cancel it A The director had to abort the meeting as the attendants could not make it B The meeting was delayed due to the fact that the director couldn’t show up C No sooner had they cancel the meeting than the director failed to attend it D The director’s failure to show up at the meeting resulted in the cancellation of it PHẦN 12: HOÀN THÀNH VĂN BẢN Chọn 01 cụm từ câu 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng luận cho (56-60) Computer and video games are very popular these days But could games like these be harming the young people who play them? There are compelling arguments on both sides People worry about these games for a number of reasons (56)…………… They may act out what they in the games in real life Another worry is that children may become desensitized to suffering and think that violence is acceptable A lot of games are extremely violent They are also interactive This is why they may be more harmful than violent films or television programmes Children might try to solve their own problems in a violent way too (57) …………… , critics worry about the addictive natureof these games The games sometimes take over children’s lives Children often suffer psychologically They can become hyperactive, or even become isolated from their friends and family (58)…………… children have always enjoyed having gunfights orswordfights with “pretend” weapons They know it’s not real life Playing violent games allows children to “let off steam” and express feelings they must control in real life There is a great deal of violence in fairy tales It never caused our parents or grandparents to behave violently in real life It is part of growing up Ultra-violent video games are unhealthy But there is no proof that they turn normal children into killers As for the time kids spend playing games, this is only dangerous if gaming becomes an obsession Gaming can actually be very social Most people play with their friends (59)…………… Having considered all these arguments, I believe that the risks to young people of playing modern computer and video games are exaggerated (60)…………… 56 A On the one hand, young people may get obsessed with the fantasy world in games B One concern is that young people may have trouble distinguishing what is real from what is fantasy C It is assumed that young people may have problems getting back to their real life after hours playing games D The first problem is that playing games is a crucial factor leading to mental disorders among young people 57 A Finally, B Consequently, C Then, D Last, 58 A In addition to these drawbacks of playing games, people claim that there are some benefits B Moreover, children are at risk of becoming victims of “ultra- violent” weapons C There is another side to the debate, however D However, those drawbacks of young childrens playing games are not adequate 59 A People fight each other on screen but they have fun and become better friends in the process B However, they can fall apart easily if one beats another repeatedly C People fight each other in the virtual world, and it is likely that this fighting will continue in real life D Additionally, they can squeeze a lot of money from their friends by playing games 60 A If played sensibly, I feel they can benefit young people rather than harming them B Everything has both good and bad sides, and so are games C Students should play games in a moderate amount of time D Frankly speaking, playing games is more beneficial than not doing anything at all B PHẨN THI TỰ LUẬN 61 Viết thư khoảng 150 từ dựa yêu cầu You are the president of the youth club in your secondary school On behalf of the members, write a letter to invite a famous person to give a speech at one of your club’s meetings In your letter, you should: - introduce your club - give the reasons why you want to invite this person - tell him/her about the arrangements for the meeting You NOT need to write any addresses Begin your letter as follows: Dear…, 62 Viết văn khoảng 250 từ chủ đề sau: One of the best ways to teach children to manage their money is to let them control their budget from an early age To what extent you agree or disagree with the statement? TEST A PHẦN THI TRẮC NGHIỆM PHẨN 1: CÁCH PHÁT ÂM CỦA ÂM VỊ TRONG TỪ Chọn 01 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với lựa chọn lại (1-4) A attendant B abundant C confidant D important A dissolve B result C possess D assist A periscope B telescope C syncope D microscope A submarine B examine C masculine D discipline PHẦN 2: TRỌNG ÂM Chọn 01 từ 04 từ cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với từ lại (5-8) A article B imminent C handicap D exhibit A tradition B destiny C decency D reconcile A indicate B enthusiast C intricate D infamous A cathedral B embryo C improvise D recipe PHẨN 3: TỪ HOẶC CỤM TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần với từ/cụm từ gạch chân câu hỏi (9-11) Remember to keep your hair on even if the journalists keep accusing you of lying during the press conference A be polite B keep calm C stay alert D be defensive 10 I don’t like the gifts they have given to me for my birthday But, as they say, never look a gift horse in the mouth A get something from the person very close to you B receive gifts from someone even though you don’t like him C ask other people to give you the present you want D to criticize something that is given to you for nothing 11 You must have got hold of the wrong end of the stick He said he was for the reforms, not against them A misunderstood B made allowance for C had mercy on D been offended PHẦN 4: TỪ HOẶC CỤM TỪ TRÁI NGHĨA Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ cụm từ gạch chân câu hỏi (12-14) 12 After the scandal related to waste disposal at the company questions were coming at the manager thick and fast A quickly B mercifully C excessively D scarcely 13 It has rained for four days without letting up A thundering B freezing C increasing in intensity D slackening 14 The elderly couple can fend for themselves despite their age A live independently from others B have poor memory C be unaware of the surrounding D be reliant on others PHẦN 5: HOÀN THÀNH CÂU Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống câu hỏi (15-19) 15 Automobile production in the United States…………… A have taken slumps and rises in recent years B has been rather erratic recently C has been erratically lately D are going up and down all the time 16 While attempting to reach his home before the storm, …………… A the bicycle of John broke down B it happened that Johns bike broke down C the storm caught John D John had an accident on his bicycle 17 Do you think Ms Hillary Clinton will…………… for Parliament in the next election? A sit B run C walk D stand 18 This university’s programmes…………… those of Harvard A come second to B are first C are second only to D are in second place 19 By making it easier to trace who is phoning, companies havereduced the number of …………… calls A evil B malignant C malicious D wicked PHẦN 6: ĐIỀN TỪ Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn (20-27) A team from the University of Oxford and Cardiff University have used mathematical models to (20) …………… the complex process of braindevelopment that occurs as initialising cells, otherwise known as progenitor cells, start to grow and begin to differentiate into more specialist cells at (21)…………… points in time By applying this experimentally realistic modelto mice, monkeys and humans, all of which use (22)…………… the same typeof raw materials to develop a brain, the team identified the different brain development strategies that separates each of the three mammals In particular, the equations looked at the ability of progenitor cells to (23)…………… either into more progenitor cells or into neurons The equationswere (24)…………… linked to real-life experimental data from mice, monkeysand humans and used to predict the original population of progenitor cells before the brains started to develop The results showed that the human brain may develop from fewer raw materials (25)…………… to both mice and monkeys, which is surprising (26)…………… that a human brain is much more complex than that of amouse Interestingly when comparing the brain of a monkey to a mouse, the results showed that the monkey brain is developed from more initial cells, leading to the creation of a larger brain The team have proposed that as the human brain has been formed and sculpted through more than 500 million years of (27)…………… , it has been able to develop more strategicways of creating complex structures with fewer cells 20 A reinforce B reenact C rejuvenate D reintroduce 21 A variant B significant C various D similar 22 A approximately B roughly C really D extremely 23 A divide B multiply C subtract D add 24 A precedentedly B accidentally C subsequently D preceedingly 25 A comparing B compared C in comparison D being compared 26 A shown B known C taken D given 27 A transformation B stagnation C development D evolution PHẦN 7: BÀI ĐỌC Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi kèm theo (28-35) AN UNHEALTHY OBSESSION The Guinness Book of World Records describes Ranulph Fiennes as the world’s greatest living explorer His expeditions include the first polar circumnavigation of the Earth and the first unsupported crossing of the Antarctic continent on foot He has been up the White Nile in a hovercraft, and parachuted onto Europe’s highest glacier An obsession with diet and fitness comes with the territory, and for years Fiennes has fine-tuned his body to cope with the most inhospitable of environments and the most stressful situations of physical hell So when I read that this model of physical fitness had gone and suffered a heart attack - not while planting a flag in a no-man’s- land, but while boarding a plane - it came as something of a surprise Even what happened, lesser mortals like myself might be forgiven for wondering whether the benefits of following a healthy lifestyle are all they’re racked up to be Why bother exerting all that effort if in the end survival turns out to be a lottery? Of course fitness and diet are only part of the story “Some people live a healthy lifestyle and still succumb to heart problems.” health expert Alison Shaw explains Genetics and family history also play a crucial role in determining who will achieve longevity “It could all be a question of genes”, she says, “but then some people never have a trace of the disease even though their family would seem to make them prime targets.” Whether or not some people are genetically programmed to have a higher chance of heart disease, there are steps they can take to reduce their risks A healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and reduced levels of saturated fat helps prevent obesity and stops fatty deposits forming in the arteries and blocking them Smoking, incidentally, has the opposite effect, as nicotine increases the heart rate and makes the blood clot more easily Exercise is highly beneficial as it reduces both the pulse rate and blood pressure so minimizing strain on the heart as it pumps blood round the body It also helps to keep the artery walls more elastic “Whether you’ve got a family history of heart disease or not, everybody should be living a healthy lifestyle,” Shaw says “We wouldn’t want people to stop looking after themselves.” But can you look after yourself too much? On the subject of exercise, the standard recommendation is to take five sessions of “moderate” exercise a week, where moderate is a little more than brisk walking “We need to be very careful when were doing extreme sports or endurance event,” says health expert Len Almond “Extreme physical stress can impose almost impossible demands on the body’s ability to recover The strain of endurance events such as exploration force biochemical changes in the human body The physiological response to that kind of activity will be extreme and how the body overcomes that is bound to leave some kind of legacy.” So could Fiennes’s love for exploration and endurance events have contributed to his condition? “It could have had an effect, or there may be genetic predisposition and an event could have made it worse,” say Almond “We haven’t done enough research in this area.” This is changing though There is growing interest in sports medicine, a field that arguably began as long ago as 490BC when the first person to run the marathon ran the 26 miles from the town of Marathon to Athens with news of a victory over the Persians The man, a soldier called Pheidippides, collapsed as soon as he arrived, and the cause of his sudden demise is not known However, scientists are using athletes like him to answer questions about the effects of extreme exercise on the heart One group, at the University of Inrsbruck in Austria, studied cyclists taking part in a race called the Tyronlean Otztaler Radmarathon, a one-day event that covers 230km with an altitude change of 5,500m They were interested in one particular enzyme, high concentrations of which are found in those who have suffered a heart attack The scientists found that levels of this chemical increased in 13 of the 38 cyclists who completed the race The largest increases were seen in the youngest, fastest cyclists who had trained the hardest Similar increases in the chemical have been found in competitors in the Hawaii Ironman triathlon and in cross-country skiers Most of us will never put our bodies to such severe tests But if when you hear about someone like Fiennes you ask whether exercise is worth it, I advise you to consider your own priorities Personally, I subscribe to this adage sent in by a reader to a local newspaper “Run not to add years to your life but to add life to your years.” 28 What does the writer say in the first paragraph about Fiennes' obsession with diet and health? A It was unreasonable even for an explorer B It had become more intense with time C It contributed to his collapse D It makes subsequent events hard to believe 29 The word “succumb” is closest in meaning to…………… A continue B surrender C conquer D rise 30 On the question of who will live longest, it seems that…………… A genetic make-up is the main factor B there is no clear explanation why some people outlive others C lifestyle choices play little part D Family history is not as significant as once thought 31 According to the text, one of the positive effects of taking regularexercise is that it…………… A speeds up the heart rate B strengthens blood vessels C quickens the pulse D reduces heat exertion 32 What does health expert Len Almond imply? A Our bodies can cope with intense physical stress B We should allow a long period of recovery after any physical exercise C There is more to learn about the effects of physical stress D Taking part in endurance sports is harmful in the long term 33 Experts in sports medicine have…………… A studied the effects of altitude on various types of athletes B questioned the wisdom of taking part in extreme sports C found a common factor among competitions in extreme sports D discovered an enzyme which causes heart attacks in cyclists 34 What final conclusion about exercise does the writer reach? A It makes life more enjoyable B It may not be worth the effort C It should be done in moderation D It ought to be a priority 35 The word “demise” is closest in meaning to…………… A operation B death C exhaustion D accomplishment PHẦN 8: HOÀN THÀNH HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống (36-40) 36 Alex: “Would you mind closing the door behind you, please?”- Adam: “…………… ” A Of course you have to it yourself B Sorry, I will close it right away C Yes, I would Why not? D No, I wouldn’t Do it yourself 37 Jack: “Can I have some more ice-cream?”- Joe: “…………… ” A Of course, help yourself to it B Yes, you are so greedy a boy C No, I don’t like ice-cream D I am happy to say that you can 38 Laura: “Thanks for all that you’ve done for me.”- Jeffrey: “…………… ” A It was the least I could B I have been waiting to hear this, C Never mind D The pleasure is mine 39 Hannah: “I’m sorry I lost that wallet you gave me.”- George: “…………… ” A Never mind, I can easily buy you another one B How come? You are so absent-minded! C How many times will I have to buy you one? D Not at all Luckily, it didn’t cost me much 40 Van: “Can you make us some coffee, Hoa?”- Hoa: “…………… ” A No, I won’t I am afraid B Don’t worry You can trust in me C Sorry, I don’t D I am afraid I can’t now PHẦN 9: SẮP XẾP HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn trật tự lượt lời hội thoại cho (41-45) 41.a How can I help you, sir? b No, that’s all Thank you! Have a good day c No But would it be possible for you to tell me the balance of my savings account? d Certainly, just sign here Would you like any cash back? f I need to make a deposit, please e It’s printed on your receipt Can I help you with anything else? A a-f-d-c-e-b B a-d-c-e-b-f C f-a-b-d-e-c D f-a-d-c-b-e 42 a Yes, your choices are roasted potatoes or baby carrots b What’s on the menu today? c Coming right up, sir d Oh, that sounds very good Does it come with a side dish? e Our special is grilled steak with mushrooms f I think I’ll have it with potatoes, and please bring me some coffee A c-d-a-e-f-a B b-e-d-a-f-c C b-c-e-d-a-f D a-f-c-d-e-b 43 a I thought you did that yesterday! b We were going to, but my little brother got sick c Hey, Tom! Do you want to go to the park for a walk? d Well, I guess I’ll have to ask someone else, then e Sorry, I can’t I’ve got to go to some department stores with my family f Sorry Maybe we can go another time A c-f-d-a-b-eB c-b-f-a-d-e C c-e-a-b-d-f D d-b-a-f-c-e 44 a Oh, did Marsha ask you to bring food? b Yes, everybody who was invited was supposed to sign up to bring something! c I forgot I was supposed to bring a bag of chips and some salsa! d What is it, John? e Well, I wouldn’t worry It looks like there’s plenty of food for everybody f Oh, no! I just realized something! A d-a-b-e-f-c B f-c-d-a-b-e C c-b-a-d-e-f D f-d-c-a-b-e 45 a Then why is your nose all sunburned? b OK, I’ll spill the beans I was there My parents wanted to take US c But my little brother saw you at the beach! d He must have seen someone else e Oh, I was really, really sick f Why weren’t you in school yesterday, Victor? A f-e-c-d-a-b B e-f-a-c-d-b C a-b-c-f-d-e D d-c-f-e-a-b PHẨN 10: VIẾT LẠI CÂU Chọn câu đồng nghĩa cận nghĩa với câu cho câu hỏi (46-50) 46 The past decade has seen an increasing number of famous people crashing in on their celebrity status by getting their autobiographies published A Ten years ago, if a person publicized his confession, he would become a celebrity B The fact that many celebrities had famous publishers produce their confessions for the past decade totally ruined their increasing careers C The publications of some famous people’s autobiographies in the past ten years have done wonders for their already high-profile status D Unless they had publicized their private memoirs, their celebrity status wouldn’t have been that high 47 Her colleagues were completely surprised when the head teacher resigned A The head teachers’ resignation took her colleagues by complete surprise B Teachers in the school were all so taken aback by the news that the head teacher was struck off C The school’s principal decided to resign from her position due to her surprisingly complicated relationship with her colleagues D If the head teacher resigned, her colleagues would be completely astonished 48 People can only enter the stadium if they have a pre-booked ticket A Only when spectators had reserved for tickets they will be allowed to enter the stadium B People were asked to stay out of the stadiums even when they had already booked the tickets C Entrance to the stadium is restricted to those in possession of a pre-booked ticket D The stadium is open free to those who have pre-booked tickets 49 A local team has won the basketball championship for the third year running A A local team has beaten the guest team for the third time in this basketball season to get the cup B For the third year in succession, the basketball championship has been won by a local team C A local basketball team had been unbeaten in the tournament for three consecutive years D A local team has become the runner-up for three years in a row 50 They chose that holiday resort because it was recommended in a newspaper article A Theft choice of holiday resort was influenced by a recommendation in a newspaper article B They wrote a proposal in a newspaper article about the holiday resort they had gone to C After considering many different suggestions in that newspaper article, they decided to go to that holiday resort D The newspaper is a good source of recommendation if you want to choose a holiday resort PHẨN 11: KẾT HỢP CÂU Chọn câu nghĩa cận nghĩa với cặp câu cho câu hỏi (51-55) 51 Thanks for reminding me of the English mini-test Otherwise, I wouldn't have attended today’s lesson A Had it not been for your reminder of the English mini-test I would have played truant during today’s lesson B I am indebted to you for reminding me about the English mini¬test, which I was intending to be absent from C Your reminder of the English mini-test made me realize the true meaning of attending today’s lesson D If you hadn’t reminded me of the English mini-test, I wouldn’t have skipped today’s lesson 52 You have to tell me everything first Then, I can help you A Provided that I can help you, you have to tell me everything first B It is only when you tell me everything can I help you C It is not until you have told me everything that I can help you D As you still keep me in the dark about what happened, you can expect me to help you 53 She is a rich lady She leads a simple life A However affluent she may seem, judging from her simple life, she is actually not B Wealthy as she is, she has a very austere way of living C Her affluence has no role to play in the choice of how she lives her life D Her plain life style can give a false impression of how wealthy she is 54 Numbers at the evening class have dwindled rather badly In fact, if attendance gets any worse, we may have to cancel the course altogether A The cancellation of the course was a direct result of the badly attended evening classes B The attendance of the evening classes has been putting pressure on the already badly-facilitated course, which has led to the cancellation of it C If the situation of the evening class attendance does not look up, we cannot rule out the possibility of course dismissal D Only when there is a plunge in the number of students attending the evening class can we go on offering the course 55 Jane really laid it on thick when she told the boss that she was not feeling very well Unfortunately for her, he realized immediately that she just wanted the afternoon off A Jane pretended to be slightly under the weather, which left a negative impression on their slicky boss B Jane proved how thick-skinned she could be in being deceptive about her bad health conditions to her boss C The fact that Jane’s boss could see through her exaggeration when saying that she was under the weather was something of a misfortune to her D Jane has mixed feelings in lying about her bad health condition to her boss, which was really unfortunate for her ... beauty of place A subtracts B protracts C detracts D attracts PHẨN 6: ĐIỀNTỪ Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn (20-27) There may be nothing worse than slammed... arguments as something that (22)…………… them closer to their parents,” said Holmes “Whereas their parents talked about how upsetting and destructive arguing with their child was, the adolescents were... to learn about the effects of physical stress D Taking part in endurance sports is harmful in the long term 33 Experts in sports medicine have…………… A studied the effects of altitude on various

Ngày đăng: 26/11/2022, 08:23



