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I CUU & IfNG DUNG NGHIEN CCU THE LlfC CUA SINH VIEN KHONG CHUYEN THE DUG dTRlif lNG DAI HOC DONG THAP Nguyfin Th| Thiiy DiRm Trudng Bgi hgc Bing nip SUMMARY Dong Thap University is responsible for tra[.]

I CUU & IfNG DUNG NGHIEN CCU THE LlfC CUA SINH VIEN KHONG CHUYEN THE DUG dTRliflNG DAI HOC DONG THAP Nguyfin Th| Thiiy DiRm Trudng Bgi hgc Bing nip SUMMARY Dong Thap University is responsible for training and fostering teachers in all branches, in all lands ofde^eenot only for Dong Thap province but also for other ones in Ihe Mekong Delta At the present, lo meet the universily i requirement, it is essential and indispensable to train the students' healthscientifically and creatively Furthermore, it has a great helpfor improving their health Hence, to improve gradually the programof physicaltrainingfor non-physical education majorstudents at Dong Thap Universily is cm imperative task Keywords: Teaching actively, exercises and sports, improving the students' health, training the sludenl S health, the non-physical educationmajor students 'health Ng^ nhpn bdi: 18/10/2015; Ngdy duyft ddng: 19/10/2015 Ddnh gid thyc trgng the lyc ciia SV khdng chuygn thl dye trudng Dgi hpc Ding Thdp tren cu sd so sfinh vdi HSSV ngudi Vift Nam ciing d$ tuli /./ rA(rc trgng thi Itfc cua SV khdng chuyin thi dye Trudng Bgi hgc Bing Thdp Bdng phuang phdp kilm tra su phgm, chfing tdi dfi tl chfic Ihu th^p cdc sl lifu vl thl lyc cfia SV khdng chuyfin thl dye Trudng Dgi hpe Dong Thdp, kit qud xfi Iy ede so lifu cho thay: -dNfi: v l mfic dO ding nhat cfia mlu: Trong chi sl duye nghien cfioi, cd ehi sl: Chgy Ihoi 4xIDm, B§l xa Igi chl, Chay 30m XPC vd Chgy sfic phfit c6 dO dong nhal cao (vi Cv%

Ngày đăng: 17/11/2022, 22:02

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