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VNU Joumal ofEducaiion Research, Vol 30, No 1 (2014)31 12 Some Issues of E pedagogy A Case Study at University of Education (VNU UED) Ton Quang Cirong*, Pham Kim Chui^, Dao Thi Hoa Mai Faculty of Teac[.]

VNU Joumal ofEducaiion Research, Vol 30, No (2014)31-12 Some Issues of E-pedagogy: A Case Study at University of Education (VNU-UED) Ton Quang Cirong*, Pham Kim Chui^, Dao Thi Hoa Mai Faculty of Teacher Education INU University ofEducaiion, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cdu Giay, Hanoi Vietnam Received 15 January 2014 Revised 22 February 2014 Accepted 24 March 2014 Abstract: In 2010 the first e-leaming courses had been held to train teachers (Bachelor level) and the educational managers (Master degree) at the University of Education Viemam National University, Hanoi (VNU-UED) The ^plication of the non-traditional mode in this teaching ^proach has created a number of changes in deploying the pedagogia! activities and leaming environment These courses were designed m the direction of supplying the contents of knowledge and organizing the teaching activities in the new way in order to raise the output quality and develop the prafessional skills for the learners at UED This research was conducted to make recommendations in the pedagogical aspect on how to get access to the design and organization of e-leaming, to make clear a number of fundamental principles and to explain the phenomenon of E-pedagogy concept based on the previous classic teaching theories Keywords: E-pedagogy, B-leaming, leaming theories, technological acceptance Inroduction Many authors and educators have documented that implementation of Infonnation and Communication Technologies (ICT) in higher education represents challenges and changes in pedagogical paradigm and approaches of new leaming format in the 21 century [I] Actually, with the staging of routinely use interactive technology (virtual rooms, online leaming, blended leaming etc.) today's instruction and students' activities enhance the • Conespondmg author.: 84-903276534 E-mail: cuongtq@vnu edu best learning scenario Thus the teacher's action is transformed to the extent that his or her own role encompasses a variety of tasks and functions, showing a consistent dynamic in the assimilation of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technology pedagogical knowledge, innovation and tr^ning for a community, circimiscribed in a digital condition The need to provide more engaged learning experience and outcome is common interest comae's designers-instructors today And many faculty begin their own courses with primarily question: "How to change passive teaching and leaming approach toward to students' achieving high-order leaming outcomes?" Recognizing the core principles is not obvious because we T.O Cuongeial lyLJovnalafEtbKtXKmResetmA Vol 30 No I C014} 31-12 know many online courses provide students and fecuhy tbe ability to interact with each other via an disital'electronic learning tools (bulletin board, discussion board, email forum or syiKhronous chat areas Tbe success of these courses frequently dq>eiids upon the nature of this mieraction It is not imusual for instructors to encourage, and in some cases require a certain Garrison D J l , Vai^ian N.D (2008) argue that tbe time has come vo reject the dualistic thinking of choosing conventional &ce-lo-face and online leaming that is no longer tenable thetH^tical or practicalK The motivaticHi for this research is to find out some theoretical basic dial links the principles and methods of instructional deliverycourses (pedagogy) at tbe core of e-leaming courses design process By making e-leaming instructional design more pedagogical ly grounded in terms of leaming effectiveness, outcomes and experiences, any efforts and implementadofl in e-leaming developnent (curriculum design, learning activities and interacti%ii\ content delivoy, assessment etc.) will be focused fiom usability and flexibility- to teaching Thus, pedagogical paradigm and approaches of new learning fomiat ma\ be explored in context of recognition of the importance of ""interactive and engaged leaming experience growing by ICT to connect leamers" or ""reshaping and enhancing tbe traditional classroom more acceptable and effective" [2] / / Aims and objectives The aim of this research was to establish argument of change in teaching practice by looking at examples of different pedagogic principles employed in cases of e-leaming process in teacher education Tbe ^Hoponent of change also reflects that leaming format and pedagogy should be developed to face new challenges of technology implication in teaching today, i.e "e^jedagogy" The objectives of this research are: - To examine some aspect of phenomena "e-pedagogy"; - To analyze students' acceptance of newlearning format and technology; To evaluate changes of pedagogies correlated with leaming activities and environment by implementing leaming technology in e-leammg process 1.2 Research questions If "e-pedagogj-** should be developed to reflect new leaming challenges and reality today, and if e-learaing e\er increasingly employed in teaching practice, there are three questions need to be asked: - How is "e-pedagc^y" built and developed fiom classical leaming theories? What is relationship between "epedaeogy" perspective and students' acceptance and engagement in e-leaming courses? How ~e-pcdagogy" principles and techniques need to be realized in e-leaming (if students accepted e-leaming coinses)? Research methodology Pilot e-Jeaming courses: The methodology used for this study was a descriptive analysis of leaming activities and performance data collected in a undergraduate and graduate programs at UED Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle have been offered for these two programs since 2011 T.Q Cuongetal ( VNL Joumalt^Education Research Vol 30 No I (2014) 31-42 Table Two courses in LMS Moodle al UED Pilot courses Degree Bachelor Name of courses Teaching-learning theory-, methodologj- and technology (2 credits) In-service Teaching-learning theoiy, methodolo^ and training technology (ceriificaie) (2 credits) Master ICT use in school management (3 credits) Data collection and analysis: Survey questionnaires on actual student participation and leaming activities in e-leaming courses were collected throughout the semesters They have been asked to complete a survey of reason e-leaming course acceptance at the end of the courses The questionnaire is addressed their overall experiences, especially related to their leaming reason and pedagogical aspects with the technology used - A methodological perspective theory was used to guide, organize and group information which aims to build concepts emerging from the data Sources such as master degree theses (in leaching-leaming methodology, educational and instructional management and leadership), essays, articles, book chapters, papers and research reports concerning to online leaming aspects Research findings i / The lack of undersianding of e-learning design courses structure and principles Leaming defined as complicate process of inquiry goes beyond accessing or even assimilating information The individual may have the freedom to find, explore ideas, question, reflection and constmct meaning of leaming based on leamer's need and style Specialization Teacher Education Teacher Science Education Educational Management and Leadership motivation and interest J.Dewey (1959) stated that "the educational process has two sides one psychological and one sociological; and that neither can be subordinated to the other or neglected without evil result following" [1] Analyzing LMS Moodle of VNU-UED shows the problem with designing such complex systems is that tbe current design methodology focuses on usability, rather than leaming The leaming can be synchronous where the leamer has to be "online" at a particular time, or asynchronous - it can be done at any time, anywhere; self-paced interactive leaming using web portals or CDROMs and integrating support via online bulletin boards, chat rooms, e-mail or instant messaging It can also come in the form of knowledge databases, where users click through information that is retrieved from a database and is only mildly interactive [1] The development of e-leaming courses requires a different approach to those employed by the developers of the majority of interactive online and screen-based applications Eleaming is not simple addition or compensation of face-to-face building in another educational layer (format) Similarly LMS Moodle of VNUUED should not depend simply on delivery of content knowledge, but should provide a satisfying leaming experience for the student '•Satisfying leaming experience" (Kolb, 1984) T.O Cu&ng el al / VNU Joumal of Education Research Vol 30 No (2014)31-42 includes observation, reflecting on those observations for constmcting new knowledge, being able to create theories based on this new knowledge and putting those theories into practice as well as providing feedback for students' leaming achievement and progress E-leaming courses must be approached with understanding of broad range of the flexible (alternative) design possibilities and challenges of doing leaming tasks based on differentiation, individualization and personalization approaches [2] Current practices in e-leaming place the focus of the design process on usability E-leaming usability characteristic is the idea that interactive applications should be easy to use and easy to leam, and in order to this, developers have to take into consideration the psychological, ergonomic, social and organizational factors that determine how people work The key assumption of an e-leaming design is model "ADULT" [3]: - A' adaptive; D: different diversity; U: ubiquitous; L: learning styles; and T: transfer Thus, e-leaming courses, no matter how sophisticated the technology used, should enhance the leaming and interaction at the cognitive, behavior and physiological levels [4] In essence, there is a lack of focus on pedagogical methodology, of the overall teaching experience in the design of e-leaming courses It is necessary, therefore, to rely on an educational theory to drive the design of e-leaming courses Levy (2005), Juke, T McCain, L.Crocket (2010) staled that the field of e-leaming loday is marked by a "juxtaposition'" of new technology and old pedagogy [I], the huge gulf between the leaming preferences of digital leamers and their non-digital teacher [5], 3.2 The close connection between E-pedagogy and classical learning theories Traditionally, pedagogy is sometimes seen as a nebulous and complicate concept, it is essentially a combination of knowledge and skills required for effective teaching TTie more traditional definitions describe pedagogy as either the science/theory or art/practice of teaching that makes a difference in the intellectual and social development of students Its modem usage relates to the teaching and leaming theories, i.e leaming as behavior (behaviourism), understanding (cognitivism), knowledge building (constructivism) and engagement (activism) Figure The relations of classical leaming theories T.Q Cuang el (d I rMJJdvniatf Education Research VoL 30 No 0014) there is litde systematic and enq>trical work to diow evidmce of its interest or evaluation This resuh may ^ww the need of set of char^ctnistic forms or aspects of pedagogy for e-leamit^ ftmnat with existing leaming activities nowadays In this way, the issue of integralir^ e-pedagogy into tbe pedagogical system has recently emerged as an important and pressing focus iot research Review of 145 maters theses compkaed and accepted to UED in the period 2011-2013 and 15 articles and research reports shows little if any defmitive evidence of the overall conct^* of ~eleaming pedagogy"" compared witii more convaitional leaming theones c» pedagogical technology use, mediods This is not to say thai this medium is ineffective bm rather to say that Table Number and percentage (.Adopted by Mishra Pedagogical Koowledge PK CoMcni Knowledge CK TediDolDgical Knowledge TK 12 8% 58 40°; and Pedagctgical KcDutedge PCK 39S 31-42 Ibeses research topic Koehler Model 2006) Tedmologii^ PedasogicaJ Ccnioil KDOwfedae TPCK Tedmologicd Ped^ocica] KiHmledee TPK Tedmological Total Knowledee TCK \^ Hi 100%p Total of 145 masler dieses oo leacfamg^eanung iiiediodol(if> to Malhs Hnsics Biolog) Cbenuan, Ijlerara-e ard Vii Hislon and Eduuconal Management Iroiii period 2011-201? tc UED In practice the need of "e-pedagogy" - the Pedj^ogy for Network Leaming (pedagogy for online leaming, e-leaming) or Connectivism and Community of Inquiry considers not only the "pedagogical use" of technologies for elearaing Once again this concept shows a common well-known element for leaming in a typical classroom envkonment: the social and communicative interactions between student and teacher as well as student and student [4] Connectifism conceptualizes knowledge and leaming activities as a network consisting of nodes and connecticms With usability fitMn eleaming process new connections between existing nodes-knowledge, nodes-activities and nodes-leamer/instructor can be aeated And leaming therefore is about netvsotk of commum'ty of inquiry From educational perspective the community (real or virtual) should be defined and developed with knowledge sharing and social ndwotianefnei-leaming'' Interaction, connection, presence and performance in e-leaming c o u r t s can be studied for many reasons including vibrancy of a discussion, students' willingness to share ideas, participation in collaborative activities and ^ u p projects, all of which can support productive learning environments wrA neu technologies [2] Garrison and Vaughan comment that measuring smdent success is a '•preoccupation" in e-leaming especially where leamers were corwemed and connected [!] For example, in LMS Moodle \'NX"-L'ED leaming community "cross-conneciedness"" (by tools of Forum Board Discussion Chat, Upload file assignment etc.) which has additional meanings m an e-leaming context provides interactivity between leamers, and between leamers and teachers This potential for interactivity can be used to provide both knowledge-based, lask-fmented experiences, and affective social support This new level of support stmcture actually offered mcwe learner to leamer support than had been provided previously in traditional learning context 56 TO.Cuangeial.' INU Joumal of Education Research Vol 30 Vo / 0014)31-42 thpi (Mng til kill l p mrai tem _*^^ Tit-Mi Ji-li,a"iii:^,[wiKi.G3:4i;Tte!ftiK3ilfiNaiai) J litiiifipii!i™o-_^(-T- "L'teiinii-g-w-litlj HoicraiiHtAqtieRluak Figure Reporting tools for LMS Moodle at UED Figure Example of leamer's log aclivilies Analyzing pattern and stmcture of LMS Moodle at UED allows for the design of course modules that are composed of smaller elements, but which are linked in an integrated way This pattern can show social interactions between students, leaming outcomes, collaboration, communication between smdents and instmctor, lifelong leaming and life-wide problem solving, simulations, interactive leaming materials etc (Figure shows 36455 participants' activities for pilot course of Teaching-leaming methodology and technology during 2012 to 2013) This case of study also shows a number of principles of pattern which connectivism embraces such as: - Leaming is a network creation and sharing in diversity of opinion, paces in new technology environment - Learning is a process of connecting specialized points of infonnation resources and personal interests in collaborative work toward common task oriented - Leaming is vital decision making process and may activate by non-human application (technology tools); and - Capacity to know is more important than what is actual currently known On the other hand, LMS Moodle VNUUED with new technology based on Web 2.0 T.Q Ctrcmgeial ' iNU Joumal of Education Research, fdl 30 No O0I4J 31-42 and cloud computing provides many changes for both teacher and leamer (user) in term of leaming It may have encouragement for changes of: Individual (personal) production and generated different content (including pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, technological knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, technological pedagogical content knowledge, and technological content knowledge), which traditional leaming does not work [6], See also the result of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) analysis for LMS Moodle at UED below - New architecture of participation toward common task oriented (course learnerparticipants take easy to contribute, comment and edit leaming content with instmctor facilitation): leamers shift from follower and consumer to producer and creator [2] ' "Empowerment of the crowd": learnersparticipants connect with each other to share experience, leaming skill and create "leaming intelligence community", "community of inquiry" and encourage group decision making - Leaming network effects: leaming shifts to productive and proactive competition with equal leaming opportunity for everyone Leaming achievement becomes common success and reputation of group not individual Analyzing online leaming activities in Moodle VNU-U"ED we have collected 17 strategies and pedagogic behaviours emerged from leamers-leamers and leamers-instmctors interactions These specific leaming activities in online environment could be divided into different categories such as use of knowledge, information processing, inpul/output, collaborative, disposition and moniloring, storage and retrieval etc which closely related lo behaviourism, cognitivism, constmctivism, activism Thus, the connectivism can make combined of advantages of different LT, technological effects and social changes to emergence of a new kind of teacher and leamer as well as new leaming environment (skilled use of tools, authentic teaching and leaming, constmction rather than uistmction, task/not process oriented, just in time learning, where and how to find answer is more important than what to know etc.) 3.3 The acceptance of new learning formal created by LMS Moodle VNU-UED Model of Technology Acceptance (TAM) As a part of ICT revolution the use of eleaming rapidly is increasing The changing leaming environment with technology facilitates new kind of leaming and roles of both teacher and leamer The critics of traditional L T or approaches to teaching and leaming make two arguments: they are not working in new context; or/and they misunderstand the nature of the technological change nowadays The LMS based on open sources Moodle at UED takes content and organizes it around courses, modules, and study sessions supported by interactive assessment tools and discussion Since 2011 for the pilot courses "Teachingleaming theory, methodology and technology" (2 credits, for bachelor's degree and certificate) and "/CT" use in school management" (3 credits, for master degree) all leaming activities and materials in the courses are organized and managed by the system and within the system The LMS provides systems for recording students' activities, self-assessments, assignments and feedbacks The leamer centered interfaces allow teachers to manage workflows and it contains tools for personalized, interactive and collaborative leaming Other features embedded in the LMS are discussion foram, course backup, download, and upload facilities, leamer access tracking, course glossary building tool and grade reporting tool TO Cudng eiai/INU Joumal of Education Research Vol 30 No 0014) 31-42 Figure The interface of LMS Moodle UED (http ://daotaoquocte edu.vn/eleammg/hosomonlioc/) Several models have been developed in the past three decades to investigate variables that influence individuals' technology acceptance The technology acceptance model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989) is the classical information systems model developed to explain computer-usage behaviour and factors associated with acceptance of technology [7] Application of the TAM model would seem to be favourably indicated for understanding conceptual issues related to eleaming facilitation of use The use of the TAM is predicated on individuals having control over whether or not they use the system The main factors in the model are: - Perceived usefulness (PU), - Attitudes towards usage (ASU) Beside technological aspect representing attributes or characteristics of the system, such as the overall design and features of the system, the user's skills and capabilities, and the user's beliefs and attitude towards the system [7], This model also proposes some pedagogical arguments According to this theory, information system usage behaviour is predominately explained by behavioural intention that is formed as a result of conscious decision-making processes (that works in leaming context) Behavioural intention, in tum, is determined by two belief factors, namely, perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) - Perceived ease of use (PEOU), and Perceived t1 S Behavioral Intention lo Use ""••^'~ urce Davis el al 009) \ enKdesh el al (20 Figure Initial TAM Model (by Davis Vankatesh) T O Cu&ng el al I VNU Journal ofEducaiion Research Vol 30 h The setting A total of 200 participants (N=200) of which 135 undergraduate students, 30 graduate students, 30 in-service training participants and 05 teachers-instructors enrolled in two courses (Course I: Teaching-learning theory, methodology and technology (TMT); Course 2: ICT use in school management) for both Bachelor and Master degrees program at UED constituted a sufficient pool of available subjects, who fit well within the context and purpose of this study Perceived Uselilress Used research TAM model at UED consisted of 17 items that measured "perceived usefiilness" (5 items), "perceived ease-of-use" (5 items), "actual system use" (3 items) and "behavioural intention to use e-learaing courses" (4 items) The response scale for all items was a five-point coded as: 5: Strongly agree; 4: Agree; 3: No opinion; 2: Disagree, 1: Strongly disagree The hypotheses According to the research objective and consistent with the related literature, this study tested the following hypotheses: HI H4 ArluMSydem H3 imsnton to Use Perceived Ease of Use H2 s iBce^ D ^ s e t al f^'^&^.Veeit.Ac^ti - H I : Perceived Usefiilness (PU) will have a significant influence on attitude towards Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU), - H2: Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) will have a significant influence on attitude towards Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) - H3: Perceived Ease of use (PEOU) will have a significant influence on Perceived Usefuhiess (PU) - H4: Behavioral Intention to Use (BILO will have a significant influence on USCTS' Actual System Use (ASU) the e-leaming courses PUs are relating to terms of: Content; rich media content, usefulness of content: subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, technology knowledge; Teacher role: Admin, Instructor, Facilitator, Designer, Coparticipant, Assessor; Student role' Self- tf.(23 D3J Instructor, Facilitator, Designer, PeerParticipant, Peer-Assessor, Researcher; Access: Just-in time; Content delivery; Justin time; Leaming environment: competitive, collaborative, interactive; Leammg activities: diversity, differentiation, individual, based on leaming style, group work, assessment and evaluation (self-co-peer) Project, higher-order thinking skills BIUs are relating to terms of motivation, participation, curiousness, self-confidence, safety, connection between participants PEOUs are relating to terms of content structure, rich media content design, content delivery, Web access, technical support, interactivity, usability/flexibility, number of leaming tools ASUs are relating to terms of total number of students' and teachers' activities, total T.O Cuang el al I VNV Joumal ofEducaiion Research Vol 30 No (2014) 31-42 number of access to Moodle courses, diversity of logs' activities Results and analysis The process of analysis followed the intent of the study First, validity of model use in the context oflhe LMS Moodle VNU-UED inquiry was analyzed Having established validity and robust constmct relationships, researchers' data results were then analysed This is followed by testing of the hypotheses by assessing the model fit using various fit indices and evaluating the research model Table shows the average variance extracted (AVE) for each fector and indicates that the questions for each factor correlated with each other but were below threshold for intercon^elating with other factors Thus, the results indicate that a > 0.6 and items of PU, PEOU, BIU and ASU variables guarantee the high reliability (Nunnally, J C & Bernstein, I H 1994) Table Cronbach alpha reli^ilitj coefficient Factor Perceived usefulness (PU) Perceived ease of use (PEOU) Beha» ioral Intention to Use (BIU) Actual S> stem Use (ASU) the e-leaming courses Alpha Table Hypotheses testing result Hypotheses Path H4 > BIU PEOU » BIU PEOU » PU BIU » ASU Path coefficient 0.504 0,253 0.607 0.604 p-value 0,000 0,000 0,000 000 Result Supported Supported Supported Supported The structural model and hypotheses were tested by examining the path coefficients and their significance The path coefficients are present in Table 4, Consistent with designed study hypotheses the results are shown as following: PEOU and BIU have coefficients p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 this confirms the relation between these two variables with Standard Coefficient Beta = 253 Thus, hypothesis H2 is supported by data " HI: Perceived Usefulness (PU) will have a significant influence on attitude towards Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) • H3 Perceived ease of use (PEOU) will have a significant influence on Perceived Usefulness (PU) PU and BIU have coefficients p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 this confirms the relation between these two variables with Standard Coefficient Beta = ,504, Thus, hypothesis HI is supported by data, PEOU and PU have coefficients p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 this confirms the relation between these two variables witb Standard Coefficient Beta = 607 Thus, hypothesis H3 is supported by data • H2: Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) will have a significant influence on animde towards Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) • H4: Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) will have a significant influence on users' Actual System Use (ASU) the e-leaming T.Q Cudngelat • l"\"i Joumtdi^Education BIU and ASU have coefficients p-value = 000 < 0.05 this confmns the relation between these two variables with Standard Coefficient Beta = 604 Thus, hypothesis H4 is supported by data Thus, the T.AM model provided a sj steinic understanding of smdents' intentions to use an e-leaming courses; such an understanding can help educators examine theu assumptions about studenis" perceptions concerning the \'alue and acceptance of a new technology The next step, consequently, they may have the ideas about how the leaming process can be driven in new leaming technological environment, i.e concept of e-pedaeog; Limitation and discussion There are several limitations of the present study that need to be considered Firstly, the fact that traditional teaching-leaming methods have been applied to new leaming environment (online, blended etc.) may have a significant impact on rethinking of pedagogy "radically and comprehensively'", contrast the way we image students leam and real way they Team in fact Secondly, this smdy mav not fiilly capture the complex or periodicity of e-leaming usage aspect Therefore, the results of this smdy should be viewed as extemal preliminary evidence to examining the relationship of students' activities in terra of use an e-leaming courses in LMS Moodle NXU-UED There is lack of tools to look inside the system toward identilS the essential components of teachingleaming process, especially, examine the relationship between teacher and leamer Fumre discussion could be included of studies integrating the technologically test how students value, react, adopt and accept eleaming format with a view to examining the Resetach l o t JO No -ZOU, 31-42 link to behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, and activism aspects to clarify' various levels of technology acceptance and influence Conclusion and fiitnre Horlc Nowadays educational systems around the worid are faced with the challenge of utilizing the Information and Coinmunication Technologies (ICT) to provide their students with the tools and knowledge necessary in the W I century In this sense, the implementation of leaming management systems such as Moodle and the use of the tools offered by the Web 2.0 as support for their fece-to-face sessions or blended learning, has proven to be effective in our case of study al \"M."-UED Il was also observed that there is high acceptance by the students regarding the use of these new technological tools, which have generated in them a greater interest and motivation in the performance of their academic activities Leaming activities in an e-leaming environment may make peer and collaborative leaming opportunities easier, thus supporting students' cognitiv e affective and social interactions This pedagogically driven appmach to e-leaming allows researchers-practitioners to make the link between e-pedagogy and different teaming themes and systems It was found that epedagogy (CH* pedagogy for (Hiline learning, eleaming) has heea detennined in an aspect such as coimeclivism or concept ofcommuiuly of inquiry However, this understanding makes proposed questions for further research 'What is exactiy pedagogical philosophy and instructional strategy for e-leaming?" and How principles of "e-pedagogy" thai work in eleaming format?" T.Q Cuang el al-f VNU Journal of Education Research Vol 30 No 1(2014)31-42 Reference [I] [2] [3] [4] D Randy Garrison, Norman D Vaughan, Blended leammg m Higher Education, JosseyBass, 2008 Critical Success Factors and Effective Pedagogy for e-leammg m Tertiary Education, New Zealand Council for Educational Research, Welluigton New Zealand, 2004 Ton Quang Cuong, Handbook of adult leaching Faculty of Teacher Education, VNU-UED, 2012 Leslie Bowman, Onlme Learning, Rowman & LiUlefield Education Publisher, Inc, 2010 I Jukes, T.McCain, L.Crocket, Understanding the Digital Generation, 21" Century Fluency Project Inc, Canada, 2010 Puny a Mishra Matthew J Koehler, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge' A Framework for Teacher Knowledge, Teachers College Record Volume 108, Number 6, June (2006) 1017 Davis, F D, Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly, 13(3), (1989) 319, htlp:/Avww jsior org/pss/249008 Mot s6 vin da vh Su pham dien tir: Nghien cmi trucmg hgp cua Trucmg Dai hoc Giao due, Dai hoc Qu6c gia Ha Noi Ton Quang Cuang, Pham Kim Chung, Dao Thi Hoa Mai Khoa Supham Trudng Dai hoc Gido difc - Dai hoc Quoc gia Hd Ngi 144 Xudn Thiiy, Cdu Gidy, Ha Noi Viet Nam T6ni tat: NSm 2010 Tnrong Dai hoc Giao due bat dau trien khai he thong day hgc di?n tii cho chuong trinh dao tao giao vien (bac cii nhan) va thac si Quan li giao due Viec ap dung phirong thuc "khong truyen thong" each tiep can day hoc da teio nen mot so thay doi viSc trien khai cac hoat dong su pham va moi trucmg hoc tap Cac khoa hoc duoc thiet ke hudng toi viec cung cap noi dung kien thuc va to chuc hoat dong d^y hoc theo each thiic mdi nham nang cao chat lugng dau va phat trien cac ki nang nghe nghiep cho ngudi hoc tfii Trudng Dai hoc Giao due Nghien ciiu dugc thuc hien nham dua khuyen nghj vk mat su pham each tilp can thiet ke va td chiic day hgc dien Hi, lam ro ragt s6 nguyen tac co ban li giai hien tugng khai niem "Su pham dien tu" dua tren cac hgc thuyet li luan day hgc kinh dien trudc day Tir khda- Su pham dien tu, day hgc dien tii, hgc thuylt day hgc, sir chap nhan cdng nghe ... trucmg hgp cua Trucmg Dai hoc Giao due, Dai hoc Qu6c gia Ha Noi Ton Quang Cuang, Pham Kim Chung, Dao Thi Hoa Mai Khoa Supham Trudng Dai hoc Gido difc - Dai hoc Quoc gia Hd Ngi 144 Xudn Thiiy, Cdu... T6ni tat: NSm 2010 Tnrong Dai hoc Giao due bat dau trien khai he thong day hgc di?n tii cho chuong trinh dao tao giao vien (bac cii nhan) va thac si Quan li giao due Viec ap dung phirong thuc... Trudng Dai hoc Giao due Nghien ciiu dugc thuc hien nham dua khuyen nghj vk mat su pham each tilp can thiet ke va td chiic day hgc dien Hi, lam ro ragt s6 nguyen tac co ban li giai hien tugng

Ngày đăng: 23/11/2022, 16:07


